Slidesharetentips final

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Slidesharetentips final

1. Embrace your surroundings

You don’t need a vacation to feel relaxed. Think of places in your ‘hood where you feel relaxed. Whether it’s a bench in the park or your corner café, go there when things get hectic. Sit, close your eyes, and breathe. Calm is coming.

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2. Try Acupuncture

This ancient form of Chinese medicine stimulates your body’s acupoints and promotes healing. Forget your fears of feeling like a pincushion; you’re going to feel like newborn after a couple of sessions.

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3. Mix it Up

Find ways to mix up your regular routine. Sometimes taking a new route home or eating breakfast for dinner will give you a little shot of energy. We also recommend spicing things up with a colorful manicure or a new hairdo. Whatever tickles your fancy.

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4. See it to believe it

Visualization is the process of using your imagination to achieve a more relaxed state of mind. Think about calming images and places while breathing deeply.

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5. Get Movin’

Yeah yeah, you do have to exercise even if your schedule is hectic. But find an activity that you enjoy doing. We prefer things that feel like play: for example, throwing a frisbee in the park on a warm summer day. (Yes, that counts!)

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6. Clean, Clean, Clean

Yes, we said it! It sounds dreadful, but promise you’ll feel so much more relaxed. Get rid of all the clutter and rediscover your bedroom floor. Sound painful? Then hire a professional. There’s no shame in that!

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7. Try Yoga

The art of controlling your body while taking those deep breaths is actually really relaxing. Yoga has many different variations from slow meditation to more athletic versions. We’re obsessing over bikram yoga, where you do yoga postures in a heated room.

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8. Listen to some tunes

Relax to a soothing song, or blast the music and dance like no one’s watching. Don’t underestimate the power of good music! [Confession: I have a separate playlist for different moods. For example, the song “Happy” by Pharell is 1st on my playlist called “It’s gonna be ok”.]

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9. Identify what you can and can’t control

It sucks, but sometimes situations are out of your control. If you do not have control on the matter, breathe deeply and then let it go. If you do, brainstorm a list of how you could make the situation more manageable.

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10. Find what works for you

Lists like this are just suggestions. Try different things and come up with your personal toolbox for situations when life takes you for a whirl. For example, if a massage calms you down, book one in advance for the end of a busy week. Good Luck!

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Now sit back, relax, and

book all those appointments on MyTime

Find haircuts, acupuncture, house cleaning, and more!

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