SmartPlant Reference CADWorx...The CADWorx Importer...

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Transcript of SmartPlant Reference CADWorx...The CADWorx Importer...

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Version 2011 R1 (7.1.0)

November 2013


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2 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide




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SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 3

4 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Contents Preface .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Documentation Comments ..................................................................................................................... 7

Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

Building the CADWorx Project ................................................................................................................. 11

Catalog Data ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Size Table ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Schedule Table ............................................................................................................................... 12 Thickness Table ............................................................................................................................. 14 Wallthickness Table ........................................................................................................................ 14 Material Table ................................................................................................................................. 15 EndType Table ............................................................................................................................... 16 Component Tables ......................................................................................................................... 19

Specification Data ................................................................................................................................. 19 Project............................................................................................................................................. 20 Specification Headers..................................................................................................................... 21 Specification Schedule ................................................................................................................... 24 Specification Items ......................................................................................................................... 25 Specification Branch ....................................................................................................................... 29

CADWorx Interface Setup ......................................................................................................................... 31

Interface-Related Settings .................................................................................................................... 31 General Configs .................................................................................................................................... 32 Sheets and Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 33 Item Mappings....................................................................................................................................... 34 Transfer Types ...................................................................................................................................... 36 Sheet Configs........................................................................................................................................ 36 Templates ............................................................................................................................................. 37 Retrieval Sources .................................................................................................................................. 38

Export Jobs ................................................................................................................................................ 41

Integration with CADWorx Importer ........................................................................................................ 43

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface ...................................................................................... 45

Component Type (inside Group/Category) ........................................................................................... 45 BOM Type ............................................................................................................................................. 49 Color Index ............................................................................................................................................ 50 Reducing Selection ............................................................................................................................... 50 Default Flange Type in Specification .................................................................................................... 50 Optional Component ............................................................................................................................. 50 EndType Classes .................................................................................................................................. 51

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 5

Contents Appendix: Filenames Used....................................................................................................................... 55

Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 59

6 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

The CADWorx interface enables you to export specifications and their required detail data, so that the specifications can be imported into a CADWorx project that can be used by the CADWorx application. This document describes how to configure the CADWorx interface of SmartPlant Reference Data and how to run exports from SmartPlant Reference Data.

Documentation Comments Send documentation comments or suggestions to ( comments).


SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 7


8 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

S E C T I O N 1

The workflow is as follows:

You export the required data from SmartPlant Reference Data (SPRD) into text files. These files are zipped in an archive that is offered to you for download.

The CADWorx Importer loads these catalog and specification data files into a project file, which can be opened in the CADWorx application and reviewed in the Spec Editor.

The following files are created by the interface:




n x WallthicknessTable$<TableName>


n x CmpTabnnn$<ComponentType>





The following template sheets are delivered with the software and are installed by installation scripts to provide hardcoded CADWorx values with their IDs:







These template data rows are fixed ‘system codelists’ for use in LOVs (list of values). You should not change the meaning of the key numbers. The sheets do not participate in any export job, and CADWorx will not read them.

Generally, the interface is configurable, which means the source where the data is derived from in SPRD can be customized. This document was written based on the assumption that the interface-specific catalog data is maintained in templates, and the specification-related data is derived from the standard SPRD tables. The installation scripts that come with the software install pre-configured content that is based on this assumption.

Catalog-related data is maintained on the CADWORX 10.08 screen.


SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 9

Overview Specification-related data is maintained on the common SPRD screens.

It may happen that customers want to deviate from this concept to set up their own rules. Even the SDB (Standard Database) CADWorx setup delivered by Intergraph may be, for example, based on content that is not maintained in templates.

The following topics provide detailed information about the different sheets that are transferred to CADWorx.

10 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

S E C T I O N 2

This section describes the structure of the CADWorx project. The project data can be reviewed in the Intergraph CADWorx Catalog and Specification Editor (CSE) to check the successful import. The CSE is part of the CADWorx delivery. For more information, see the CADWorx documentation.

The project consists of catalog data and specification related data.

Catalog Data This section describes the sheets that are related to the catalog.

Size Table The SPRD outer diameter tables are defined on the S.40.02 Outer Diameter screen. The structure of these outer diameter tables is similar to the CADWorx size table. The size table fields used in CADWorx are listed below.

NOM - Nominal Pipe Size - Nominal sizes of the pipe selected when table is built. The export provides the value from SPRD using the NOM attribute.

OD - Outside Diameter - The diameter of the pipe. The export provides a value from SPRD using the OD attribute.

Description – Description (optional) - The description of the pipe size. The export provides the DESCRIPTION attribute, but leaves the value empty.

PTN - Part Number (optional) - The part number assigned to the size. The export provides the PTN attribute, but leaves the value empty.

Here is a sample file name for the size table file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The following sample shows the first lines in this file:




If there would be a second size table to transfer, its lines would simply be listed below the first, and the table name field would then contain the name of the second size table:



Building the CADWorx Project

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 11

Building the CADWorx Project Sizetable2|.125|.405|||


The standard installation scripts create sheet retrieval source ‘SizeTable from Template’, that provides an enhanced ‘template copy’ for customers who maintain the size table on CADWORX 10.08. The data should be filtered and this requires retrieval sources that copy the template data but allow for filtering and manipulation.

Only TABLE_NAMEs that are used in any of the exported specifications should be exported. If no specification is exported, the export takes all nominal size tables as far as selected in the sheet selection. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 of the retrieval source needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of the SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is SIZE_TABLE.

Schedule Table The schedule table fields that are used in CADWorx are listed below.

SCH - Schedule - The schedule of the thickness for components. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SCH attribute.

SCHENCWT - Schedule Enhance Weight (optional). The export provides the SCHENCWT attribute, but leaves the value empty.

The schedule is used with enhanced weight calculation. Enhanced weight calculation calculates the weights of components based on the AutoCAD solid geometry, calculated by (the hollow enhanced solid volume multiplied by the component density). A manufactured component may have a larger wall thickness then the schedule requires. To make the enhanced weight calculation more accurate, SCHENCWT can be set to a larger wall thickness schedule. The Enhanced weight calculation is used anytime the WEIGHT column is 0.0 in a data table. The component drawing mode (2D Double line, 2D Single line, 3D Solid, or 3D Enhanced) does not have any effect on the weight calculation. The weight calculation is run in background using a temporary 3D enhanced AutoCAD solid when using 2D Double line, 2D Single line, or 3D Solid drawing mode.

