sm ch (19).doc

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 





Exercises Exercises Pro!e"s#ri$i%&



1. ensions from a!usiness "ers"ecti#e.

1 1, $, %, &, '


$. (efined contri!ution"lans.

$, % 1, $

 %. (efined !enefit "lans. % 1, $, %, ),1*, 1%


&. Em"loyer+s !enefito!ligation.

& %, &, ' %, ), , -


'. Transactions and e#entsthat change !enefit "lanassets.

', ) %, &, ', ), ,

 ). /unded status. ), , -, 1*, 11,1$

&, ', -


. ension e0"ense andaccounting for a defined

!enefit "ension "lanunder immediaterecognition a""roach.

$, -, 1*, 11,1$, 1%, 1&

%, &, ', -,1*, 11, 1%,

1&, 1', $*,$1

%, &, ', ,1*, 11

 . (efined !enefit "lansith !enefits that #est oraccumulate other than"ension "lans.

1' 1&, 1, 1,1-

$, 1%

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 



Exercises Exercises Pro!e"s#ri$i%&



-. resentation anddisclosure. %, , , 1$,$* &, ),


1*. (ifferences !eteenI/42 and A2E.

-, 1*, 11,1', 1), $1

', , 1* 1, )

 511. 6ne3"erson "lan. 1) $$ 1&

 51$. (eferral andamorti7ation a""roach.

, , 11, 1%,1&, 1), 1

', , , -,1*, 11, 1$,1', 1), $*,$1, $%

$, &, ', ), ,, -, 1*, 11,1$


5This material is dealt ith in an A""endi0 to the cha"ter.

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


I$e" Descrip$io%Le)e! of Diffic*!$+


E1-31 (efined Contri!ution lan. 2im"le 


E1-3$ (efined Contri!ution lan. 2im"le 1*31'E1-3% Calculation of "ension e0"ense 8 I/42. Moderate 1'3$*E1-3& re"aration of ork sheet for E1-3%. Moderate 1'3$'E1-3' (efined !enefit "lan 8 Immediate 4ecognition

#ersus (eferral and Amorti7ation.Moderate $'3%*

E1-3) Calculation of actual return. 2im"le 1*31'E1-3 (eferral and Amorti7ation. Moderate %'3&'E1-3 ension ork sheet for E1-3. Moderate %*3%'E1-3- Immediate 4ecognition.. Moderate %*3%'E1-31* Calculation of "ension e0"ense. 2im"le 1*31'E1-311 Calculation of "ension e0"ense and 9ournal

entries.Moderate $'3%'

E1-31$ Calculation of "ension e0"ense, 9ournal entriesand disclosures.

Moderate $*3$'

E1-31% Calculation of "ension e0"ense. 2im"le '31*E1-31& ost3retirement !enefit e0"ense. Moderate %*3%'E1-31' Calculation of "ension e0"ense. Moderate $*3%*E1-31) Actuarial gains and losses.. 2Im"le 1'3$*E1-31 ost3retirement !enefit e0"ense.. 2Im"le 1*31$E1-31 ost3retirement !enefit ork sheet. 2im"le 1'3$*E1-31- ost3retirement !enefit reconciliation schedule. 2im"le 1*31'E1-3$* ension calculations and disclosures. Moderate $'3%'E1-3$1 Accounting for "ast ser#ice costs. Moderate $'3%*

5E1-3$$ Calculation of current ser#ice cost and A:6 8one "erson "lan. Moderate $'3%*E1-3$% Corridor a""roach. Moderate $*3$'

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


I$e" Descrip$io%Le)e! of Diffic*!$+


1-31 ;ournal entries for a long3term disa!ility !enefit. Moderate $*3$'1-3$ (efined !enefit "lan for sa!!atical lea#e. Com"le0 %'3&'1-3% Immediate 4ecognition A""roach under I/42 3

Three3year continuity schedules, 9ournal entries,and statement "resentation.

Com"le0 &'3''

1-3& Com"arison of (eferral and Amorti7ation A""roach under A2E #s. Immediate4ecognition A""roach under I/42.

Moderate &*3'*

1-3' A2E #ersus I/42 8 (: analysis. Com"le0 &*3'*1-3) (: 8 A2E deferral and amorti7ation a""roach Com"le0 &'3''1-3 (eferral and Amorti7ation A""roach 3 ension

e0"ense, 9ournal entries, note disclosure and


Com"le0 &'3''

1-3 Calculation of "ast ser#ice cost amorti7ation, 9ournal entries, net gain or loss and amorti7ation,and determination of funded status under(eferral and Amorti7ation #ersus Immediate4ecognition A""roach.

Com"le0 &'3)*

1-3- (eferral and Amorti7ation #ersus Immediate4ecognition A""roach 8 o"tions a#aila!le foractuarial gains<losses.

Moderate %'3&'

1-31* /unded status for (: under Immediate4ecognition =I/42> #ersus (eferral and

 Amorti7ation =A2E> #ersus Immediate

4ecognition A""roach =A2E>.

Com"le0 &'3)*

1-311 Com"rehensi#e ork sheet and 9ournal entries. Com"le0 &*3&'1-31$ Com"rehensi#e "ension ork sheet and 9ournal

entries.Moderate %*3%'

1-31% ost3retirement !enefit e0"ense, amorti7ation oftransitional amount, and continuity of A:6 and"lan assets.

Moderate %*3%'

51-31& Calculation of (:6 and "ast ser#ice cost 8 one"erson "lan

Com"le0 &*3&'

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 



'/( #i$0 2 "i!!io% i% $o$/! /sse$s !ess 234 "i!!io% i% $o$/!!i/i!i$ies5 $0e co"p/%+6s s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /sof Dece"er 715 81: s0o;s $o$/! s0/re0o!,ers6 e<*i$+ of '34 "i!!io%(3 #i$0 /%%*/! pe%sio% expe%se of 8 "i!!io% i%81:5 i$ /ppe/rs $0/$ $0e pe%sio% p!/% c/*se, profi$ /%,re$/i%e, e/r%i%&s $o ,ecre/se + 8 "i!!io% i% 81:5 /%,c/*se, re$/i%e, e/r%i%&s $o ,ecre/se $o / ,efici$ /%,s0/re0o!,ers6 e<*i$+ $o eco"e %e&/$i)e3 T0e pe%sio% p!/%is *%,erf*%,e, + 134 "i!!io% '=34 "i!!io% o!i&/$io% !ess2 "i!!io% f/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s( /s of Dece"er 715

81:5 res*!$i%& i% / %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+ of 134"i!!io%3 T0e %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+ represe%$s 87> of $o$/! !i/i!i$ies5 /%, ;i!! /ffec$ $0e co"p/%+6s so!)e%c+r/$ios s*c0 /s ,e$ $o $o$/! /sse$s r/$io3

'( I% /,,i$io% $o $0e c/s0 co%$ri*$io%s $0e co"p/%+ "/?es$o $0e p!/%5 $0e co"p/%+ i%c*rs $0e cos$ of /,"i%is$eri%&$0e p!/%5 $0e oppor$*%i$+ cos$ of *si%& $0e c/s0 for o$0er p*rposes i% $0e *si%ess5 /%, $0e po$e%$i/!!+ 0i&0er 

fi%/%ci%& cos$s ,*e $o 0i&0er so!)e%c+ ris? /s / res*!$ of $0e *%,erf*%,e, pe%sio% p!/%3

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


'/( IFRS

P/s$ ser)ice cos$ reco&%i@e, i""e,i/$e!+ i% expe%se :4574C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ '85=7852: 7>( 1592

Pe%sio% expe%se for 81: 98=5772


P/s$ ser)ice cos$ /"or$i@e, o)er fi)e +e/rs':4574 4 +e/rs( 1295=

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ '85=7852: 7>( 1592

Pe%sio% expe%se for 81: 841542

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


A Defi%e, Co%$ri*$io% P!/% 'DC(A ,efi%e, co%$ri*$io% 'DC( p!/% is / pos$.e"p!o+"e%$ e%efi$p!/% $0/$ specifies 0o; $0e e%$i$+6s co%$ri*$io%s or p/+"e%$si%$o $0e p!/% /re ,e$er"i%e,5 r/$0er $0/% i,e%$if+i%& ;0/$e%efi$s ;i!! e recei)e, + $0e e"p!o+ee or $0e "e$0o, of ,e$er"i%i%& $0ose e%efi$s3

For / DC pe%sio% p!/%5 $0e /"o*%$s $0/$ /re co%$ri*$e, /re*s*/!!+ $*r%e, o)er $o /% i%,epe%,e%$ $0ir, p/r$+ or $r*s$ee ;0o/c$s o% e0/!f of $0e e%efici/ries '$0e p/r$icip/$i%& e"p!o+ees(3T0e $r*s$ee /ss*"es o;%ers0ip of $0e pe%sio% /sse$s /%, isrespo%si!e for $0eir i%)es$"e%$ /%, ,is$ri*$io%3 T0e $r*s$ is

sep/r/$e /%, ,is$i%c$ fro" $0e e"p!o+er3

T0e *!$i"/$e ris?s /%, re;/r,s of $0e DC pe%sio% p!/% res$s ;i$0$0e e"p!o+ees /s $0e e"p!o+er6s i%)o!)e"e%$ is esse%$i/!!+!i"i$e, $o "/?i%& $0e /%%*/! co%$ri*$io% e/c0 +e/r3

T0erefore5 $0e /cco*%$i%& for / DC pe%sio% p!/% is re!/$i)e!+s$r/i&0$.for;/r,3 T0e e"p!o+er6s o!i&/$io% is ,ic$/$e, + $0e/"o*%$s $o e co%$ri*$e,3 T0erefore5 / !i/i!i$+ is repor$e, o%$0e e"p!o+er6s s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% o%!+ if $0ere<*ire, co%$ri*$io%s 0/)e %o$ ee% "/,e i% f*!!5 /%, /% /sse$is repor$e, if "ore $0/% $0e re<*ire, /"o*%$ 0/s ee%co%$ri*$e,3

T0e /%%*/! e%efi$ cos$ 'i3e35 $0e pe%sio% expe%se( is si"p!+ $0e/"o*%$ $0/$ $0e co"p/%+ is o!i&/$e, $o co%$ri*$e $o $0e p!/%3

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 

BRIEF E-ERCISE 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

A Defi%e, Be%efi$ 'DB( P!/%

A ,efi%e, e%efi$ 'DB( p!/% is /%+ e%efi$ p!/% $0/$ is %o$ /,efi%e, co%$ri*$io% p!/%3 I$ is / p!/% $0/$ specifies ei$0er $0ee%efi$s $o e recei)e, + /% e"p!o+ee or $0e "e$0o, of ,e$er"i%i%& $0ose e%efi$s3

Si"i!/r $o / DC p!/%5 for / DB pe%sio% p!/%5 $0e /"o*%$s $0/$ /reco%$ri*$e, /re *s*/!!+ $*r%e, o)er $o /% i%,epe%,e%$ $0ir,p/r$+ or $r*s$ee ;0o /c$s o% e0/!f of $0e e%efici/ries3

T0e *!$i"/$e ris?s /%, re;/r,s of $0e DB pe%sio% p!/% res$s ;i$0

$0e e"p!o+er si%ce $0e e"p!o+er "*s$ &*/r/%$ee $0/$ / se$re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ ;i!! e p/i, $o $0e e"p!o+ees3 T0e e%efi$s$+pic/!!+ /re / f*%c$io% of /% e"p!o+ee6s +e/rs of ser)ice /%,co"pe%s/$io% !e)e! i% $0e +e/rs /ppro/c0i%& re$ire"e%$3

To e%s*re $0/$ /ppropri/$e reso*rces /re /)/i!/!e $o p/+ $0ee%efi$s /$ re$ire"e%$5 $0ere is *s*/!!+ / re<*ire"e%$ $0/$ f*%,se se$ /si,e ,*ri%& $0e ser)ice !ife of $0e e"p!o+ees3

T0erefore5 /cco*%$i%& for / DB pe%sio% p!/% is "*c0 "oreco"p!ex3 T0e pe%sio% cos$ /%, ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%,epe%,s o% "/%+ f/c$ors s*c0 /s e"p!o+ee $*r%o)er5 "or$/!i$+5!e%&$0 of ser)ice5 /%, co"pe%s/$io% !e)e!s5 /s ;e!! /si%)es$"e%$ re$*r%s $0/$ /re e/r%e, o% pe%sio% /sse$s5 i%f!/$io%5/%, o$0er eco%o"ic co%,i$io%s o)er !o%& perio,s of $i"e3

Bec/*se $0e cos$ $o $0e co"p/%+ is /ffec$e, + / ;i,e r/%&e of *%cer$/i% f*$*re )/ri/!es5 i$ is %o$ e/s+ $o "e/s*re $0e pe%sio%cos$ /%, !i/i!i$+ $0/$ 0/)e $o e reco&%i@e, e/c0 perio, /s

e"p!o+ees pro)i,e ser)ices $o e/r% $0eir pe%sio% e%$i$!e"e%$3

No$e T0is is %o$ i%$e%,e, $o e / co"pre0e%si)e ,isc*ssio% of /!! iss*es /ssoci/$e, ;i$0 $0e DB pe%sio% p!/%5 *$ r/$0er5 $o0i&0!i&0$ so"e of $0e ?e+ ,iffere%ces e$;ee% / DB /%, DCpe%sio% p!/%3

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


Defined benefit obligation, opening balance $92

Interest cost 9

Current service cost 21Benefits paid to retirees (8)

Past service cost 13

Defined benefit obligation, ending balance 18=


E%,i%& p!/% /sse$s 15=45

Be&i%%i%& p!/% /sse$s15745

I%cre/se i% p!/% /sse$s :5 

De,*c$ Co%$ri*$io%s 1=5Less e%efi$s p/i,  '1:5( '75(

Ac$*/! re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 7=5



Plan assets, opening balance $100

Actual return on plan assets 11

Contributions from employer 20Be%efi$s p/i, $o re$irees '  (

Plan assets, ending balance 187

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 'BE 19.:( '18=(

P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 187

P!/%6s f*%,e, s$/$*s ':(

Si%ce $0e ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% excee,s $0e p!/% /sse$s5 $0ep!/% is *%,erf*%,e,3

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 75:5

F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 


F*%,e, s$/$*s %e$ !i/i!i$+ 95 

U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ ',ei$( 


Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ 15


C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 895

I%$eres$ o% ABO 885

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  '85(

A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, prior ser)ice cos$ 1458

A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! !oss 4 

Pe%sio% expe%se :25=


P/s$ ser)ice cos$ 74C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 19

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 

I%$eres$ cos$ 11

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s *si%& ,isco*%$ r/$e '11(

Pe%sio% expe%se 4:

Re"e/s*re"e%$ &/i% or !oss 'OCI(

Ac$*/ri/! !oss o% f*%, /sse$s '11 . 9( 8

Ac$*/ri/! !oss o% DBO 14

To$/! re"e/s*re"e%$ !oss OCI 1=

U%,er IFRS5 $0e pe%sio% p!/% res*!$s i% $o$/! pe%sio% expe%se/%, ,ecre/se i% %e$ i%co"e /%, s0/re0o!,ers6 e<*i$+ of 4:5 /%,

$o$/! re"e/s*re"e%$ !oss OCI /%, ,ecre/se i% /cc*"*!/$e,o$0er co"pre0e%si)e i%co"e of 1=3


C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45

I%$eres$ cos$ '815 - 1>( 815

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s *si%& ,isco*%$ r/$e

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 

85 '==5 - 218( - 1> '8754(

Pe%sio% expe%se 44514

Re"e/s*re"e%$ &/i% or !oss 'OCI(Ac$*/ri/! &/i% o% f*%, /sse$s '845 . 8754( '1514(

Ac$*/ri/! !oss o% DBO1:5

To$/! re"e/s*re"e%$ !oss OCI 1854

U%,er IFRS5 $0e pe%sio% p!/% res*!$s i% $o$/! pe%sio% expe%se

/%, / re!/$e, ,ecre/se i% %e$ i%co"e /%, s0/re0o!,ers6 e<*i$+ of 445145 /%, / $o$/! re"e/s*re"e%$ !oss OCI /%, ,ecre/se i%/cc*"*!/$e, o$0er co"pre0e%si)e i%co"e of 18543

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'/( IFRS


Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,



Loss. OCI

A%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%efi$





1117Ser)ice cos$I%$eres$ cos$Exp3 re$*r%Re"e/s*re"e%$&/i%

P/s$ s)ce cos$Co%$ri*$io%sBe%efi$s P/i,Exp3 E%$r+Co%$r3 e%$r+B/!3 187117

45 Cr 

45 Cr 

8=54 Dr 845 Dr 845 Cr 

895 Dr3


4254 Dr 

85 Cr 

85 Cr 


4154 Cr 85 Dr 

  7154 Cr 

845 Cr  

8=54 Cr  

845 Cr 

895 Cr 


1=54 Dr 

71:5 Cr 

845 Dr 

845 Dr  

45 Dr

85 Dr  

1=54 Cr 

8854 Dr 

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 

BRIEF E-ERCISE 19.11 'Co%$i%*e,(



 Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


A%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%efi$






P/s$ S)ce3Cos$



1117Ser)ice cos$I%$eres$ cos$Exp3 re$*r%Asse$ &/i%P/s$ s)ce cos$Co%$ri*$io%s

Be%efi$s P/i,Exp3 E%$r+Co%$r3 e%$r+B/!3 187117

8=54 Dr 845 Dr 845 Cr 


Dr 8=54 Dr 

85 Cr 

5 Dr 

85 Cr 

8=54 Cr 85 Dr 

  =54 Cr 

845 Cr  

8=54 Cr  

845 Cr 

895 Cr 


1=54 Dr 5 Cr 

71:5 Cr 

845 Dr 

845 Dr  

45 Dr

85 Dr  

1=54 Cr 5 Cr 

8854 Dr 

895 Dr 

  895 Dr 

45 Cr 

  45 Cr 

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition 


C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 8=54

I%$eres$ o% ABO 845

Ac$*/! re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  '75(

Pe%sio% expe%se 8854



U%,er IFRS5 o%!+ $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 isper"i$$e, /%, p/s$ ser)ice cos$s /re reco&%i@e, i""e,i/$e!+ i%%e$ i%co"e3 T0erefore5 $0e e%$ire 151845 ;i!! e i%c!*,e, i%pe%sio% expe%se for 8173


U%,er $0e ASPE ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c05 $0e151845 of p/s$ ser)ice cos$s is /"or$i@e, $o expe%se o)er 14+e/rs5 ;0ic0 is $0e expec$e, perio, of e%efi$ fro" $0e $i"e of /,op$io% or /"e%,"e%$ *%$i! $0e e"p!o+ees /re e!i&i!e for $0ep!/%6s f*!! e%efi$s3 T0erefore5 $0e por$io% of p/s$ ser)ice cos$si%c!*,e, i% $0e 817 pe%sio% expe%se is =45 '151845 14(3

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B/se, o% $0e /c$*/ri/! repor$5 $0ere is / 7157 /c$*/ri/! !oss3

'/( U%,er IFRS5 $0e e%$ire 7157 /c$*/ri/! !oss is reco&%i@e,i""e,i/$e!+ i% o$0er co"pre0e%si)e i%co"e3

'( U%,er ASPE5 $0ere /re $;o op$io%s /)/i!/!e $o /cco*%$ for $0e /c$*/ri/! !oss

• Deferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0 $0e 7157/c$*/ri/! !oss c/% re"/i% *%reco&%i@e, *%$i! $0e $o$/!*%reco&%i@e, &/i%'!oss( excee,s $0e corri,or /"o*%$J 0o;e)er5 / !/r&er /"o*%$ c/% e

reco&%i@e,5 e)e% $o $0e ex$e%$ of i""e,i/$ereco&%i$io%3

• I""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 $0e e%$ire 7157/c$*/ri/! !oss is reco&%i@e, i""e,i/$e!+ i% %e$i%co"e3


C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 5

I%$eres$ cos$ 2454

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  ':5(

Pos$.re$ire"e%$ expe%se 9=54

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Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 re!/$e, $o p/s$ ser)ice cos$s

P/s$ ser)ice cos$s ==45A)er/&e +e/rs f*!! e!i&ii!i$+ of e"p!o+ee &ro*p K 1=34A"or$i@/$io% per +e/r



U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! !oss :=45

Corri,or '1> - 7575( 775

Excess 1:45

A)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)ice !ife K =34Mi%i"*" /"or$i@/$io% 195777

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E-ERCISE 19.1 '4.1 "i%*$es(

'/( Pension Contributions Payable333333333333333333333333 8257C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 8257

'( Pension Expense for December 2014:$276,100 x 5% = $13,805

'c( C*rre%$ !i/i!i$+

Pe%sio% Co%$ri*$io%s P/+/!e ($13,805 x 2) 8=521

T0is /ss*"es /"o*%$s for pre)io*s "o%$0s ;ere re"i$$e,

/s re<*ire, e/c0 "o%$03 A$ Dece"er 715 81: /!! $0/$re"/i%s p/+/!e is $0e /"o*%$ ;i$00e!, fro" e"p!o+ees i%Dece"er /%, $0e re<*ire, e"p!o+er "/$c0i%& /"o*%$3


