Smile Shoe Boxes -€™s minds that’s associated with a vague idea of...

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Transcript of Smile Shoe Boxes -€™s minds that’s associated with a vague idea of...






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Minutes of Winterton Parish Council Meeting 19

th February 2015

Event Date Time Location

Quiz Night 12th March 8.00pm Hermanus

Parish Council Meeting 12th March 7.30 pm Village Hall

Parish Council Surgery 7th March 10.00am Village Hall

WI 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm Church Rooms

Winterton Carers Group Last Wednesday of the


2.00pm-4.00pm Church Rooms

Royal British Legion BINGO 1st Saturday of the Month 2.00pm Village Hall

CONTACT DETAILS FOR YOUR PARISH COUNCILLORS Please note the Clerk’s working hours are Monday - Thursday 9am – 12pm

Chair: Michael Blake – 393749 Clerk: Sarah Welsh - 07918 978921 Emma Punchard – 394323 Mike Ross – 394996 Christine Iles – 393224 Maxine Jones – 393616 Peter Gardner – 394158 Steven Thompson – 394141 Steve Chalkley - 393227 BCllr Shirley Weymouth – 731625 BCllr George Jermany – 368188 CCllr Jonathan Childs – 731877

MP Brandon Lewis - 652928

Smile Shoe Boxes

This month the WI will be collecting soaps or flannels please for the

Smile shoe boxes, a gentle reminder to put them on your shopping list.

Contact WI President Judith Bews 393590 for more information.

Club Corner

What we’ve been up to

What’s Coming Up

Garden Club Michael/Valerie 393749 2

nd Weds

7.30 pm Church Room

Ian Bedford, from the John Innes Centre in Norwich, paid us a repeat visit in February with a fascinating talk entitled “Bugs on the Move” and we learned lots of things we never knew and some we probably didn’t really want to know - about fleas, ticks and bugs! Next month is our popular Fish & Chip Supper social evening. £3.50 per person with desserts and soft drinks provided. Please bring your own if you’d like a glass of wine. New members always welcome, we’re a friendly bunch and we enjoy talks, outings and social evenings throughout the year.

In Bloom Jean Neve 393682

WANTED: new helpers always welcome. Have a look at the website at and see a beautiful video of the village taken over a number of years.

Quiz Nights 8pm Hermanus Mark Cox – 393302

Last month’s quiz raised £91.50 and was donated to the Winterton Lifeboat Conservation Group.

Next month's quiz is Thursday 12th March at Hermanus

WI WI President Judith Bews 393590 3

rd Tues

monthly 7.30pm – Church Room

This evening we had 21 members & our speaker was Mr Durand telling us about "Old Corners in East Anglia" from Billingford Mill near Diss through to Bressingham gdns & of course the lovely trains. He showed us the ruins of the Church @ Tivetshall & Riddleeswood Hall where Lady Diana Spencer went to school & my favourite Sherringham Park with a beautiful display of rhodedendrons.

Future plans Hanser meeting 25/3/15 Afternoon Tea. Will know more after meeting 23 Feb Gressenhall Evening Reception 22nd & 24th July £13 6pm-8.30pm Birthday party 21st April. We are having private caterers this year so a cost of just £5 per member, you can just sit back & enjoy yourselves with entertainment. This month we will be collecting soaps or flannels please for the Smile shoe boxes, a gentle reminder to put them on your shopping list.

901 Troop Marine Cadets Capt Paul Dodson 748395

Interested in joining the Troop, we’re a friendly bunch – visit our website

WOS Lifeboat Restoration Group Bev Kay – 394954

We’re very grateful this month to have received a Grant towards helping with the preparation of a Planning Application for our planned new Heritage Centre and also to have received the proceeds from the February Quiz Night amounting to £91.50 – thanks for your support. We are now turning our thoughts to new events for this year and we plan to bring the Edward Birkbeck into the village as part of the Sam Larner Festival taking place over the weekend of 19/20 September.

Winterton Carers Group If you would like more information please contact :Brian Jewell on 01493 394054 or or Pam Allen on 01493 394365

The Winterton Carers Group offers information and support to family, friends and neighbours who look after someone who is ill, frail, or has a disability. Meetings are held on the last Wednesday of every month in the Church Rooms from 2pm to 4pm. Do come along and have a cup of tea/coffee. You will receive a warm welcome and meet up with other carers, enjoy a chat and find out about opportunities that are available to you and your cared for. We look forward to seeing you.

Winterton-on-sea Parish Council February 19th Meeting Minutes

8 residents were welcomed to the meeting alongside Borough Councillor Shirley Weymouth. 2 new councillors, Steve Chalkley and Steven Thompson were co-opted and welcomed onto the Parish Council.

