SKY MIND RETREATS - Paths of Growth - Buddhist...

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Transcript of SKY MIND RETREATS - Paths of Growth - Buddhist...

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Retreat Teacher: Susie Harrington

February 9 - 15, 2013 (7 days) Cost: $320 - $265

To retreat in nature allows us to Awaken our sensitivity to the preciousness of the natural world. Open our appreciation to nature as teacher. Deepen our understanding of our inter-connectedness with the earth and all life. Encourage an embracing wakefulness to all moments in our life.

THE RETREAT Again and again the Buddha recommended practice out of doors. As our society separates us further from our true, wild nature, this recommendation could not be more appropriate. This is an opportunity to “return home,” to deepen our practice, and to travel through an extraordinary wilderness. This years retreat takes us to a new wilderness area, where we can find good backpacking conditions in early spring. This retreat will follow the format of previous retreats which touched surprising depths of practice and Sangha companionship. This will be a seven (7) day meditation retreat in the Buddhist tradition. It will be a special opportunity to practice the art of walking meditation, as we will be backpacking 2-5 miles many days through these beautiful and rugged desert mountains. Most of our time will be spent in noble silence, allowing the attention to turn inward, though there will also be times for daily check-ins, Dharma discussion, and interviews with the teacher. Days when we break our formal practice for a few hours to hike in silence will mix with layover days, when we will be able to follow a more conventional sitting-and-walking schedule in incomparable settings. MEDITATING IN THE DESERT: This trip provides a unique opportunity to explore the power of a silent

meditation retreat while immersed in the beauty and wildness of the Superstition Wilderness Area. We will participate in an age-old tradition of going into the wilderness as a support for spiritual practice and inquiry. Immersed in nature, and in the quiet of our meditation practice, we will open ourselves to the interconnectedness, preciousness, and beauty of our true nature. Sitting in the beauty of the desert mountains gives us ready access to rapture, that quality of delighted interest and awe, and one of the seven factors of enlightenment. In many retreats, we're asked not to look around. In this retreat, we'll be encouraged to look around a lot and to delight in what we see.

DEEPENING OUR PRACTICE: This trip will be held in Noble Silence and will require a commitment by

participants to this practice. While holding this silence we will have many opportunities for different forms of meditation, whether as a group backpacking from camp to camp, in more formal sitting practice, or in personal solitude. In this retreat, the Unknown that surrounds us will become palpably close. Assuredly it will allow opportunities for surprise, delight, and challenge. In our retreat, just as in everyday life, we can learn to accept and flow with outcomes that are out of our control. This is one facet of nature’s great teaching.

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PRECEPTS We will undertake to follow the five traditional lay precepts of non-harming during our time together, forming a reliable basis for mutual trust in our little community:

1. To refrain from killing and from other actions that harm oneself or others. 2. To refrain from stealing, from taking anything that is not freely given. 3. To refrain from sexual activity during the retreat. 4. To refrain from lying and from harsh, abusive or damaging speech. 5. To refrain from consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, or other intoxicants.

DANA & RETREAT COST The Buddha asked that the teaching of the Dharma be offered freely, without charge, since it is of infinite value, beyond any price that could be put on it. Thus, the tradition of Dana, or generosity, has supported Buddhist cultures for 2500 years. In Asia the monks and nuns offer the teaching, and the lay people support the monastery and fill the monks' begging bowls each morning as they walk through the village on alms rounds. It is a beautiful exchange, in which the hearts of both giver and receiver are opened in joy and gratitude, and love flows between them. In accordance with that tradition, Susie is, in the spirit of generosity, offering the teachings, time and service. The fee just covers the retreat costs: food, teacher travel, supplies, and incidental expenses. After the retreat, there is the opportunity for participants to practice generosity in offering financial support to the teacher in appreciation. The Dana you contribute provides essential support for the teacher to continue her Dharma service. It will be warmly and gratefully received. There is no "suggested donation,” and no donation is required to participate.