'/( Pe%sio% Expe%se33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1745

'85 x : 15 x 44( 1745

'( Pension Expense33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1745E"p!o+ee Pe%sio% Co%$ri*$io%s P/+/!e 745

C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1=5

E"p!o+er por$io% '85 x : 15 x 44( 1745E"p!o+ee co%$ri*$io% '85 x 1 15 x 14( 745'$0e 745 ;o*!, 0/)e ee% i%c!*,e, /s / p/+/!e /$ $0e $i"e

$0/$ $0e re!/$e, S/!/ries /%, #/&es Expe%se ;/s c/!c*!/$e,(3

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E-ERCISE 19.7 '14.8 "i%*$es(

(a)Defined benefit obligation, 1/1 1: $2,000,000

Interest cost ($2,000,000 x 10%) 200,000

Current service cost 225,000

Past service cost 25,000

Benefits paid out (100,000 )

DBO, 12/31 1: $2,350,000

(b) Plan assets, 1/1 1: $1,600,000

Actual return on plan assets 160,000

Contributions 262,500Benefits paid out (100,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31 1: $1,922,500

(c) Pension expense 2014:

Current service cost $225,000

Interest cost on DBO ($2,000,000 x 10%) 200,000

Actual return on plan assets (160,000)

Past service cost 25,000Pension expense for 2014 $290,000

',( Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 895 Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333 895

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$33333333333333 82854C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 82854

'e( Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(, 1/1 1: $ 400,000Contributions (262,500)

Pension expense 290,000

Net defined benefit liability/(asset), 12/31 1: $ 427,500

A!$er%/$i)e!+5 $0e /"o*%$ co*!, /!so e reco%ci!e, /s fo!!o;s2olutions Manual 1-3$*

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Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '85745(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1598854

DBO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s( or   Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ ':8=54  (

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E-ERCISE 19.: '14.84 "i%*$es((a)

Ree? Corpor/$io%Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$81:

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%efi$





Asse$sB/!/%ce5 1181:Ser)ice cos$I%$eres$ cos$Ac$*/! re$*r%P/s$ ser)ice cos$Co%$ri*$io%sBe%efi$s p/i,o*r%/! e%$r+B/!/%ce5 17181:

 8845 Dr3 85 Dr3 125 Cr3 845 Dr3

5 Dr3895 Dr3

82854 Cr35 Dr382854 Cr3

:5 Cr3

8=54 Cr3:8=54 Cr3

855 Cr3 8845 Cr3 85 Cr3

845 Cr3

 15 Dr35 Dr3

85745 Cr3

1525 Dr3

 125 Dr3

82854 Dr3 15 Cr35 Dr3

1598854 Dr3

85 855 - 1>3

C/!c*!/$io% of f*%,e, s$/$*sDefi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '85745(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1598854F*%,e, s$/$*s ':8=54 (

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E-ERCISE 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(

'( Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 895 Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333 895

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$33333333333333 82854C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 82854

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E-ERCISE 19.4 '84.7 "i%*$es(

(a) Assume that the company uses the immediate recognition approach under IFRS:


Pension planassets



Remeasur-ementGain(Loss) -OCI

Current service cost I NE D I NE

Actual return on planassets

NE I or D,dependingon whether itis positive (I)or negative(D)

I or D,dependingonwhether itis positive(I) or



Expected return on planassets


Past service costs on dateof plan revision (inception)


Actuarial gain D NE I NE I

Actuarial loss I NE D NE DEmployer contributions NE I I NE NE

Benefits paid to retirees D D NE NE NEAn increase in the averagelife expectancy of


I NE D NE D as thisis an


*Assumes an increase in the DBO decreases the funded status and that an increase inthe pension plan assets increases the funded status.

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E-ERCISE 19.4 'Co%$i%*e,(

(b) Assume that the company uses the deferral and amortization approach under



Pension planassets



Current service cost I NE D I

Actual return on plan assets NE I or D,dependingon whether itis positive (I)or negative(D)

I or D,dependingon whetherit is positive(I) ornegative (D)


Expected return on planassets NE NE NE D

Past service costs on date ofplan revision (inception)


Amortization of past servicecosts


Actuarial gain/loss D/I NE I/D NE

Amortization of actuarial gainor loss

NE NE NE D (gain)I (loss)

Employer contributions NE I I NE

Benefits paid to retirees D D NE NEAn increase in the average

life expectancy of employees.


*Assumes an increase in the ABO decreases the funded status and that an increase inthe pension plan assets increases the funded status.

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E-ERCISE 19.2 '1.14 "i%*$es(

C/!c*!/$io% of Ac$*/! Re$*r% o% P!/% Asse$s

F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s /$ 18711: 1,596,875F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s /$ 111:


1,418,750I%cre/se i% f/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 1=5184


De,*c$ Co%$ri*$io%s $o p!/% ,*ri%& 81: 212,500Less e%efi$s p/i, ,*ri%& 81:


218,750   2584Ac$*/! re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s for 81: 1:57=4

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E-ERCISE 19.= '74.:4 "i%*$es(

'/( Ac$*/! 'E%,i%& Be&i%%i%&( 'Co%$ri*$io%s Be%efi$s(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s5

Dece"er 715 817 

8592De,*c$ F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s5/%*/r+ 15 817 

1572I%cre/se i% f/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s =72


De,*c$ Co%$ri*$io%s 2:Less e%efi$s p/i, 12 :


Ac$*/! re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s i% 817 842

'( C/!c*!/$io% of pe%sio% !i/i!i$+ &/i%s /%, !osses /%, pe%sio%/sse$ &/i%s /%, !osses3

13 Differe%ce e$;ee% 187117 /c$*/ri/!!+ c/!c*!/$e, ABO /%,187117 recor,e, Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 'ABO(ABO /$ e%, of +e/r 85912ABO per "e"o recor,s


 17 ABO 858:A,, i%$eres$ '1>( 


A,, ser)ice cos$ 


Less e%efi$ p/+"e%$s 

'12 ( 8528:

Li/i!i$+ !oss 


83 Differe%ce e$;ee% /c$*/! f/ir )/!*e of p!/%/sse$s /%, expec$e, f/ir )/!*e187117 /c$*/! f/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 8592Expec$e, f/ir )/!*e

11   17 f/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 1572A,, expec$e, re$*r% 

'1572 - 1>(  172 

A,, co%$ri*$io%s 


Less e%efi$s p/i, 


Asse$ &/i% 

'18(U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! '&/i%( or !oss 1=8

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E-ERCISE 19.= 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Bec/*se %o %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% or !oss exis$e, /$ $0e e&i%%i%&of $0e perio,5 %o /c$*/ri/! &/i% or !oss /"or$i@/$io% occ*rs3

T0erefore5 $0e corri,or c/!c*!/$io% is %o$ %ee,e,3I% 81:5 $0e /"or$i@/$io% of $0e /c$*/ri/! !oss ;i!! e /s fo!!o;s


 Ye/r ABO








Ne$ Loss




81: 85912 8592 898 1=8

',( P/s$ ser)ice cos$ /"or$i@/$io% 

- 18 :: per +e/r3

'e( Pe%sio% expe%se for 817Ser)ice cos$ 78I%$eres$ cos$ '858: - 1>( 88:Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s '1572 - 1>(  '172(A"or$i@/$io% of p/s$ ser)ice cos$ ::


Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 :48

'f( Reco%ci!i/$io% sc0e,*!eAccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '85912(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 8592F*%,e, s$/$*s '8(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$

' ::( 

'72U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! '&/i%( or !oss 1=8 

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ 1

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E-ERCISE 19. '7.74 "i%*$es('/(

Bers$!er Li"i$e,Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$817

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor, E%$ries

I$e"sA%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%efi$






Ser)ice Cos$

U%reco&%i@e,Ne$ Ac$*/ri/!

G/i%or Loss

B/!/%ce5 /%3 15 817'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( U%expec$e, &/i%'e( A"or$i@/$io% of PSC'f( Co%$ri*$io%s'&( Be%efi$s p/i,'0( Li/i!i$+ !oss


Expe%se e%$r+817

Co%$ri*$io%sB/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 817

78 Dr388: Dr3172 Cr3

 :: Dr3

 Dr3:48 Dr3

2: Cr3


2: Cr3

:48 Cr3

2: Dr31 Dr3

858: Cr3 78 Cr3 88: Cr3

 12 Dr3

 898 Cr35 Cr3

85912 Cr3

1572 Dr3

  172 Dr3  18 Dr3

  2: Dr3  12 Cr3

5 Cr3

8592 Dr3


  :: Cr3

5 Cr3

72 Dr3

18 Cr3

898 Dr3 Dr3

1=8 Dr3

'( 858: - 1>'c( 172 1572 - 1>',( 18 8592 '1572 172 2: . 12('e( - 18 ::'0( 898 85912 '858: 78 88: 12(

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E-ERCISE 19. 'Co%$i%*e,(


o*r%/! e%$ries 1871 17

Pe%sio% Expe%se33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 :48Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$33333333333333333 :48

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333333333333333333 2:C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 2:

'c( Reco%ci!i/$io% sc0e,*!eAccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '85912

(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 8592

F*%,e, s$/$*s '8(

U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$' ::( 


U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! '&/i%( or !oss 1=8 

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ 1

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E-ERCISE 19.9 '7.74 "i%*$es(

(a)Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $280,000

Past service cost 50,000330,000

Interest cost ($330,000 x 9%) 29,700

Current service cost 29,000

Benefits paid out (20,000 )

ABO, 12/31/13 $368,700

(b) Plan assets, 1/1/13 $273,100

Actual return on plan assets 26,140Contributions 27,500

Benefits paid out (20,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $306,740

(c) Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $ 29,000

Interest cost ($330,000 x 9%) 29,700

Actual return on plan assets (26,140)Past service cost 50,000

$ 82,560

  Pension Expense........................................... 82,560

Net Defined Benefit Liability/Asset....... 82,560

Additionally, though not required, the entry to record the

company’s 2013 contribution:

Net Defined Benefit Liability/Asset.............. 27,500

Cash......................................................... 27,500

(d) Plan’s Funded Status

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ABO, 12/31/13 $368,700

Plan assets, 12/31/13 306,740

Balance of Net Defined Benefit Liability/(Asset)

on the statement of financial position $ 61,960

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E-ERCISE 19.9 'Co%$i%*e,(

(e) Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $29,000Interest cost ($330,000 x 9%) 29,700

Expected return on plan assets (9% of $273,100) (24,579)

Amortization of past service cost ($50,000 / 5) 10,000


(f) Deferral and amortization pension expense: $44,121

Deduct: amortization of past service cost (10,000)Add: 100% of past service cost 50,000

Add: Expected return on plan assets 24,579

Deduct: Actual return on plan assets (26,140)


(g)U%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c05 pe%sio%

expe%se i%cre/ses /%, %e$ i%co"e ,ecre/ses + 85425/%, %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+ i%cre/ses + 4452'8542 . 8=54(3 U%,er $0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io%/ppro/c05 pe%sio% expe%se i%cre/ses /%, %e$ i%co"e,ecre/ses + ::51815 /%, %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+i%cre/ses + 125281 '::5181 . 8=54(3 I% $0is c/se5 $0ei""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 ;i!! res*!$ i% !o;er profi$/i!i$+ r/$ios 's*c0 /s re$*r% o% /sse$s /%, re$*r% o%e<*i$+(5 /%, ;e/?er so!)e%c+ r/$ios 's*c0 /s ,e$ $o $o$/!/sse$s /%, c/s0 ,e$ co)er/&e r/$io(5 co"p/re, $o $0e

,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c03 A cre,i$or s0o*!, re)ie;$0e %o$es $o $0e fi%/%ci/! s$/$e"e%$s ,escrii%& $0eco"p/%+6s /cco*%$i%& po!icies re!/$e, $o i$s pe%sio% p!/%5/%, %o$e $0e effec$ of $0e /cco*%$i%& po!icies o% $0eco"p/%+6s fi%/%ci/! s$/$e"e%$s /%, r/$ios3

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E-ERCISE 19.1 '1.14 "i%*$es(

'/( C/!c*!/$io% of pe%sio% expe%se *%,er IFRS *si%& $0e

i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0Ser)ice cos$ 245

I%$eres$ cos$ '45 - 31( 45

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s ',isco*%$ r/$e(   '145(

Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 15

Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 15Re"e/s*re"e%$ G/i% . OCI333333333333333333333 85Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333 95

Ac$*/ri/! &/i% o% /sse$s 1=5 . 145

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333 945C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 945

'( C/!c*!/$io% of pe%sio% expe%se *%,er ASPE *si%& $0e,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0

Ser)ice cos$ 245

I%$eres$ cos$ '45 - 31( 45 

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s   '145  (

Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 15

Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 15Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333 15

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333 945

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C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 945

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E-ERCISE 19.11 '84.74 "i%*$es(

(a)Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $315,000

Past service cost 140,400


Interest cost ($455,400 x 10%) 45,540

Current service cost 63,000

Benefits paid out (43,200 )

ABO, 12/31/13 $520,740

  Plan assets, 1/1/13 $297,000Actual return on plan assets ($297,000 x 8%) 23,760*

Contributions 79,200

Benefits paid out (43,200 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $356,760

*Note: expected return = 7%X $297,000 = $20,790, thereforethere is an actuarial gain on the assets of $23,760 - $20,790 =$2,970.

A"o*%$ of Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$ o% $0e /!/%ce


Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '485=:(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 7425=2

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s '12759(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 118578U%reco&%i@e, /c$*/ri/! &/i% ' 859=( 19574

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '4:527 (

(b) Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $ 63,000

Interest cost ($455,400 x 10%) 45,540

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Expected return on plan assets (7% of $297,000)(20,790)

Amortization of past service cost ($140,400 / 5) 28,080


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E-ERCISE 19.11 'Co%$i%*e,(

(c)Accrued benefit obligation, funding basis, 1/1/13 $255,000

Past service cost 1:5:395,400

Interest cost ($395,400 x 10%) 39,540

Current service cost 63,000

Benefits paid out (43,200 )

ABO, 12/31/13 $454,740

  Plan assets, 1/1/13 $297,000

Actual return on plan assets ($297,000 x 8%) 23,760

Contributions 79,200

Benefits paid out (43,200 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $356,760

A"o*%$ Repor$e, o% $0e /!/%ce s0ee$

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% ':4:5=:(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 7425=2

F*%,e, s$/$*s /%, Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$'!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '9=59 (

(d) Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $ 63,000

Interest cost ($395,400 x 10%) 39,540

Actual return on plan assets (23,760)

Past service cost 140,400


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E-ERCISE 19.18 '8.84 "i%*$es(

'/( Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 co"prise, $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 425

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 95 

'9> - 155( 

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 


A"or$i@/$io% of p/s$ ser)ice cos$ :5 

Pe%sio% expe%se 1785

'( Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1785Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333


Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333 1:45C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


'c( Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 'cre,i$( '1( '151:25(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e ',ei$( '8( =995

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s 'or f*%,e, s$/$*s( '7:=5(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ ',ei$(

Be&i%%i%& /!/%ce5 1117 :5Less /"or$i@/$io% ':5( 725

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ /sse$ 175

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'1( Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 711817 155 425 95 151:25

'8( P!/% /sse$s 711817 25 4:5 1:45


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E-ERCISE 19.18 'Co%$i%*e,(

',( I%co"e S$/$e"e%$Pe%sio% expe%se 1785

B/!/%ce S0ee$Asse$s

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ /sse$ 175

No$e - T0e co"p/%+ spo%sors / ,efi%e, e%efi$ pe%sio%p!/% co)eri%& $0e fo!!o;i%& &ro*p of e"p!o+ees /%,pro)i,i%& $0e fo!!o;i%& e%efi$s3

For $0e +e/r e%,i%& Dece"er 715 81:5 $0e %e$ expe%se for $0e co"p/%+6s pe%sio% p!/% is 17853 T0e prese%$ )/!*eof $0e /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$ Dece"er 715 81:5 is151:25 /%, $0e "/r?e$ re!/$e, )/!*e of $0e f*%, /sse$s is=995 /se, o% $0e f/ir "/r?e$ )/!*e of $0e /sse$s o% $0/$,/$e3 T0is res*!$s i% /% *%,erf*%,e, o!i&/$io% of 7:=53E"p!o+er /%, e"p!o+ee co%$ri*$io%s ,*ri%& 81:/"o*%$e, $o 1:45 /%, %o e%efi$s ;ere p/i, o*$3 A$Dece"er 715 81:5 $0e /ccr*e, pe%sio% cos$ /sse$ is1753

O$0er i%for"/$io% $o e ,isc!ose, /ss*"p$io%s $0/$*%,er!ie $0e p!/% s*c0 /s $0e ,isco*%$ r/$e5 $0e r/$e of i%cre/se i% co"pe%s/$io% !e)e!s5 /%, $0e expec$e, !o%&.$er" r/$e of re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s5 /s ;e!! /s si&%ific/%$/cco*%$i%& po!icies &o)er%i%& $0e pe%sio% p!/%3

'e( Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 1117 'cre,i$( '155(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1117 ',ei$( 25

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s 'or f*%,e, s$/$*s( ':5(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 1117 ',ei$( :5

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Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+/sse$5 1117

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E-ERCISE 19.17 '4.1 "i%*$es(

  Pension expense 2014 – to net income:

Current service cost $ 13,000Interest on ABO (10% of $176,000 + $34,000) 21,000

Expected return on plan assets (10% of $155,000) (15,500)

Past service cost 34,000

$ 52,500

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E-ERCISE 19.1: '7.74 "i%*$es(

'/( Ser)ice cos$ 4=5

I%$eres$ o% ,efi%e, pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ 

o!i&/$io% '1> - 115( 115 

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 1> 

':58  (Pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ expe%se 81: 275

(b)Actuarial loss on assets (3,000 – 4,200) $1,200

Actuarial loss on obligation 31,000

Post-retirement benefit remeasurement

loss – OCI $32,200

(c)Plan assets, 1/1/14 $42,000

Actual return on plan assets 3,000

Contributions 22,000

Benefits paid out (6,000


Plan assets, 12/31/14 $61,000

Defined post-retirement benefit obligation, 1/1/14 $110,000

Interest cost ($110,000 x 10%) 11,000

Service cost 57,000

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Actuarial loss 31,000

Benefits paid out (6,000


Defined post-retirement benefit obligation,12/31/14 $203,000

Defined post-retirement benefit obligation,12/31/14'875(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 215

Defi%e, pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i%excess of p!/% /sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(


'1:85  (

',( Ne$ pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(5 111: 25Pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ expe%se 81: 275Re"e/s*re"e%$ !oss OCI 7858Co%$ri*$io%s 'f*%,i%&( ,*ri%& 81: '885(Ne$ pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(518711: $142,000

'e( T0ere is %o %ee, $o reco%ci!e $0ese $;o %o; 0/)e $0e

s/"e /!/%ce3

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E-ERCISE 19.14 '8.7 "i%*$es((a)

 Yor?e I%c3Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$817

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,

I$e"sA%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%3 Li/







B/!/%ce5 /%*/r+ 15 817'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( G/i% o% p!/% /sse$s'e( Co%$ri*$io%s'f( Be%efi$so*r%/! e%$r+5 Dece"er 71

B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 817

:5 Dr3:1524 Dr3:1524 Cr3

5 Dr3:5 Dr3

75 Cr35 Dr375 Cr3 15 Cr3

15 Cr3

:95 Cr3 

:5 Cr3 

:1524 Cr3


775: Dr35 Dr3

47584 Cr3

:95 Dr3


:1524 Dr3  54 Dr3 

75 Dr3 

775: Cr35 Dr3

47257 Dr3

 54 Cr3 


54 Cr3'( :1524 :95 - 343

'c( :1524 :95 - 343

',( 54 :95= :15243

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

E-ERCISE 19.14 'Co%$i%*e,(

Pension expense 2013:

Service cost $ 40,000Interest on defined benefit obligation

(8.5% X $490,000) 41,650

Expected return on plan assets (8.5% X $490,000) (41,650 )

$ 40,000

Pension Expense.................................................. 40,000

Net Defined Benefit Liability/Asset.............. 40,000

Net Defined Benefit Liability/Asset..................... 30,000

Cash................................................................ 30,000

T0ese c/!c*!/$io%s co*!, e co"p!e$e, $0ro*&0 / ;or?s0ee$ /ss0o;% o% $0e pre)io*s p/&e3

(b) If the immediate recognition approach was used under IFRS,the following changes to the calculation of pension expense in

part (a) would be required:

1.The $8,050 difference between the actual return on plan

assets of $49,700 and the return on the asset portion of

the net interest cost of 8.5% X $490,000 or $41,650, would

be recorded in the books of the company as a credit to

Remeasurement (Gain) Loss – OCI and a debit to Net

Defined Benefit Liability/Asset. Therefore, the pension

expense included in net income under IFRS is still

$40,000, but there is also a $8,050 remeasurement gain

recognized in OCI.

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2.The Net Defined Benefit Liability/Asset under IFRS is

$8,050 less than under ASPE as the $8,050 benefit is

“booked.” The balance of the Net Defined Benefit

Liability/Asset is therefore $10,000 - $8,050 = $1,950


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E-ERCISE 19.14 'Co%$i%*e,(

 Note: In addition, under IFRS the discount rate used for theobligation is also used for the reduction in benefit expense

due to the return on plan assets. i.e., it is used to calculate the

net interest cost. In this case, co-incidentally, the expected

rate of 8.5% is the same as the discount rate, but often would

not be.