1. Crime Report.

There have been 5 Crimes in Winterton since the date of the last meeting, 1 Theft from a motor vehicle and 4 assaults, the majority of which are domestic related. There have been 24 calls for service to the police in the village of Winterton since the date of the last meeting. These range from Road Traffic Collisions, Public Order, Concerns for Safety and Theft. We are continuing to offer re-assurance advice and crime prevention advice to elderly and vulnerable residents in the village in line with our current priority. The date of our next SNAP meeting is the 10

th March at All Saints Hall, Scratby.

2. Public discussion

A resident expressed concern about the potential closure of the public toilets and the impact upon the local tourist industry. She asked if local business could contribute to their upkeep. Cllr Blake updated the resident on the Parish Council’s and Borough Council’s decisions regarding the toilets and informed the meeting about the coming meeting with Jane Beck, director of Customer Services, GYBC. The resident stated that residents contribute to GYBC for toilet provision and asked if the Parish Council would receive this money back if the toilets are no longer available. BCllr Weymouth confirmed they would not. Another resident questioned whether local businesses were paying the new business tax. Cllr Punchard asked the Chair if the public toilets could be put on the PC Agenda while discussions are going forward about possible solutions to keeping them open. A resident asked if it would be cheaper to replace the toilets with portaloos? BCllr Weymouth emphasised it was not just Winterton facing toilet closures and that the beach cafe couldn’t operate without toilets. Cllr Iles said that the toilets were not fit for purpose because of the soakaway problem. BCllr Weymouth said there was nothing wrong with the toilets and that she has been told that. A resident expressed concern that the village will lose the Coastwatch service if there were no toilets. BCllr Weymouth said they could use Portaloos. The resident replied that they also relied on an electricity supply from the toilets and that would be lost too. Cllr Punchard suggested there should be a committee to look at a solution to the toilets. Cllr Blake replied that the coming meeting with Jane Beck should take place before any other decisions are made.

3. Report from Borough Councillors/County Councillor – if present. BCllr Weymouth reported that the Sandbag Scheme on the beach was working well and that she was using her GYBC grant towards further work.

4. To consider Planning Applications approved 06/15/0004/F Single Storey rear extension to West Wyn Black Street Winterton. 06/15/0005/F Single Storey rear extension to Winterton House, Black Street, Winterton. There were no objections to either application.

5. Next Parish Council Surgery, Saturday 7

th March 2015 in the Village Hall 10 – 11am.


7. Date of the next meeting: Thursday 12th

March 2015 in the Village Hall from 7.30pm.

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 6th May 2015 in the Village Hall

Winterton-on-sea Village Hall

Winterton’s Village Hall is used by a significant

number of groups for various activities but holds

only two functions a year to raise money for its

maintenance and upkeep.

The committee can advise that the dates of these

two events will be:

Garage/Garden Sale Sunday July 26th

Booking details will commence appearing in this

newsletter from April 2015

Christmas Fayre Saturday December 6th

Plenty of warning for you – so put the above dates

in your diary!

The Winterton Playground

Restoration Group would like to thank the

following groups and people for their

fantastic fundraising and donations:

The Fisherman’s Return

customers who took part in the

Bonus Ball game and donated

£500 to the Playground

Restoration Fund

Those who attended the Quiz

Night, raising £305

Those who provided cakes and attended the Coffee Morning, raising £410

Jan Bowles, £100

Stuga Machinery, £500

Borough Councillor George Jermany, £250

Borough Councillor Shirley Weymouth £100

Winterton Parish Church £44.26 Work on the first stage of the Playground Plan should be able to take place soon! We will be continuing to fundraise for the next 2 stages.


Morning Prayer 9.00am Friday, Mass Sundays 9.00am

Sunday services as advertised, daily offices as usual and other services as required.

Pew News March 2015

Diary Dates Winterton Church March 2015

Lent Lunch

Saturday 7th March

Church Room, Beach Road,


Drop in between 12-1.30pm

for homemade soup and refreshments

and help raise money for charity

Mothering Sunday

Basket of flowers £3.00- £10.00

Saturday 14th March


Church Room.

Beach Road, Winterton

Easter Church Flowers

If you wish to donate money towards the purchase of Easter Flowers to remember a loved one, please give donation to Sandra, Ash Lodge, Back Path or Phyllis, 26 Bulmer Lane, (Church Wardens). Thank you.

Church Spring Clean.

Can you spare an hour or two to help clean

the Church or tidy the Churchyard, on any of

the days listed below:

23rd, 24th, 25, 26th, 27th March. If you are able to help contact;

Sandra 01493 393480

Easter Egg Hunt

with short Messy Church Service

Saturday 4th April, 10. 00am

Winterton Church

Entry to children 0-11 years attending either: Messy Church, Winterton or Hemsby Schools,

children living in Winterton or visiting grandparents in Winterton.

