Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin

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Transcript of Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin



  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin



    Page 3: Army special rules.

    Page 4: Ungrim Ironfist

    Page 5: Garagrim Ironfist Page 6: Gotrek Gurnisson

    Page 7: Felix Jeager

    Page 8: Snorri Nosebiter

    Page 9: Malakai Makaison

    Page 10: DeamonSlayers & Dragonslayers

    Page 11: TrollSlayers & Doomseekers

    Page 12: Brotherhood of Grimnir & Slayer Pirates

    Page 13: Goblin Hewer

    Page 14 & 15: Runes & Slayer Skills

    Page 16: Slayer Army List: Lords

    Page 17: Slayer army list: Heroes

    Page 18: Slayer army list: Core Units

    Page 19: Slayer army list: Special Units

    Page 20: Slayer army list: Rare units

    Page 21: Rigths and stuff

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Army special rules:

    Look Snorri, Trolls!:

    Slayers are instinctively attracted by big monsters and such. When surrounded by their fellows and

    the big monsters present, it is hard to resist the urge to charge forwards and attack it.

    Before rolling who gets first but after deployment, roll for every unit who has a monster within Line

    of Sight. ON a 4+ the unit surges forwards D6+1 . They can make one wheel max during this move.

    In addition if more than half of the army (rounded up) surged forwards, the owning player has +1 on

    the roll who gets the first turn.

    A glorious death:

    A slayer army on the march can only mean 1 thing, a lot of stunties seeking to die to the biggest and

    toughest of the enemy. Instead of killing the morale, it in fact boosts the morale when a slayer is


    For every 5 Slayers or a character slain in combat the army gets an extra 10 victory points.

    Slayers and dispelling:

    Slayers are just dwarves, but then half-naked (or in case of war-mourners, fully naked) and berserk. A

    slayer army follows the rules for dwarves and dispelling as described in the 8th ed. Rulebook.

    First among slayers:

    If a slayer army is not led by Ungrimm Ironfist another character that must be the general. Another

    character must be pointed out as general. Even if he has the loner special rule.

    Other rules:The following rules are described in the dwarf army book: Slayer; Slayer axes; Loner;

    Relentless and Ancestral grudge. These do also apply.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Ungrim Ironfist, Slayer King of KarakKadrin465pts.:

    Ungrim Ironfist is the Slayer King and is a lord choice in a slayer army. You may only have one Ungrim

    Ironfist in your army. He must be the army's General.

    M/3 WS/7 S/4 T/5 W/3 I/5 A/4 Ld/10

    Weapons & Equipment:Ungrim is armed with the Axe of Dargo, wears the Dragon Cloak over

    Gromril armour, and wears the Slayer Crown.

    Dragon Cloak:The Dragon Cloak bears the Master Rune of Spite (4+ Ward save), a Rune of the

    Furnace (immune to fire attacks), and a Rune of Luck (one re-roll per battle).

    Axe of Dargo:This is inscribed with the Master Rune of Smiting. Any enemy wounded by the Axe of

    Dargo (after saves, etc.), loses not one wound but D6 wounds. In addition, it bears a Rune of Parrying

    which means that one model in base contact (chosen by the Dwarf player) loses 1 Attack in close

    combat. This has no effect against special attacks, such as a Night Goblin Fanatics.

    The Slayer Crown:This bears a Rune of Fortitude (+1 Wound) and a Rune of Stone (increasing his

    Armour save to 3+).


    Slayer King:As Slayer King, Ungrim is bound by the Slayer Oath. He has all army special rules, but

    not: Slayer axes and loner. He can however join slayer units.

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    Garagrim Ironfist, War-mourner of Karak Kadrin305pts.:

    Garagrim Ironfist is a lord choice in the slayer army of Karak Kadrin. He will be the Army General

    unless you have also taken Ungrim Ironfist. You may only have one Garagrim Ironfist.

    M/3 WS/6 S/4 T/5 W/3 I/3 A/4 Ld/10

    Weapons & Equipment: Garagrim is armed with the Axes of Kadrin

    Slayer Skills:Beastslayer, Deathblow, Krakenslayer

    Special rules:Slayer; War-mourner

    Slayer:Garagrim follows all army rules, also the Wards of Grimnir

    The War-mourner:As War-mourner, it is Garagrim's duty to tend to the Shrine of Grimnir, allowing

    him to open up the temple's store of ancient rune axes left as tribute by Slayers making a pilgrimage

    to Karak Kadrin.