Weights of the following components are based on the AutoCAD Solid geometry when the WEIGHT column is 0.0 in the component data table:

PIPE SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

ELBOWS SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

O_LETS SCH thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

TEES SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

CAPS SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

CROSSES SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

LATERALS SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

12 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project

REDUCERS SCHENCWT thickness value used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

FLANGES Enhanced Data Table Values used to create AutoCAD solid geometry

Weights of the following components are always based on the Data Table WEIGHT column:














PTN - Part Number - Value assigned to specific schedules. (optional)

Here is a sample file name for the schedule table file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The following sample shows the first two lines in this file:



The standard installation scripts create sheet retrieval source ‘ScheduleTable from Template’, that provides an enhanced ‘template copy’ for customers who maintain the schedule table on CADWORX 10.08. The data should be filtered and this requires retrieval sources that copy the template data but allow for filtering and manipulation.

Only TABLE_NAMEs will be exported that are used in a thickness table that is attached to at least one of the exported specifications. If no specification is exported, the export takes all schedule tables as far as the sheet is selected in the sheet selection. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 of the retrieval source needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of the SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is WTHK_TABLE. The referred attribute of the thickness table is SCHEDULE_TABLE.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 13

Building the CADWorx Project

Thickness Table The thickness table fields that are used in CADWorx are listed below.

NOM - Nominal Pipe Size - The size of the component from the size table. The export provides the value from SPRD using the NOM attribute.

Schedule types - The values in this area are schedule table values associated with the thickness table. They represent the weight and thickness of the component. The export provides the values from SPRD.

As the list of columns may be different, each thickness table will result in a separate file. The thickness table name is the last part of the file name after the keyword ThicknessTable and a $ symbol. Below you find an example of a thickness file name:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The thickness table name is not specified in the list of columns; the number of rows and the number of columns may vary, depending on the participating nominal sizes and schedules.

A thickness table needs a size table name and a schedule table name as references, so these table names appear in the first two columns, as shown in the sample below:



The initial version of the interface supports template copy for customers who maintain the wallthickness table on CADWORX 10.08.

Wallthickness Table If you have to create multiple wallthickness tables with different lists of schedules, with the method described in Thickness Table (on page 14), you would need to define sheets, attributes and sheet config for every different schedule table list. This works for a small number of thickness table formats. If the number is higher, it might be considered too much configuration effort. In that case, the more generic format described in this topic should be applied.

Here is a sample file name for the wallthickness table file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

An example of the format is shown below:


The first column shows the name of the thickness table, the second column shows the name of the size table, and the third column shows the name of the schedule table. Of course, size and

14 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project schedule table names don’t change within the same thickness table name. The subsequent columns provide the nominal size, the nominal schedule, and the physical thickness. The list can be ordered by TABLE_NAME, NOM, SCH, or by TABLE_NAME, SCH, NOM.

The delta transfer is handled like the Size Table, Schedule Table, Material Table, and so forth. Once a value for TABLE_NAME is transferred, this table definition is considered complete. The existing definitions with this name are deleted from the CADWorx catalog and replaced with the related rows that are in the current import file.

Material Table The material table fields that are used in CADWorx are listed below.

SPEC - Material Specification - Value that specifies the material spec. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SPEC attribute.

GRADE – Grade (optional) - Value that specifies the grade of the material. The export provides the GRADE attribute but leaves the value empty.

COMPOSITION - Composition (optional) - Value that specifies the composition of the material. The export provides the COMPOSITION attribute but leaves the value empty.

COMPTYPES - Component Types (optional) - The type of component the material type is associated with. Use the list to add component types. The export provides the COMPTYPES attribute but leaves the value empty.

DENSITY - Density - Value that specifies the density of the material. The export provides the value from SPRD using the DENSITY attribute.

PTN - Part Number (optional) - The part number associated with a particular value of material. The export provides the SCHENCWT attribute but leaves the value empty.

Custom Data - New fields to be attached to the components via properties (optional).

The CADWorx interface ignores custom fields. You can add them later.

Here is a sample file name for the material table file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The standard installation scripts create sheet retrieval source ‘MaterialTable from Template’, that provides an enhanced ‘template copy’ for customers who maintain the material table on CADWORX 10.08. The data should be filtered and this requires retrieval sources that copy the template data but allow for filtering and manipulation.

Only TABLE_NAMEs that are used in any of the exported specs should be exported. If no spec is exported the software takes all material tables as far as selected in sheet selection.

The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 of the retrieval source needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of the SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is MATL_TABLE.

If custom fields exist, they are simply added to the list of columns. The CADWorx Importer creates attributes where the attribute title is the same as the name and the datatype is appended to the attribute name, that is, Integer, Real or Text follows after a $ symbol like "TestAttributeName$Real".

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 15

Building the CADWorx Project

EndType Table The end type table fields that are used in CADWorx are listed below.

MAINSIZE - Main size - Specifies the main sizes used for that end type.

OAL - Overall length - Specifies the overall length used for that end type.

FACELEN - Face length - Specifies the face length of that end type.

CFD - Connection face diameter - Specifies the connection face diameter for that end type.

FFD - Face face diameter - Specifies the face face diameter for that end type.

CHD - Connection hub diameter - Specifies the connection hub diameter for that end type.

FHD - Face hub diameter - Specifies the face hub diameter for that end type.

PENGLEN - Pipe engagement length - Specifies the pipe engagement length for that end type.

CPENGD - Connection pipe engagement diameter - Specifies the connection pipe engagement diameter for that end type.

FPENGD - Face pipe engagement diameter - Specifies the face pipe engagement diameter for that end type.

The EndType Class determines which fields are used and which fields are optional. This optionality is not explicitly mentioned in the list.

Here is a sample file name for the endtype table file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

16 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project These are the EndType Classes displayed in the CSE:

The standard installation scripts create sheet retrieval source ‘EndtypeTable from Template’, which provides an enhanced ‘template copy’ for customers who maintain the endtype table on CADWORX 10.08. The data should be filtered and this requires retrieval sources that copy the template data but allow for filtering and manipulation.

Only TABLE_NAMEs that are mapped to parts/commodity codes among the selected commodity codes/idents should be exported. If no commodity code is selected for export, the software takes all endtypes as far as the sheet is selected in export.

The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 of the retrieval source needs to be changed.

The mapped attributes that are looked up are ENDTYPE_START, ENDTYPE_END, ENDTYPE_BRANCH_LEFT, and ENDTYPE_BRANCH_RIGHT.

A thickness table needs a size table name and a schedule table name as references, so these table names appear in the first two columns, as shown in the sample below.