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Light refreshments will be on sale.

Message from Father Selwyn Tillet By the time you read this we will already have started the Church’s season of Lent. In many people’s minds that’s associated with a vague idea of ‘giving something up’ as a sort of self-discipline for a few weeks. I suppose the thinking is that if I can give something up for a while, it proves I’m not addicted to it; and usually the thing people try to ‘give up’ is something quite simple, like chocolate, or alcohol, or even crossword puzzles or Facebook. But when Christians first began the idea of fasting or ‘abstaining from’ something during Lent, centuries ago, there were really two thoughts behind it. The first was that in Europe there was actually far less food around at this time of year than at some others – ‘Lent’ itself has got something to do with it being a ‘lean’ time of year – and in March ‘going without’ was often a seasonal necessity. The other was that it is of course the time that leads up to the great celebration of Easter, and the Church linked this period of preparation with the time that Jesus spent in the desert before he began his ministry. The New Testament calls this time ‘40 days’, which really just means an indefinite long period, but the notion of a period of about six weeks of ‘leanness’ tied in well with the natural world preparing for the return of spring. I’ve always felt that it’s important to see Lent as that time of personal preparation for Easter, and also that the best thing someone can give up in Lent is actually not some sort of food or behaviour or anything else. It’s time. It can be a wonderful exercise to take the 30 minutes a day, or the few hours a week, that something else would occupy, and use that time for something different and for someone else, not for me. And the best sort of Lent re-direction of time, of course, is one that goes on after Lent as well – that becomes a new regular part of daily or weekly routine. Obviously this is something which anyone can do, it’s not exclusive to Christians. Is there an elderly housebound neighbour who might welcome a regular short visit? is there someone who’d benefit from an offer of a lift to the shops once a week? The list could be very long, but every idea might be very simple to accomplish and very much appreciated by the person or people that your time goes to. In the way of specifically Christian ideas, though, what people take on for Lent is often some sort of study that deepens their understanding or allows them to give more time to prayer and reflection. In our churches we have organised a short programme of groups, meeting on Wednesday evenings for five weeks from 25th February, based around five great ‘songs of praise’ from all over the New Testament. The course looks at each piece in detail and tries to see how the ideas it teaches can be applied to our own lives; and to help our thoughts and discussions there is a CD to listen to, with interviews with three prominent Christians – the archbishop of Canterbury, Sister Wendy Beckett the art historian, and David Suchet the well-known actor. His insights are particularly interesting, coming as he does originally from a Jewish background. These five sessions run from 7:30 to 9:00 pm, meeting usually at the Barn Room in Hemsby, and will be led either by Mike Doyle our Reader or myself. If you’d be interested in coming along, perhaps you could just let one of us know in advance. And also, from Ash Wednesday onwards there will be a regular rota of weekday services spread across all four of our churches. This will provide opportunities at different times of day for people to join with others in 30 minutes or thereabouts of prayer and worship, and

hopefully it will be one of those Lenten exercises that will go on regularly once Lent has finished. You’ll find the complete timetable of these short services elsewhere in this issue, and there will be a chart listing them all up in the porch of all our churches. This sort of rota of regular worship is meant as a real resource to our whole benefice, and a way of building up our Christian prayer and action as something for every day, and I do commend it to you. - Selwyn


Sundays in March

Sunday 1st – Lent 2 9:00 am Parish Mass – Winterton

Sunday 8th – Lent 3 9:00 am Parish Mass – Winterton (Fr Patrick Kerley)

Sunday 15th – Mothering Sunday (Lent 4) 9:00 am Parish Mass – Winterton

Sunday 22nd – Lent 5 9:00 am Parish Mass – Winterton

Sunday 29th – PALM SUNDAY 10:30 Procession of Palms and Benefice Eucharist – Hemsby

Thank You!

Thank you to all those who contributed to the collection for Mrs Helen Caruthers,

raising £122.68.

Thank you to Margaret Green for arranging the collection.

Mothering Sunday

Sunday 15th March 2015

Serving Carvery 12pm-5pm

Adult 2 course £9.95

Child 2 course £6.50

with an extra special gift for all mums

Book your table now to avoid disappointment!


Restaurant Opening Sunday Carvery


Every Friday & Saturday Choice of 4 meats, fresh local

6pm-9pm vegetables and a homemade

yorkshire pudding

For Reservations & Enquiries:

Call: 01493 393607/393216 12pm-4pm Every Sunday Adults £6.95 Child £4.95

Hermanus Holidays, Winterton-on-Sea,

NR29 4BP