    Champions in an army led by Garagrim may be given a single weapon rune worth no more than 25

    points. The Rule of Pride still applies to these weapons.

    Remember that a model with a rune axe loses the normal benefits of a great weapon or additional

    hand weapon.

    Axes of Kadrin:Chained to Garagrim's wrists so he will never lose them, these twin axes were given

    to him on his coming-of-age. Each is inscribed with a Grudge Rune and the Master Rune of Skalf

    Blackhammer. If you wish, when Garagrim makes a charge, he may attack like a Doomseeker rather

    than normally (including the effects of the axes' runes and his Slayer skills) For the first round of

    combat. In subsequent rounds he can only attack normally, though he gains one extra attack for

    carrying the paired axes. He makes his normal attacks for the purposes of Deathblow.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Gotrek Gurnisson313pts.:

    Gotrek is a Lord choice in a Slayer army. You may only have one Gotrek Gurnisson in your army.

    Gotrek may only be present in your army if Felix Jeager is also present in you army.

    M/3 Ws/7 Bs/2 S/4 T/4 W/3 I/5 A/4 LD/10

    Equipment:Gotreks rune-axe

    Special rules:Army rules (but not wards of Grimnir); Felix accompanies; Gotreks doom

    Gotreks rune-axe:As per the axe of High King Thorgrimm Grudgebearer. See warhammer armies:


    Felix accompanies:As deamonslayer, Gotrek follows all army rules, bar the wards of Grimnir, in the

    slayer army, Felix is also subject to these rules as long as Gotrek lives. Gotrek and felix form up in one

    Skirmishing unit and may optinaly be joined by Snorri or Malakai Makaison.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Felix Jeager162pts.:

    Felix is a hero choice in a slayer army. You may only have one Felix Jeager in your army. Felix may only

    be chosen in your army if Gotrek Gurnisson is also present in the army.

    M/4 Ws/5 Bs/4 S/4 T/4 W/2 I/5 A/3 Ld/8

    Equipment:Wyrmslayer Blade & Heavy armour

    Special rules:Companion of Gotrek; Gotreks doom.

    The Wyrmslayer Blade:The Wyrmslayer blade adds +2 to Felix attacks. Adittionally, if he and his

    companion Gotrek are within charge range of a Dragon (a monster with dragon in his name . For

    example: Zombie Dragon or Sun Dragon. But also Dragon ogres.) Against dragons felix may re-roll to


    Companion of Gotrek:As deamonslayer, Gotrek follows all army rules, bar the wards of Grimnir, in

    the slayer army, Felix is also subject to these rules as long as Gotrek lives. Gotrek and felix form up in

    one Skirmishing unit and may optinaly be joined by Snorri or Malakai Makaison.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Snorri Nosebiter125pts.:

    Snorri is a hero choise in a slayer army. You may only have one Snorri Nosebiter in your army. Snorri

    Nosebiter may only be presnt in your army if Gotrek Gurnisson is also present in your army.

    M/3 Ws/6 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/2 I/4 A/3 Ld/10

    Equipment:A hammer & an axe (2 hand weapons) and Wards of Grimnir

    Special rules:Army rules; Companion of Gotrek & Felix; Insane!

    Compagion of Gotrek & Felix:If Gotrek & Felix are present in the army, he may join their unit.

    Otherwise he joins a normal slayer unit.

    Insane!:Snorri Nosebiter is in one word Insane. He is subject to Frenzy, Stupidity and Immune to

    Phycology, Fear and Terror. Becouse he is abit on the semi-intelligent side blows of Bloodthirsters

    and the fall out a gyrocopter do him actually nothing mentally, he has a 5+ ward save.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Malakai makaison100pts.:

    Malakai Makaison is a hero choise in a Slayer army, you can have only one Malakai Makaison in the


    M/3 Ws/5 Bs/5 S/4 T/4 W/2 I/3 A/3 LD/10

    Equipment:hand weapon; great weapon; Repeater Dwarven Handgun.

    Special rules:Captain of The Spirit of Grungni; Master Engineer & army rules.