LOGISTICS DESCRIPTION We will be hiking through the mountainous desert country, primarily on trails, though in some cases they will be rugged. Each day we will begin with an early meditation, followed by a combination of walking, sitting and free time. There will be some day hikes and some free time. We will be traveling in wild country and safety will be our first priority to each other and for the group as a whole. TRIP DIFFICULTY (Light to Moderate) We backpack from 2 – 5 miles a day, (with up to 1000’ elevation gain) with two layover days. The terrain is not difficult;; however, you must be fit enough to carry a 30 to 40 pound load over uneven, trailed terrain. Backpacking places different demands on muscles and joints than running, cycling or other sports. Exercising by carrying weight while walking is the best preparation. (Backpacking is the best way to get in shape to backpack!) If you haven’t backpacked for several years, it may be harder than you expect.) BEGINNING AND ENDING We will meet at the trailhead, at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, February 9th. We will send you details after you register. The trailhead will be within 2 hours of Phoenix. You will need to be ready to backpack to our first camp that night. Please bring your own lunch for the first day. We will eat not far from the trailhead. On Saturday afternoon, February 15th, we will complete our hike and return to our cars before nightful. We recommend you plan to stay nearby, though you can begin your journey home that evening. GETTING THERE You will need to drive (or carpool) to the trailhead. Phoenix is a nearby and convenient airport. If you fly, we expect there will be opportunites to carpool to trailhead. Fro those driving, we will try to assist you in carpooling. We ask that you allow us to add your contact to the group. A list of retreatants will be sent out a month before the trip to co-ordinate travel. Making the arrangements is your responsibility. If you know your plans before then, please let us know, or if you have a specific ride need (such as a ride from an airport), we can tell you if someone is coming from your area.

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MEALS Our menu is vegetarian, lightweight and simple. Please tell us in advance of any dietary restrictions. To accommodate your personal preference, we ask that you bring your own hot and cold drink mixes (coffee, tea, Gatorade, etc.) and trail snacks. Stoves and cooking equipment are provided; all you need to bring are your own cup, bowl and spoon. Cooking and cleanup duties are to be shared on a voluntary schedule. The first meal is dinner on Sunday, February 9th. The last meal is lunch on Saturday, February 15th. EQUIPMENT Pain-free feet and a well-fitted backpack are the keys to an enjoyable trip. Bring sturdy hiking boots, already broken in, to protect your feet on the rough trail. Temperatures will probably be moderate to cool - cool nights and warm days - but due to the unpredictable nature of spring weather, be prepared for wind and rain, and the possibility of snow. Shorts may be worn for hiking, but beware of sunburned legs. Hat and dark glasses are strongly recommended. Glare from sand, rock and sky can cause extreme eye discomfort. You will need to bring your own camping equipment, including a tent with a rainfly (or a waterproof bivouac sac) and a sleeping bag. Try to keep your total equipment weight to 25 pounds. You must carry up to two quarts of water, which adds four pounds, plus up to ten pounds of trip food and commissary equipment. (Your pack needs to be large enough to accommodate that. You may bring more, but remember that you will be carrying it.) A clothing and equipment checklist is available from the website. You will need to purify stream water along the trail for drinking water. Please bring a water treatment system for your personal use: iodine tablets (Potable Aqua), chlorine dioxide drops (Aquamira), or a filter pump (several brands – effective but more weight!). SAFETY AND INSURANCE Safety needs to be a primary concern for each of us, since what happens to anyone affects the whole group. We will be in terrain where cliffs and steep slopes abound. This is a wonderful opportunity to be mindful of every step – and this is your best protection from injuries. Nevertheless, accidents do happen. While an injury or ailment is unlikely in the backcountry, it is important to be aware of its possibility. As a not-for-profit organization, Sky Mind Retreats does not carry its own insurance to cover a retreatant’s medical evacuation. You may wish to purchase evacuation insurance to cover expenses associated with a medevac. This can be a good deal since a backcountry medevac almost always involves the use of an expensive helicopter, which you would otherwise be responsible for. There are several respected providers to choose from, such as Diver’s Alert, the American Alpine Club, World Nomads, or Global Rescue, Inc. You may also wish to purchase trip insurance, available at any travel agency. It will protect your investment in non-refundable airline tickets if you have to cancel or if the retreat is canceled due to circumstances beyond our control.

