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Transcript of Smashing

By Kim Casey

Smashing Content to Fit all Devices

Monday, July 30, 12

Mobile Devices Then

Monday, July 30, 12In  the  beginning  mobile  devices  were  created    for  communication  purposes  only.  Slowly  they  evolved  into  what  is  termed  as  smart  phone  because  they  could  do  more  than  just  open  lines  of  communication.  

Mobile Devices Then Analog Motorola DynaTAC 8000X First Launched in 1983

Monday, July 30, 12In  the  beginning  mobile  devices  were  created    for  communication  purposes  only.  Slowly  they  evolved  into  what  is  termed  as  smart  phone  because  they  could  do  more  than  just  open  lines  of  communication.  

Mobile Devices Now

Monday, July 30, 12With  the  ever-­‐growing  progress  of  smartphones,  users  can  access  just  as  much  information  in  the  palm  of  their  hand  as  they  can  from  any  computer.  The  only  difference  being  that  the  information    on  a  smartphone  is  usually  accessed  for  instant  information  only.  Users  are  searching  but  they  are  not  browsing.  The  question  is  how  smart  is  it  if  the  content  isn’t  treated  equal?

Mobile Devices NowCommunicationSocial MediaeCommerce



...and So Much More!

Monday, July 30, 12With  the  ever-­‐growing  progress  of  smartphones,  users  can  access  just  as  much  information  in  the  palm  of  their  hand  as  they  can  from  any  computer.  The  only  difference  being  that  the  information    on  a  smartphone  is  usually  accessed  for  instant  information  only.  Users  are  searching  but  they  are  not  browsing.  The  question  is  how  smart  is  it  if  the  content  isn’t  treated  equal?

Don’t Forget the Tablet

Monday, July 30, 12The  same  holds  true  for  the  rapid  expansion  of  the  tablet.  This  device  is  a  merge  between  the  smart  phone  and  the  laptop.  It  also  holds  a  unique  

content  management  position.    It  has  more  space  for  more  activities  and  is  incredibly  portable.  But  what  happens  when  the  sites  you  are  used  to  just  

don’t  match  up  on  your  tablet?

Don’t Forget the Tablet

and so much more!

Suitable for Business Functionality...

Entertainment Based Yet ...User Friendly...


Monday, July 30, 12The  same  holds  true  for  the  rapid  expansion  of  the  tablet.  This  device  is  a  merge  between  the  smart  phone  and  the  laptop.  It  also  holds  a  unique  

content  management  position.    It  has  more  space  for  more  activities  and  is  incredibly  portable.  But  what  happens  when  the  sites  you  are  used  to  just  

don’t  match  up  on  your  tablet?

The Evolution of Mobile

Monday, July 30, 12So  with  the  explosion  of  devices  in  the  past  few  years  web  Designers  cannot  ignore  that  more  and  more  users  are  going  mobile.  They  are  searching  for  quick  Gix  content  or  browsing  in  a  more  laid  back  atmosphere,  on  the  bus,  in  a  hammock,  at  the  playground.  Structured  usability  was  once  thought  of  as  brilliant  in  the  invention  of  the  laptop  but  more  advance  capabilities  means  more  users,  more  reasons  for  using,  and  better  matched  content  to  devices  being  used.    

What Devices What Task

Monday, July 30, 12Simply  put,  users  on  a  smart  phone  are  looking  for  speciGic  information  like;  the  number  to  a  restaurant,  Glight  information,  directions.  Tablet  users  are  usually  going  a  little  deeper  for  information,  maybe  watching  a  movie,  searching  YouTube,  Checking  Facebook,  using  an  eReader,  or  making  a  purchase.  People  are  using  there  devices  to  Git  the  needs  of  their  tasks.  Very  rarely  are  users  typing  up  a  report  using  work  document  on  a  smartphone,  even  though  they  could.  Unfortunately  the  availability  to  do  so  doesn’t  exactly  make  it  an  advantage  because  the  challenge  of  doing  so  on  such  a  small  device  would  prove  to  be  monotonous.  Fixing  or  adjusting  a  repost  before  emailing  may  be  an  option.  

What Devices What TaskCommunication EmailDirections WeatherStats Gaming Scheduling

Moderate Web Browsing

Everything Smartphones can do...

but with more content capabilities and speed!Monday, July 30, 12

Simply  put,  users  on  a  smart  phone  are  looking  for  speciGic  information  like;  the  number  to  a  restaurant,  Glight  information,  directions.  Tablet  users  are  usually  going  a  little  deeper  for  information,  maybe  watching  a  movie,  searching  YouTube,  Checking  Facebook,  using  an  eReader,  or  making  a  purchase.  People  are  using  there  devices  to  Git  the  needs  of  their  tasks.  Very  rarely  are  users  typing  up  a  report  using  work  document  on  a  smartphone,  even  though  they  could.  Unfortunately  the  availability  to  do  so  doesn’t  exactly  make  it  an  advantage  because  the  challenge  of  doing  so  on  such  a  small  device  would  prove  to  be  monotonous.  Fixing  or  adjusting  a  repost  before  emailing  may  be  an  option.  