The first lines of an endtype table file is shown in the example below:


1|BW_BVL|1|.5| …

The type class refers to the end type classes; see EndType Classes (on page 51).

The following components do not need endtype tables:

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 17

Building the CADWorx Project Type Name

21 Flange Socket Weld

66 Flange Threaded

22 Long Weld Neck

23 Flange Weld Neck

24 Flange Slip On

25 Flange Blind

26 Flange Lap Joint

27 Flange Reducing Threaded

28 Flange Reducing Slip On

29 Flange Reducing Weld Neck

54 StudBolts

55 Gasket

56 Weld

57 Bleed Ring

58 Spectacle Blind

80 Usershape 1

81 Usershape 2

82 Usershape 3

83 Usershape 4

84 Usershape 5

76 Nipple

18 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project

Component Tables Component data table file contents do not contain the type. The type will be in the filename as in the following example:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number. After the CmpTab keyword, the component type id appears with three digits.

If custom fields exist, they are simply added to the list of columns. The CADWorx Importer creates attributes where the attribute title is the same as the name and the data type is appended to the attribute name, that is, Integer, Real or Text follows a $ symbol like "TestAttributeName$Real".

The standard installation scripts create and assign sheet retrieval source ‘ComponentDataTable from Template’, which provides an enhanced ‘template copy’ for customers who maintain the component tables on CADWORX 10.08. The data should be filtered and this requires retrieval sources that copy the template data but allow for filtering and manipulation.

Only TABLE_NAMEs that are mapped to parts/commodity codes among the selected commodity codes/idents should be exported. If no commodity code is selected for export, the software takes all data tables as far as the sheet is selected in export.

The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 of the retrieval source needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on the sheet independent part or commodity code level. The mapped attribute is DATA_TABLE.

The component groups/types that are available in CADWorx and their properties are described below.

Specification Data This chapter describes the sheets that are related to the specification. During the specification export from SmartPlant Reference Data, these files are created:

a file for the specification header information

a file for the specification items (components)

a file for the branches

an (optional) file for the schedule table

Each file can contain data for one or more specifications.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 19

Building the CADWorx Project

Project The highest level in a project is the Project. The project properties can be displayed by a right mouse-click on the project name in the CSE as displayed in the picture below.

The CADWorx interface does not provide the project property data.

20 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project

Specification Headers The specification properties are displayed in the CSE as shown on the picture below.

The SpecHeader file will contain a list of the selected specifications, each with their CADWorx properties. To fill the specification properties, the installation scripts provide a SpecHeader sheet and appropriate retrieval sources.

Here is a sample file name for the specification header file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The following sample shows the first lines in this file:


150|Sample 150# Specification|1|150|||150|7|23|0|Size|MAT|THK|[Something|, …]

Any attribute following the Wallthickness table should be interpreted as custom field by the importer. The CADWorx Importer creates attributes where the attribute title is the same as the name and the data type is appended to the attribute name, that is, Integer, Real or Text follows after a $ symbol like "TestAttributeName$Real".

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 21

Building the CADWorx Project The available specification properties are listed below.

Specification Name - Specifies the name of the specification being worked in. This name can be edited. The export provides the value from SPRD (m_spec_headers.spec_code) using the SPEC_NAME column.

Catalog Name - Specifies the name of the base catalog. This can only be changed in Catalog or by selecting a different base catalog. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Catalog Path - Specifies the folder location of the base catalog. You can change the base catalog by using the Catalog Path ellipsis. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface. The catalog will be maintained inside SPRD. A reference to a base catalog can eventually be set in the CADWorx import tool or it is pre-existing in the project that will be loaded with the import data.

Measure/Bore - Specifies the units tied to this specification. This value cannot be edited. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

You must take care that the data are correctly imported into a project in English/Inch, English/Metric, or Metric/Metric.

Size Table Name - Specifies the current size table being used by the specification. This value cannot be edited. The size table name is assigned to the specification during creation. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SIZE_TABLE column. You map the name on CADWorx 10.04 on the specification header level, if the Size Table was maintained in the template.

Thickness Table Name - Specifies the current thickness table being used by the specification. Change this with available or newly created Thickness Tables by clicking the name of the old one and selecting the new one from the list. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Material Table Name - Specifies the current material table being used by the specification. Change this with available or newly created Material Tables by clicking the name of the old one, and selecting the new one from the list. The export provides the value from SPRD using the MATL_TABLE column.

Weight Factor - Specifies the weight of the component. This value can be edited. The export provides the value from SPRD using the WEIGHT_FACTOR column.

Component Class - Specifies the classification of the components in the specification. The export provides the value from SPRD using the NOM_RATING column.

Temperature Rating - Specifies the temperature rating a component can handle. The export provides the value from SPRD using the TEMP_RATING column.

Pressure Rating - Specifies the pressure rating a component can handle. The export provides the value from SPRD using the PRESS_RATING column.

Layer Name - Specifies the numerical value of the layer spec. The export provides the value from SPRD using the LAYER column.

AutoCAD Color Index [0-255] - Specifies the color appearance of the components when using this specification to draw. Select 0 - ByLayer, 1 - Red, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Green, 4 - Cyan, 5 - Blue, 6 - Magenta, or 7 - White/Black from the list, or type 0 through 255 to specify other colors. The export provides the value from SPRD using the COLOR column.

Long Desc Format Setup - Specifies the appearance of the long description attached to components. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

22 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project Part Number Format Setup - Specifies the appearance of the part number attached to components. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Limit Spec Size Range To - Specifies the size limit for components within this specification. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface. The allowed diameters are assigned on specification item level.

Material Assignment Setup - Specifies material numbers for specific components. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface. The material is assigned on the specification item level.

Schedule Assignment Setup - Specifies the schedule values for specific sizes based on the schedule table. Optionally, a schedule table is provided as a separate file. For more information, see Specification Schedule (on page 24).

Default Flange Type - Specifies the default flange type for the specification. This value can be edited.

Reducing Component Selection - Specifies the reduction size setting. There are the available options:

Use Reduction Size - Uses the reduction size for the component.

Use Main Size - Uses the main size for the component

Use Larger Wall Thickness - Uses a larger wall thickness for the component.

The export provides the value from SPRD using the RED_SEL_TYPE column. Can be mapped from a template codelist. See list of hardcoded values.

Version - Specifies the Spec Editor version. This cannot be changed. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Created By - Specifies the person who created the project. User can type a name in the box. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Edited By - Specifies the person who edited the project. You can type a name in the box. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Spec Description - Specifies the description of the spec. This value can be changed. The export provides the value from SPRD (m_spec_header_nls.description) using the SPEC_DESCRIPTION column.