    Captain of The Spirit of Grungni:When Malakai is in your army you may get The Spirit of Grungni as

    rare choice in your army with a 0-1 restriction. It works as per Wrath of Thunder on page 425 on the

    big rulebook and costs 500 points. Malakai must join this unit by replacing on of the crew.

    Master engineer:Malakai is a master engineer in all aspects, with exeptance that he can only join

    Goblin hewers, The spirit of Grungni or normal units. When he joins a Goblin hewer you may use his

    BS if he doesnt fire his repeater dwarven handgun.

    Repeater dwarven Handgun:Works as a dwarven handgun with multiple shots (3), the multiple

    shots have no negative modifiers on his shooting.

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    DeamonSlayers 100pts.:

    M/3 Ws/7 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/3 I/5 A/4 Ld/10

    Equipment: Slayer axes.

    Special Rules: army special rules (including wards of Grimnir)

    DragonSlayers 50pts.:

    M/3 Ws/6 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/2 I/4 A/3 Ld/10

    Equipment: Slayer axes.

    Special Rules: army special rules (including wards of Grimnir)

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    Troll slayer- M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/3 T4 W/1 I/2 A/1 Ld/10

    Giant slayer- M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 LD/10

    Unit size:10+

    Equipment:Slayer axes

    Special rules:Army special rules (but not wards of Grimnir)

    0-2 Slayer Ambushers:

    A unit of Trollslayers / Giant slayers can be upgraded to slayer ambushers for +3 points per model.

    This gives them the Scout and Skirmishers special rules. These units have a unit size of 5-15.


    No more then half of your core choises may go to DoomSeekers. You may have up to 2 DoomSeekers

    per unit of Troll Slayers. All DoomSeekers are deployed in the same time, just as war machines.

    M/3 Ws/5 Bs/1 S/5 T/4 W/1 I/2 A/ special LD/10

    Special rules:Single Character; Whirlwind of death; army special rules (including Wards of Grimnir)

    Single Character:Doomseekers may not join units, the rules for sigle characteras in the BRB apply forshooting against them.

    Whirlwind of Death:Doomseekers jump recklessy into battle whirling there weapons on chains all

    around them hacking to the foes. Doomseekers dont attack normal in close combat, instead before

    any attacks are made (also before impact hits and such) any model in base contact with one or more

    doomseekers take an automatic hit. The models right behind them or in the flank or rear of the

    doomseeker take a hit on a 4+. Representing the swirling blades all around the doomseekers enemy

    models have -1 to hit. Against units consisting of 1 model (ridden chariots and mosters for example)

    he does D3 hits.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Brotherhood of Grimnir14pts/model:

    Brother: M/3 Ws/5 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 LD/10

    Champion: M/3 Ws/5 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 LD/10

    Unit size:10+

    Equipment:Slayer Axes

    Special rules:Army special rules (including wards of grimnir)

    Slayer Pirates12pts/model:

    Pirate: M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 Ld/10

    Capn: M/3 Ws/4 Bs/4 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 Ld/10

    Unit size:10+

    Equipment:Festooned with Pistols

    Special rules:Army rules (but not Wards of Grimnir)

    All of the Slayer Pirates gain an additional attachk in combat for wielding a brace of pistols. Also for

    shooting purposes it counts as Brace of Pistols.

    Since they are festooned with pistols they shoot of in a hurricane of destruction, all there attacks are

    considered strength 4 with the armour piercing special rule.

    Slayer pirates carry so many loaded pistols that they never need to reload, they have this pistol

    bonus in every round of combat.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Goblin hewer75pts/model:

    Goblin hewer: Range/48 ArmourSave modifier/ -2 M/as crew T/7 W/3 S/4

    Slayer Engineer: M/3 WS/4 Bs/4 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 LD/10

    Slayer Crew: M/3 Ws/3 bs/3 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/2 A/1 LD/10

    Unit size:The goblin hewer, 2 Slayer Crew & 1 Slayer Engineer

    Equipment:The vrew and the engineer are armed with the axes they didnt fire yet, this counts as

    having Slayer Axes.

