Smart Planet 1 - · Canada C a n a d...

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Transcript of Smart Planet 1 - · Canada C a n a d...

Smart Planet 1

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2015 < 1 > Smart Planet 1

Starter Unit Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Match the sentences with the answers.

1 c Hi! a I’m from Sydney.

2 How are you? b John.

3 Where are you from? c Hello!

4 What’s your name? d Goodbye.

5 See you later! e Fine, thanks. And you?

2 Label the picture using the words in the box.

ear eye finger / hand foot hand / finger head leg mouth nose toes

3 Circle the correct opposite for the adjectives.

1 fast slow / cheap

2 expensive easy / cheap

3 difficult slow / easy

4 small interesting / big

5 boring bad / interesting

6 nice horrible / good

7 slow good / fast

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4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words in the


behind in front of between next to on

The desk is between the bookshelf and the cupboard.

The taxi is______________________________________________ the restaurant.

The notebook is ______________________________________________ the table.

The laptop is_____________________________________________ the dictionary.

Where is my bag? It’s_______________________________________the television.

Smart Planet 1

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5 Complete the words to make classroom objects.

1 b o o k s h e l f

2 d __ c t __ __ n __ r y

3 r __ b b __ r

4 n __ k __ b __ __ k

5 b __ __ r d

6 p __n c __ l sh __ r p __ n __ r

Smart Planet 1

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Unit 1 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Label the pictures.

mobile phone guitar skateboard games console MP3 player rollerblades

1 guitar 2_________________ 3___________________

4 5_________________ 6___________________

2 Complete the words in the table.

country nationality language

Canada C a n a d i a n E n g l i s h F r e n c h

J _ p _ n J _ p _ n _ s _ J _ p _ n e s _

S p _ _ n S p _ _ n _ s h S p _ _ n _ s h

M _ r _ c c _ M _ r _ c c _ n M _ r _ c c _ n

P _ l _ n d P _ l _ s h P _ l _ s h

the USA A m _ r _ c _ n E n g l _ s h

3 Match the questions with the answers.

1 b Where are you from? a English and Spanish.

2 What nationality are you? b I’m from Brazil.

3 What languages do you speak? c I’m in Paris.

4 Where do you live? d I’m Australian.

5 Where are you? e I live in Barcelona.

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4 Look at the pictures and circle the correct words.

1 Susan’s favourite things are her rollerblades / skateboard.

2 Adrian’s favourite thing is his football / guitar.

3 Steve’s favourite thing is his computer / mobile phone.

4 Marta’s favourite things are her comics / books.

5 My friends’ favourite thing is their games console / MP3 player.

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Unit 2 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Circle the correct words.

1 I live with my mum / uncle and dad / aunt in Seville.

2 They have got two children, my brother / sister Isa and me.

3 My grandma / mum and dad / granddad live in Malaga and we see them

every month.

4 My father’s sister / brother, Tómas, also lives there. He’s my uncle / aunt and

he is fantastic!

5 His wife, my uncle / aunt, is English.

2 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

classmate uncle grandma mum sister best friend aunt dad

teammates granddad

female male male male and female


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3 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

thin tall fair long

1 Tess is (1m 70) tall .

2 She is _______________________________________ .

3 Her hair is ____________________and____________________________ .

spiky fair short thin

4 Joe is 1m 45. He is _______________________________________ .

5 He is________________________________________________ .

6 His hair is______________________ and ___________________________ .

Smart Planet 1

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Unit 3 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Circle the correct words.

1 My name is Emma. I get up / go to bed at 7 o’clock every morning.

2 I go to school / get dressed and then I have breakfast / do homework at

7.30. I normally have milk and toast.

3 I go to school / go to bed by bus with my friends.

4 When I finish school, I go home and do homework / get dressed in my room.

5 I only watch TV in the evenings and I go to school / go to bed at 10.30.

2 Put the words in the box into the correct column for you.

start school have lunch get up go to bed have dinner

do exercise do homework sleep have breakfast get dressed

in the morning in the afternoon

get up

in the evening at night

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3 Complete the after school activities with the correct verbs in the box.

go have play do play

1 play___________________ football

2 ________________________ music

3 ________________________ swimming

4 ________________________ chess

5 ________________________ dance classes

4 Complete the sentences with at or in.

1 What time is the English class? It’s at 9 o’clock.

2 My birthday is _____________________________________________ October.

3 ___________________________________________ the weekend I play football.

