Smart Maze Robot - · Although this robot was just solving a maze, this technique...

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Transcript of Smart Maze Robot - · Although this robot was just solving a maze, this technique...

Smart Maze Robot

Hojun Kim, Electrical Engineering

Project Advisor: Dr. Marc Mitchell

April 16, 2018

Evansville, Indiana


I would like to thank Jeff Cron and Vicky Hasenour for helping with 3D printing and

ordering the components. I would also like to thank Dr. Marc Mitchell for advice in

programming and designing of the robot.

Table of Contents

I. Introduction

II. Problem Objective

III. Project Design

A. Hardware

B. Schematic

C. System Diagram

D. Software

E. Sustainability

F. Environmental Impact

G. Social Impact

H. Safety

IV. Project Cost

V. Results

VI. Future Adjustments

VII. References

VIII. Appendix A – Main Program Source Code

IX. Appendix B – Map Class Source Code

List of Figures

Figure 1: Chassis

Figure 2: MiniQ Robot Encoder

Figure 3: Encoder Design

Figure 4: Grayscale Sensor

Figure 5: Arduino UNO R3

Figure 6: DC Motor Shield

Figure 7: TM1637

Figure 8: VL54L0x

Figure 9: TCA9548

Figure 10: Cover

Figure 11: Base & columns

Figure 12: Maze Board

Figure 13: Final Design

Figure 14: Schematic

Figure 15: System Diagram

Figure 16: Movements

Figure 17: Left Wall follower

Figure 18: Adjustment

List of Tables

1. Cost list

I Introduction

Around the world, robots are being developed and used for a variety of purposes.

Contrary to popular media portrayals of robots, most use simple functions. Among these

functions, the most common is looking for a target point. This technique is used in

firefighting robots, rescue robots, and drones. Although this robot was just solving a maze,

this technique can be a fundamental element in the programming of other robots. The purpose

of this project was to design a smart maze robot that can find a target spot in a maze. The

target and starting point can be variable, requiring the robot to adjust to different maze maps

and to recognize paths that have already been taken, increasing operational efficiency.

II Problem Objective

The goal of this project was to make an autonomous maze robot that can recognize

walls, keep track of a map, and find an ending spot in five minutes or less, and come back to

a starting point reducing the time spent to complete a maze. This robot was able to pass

through an eight-foot by eight-foot maze, which will lead to further research regarding

completing larger mazes in the future. Safety features like a case were added to prevent the

robot from crashing.

Project requirements:

The system must be able to differentiate wall, path, and obstacle blocks

All tasks must be done in five minutes

The robot size must fit within 13 cm by 13 cm

The system must receive power from changeable batteries

All components must be covered by a waterproof lid

The time must be displayed

III Project Design

A. Hardware

The chassis of the robot is shown in Figure 1. The chassis was 4.8 inches, which was

small enough to complete and navigate the maze. The shape of the chassis was round so that

it was less likely to hit a wall compared to other shapes. Another benefit of this design was

that the two wheels were inside the chassis, which reduced the size. The two motors were

proportionately sized for the robot. Under the two motors, two encoders were added to control

the robot more accurately (Figure 2).

Figure 1: Chassis [1] Figure 2: MiniQ Robot Encoder [2]

Each encoder detected the top and bottom of the tread and the change of height

(Figure 3). Whenever it detects the change, a counter method was implemented so that the

counter parameter represented the distance that the wheel moved. There are 24 tread

extensions on the wheel so 48 height changes happened per revolution. The circumference of

the wheel is 45mm, and the progressing distance per count can be calculated.

45mm ÷ 48 = 0.94𝑚𝑚


Figure 3: Encoder Design [3]

A grayscale sensor was set at the bottom for detecting white lines which was

eventually used for navigation (Figure 4). Arduino Uno R3 was used for the microcontroller

because it was smaller than the chassis and the distance sensors, VL54L0x offered a library

based on the Arduino platform (Figure 5). Another benefit of the usage of the microcontroller

was that the DC motor shield can be directly stacked on the microcontroller so that it reduced

unnecessary wires (Figure 6). The DC motor shield allowed 7-12V DC motors with

maximum 1A current, so it prevented any damage from current overflow. The Arduino Uno

R3 was held by two columns so that it guaranteed hardware safety through any crash.