Custom Data - Add custom data to the specification. This value can be provided from SPRD (optional custom attribute).

To fill the specification header file, installation scripts create a sheet and config in the spec_rule category. The SpecHeader retrieval source uses the base columns that come with the spec_rule category, the rest of the attributes can be mapped on CADWORX 10.04.

The standard attribute configuration that comes with the installation scripts is listed below.

Attribute Default Value Dependencies Retrieval Method Source



BASE_COLUMN shn.description

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 23

Building the CADWorx Project WEIGHT_FACTOR 1

LAYER BASE_COLUMN sh.spec_code













Specification Schedule The schedule list is important for customers who have a schedule filter defined on specification header geometrics that applies to all lines of the specification.

Here is a sample file name for the specification schedule file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The content of the schedule file has the following format:



The specification schedule file is optional. Depending on the way the specifications are created in SmartPlant Reference Data, it can happen that they don’t have a specification wide schedule assignment, but the schedule value or MATCH is provided on the specification item level. In this case, the schedule keyword SPEC is not used for the items of such specifications.

The specification schedule table can be filled by input1 and input2 values of a filter geometric that is used in the specifications. The schedule filter is created by extracting the specification header geometric that has the mapping name SH_F_[n] assigned.

To fill the specification schedule file, installation scripts create a sheet and config in the spec_rule category. The retrieval source is called ‘SpecSchedule’.

The standard attribute configuration coming with the installation scripts is listed below.

24 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project Attribute Default Value Dependencies Retrieval Method Source


NOM BASE_COLUMN gd.input_1

SCH BASE_COLUMN gd.input_2

Specification Items Specification items can be displayed by double-clicking a specification node. The component groups that are included in the selected specification appear. Select a component group to view its details as shown in the picture below.

Here is a sample file name for the specification item file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The content of the specification item file has the following format:


SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 25

Building the CADWorx Project 150|47|EGAT_BWxFT_800|.5/.75/1/1.5|0|150|7|0|Xbody Gate Valve Buttweld|Xbody Gate Valve Buttweld X Thrd, 800LB|||0|BW|TR_2000|||||-1|XS|||150|||143|VG|0|

The RED_SCHEDULE must only be filled when the item is a reducing component, and the reduced end schedule differs from the main schedule.

MAIN_SCHEDULE and RED_SCHEDULE can refer to other objects instead of containing a schedule value. For ‘use pipe schedule’ the MATCH keyword is used; for ‘use spec header geometrics schedule filter table’ the SPEC keyword is used.

To fill the specification item file, the installation scripts create a sheet in the spec_rule category. The retrieval source is called ‘SpecItem’.

The available specification item properties are listed below.

Component Setup Item Group Group - Specifies the component to add or edit. While editing, this box is disabled. It is determined on creation of the spec item. The export provides the value from SPRD using the CMPNT_GROUP column.

Type - Specifies the component type for the group selected. The export provides the value from SPRD using the CMPNT_TYPE column.

Data Table - Specifies the specific data used for the selected type. The export provides the value from SPRD using the DATA_TABLE column.

Data Table Update Only - This check box indicates whether this is an update only. The check box is only available when editing. This value is currently not handled by the CADWorx interface.

Size - Specifies the sizes of the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SIZE_RANGE column.

BOM Type - Specifies the Bill of Material type for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the BOM_TYPE column.

Layer - Specifies the layer of the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the LAYER column.

Color Index - Specifies the color of the component in a drawing. Select 0 - ByLayer, 1 - Red, 2 - Yellow, 3 - Green, 4 - Cyan, 5 - Blue, 6 - Magenta, or 7 - White/Black from the list, or type 0 through 255 to specify other colors. The export provides the value from SPRD using the COLOR column.

Optional Component - Specifies whether the component is an optional selection. Select the check box, if the component shall be an optional choice. The export provides the value from SPRD using the OPTIONAL column.

EndType Item Group Apply same end-type on all ends - Specifies that the selected component has all the same end types. Select the check box to apply the same end types to each component. If this check box is selected, the other three end type options are unavailable. The export provides the value from SPRD using the USE_ONE_ENDTYPE column.

Start - Specifies the starting point end type for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the ENDTYPE_START column.

26 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project End - Specifies the end point end type for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the ENDTYPE_END column.

Branch1 - Specifies the first branch end type for the component. Branch1 is available when the Apply same end-type on all ends check box is cleared, and the component has three connection points. The export provides the value from SPRD using the ENDTYPE_BRANCH_LEFT column.

Branch2 - Specifies the second branch end type for the component. Branch2 is available when the Apply same end-type on all ends check box is cleared, and the component has four connection points. The export provides the value from SPRD using the ENDTYPE_BRANCH_RIGHT column.

ISOGEN Symbol Information Item Group Identifier - Specifies the identifier used by ISOGEN for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the ISO_IDENTIF column.

SKEY - Specifies the SKEY used by ISOGEN for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SKEY column.

Topworks Topworks - Specifies the topworks for the component. Topworks is available only when the component has topworks. The export provides the value from SPRD using the TOPWORKS column.

Schedule & Material Item Group Main - Specifies the main schedule for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the MAIN_SCHEDULE column.

Reduction - Specifies the reduction schedule for the component. Reduction is available only if the component has a reducing side. The export provides the value from SPRD using the RED_SCHEDULE column.

Material - Specifies the material schedule for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the MATERIAL column.

Rating Item Group Component Class - Specifies the class type specification for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the NOM_RATING column.

Temperature Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable temperature for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the TEMP_RATING column.

Pressure Rating - Specifies the maximum allowable pressure for the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the PRESS_RATING column.

Sort Sequence Sort Sequence - Specifies the location of the item in the bill of material. If the user entered 999, this component would be placed last in the list. If it was set to 0, it would be placed first. Setting the same sort numbers to different components in the specification places the components in the list in an alphabetical order. The export provides the value from SPRD using the SEQ column.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 27

Building the CADWorx Project Description Long - Specifies the long description for the component. User can change the long description, by clicking the Long ellipsis which opens the Long Description Format dialog box. The export provides the value from SPRD using the CMPNT_LONGDESC column.

Short - Specifies the short description of the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the CMPNT_SHORTDESC column.

Tag - Specifies the tag information of the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the TAG_NUMBER column.

Notes - Specifies any notes attached to the component. The export provides the value from SPRD using the NOTES column.

The standard attribute configuration coming with the installation scripts is listed below.