    Shooting the goblin hewer:

    This is a war-machine for all purposes. When it fires nominate a target within range and line of sigth

    and roll to hit as normal. (using the engineers BS if he doesnt fire his optinal handgun or Brace of

    pistols). The spinning axe blades inflict a variable number of hits depending on the number of ranks

    in the enemy unit. Roll a D3 for every rank the target unit has, this is the total number of wounds you

    should roll for. If you shoot in the flank of a unit count how much models the unit is wide for the

    purposes of ranks.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Magic Runes:

    Weapon Runes:

    See Warhammer armies: Dwarfs

    Talismanic Runes:

    The Master rune of Karak Kadrin75pts.:

    (talisman rune) Gives the slayer a 4+ wardsave and his unit a 5+ ward save.

    See Warhammer armies: Dwarfs

    Runic Standards:

    The Master Rune of Grimnir 75pts.:

    (Banner Rune) Gives every unit within 24 a 5+ wardsave against shooting and magic.

    See Warhammer armies: Dwarfs

    Slayer Skills:


    When the slayer is slain in combat it makes all his attacks before being removed as casualty. (even if he already

    attacked that round)


    Gives the slayer the Killing Blow special rule as described in the rulebook.

    Magical slayer axes20pts.:

    Allows the slayer to wield a magic great weapon or magic 2 hand weapons. In case of the 2 hand weapons the

    effect of the rune you have selected is onlt a sigle time in effect.

    For example. A dragonslayer has 2 magical hand weapons with the rune of cleaving. This gives him a total of

    strength 5, and not strength 6 becouse he has 2 axes. He does however get +1 attack for having 2 hand



    Gives the slayer and the unit he joins the Devasting charge special rule.

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    Gives the slayer the Always strikes first special rule.


    Gives the slayer and the unit he joins the Frenzy special rule. However if he leaves the unit, the unit is not

    anymore frenzied


    All wounds inflicted by the slayer count double for the combat resolution. (exclusing overkill points)

    Krakenslayer 45pts.:

    Every wound inflicted against enemies with Toughness 5 or higher multiply into D6 wounds.


    All attacks are multiplied for every model in base contact to a maximum of 10. (This may not be further

    increased by runic weapons or additional hand weapons.) This does not apply in a challenge.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin




    Ungrim Ironfist, Slayer King of Karak Kadrin465pts.:

    Ungrim Ironfist is the Slayer King and is a lord choice in a slayer army. You may only have one Ungrim Ironfist in

    your army. He must be the army's General.

    Weapons & Equipment: Ungrim is armed with the Axe of Dargo, wears the Dragon Cloak over gromril armor,

    and wears the Slayer Crown.

    Special rules: Army rules (excluding Wards of Grimnir); Slayer king.

    Garagrim Ironfist: War-mourner of Karak Kadrin305pts.:

    Garagrim Ironfist iis a lord choise in the slayer army of Karak Kadrin. He will be the Army General unless you

    have also taken Ungrim Ironfist. You may only have one Garagrim Ironfist.

    M/3 WS/6 S/4 T/5 W/3 I/3 A/4 Ld/10

    Weapons & Equipment: Garagrim is armed with the Axes of Kadrin

    Slayer Skills: Beastslayer, Deathblow, Krakenslayer

    Special rules: Slayer; War-mourner

    Gotrek Gurnisson313pts.:

    Gotrek is a Lord choise in a Slayer army. You may only have one Gotrek Gurnisson in your army. Gotrek may

    only be present in your army if Felix Jeager is also present in you army.

    M/3 Ws/7 Bs/2 S/4 T/4 W/3 I/5 A/4 LD/10

    Equipment: Gotreks rune-axe

    Special rules: Army rules (but not wards of grimnir); Felix accompanies; Gotreks doom.

    DeamonSlayers 100pts.:

    M/3 Ws/7 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/3 I/5 A/4 Ld/10

    Equipment: Slayer axes.

    Special Rules: army special rules (including wards of Grimnir)


    May choose runic items and/or Slayer skills with a maximum of 100 points.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin



    Felix Jeager162pts.:

    Felix is a hero choise in a slayer army. You may only have one Felix Jeager in your army. Felix may only be

    chosen in your army if Gotrek Gurnisson is also present in the army.

    M/4 Ws/5 Bs/4 S/4 T/4 W/2 I/5 A/3 Ld/8

    Equipment: Wyrmslayer Blade & Heavy armour

    Special rules: Companion of Gotrek; Gotreks doom.