Figure 4:

Grayscale Sensor [4] Figure 5:

Arduino Uno R3 [5] Figure 6:

DC Motor Shield [6]

A TM1637 LED display was used for showing how much time was spent to complete

a maze (Figure 7). The display had two communication lines: CLK and DIO. CLK is a clock

input pin, so it toggled all the time. DIO is a data input/output pin. Function registers,

commands, and data were transferred through this pin.

Figure 7: TM1637 [7]

VL54L0x laser distance sensors were used because they can detect up to 30mm

accurately, and this sensor uses 𝐼2𝐶 communication. For 𝐼2𝐶 communication, a specific

address is required to distinguish each device (Figure 8). Because three distance sensors were

used, they need to change addresses, but instead of changing addresses, a TCA9548 𝐼2𝐶

multiplexer was used which allows them to use the same sensors (Figure 9).

Figure 8: VL54L0x Figure 9: TCA9548

A waterproof lid was made through 3D printing. An LCD display was put in the

middle of the top of the cover. Because the distance sensors could not detect barriers within

30 mm, the sensors were put inside the casing so that the cover needed three openings for

them, shown in Figure 10. The lid was fitted to the chassis so that safety hazards were

decreased. Two columns supported the microcontroller and the DC motor shield (Figure 11).

Figure 10: Cover Figure 11: Base & columns

The maze board was made with wood (Figure 12). The total size was 9” x 9”, and

each cell was 1” x 1”. Each cell was surrounded by white tape so that the robot can be

notified when it enters a different cell. Figure 13 shows the final design.

Figure 12: Maze Board

Figure 13: Final Design

B. Schematic

Figure 14 shows the schematic of the maze robot. Each pin is named to indicate what

it is used for. All pins that have the same name are connected to each other.

Figure 14: Schematic

C. System Diagram

Figure 13 shows the entire system diagram. DC motor shield, 𝐼2𝐶 multiplexer, 4-digit

display, two encoders, and a line sensor were connected to the Arduino board. Except for the

power and ground pins, only 11 pins were required for the maze robot. Three distances

sensors were connected to the 𝐼2𝐶 multiplexer, and each sensor required 2 pins; SDA and


Figure 15: System Diagram

D. Software

The robot movement was based on the direction of the wheels as outlined in Figure

14. When the robot moves back or forth, the two wheels had the same direction, and when the

robot turned right or left, the two wheels had different directions. Turning movement was

implemented by using both wheels so that the robot can turn without moving back or forth.

Figure 16: Movements

The maze robot was supposed to complete a maze, and then come back to the starting

point. To complete a maze, left wall follower method was chosen because it can complete

any maze. Left wall fallower consists of three decisions made by robot; has the robot reached

the end of the maze, is there a left wall, and is there a front wall? The algorithm is shown in

Figure 15. Based on the algorithm, the robot can complete any maze, but the problem was

efficiency. In the worst case, the robot had to search the whole maze to complete it. To

overcome this challenge, a maze map class was constructed. The class has x and y

coordinates, marked parameters, and some methods to change the parameters. While the

robot looked for the end of the maze, it marked each tile to indicate that the tile has been

traveled. Once the robot completes a maze, there are only three types of tiles; non-used tiles,

tiles used once, and tiles used at least twice. Tiles used once indicate the shortest path so on

the way back to the starting point, the robot goes through the tiles only used once.

Since the robot has no intuitive sense of direction, the robot needed a direction

parameter. Whenever the robot turned right or left, the direction parameter needed to change.

This functionality was added to improve navigation.

Figure 17: Left Wall follower Figure 18: Adjustment

The biggest challenge was making the robot move straight. The robot would not

remain at 90-degree angle to the wall and would often move toward or away from the wall so

that its path was not parallel. The robot programming was changed so that the robot

maintained a distance of 5 cm to the wall as it moved. Although the adjustments helped it

move straight, sometimes the robot ended up pointing the wrong direction. Therefore, another

adjustment was made. Based on its left or right sensor, the robot looked for the shortest

distance (Figure 16). Once the robot finds B in the diagram above, the robot points itself so

that its path is parallel to the wall. It can adjust the direction after each movement.