Attribute Default Value Dependencies Retrieval Method Source


CMPNT_TYPE BASE_COLUMN m_pck_cdwrx_custom.get_component_type(m_pck_sp3d.g_im_id, si.p_group_id,si.p_part_id, si.commodity_id, si.ident)


SIZE_RANGE BASE_COLUMN m_pck_cdwrx_custom.get_size_range(si.spec_item_id)















28 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Building the CADWorx Project Attribute Default Value Dependencies Retrieval Method Source




SEQ BASE_COLUMN si.order_seq



Specification Branch The CSE displays all allowed component groups for all main/branch combinations as shown in the picture below.

Here is a sample file name for the specification branch file:


with CDWRX indicating the product (CADWorx) and EJ_nnnnnnnnnn indicating the SPRD export job number.

The branch file has the following format:



SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 29

Building the CADWorx Project The list is ordered by column 1, 2, 3. If there is more than one component type for the header/branch-combination, they will be listed in separate rows. The preferred option is always the first for equal combinations.

The branch table file can be filled from the branch table assigned in the specification header geometrics. After mapping commodity parts to component type sheets, the appropriate component types are filled in.

The standard attribute configuration coming with the installation scripts is listed below.

Attribute Default Value Dependencies Retrieval Method Source


NOM BASE_COLUMN gbd.dn_header

SCH BASE_COLUMN gbd.dn_branch

CMPNT_TYPE BASE_COLUMN m_pck_cdwrx_custom.get_component_type(m_pck_sp3d.g_im_id, gbd.group_id,gbd.part_id, NULL, NULL)

30 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

S E C T I O N 3

Before you can export data to CADWorx, you must configure the interface as described in this section.

Interface-Related Settings To use the CADWORX screens and run export jobs, you must define a CADWORX interface on the A.70.01 Interfaces screen.

Use the A.70.11 Interface Settings screen to define the properties for the CADWORX interface.

Specify the settings as follows:

COL_TITLES = Y – The files produced for CADWorx will have column titles.

FILE_FRMT = TXT – The files are created as plain text files.

TR_DELTA = N – Transferring deltas is not planned for the CADWorx interface.

USE_TAGS = N – The CADWorx interface does not use tags to separate column titles from the data.

SEP_SYMB = | – The columns in the file are delimited by the pipe symbol.

If these properties are not set for CADWorx on A.70.11, they will default to the listed values.

CADWorx Interface Setup

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 31

CADWorx Interface Setup

General Configs Usually it is sufficient to create a general config once during the setup of the interface. If it’s necessary to edit the config, you can do it on the CADWORX 10.01 General Configs screen.

The following config items are used in the CADWorx interface:

AUTO_SELECT_IDENTS_FROM_SPEC – When a spec/spec items are selected on CADWORX 20.01, should the used groups/parts/commodity codes also be selected for transfer? The auto selection takes place during the export job validation. As CADWorx does not receive the ident level, it is recommended to opt for COMMODITY or COMMODITY_REPLACE.

AUTO_SELECT_SHTS_FOR_PARTS - Fill the assigned component data sheets into the job sheet selection, if the related commodity codes were selected? This feature can be used to select component data sheets dynamically based on the participating components.

NEW_RUN_JOB_GOAL - A fixed job goal can be preselected if a run is created using the New Run button on CADWORX 20.01. If nothing is entered, the new run will use the goal of the previous run.

SI_PIPING_SHORT_CODE_LST - Comma separated list of the short codes which should be considered as piping. Each value must be enclosed in single quotes. The list is evaluated when the piping items are exploded to ident granularity. See SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_PIPING config item.

SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_PIPING - The schedule method for piping items in the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER sheets. If the piping schedule is not contained in the commodity code, the (default) option GEOMETRIC is recommended. Alternatively it is possible to create a

32 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

CADWorx Interface Setup

separate specification item as soon as a piping element has a different schedule, and use the CADWORX 10.04 to map the schedule for each piping specification item. For example, instead of having one specification item for pipe from 4 to 20 inches, have two lines: One from 4 to 6 inches (schedule S-XS) and another one from 8 to 20 inches (schedule S-STD).

SI_SCHEDULE_MTHD_NONPIPING - The schedule method for non piping items (flanges, valves, and so forth) in the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER sheets.

SI_TRANSLATION_LEVEL - The translation level for specification items defines the resolution in sheets of the SPEC_ITEM_FILTER category. COMMODITY is the default.

VERIFY_CONSISTENCY - Check the quality of exported data? This check takes place directly after the interface tables have been filled, and the verification belongs logically to the export job stage FILL_IF_TABS. Verification is not required to proceed with further steps of the job, and also verification alerts can be ignored. As per initial delivery there are no check routines delivered for CADWorx.

Sheets and Attributes Sheets for the CADWorx interface are defined on the CADWORXS 10.02 Sheets screen.

Sheet attributes for the CADWorx interface are defined on the CADWORX 10.03 Attributes screen.

Usually, you do not need to maintain data on these screens.

If the retrieval sources are changed from template to geometric tables/table details, and so forth, it might be required to also update the LOV statement of particular attributes on CADWORX 10.03 that refer to certain sources.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 33

CADWorx Interface Setup

Item Mappings Use the CADWORX 10.04 Item Mappings screen to define item mappings during setup of the interface or when you add new components or new specifications in SmartPlant Reference Data (SPRD).

To map SPRD data for CADWorx export, it is recommended to maintain data in the following areas:

On the Sheet Dependent – Sheet Mapping tab, specify which group/part/commodity code relates to which component data sheet.

In the picture above, the sheet for component Cap is related to all commodity codes for part CP in group D. Accordingly, you can define the relations of other groups and parts. This is important also for the auto selection feature AUTO_SELECT_SHTS_FOR_PARTS.

Other mappings might depend on where the actual data is stored. Assuming that catalog data is maintained in template sheets, this mapping is recommended:

On the Sheet Dependent – Attribute Mapping – Specs tab, you can map attributes for SpecHeader sheets on the specification level:

34 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

CADWorx Interface Setup






The picture below shows an example:

The same attributes could also be mapped sheet-independent on the specification level.

Some attributes are used on the SpecHeader and SpecItem sheet. So it is recommended to map the values as sheet independent. A value could be mapped for each of those attributes on the spec level. If some values deviate for single spec items, those values could be mapped for those spec items.