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E-ERCISE 19.12 '14.8 "i%*$es(

'/( T0e excess of c*"*!/$i)e %e$ &/i% or !oss o)er $0e corri,or 

/"o*%$ is /"or$i@e, + ,i)i,i%& $0e excess + $0e /)er/&ere"/i%i%& ser)ice perio, of e"p!o+ees3

A"or$i@/$io% of Ne$ 'G/i%( or Loss



O!i&/$io% '/(P!/%

Asse$s '/( Corri,or '(


 'G/i%( Loss '/(


of 'G/i%(Loss



:55 :5485


:595 :5845

85:5 8585


8525 75:5

:5 :485


:95 :845

',(:5 ',(


===522= ',( ' 4::5721 'f(

'c(  85777 'c(


87572 'e(  959:= '&(

'/( As of $0e e&i%%i%& of $0e +e/r3'( T0e corri,or is 1> of $0e &re/$er of /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% or p!/%

/sse$s3'c( :5 :485 85J 8518 85777',( :5 75 85777 ===522='e( ===522= :95 8=9522=J 8=9522=18 87572'f( ===522= 87572 815 4::5721'&( 4::5721 :845 1195721J 119572118 959:=

'( IFRS re<*ires $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 $o/cco*%$ for /c$*/ri/! &/i%s or !osses3 T0e /c$*/ri/! &/i%s or !osses /re reco&%i@e, i% o$0er co"pre0e%si)e i%co"ei%s$e/, of %e$ i%co"e3

'c( T0e ASPE ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0 pro)i,es /%op$io% $o reco&%i@e /c$*/ri/! &/i%s or !osses i""e,i/$e!+ /s

;e!!J 0o;e)er5 *%!i?e IFRS5 $0e /c$*/ri/! &/i%s or !osses"*s$ e reco&%i@e, i% %e$ i%co"e /s oppose, $o o$0er co"pre0e%si)e i%co"e3 I% /,,i$io%5 *%,er ASPE5 $0e/ppro/c0 i% p/r$ '/( ,e$er"i%e, $0e "i%i"*" /"o*%$ $oi%c!*,e i% expe%se3 T0e co"p/%+ co*!, 0/)e / po!ic+ $0/$reco&%i@es "ore $0/% $0e "i%i"*"5 *$ !ess $0/% /!! of $0e&/i%s or !osses3

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 E-ERCISE 19.1= '1.18 "i%*$es(

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 8854

I%$eres$ o% ,efi%e, pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ 

o!i&/$io% '9> - 158854( 12:584Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s '9> - 1549=54( '1:75==4 (Pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ expe%se 8885=4

Remeasurement gain or loss – OCI:

Actuarial loss on fund assets  $143,775 - $141,750....................................... $2,025

Post-Retirement Benefit Expense................222,750

Net Retirement Benefit

Liability/Asset.................................. 222,750

Remeasurement Loss (OCI)......................... 2,025

Net Retirement Benefit

Liability/Asset ................................. 2,025

Net Retirement BenefitLiability/Asset......................................... 47,250

Cash.................................................. 47,250

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E-ERCISE 19.1 '14.8 "i%*$es(

'/( See ;or? s0ee$ o% %ex$ p/&e3

(b)Retirement Benefit Expense.........................222,750

Net Retirement Benefit

Liability/Asset.................................. 222,750

Remeasurement Loss (OCI)......................... 2,025

Net Retirement Benefit

Liability/Asset ................................. 2,025

Net Retirement BenefitLiability/Asset......................................... 47,250

Cash.................................................. 47,250

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E-ERCISE 19.1 '/( 'Co%$i%*e,(

'/( Opsco Corp3 Pos$.re$ire"e%$ Be%efi$ P!/% #or?s0ee$ .




C/s0 Defi%e,Be%efi$




8845 Cr3 158854

Ser)ice cos$ 8854Dr3


I%$eres$ cos$ 12:584



Expec$e, re$*r% 1:75==4Cr3

Re"s"$3 !oss 8584 Dr3

Co%$ri*$io%s :=584Cr3

Be%efi$s p/i, 95Expe%se e%$r+ 8584 Dr3 8885=4

Dr388:5==4 Cr3

F*%,i%& e%$r+ :=584Cr3 :=584 Dr3

To$/! :85484 Cr3 8599584

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EXERCISE 19-19 (10-15 minutes)

'/( Accr*e, pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ o!i&/$io%'Cre,i$(


'195(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 'Dei$( 175

F*%,e, s$/$*s 'Cre,i$( '25(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 'Dei$(   '   115

Accr*e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$ 'Cre,i$( ':95(

185 15 '/"or$i@/$io%(


Defi%e, pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ o!i&/$io%'Cre,i$(


'195(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 'Dei$( 175

F*%,e, s$/$*s 'Cre,i$( /%, Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$Li/i!i$+Asse$ 'Cre,i$( '25  (

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E-ERCISE 19.8 '84.74 "i%*$es(

'/( No$e A Si&%ific/%$ Acco*%$i%& Po!icies

  E"p!o+ee Be%efi$ P!/%s  T0e co"p/%+ /ccr*es i$s o!i&/$io%s *%,er e"p!o+ee

e%efi$ p!/%s /%, $0e re!/$e, cos$s5 %e$ of p!/% /sse$s5 *si%&$0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c03 T0e co"p/%+ 0/s/,op$e, $0e fo!!o;i%& po!icies T0e cos$ of pe%sio%s e/r%e, + e"p!o+ees is /c$*/ri/!!+

,e$er"i%e, *si%& $0e /ccr*e, e%efi$ "e$0o, pror/$e, o%ser)ice /%, "/%/&e"e%$s es$ es$i"/$e of expec$e, p!/%i%)es$"e%$ perfor"/%ce5 s/!/r+ esc/!/$io%5 re$ire"e%$ /&esof e"p!o+ees3

For $0e p*rpose of c/!c*!/$i%& $0e expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/%/sse$s5 $0ose /sse$s /re )/!*e, /$ f/ir )/!*e3

P/s$ ser)ice cos$s fro" p!/% /"e%,"e%$s /re /"or$i@e, o%/ s$r/i&0$.!i%e /sis o)er $0e /)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)iceperio, of e"p!o+ees /c$i)e /$ $0e ,/$e of /"e%,"e%$3

T0e excess of $0e %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% '!oss( o)er 1> of $0e&re/$er of $0e e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /%, $0e f/ir )/!*e of p!/%/sse$s is /"or$i@e, o)er $0e /)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)iceperio, of /c$i)e e"p!o+ees3 T0e /)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)ice

perio, of $0e /c$i)e e"p!o+ees co)ere, + $0e pe%sio%p!/% is 12 '/ss*"e,( +e/rs '818( /%, 14 '/ss*"e,( +e/rs'817(3

No$e - T0e co"p/%+ spo%sors / ,efi%e, e%efi$ pe%sio%p!/% co)eri%& $0e fo!!o;i%& &ro*p of e"p!o+ees /%,pro)i,i%& $0e fo!!o;i%& e%efi$s3

As of Dece"er 715 8175 $0e %e$ expe%se for $0e co"p/%+6spe%sio% p!/% is 1=1578 '9:5 8475 1=452(3T0e prese%$ )/!*e of $0e /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$Dece"er 715 8175 ;/s 85=7=5 /%, $0e "/r?e$ re!/$e,)/!*e of $0e f*%, /sse$s ;/s 858=5789 /se, o% $0e f/ir "/r?e$ )/!*e of $0e /sse$s o% $0/$ ,/$e3 T0is res*!$s i% /%*%,erf*%,e, o!i&/$io% of :452=13 E"p!o+er co%$ri*$io%s,*ri%& 817 /"o*%$e, $o 985789 /%, e%efi$s p/i,

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/"o*%$e, $o 1:53 A$ Dece"er 715 8175 $0e /ccr*e,pe%sio% !i/i!i$+ is ':185991(3

E-ERCISE 19.8 'Co%$i%*e,(

O$0er i%for"/$io% $o e ,isc!ose, /ss*"p$io%s $0/$*%,er!ie $0e p!/% s*c0 /s $0e ,isco*%$ r/$e5 $0e r/$e of i%cre/se i% co"pe%s/$io% !e)e!s5 /%, $0e expec$e, !o%&.$er" r/$e of re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s3

'(/%, 'c(

No$e A Si&%ific/%$ Acco*%$i%& Po!icies  E"p!o+ee Be%efi$ P!/%s  T0e co"p/%+ /ccr*es i$s o!i&/$io%s *%,er e"p!o+ee

,efi%e, e%efi$ p!/%s /%, $0e re!/$e, cos$s5 %e$ of p!/%/sse$s5 *si%& $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c03

No$e - T0e co"p/%+ spo%sors / ,efi%e, e%efi$ pe%sio%p!/% co)eri%& $0e fo!!o;i%& &ro*p of e"p!o+ees /%,pro)i,i%& $0e fo!!o;i%& e%efi$s3

I%for"/$io% /o*$ $0e co"p/%+6s ,efi%e, e%efi$ p!/% is /sfo!!o;s

Defined benefit obligation:

Balance at beginning of year, therefore $2,530,000

Interest cost—given 253,000

Current service cost—given 94,000

Benefits paid—given (140,000 )

Balance at end of year—given $2,737,000

  Plan assets:

Fair value at beginning of year, therefore $2,196,000

Actual return on plan assets—given 130,000

Employer contributions—given 92,329

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

Benefits paid—given (140,000 )

Fair value at end of year—given $2,278,329

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E-ERCISE 19.8 'Co%$i%*e,(

  Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '85=7=5(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 858=5789F*%,e, s$/$*s /%,

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ ':452=1 


Pe%sio% expe%se

Current service cost—given $ 94,000

Interest cost—given 253,000

Expected return on plan assets—given (175,680 )

Pension expense $ 171,320

Re"e/s*re"e%$ 'G/i%( Loss . OCI

Actuarial loss on fund assets:

  $175,680 - $130,000 = $ 45,680

Remeasurement (Gain) Loss - OCI $ 45,680

O$0er i%for"/$io% $o e ,isc!ose, /ss*"p$io%s $0/$*%,er!ie $0e p!/% s*c0 /s $0e ,isco*%$ r/$e5 $0e r/$e of i%cre/se i% co"pe%s/$io% !e)e!s5 ;0/$ $+pe of /sse$s "/?e*p $0e pe%sio% f*%, /sse$s5 $0e ,/$es of $0e "os$ rece%$/c$*/ri/! re)/!*/$io%s5 e$c3

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E-ERCISE 19.8 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( T0e e&i%%i%& /!/%ces of ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%5 /%,pe%sio% p!/% /sse$s /re s0o;% i% p/r$ '( o% $0e pre)io*s p/&e3

 Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%5 1117 85475P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e5 1117 851925F*%,e, s$/$*s !i/i!i$+'/sse$( /%,

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(5 1117 77:5


Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(5 187117 $458,671Pension expense (171,320)Employer contributions 92,329Re"e/s*re"e%$ G/i% 'Loss( . OCI ':452(Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(5 1117 $334,000

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

E-ERCISE 19.81 '84.7 "i%*$es(

'/( P/s$ ser)ice cos$s *%,er ASPE /re /"or$i@e, o% / s$r/i&0$.!i%e /sis o)er $0e perio, $0e fir" expec$s $o re/!i@e $0eeco%o"ic e%efi$s fro" $0e c0/%&e i% $0e p!/%3

C/!c*!/$io% of Ser)ice.Ye/rs


Expec$e, Ye/rs of Ser)ice To$/!

Br/%,o% 7 7

C0i/r/ 4 4Mi?/+!/ 2 2

A%&e!/ 4 4

P/o!o : :

Er"i%i/ = =

To$/! 7

Expec$e, /)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)ice !ife

= 30 6 employees = 5 years

P/s$ ser)ice cos$ 817 $0ro*&0 81= 7:5 4 25

P/s$ ser)ice cos$ /"or$i@/$io% ;o*!, e co"p!e$e /$ $0e e%, of 81=5 $0erefore5 $0ere ;o*!, e %o /"or$i@/$io% i% 813

'( P/s$ ser)ice cos$s *%,er IFRS /re expe%se, i""e,i/$e!+ i%%e$ i%co"e3 T0erefore5 $0e 7:5 of p/s$ ser)ice cos$s ;i!!e expe%se, i""e,i/$e!+ i% 8175 res*!$i%& i% %o

/"or$i@/$io% i% 81: /%, e+o%,3

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

*E-ERCISE 19.88 '84.7 "i%*$es(

'/( T0e e"p!o+ee6s expec$e, fi%/! s/!/r+ i% 878 ;o*!, e

c/!c*!/$e, /s fo!!o;s:5 - '13:(82  11599

'i% 8= +e/rs $0ere ;o*!, e 82 r/ises(

'( S$ep 1 C/!c*!/$e /%%*/! pe%sio% e%efi$ o% re$ire"e%$fro" ;or?i%& i% 81:

A%%*/! pe%sio% e%efi$s o% re$ire"e%$ 834> - 11599 - 1 +e/r 

85==8 per +e/r of re$ire"e%$

S$ep 8 Disco*%$ $0e prese%$ )/!*e of $0e /%%*i$+ of 85==8for 81 +e/rs /$ 2> $o Dece"er 715 8783

 Prese%$ )/!*e of /% /%%*i$+ of 85==8 ,isco*%$e, /$ 2> for81 perio,s'85==8 - 113=2:( 78521

Usi%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$orP Q


 Yie!,s 78521

I 2>

N 81

PMT '85==8(



Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

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*E-ERCISE 19.88 'Co%$i%*e,(

S$ep 7 Disco*%$ $0e prese%$ )/!*e of $0e /%%*i$+ i% 878 $o

i$s prese%$ )/!*e /$ 81:

Prese%$ )/!*e of 78521 ,isco*%$e, /$ 2> for 1 +e/rs'78521 - 3747:( 115:84'1 +e/rs 817 $o 878(

Usi%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$or

P Q 

 Yie!,s 115:84

I 2>

N 1


F '78521



Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

T0e c*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ re!/$i)e $o $0is p!/% for 81: ;o*!,

e 115:843

'c( Pe%sio% e%efi$s e/r%e, fro" /%*/r+ 15 89 $o Dece"er715 81:

834> - 11599 - 2 +e/rs 125274 per +e/r of re$ire"e%$3

Prese%$ )/!*e /$ Dece"er 715 878 of /% /%%*i$+ of 125274,isco*%$e, /$ 2> for 81 perio,s'125277 - 113=2:( 19452=2

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*E-ERCISE 19.88 'Co%$i%*e,(

Usi%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$or

P Q Yie!,s 19452=2

I 2>

N 81

PMT '125277(



Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

T0e ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% represe%$s $0e prese%$ )/!*eof$0is /"o*%$ ,isco*%$e, /$ 2> for 1 +e/rs

Prese%$ )/!*e of 19452=2 ,isco*%$e, /$ 2> for 1 +e/rs'19452=2 - 3747:( 2544

Usi%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$or

P Q Yie!,s 2544

I 2>

N 1


F  '19452=2



Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

T0e ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$ Dece"er 715 81: ;o*!,e 25443

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E-ERCISE 19.87 '8.84 "i%*$es(

Corri,or /%, Mi%i"*" Loss A"or$i@/$io%





/!*e '/(1>


U%reco&%i@e,C*"*!/$i)eNe$ Loss i%



of Loss





757845 :57=45 :5445





':95 '

 2:8584 'c(


2:5481 'e(

' 4584 '(

 115889 ',(


'/( As of $0e e&i%%i%& of $0e +e/r3'( ':95 :7=54( K 1 +e/rs 4584'c( :95 4584 14=54 2:8584',( '2:8584 4=54( K 18 +e/rs 115889'e( 2:8584 115889 1=54 2:5481'f( '2:5481 275( K 18 +e/rs 154:7

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ro!lem 1-31 =Time $*3$' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide the student ith an o""ortunity to determine the a""ro"riateaccounting for the costs of a long3term disa!ility !enefit and "re"are the 9ournalentries.

ro!lem 1-3$ =Time %'3&' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation of the lia!ility for a#ested !enefit "lan for sa!!atical lea#e. This is a challenging "ro!lem thatreDuires the student to a""ly the "rinci"les of #ested !enefit "lans to a nesituation.

ro!lem 1-3% =Time &'3'' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires a com"arison of the immediaterecognition a""roach under I/42 #ersus the immediate recognition a""roachunder A2E, and "re"aration of continuity schedules for defined !enefit o!ligation,fund assets and "ension e0"ense for three years+ "ension transactions, threeyears of general 9ournal entries for the "ension "lan, and reconciliation schedulesat the end of each year.

ro!lem 1-3& =Time &*3'* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires a detailed analysis of the re"ortingstandards =and differences> for accounting for a defined !enefit "lan under !oththe deferral and amorti7ation a""roach #ersus the immediate recognitiona""roach.

ro!lem 1-3' =Time &*3'* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires a detailed analysis of the re"ortingstandards =and differences> for accounting for a defined !enefit "lan !eteen theimmediate recognition a""roach under I/42 and the deferral and amorti7ationa""roach under A2E.

ro!lem 1-3) =Time &*3'* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation of the annual "ensione0"ense, "re"aration of the "ension 9ournal entries, measurement of unrecogni7ed gains and losses and their amorti7ation, and reconciling the fundedstatus to the lia!ility on the statement of financial "osition.

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition


ro!lem 1-3 =Time &'3'' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation of "ension e0"ense,"re"aration of the "ension 9ournal entries, and note disclosure. Amounts reDuiredin the note disclosure must !e calculated using information for to consecuti#eyears. The calculations are com"licated !y missing information that must !ededuced. The "ension orksheet must also !e "re"ared.

ro!lem 1-3 =Time '*3)* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation of the "ension e0"enseand continuity of the accrued !enefit o!ligation and "lan assets for threese"arate years. The "re"aration of the orksheet for the three consecuti#e yearsis also reDuired. The a""lication of the corridor a""roach to the amorti7ation of gains and losses is reDuired.

ro!lem 1-3- =Time &'3)* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation and amorti7ation of "astser#ice cost, calculation of "ension e0"ense, calculation and amorti7ation=corridor a""roach> of actuarial gains or losses, "re"aration of "ension 9ournalentries, and reconciliation of the "lan+s funded status to the lia!ility.

ro!lem 1-31* =Time %'3&' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires "re"aration of a ork sheet. The 9ournal entries for "ension3related amounts are also reDuired.

ro!lem 1-311 =Time &*3&' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires the "re"aration of a orksheet and 9ournal entries. The "ro!lem is com"licated !y the em"loyee contri!utions to the"ension "lan. A challenging "ro!lem.

ro!lem 1-31$ =Time %*3%' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires calculation of the amorti7ation of "ast ser#ice cost, "re"aration of a "ension ork sheet and "re"aration of 9ournalentries.

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ro!lem 1-31% =Time %*3%' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a "ro!lem that reDuires the calculation of "ost3retirement!enefit e0"ense, the "re"aration of a continuity schedule for accrued o!ligationand "lan assets and a reconciliation schedule for "ost3retirement !enefite0"ense. In addition, the student is reDuired to discuss differences in accountingfor "ost3retirement !enefits and "ension !enefits.

5ro!lem 1-31& =Time &*3&' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide a com"le0 "ro!lem that reDuires the calculation of "ost3retirement !enefit o!ligation !y factoring in changes to the discount rate andsalary assum"tions for a one3"erson "lan. The student must also analy7e thechange in (:6 for a 1 increase and decrease in the discount rate and the "astser#ice costs gi#en the re#ised assum"tions.

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T0is is p/r$!+ / ,efi%e, e%efi$ p!/% ec/*se $0e p!/% specifies$0e e%efi$s $o e recei)e, + e"p!o+ees f*!! s/!/r+ for $0e firs$$0ree "o%$0s3 To $0e ex$e%$ $0/$ $0e i%s*r/%ce co"p/%+/ss*"es $0e ris? for $0e !o%&.$er" por$io% of $0e s/!/r+co%$i%*/$io% p!/% for / fixe, pre"i*" of 155 $0is por$io% of $0e e%efi$ p!/% is / ,efi%e, co%$ri*$io% p!/%3


P/+"e%$ of pre"i*" $o i%s*r/%ce co"p/%+

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s Expe%se3333333333333333333333 185

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e3333333333333333333333 25C/s033333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 15

L/$e Oc$oer5 81:

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s Expe%se3333333333333333333333 1258Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e '45: - 7(1258333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333'/se, o% $0e e)e%$ /ccr*/! /ppro/c0 ,isc*sse, i%C0/p$er 17(

No)e"er 81:

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e33333333333333333333333 45:Cash.......................................................................


Dece"er5 81:

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e33333333333333333333333 45:

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PROBLEM 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(


/%*/r+ 814 p/+"e%$ of $0ir, "o%$06s ;/i$i%& perio,

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e33333333333333333333333 45:Cash.......................................................................