E. Sustainability

The robot was covered with a plastic box made by a 3D printer. It was designed to be

waterproof and to withstand a drop from 3 feet above the ground. A 9V DC battery was used

so that the robot can last a considerably long amount of time because the battery could be


F. Environmental Impact

The maze board was made with wood. The robot did not make any polluting

substances. All these features lessened the impact on the environment. These environmental

factors follow IEEE Standard 1680-2009 [8].

G. Social Impact

This technology can be used in various robot types such as rescue robots, firefighting

robots, and delivery drones. Therefore, this robot can be beneficial to society.

H. Safety

Electrical motors require high voltage in general, but if the robot gets stuck, it will

require an even higher voltage to continue. The Arduino microcontroller is not able to handle

a higher voltage, so a DC motor shield was added to buffer the microcontroller against the

higher voltage that occurs in the motors. A waterproof round lid covered the robot so there

was no electric shock, fire, or energy-related hazards; this is compliant with IEC 60950-1

Standard of 2007 [9].

IV Project Cost

Table 1 shows the total cost

of this project. This project required

a microcontroller, a robot chassis,

sensors, etc. The total cost was

around $140, which is within the

sponsored budget, $400.

Table 1 – Cost list

Item Cost ($)

Arduino Uno R3 24.95

DC motor shield 9.9

2WD MiniQ Robot Chassis 34.35

MiniQ Robot Chassis Encoder 4.5

Distance sensors 44.85

Power supplies 8.41

Grayscale sensor 7.1

TCA9548A I2C Multiplexer 6.95

Breadboards 4.55

Total $ 140.15

V Results

Based on the requirements, the size of the robot was within 13 cm × 13 cm and the

robot was covered by a waterproof lid. This robot completed a maze autonomously based on

the method of Left Wall Follower. The robot was tested ten times and the average time to

complete the maze was 3 minutes and 52 seconds. The shortest time was 2 minutes and 34

seconds. After completing a maze, the robot was supposed to go back to the starting point.

However, it was not able to return by taking the shortest path because the robot did not store

the map of the maze correctly, which made the robot make wrong decisions. Its stored map

was not correct and therefore, it could not find the shortest path.

VI Future Adjustments

To improve this project, more distance sensors are required. By comparing the

distances from multiple sensors, the adjustments can be more accurate. Additionally, there

was a battery problem. As the robot moved on, the power of the batter became weaker, so the

accuracy of the movement decreased. To overcome this problem, multiple batteries can be

used in parallel. By adding more batteries, enough current can be secured without changing

the power voltage. Also, a LCD display can be added, and the map can be shown on the

screen showing where the robot is. By adding a LCD display, it can be easily checked

whether the robot is collecting the shortest path or not.

VII References

[1] “2WD miniQ Robot Chassis.” DFRobot. Web. 25 Apr. 2018.

[2] “MiniQ Robot chassis Encoder.” DFRobot. Web. 25 Apr. 2018.

[3] “How to Play With MiniQ 2WD Complete Robot Kit v2.0- Lesson 7 (Encoder).”

DFRobot. 24 Mar. 2017. Web. 25 Apr. 2018.

[4] “Gravity:Digital Line Tracking(Following) Sensor For Arduino.” DFRobot. Web. 25 Apr.


[5] “Arduino Uno R3.” Pololu. Web. 26 Apr. 2018.

[6] “2x1A DC Motor Shield for Arduino.” Web. 26. Apr. 2018.

[7] “TM1637 LED DISPLAY MODULE 4 DIGIT 0.56 INCH.” OddWires. Web. 25 Apr.


[8] IEEE. “1680-2009-IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Electronic Products”

IEEE Standards Association. Web. 3 Dec. 2017.

[9] IEC. “IEC 60950-1 Second edition 2005-12 Information Technology Equipment Safety”

IEC Standards Association. 2005. Web. 3 Dec. 2017

VIII Appendix A – Main Program Source Code

#include <Wire.h>

#include <VL53L0X.h>

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <TM1637Display.h>

#include <Map.h>

#include "Timer.h"

#include <MsTimer2.h>

#define TCAADDR 0x70

// Module connection pins (Digital Pins)

