Smart, Sensible Social Media for Small Businesses

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A social media for small business presentation made for a local chamber of commerce. These slides serve as an overview of the Whys and Whats of social media, general social media best practices, tips to easily manage your social media presence as a busy small business owner, plus Pros & Cons of popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Transcript of Smart, Sensible Social Media for Small Businesses

Smart, Simple Social Media for Small Business

Liz JostesPrepared for the Arlington TN Chamber of Commerce

October 2014

*Photo credit Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Saturday, November 8, 14

Overview• Who I am

• The “Whys” of Social Media

• The Challenges of Social Media

• Social Media Best Practices

• Pros & Cons of Popular Platforms

• Tips to Make it Manageable

• Questions

Saturday, November 8, 14

My Background

• Education: Bachelor of Science in Marketing

• Corporate Experience: Consumer Behavior Research

• Developed a personal presence & website back in 2008

• Merging of business background and corporate experience with online marketing

• Eli | Rose Social Media, LLC has been helping individuals and small businesses grow online for the past 4 years

Saturday, November 8, 14

What About You?Before we get started, let’s do a quick audience audit!

Please tell me...

- Business industry

- Do you have a website?

- How long have you

been using social media?

- On what platforms are you currently active?

Saturday, November 8, 14

The “Whys” of Social Media• The online version of your brick &

mortar store, address, and phone number

• It’s how consumers are shopping, buying & asking questions

• Real-time response and messaging vs. traditional advertising & marketing

• It’s how people choose to spend their time

Saturday, November 8, 14

The Challenges of Social Media

• It moves fast (though it does not speed up the selling process)

• It’s always changing

• It’s not something business owners are very experienced with

• It can be time consuming

• It’s one more thing to keep up with

Saturday, November 8, 14

Social Media Best Practices

• Consistency is Key!

• Less (profiles) is more!

• “Relevant & Complementary” Content

• Reply promptly to questions & private messages

• The 80/20 Rule (a.k.a. Don’t take a bull horn approach)

*Photo credit Vacant Fever

Saturday, November 8, 14

Pros & Cons of TwitterPros Cons

- Real-time conversations

- Ad options

- No difference between user types

- Lists to organize those you follow

- High capacity for updates

- Easy to localize

- Limited characters

- No real “staying power” of tweets

Saturday, November 8, 14

Pros & Cons of PinterestPros Cons

- Female-dominant user base

- Ad options

- No real difference between user types

- Present deeper view of your brand

- High capacity for updates

- High virality potential

- Beautiful images a necessity

- Online store, blog, or website with several pages a necessity

Saturday, November 8, 14

Pros & Cons of Google+Pros Cons

- Part of Google

- Images favored

- No difference between user types

- Circles to organize those you follow

- High capacity for updates

- Easily customize the audience of each update

- Tied to Google Reviews

- No ad options

- Not seen as main stream as other platforms

- Male-dominant user base

Saturday, November 8, 14

Pros & Cons of Facebook

• Most users

• Affordable ad options

• Content variety

• Facebook Algorithm

• Limited engagement capabilities

• “Pay to Play”

• Constantly changing ‘best practices’

Pros Cons

Saturday, November 8, 14

Making it Manageable

• Create a social media policy

• Content planning & content sources

• Make scheduling & auto-posting tools your friend

• Incorporate your social media planning with your traditional marketing plan

• Designate one or 2 people to handle all the social media work

Saturday, November 8, 14