Candidates for this kind of mapping are:

BOM_TYPE (though it is not used on spec header, it could be defaulted on this level)






Other attributes might be specific to a component, so the mapping level will be group/part or commodity code. It makes sense to map them for sheet SpecItem or even better as sheet-independent. Candidates are:








SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 35

CADWorx Interface Setup

The picture below shows an example:

Transfer Types The transfer types can contain a list of sheets that should be transferred in a certain job. The following example contains all required sheets, provided that the auto selection of sheets for parts is activated, so that the related component data sheets are automatically selected. That is, on CADWORX 10.01 General Configs, AUTO_SELECT_SHTS_FOR_PARTS is activated.

For almost all cases, it is sufficient to create transfer types one time during setup of the interface. You can maintain the transfer types on the CADWORX 10.06 Transfer Types screen.

Sheet Configs The sheet configs define the structure of the sheets and how the data is retrieved. The installation scripts provide a standard sheet config for all sheets that participate in the export, plus the sheets that are used for LOV. For detailed information about the fields on the screen, see the online help.

Some delivered sheet attribute config properties that handle specification dependent sheets are mentioned in this document.

36 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

CADWorx Interface Setup For almost all cases, it is sufficient to create a sheet config one time during the setup of the interface. If it’s necessary to edit sheet configs, you can use the CADWORX 10.07 Sheet Configs screen.

Templates Templates contain sheet data that should be copied on export to fill interface tables. Typically, data that is not used in SmartPlant Reference Data can be maintained in templates. For example, certain dimensional information may be required for the CAD system, but not for the SmartPlant Materials downstream modules. Per installation scripts, the following template sheets are delivered to provide hardcoded CADWorx values with their IDs:







These template data rows are fixed ‘system codelists’ for use in LOVs (list of values). You should not change the meaning of the key numbers. The sheets do not participate in any export job; CADWorx will not read them.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 37

CADWorx Interface Setup If the catalog data is stored in templates, you can use the CADWorx 10.08 Templates screen to maintain the data.

Retrieval Sources You can edit retrieval sources on the CADWORX 10.12 Retrieval Sources screen.

It is usually not necessary to maintain the retrieval source data. But if other retrieval methods are required, they can be added here. Existing retrieval resources can be updated.

Standard installation scripts provide a list of retrieval sources for the sheet level, and also some retrieval sources for attributes. The sheet level sources are mentioned in the respective sections of this document, where the different files are explained. For spec-related export files, the attribute retrieval sources can also be seen in the respective sections. Here is a list of all retrieval sources:

Name Level Description

Component Description

ATTR Get component long description. This is a custom function. Used to fill the Spec Item Component Description.

Component Short Desc

ATTR Get component short description. This is a custom function. Used to fill the Spec Item Component Description.

38 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

CADWorx Interface Setup Name Level Description

SpecItem Schedule 1 ATTR Get Spec Item Schedule 1 value. Depending on SI schedule method. Used to fill the SpecItem sheet.

SpecItem Schedule 2 ATTR Get Spec Item Schedule 2 value. Depending on SI schedule method. Used to fill the SpecItem sheet.

ComponentDataTable from Template

SHEET This will retrieve data from template. It will filter for TABLE_NAMEs, only taking those that are mapped to any of the exported commodity codes. If no commodity code is selected for the job, it will take all tables. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on sheet independent part or CC level. The mapped attribute is DATA_TABLE.

EndTypeTable from Template

SHEET This will retrieve data from template. It will filter for TABLE_NAMEs that are containing values mapped to part/CC that is among the selected idents. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on sheet independent part or CC level. The mapped attributes that are looked up are ENDTYPE_START, ENDTYPE_END, ENDTYPE_BRANCH_LEFT and ENDTYPE_BRANCH_RIGHT.

MaterialTable from Template

SHEET This will retrieve data from template. It will filter for TABLE_NAMEs that are containing values mapped to part/CC that is among the selected idents of the export job. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is MATL_TABLE.

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 39

CADWorx Interface Setup Name Level Description

ScheduleTable from Template

SHEET This will retrieve data from template. It will filter for TABLE_NAMEs, only taking those that are used in an exported Wallthickness table. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is WTHK_TABLE. The referred attribute of the thickness table is SCHEDULE_TABLE.

SizeTable from Template

SHEET This will retrieve data from template. It will filter for TABLE_NAMEs, only taking those that are used in any of the exported specs. If no spec is exported it takes all tables. The TABLE_NAME value is expected on physical attribute AC0256_001. If another attribute is used, the parameter list in Statement2 needs to be changed. The mapping is expected on spec level of SpecHeader sheet or sheet independent. The mapped attribute is SIZE_TABLE.

SpecBranch SHEET Fill the SpecBranch sheet from the branch table(s) in spec header geometrics. All assignments of type 'Branches' will be regarded, but not filtered for uniqueness. The Filter check box is not important.

SpecHeader SHEET Fill the SpecHeader sheet from the spec header and related tables.

SpecItem SHEET Fill the SpecItem sheet from spec item table.

SpecSchedule SHEET Fill the Schedule filter sheet from the spec header geometrics where geometric mapping name is SH_F_[n]. All assignments of type 'User Defined' will be regarded, but not filtered for uniqueness. The Filter check box is not important.

40 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

S E C T I O N 4

The workflow of exporting data from SmartPlant Reference Data to CADWorx is as follows:

1. You export the selected data from SmartPlant Reference Data into text files. These text files are zipped in an archive, which you can download.

2. Next, you use the CADWorx Importer to load the exported catalog and specification data files into a project file that can be opened in the CADWorx application and reviewed in the Spec Editor.

Use the CADWORX 20.01 Export Jobs screen to create export jobs and export data from SmartPlant Reference Data to CADWorx.

To create a new export job, enter the job name in the Job field and any comment or description in the Comment field.

The following properties must be assigned to an export job. They are described in detail in CADWorx Interface Setup (on page 31).

Transfer Type - Each job has assigned a transfer type, which contains a list of sheets that should be exported. After a transfer type is assigned, the contained sheets are automatically copied to the Selected Sheets tab at the bottom of this screen. For more information, see Transfer Types (on page 36).

Export Jobs

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 41

Export Jobs Item Mapping - Each job relates to an item mapping. The item mapping covers a number of

relations between SPRD and CADWorx data. As an item mapping is related to one template and the template to one sheet config, the Template and Sheet Config fields get populated when an item mapping is assigned to the job. For more information, see Item Mappings (on page 34), Templates (on page 37), and Sheet Configs (on page 36).

Config - Any job has one general config assigned; this config contains settings that apply to the job. For more information, see General Configs (on page 32).