P/+"e%$ of pre"i*" $o i%s*r/%ce co"p/%+

Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s Expe%se3333333333333333333333 185Lo%&.$er" Dis/i!i$+ Be%efi$s P/+/!e3333333333333333333333 25


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'/( Bec/*se $0e professors 0/)e $o ,o so"e$0i%& $0/$ e%efi$s$0e *%i)ersi$+ ;0i!e $0e+ /re o% s//$ic/!5 $0eir s/!/r+;0i!e o% s//$ic/! is si"p!+ reco&%i@e, /s expe%se i% $0e+e/r $0e+ $/?e i$3 No /"o*%$ %ee,s $o e reco&%i@e, o)er $0e = +e/r perio, !e/,i%& *p $o i$3

'( T0e fo!!o;i%& c/!c*!/$io%s /ss*"e $0/$ %o%e of $0e e%efi$s)es$ prior $o e/r%i%& $0e f*!! s//$ic/!3








+e/r '1=(


N*"er of 


A"o*%$e/r%e, i%

c*rre%$ +e/r 

25 2=54= 4:542 =5=88 45172 44 885:=5 =571 27524 959 45998 : 87952

15 1185212 9597 185= 5449 4 :85=9442:5944

S/!/r+ i% 817 - '138(2

A r/$e of 2> is /ss*"e,3

Usi%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$orP Q  Yie!,s 45172I  2>N   =PMT   F   '=5=88(


Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

Si%ce fi)e of $0e professors i% $0e 15 s/!/r+ &ro*pi%&;i!! re$ire5 $0e+ ;i!! %o$ 0/)e ;or?e, $0e %ecess/r+ se)e%+e/rs for $0e e%efi$ $o )es$3

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PROBLEM 19.8 'Co%$i%*e,(

o*r%/! e%$r+ re<*ire,

Co"pe%s/$io% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333342:5944Liability for Compensated Absence....................



Liability for Compensated Absence33333333333333333333333333372=5Cash.......................................................................


No$e T0is e%$r+ ;o*!, e "/,e propor$io%/$e!+ for e/c0 p/+perio, $0ro*&0o*$ $0e fisc/! +e/r ,*ri%& ;0ic0 $0e e"p!o+ees/re p/i, ;0i!e o% s//$ic/!3

',( 13 If $0e sic? !e/)e is /!!o;e, $o e c/rrie, o)er i%$o $0e%ex$ fisc/! perio, /%, e"p!o+ees /re e!i&i!e $o recei)e/ c/s0 p/+"e%$ *po% ,isc0/r&e5 $er"i%/$io% of e"p!o+"e%$ or re$ire"e%$5 'i3e35 $0e e%efi$s /re )es$e,($0e% $0e /"o*%$s re!/$e, $o sic? !e/)e represe%$ /!i/i!i$+ $0/$ s0o*!, e /ccr*e,3

Ho;e)er5 if e"p!o+ees /re o%!+ per"i$$e, $o $/?e $0ep/i, sic? ,/+s if $0e+ /re /c$*/!!+ sic?5 ,iffic*!$ies i%"e/s*ri%& $0e !i/i!i$+ co"i%e, ;i$0 $0e i""/$eri/!i$+of $0e /"o*%$ "/+ "e/% $0/$ $0e U%i)ersi$+ reco&%i@es$0e expe%se /s $0e sic? ,/+s /re /c$*/!!+ $/?e%3

83 If *%*se, sic? $i"e is %o$ e!i&i!e $o e c/rrie, o)er5$0ere is %o f*$*re o!i&/$io% /%, %o e%$r+ is re<*ire,3

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'/( IFRS I""e,i/$e Reco&%i$io% Appro/c0 81:Re"e/s3



C/s0 Ne$Defi%e,Be%efi$'Li/(Asse$

DBO P!/%Asse$s




Ser)ice cos$ 725 Dr3 725Cr3

I%$eres$ cos$ :25 Dr3 :25Cr3


:25 Cr3 :25Dr

Re"e/s*re."e%$ !oss

259 Dr3 259 Cr

Co%$ri*$io%s 725Cr3


Be%efi$s p/i, 7858




259 Dr3 725 Dr3 :75=Cr3

F*%,i%& e%$r+ 725Cr3


To$/! 259Cr3



(b) Continuity of Defined Benefit Obligation – 2014

Defined benefit obligation, 1/1 1: $460,000

Current service cost 36,800

Interest cost ($460,000 x 10%) 46,000

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Benefits paid out (32,200 )

Defined benefit obligation, 12/31 1: $510,600

PROBLEM 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

Continuity of Defined Benefit Obligation – 2015

Defined benefit obligation, 1/1/15 $510,600

Past service cost, 1/1/15 368,000


Current service cost 43,700

Interest cost ($878,600 x 10%) 87,860Benefits paid out (37,720)

Defined benefit obligation, 12/31/15 $972,440

Continuity of Defined Benefit Obligation – 2016

Defined benefit obligation, 1/1/16 $972,440

Current service cost 59,800

Interest cost ($972,440 x 10%) 97,244

Benefits paid out (48,300)

Actuarial loss 114,816*

Defined benefit obligation, 12/31/16 $1,196,000

*$114,816 = $1,196,000 - $972,440 - $59,800 - $97,244 + $48,300

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PROBLEM 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

 (c) Continuity of Fund Assets – 2014

Plan assets, 1/1/14 $460,000

Actual return on plan assets 39,100

Contributions 36,800

Benefits paid out (32,200)

Plan assets, 12/31/14 $503,700

Continuity of Fund Assets – 2015

Plan assets, 1/1/15 $503,700

Actual return on plan assets 50,370

Contributions ($43,700 + $69,000) 112,700

Benefits paid out (37,720)

Plan assets, 12/31/15 $629,050

Continuity of Fund Assets – 2016

Plan assets, 1/1/16 $629,050

Actual return on plan assets 55,200

Contributions ($59,800 + $80,500) 140,300

Benefits paid out (48,300)

Plan assets, 12/31/16 $776,250

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PROBLEM 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

 (d) Pension expense – 2014

Current service cost

$ 36,800

Interest on defined benefit obligation 46,000

Expected return on plan assets ($460,000 x 10%) (46,000 )

$ 36,800

Pension expense – 2015

Current service cost

$ 43,700

Interest on defined benefit obligation 87,860

Expected return on plan assets ($503,700 x 10%) (50,370)

Past service cost 368,000$449,190

Pension expense – 2016

Current service cost

$ 59,800

Interest on defined benefit obligation 97,244Expected return on plan assets ($629,050 x 10%) (62,905 )


 'e( o*r%/! e%$ries81:

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Pe%sio% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 725Re"e/s*re"e%$ 'G/i%( Loss OCI33333333333333333 259

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333 :75=

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333333333333 725C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 725

259 ':25 - 1>( 7951J expec$e, re$*r%excee,s /c$*/!

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PROBLEM 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(


Pe%sio% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333::9519Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333 ::9519

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333331185=C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1185=

812Pe%sio% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 9:5179Re"e/s*re"e%$ 'G/i%( Loss . OCI3333333333333333331885481

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333 812522

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333331:57C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1:57

1885481 '28954 - 1>( 4458 11:512Jexpec$e, re$*r% excee,s /c$*/! /c$*/ri/! !oss

 'f( Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e 81:

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '4152(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 475=

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(5 /%, %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$


'!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '259 


Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e 814

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '9=85::(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 28954

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Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(5 /%, %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$



'7:7579 (

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PROBLEM 19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e 812

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '151925(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s ==2584

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(5 /%, %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ 

'!i/i!i$+(/sse$ ':195=4 (

(g) Pension expense – 2014

Current service cost


Interest on defined benefit obligation 46,000

Actual return on assets (39,100)


Pension expense – 2015

Current service cost

$ 43,700

Interest on defined benefit obligation 87,860

Actual return on plan assets (50,370)

Past service cost 368,000

$ 449,190

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Pension expense – 2016

Current service cost

$ 59,800

Interest on defined benefit obligation 97,244

Actual return on plan assets (55,200)

Actuarial loss on DBO 114,816


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PROBLEM 19.: (a)

ASPE—defer and amortize:At January 1, 2013, note that the balance of the net defined benefit

liability on the opening statement of financial position must be =

the funded status because there is no information about

unrecognized amounts at that date. The net defined benefit

liability, therefore, was $175,000 - $165,000 = $10,000 cr.


Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $175,000

Past service cost, 1/1/13 78,000


Interest cost ($253,000 x 7%) 17,710

Current service cost 35,000

Benefits paid out (24,000 )

ABO, 12/31/13 $281,710

  Plan assets, 1/1/13 $165,000

Actual return on plan assets ($165,000 x 8%) 13,200

Contributions 44,000

Benefits paid out (24,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $198,200

Ne$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% i% 817 $0e ,iffere%cee$;ee% $0e /c$*/! re$*r% of 1758 /%, $0e expec$e, re$*r% of11544 'or => - 1245( 15243

Acco*%$s repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '815=1(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1958

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ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s '7541(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$

=5 '=57( 485

U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% '1524( Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '77512 (

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PROBLEM 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(


Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/14 $281,710Interest cost ($281,710 x 7%) 19,720

Current service cost 47,250

Benefits paid out (26,000 )

ABO, 12/31/14 $322,680

  Plan assets, 1/1/14 $198,200

Actual return on plan assets ($198,200 x 6%) 11,892

Contributions 44,000

Benefits paid out (26,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/14 $228,092

Ne$ /c$*/ri/! !oss i% 81: $0e ,iffere%ce e$;ee% $0e /c$*/!re$*r% of 11598 /%, $0e expec$e, re$*r% of 175=: 'or => -1958( 15983 Acc*"*!/$e, *%reco&%i@e, /c$*/ri/! !oss 1598 . 1524 7783

Acco*%$s repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '78852(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 88598

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s '9:54(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$  =5 '=5 - 87( 825U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! !oss 778Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '25842 (


Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/15 $322,680

Interest cost ($322,680 x 7%) 22,588

Current service cost 52,500

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Benefits paid out (28,000 )

ABO, 12/31/15 $369,768


PROBLEM 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(

Plan assets, 1/1/15 $228,092

Actual return on plan assets ($228,092 x 7%) 15,966

Contributions 44,000Benefits paid out (28,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/15 $260,058

Expec$e, /%, /c$*/! re$*r%s /re $0e s/"e i% 8143 A!! of $0e p/s$ser)ice cos$ 0/s ee% /"or$i@e, + Dec3 71143

Acco*%$s repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '7295=2(

P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 8254

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s '195=1(U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! !oss '/sse$s( 778Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '1957= (

(b) Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $ 35,000

Interest on accrued benefit obligation 17,710

Expected return on plan assets (7% of $165,000) (11,550)

Amortization of past service cost ($78,000 / 3) 26,000


Pension expense 2014:

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Current service cost $47,250

Interest on accrued benefit obligation 19,720

Expected return on plan assets (13,874)

Amortization of past service cost ($78,000 / 3) 26,000

$ 79,096

Pension expense 2015:

Current service cost $52,500

Interest on accrued benefit obligation 22,588

Expected return on plan assets (15,966)

Amortization of past service cost ($78,000 / 3) 26,000$85,122

PROBLEM 19-4 (Continued)

Note that the statement of financial position net defined benefit

liability account can be proved as follows:

Opening balance + expense – contributions = ending balance

2013: 10,000 + 67,160 – 44,000 = 33,1602014: 33,160 + 79,096 – 44,000 = 68,2562015: 68,256 + 85,122 – 44,000 = 109,378



Defined benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $175,000

Past service cost, 1/1/13 78,000

253,000Interest cost ($253,000 x 7%) 17,710

Current service cost 35,000

Benefits paid out (24,000 )

DBO, 12/31/13 $281,710

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  Plan assets, 1/1/13 $165,000

Actual return on plan assets ($165,000 x 8%) 13,200

Contributions 44,000

Benefits paid out (24,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $198,200

Acco*%$ repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '815=1(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1958

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '7541 (


Defined benefit obligation, 1/1/14 $281,710

Interest cost ($281,710 x 7%) 19,720

Current service cost 47,250

Benefits paid out (26,000 )

DBO, 12/31/14 $322,680


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PROBLEM 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(

Plan assets, 1/1/14 $198,200

Actual return on plan assets ($198,200 x 6%) 11,892

Contributions 44,000

Benefits paid out (26,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/14 $228,092

Acco*%$s repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '78852(

P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 88598

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '9:54(


Defined benefit obligation, 1/1/15 $322,680

Interest cost ($322,680 x 7%) 22,588

Current service cost 52,500

Benefits paid out (28,000 )

DBO, 12/31/15 $369,768

  Plan assets, 1/1/15 $228,092

Actual return on plan assets ($228,092 x 7%) 15,966

Contributions 44,000

Benefits paid out (28,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/15 $260,058

Acco*%$s repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '7295=2(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 8254

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '195=1(

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PROBLEM 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(

(d)Pension expense 2013:

Current service cost $ 35,000

Interest on defined benefit obligation 17,710

Expected return on plan assets (11,550)

Past service cost 78,000


Remeasurement (gain) loss - OCI 2013:

Expected return on plan assets $ 11,550

Actual return on plan assets (13,200)


Pension expense 2014:

Current service cost $47,250

Interest on defined benefit obligation 19,720

Expected return on plan assets (13,874 )


Remeasurement (gain) loss - OCI 2014:

Expected return on plan assets $ 13,874

Actual return on plan assets (11,892)


Pension expense 2015:

Current service cost $52,500

Interest on defined benefit obligation 22,588

Expected return on plan assets (15,966 )


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Remeasurement (gain) loss - OCI 2015:

Expected return on plan assets $ 15,966

Actual return on plan assets (15,966)


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PROBLEM 19.: 'Co%$i%*e,(

(e) The deferral and amortization approach results in a more

stable expense number on the income statement. The deferraland amortization approach may result in increased expense

each year, yet the expense under the immediate recognition

approach is much more volatile. Note that the total expense is

very close over the three year period under both methods.

(f)The immediate recognition approach results in a better

measure of the company’s net obligation on the statement of

financial position in terms of expected future cash flows.

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'/( I""e,i/$e Reco&%i$io% Appro/c0 'IFRS(

Pension Expense2013 2014 2015

Current service cost 12,000 13,000 12,500Interest cost (8% x 75,000; 93,000; 109,440) 6,000 7,440 8,755Expected return (8% x 75,000; 93,500; 114,500) (6,000) (7,480) (9,160)Past service cost 75,000 0 0  Total 87,000 12,960 12,095

Remeasurement (Gain) Loss - OCI2013 2014 2015

Expected return (8% x 75,000; 93,500; 114,500) 6,000 7,480 9,160

Actual return (6,500) (10,000) (8,000)  Total (500) (2,520) 1,160

Plan AssetsOpening balance 0 93,500 114,500Contributions ($75,000 original + $12,000) 87,000 15,000 12,000Actual return 6,500 10,000 8,000Benefits paid 0 (4,000) (5,000)  Ending balance 93,500 114,500 129,500

Defined Benefit ObligationBalance January 1 0 93,000 109,440

Past service cost 75,000Current service cost 12,000 13,000 12,500Interest cost 6,000 7,440 8,755Benefits paid 0 (4,000) (5,000) Ending balance 93,000 109,440 125,695

Funded StatusDefined benefit obligation 93,000 CR 109,440 CR 125,695 CRPlan Assets 93,500 DR 114,500 DR 129,500 DR Funded status and Net Defined BenefitAsset on statement of financial position(net asset)

500 DR 5,060 DR 3,805 DR


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PROBLEM 19.4 'Co%$i%*e,(

'( Deferr/! /%, A"or$i@/$io% Appro/c0 'ASPE(

Pension Expense2013 2014 2015

Current service cost 12,000 13,000 12,500Interest cost (8% x 75,000; 93,000; 109,440;) 6,000 7,440 8,755Expected return (8% x 75,000;93,500;114,500 ) (6,000) (7,480) (9,160)Amortization of past service costs (75,000/4) 18,750 18,750 18,750  Total 30,750 31,710 30,845

Plan AssetsOpening balance 0 93,500 114,500Contributions ($75,000 + $12,000) 87,000 15,000 12,000

Expected return 6,000 7,480 9,160Asset gain (loss) (Actual return – expectedreturn)

500 2,520 (1,160)

Benefits paid 0 (4,000) (5,000)  Ending balance 93,500 114,500 129,500

 Accrued Benefit ObligationOpening balance 0 93,000 109,440Past service cost, 1/1/13 75,000Service cost 12,000 13,000 12,500Interest cost 6,000 7,440 8,755Benefits paid 0 (4,000) (5,000)

 Ending balance 93,000 109,440 125,695

Funded StatusAccrued benefit obligation 93,000CR 109,440 CR 125,695 CR

Plan Assets 93,500 DR 114,500 DR 129,500 DR Funded status (net asset) 500 DR 5,060 DR 3,805 DRUnrecognized amounts:  Past Service Costs 56,250 DR 37,500 DR 18,750 DR  Net actuarial gains 500 CR 3,020 CR 1,860 CRNet defined benefit asset on statementof financial position

56,250 DR 39,540 DR 20,695 DR

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PROBLEM 19.4 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Co%c!*sio%s:

T0e pe%sio% expe%se is 0i&0er i% $0e firs$ +e/r *si%& $0ei""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 ec/*se $0e f*!! /"o*%$ of $0ep/s$ ser)ice cos$s "*s$ e reco&%i@e, i% $0is +e/r3 Usi%& $0e,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c05 / por$io% of $0e p/s$ ser)icecos$s /re reco&%i@e, i% 8175 *$ 42584 'or =45 . 15=4(is ,eferre, $o $0e perio, fro" 81:.8123 As / res*!$5 pe%sio%expe%se is 0i&0er *%,er $0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0for 81: /%, 8143

T0ere is %o ,iffere%ce i% $0e p!/% /sse$ /!/%ces *%,er $0e $;o"e$0o,s3

T0e /"o*%$ repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% issi&%ific/%$!+ ,iffere%$ e$;ee% $0e $;o "e$0o,s5 ec/*se $0ep/s$ ser)ice cos$s 0/)e %o$ ee% f*!!+ reco&%i@e, i% expe%se/%, i% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /cco*%$ *%,er $0e,efer /%, /"or$i@e /ppro/c05 %or 0/)e $0e %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i%s+e$ ee% reco&%i@e,3 U%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io%

/ppro/c05 %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i%s /re reco&%i@e, i""e,i/$e!+ i% OCI5/%, p/s$ ser)ice cos$s /re expe%se, i""e,i/$e!+5 /%, o$0/ffec$ $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /cco*%$3

Reco""e%,e, /ppro/c0 I% or,er $o e re/,+ for $0ei"p!e"e%$/$io% of IFRS ;0e% $0e co"p/%+ &oes p*!ic5 i$ ;o*!,e es$ $o i"p!e"e%$ $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0*%,er ASPE3 T0e ,iffere%ce e$;ee% i$ /%, $0e IFRS )ersio% of $0e s/"e "e$0o, is $0/$ *%,er $0e ASPE )ersio%5 %e$ /c$*/ri/!

