Slide civileng

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Slide civileng

Civil EngineeringCivil EngineeringA People Serving A People Serving


Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering

Civil engineering focuses on Civil engineering focuses on the infrastructure of the world:the infrastructure of the world:

Water works, Sewers, Dams, Power Plants, Transmission Towers/Lines, Railroads, Highways, Bridges, Tunnels, Irrigation Canals, River Navigation, Shipping Canals, Traffic Control, Mass Transit, Airport Runways, Terminals, Industrial Plant Buildings, Skyscrapers, etc.

Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering• In the beginning, Civil Engineering

included all engineers that did not practice military engineering; said to have begun in 18th century France

• First “Civil Engineer” was an Englishman, John Smeaton in 1761

• Civil engineers have saved more lives than all the doctors in history --- development of clean water and sanitation systems

Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering

• Henry H. White, first KY Civil Engineering Graduate from Bacon (Georgetown) College in 1840

• Fall of 1886, “State College” (UK) established civil engineering degree

• John Wesley Gunn of Lexington received first Civil Engineering degree from A & M College (UK) in 1890

CE Student OrganizationsCE Student Organizations• Chi Epsilon – Civil Engineering honorary

• ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers)

• AGC (Association of General Contractors)

• ARTPA (American Road and Transportation Builders Association)

• ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers)

• KSPE (Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers – section of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE))

Civil Engineering ProcessCivil Engineering Process

• Planning …

• Design …

• Construction …

• Operation/Maintenance …

• Rehabilitation …

Civil Engineering Civil Engineering SpecialtiesSpecialties

• Construction

• Environmental/ Water Quality

• Geotechnical

• Hydraulics

• Materials

• Structural

• Surveying

• Transportation

• Water Resources

Construction EngineersConstruction Engineers

• Design formwork, scaffolding, lifting apparatus, etc.

• Management of construction resources: labor, materials, equipment, money and time.

Environmental Environmental EngineersEngineers

• Apply fluid mechanics, biology and chemistry to the design and operation of environmental control systems, e.g., municipal and industrial wastewater systems.

• Model and monitor the movement and behavior of water pollutants in natural waters.

Geotechnical EngineersGeotechnical Engineers

• Analyze soil and rock that affect the behavior of struc-tures, pavements, underground facilities, and containment structures for solid and liquid wastes.

• Design foundations, retaining walls, roadway cuts, etc.

• Field and laboratory work along with design.

Hydraulic EngineersHydraulic Engineers

• Analyze and design systems to transport liquids.

• Small and large systems of pipes as well as engineered and natural channels.

• Hydraulic machinery such as pumps and turbines, hydraulic controls such as valves and weirs, and hydraulic structures such as dams and spillways.

Materials EngineersMaterials Engineers

Design, analyze, and construct materials such as:

• Steel

• Concrete

• Masonry

• Asphalt

• Composites

Structural EngineersStructural Engineers• Design and analyze all man-

made objects whose primary function is load resistance: buildings, bridges, aircraft, transmission towers, radar domes and antennas, drilling platforms, etc.

• Must also consider the economics, esthetics and social implications of their creations.


• Precisely locate and layout engineering projects.

• GIS (Geographic Information Systems), GPS (Global Positioning Systems), and lasers distance measurement devices.

• Maps and aerial photos.

Transportation Transportation EngineersEngineers

• Analyze movement of persons and goods.

• Plan, design, construct, maintain and operate various transportation modes (e.g., highway, railway, air, water, etc.).

• Design traffic management systems.

Water Resources Water Resources EngineersEngineers

• Develop, use and manage world’s water resources.

• Design water distribution systems, wells, reservoirs, canals, locks and dams, port facilities and flood control systems.

• Analyze the impact of other engineering projects on the natural hydrologic system.