Content Fits the Device

Monday, July 30, 12   In  recent  years  we  as  designers  ignored  the  potential  in  our  smaller  traveling  companions  that  were  mobile  devices.  We  ignored  just  how  much  of  an  impact  that  their  growing  numbers  would  have  on  eCommerce,  and  Internet  browsing.  As  developers  we  accepted  shortening  content  to  Git  the  device,  when  in  actuality  we  have  to  enhance  the  content  to  Git  the  devise.  

  Smartphone  content  Is  much  like  a  presentation:  content  is  short  and  understandable,  and  the  premise  is  easily  accessible  and  understood.  Tablets  are  smaller  versions  of  a  computers  and  are  easily  transported  for  content  rich  experiences.  

Content Fits the Device

In short; “when the shoe fits wear it...

or buy it.”

Monday, July 30, 12   In  recent  years  we  as  designers  ignored  the  potential  in  our  smaller  traveling  companions  that  were  mobile  devices.  We  ignored  just  how  much  of  an  impact  that  their  growing  numbers  would  have  on  eCommerce,  and  Internet  browsing.  As  developers  we  accepted  shortening  content  to  Git  the  device,  when  in  actuality  we  have  to  enhance  the  content  to  Git  the  devise.  

  Smartphone  content  Is  much  like  a  presentation:  content  is  short  and  understandable,  and  the  premise  is  easily  accessible  and  understood.  Tablets  are  smaller  versions  of  a  computers  and  are  easily  transported  for  content  rich  experiences.  

The Good..... the Bad.... and the Ugly

FaceBookeBay Craig’s List

Monday, July 30, 12Good  =  eBay

A    good  example  of  smashing  content  to  Git  mobile  devices  would  be  eBay.  Ebay  has  created  a  great  app  for  smartphones  that  enhance  users  capabilities  all  in  the  palm  of  your  hand.  Images  are  easy  to  view  and  access  and  the  application  send  out  messages  for  instant  bidding.  

Bad  =  Facebook

While  I  have  to  admit  I  am  addicted  to  my  Facebook  on  the  go,  the  app  is  slow  to  upload  pictures  and  the  front  page  of  the  content  on  any  mobile  device  is  small  and  not  very  user  friendly.  This  is  a  site  that  needs  some  more  tweaking,  so  I  labeled  it  bad.  

Ugly  =  Craig’s  list

When  I  pulled  up  Craig’s  list  using  my  iPhone  the  content  looked  much  like  the  web  sites  from  the  past.  The  look  was  mostly  blue  linked  content,  no  images  and  not  very  user  friendly.  

Jeff’s Examples?

Monday, July 30, 12In Jeff Starr’s article, “The Five Minute CSS Mobile make over.” he gives multiple examples of what bad sites on mobile devises looks like. The premise of his article is an easy code to style sheets that help solve this problem.

Jeff’s Examples?

Enter Mobile Style Sheets (Starr, 2009).

Monday, July 30, 12In Jeff Starr’s article, “The Five Minute CSS Mobile make over.” he gives multiple examples of what bad sites on mobile devises looks like. The premise of his article is an easy code to style sheets that help solve this problem.

Mobile Expansion and Web Design

Monday, July 30, 12

Mobile Expansion and Web Design

So much better!

Monday, July 30, 12

Collins Catering

Monday, July 30, 12To  create  a  mobile  friendly  experience  for  Collin’s  Catering  mobile  and  handheld  coding  should  be  added  to  the  CSS  style  sheets.  This  will  create  a  dramatic  look  and  feel  for  the  mobile  users  and  high  light  the  features  that  mobile  users  will  be  looking  for,  such  as  directions,  contact  information,  and  a  quick  scan  of  a  menu.  

Collins Catering

Monday, July 30, 12To  create  a  mobile  friendly  experience  for  Collin’s  Catering  mobile  and  handheld  coding  should  be  added  to  the  CSS  style  sheets.  This  will  create  a  dramatic  look  and  feel  for  the  mobile  users  and  high  light  the  features  that  mobile  users  will  be  looking  for,  such  as  directions,  contact  information,  and  a  quick  scan  of  a  menu.  


Starr, J. (2009) The Five Minute CSS Mobile Make over. .

Retrieved July 30, 2012. From.

Monday, July 30, 12