&/i%s or !osses /re reco&%i@e, i""e,i/$e!+ i% %e$ i%co"e'i%s$e/, of i% OCI5 /s *%,er $0e IFRS )ersio%(3 I% /,,i$io%5 $0eASPE i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 c*rre%$!+ c/!!s for $0ef*%,i%& /sis ABO $o e *se, r/$0er $0/% $0e /cco*%$i%&"e/s*re of $0e DBO3

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'/( Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 co"prises $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 81758

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%'1> - 15:75( 1:75

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s'1> - 15:5(  '1:5(

A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, &/i% or !oss i% 817  

A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ :458Pe%sio% expe%se 8958

A"or$i@/$io% 795 K 34 +e/rs :458

'( 817 I%cre/seDecre/se i% U%reco&%i@e, Ac$*/ri/!G/i%sLosses

'1( 187117 /c$*/ri/!!+ c/!c*!/$e, ABO 158458Less Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%

per "e"o recor,1117 ABO 15:75A,, i%$eres$ '1> - 15:75( 1:75 

A,, ser)ice cos$ '&i)e%( 81758 

Less e%efi$ p/+"e%$s   15=258

Li/i!i$+ !oss 795

'8( Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s /$ 1117 1:5'1> - 15:5(

Less Ac$*/! re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 52

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Asse$ !oss 875: 

Ne$ !oss /$ 187117 285:

P!/% Asse$s 8171117 P!/% Asse$s 15:5A,, /c$*/! re$*r% 52


A,, f*%,i%& '81758 1252( 7195 

Less e%efi$ p/+"e%$s  

P!/% /sse$s5 Dec3 7117 15::5:PROBLEM 19.2 'Co%$i%*e,(

No /"or$i@/$io% occ*rs i% 817 ec/*se %o /!/%ce exis$e,i% $0e U%reco&%i@e, Ne$ G/i% or Loss /cco*%$ /$ $0e e&i%%i%&of 8173

T0e 285: %e$ !oss i% $0e U%reco&%i@e, Ne$ G/i% or Loss/cco*%$ eco"es $0e e&i%%i%& /!/%ce i% 81:3 T0e corri,or /$111: is 1> of $0e &re/$er of 158458 'ABO( or 15::5:'"/r?e$.re!/$e, /sse$ )/!*e(3 Si%ce $0e /"o*%$ of !oss of 285:is !ess $0/% $0e corri,or /"o*%$ of 185485 $0ere ,oes %o$

0/)e $o e /%+ /"or$i@/$io% i% 81:3

'c( o*r%/! E%$ries817Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 8958

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333 8958

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333 7195C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 7195

 ',( Reco%ci!i/$io% of Pe%sio%.Re!/$e, A"o*%$s

Dr 'Cr(

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '158458(

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F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 15::5:

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%

/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s( 

'7:5(U%reco&%i@e, %e$ '&/i%( or !oss


' 285:

U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$'795 :458(



Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ 815=1

Proof Ope%i%& /!/%ce of s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%/cco*%$ of expe%se /"o*%$ cre,i$e, $o /cco*%$ of 8958

  co%$ri*$io%s c0/r&e, $o $0e /cco*%$ of 7195 e%,i%&/!/%ce of 815=1 ,ei$3

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PROBLEM 19.2 'Co%$i%*e,(

'e( T0e !i/i!i$+ !oss $0/$ re!/$es $o $0e ,ispos/! of $0e *si%ess

se&"e%$ ;o*!, e s0o;% i% $0e Disco%$i%*e, Oper/$io%ssec$io% of $0e i%co"e s$/$e"e%$ o% / %e$ of $/x /sis3 T0e!oss ;o*!, %o$ e /"or$i@e, *si%& $0e corri,or /ppro/c03T0e cre,i$ si,e of $0e e%$r+ ;o*!, i%cre/se $0e %e$ ,efi%e,e%efi$ !i/i!i$+'/sse$(3

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'/( C/!c*!/$io% of pe%sio% expe%se817 81:

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$I%$eres$ cos$ 

'25 - 39( /%, '=5 - 39(

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$sA"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e,p/s$ ser)ice cos$Pe%sio% expe%se

' 25(' 

4:5( '8:5(

' 15(


' 95(' 

275(' '75(

' 185(


No$e $0ere is %o /"or$i@/$io% of $0e *%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/!!oss /$ /%*/r+ 15 817 ec/*se $0e 45 !oss is ;i$0i% $0e1> corri,or of 1> of 25 'ABO( 'see p/r$ ',((J %or of $0e/%*/r+ 15 81: /"o*%$ of 45 ec/*se i$ is ;i$0i% $0e 1>corri,or of 1> of =5 'see p/r$ ',((3

 '( o*r%/! E%$ries817Pe%sio% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 15

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333 15Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$33333333333333333 115

C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 115

o*r%/! E%$ries81:

Pe%sio% Expe%se333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1745Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333 1745

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333333 185

C/s03333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 185

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PROBLEM 19.= 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( No$e - T0e co"p/%+ spo%sors / ,efi%e, e%efi$ pe%sio%

p!/% co)eri%& $0e fo!!o;i%& &ro*p of e"p!o+ees /%,pro)i,i%& $0e fo!!o;i%& e%efi$s3

For $0e +e/r e%,e, Dece"er 715 81:5 $0e %e$ expe%se for $0e co"p/%+6s pe%sio% p!/% is 17453 T0e prese%$ )/!*eof $0e /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$ Dece"er 715 81:5 is=5 '1( /%, $0e "/r?e$ re!/$e, )/!*e of $0e f*%, /sse$s is:245 '1( /se, o% $0e f/ir "/r?e$ )/!*e of $0e /sse$s o%$0/$ ,/$e3 T0is res*!$s i% /% *%,erf*%,e, o!i&/$io% of 78753 T0e co"p/%+ 0/s *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice

cos$s of 885 /%, /% *%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! !oss of 453 E"p!o+er co%$ri*$io%s ,*ri%& 81: /"o*%$e, $o185 /%, e%efi$s of 245 '1(  ;ere p/i, o*$3 A$Dece"er 715 81:5 $0e %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+ is:45 '1(3

Reco%ci!i/$io% of Pe%sio%.Re!/$e, A"o*%$sAccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '=5(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s :245

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(  '7875

(U%reco&%i@e, %e$ '&/i%( or !oss


' 45

U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 885

Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ ' :45(

O$0er i%for"/$io% $o e ,isc!ose, /ss*"p$io%s $0/$*%,er!ie $0e p!/% s*c0 /s $0e ,isco*%$ r/$e5 $0e r/$e of i%cre/se i% co"pe%s/$io% !e)e!s5 /%, $0e expec$e, !o%&.$er" r/$e of re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s5 /s ;e!! /s si&%ific/%$

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/cco*%$i%& po!icies &o)er%i%& $0e pe%sio% p!/%3

'1(  C/!c*!/$io%s /re s0o;% o% $0e fo!!o;i%& p/&e *si%& /

pe%sio% ;or?s0ee$3 I$ is /ss*"e, $0/$ $0ere ;ere %o/c$*/ri/! &/i%s /%, !osses o% $0e /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%i% 81:3 T0ere ;o*!, e %o experie%ce &/i% or !oss o% p!/%/sse$s si%ce expec$e, re$*r% is e<*/! $o /c$*/! re$*r%3

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PROBLEM 19.= 'Co%$i%*e,( M/%o% Corpor/$io%Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$817 /%, 81:

',( Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


A%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$3 Def3Be%efi$






P/s$ Ser)iceCos$


Ne$ G/i%or Loss 8

B/!/%ce5 /%3 15 817'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( A"or$i@/$io% of PSC'e( F*%,i%&'f( Be%efi$sExpe%se e%$r+5 187117Co%$ri*$io%5 817B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 817

'&( Ser)ice cos$'0( I%$eres$ cos$'i( Expec$e, re$*r%'( A"or$i@/$io% of PSC'?( F*%,i%&'!( Be%efi$s

Expe%se e%$r+5 18711:Co%$ri*$io%5 81:B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 814

25 Dr34:5 Dr38:5 Cr315 Dr3

5 Dr315 Dr3

95 Dr3275 Dr375 Cr3185 Dr3 

5 Dr31745 Dr3

115 Cr35 Dr3

115 Cr3

185 Cr35 Dr3

185 Cr3

:5 Cr3

15 Cr3115 Dr375 Cr3

1745 Cr3185 Dr3  :45 Cr3

 25 Cr3 25 Cr3 4:5 Cr3

 1:5 Dr355 Cr3

=5 Cr3

 95 Cr3 275 Cr3

 245 Dr3

55 Cr3=5 Cr3

  825 Dr3 1

  8:5 Dr3 

115 Dr3  1:5 Cr3

55 Cr3

75 Dr3

 75 Dr3 

185 Dr3 245 Cr3

55 Cr3:245 Dr3

845 Dr3

 15 Cr3


8:5 Dr3


185 Cr3

5 Dr3885 Dr3

45 Dr3


45 Dr3

545 Dr3

1 Be&i%%i%& /!/%ce of p!/% /sse$s c/!c*!/$e, fro" e%,i%& /!/%ce pro)i,e, /%, $r/%s/c$io%s ,*ri%& $0e +e/r38 T0e *%reco&%i@e, !oss

,oes %o$ %ee, $o e /"or$i@e, o)er 81: /%, 814 si%ce i$ ,oes %o$ excee, $0e &re/$er of 1> of $0e e&i%%i%&/!/%ces of ABO /%, p!/% /sse$s3

'f( 1:5 c/!c*!/$e, + *si%& e&i%%i%& /%, e%,i%& /!/%ces of ABO /s pro)i,e,'!( 245 c/!c*!/$e, + *si%& e&i%%i%& /%, e%,i%& /!/%ces of P!/% Asse$s /s pro)i,e,3

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(a) Pension expense under the immediate recognition approachunder ASPE:

Current service cost $ 107,500

Interest on benefit obligation ($750,000 x 6%) 45,000

Actuarial loss related to benefit obligation 15,500

Actual loss on plan assets 9,500

Past service cost expense 240,000

$417,500Pension expense under the defer and amortize approach under


Current service cost $ 107,500

Interest on benefit obligation ($750,000 x 6%) 45,000

Expected return on plan assets ($320,000 x 7%) (22,400) *

Amortization of Past service cost ($240,000 / 21) 11,429

$ 141,529Ac$*/! re$*r% of '954( expec$e, re$*r% of 885: /c$*/ri/!!oss o% /sse$s i% 817 of 71593

'( Reco%ci!i/$io% of Pe%sio% Expe%se

I""e,i/$e Reco&%i$io% Appro/c0 expe%se


Differe%ce i% p/s$ ser)ice cos$  Less P/s$ ser)ice cos$ '8:5(A,, A"or$i@/$io% of p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 11,429


Differe%ce i% re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  Less Ac$*/! !oss o% p!/% /sse$s '954(  Less Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s (22,400)  '7159(

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Differe%ce i% /c$*/ri/! !oss re!/$e, $o e%efi$ o!i&/$io%  Less Ac$*/ri/! !oss o% /ccr*e, o!i&/$io%


Deferr/! /%, A"or$i@/$io% Appro/c0 Expe%se1:15489

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PROBLEM 19. 'Co%$i%*e,(

No$e for I%s$r*c$ors I% re/!i$+5 $0ere ;i!! e o$0er ,iffere%ces*s*/!!+ ec/*se $0e ABO for f*%,i%& p*rposes is *s*/!!+ !o;er$0/% $0e ABO for /cco*%$i%& p*rposes /%, $0is ;i!! /ffec$ $0ei%$eres$ cos$3

 'c( Co%$i%*i$+ Sc0e,*!e of Accr*e, Be%efi$ O!i&/$io% *%,er $0ei""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0

Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $510,000

Recognition of Past service costs $240,000

Interest cost ($510,000 + $240,000) x 6% 45,000

Current service cost 107,500

Benefits paid out (48,000)

Actuarial loss related to benefit obligation 15,500

ABO, 12/31/13 $870,000

  Plan assets, 1/1/13 $320,000

Actual return on plan assets (9,500)

Contributions ($107,500 + $240,000) 347,500Benefits paid out (48,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $610,000

A"o*%$ repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '=5(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e  610,000

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s '825 (Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '825(

 A% e/sier "e$0o, is /s fo!!o;s /%3 117 /!/%ce of s$/$e"e%$of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /cco*%$

  195 cr3

Fro" expe%se e%$r+ :1=54 cr3

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Fro" co%$ri*$io%s e%$r+ 7:=54 ,r3

B/!/%ce5 Dec3 7117 825 cr3

PROBLEM 19. 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Co%$i%*i$+ Sc0e,*!e of Accr*e, Be%efi$ O!i&/$io% *%,er $0e,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0

Accrued benefit obligation, 1/1/13 $510,000

Recognition of past service costs $240,000Interest cost ($510,000 + $240,000) x 6% 45,000

Current service cost 107,500

Benefits paid out (48,000)

Actuarial loss related to benefit obligation 15,500

ABO, 12/31/13 $870,000


Plan assets, 1/1/13 $320,000

Actual return on plan assets (9,500)

Contributions ($107,500 + $11,429) 118,929

Benefits paid out (48,000 )

Plan assets, 12/31/13 $381,429

A"o*%$ repor$e, o% $0e s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io%

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '=5(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 715:89

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s ':54=1(U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$s '8:5 115:89( 8854=1U%reco&%i@e, /c$*/ri/! !oss '1454 7159( :=5:Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '81852(

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A% e/sier "e$0o, is /s fo!!o;s /%3 117 /!/%ce of s$/$e"e%$of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /cco*%$

  195 cr3

Fro" expe%se e%$r+ 1:15489 cr3

Fro" co%$ri*$io%s e%$r+ 115989 ,r3

B/!/%ce5 Dec3 7117 81852 cr3

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PROBLEM 19. 'Co%$i%*e,(

',( T0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 res*!$s i% / c/s0

o*$f!o; of 7:=54 /s o$0 $0e c*rre%$ +e/r6s ser)ice cos$'1=54( /%, $0e e%$ire p/s$ ser)ice cos$ '8:5( /ref*%,e, i% $0e c*rre%$ +e/r3 T0e e%$ire 8:5 of p/s$ser)ice cos$ is f*%,e, i% $0e c*rre%$ +e/r ec/*se i$ ;/sexpe%se, i% $0e c*rre%$ +e/r i% /ccor,/%ce ;i$0 $0e /,)icefro" $0e /c$*/r+3

T0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0 res*!$s i% / c/s0o*$f!o; of 115989 fro" $0e c*rre%$ +e/r ser)ice cos$'1=54( /%, $0e /"or$i@/$io% of $0e p/s$ ser)ice cos$


No$e $o I%s$r*c$orsS$*,e%$s I% re/!i$+5 $0e f*%,i%& ;o*!,%o$ !i?e!+ )/r+ ,epe%,i%& o% $0e /cco*%$i%& po!ic+ c0ose%3Of$e%5 pe%sio% f*%,i%& is ,e$er"i%e, + "i%i"*" f*%,i%&re<*ire"e%$s se$ o*$ i% !e&is!/$io%5 /!$0o*&0 $0e /,)ice of $0e /c$*/r+ /%, $0e c/s0 posi$io% of $0e co"p/%+ c/% ei"por$/%$ )/ri/!es i% $0e ,ecisio%3

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'/( Co%$i%*i$+ Sc0e,*!e of Accr*e, Be%efi$ O!i&/$io%

817 81: 814

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$e&i%%i%& of +e/r C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$I%$eres$ cos$Be%efi$s p/i, o*$Ne$ /c$*/ri/! !oss '&/i%(

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /$e%, of +e/r 








(  '8:54  ((





(  :54(


/ No i%$eres$ is c/!c*!/$e, si%ce $0ere ;/s %o o!i&/$io% /$ $0ee&i%%i%& of $0e +e/r3

=589 2759 - 11>c 511: 115:89 - >

'( Co%$i%*i$+ Sc0e,*!e of P!/% Asse$s

817 81: 814

P!/% /sse$s /$ e&i%%i%& of+e/r Expec$e, re$*r% o% /sse$sNe$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% '!oss(Be%efi$s p/i, o*$

Co%$ri*$io%sP!/% /sse$s /$ e%, of +e/r 






  25  45





'745(  945( 1=5

/ No i%$eres$ is c/!c*!/$e, si%ce $0ere ;ere %o p!/% /sse$s

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,*ri%& $0e +e/r3 :5 45 - >c 15 45 45 :5 25 75,

25 45 - >

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PROBLEM 19.9 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 co%sis$e, o%!+ of $0e c*rre%$

ser)ice cos$ co"po%e%$ /"o*%$i%& $o 4453 T0ere ;ere%o p/s$ ser)ice cos$s5 %e$ &/i%s or !osses5 pe%sio% /sse$s5or /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% /s of /%*/r+ 15 8173

Pe%sio% expe%se for 81: co"prise, $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% =589 

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 

':5(A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, %e$ &/i% or !oss 841 

A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$  

Pe%sio% expe%se 58

Pe%sio% expe%se for 814 co"prise, $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 1195

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 511: 

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s 


(A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, %e$ &/i% or !oss '2=1(A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$


Pe%sio% expe%se 11952:7

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A"or$i@/$io% of %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i%!oss


Accr*e,Be%efi$O!i&/$io% '/(

P!/%Asse$s '/( Corri,or '(

C*"*!/$i)eU%reco&%i@e, 'G/i%( Loss '/(

Mi%i"*"A"or$i@/$io%of 'G/i%( Loss



2759 115:89


45 45


2579 151:7

'     ( ' 59(

  '12541( ',(

'   ( ' ( ' 841( 'c(' (

 '2=1( 'e(

'/( As of $0e e&i%%i%& of $0e +e/r3'( T0e corri,or is 1 perce%$ of $0e &re/$er of /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io%

or p!/% /sse$s3'c( 59 2579 8541J 85411 841

',( 59 841 8454 '12541('e( 12541 151:7 25=J 25=1 2=1

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PROBLEM 19.9 'Co%$i%*e,( D*e! Too$0p/s$e Corpor/$io%',( Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$8175 81: /%, 814

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


A%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Defi%e,Be%efi$






Ne$ G/i%or Loss

B/!/%ce5 /%3 15 817'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( F*%,i%&'e( Be%efi$s'f( Ac$*/ri/! !osso*r%/! e%$ries5 187117B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 817

'&( Ser)ice cos$'0( I%$eres$ cos$'i( Expec$e, re$*r%'( A"or$i@/$io% of !oss'?( F*%,i%&'!( Be%efi$s'"( Ac$*/ri/! &/i%

o*r%/! e%$ries5 18711:B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 81:

'%( Ser)ice cos$'o( I%$eres$ cos$'p( Expec$e, re$*r%'<( A"or$i@/$io% of &/i%'r( F*%,i%&'s( Be%efi$s'$( Ac$*/ri/! !oss&/i%o*r%/! e%$ries5 187114B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 814

445 Dr3

5 Dr3445 Dr3

45 Dr3  =589 Dr3  :5 Cr3  841 Dr3 

5 Dr3

 58 Dr3

1195 Dr3  511: Dr3  25 Cr3  2=1 Cr3 

5 Dr3 11952:7 Dr3

45 Cr3

 Dr345 Cr3

25 Cr3

5 Dr3

25 Cr3

945 Cr3

5 Dr3945 Cr3


  45 Cr3  45 Cr3

858 Cr37758 Cr3

8:52:7 Cr34=5987 Cr3

 445 Cr3

  59 Cr355 Cr3  2759 Cr3

 45 Cr3  =589 Cr3

 75 Dr3  8:54 Dr3

55 Cr3115:89 Cr3

1195 Cr3 511: Cr3

 745 Dr3  :54 Cr355 Cr38=5:7 Cr3


45 Dr3 

55 Cr3 45 Dr3

 :5 Dr3 

25 Dr3 75 Cr3  15 Dr3

5 Cr3 45 Dr3

  25 Dr3 

945 Dr3 745 Cr3  158 Dr355 Cr31=5 Dr3


59 Dr35 C59 Dr3


841 Cr3

8454 Cr3 

5 Dr312541 Cr3

  2=1 Dr3

2257 Dr3 5 Dr34518 Dr3

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PROBLEM 19.9 'Co%$i%*e,(

'e( Pe%sio% Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e814

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '8=5:7(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 1=5

Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(


'15:7(U%reco&%i@e, %e$ '&/i%( or !oss 4518


Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ 

'4=5987  (

T0e pe%sio% is *%,erf*%,e, + 15:7 /$ Dece"er 7158143 T0e /"o*%$ s0o;% /s / %e$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ !i/i!i$+ o%D*e!6s s$/$e"e%$ of fi%/%ci/! posi$io% /$ Dece"er 715 814is 4=59873 T0e ,iffere%ce is ,*e $o $0e *%/"or$i@e, por$io%of $0e *%reco&%i@e, !oss of 4518 ;0ic0 ;i!! e /"or$i@e,o)er $0e /)er/&e re"/i%i%& ser)ice !ife of $0e e"p!o+ees3

'f( T0e Co"p/%+ c/% e!ec$ $o reco&%i@e 1> of $0e /c$*/ri/!&/i%s /%, !osses /s $0e+ /re i%c*rre, or *se /%+ o$0er s+s$e"/$ic "e$0o, of /"or$i@/$io% /s !o%& /s $0e /"o*%$/"or$i@e, excee,s $0e "i%i"*" /"o*%$ es$/!is0e, + $0ecorri,or "e$0o,3 If $0is /!$er%/$i)e is se!ec$e,5 /"o*%$s;i$0i% $0e corri,or c/% e reco&%i@e, /s expe%se i% $0e+e/r3

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'/(P/s$ ser)ice cos$ ;/s i%c*rre, o% Dece"er 75 8185/ffec$i%& $0e DBO /$ Dece"er 715 8183 Pe%sio% expe%sefor 818 is /ffec$e, o%!+ *%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io%/ppro/c05 /%, $0is ;o*!, e for $0e f*!! 453

P/s$ Ser)ice Cos$ *%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0*%,er ASPE



Reco&%i@e, i% f*!! i% 818

P/s$ Ser)ice Cos$ *%,er $0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0*%,er ASPE



75:28 75:28

'45 K 17 +e/rs('45 K 17 +e/rs('45 K 17 +e/rs(

P/s$ Ser)ice Cos$ *%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0*%,er IFRS


Reco&%i@e, i% f*!! i% 818

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PROBLEM 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

'( 187117 F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 9=45

Less Expec$e, f/ir )/!*e of /sse$s1117 f/ir )/!*e =45A,, expec$e, re$*r%


'> - =45( 

25A,, co%$ri*$io%s 1:75=4


Less e%efi$s  


Asse$ &/i% 


187117 Ne; /c$*/ri/!!+c/!c*!/$e, ABO



Less 1117 ABO 15845A,, i%$eres$


'1> - 15845( 

1845A,, c*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45


Less e%efi$s  


Li/i!i$+ &/i% '87=54(

U%reco&%i@e, %e$ /c$*/ri/! &/i% 187117 '845=4(

A"or$i@/$io% i% 817 

No%e ec/*se $0ere ;/s %oe&i%%i%& /!/%ce3

A"or$i@/$io% i% 81: 'corri,or /ppro/c0( 5=4




M of P!/%

Asse$s Corri,or  


Ne$ 'G/i%(A"or$i.@/$io%


15845 151=54

=45 9=45

1845 115=4

( '845=4(


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845=4 115=4 1:5J 1:5 K 12 5=4

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PROBLEM 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 *%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io%/ppro/c0 *%,er ASPE is co"prise, of $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 1845

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  '25(Ac$*/ri/! &/i% o% ABO '87=54(Ac$*/ri/! &/i% o% p!/% /sse$s '81584(