4 Rita always has dinner __________________________________________ 8.30.

5 ____________________________ the evening he plays chess with his best friend.

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Unit 4 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Match the places at school with the descriptions.

1 b playground a Students do PE here.

2 IT room b Students relax here.

3 canteen c Students do experiments here.

4 science lab d Students do ICT classes here.

5 gym e Students have lunch here.

2 Label the pictures with the words in the box.

PE History ICT Geography Maths Music

1 M u s i c 2 __ __ 3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __

4 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 5 __ __ __ __ __ 6 __ __ _

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3 Underline the odd one out.

1 science lab experiment guitar

2 reception IT room ICT

3 guitar science music room

4 PE art room paint

5 Geography sandwich canteen

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Unit 5 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Label the pictures.

carrots cheese crisps biscuits olives tomatoes eggs meat potatoes


1 potatoes 2 ___________ 3 ___________ 4 _________5__________

6_____________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9_____________10__________

2 Make a menu. Put the words in the box into the columns.

meat bananas cheese biscuits eggs toast sandwiches carrots

apples cakes milk fizzy drinks

my breakfast my snack my lunch my dinner


Smart Planet 1

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3 Label the pictures.

1 p i z z a

2 i c __ c r __ __ m

3 f __ z z y d r __ n k s

4 b __ r g __ r

5 m __ l k s h __ k __

6 h __ t c h __ c __ l __ t __

7 h __ t d __g

8 s __ n d w __ c h

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Unit 6 Basic Vocabulary

Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Label the pictures.

kangaroo seal elephant giraffe shark polar bear gorilla

spider monkey zebra

1 seal 2___________ 3__________ 4__________ 5__________

6_____________ 7___________ 8____________ 9_____________ 10___________

2 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

shark cow dog frog horse mouse bird pig seal cat sheep fish

pets animals that live in

the water

farm animals


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3 Underline the correct answer.

1 The shark is swimming / fighting.

2 The bird is escaping / flying.

3 The lion is fighting / escaping.

4 The kangaroos are fighting / hiding.

5 The tiger is jumping / hunting.

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Unit 7 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Label the pictures.

museum market skate park shopping centre sports centre

park football stadium cinema bowling alley

1 shopping centre 2___________________ 3__________________

4 ____________________ 5__________________ 6___________________

7 ____________________ 8____________________ 9____________________

2 Match the sentences with the places in town.

1 c You can buy clothes here. a football stadium

2 You can play sports here. b cinema

3 You can watch a film here. c shopping centre

4 You can see old things here. d museum

5 You can watch a match here. e sports centre

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3 Underline the correct answer.

1 I waited for the bus at the bus stop / bike stand.

2 I parked my bike in the car park / bike stand.

3 The car park / ferry port in the shopping centre is very big.

4 My dad works with boats. He goes to the ferry port / train station every day.

5 We went to the train station / bus station to catch the train to London.

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Unit 8 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

swimming basketball (x2) cycling windsurfing skateboarding

surfing volleyball (x2) tennis

watersports sports with a ball team sports sports with wheels


2 Label the pictures.

T-shirt hoodie trainers jeans cap shorts boots

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3 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

judo volleyball surfing cycling basketball tennis skiing

play go do


Smart Planet 1

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Unit 9 Basic Vocabulary Name _____________________________ Class __________________ Date________________ 1 Complete the words to make seasons. Then answer the question.

1 s u m m e r

2 a __ t __ m n

3 w __ n t __ r

4 s p r __ n g

What is your favourite season? _________________________________________

2 Label the pictures.

windy foggy rainy cloudy snowy sunny stormy icy

1 sunny______ 2 _________________ 3 _______________ 4 ____________

5 ______________ 6 ________________ 7_______________ 8 ____________

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3 Put the words in the box into the correct column.

forest sea lake jungle mountain river beach hill desert

land water