#define CLK 12 // A0

#define DIO 11 // A1

// The amount of time (in milliseconds) between tests

#define TEST_DELAY 2000

#define EN1 6 // PWM, D9

#define EN2 5 // PWM, D10

#define IN1 7 // Digital, D11

#define IN2 4 // Digital, D12

#define grayscalePin 8 // Digital, A2

// Encoder-A4, A5 SCL - D5, SDA - D4

#define wallStandard 110

#define directionStandard 100

#define directionLeft 200

// minimumwall = 70(Left), 80(Right), Maximum = 191(Right), 184(Left)

// front 144 max, 46 // 33 min

Map maze[9][9] = { {Map(0,8), Map(1,8), Map(2,8), Map(3,8), Map(4,8), Map(5,8),

Map(6,8), Map(7,8), Map(8,8)},

{Map(0,7), Map(1,7), Map(2,7), Map(3,7), Map(4,7), Map(5,7), Map(6,7),

Map(7,7), Map(8,7)},

{Map(0,6), Map(1,6), Map(2,6), Map(3,6), Map(4,6), Map(5,6), Map(6,6),

Map(7,6), Map(8,6)},

{Map(0,5), Map(1,5), Map(2,5), Map(3,5), Map(4,5), Map(5,5), Map(6,5),

Map(7,5), Map(8,5)},

{Map(0,4), Map(1,4), Map(2,4), Map(3,4), Map(4,4), Map(5,4), Map(6,4),

Map(7,4), Map(8,4)},

{Map(0,3), Map(1,3), Map(2,3), Map(3,3), Map(4,3), Map(5,3), Map(6,3),

Map(7,3), Map(8,3)},

{Map(0,2), Map(1,2), Map(2,3), Map(3,4), Map(4,5), Map(5,6), Map(6,7),

Map(7,8), Map(8,9)},

{Map(0,1), Map(1,1), Map(2,1), Map(3,1), Map(4,1), Map(5,1), Map(6,1),

Map(7,1), Map(8,1)},

{Map(0,0), Map(1,0), Map(2,0), Map(3,0), Map(4,0), Map(5,0), Map(6,0),

Map(7,0), Map(8,0)},


TM1637Display display(CLK, DIO);

VL53L0X sensorA;

VL53L0X sensorB;

VL53L0X sensorC;

//Timer t1;

bool linesensor();

int count1 = 0;

int count2 = 0;

int seconds = 0;

int minutes = 0;

int temp = 0;

void counta();

void countb();

bool lineSensor();

void movementTest();

void motor1(int pwm, boolean reverse);

void motor2(int pwm, boolean reverse);

void timer();

void turnRight(int distance);

void turnLeft(int distance);

void goForward(int distance);

void offsetLeft();

void lookForPath();

void offsetRight();

int sensor1(VL53L0X sensor);

int PWM_A = 70;

int PWM_B = 70;

int front = 0;

int left = 0;

int right = 0;

int preFront = 0;

int preLeft = 0;

int preRight = 0;

Map whereIam(0,0);

void adjustmentLeft(int num);

void adjustmentRight(int num);

int stuck = 0;

void sensor();

void offsetBack(int distance);

void countzero() {

count1 = 0;

count2 = 0;


void tcaselect(uint8_t i) {

if (i > 7) return;


Wire.write(1 << i);



void setup() {

whereIam = maze[0][0];

int i;



pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);

pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);

attachInterrupt(0, counta, CHANGE); // interrupt

attachInterrupt(1, countb, CHANGE); // interrupt

for (i = 4; i <= 7; i++) //For Arduino Motor Shield

pinMode(i, OUTPUT); //set pin 4,5,6,7 to output mode


MsTimer2::set(1000, timer); // 1 sec period

















// center: left - 122, right - 123, front - 85


void adjustment();

void gotStuck();

void loop() {

long randNumber = 0;

int PWM_A = 80;

int PWM_B = 80;

int num = 9;

int line = 0;

int directionNumber;

while(true) {


randNumber = random(300);

if(front > directionStandard) {


goForward(13); //75 ~ 77 per one tile



else if(right > directionLeft && left < directionLeft) {


turnRight(20); // 24 is 90





else if(left > directionLeft && right < directionLeft) {







else if ( left < directionLeft && right < directionLeft) {







else if ( left > directionLeft && right > directionLeft) {

if(randNumber % 2 == 0) {







else {


turnRight(24); // 24 is 90






else {







void gotStuck() {





void lookForPath() {

while(front < 80) {








void adjustmentRight(int num) {

int Max;

int i = 0;