    Snorri Nosebiter125pts.:

    Snorri is a hero choise in a slayer army. You may only have one Snorri Nosebiter in your army. Snorri Nosebiter

    may only be presnt in your army if Gotrek Gurnisson is also present in your army.

    M/3 Ws/6 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/2 I/4 A/3 Ld/10

    Equipment: A hammer & an axe (2 hand weapons) and Wards of Grimnir

    Special rules: Army rules; Companion of Gotrek & Felix; Insane!

    Long Drong70pts.:

    Long Drong is a hero choise in a Slayer army, you can have only one Long Drong in the army.

    M/3 WS/6 Bs/4 S/4 T/4 W/2 I/4 A/3 LD/10

    Equipment: Festooned with Pistols

    Special rules: Army special rules (excluding Wards of Grimnir).

    Malakai makaison100pts.:

    Malakai Makaison is a hero choise in a Slayer army, you can have only one Malakai Makaison in the army.

    M/3 Ws/5 Bs/5 S/4 T/4 W/2 I/3 A/3 LD/10

    Equipment: hand weapon; great weapon; Repeater Dwarven Handgun.

    Special rules: Captain of The Spiritof Grungni; Master Engineer, army rules (excluding Wards of Grimnir).


    M/3 Ws/6 Bs/3 S/4 T/5 W/2 I/4 A/3 Ld/10

    Equipment: Slayer axes.

    Special Rules: army special rules (including wards of Grimnir)


    May choose runic items and/or Slayer skills with a maximum of 50 points.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Core Units:

    Troll slayers10pts/model:

    Troll slayer- M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/3 T4 W/1 I/2 A/1 Ld/10

    Giant slayer- M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 LD/10

    Unit size: 10+

    Equipment: Slayer axes


    Upgrade a slayer to musician for +6 points

    Upgrade a slayer to standard bearer for +10 points

    Upgrade any amount of slayers to Giant slayers for +10pts/model


    M/3 Ws/5 Bs/1 S/5 T/4 W/1 I/2 A/ special LD/10

    No more than half of your core choices may go to DoomSeekers. You may have up to 2 DoomSeekers per unit of

    Troll Slayers. All DoomSeekers are deployed in the same time, just as war machines.

    Special rules: Single Character; Whirlwind of death; army rules (inc. Wards of Grimnir)

    0-2 Slayer Ambushers:

    A unit of Trollslayers / Giant slayers can be upgraded to slayer ambushers for +3 points per model. This gives

    them the Scout and Skirmishers special rules. These units have a unit size of 5-15.

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Special Units:

    Brotherhood of Grimnir14pts/model:

    Brother: M/3 Ws/5 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 LD/10

    Champion: M/3 Ws/5 Bs/3 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 LD/10

    Unit size: 10+

    Equipment: Slayer Axes & Wards of Grimnir


    Upgrade a Slayer to Musician for +5 points

    Upgrade a Slayer to Standard Bearer for +10 points

    Upgrade a Slayer to Champion for +10 points

    A standard may carry a RunicStandard worth up to 50 points.

    Slayer Pirates12pts/model:

    Pirate: M/3 Ws/4 Bs/3 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 Ld/10

    Capn: M/3 Ws/4Bs/4 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/2 Ld/10

    Unit size: 10+

    Equipment: Festooned with Pistols


    May upgrade one Slayer pirate to musicianfor +5 points

    May upgrade one Slayer pirate to Standard bearer for +10 points

    May upgrade one Slayer pirate to Capn for +10 points

    A standard bearer may carry a Runic standard worth up to 25 points

  • 8/10/2019 Slayer Army of Karak Kadrin


    Rare Units:

    Goblin hewer75pts/model:

    Goblin hewer: Range/48 ArmourSave modifier/ -2 M/as crew T/7 W/3 S/4

    Slayer Engineer: M/3 WS/4 Bs/4 S/4 T/4 W/1 I/3 A/1 LD/10

    Slayer Crew: M/3 Ws/3 bs/3 S/3 T/4 W/1 I/2 A/1 LD/10

    Unit size: The goblin hewer, 2 Slayer Crew & 1 Slayer Engineer

    Equipment: The crew and the engineer are armed with the axes they didnt fire yet, this counts as having Slayer


    All copyrights go to their owner, which is mainly Games Workshop, only thing I did is re-make them for

    playability in the 8thst ed. of Warhammer.