Job Goal - Each job undergoes different stages, from the start of the job to the creation of the files. Each stage may be targeted individually by setting the job goal. The available goals are:

PRE_IF_TABS - Used only if extended customizations need to be done on the output data.

FILL_IF_TABS - Fills the interface tables with the export data.

VRFY_CSTCY - Checks the exported data for consistency/problems. In the initial delivery, there are no check routines defined for the CADWorx interface.

WRITE_TO_FILE - Creates files for the exported data and offer them to the user

It is not necessary to select each of the goals one by one. For example, you can create a job, set the goal to WRITE_TO_FILE and start the job. All stages will be performed in consecutive order.

Before the job starts, the software will validate some data. During this validation, it can also add commodity codes / idents and component data sheets to the job. The validation can also be triggered by clicking the Validate Job button.

Once you click the New Run button, the actual job is copied with its settings while the run number is automatically increased to the next free number.

You must assign one or more sheets to the job (this is implicitly done by assigning a transfer type). You can assign one or more specifications to the job if you want export specification related data. Additionally, you can add groups/parts/commodity codes to the job if you want to export component-related data.

There are some auto-selection features that also change the content of the Selected Sheets and the Selected Idents tabs. For more information, see General Configs (on page 32).

42 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

S E C T I O N 5

After exporting the selected data from SmartPlant Reference Data into text files, you can use the CADWorx Importer to load the catalog and specification data files into a project file, which can be opened in the CADWorx application and reviewed in the Spec Editor.

If a file’s content already exists in the project file, the respective data should be replaced. You must not provide all files with each import. For example, once you change or add a specification in SmartPlant Reference Data, but the catalog did not change, you can choose to only transfer the specification header and specification item file, containing only the changed specifications. In this case, the catalog information in the project should remain.

The importer gets a complete set of data at the leaf nodes in the exported files. For example, a size table file coming from SmartPlant Reference Data contains two size tables named SIZE1 and SIZE3, and in the project file there are already the size tables SIZE1, SIZE2, and SIZE3. The importer deletes the contents of SIZE1 and SIZE3 and replaces them with the contents of the new file. The importer will not check the nominal size rows inside SIZE1 or SIZE3, if the same combination already exists, or if they have the same number of rows. SIZE2 table in the project will remain untouched in this example.

Another example: If there are specification components of specifications 150 and 300 in the specification item file, the importer deletes all their components (specification items) from the project and replaces them with the file content. The specifications 600 and 900, which are also in the same CADWorx project, are not touched. Additionally, the specification header and branch table of specifications 150 and 300 do not change, as long the import does not find a header file /branch file with the export.

Integration with CADWorx Importer

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 43

Integration with CADWorx Importer

44 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide


Component Type (inside Group/Category) Key Number Group / Category Component Type