Max = front;

for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {





if(front > Max) {

Max = front;


else if (front < Max) {




if( num > 7) {




motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void adjustmentLeft(int num) {

int Max;

int i = 0;

Max = front;

for(i = 0; i < num; i++) {





if(front > Max) {

Max = front;


else if (front < Max) {




if( num > 10) {




motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void sensor() {


right = sensor1(sensorA);


front = sensor1(sensorB);


left = sensor1(sensorC);


void movementTest() {


goForward(77); // per one tile 75 ~ 77;


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);



turnRight(24); // right 24 is 90 degree


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);



turnLeft(23); // left is 23 90 degree


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);



void offsetBack(int distance) {

while((count1 + count2) < distance) {

motor1(50, true); // left

motor2(50, false); // right


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void offsetForward() {

motor1(50, false); // left

motor2(50, true); // right


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void offsetLeft() {

// Turn right

motor1(50, false);

motor2(50, false);


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void offsetRight() {

// Turn left

motor1(50, true);

motor2(50, true);


motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void counta()




void countb()




void motor1(int pwm, boolean reverse) {

analogWrite(EN1, pwm); //set pwm control, 0 for stop, and 255 for maximum speed

if (reverse) {

digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);


else {

digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);



void motor2(int pwm, boolean reverse) {

analogWrite(EN2, pwm);

if (reverse) {

digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);


else {

digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);



void timer() {

int i;

int number;

int temp1, temp2;


if(seconds >= 60) {


seconds = 0;


if(minutes >= 60) {

minutes = 0;

seconds = 0;


number = minutes * 100 + seconds;

Serial.print("count1 is ");


Serial.print("count2 is ");


display.showNumberDecEx(number, (0x80 >> 1), true);


bool linesensor() {



// Serial.println("White detected");

return false;




// Serial.println("Black detected");

return true;



void turnRight(int distance) {

int j = 0;

int temp1, temp2;

int previousfront;

int k = 0;

while((count1 + count2) < distance) { // Turn left 23!!!


motor1(80, false);

motor2(80, false);

if (k % 3 == 0) {


if(previousfront - front < 4 || front - previousfront < 4) {



previousfront = front;

if(j % 15 == 0) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;




count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;




motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void turnLeft(int distance) {

int j = 0;

int temp1, temp2;

int previousfront;

int k=0;

while((count1 + count2) < distance) { // Turn left 23!!!


motor1(80, true);

motor2(80, true);

if (k % 3 == 0) {


if(previousfront - front < 4 || front - previousfront < 4) {



previousfront = front;

if(j % 15 == 0) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;




count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;




motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);


void goForward(int distance) {

int num1 = 0;

int temp1, temp2;

int k = 0;

int j = 0;

int previousfront = 0;

while((count1 + count2) < distance) {


if(front < 60) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;







motor1(PWM_A, false); // left

motor2(PWM_A, true); // right

//////////////// adjustments

if(num1 < 1) {

if(left < wallStandard && right < 200) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;



count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;



else if (right < wallStandard && left < 200) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;




count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;



else if (left > 130 && right > 200) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;




count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;



else if (right > 130 && left > 200) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;



count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;




if (k % 3 == 0) {


if(previousfront - front < 4 || front - previousfront < 4) {



previousfront = front;

if(j % 15 == 0) {

temp1 = count1;

temp2 = count2;




count1 = temp1;

count2 = temp2;




motor1(0, true);

motor2(0, true);



int sensor1(VL53L0X sensor) {

int result = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

result += sensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();



return result/2;


IX Appendix B – Map Class Source Code

#ifndef __MAP__

#define __MAP__

class Map {


Map(int input_x, int input_y);

void setXandY(int input_x, int input_y);

int getX();

int getY();

int getUsed();

void increaseUsed();



int x;

int y;

int used_num;


#endif // __MAP__

extern "C" {

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>


#include <Map.h>

#include <Arduino.h>

Map::Map(int input_x, int input_y) {

x = input_x;

y = input_y;

used_num = 0; }

void Map::setXandY(int input_x, int input_y) {

x = input_x;

y = input_y; }

int Map::getX() {

return x; }

int Map::getY() {

return y; }

int Map::getUsed() {

return used_num; }

void Map::increaseUsed() {

used_num++; }