Pe%sio% expe%se '1:75=4(

'15845 - 1> 1845(

Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 *%,er $0e ,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io%/ppro/c0 *%,er ASPE is co"prise, of $0e fo!!o;i%&

C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45

I%$eres$ o% /ccr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 1845

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s  '25(A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ 75:28

Pe%sio% expe%se 1475:28

'15845 - 1> 1845(=45 - > 25

Pe%sio% expe%se for 817 *%,er $0e i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io%/ppro/c0 *%,er IFRS is co"prise, of $0e fo!!o;i%&

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C*rre%$ ser)ice cos$ 45

I%$eres$ o% ,efi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 1845

Expec$e, re$*r% o% p!/% /sse$s5 *si%& ,isco*%$ r/$e  '=45  (

Pe%sio% expe%se 15

15845 - 1> 1845=45 - 1> =45

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PROBLEM 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

',( Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e 817 for ASPE ',efer /%, /"or$i@e


Accr*e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '151=54(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s 9=45

ABO i% excess of p!/% /sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s( '81854  (U%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$

'45 75:28( 

':21547U%reco&%i@e, %e$ '&/i%( or !oss '845=4(Ne$ ,efi%e, e%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$


'95=18 (

Proof /%*/r+ 15 817 /!/%ce of $0e Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$Li/i!i$+Asse$ /cco*%$ ;/s e<*/! $o $0e f*%,e, s$/$*s of45 '15845 . =45( $0e *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)icecos$ of 45 3D*ri%& 8175 $0e Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$

Ope%i%& /!/%ce Cre,i$ ;0e% expe%se reco&%i@e, 1475:28 cr  

Dei$ ;0e% co%$ri*$io%s "/,e 1:75=4 ,r  B/!/%ce5 Dece"er 715 817 95=18 cr  

(e)If E?e,/0!6s p!/% ;/s co%$ri*$or+5 $0e e"p!o+ees ;o*!,e/r p/r$ of $0e cos$ $o f*%, $0e pe%sio% p!/%5 re,*ci%& $0e%e$ pe%sio% expe%se + $0e /"o*%$ of $0e e"p!o+eeco%$ri*$io%3 I% /$ri*$or+ p!/%5 $0e e"p!o+er e/rs$0e e%$ire cos$ of $0e pe%sio% p!/%3 T0e p!/% s$/$*s /sco%$ri*$or+ )ers*s$ri*$or+ ;o*!, %o$ c0/%&e /%+por$io% of p/r$s '/( $o ',( of $0e pre)io*s /%s;ersJ $0ere,*c$io% of pe%sio% expe%se fro" e"p!o+ee co%$ri*$io%s;o*!, e recor,e, sep/r/$e!+J $0e fi%/%ci/! s$/$e"e%$s;o*!, s0o; $0e %e$ pe%sio% expe%se3 T0e f*%,i%& o*r%/!e%$r+ ;o*!, s$i!! s0o; / cre,i$ $o c/s03 I% / co%$ri*$or+p!/%5 $0e c/s0 ;o*!, e pro)i,e, fro" $0e e"p!o+er6s o;%/cco*%$ /%, / por$io% ;o*!, co"e fro" /"o*%$s ;i$00e!,

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

fro" e"p!o+ee p/+3 T0e s$/$e"e%$ of c/s0 f!o;s ;o*!,s0o; / s"/!!er %e$ c/s0 o*$f!o; for / co%$ri*$or+ p!/%si%ce $0e e"p!o+ees ;o*!, e pro)i,i%& / por$io% of $0e

c/s0 f*%,i%& $o $0e p!/%3


'/( T0e pe%sio% ;or? s0ee$ for Be/$o% /%, G*%$er I%c3 for $0e+e/r e%,e, Dece"er 715 81: is prese%$e, o% $0e fo!!o;i%&p/&e3 I$ is /ss*"e, $0/$ $0e co"p/%+ is fo!!o;i%& IFRSec/*se i$ is / s*si,i/r+ of / "*!$i%/$io%/! co"p/%+ $0/$ is!i?e!+ / p*!ic co"p/%+3

'( T0e o*r%/! e%$ries re<*ire, $o ref!ec$ $0e /cco*%$i%& for Be/$o% /%, G*%$er I%c36s pe%sio% p!/% for $0e +e/r e%,e,Dece"er 715 81:5 /re /s fo!!o;s

Pe%sio% Expe%se3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 4:5284Re"e/s*re"e%$ G/i% 'OCI(333333333333333333333 :5284Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333


Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$33333333333333333 4=45C/s033333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


C/s0 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1584Pe%sio% Expe%se33333333333333333333333333333333333333 1584

I% effec$5 ;0e% $0e p/+ro!! $r/%s/c$io% $oo? p!/ce5$0e e"p!o+ees co%$ri*$e, 1584 /s $0eir s0/re of $0e

pe%sio% cos$3

'c( Pe%sio% Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e81:

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% '1858:75=4(P!/% /sse$s /$ f/ir )/!*e 152584

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

Defi%e, e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess of p!/%/sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s(5 /%, Ne$ ,efi%e,


Be%efi$ '!i/i!i$+(/sse$ '8587=54 (

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

PROBLEM 19.11 'Co%$i%*e,(

 ',( If i%$eres$ r/$es i% $0e eco%o"+ /re f/!!i%& $0is ;i!! $r/%s!/$e$o / !o;er ,isco*%$ r/$e ei%& *se, $o c/!c*!/$e $0e DBO3T0is ;i!! i%cre/se $0e DBO /%, $0erefore /!so i%cre/se $0e/"o*%$ + ;0ic0 $0e pe%sio% f*%, is *%,erf*%,e,3

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PROBLEM 19-11 (Continued)Be/$o% /%, G*%$er I%c3

Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$81:

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


Re"e/s*re."e%$ 'G/i%(

Loss . OCI


Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3 Be%3Li/i!i$+






B/!/%ce5 /%3 15 81:'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( F*%,i%&'e( E"p!o+ee co%$r3'f( Be%efi$s p/i,'&( Ac$3 &/i% o% /sse$s'0( Li/i!i$+ !ossExpe%se e%$r+5 18711:F*%,i%& e%$r+B/!/%ce5 Dec3 715 81:

2=15=4 Cr3271584 Dr3:5284 Cr3

  :845 Dr3  425=4 Dr3  :475184 Cr3

1584 Cr3

 :4957=4 Dr3

4=45 Cr31584 Dr3

5 Dr3

:975=4 Cr3

 8571854 Cr3

  :15=4 Cr3  :975=4 Dr38587=54 Cr3

  1157=45 Cr3  :845 Cr3  425=4 Cr3

  =42584 Dr3 

271584 Cr3 Cr3

  1858:75=4 Cr3

  952854 Dr3

  :475184 Dr3  4=45 Dr3

  =42584 Cr32=15=4 Dr3

 152584 Dr3

'c( 952854 - 4> :475184

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition


'/( T0e pe%sio% ;or? s0ee$ for G!o"s?i Corpor/$io% for $0e+e/r e%,e, M/+ 715 817 is prese%$e, o% $0e fo!!o;i%& p/&e3

'( T0e o*r%/! e%$ries re<*ire, $o ref!ec$ $0e /cco*%$i%& for G!o"s?i Corpor/$io%6s pe%sio% p!/% for $0e +e/r e%,e, M/+715 8175 /re /s fo!!o;s

Pe%sio% Expe%se33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 8592Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$3333333333333 8592

Ne$ Defi%e, Be%efi$ Li/i!i$+Asse$333333333333333333333 :84C/s0333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 :84

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PROBLEM 19.18 'Co%$i%*e,(

'/( G!o"s?i Corpor/$io%Pe%sio% #or? S0ee$For $0e Ye/r E%,e, M/+ 715 817

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries Me"o Recor,


A%%*/!Pe%sio%Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Def3Be%3 Li/ Asse$





Ser)ice Cos$

*%e 15 817'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( Co%$ri*$io%s'e( Be%efi$s p/i,'f( A"or$i@/$io% of p/s$

ser)ice cos$Expe%se e%$r+Co%$ri*$io% e%$r+B/!/%ce5 M/+ 715 817

75 Dr315::2 Dr315=72 Cr3

  84 Dr38592 Dr3

:84 Cr3


:84 Cr3

 : Cr3

8592 Cr3  :84 Dr385974 Cr3

8:51 Cr3 75 Cr3 15::2 Cr3

  4 Dr3

5 Cr385:2 Cr3

815= Dr3

 15=72 Dr3  :84 Dr3  4 Cr3

5 Cr3

875721 Dr3

85 Dr3

 84 Cr3

5 Dr315=4 Dr3

'/( Per /c$*/r+6s repor$3'( 8:51 - 323'c( 815= - 33'f( A"or$i@/$io% of *%reco&%i@e, p/s$ ser)ice cos$ fro" p!/% /"e%,"e%$ o)er .+e/r /)er/&e perio, $o f*!! e!i&ii!i$+3

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition


(a)Post-retirement benefit expense – 2014

Current service cost

$ 273,000

Interest on Post-retirement benefit obligation

($3,439,800 X 9%) 309,582

Return on assets, using discount rate  ($2,780,000 X 9%) (250,200 )


(b)Continuity of Post-Retirement Benefit Obligation – 2014

Defined post-retirement benefit obligation, 1/1/14 $3,439,800

Current service cost 273,000

Interest cost ($3,429,800 x 9%) 309,582

Benefits paid out (171,600 )

Defined post-retirement benefit obligation, 12/31/14$3,850,782

Continuity of Fund Assets – 2014

Plan assets, 1/1/14 $2,780,000

Actual return on plan assets 1/1/14 58,500Contributions 234,000

Benefits paid out (171,600)

Plan assets, 12/31/14 $2,900,900

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

PROBLEM 19.17 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Reco%ci!i/$io% Sc0e,*!e 81:

Pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ o!i&/$io% 'cre,i$( '7545=8(F/ir )/!*e of p!/% /sse$s ',ei$( 85959

Pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$ o!i&/$io% i% excess ofp!/% /sse$s 'f*%,e, s$/$*s( 'cre,i$( Ne$ Defi%e,Pos$.re$ire"e%$ 'Li/i!i$+(Asse$ 'cre,i$( '9:958




Ne$ Defi%e, Pos$.re$ire"e%$ Li/i!i$+5 /%31 2495cr Expe%se reco&%i@e,778578cr 

Re"e/s*re"e%$ '&/i%( !oss OCI1915=cr 

Co%$ri*$io% + co"p/%+87:5,r 

Acco*%$ /!/%ce Dece"er 715 81:9:958cr 

',( T0e /sic co%cep$s /%, "e/s*re"e%$ "e$0o,o!o&+ for pos$.re$ire"e%$ e%efi$s $0/$ /cc*"*!/$e /re $0e s/"e /s for pe%sio% e%efi$s3 T0e reco&%i$io% /%, "e/s*re"e%$ cri$eri/for $0e o!i&/$io% /%, p!/% /sse$s /re $0e s/"e5 /s is $0e/c$*/ri/! )/!*/$io% "e$0o,5 $0e /$$ri*$io% perio,5 /%, $0ec/!c*!/$io% of $0e c*rre%$ cos$ of e%efi$s3

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PROBLEM 19.17 'Co%$i%*e,(

T0e fo!!o;i%& ;or?s0ee$ is %o$ re<*ire, *$ is pro)i,e, $o i!!*s$r/$e $0e si"i!/ri$ies ;i$0/cco*%$i%& for pe%sio% e%efi$s3

Ge%er/! o*r%/! E%$ries


Re"e/s*re."e%$ '&/i%(!oss . OCI

Ne$ Perio,ic

Pos$.re$ire"e%$Expe%se C/s0

Ne$ Defi%e,Pos$.re$ire."e%$ Li/3


Pos$.re$ire."e%$ Be%efi$O!i&/$io%


B/!/%ce5 /%3 15 81:'/( Ser)ice cos$'( I%$eres$ cos$'c( Expec$e, re$*r%',( Ac$*/ri/! !oss'e( Co%$ri*$io%s'f( Be%efi$s p/i,Expe%se e%$r+5 1871Co%$ri*$io%B/!/%ce5 Dec3 711:

1915= Dr3

1915= Dr3

 8=75 Dr3

 79548 Dr3


8458 Cr3


778578 Dr3

87:5 Cr3

87:5 Cr3

2495 Cr3

48:58 Cr3

  87:5 Dr3

9:958 Cr3

75:795 Cr3

 8=75 Cr3

 79548 Cr3


1=152 Dr3

5 Dr3

7545=8 Cr3

85=5 Dr3


8458 Dr3

1915= Cr3

 87:5 Dr3


1=152 Cr3

5 Dr3

85959 Dr3

75:795 - 39 79548

  85=5 - 39 8458454 8458 1915=

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition






Pe%sio% e%efi$s e/r%e, $oDece"er 715 814 95


5= 8

P of /%%*i$+ /$ Dec3 715 8:= =45:44




DBO /$ Dec3 715 814 115298 4

=5989 2

1 8> - 145 - 7 +e/rs 958 8> - 1:45 - 7 +e/rs 5=7 95 - P f/c$or '2>5 18 +e/rs( 95 - 377:

'T/!e A. :( =45:44: 5= - P f/c$or '=>5 18 +e/rs( 29511

Si%ce $0e $/!es ,o %o$ i%c!*,e =>5 $0e c/!c*!/$io% ;/s,o%e *si%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$or

P Q Yie!,s 29511

I =>

N 18

PMT '5=(


T+pe 4 =45:4: - P f/c$or '2>5 78 +e/rs( =45:4: - 314:92

'T/!e A.8( 1152982 29511 - P f/c$or '=>5 78 +e/rs( =5989

P Q Yie!,s =5989

I =>

N 78

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F '29511(


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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

PROBLEM 19.1: 'Co%$i%*e,(

T0e c/!c*!/$io%s co*!, /!so e ,o%e *si%& Exce!

Exce! for"*!/ P'r/$e5%per5p"$5f)5$+pe(

T0e DBO /$ Dece"er 715 8145 *si%& $0e re)ise, /ss*"p$io%s;o*!, e =59893 T0is represe%$s /% /c$*/ri/! &/i% of 75=27'115298 =5989( si%ce $0e re)ise, DBO is !o;er $0/% $0e DBOc/!c*!/$e, *%,er $0e ori&i%/! /ss*"p$io%s3

'(2> ,isco*%$


> ,isco*%$

r/$ePe%sio% e%efi$s e/r%e, $o

Dece"er 715 814 5=



P of /%%*i$+ /$ Dec3 715 8:= =85979 1

24542: 8

DBO /$ Dec3 715 814 11577 7

4542 :

DBO /$ Dec3 715 814 *si%& => '=5989 ( '=5989 (C0/%&e i% DBO 757=: '857:7


Perce%$/&e c0/%&e :7> i%cre/se 7> ,ecre/se

1 5= - P f/c$or '2>5 18 +e/rs( 5= - 377:'T/!e A. :( =85979

8 5= - P f/c$or '>5 18 +e/rs( 5= - =3472'T/!e A.:( 24542:

7 =85979 - P f/c$or '2>5 78 +e/rs( =85979 - 314:92'T/!e A.8( 11577

: 24542: - P f/c$or '>5 78 +e/rs( 24542: - 348'T/!e A.8( 4542

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

PROBLEM 19.1: 'Co%$i%*e,(

'c( Ass*"i%& $0e p!/% ;/s 1> f*%,e, pre)io*s!+ 'DBO

F*%, /sse$s(5 $0e ,ecre/se i% DBO ;o*!, "/?e $0e p!/%o)erf*%,e, + 115298 . =5989 75=273

Pe%sio% expe%se for 814 ;o*!, %o$ e /ffec$e, if $0e ASPE,eferr/! /%, /"or$i@/$io% /ppro/c0 is *se, si%ce $0ec0/%&e $oo? p!/ce /$ Dece"er 715 8143 T0e /"or$i@/$io%of $0e /c$*/ri/! &/i% ;o*!, e /se, o% e&i%%i%&.of.+e/r /!/%ces5 /%, si%ce $0e /c$*/ri/! &/i% $oo? p!/ce /$ $0e e%,of $0e +e/r5 $0ere ;o*!, e %o /"or$i@/$io% i% 8143 I% 8125$0e /c$*/ri/! &/i% ;o*!, e /"or$i@e, /se, o% $0e excess

of $0e &/i% o)er 1> of $0e &re/$er of DBO /%, p!/% /sse$s/$ /%*/r+ 15 812 'i3e3 $0e corri,or /ppro/c0(3 T0is excess5if /%+5 ;o*!, e /"or$i@e, o)er $0e e"p!o+ee6s /)er/&ere"/i%i%& ser)ice perio, of 71 +e/rs3 A%+ /"or$i@/$io% of $0e /c$*/ri/! &/i% ;o*!, e i%c!*,e, /s / re,*c$io% of 812pe%sio% expe%se3

If $0e ASPE i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 is *se,5 $0e/c$*/ri/! &/i% of 75=27 ;o*!, re,*ce $0e 814 pe%sio%

expe%se /%, re,*ce $0e DBO '/%, i%cre/se f*%,e, s$/$*s(+ 75=273

If $0e IFRS i""e,i/$e reco&%i$io% /ppro/c0 is *se,5 $0e/c$*/ri/! &/i% of 75=27 ;o*!, e recor,e, /s / cre,i$ $ore"e/s*re"e%$ '&/i%( !oss OCI /%, re,*ce $0e DBO '/%,i%cre/se f*%,e, s$/$*s( + 75=273

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PROBLEM 19.1: 'Co%$i%*e,(


Before cre,i$for prior ser)ice

Af$er cre,i$for prior ser)ice

Pe%sio% e%efi$s e/r%e, $oDece"er 715 812 1:54


7159 8

P of pe%sio% e/r%e, /$Dec3 715 8:2 1145129


84757=8 :

DBO /$ Dec3 715 812 145189 4

77584 2

DBO5 /$ Dec3 7112 /f$er priorser)ice reco&%i@e, 77584

DBO5 /$ Dec3 7117 eforeser)ice reco&%i@e, ' 145189

  (P/s$ ser)ice cos$ i%c*rre, 15142

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PROBLEM 19.1: 'Co%$i%*e,(

1 8> - 1:45 - 4 +e/rs 1:548

8> - 1:45 - 11 +e/rs 7159 11 +e/rs 2 +e/rs p/s$ ser)ice cos$ efore 818 p!*s 4+e/rs fro" 818 $o 8123

7 1:54 - P f/c$or '=>5 18 +e/rs( 1145129

Si%ce $0e $/!es ,o %o$ i%c!*,e =>5 $0e c/!c*!/$io% ;/s,o%e *si%& / fi%/%ci/! c/!c*!/$or

P Q Yie!,s 1145129

I =>

N 18

PMT '1:54(F


4 $31,900 X PV factor (7%, 12 years) = $253,372

P Q Yie!,s 84757=8

I =>

N 18

PMT '7159(F


5 $115,169 X PV factor (7%, 30 years) = $15,129

P Q Yie!,s 145189

I =>

N 7

PMT F '1145129(


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*PROBLEM 19-14 (Continued)

6 $253,372 X PV factor (7%, 30 years) = $33,285

P Q Yie!,s 77584

I =>

N 7


F '84757=8(


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WA 1-31 =Time %*8&* minutes>

ur"ose−to "ro#ide the student ith an o""ortunity to determine the a""ro"riateaccounting for a sa!!atical !enefit under A2E and I/42 and to list theinformation needed to "re"are ad9usting entries.

WA 1-3$ =Time %*8%' minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide the student ith the o""ortunity to discuss some of themore traditional issues related to "ension re"orting. 2"ecifically, the student isasked to define a contri!utory #ersus a non3contri!utory "lan, distinguish!eteen a funded and unfunded "lan, and differentiate !eteen accounting for the em"loyer and the !enefit "lan. In all cases, the treatment under I/42 and

 A2E is e0"lored. The student must also discuss the ad#antages anddisad#antages of immediate recognition #ersus the defer3and3amorti7ea""roaches.

WA 1-3% =Time $*3%*8 minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide the student ith the o""ortunity to com"are the immediaterecognition a""roach and the defer3and3amorti7e a""roach.

WA 1-3& =Time $*8%* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide students ith an o""ortunity to research actions com"aniesare taking to reduce "ost em"loyment costs.

WA 1-3' =Time 1'8$* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide the student ith an o""ortunity to understand hy theceiling test must !e made and ho it is done.

WA 1-3) =Time 1'8$* minutes>

ur"oseto "ro#ide the student ith an o""ortunity to understand thedifferences !eteen A2E and I/42 and the conce"tual reasons for any



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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition


#A 19.1=a> This !enefit relates to a com"ensated a!sence. It is a defined !enefit "lan

hich is ser#ice related =the !enefit is earned !y the em"loyee o#er a fi#e3year "eriod and then #ests in the em"loyee>. Bnder !oth A2E and I/42,the com"any should accrue the cost of the !enefit and the related lia!ilityo#er the fi#e years in hich the em"loyee o!tains full eligi!ility for !enefits.Bnder A2E, the com"any can use the immediate recognition method thatmeasures the accrued !enefit o!ligation using the funding #aluationmethod. All "ast ser#ice costs and actuarial gains and losses areimmediately recogni7ed, as ell as the actual return on any "lan assets.