1 Cap Group Cap

2 Plug

3 Pipe Group Pipe

76 Pipe Nip

85 Pipf

4 Elbows Group Elbows

5 Long Radius Elbows

6 Short Radius Elbows

7 Reduce Elbows

8 Street Elbows

9 Tees Group Tees

10 Tees Reduce

13 Cross Group Crosse

14 Crosse Reduce

15 Reducer Group Concentric Reducer

16 Excentric Reducer

17 Concentric Swage

18 Excentric Swage

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 45

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

Key Number Group / Category Component Type

19 Bushing

20 Flanges Group Stub

21 Socket Weld Flange

66 Threaded Flange

22 Long Weld Neck

23 Weld Neck Flange

24 Slip On Flange

25 Blind Flange

26 Lap Joint Flange

27 Reducing Threaded Flange

28 Reducing Slip On Flange

29 Reducing Weld Neck Flange

30 Coupling Group Coupling

31 Half Coupling

32 Reducing Coupling

77 Nute

33 Olets Group Elbow Olet

34 Olet

35 Lateral Olet

36 Nipolet

37 Valve 3Way Group Valve 3Way

38 Valve 4Way Group Valve 4Way

39 Valve Angle Group Angle Valve

46 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

Key Number Group / Category Component Type

40 Valve Ball Group Ball Valve

41 Valve Butterfly Group Butterfly Valve

42 Valve Check Group Check Valve

43 Dual Check Valve

44 Valve Control Group Control Valve

45 Valve Diaphragm Group Diaphragm Valve

46 Valve Gate Group Gate Valve

47 X-Body Gate Valve

48 Valve Globe Group Globe Valve

49 Valve Needle Group Needle Valve

50 Valve Gage Group Gage Valve

51 Valve Plug Group Plug Valve

52 Valve Relief Group Relief Valve

53 Valve Rotary Group Rotary Valve

54 Gasket Bolts Group Stud Bolts

55 Gasket

56 Weld Gap

57 Spec Blind Bleed Ring Group Bleed Ring

58 Spectacle Blind

59 Expansion Joint

60 Union Group Union

61 Laterals Group Lateral

62 Lateral Reduce

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 47

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

Key Number Group / Category Component Type

63 Y-Shape Group wye

64 Strainer Group Strainer

64 Sanitary Group Multiport 1

67 Multiport 2

68 Multiport 3

78 Uben

69 Topwork Topwork Gear 1

70 Topwork Gear 2

71 Topwork Gearact

72 Topwork Act

73 Topwork Lever 1

74 Topwork Lever 2

75 Topwork Wheel

79 Topwork Customer

86 Topwork Customer 2

80 User Shape Group User 1

81 User 2

82 User 3

83 User 4

84 User 5

87 Restrain Group Restrain

88 Attachment Group Attachment

89 Pipe Support Group PS Beam Clamp

90 PS Clevis Hanger

48 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

Key Number Group / Category Component Type

91 PS Clevis Hanger Flat Top

92 PS Clevis Hanger V Bottom

93 PS Pipe

94 PS Pipe Clamp

95 PS Pipe Shoe

96 PS Plate

97 PS Rod

98 PS Saddle

99 PS Split Ring Hanger

100 PS Spring Hanger

101 PS Strap

102 PS Swivel Ring Hanger

103 PS Ubolt

104 PS Custom

BOM Type Key Number BOM Type

0 Fabrication

2048 Erection

4096 Offshore

8192 Misc

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 49

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

Color Index Any value from 0 to 256

Reducing Selection Key Number Reducing Selection Type

0 Use Reduction Size

1 Use Main Size

2 Use Larger Wall Thickness

Default Flange Type in Specification Key Number Flange Type

21 Flange Socket Weld

22 Long Weld Neck

23 Flange Weld Neck

24 Flange Slip On

26 Flange Lap Joint

66 Flange Threaded

Optional Component Key Number Description

1 optional

0 none optional

50 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

EndType Classes Key Number Endtype

0 Engagement

1 Buttweld

2 Flanged

3 Ferrule

4 Ferrule Hub

5 Simple Engagement

6 Specific Engagement

7 Dc

8 Cam & Groove Coupling

9 Tri-Clamp

10 I-Clamp A

11 I-Clamp B

12 Q-Clamp

13 H-Clamp

14 Socket

15 Threaded

16 Square End

17 Bull End

18 Socket Engagement

19 Threaded Engagement

20 Raised Face

21 Flat Face

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 51

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

22 Ring Joint

23 Extended

24 Tangent

25 Reducing

26 Hubbed

27 Compression Sleeve

28 Grooved Segmented Ring

29 Bell and Spigot

30 Mechanical Gland Type

31 Tyton

32 Mechanical Lock Type

33 Mechanical Push On Type

34 Mechanical Screw Gland Type

35 Ball And Socket

36 Universal Pipe

37 Brazed

38 Soldered

39 Hot Gas Welded

40 Solvent Cemented

41 Heat Fusion

42 Adhesive

43 Butt And Wrap

44 Electro Fusion

45 Straight Socket Adhesive

52 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

46 O_Ring_Bell_And_Spigot

47 Snap_Ring

48 Testable

49 Subaquaeous

50 Bonded

51 Harnessed Clamp

52 Ball

53 Deep

54 Extra Deep

55 None

56 Wafer

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 53

Appendix: CADWorx IDs used in the Interface

54 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide


Filename Category






CmpTab013$Cross CmpTab014$CrossReducing


CmpTab001$Cap CmpTab002$Plug


CmpTab030$Coupling CmpTab031$CouplingHalf CmpTab032$CouplingReducing CmpTab077$Nute


CmpTab004$Elbow CmpTab005$LongRadiusElbow CmpTab006$ShortRadiusElbow CmpTab007$ReducingElbow CmpTab008$StreetElbow


CmpTab020$Stub CmpTab021$FlgSocketWeld CmpTab066$FlgThreaded CmpTab022$LongWeldNeck CmpTab023$FlgWeldNeck CmpTab024$FlgSlipOn CmpTab025$FlgBlind CmpTab026$FlgLapJoint CmpTab027$FlgReducingThreaded CmpTab028$FlgReducingSlipOn CmpTab029$FlgReducingWeldNeck


CmpTab054$StudBolts CmpTab055$Gasket CmpTab056$WeldGap


Appendix: Filenames Used

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 55

Appendix: Filenames Used Filename Category

CmpTab061$Lateral CmpTab062$LateralReducer


CmpTab034$O-Let CmpTab033$ElbowO-Let CmpTab035$LateralO-Let CmpTab036$NipO-Let


CmpTab003$Pipe CmpTab076$PipeNip CmpTab085$Pipf


CmpTab015$ReducerConcentric CmpTab016$ReducerEccentric CmpTab017$SwageConcentric CmpTab018$SwageEccentric CmpTab019$Bushing


CmpTab065$Multiport1 CmpTab067$Multiport2 CmpTab068$Multiport3 CmpTab078$Uben


CmpTab057$BleedRing CmpTab058$SpectacleBlind CmpTab059$ExpansionJoint


CmpTab064$Strainer STRAINER

CmpTab009$Tees CmpTab010$TeeReducing


CmpTab060$Union UNION

CmpTab080$User1 CmpTab081$User2 CmpTab082$User3 CmpTab083$User4 CmpTab084$User5


CmpTab040$BallValve VALVES BALL

CmpTab041$ButterflyValve VALVES BUTTERFLY

CmpTab042$CheckValve VALVES CHECK

CmpTab046$GateValve VALVE GATE

56 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

Appendix: Filenames Used Filename Category

CmpTab048$GlobeValve VALVES GLOBE

CmpTab051$PlugValve VALVES PLUG

CmpTab052$ReliefValve VALVES RELIEF

CmpTab049$NeedleValve VALVES NEEDLE

CmpTab037$3-WayValve VALVE 3WAY

CmpTab038$4-WayValve VALVE 4WAY

CmpTab044$ControlValve VALVES CONTROL

CmpTab039$AngleValve VALVES ANGLE

CmpTab047$XbodyGateValve VALVES XBODY GATE

CmpTab050$GageValve VALVES GAGE

CmpTab063$WyeShape Y SHAPE GROUP

CmpTab069$TopworksGear1 CmpTab070$TopworksGear2 CmpTab071$TopworksGearActuator CmpTab072$TopworksActuator CmpTab073$TopworksLever1 CmpTab074TopworksLever2 CmpTab075TopworksWheel CmpTab079TopworksCustom CmpTab086TopworksCustom2


CmpTab087$Restrain RESTRAIN

CmpTab088$Attachment ATTACHMENT

SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 57

Appendix: Filenames Used Filename Category

CmpTab089$PsBeamClamp CmpTab090$PsClevisHanger CmpTab091$PsClevisHangerFlatTop CmpTab092$PsClevishangerVBottom CmpTab093$PsPipe CmpTab094$PsPipeClamp CmpTab095$PsPipeShoe CmpTab096$PsPlate CmpTab097$PsRod CmpTab098$PsSaddle CmpTab099$PsSplitRingHanger CmpTab100$PsSpringHanger CmpTab101$PsStrap CmpTab102$PsSwivelRingHanger CmpTab103$PsUbolt CmpTab104$PsCustom






58 SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide

A Appendix

CADWorx IDs used in the Interface • 45 Filenames Used • 55

B BOM Type • 49 Building the CADWorx Project • 11

C CADWorx Interface Setup • 31 Catalog Data • 11 Color Index • 50 Component Tables • 19 Component Type (inside Group/Category) •


D Default Flange Type in Specification • 50

E EndType Classes • 51 EndType Table • 16 Export Jobs • 41

G General Configs • 32

I Integration with CADWorx Importer • 43 Interface-Related Settings • 31 Item Mappings • 34

M Material Table • 15

O Optional Component • 50 Overview • 9

P Preface • 7

Project • 20

R Reducing Selection • 50 Retrieval Sources • 38

S Schedule Table • 12 Sheet Configs • 36 Sheets and Attributes • 33 Size Table • 11 Specification Branch • 29 Specification Data • 19 Specification Headers • 21 Specification Items • 25 Specification Schedule • 24

T Templates • 37 Thickness Table • 14 Transfer Types • 36

W Wallthickness Table • 14


SmartPlant Reference Data CADWorx Interface User's Guide 59