Sll 10030 lecturei (1)

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Transcript of Sll 10030 lecturei (1)

SLL 10030

The Shaping of Europe 2

Class Times

Monday, 15:00 – 16:00 C 108

Wednesday, 15:00-16:00 NTh1

Teaching Team

Dr Sabine Krobb (Coordinator)Dr Gillian Pye,Dr Philip Johnston,Dr Douglas Smith(for contact details look on Blackboard)

Course PlanWeeks 1-4 (Dr Sabine Krobb)Nationalism and Imperialism in the 19th centuryWeeks 5-7 (Dr Gillian Pye)Art, Architecture and IndustryWeek 8 (Dr Philip Johnston)Spanish Civil WarWeeks 9-10 (Dr Sabine Krobb/Dr Gillian Pye)Cold WarWeeks 11-12 (Dr Douglas Smith)The Invention of the Third World


Class Test 1: Mon, 18 Feb (week 5) 25%

Class Test 2: Wed, 3 April (week 9) 25%

Exam: End of semester 50%

19th Century Europe

Important events to frame developments in the 19th century:

•The French Revolution 1789•The beginning of World War I 1914

The Ascent of the Nation

Catalysts for the ‘birth of the nation’:

•US Declaration of Independence 1776•French Revolution 1789

Nation becomes powerful agent in local and international politics

What is a nation?


StateTerritorial state as a legal concept:

“The state in the modern conception is a legally defined term that refers, at the level of substance to a state power that possesses both internal and external sovereignty – at the spatial level, to a clearly delimited terrain, the state territory, and at the social level, to the totality of members, the body of citizens or the people.”(Jürgen Habermas: The European Nation-State. Quoted in Robert Guerrina: Europe. Histories, Ideas and Ideologies. London: Arnold, 2002, p. 39)


- Persecution, says he, all the history of the world is full of it. Perpetuating national hatred among nations.

- But do you know what a nation is? Says John Wyse.- Yes, says Bloom.- What is it? Says John Wyse.- A nation? Says Bloom. A nation is the same people

living in the same place.

- By God, then, says Ned, laughing, if that’s so, I’m a nation for I’m living in the same place for the past five years.

- Or also living in different places.- That covers my case, says Joe.

(James Joyce: Ulysses


Nation Definition 1

A nation is a group of people identified as sharing any number of real or perceived characteristics – such as common ancestry, language, religion, culture, historical, traditions and a shared territory – the members of which can identify themselves and the others as belonging to a group, and who have the will or desire to remain as a group, united through some form of organisation, most often political.

(Timothy Bancroft: Nationalism in Europe, 1789-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, p. 3)


• Where geographical boundaries of the nation are superimposed on those of the state.

• Where the boundaries of state and nation correspond, the state is granted the power to represent the nation

Nations and nation states in first half of 19th century

• Nation-states (Examples: France, Britain)• Fragmented political entities where nationalist

feeling was based on joint language, culture and customs but formation of nation-state only occurred towards end of century (Examples: Germany, Italy)

• National groups struggling for independence within multinational empires (Examples: Poland, Greece)

Nation Building

• Movement towards unification of disparate lands with a common cultural, linguistic heritage

• Movement towards fragmentation of multinational empires into independent nation-states


• Movement that emerged in conjunction with the development of nation states or that is associated with the struggle of the a nation to assert its independence and sovereignty

The redrawing of the map of Europe in 19th century

• 1799-1812 Napoleon’s attempt to create a French-dominated empire in Europe

• 1815 The Congress of Vienna and restoration

• 1860/1871 Unification of Italy and Germany

Europe 1812

Europe 1815

Europe 1871

2 types of nationalism

Civic nation• Emphasis on citizenship• Individual rights• Obligations within a political

community• Often early development of

a unified state• Long and shared political

history• Within defined territorial

and legal framework

Ethnic nation• Shared myths of ancestry

and historical memories• Common culture• Early democratization OR

late modernization• Often emerging from

polyglot empires or from a fragmentation into small states

Representatives of ideas of the nation in late 18th and 19th century

Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803)

Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)

Representatives of ideas of the nation in 19th century

Giuseppe MazziniThe duties of man (1844-1858)

A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.

Ideas of the nation in 19th Cenutry

Ernest Renan (1832-1892) Qu’est-ce qu’une nation? (1882)A nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things, which are really only one, go to make up this soul or spiritual principle. One of these things lies in the past, the other in the present. The one is the possession in common of a rich heritage of memories; and the other is the actual agreement, the desire to live together, and the will to continue to make the most of the joint inheritance

Two men are of the same nation if and only if they share the same culture, where culture in turn means a system of ideas and signs and associations and ways of behaving and communicating (Ernest Gellner)

Nations as “imagined communities” (Benedict Anderson)

Homework for Wednesday, 23 Jan

• Find information on Herder, Fichte, Mazzini and Renan

• Read the excerpts you have been assigned (excerpts are available on Blackboard. You must have the texts with you in class, either as paper copy or on screen)

• Make notes on the guided reading questions for the excerpts assigned to you