 As an alternati#e, A2E also currently allos the deferral and amorti7ationmethod. Bnder this a""roach, the accrued !enefit o!ligation is estimatedusing the "ro9ected !enefits #aluation method hich is an accountings"ecified a""roach. Bnder this method, any "ast ser#ice costs that arisecan !e deferred and amorti7ed o#er the remaining "eriod to full eligi!ility for the sa!!atical or a shorter "eriod. Actuarial gains and losses related tothese "lans are also deferred and amorti7ed o#er some reasona!le "eriod=EA42 or some shorter "eriod>. 

=!> The accountant must ha#e the folloing information or make assum"tionsa!out themF

− em"loyee turno#er dataF i.e., ro!a!ility that some em"loyees ill notsatisfy the minimum fi#e year ser#ice reDuirement. This informationould not necessarily !e needed !y the assistant controller, !ut ould!e needed !y the actuary. ro9ected salary in the sa!!atical year. Thisinformation ould not necessarily !e needed !y the assistant controller,!ut ould !e needed !y the actuary.

− a""ro"riate discount rate to use in discounting !enefits to their "resent#alue =market rates>. Bnder A2E, this discount rate can either !e thecurrent yield on high Duality cor"orate !onds, or the settlement date rate.

I/42 reDuires that the current yield on high Duality cor"orate !onds !eused.

− Galuation of the accrued !enefit o!ligation at the re"ort date =or ithin %months under A2E if a""lying the defer3and3amorti7e a""roach>,e0"ected earnings rates on "lan assets, if any, reDuired only for thedefer3and3amorti7e method under A2E and the immediate recognitiona""roach under I/42.

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#A 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

−  Actual return on any "lan assets su""orting the o!ligation. /air #alue of the "lan assets =or an o"tion under A2E is the market3related #alue>.

=c> Yes, the anser to "art =a> could change. The accounting methoddescri!ed in =a> is !ased on the assum"tion that the em"loyees arerecei#ing com"ensation in the si0th year !ased on "ast ser#ices and that inthe si0th year they are not "ro#iding acti#e ser#ice to the com"any. If thecom"any dictates their acti#ities during the sa!!atical year and theacti#ities !enefit the com"any, this ould !e considered acti#e ser#ice. Thesa!!atical year ould then not !e a com"ensated a!sence, !ut rather asalary for acti#e ser#ice e#en if the ser#ice is in alternati#e acti#ities suchas research and "romotion. The com"any ould then not need to accruethe com"ensated a!sence in the "receding years, and it ould account for the "ayments in the sa!!atical year in the same ay as for regular salary"ayments. This treatment is the same under !oth I/42 and A2E.

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#A 19.8

=a> In a contri!utory "ension "lan, the em"loyees !ear "art of the cost of thestated !enefits hereas in a non3contri!utory "lan, the em"loyer !ears the

entire cost.

=!> The em"loyer is the organi7ation s"onsoring the "ension "lan. Theem"loyer incurs the costs and makes contri!utions to the "ension fund. /or the em"loyer the accounting in#ol#es =1> allocating the cost of the "ension"lan to the "ro"er accounting "eriods, =$> measuring the amount of "ensiono!ligation resulting from the "lan, and =%> disclosing the status and effectsof the "lan in the financial statements.

The "ension fund or "lan is the entity that recei#es the contri!utions fromthe em"loyer, administers the "ension assets, and makes the !enefit"ayments to the "ension reci"ients. /or the "lan, the accounting in#ol#esidentifying recei"ts as contri!utions from the em"loyer s"onsor and asincome from fund in#estments as ell as com"uting the amounts due toindi#idual "ension reci"ients. =H:F accounting for the !enefit costs ando!ligations of the em"loyer is the to"ic of this cha"ter accounting for thefund or "lan is not.>

=c> 4elati#e to the !enefit "lan, the term Jfunded refers to the fact that assetsare accumulated o#er the "eriod the em"loyee "ro#ides ser#ice to theorgani7ation so that monies ill !e a#aila!le to "ay the !enefits hen theyare due. The relationshi" !eteen "ension fund assets and the "resent#alue of e0"ected future "ension !enefit "ayments indicates the funded

status of the "lan thus, the !enefit "lan may !e fully funded, o#er3funded,or under3funded. 4elati#e to the em"loyer, the term Jfunded has a similar meaning. 2ome "lans are "ay3as3you3go and others =i.e. funded "lans>ha#e assets set aside as the em"loyees "ro#ide ser#ices.

4elati#e to the !enefit "lan, the accrued !enefit lia!ility or asset is hat isre"orted on the !alance sheet of the em"loyer. Bnder the immediaterecognition method, this !alance ould generally !e the same as thefunded status of the "lan. Bnder the defer3and3amorti7e a""roach, this!alance is the funded status of the "lan ad9usted for any "ast ser#ice costsor actuarial gains and losses not yet amorti7ed.

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#A 19.8 'Co%$i%*e,(

=d> Terms and their definitions as they a""ly to accounting for "ension "lans


1. Current ser#ice cost is the actuarial "resent #alue of !enefits attri!uted!y the "ension !enefit formula to em"loyee ser#ice during that "eriod.Bnder the defer and amorti7e a""roach and the immediate recognitiona""roach, the current ser#ice cost is e0"ensed in the year.

ast3ser#ice cost re"resents the retroacti#e !enefits granted in a "lanamendment =or initiation>. 4etroacti#e !enefits are !enefits granted in a"lan amendment =or initiation> that are attri!uted !y the "ension !enefitformula to em"loyee ser#ices rendered in "eriods "rior to theamendment. Bnder the immediate recognition a""roach, these are all

immediately e0"ensed. Bnder the =A2E> defer3and3amorti7e a""roach,these are deferred and amorti7ed o#er an a""ro"riate "eriod of time.More s"ecifically under this a""roach, these costs are amorti7ed o#er the "eriod to full eligi!ility for the em"loyee or some shorter "eriod.

$. 4emeasurement gain<loss refers to the difference !eteen the actualreturn on "lan assets and the e0"ected return. The e0"ected return isused as "art of the "ension e0"ense calculation under I/42 =and under 

 A2E defer and amorti7e> in order to smooth out ide sings that mayoccur in the actual return. Actuarial e0"erience gain<loss refers tochanges in actuarial assum"tions =for e0am"le, changes in mortalityrate, turno#er rate, disa!ility rate, and salary amounts> that cause a

change in the defined !enefit o!ligation. This ould also in#ol#e achange in assum"tions used !y the actuary in calculating the (:6 =for e0am"le, a change in the interest rate used to discount the "ension cashflos>. I/42 recogni7es actuarial gains and losses, and remeasurementgains and losses, immediately into 6CI. Bnder A2E immediaterecognition, such gains or losses ould !e recogni7ed immediately innet income.

Bnder the =A2E> defer3and8amorti7e a""roach, either the corridor a""roach or some shorter "eriod can !e used to recogni7e these gainsand losses. The corridor a""roach reDuires the e0cess of the e0"eriencegain or loss o#er the corridor amount =1* of the greater of A:6 and"ension assets at the !eginning of the year> !e amorti7ed o#er theremaining ser#ice "eriod of the em"loyee grou".

=e> The !asic conce"ts and measurement methodology for "ost3retirement!enefits that accumulate are the same as for "ension !enefits. Therecognition and measurement criteria for the o!ligation and "lan assets arethe same, as is the actuarial #aluation method, the attri!ution "eriod, and the

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calculation of the current cost of !enefits. Loe#er, under I/42, a distinctionis made !eteen "lans that are more uncertain and reDuire


more com"le0 assum"tions such as "ost3em"loyment "ension "lans andhealth3care !enefit "lans, and other "lans. These other "lans ouldinclude "aid lea#e, sa!!aticals, long term disa!ility hich increases ithlength of ser#ice, deferred com"ensation and "rofit sharing and !onus"lans. /or these ty"es of "lans, any "ast ser#ice costs or actuarial gainsand losses must !e recognised immediately into income =not 6CI>.

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#A 19.7

The immediate recognition a""roach recogni7es all changes to the fundedstatus of the "lan immediately into income, and the funded status is re"orted

on the statement of financial "osition. The accrued !enefit o!ligation isdetermined using the funded #aluation a""roach "re"ared !y the actuary.

 Accordingly, there are no unamorti7ed amounts ith res"ect to "ast ser#icecosts or actuarial gains and losses that ill !e recogni7ed in future "eriods.The ad#antages are that the accounting is sim"lified, since unamorti7ed!alances do not need to !e tracked and estimates of deferral "eriods need not!e determined. /inally, the net lia!ility =or asset> re"orted reflects the actualfunded status of the "lan in most cases. =Where the "lan is in a sur"lus"osition, the amount of the asset re"orted ill !e limited to the amount of e0"ected future funding !enefit the com"any ill recei#e.> The disad#antageof this method is that the "ension e0"ense ill !e more #aria!le year o#er year due to e0"ensing "ast ser#ices costs and actuarial gains and losses henthey arise =immediately>. 6#er time, actuarial gains and losses ould likelyre#erse and ha#e an o#erall immaterial im"act. In addition, these actuarialgains and losses are out of management control, and therefore might gi#e afalse im"ression of the management+s a!ility to manage the firm+s results andrisk.

The defer3and3amorti7e a""roach calculates the accrued !enefit o!ligationusing the "ro9ected !enefit a""roach hich is strictly a method de#elo"ed for accounting "ur"oses. The defer3and3amorti7e a""roach allos for "ast ser#icecosts and actuarial gains and losses to !e deferred and amorti7ed o#er somereasona!le length of time =as defined ithin the accounting standards> hich

results in delaying their recognition. The rationale for delaying the recognitionis that management e0"ects future !enefits to arise from the "ro#ision of these"ast ser#ice ad9ustments to the "lans. ConseDuently, these "ast ser#ice costsshould !e recogni7ed o#er the future "eriods in hich the !enefits aree0"ected to !e reali7ed. Actuarial gains and losses arise due to une0"ectedchanges in the market #alue of "lan assets and changes in actuarialassum"tions im"acting the amount of the !enefit o!ligation. :oth of thesechanges are !eyond the control of management and are likely to re#erse o#er time. :y deferring the recognition of "ast ser#ice costs and actuarial gainsand losses o#er defined "eriods =or in some cases, not recogni7ing at all>, netearnings is less #olatile ith res"ect to these changes. This is seen as anad#antage !y some "re"arers of financial statements.

The disad#antage of the defer3and3amorti7e a""roach is that the amountre"orted on the statement of financial "osition for the accrued !enefit lia!ilityor asset, is not eDual to the funded status of the "lan. In some cases, thisaccount may e#en !e re"orted as an asset, hen in reality the "lan is actuallyin a deficit and is under3funded. To com"ensate for this, the notes mustdescri!e and reconcile the funded status to the re"orted amount and indicate!alances of unamorti7ed amounts for "ast ser#ice costs and actuarial gainsand losses.

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#A 19.:

The folloing is a summary of hat Canadian com"anies ha#e !een doing in

recent years in res"onse to rising "ost3em"loyment health3care costs and therisks that are associated ith defined !enefit "ension "lans.

=a> Elimination of retiree !enefitsF

• The most drastic res"onse.

• 2ignificant em"loyee discontent is likely.

• Bnilaterally reducing or eliminating "ost3retirement !enefits may"rom"t retirees and<or acti#e em"loyees to !ring a legal actionagainst the em"loyer.

4eser#ing the right to amend or terminate "ost3retirement !enefitsis e0"ressly needed.

•  An em"loyer may consider "ro#iding em"loyees ith a lum"3sum"ayment in e0change for the elimination or reduction of "ost3retirement !enefits.

=!> 2tricter eligi!ility reDuirementsF

• Im"osing more stringent eligi!ility reDuirements ith res"ect to nehires ill ha#e little im"act on an em"loyer+s "resent !ottom line sincene hires generally do not reach retirement age for Duite some time.

=c> Ca""ing of !enefits.=d> 2itching to defined contri!utionF

• Em"loyees ould !e taking on more risk !ut continue to !e"rotected against catastro"hic e0"enses.

• Em"loyees could manage their share of the risk !y ad9usting futurecontri!ution and co#erage le#els to match their "ersonal situation.

• 2ome com"anies im"lement defined contri!ution "lans for neem"loyees, hile retaining a defined !enefit "lan for e0istingem"loyees.

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#A 19.4

I/4IC 1& outlines the calculation for the asset ceiling test and its rationale. 2incethe sur"lus in the "lan assets argua!ly !elongs to the em"loyees and not thecom"any, limitations must !e "ut on the amount of asset that a com"any canre"ort hen the funded status is a sur"lus. Bnder I/4IC 1&, a com"any isalloed to sho as an asset =related to the sur"lus of the "ension "lan>economic !enefits a#aila!le to the entity in the form of refunds or reductions inthe future contri!utions that ould !e made to the "lan. :ut only under thecondition that the entity has an unconditional right to reali7e these !enefits atsome "oint, either during the life of the "lan or hen the "lan is settled.

The ceiling or ma0imum amount is determined !y calculating the "resent #alue of the future cost sa#ings o#er the shorter "eriod of the e0"ected life of the "lan and

the e0"ected life of the entity. And this calculation is !ased on the conditions"re#ailing at the re"ort date.

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#A 19.2

There are many differences !eteen I/42 and A2E ith res"ect tomeasurement and re"orting for "ension and other em"loyee future !enefits.rimarily, A2E has !een ritten to kee" recognition and measurement issuessim"le and therefore reDuiring less cost and time to calculate and re"ort. A2Ehas also !een designed ith the creditor in mind as the "rimary user, rather thanoutside shareholders and creditors. i#en that creditors generally ha#e accessto management the disclosure has also !een sim"lified.

6ther differences are highlighted !eloF

a> A2E has more choices a#aila!le on re"orting "ensions and other future!enefits. An enter"rise may choose to follo the immediate recognition

a""roach hich results in the accrued !enefit lia!ility or asset !eing eDualto the actual funded status of the "lan in most cases =unless the "lan is ina sur"lus "osition and then only the amount of future !enefits accruing tothe enter"rise ould !e re"orted as an asset, hich might !e loer thanthe actual sur"lus>. This is similar to the a""roach used under I/42.Loe#er, under A2E the accrued !enefit o!ligation is determined usingthe funding #aluation !asis and all "ast ser#ices and actuarial gains andlosses are immediately recogni7ed into income. This method is sim"ler and less costly to im"lement and maintain.

!> A2E also allos the defer3and3amorti7e =(@A> a""roach to !efolloed. /or "ast ser#ice costs, A2E (@A reDuires amorti7ation o#er 

the time to full eligi!ility or any shorter "eriod. /or actuarial gains andlosses, A2E (@A allos the corridor a""roach to !e used, ithamorti7ation o#er EA42 or some shorter "eriod.

c> /or immediate recognition under I/42, remeasurement gains andlosses =actuarial gains and losses> are recogni7ed directly into 6CI and donot im"act current earnings. As A2E does not ha#e 6CI, this is not ano"tion.

d> There are differences in the discount rates that can !e used for thedetermination of the o!ligation. A2E allos a choice of either the currentyield rate on high Duality cor"orate !onds =as does I/42> or the current

settlement rate =hich is not alloed under I/42>. These o"tions againmake it easier to determine the information for the "ri#ate enter"rise.

e> /or the #alue of the "lan assets at the re"ort date, I/42 reDuires thatthe fair #alue !e used. Bnder A2E, there is a choice to use either the fair #alue of the "lan assets or a market3related #alue hich is a calculatedamount that recogni7es changes in the #alue of the assets o#er no morethan a fi#e year "eriod.

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f> /or other ty"es of em"loyee future !enefits hich are not com"le0, A2E ould allo treatment similar to that of the "ension "lans. /or I/42, the only difference is that "ast ser#ice contri!utions and actuarialgains and losses ould !e immediately recogni7ed =not included in 6CI>.

g> The disclosure under A2E is greatly reduced in com"arison ith I/42,kee"ing in mind that the "rimary users of A2E statements are creditorsthat ould likely ha#e access to information from management. This isnot the case for I/42 "re"ared statements, here all ty"es of in#estorsand creditors could !e users, so there is a significant amount of disclosurereDuired.

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No$e See $0e C/se Pri"er o% $0e S$*,e%$ ;esi$e5 /s ;e!! /s$0e S*""/r+ of $0e C/se Pri"er i% $0e fro%$ of $0e $ex$3 No$e$0/$ $0e firs$ fe; c0/p$ers i% )o!*"e 1 !/+ $0e fo*%,/$io% for fi%/%ci/! repor$i%& ,ecisio% "/?i%&3 

CA 19.1

O)er)ie;• (elmar Manufacturing Inc. =(M> is o"erating in a sta!le

en#ironment !ut current income has !een im"acted !y the costof e0"ansion and construction of a manufacturing facility in

another "ro#ince.• Bsers 8 The Management and ension Committee of (M ill

!e re#ieing the im"act on the financial statements that the

"ension accounting entries and "resentation ill ha#e. There

may !e a greater "reference for (M to ado"t the accounting

"olicy choice that allos for less #olatility in net income.•

4ole 8 as a consultant an o!9ecti#e and trans"arent financialre"orting o!9ecti#e is ado"ted. Consideration of future

accounting changes and the im"act to (M is s"ecifically

reDuested.• AA 8 (M is "ri#ate and has the o"tion to follo A2E.

(ifferences !eteen I/42 and A2E are s"ecifically reDuested

for this case. The com"any follos the immediate recognition

a""roach and does not "lan to change the accounting "olicy for 


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CA 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

Iss*e Tre/$"e%$ of $0e specific pe%sio% co"po%e%$s(M+s Het :enefit 6!ligation for $*1$ "resented on the financial

statements is net of /und Assets of N-*,***. Therefore, the

"ension o!ligation must !e N%,1&',***5.

5=:enefit 6!ligation N%,1&',*** less /und Assets N-*,*** yields the

Het :enefit 6!ligation of N$,1)',*** on (M+s financial statements>

I/42 8 immediate recognition=(:6> 8 (efined :enefit


 A2E 8immediate recognition =A:6> 33 Accrued :enefit6!ligation

Current ser#ice cost of

N$%),*** is recorded in netincome as "ension e0"ense.

ast ser#ice costsF (M must

recogni7e the entire N-),***in the $*1% fiscal year ithinnet income.

Current year e0"ense of

N$%),*** is recorded innet income as "ensione0"ense.

ast ser#ice costs 8 the

full amount must !erecogni7ed in the $*1%

fiscal year.Continued

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CA 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

I/42 8 immediate recognition=(:6> 8 (efined :enefit


 A2E 8immediate recognition =A:6> 33 Accrued :enefit6!ligation

Interest e0"enseF the

discount rate used tocom"ute interest accrued onthe defined !enefit o!ligation=(:6> for $*1% must !eeDui#alent to the yield on ahigh3Duality de!t instrument

 8 in (M+s case the -current yield on high3Dualitycor"orate !onds.

Interest e0"ense for $*1% is

calculated asFO(:6 on ;an 1 N%,1&',*** P

the immediate recognition of

"ast ser#ice cost N-),***

reduced !y the a#erage ofretirement "ayments of

N%&,*** =or %&,***<$> "aid

throughout the yearQ 0 - R

$-*,1)*. This amount must

!e recorded ithin net

income for $*1% as net


The same - rate must !ea""lied to the e0"ectedreturn on "lan assets.

Interest e0"enseF the

discount rate used tocom"ute the interestaccrued on the accrued!enefit o!ligation =A:6>for $*1% has a similarreDuirement as I/42 8

current market rate on ahigh3Duality de!tinstrument.

(M can use the

settlement rate tocalculate interest on the

 A:6 if it "lans to "urchasean insurance contract to

settle its lia!ility. As (Mhas s"ecifically eliminatedthis o"tion the - !etterreflects the e0"ectedsettlement cost of thelia!ility.

The interest e0"ense is

calculated in the same

manner as under I/42.

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CA 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

I/42 8 immediate recognition=(:6> 8 (efined :enefit


 A2E 8immediate recognition =A:6> 33 Accrued :enefit6!ligation

The e0"ected return on "lan

assets under I/42 must !ecalculated using the currentyield on high3Duality !onds=->. This is a""lied to theeighted a#erage fund asset!alance of N1,**,***

  O=N-*,***PN1,*%&,***><$ RN1,**,***Q

 Total e0"ected return on

"lan assets is N-*,)%*.  A com!ined net interest of

N1--,'%* ill !e reflected inthe e0"ense and in netincome.

The total difference of

N&,1%* =N-*,)%* 3 N1),'**>is treated as a re3measurement loss and isrecorded in 6CI.

The actual return on fund

assets of N1),'** isincluded in "ensione0"ense and therefore innet income =as are allchanges in thesur"lus<deficit of the "lan>.

The actuarial loss must !e

reflected immediately 8 theN'',*** resulting from thechange in assum"tions andthe N1-,*** resulting from

the change in e0"ected andactual actuary costs isaccounted for incom"rehensi#e income 8through the 6CI. A total ofN&,*** in 6CI for fiscal$*1%.

Bnder A2E 8 the

actuarial loss isimmediately recorded innet income.

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CA 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

Co%c!*sio%  The case illustrates the treatment o"tions under theI/42 and A2E 8 immediate recognition.

Iss*e Prese%$/$io% of $0e fi%/! o!i&/$io% o% $0e fi%/%ci/!s$/$e"e%$s

I/42 A2E The (:6 calculated !y

management re"resents the!enefit o!ligation used in

the net !enefit calculation.

The net o!ligation oing or

recei#a!le from the "lan is

"resented on the :alance2heet.

The o#erall funded status of 

the "lan under I/42 is

calculated as follosF(:6 at (ec %1

N%,*,)-*3/G of A at (ec %1


Het (efined :enefit ia!ility isN$,',1-*.

The A:6 calculated !y

management may

re"resent the !enefit

o!ligation used in the net!enefit calculation. The

final !enefit o!ligation on

the financial statements

must !e u"dated !y the

actuary. The net o!ligation oing or

recei#a!le from the "lan is

"resented on the :alance2heet.

The o#erall funded status of 

the "lan under A2E is

calculated asF(:6 at (ec %1

N%,*,)-*3/G of /A at (ec %1


If management+s estimates result

in the same calculation as the

actuary, the Het (efined :enefit

ia!ility is N$,',1-*.

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CA 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(I/42 A2E The (:6 at the end of the

"eriod is calculated asF(:6 8 ;an 1

N%,1&',***Pcurrent ser#ice cost

$%),***P"ast ser#ice costs

-),***3 !enefits "aid


Pinterest e0"ense$-1,)-*Pactuarial loss

&,***(:6 8 (ec %1


The A:6 at the end of the

"eriod is calculated in thesame manner as underI/42. The difference in

 A2E is the #aria!ility inthe "ension e0"ense.Bnder A2E the actuarialloss of N&,*** is reflectedin the "ension e0"ense.

The lan Assets at the end

of the "eriod is calculatedasFA 8 ;an 1N-*,***Pcontri!utions,***Pactual return1),'**3!enefits "aid to retirees=%&,***>A 8 (ec %1

N1,*'*,'**The difference in the

e0"ected return and the

actual return is reflected in

the 6CI.

The /und Assets at the end

of the "eriod is calculated inthe same manner as underI/42. The difference in

 A2E is that the actualreturn is reflected in the"ension e0"ense.

Bnder I/42, (M can 2ame a""lies under A2E.

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segregate the !enefit costs=ser#ice cost, interest costand e0"ected return> on the

income statement or"resent as a com!ined!enefit cost.

Reco""e%,/$io%  (M is "ri#ate and can choose to follo the Sdefer and amorti7e+ a""roach for "ension accounting. A2E guidance istransitioning toards eliminating this a""roach for the future. It isad#isa!le for (M to continue to follo the immediate recognitiona""roach, hich is more trans"arent.

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IC 19.1


-u!lic com"any since shares trade on national stock e0change

 8 therefore I/42 constraint- May !e some !ias to sho com"any in !est light gi#en

significant !ank loans 8 de!t to eDuity ratio is a key ratio as

!ank ill assess and likely use in setting cost of ca"ital 8 ca"ital

intensi#e gi#en large e0"enditures in e0"loration and

de#elo"ment =therefore de!t likely high>- In#estors ill likely ant information a!out "otential reser#es

and also riskiness of assets- En#ironmentalists ill use the statements as e#idence of

hether the com"any is !eing en#ironmentally res"onsi!le and

not making e0cess "rofits at the e0"ense of the en#ironment- 2ince the funding for the ne !enefit "lan is !ased on net

income, any issue that affects net income ill !e a significant

one 8 es"ecially for the em"loyees ho are "art of the "lan.-  As controller 8 ill ant to !e trans"arent yet not e0"ose the

com"any to any additional risks from en#ironmentalists nor

increase the cost of ca"ital

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IC 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

A%/!+sis /%, reco""e%,/$io%s

Mine A de"reciationCom"onenti7e railay cars<rails (o not

- 2hould treat cars andtracks as se"arate andamorti7e o#er different"eriod or using differentmethod since they ha#ediffering li#es and usage.

- The mineral "ro"ertyde"reciation should !e!ased on reser#es andde"letion hereas therailay system on usage.

- The com"any may !e a!leto sal#age and sell therailay system at the end 8or reuse.

- :etter to se"arate theeDui"ment from the

"ro"erty 8 moretrans"arent.

- Mine ill last 1* years andso 9ust amorti7e all o#er 1*years.

- Costs to com"onenti7e notorth it 8 costs e0ceed!enefits.

- Will likely a!andon mineafter that so likely littleresidual #alue in railaycars and tracks.

4ecommendationF It is more trans"arent to se"arate out thesignificant com"onents and de"reciate se"arately.

(e"letion:ased on high estimate ofreser#es =% higher so significantdifference>

:ased on lo estimate ofreser#es

-oer de"letion

- (ifficult to estimatehoe#er engineers andgeologists ha#e esta!lishedthe higher le#el 8 for suremore than the lo endestimate hich is o#erly

-Ligher 8 so moreconser#ati#e

- 2ignificant uncertainty sinceengineers and geologistsnot a!le to come u" ithconcrete num!er 

- Will !e a!le to refine as the

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conser#ati#e mining "rogresses

IC 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

4ecommendationF It ould !e "rudent to use the loer estimate ofreser#es due to the significant uncertainty.

Mine : e0"loration costsCa"itali7e E0"ense

-  Interest costs must !eca"itali7ed as long as theyare directly related to the"roducing mine.

-  All other costs related to!ringing the mine into"roduction are ca"itali7edas long as directly related.

- May include seniormanagement salaries asneed to s"end more timedue to "olitical insta!ility incountry 8 need to negotiatedirectly related to getting

the mine ready.- The com"any !elie#es that

the mine ill contri!ute tofuture cash flos that theyha#e access to 8 otherisethey ould not !e s"endingthe money on de#elo"ingthe "ro"erty.

- 2ignificant uncertainty as tohether sufficient gold oreactually e0ists ofcommercial grade.

- 6ne time fee 8 like a !ri!e 8should likely e0"ense ifnormal cost of doing!usiness in this ty"e ofen#ironment.

- May need to disclose.- 2enior management salary

fi0ed cost and ould s"endthis anyay 8 more likeo#erhead 8 normal ongoing

cost of doing !usiness.

4ecommendationF 6#erall, the com"any !elie#es that the land is

orth de#elo"ing and therefore the costs should !e ca"itali7ed.


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IC 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

Mine C A46

 Accrue (o not- Must accrue if likely and

measura!le 8 since they arein the !usiness of mining 8must !e a!le to measure theestimated cost of cleanu".

- It a""ears as though it ismeasurea!le sincemanagement knos that it

ill !e material.- En#ironmentalist ould find

this useful info and thereforefull recognition ould gi#e it"rominence and #isi!ility.

- E#en if a!andoned 8 stillha#e a res"onsi!ility to cleanu".

- Will likely a!andon andtherefore e0"enditure on

 A46 not "ro!a!le.- Hot yet reDuired !y la

therefore no legalo!ligation.

4ecommendationF ro!a!ly !etter to accrue.

6il rigsCa"itali7e maintenance E0"ense

- /uture !enefit 8 $ years andtherefore meets thedefinition of an asset.

- Cost #ersus !enefits 8 notorth it to ca"itali7e sincethe !enefit is only toyears.

- More like an ongoing costof doing !usiness 8 need to

maintain the eDui"ment tokee" it in good orkingorder.

4ecommendationF It is !etter to e0"ense as it is normal in ca#es 8 e0"ense since ill not !e a!le to sell. This is anongoing cost of doing !usiness.

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IC 19.1 'Co%$i%*e,(

Treat ore "iles as in#entory or lea#e as "art of mine 8 likely the lattersince not yet refined.

6ther issueF (etails a!out the ne long3term !enefit "lan for theem"loyees are needed. There may !e recognition and measurementissues that need to !e resol#ed, de"ending on the "lan s"ecifications.

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 All of the ansers !elo are taken from Hote $* of the $*11 financial statements.

=a> The "lan asset and accrued !enefit o!ligation !alances at the end of years

$*11 and $*1* are "resented !elo.

=in Nmillions > Dec3 715 811 Dec3 715 81 Accrued !enefit

o!ligation 1,&$ 1),$-

lan assets 1),%& 1&,%'

/unded status8deficit 1,* 1,&)%

The "lan deficit is N1,* million !efore taking into account the effect of the

asset limit of N1)- million =the effect of the asset limit as N1-$ million in $*1* 3

see Hote $* for details>. The under3funded status has im"ro#ed since the end of 

the $*1* mainly !ecause the em"loyer made a large contri!ution of N1.&& !illion

in $*11 com"ared to N1.$ !illion in $*1*. At the same time, the actual return on

the "lan assets as a gain of N& million in $*11 com"ared to a gain of N1,&'

million in $*1*. While the actuarial losses on the A:6 decreased from N1,*

million in $*1* to N)& million in $*11. lans in a net deficit "osition total N1,$,

and those in a net sur"lus "osition total N%1.

=!> The reconciliation of the funded status of these "lans at (ecem!er %1, $*11,

to the amounts re"orted on the !alance sheet is as follosF

=in Nmillions>Dec3 715


/unded status8deficit N =1,*>Effect of asset limit =1)->Het accrued !enefit lia!iility =1,$'>4e"orted in non3current assetsF Em"loyee !enefit asset N %14e"orted in non3current lia!ilitiesF Em"loyee !enefito!ligation 5

N =1,$>

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The com"any is shoing an em"loyee !enefit o!ligation of N1,$ relating to its

"ension !enefits, hich e0ceeds its funded status deficit due mainly to the effect

of the asset limit reDuirements. This is much more realistic than hat :CE

re"orted in $**- under the defer and amorti7e a""roach. =You may ish to refer 

to the $**- :CE annual re"ort for $**- a#aila!le on 2E(A4 for further details>.

=c> The com"any+s results are shon !elo in the ta!leF =in Nmillions>

E0"ected return on "lan assets 1,*1

 Actual return on "lan assets &

=d> The e0"ense re"orted for the defined !enefit "ension "lans is N- million.

The main com"onents of the cost of the defined !enefit "ension "lans ere as


Current ser#ice cost $$*

Interest cost

E0"ected return on "lan assets =1,*1>


This is su!stantially loer than the e0"ense under the immediate recognition of 

 A2E, mainly !ecause under I/42 actuarial losses re"orted in 6CI totalling

N-)$ million ould ha#e !een charged directly to e0"ense.

=e> :CE has other "ost3em"loyment "lans that "ro#ide for health and life

insurance co#erage, !ut these "lans are !eing "hased out o#er the 1* years

ending (ecem!er %1, $*1). The com"any also "ro#ides some orkers ith

disa!ility "lans, orkers+ com"ensation and medical !enefits to former 

em"loyees until their retirement commences. These "lans ere a large deficit"osition at (ecem!er %1, $*11 and $*1* of N1,) million and N1,)1& million.

The com"any has fe assets to fund these "lans. /or $*11 and $*1*, the

com"any re"orted related A:6+s of N1,-' and N1,$% million res"ecti#ely.

=f> The total e0"ense for the defined contri!ution "lans ereF N)1 million and N&

million for $*11 and $*1*, res"ecti#ely.

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=a> As indicated from the notes, the "ension "lans ere in asur"lus in $*1*, !ut mo#ed into a deficit "osition for $*11. At (ecem!er %1,

$*1* and $*11, the sur"lus =deficit> amounts ere NB2 1- million and NB2=$-> million, res"ecti#ely.

=!> The e0"ense is re"orted as a negati#e NB2 * million in $*11 and negati#eNB2 * million in $*1* =that is, it is in an income "osition for !oth years>. This isa relati#ely small change year o#er year =relati#e to the si7e of the o#erall"ension "lan>. The e0"ected return on the "lan assets has caused a "lan to !ein an income, rather than an e0"ense "osition for !oth years. This e0"ected gainas higher than the current ser#ice cost and the interest cost for !oth years.This could !e !ecause the "lan assets ere greater than the o!ligation in $*1*and at the !eginning of $*11. This ould cause returns on assets to !e higher.

Loe#er it should !e noted that in $*11, the com"any had an actual return thatas much loer than their e0"ected return =N%) million #s. N1,**' million>. If thisdoes not im"ro#e in $*1$, it could e#entually lead to "ension cost to !e in ane0"ense "osition =in $*1$ or $*1%>.

=c>  The amount of cash flo incurred to fund the "lan for $*11 as NB2 &'million and NB2 &11 million for $*1*. (ifferences in the year o#er year amountsto fund the "lan could !e !ased on the num!er of em"loyees still in the "lan or the amount of sur"lus !eing used to fund the "lan in $*1*. In the case of CH, itis likely that ith the large sur"lus in $*1*, the com"any as a!le to make loer contri!utions in $*1*. In !oth years, the amount of the e0"ense is loer than the

actual amount reDuired to fund the "lan =as indicated !y the sur"lus turning into adeficit "osition o#er the to year "eriod>.

=d>  This is an interesting Duestion for the com"any =and other com"anies thatha#e mo#ed from J(efer and Amorti7e to JImmediate 4ecognition>. 2ince theymo#ed from the defer3and3amorti7e a""roach se#eral years ago, the financialstatement "resentation is more realistic than it has !een. Loe#er, under I/42the com"any is a!le to record remeasurement gains and losses =and actuarialgains and losses> in 6CI. In this res"ect, the com"any can still Jdefer the im"actof actual losses from the "lan on E2. This reflects the e0"ectation that thelosses may re#erse e#entually and !e re"laced ith higher than e0"ected gains.

6#erall, the increase in accumulated 6CI loss related to the "ension "lan in $*11as NB2 1,')* million =re"orted se"arately in CH4+s annual re"ort>.

/or the knoledgea!le user, since all of the information is "ro#ided in the notes,they can easily make any ad9ustments to the e0"ense that they ish in their analysis. i#en this, e could conclude that the information is faithfullyre"resented.

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=a> 4ele#ant rates used to calculate "ension informationF


Air C/%/,/


B/%? of 



Ro%/ I%c3

(iscount rate

4ate of com"ensation


E0"ected long3term

rate of return on "lan











 =!> The discount rates are fairly similar for all three com"anies. The e0"ected

rates of com"ensation increases though are different. Air Canada+s rate of 

$.' is the loest, ith 46HA and :ank of Montreal ha#ing similar rates of 

%.% and %.. This difference ill ha#e a significant im"act on the

"ro9ected amount of the accrued !enefit o!ligation. The e0"ected rates of 

returns are similar ranging from '.- for the :ank of Montreal to Air Canada

of ).-. Loe#er, e#en seemingly small differences in these "ercentages

can !e significant =e.g., the difference of ).* #s. ).- for 46HA and Air 

Canada is a 1' difference in discount rates>. (ifferences in discount rates

like these can result in significant differences in the determination of theunderlying amounts such as the (:6 or A:6.

=c> The changes in the assum"tions during the "eriod co#ered in the notes of

the com"anies+ financial statements are "resented !elo.

Air C/%/,/B/%? of 


(iscount rate (ecreased !y

*.% from '.'

to '.$

(ecreased !y

*.1 from '.$

to '.1

(ecreased !y

*.' from '.'

to '.*

4ate of



Ho change,

remains at $.'

Increased *.1

from %.$ to


Increased !y

*.1 from %.)

to %.

E0"ected long3

term rate of

(ecreased *.1

from .* to

(ecreased *.&

from ).% to

Ho change,

remains at )

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return on "lan

assets).- '.-

RA19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

The most significant change as in the discount rate used. All three

com"anies decreased their discount rates ith the range !eing *.1 to

*.'. This ill result in a loer interest cost hich ill decrease the

"ension e0"ense, and increase the accrued !enefit o!ligation.

The small increase in the rate of e0"ected com"ensation increase for :ank

of Montreal and 46HA ill increase their "ension e0"ense and the

o!ligation. In addition, an increase in the rate of com"ensation ould also

result in an actuarial loss. Increases in "ension e0"ense resulting from

changes in assum"tions ould ha#e the effect of increasing the accrued"ension lia!ility =or decreasing a "re"aid "ension cost>, all else !eing eDual.

 =d> Air CanadaF The com"any "ro#ides to its em"loyees defined !enefit and

defined contri!ution retirement !enefits and other "ost3em"loyment !enefits

such as health, life and disa!ility. Assum"tions statedF (iscount rate is '.$

and rate increase in health care costs are .', ith cost trend rates

declining to '.* !y $*1'.

:ank of MontrealF The com"any "ro#ides defined !enefit and definedcontri!ution "ension "lans for its em"loyees, in addition to health and dental

and life insurance !enefits for retirees and current em"loyees. Assum"tions

statedF (iscount rate is '.1, 4ate of com"ensation increase is %.%, and

ultimate health care cost trend rate is '.&.

46HA Inc.F 46HA "ro#ides defined !enefit and defined contri!ution

"ension "lans for its em"loyees. It does not "ro#ide any "ost3em"loyment

medical "lans.

The ty"es of assum"tions made are standard among com"anies, de"endingon the actual "ost3em"loyment !enefits "ro#ided. The rates a""lied in

Duantifying the com"onents of the medical !enefits are similar, although

ithin a !roader range of '.* to .'. These rates ill ha#e a significant

effect on the health3care "lans o!ligation and related e0"ense, !ut the long

run trends e0"ected are more similar for Air Canada and the :ank of 


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RA19.7 'Co%$i%*e,(

=e> :elo is the information on the defined !enefit "ension "lan and "ost3

retirement !enefit "lans for $*11 fiscal year end =$*1$ for :ank ofMontreal>.

Air C/%/,/


B/%? of 





(efined !enefit


/unded status

=deficit> sur"lus

=&,'1-> =$1*> =&,)1*>

 Actual amount



=&,'1-> &)' =),1-$>

(ifference * =)'> 1,'$

6ther em"loyee


/unded status

=deficit> sur"lus

=1,11)> =1,*)> H<A

 Actual amount=lia!ilities><assets


=1,*&&> =--> H<A

(ifference =$> =-> H<A

There ere some significant differences in the #alues recogni7ed in the

financial statements for the defined !enefit lia!ilities or assets and the actual

funded status of the "lans. /or e0am"le, the difference of N1,'$ for 46HA

relates to the fact that 46HA does not ha#e an unconditional right to any

sur"luses in indi#idual "lans, so the lia!ility re"orted is greater than the

funded status deficit at the financial re"orting date. The N)' difference for 

the :ank of Montreal relates to use of the deferral and amorti7ation method

!y the !ank for $*1$. The difference relates mainly to a loss on the !enefit

lia!ility not yet recorded relating to changes in assum"tions. The ne

standard reDuiring use of immediate recognition must !e ado"ted !y the

2olutions Manual 1-31)-

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Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition

!ank for its fiscal year starting Ho#em!er 1, $*1%, so !y the end of fiscal

$*1%3$*1& the difference is likely to !e eliminated.

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy

Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition


The Ac2: has "ro"osed re"lacing e0isting CICA Land!ook 2ection %&)1

ith 2ection %&)$. Currently, under 2ection %&)1 of A2E, a com"any canuse either the deferral and amorti7ation a""roach or the immediate

recognition a""roach for accounting for their "ension !enefits. Bnder the

ne "ro"osals, the deferral and amorti7ation a""roach ould !e


In addition, ne 2ection %&)$ ould reDuire that "lan o!ligations and "lan

assets !e measured at the !alance sheet date, rather than ha#ing the

o"tion of using a date of u" to three months "rior to the !alance sheet date.

The ne section also utili7es similar terminology to that used under IA2 1-

=for e0am"le, using the term defined !enefit o!ligation, rather than accrued

!enefit o!ligation and using the term defined !enefit lia!ility =asset> on the

!alance sheet rather than the term accrued !enefit lia!ility =asset>>. This

should hel" to minimi7e confusion hen com"aring the financial statements

for com"anies using I/42 #s. A2E.

Bnder the ne section, com"anies ould no longer need to refer to the

e0"ected rate of return on "lan assets hen calculating "ension e0"ense

=as as done under the deferral and amorti7ation method>. The actual rateof return is used under the immediate recognition a""roach of A2E hen

determining "ension e0"ense. 2ince A2E does not utili7e 6CI, there is

no need to consider the e0"ected rate of return =it is still referred to under 

I/42 for determination of remeasurement gains and losses relating to "lan

assets, ith such gain and losses floing through 6CI>.

Com"anies ould use the same discount rate to determine the limit on the

carrying amount of a defined !enefit asset as they use for the (:6. This is

a change, as they used to use the e0"ected rate of return on "lan assets

for calculating the limit on the carrying amount of a defined !enefit asset.Com"anies ould also use the same discount rate as used for the (:6 in

order to determine remeasurement gains or losses related to "lan assets

=similar to I/42>. Loe#er, hile such remeasurement gains or losses

ould !e charged to 6CI under I/42, under the ne A2E section the

remeasurement gains or losses ould 9ust !e reDuired to !e disclosed =not

recorded se"arately>.

2olutions Manual 1-311

Co"yright ? $*1% ;ohn Wiley @ 2ons Canada, td. Bnauthori7ed co"ying, distri!ution, or transmission of this "age is strictly "rohi!ited.

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Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, Young, Wiecek, McConomy

Intermediate Accounting, Tenth Canadian Edition