TO APPLY REGISTRATION A $100 deposit is required to reserve you a place until January 9th (30 days before the trip). In addition please fill out the Registration Form, Medical Questionnaire, and Release Form. We require these forms to be sent in with your deposit. The forms are available on the website, Make the check payable to Sky Mind Retreats. Send all registration materials to: Sky Mind Retreats, 5 Pamela Drive, Petaluma, CA 94954 (after Jan. 15th. Please send to this alternate address: Box 1171 , Moab, UT 84532) Reservations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please fill out a separate series of forms for each person. If the retreat is full, you'll be placed on a wait list. If that happens, don't be disheartened, as there will probably be cancellations. No payment (other than the required deposit) is necessary for those on the wait list.

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PAYMENT INFORMATION A discount of $25 (full payment of $320 - $265) is offered to applicants who make payment in full more than 60 days before the departure date – on or before December 9th. Otherwise a full payment of $320 - $265 is due by January 9th. If it is not received on time, the reservation may be canceled and the deposit forfeited. If you cancel after making your reservation, your $100 deposit will be forfeited. If you cancel prior to January9th, the required deposit will be forfeited (and any remainder returned to you). If you cancel after January 9th the $100 deposit will be forfeited and a portion of remaining payment will be returned. These reimbursement terms are listed on the Registration Form. A full refund will be made if you cancel from the wait list, or are still on the wait list when the retreat starts. This is a private trip, with no commercial outfit running the trip or profiting from it. Any surplus from the trip balance will go to Sky Mind Retreats in support of the Dharma. Shortfall will be covered by the organizers. Scholarships are available. We would like you to apply if you need support. Please write a short letter describing your situation and how much assistance you need. Please address your letter to Sky Mind Retreats. Please include this with your registration forms and your $100 deposit. If we cannot meet your needs, the deposit is refundable. Scholarship money is for direct retreat costs; if you would like to offer Dana to the teacher, please consider it in your budget. PRE-DEPARTURE INFORMATION A list of suggested Clothing and Equipment and additional Information on Dana are also included on the website. Please be sure to read all materials to familiarize yourself with all aspects of this trip. Some final information, such as a map and detailed directions on when and where to meet and how to get there, will be sent later. OBLIGATIONS OF RETREAT APPLICANTS This is a private trip which means we will all be responsible for our own safety and the safety of the group and for doing the work that is part of a wilderness trip. For this reason, please consider your physical condition. You will need to be able to take care of yourself, as well as be helpful to the group on a day-to-day basis. Because of the remoteness, in consideration of the other retreatants, we ask that you be in good health. Please evaluate your circumstances, and call or email if you are unsure of the appropriateness of this trip for you. You are expected to carefully review all information furnished, understanding that this is a meditation retreat rather than a recreational outing, requiring a commitment to noble silence and practice. Also, we ask that you understand as thoroughly as possible the physical and mental demands of the trip and the risks to be encountered and you properly equip yourself for the backcountry. Part of our practice will be to mindfully commit to non-harming, so that our impact on the environment is minimal and the rights and privacy of other retreatants are respected. FURTHER INFORMATION Please feel free to contact Quilley at with your questions and concerns.


Superstition Wilderness Backpacking Retreat

February 9 – 15, 2014 $320 - $265 (sliding scale)

This registration packet is for the SUPERSTITION WILDERNESS AREA Backpack Retreat, February 9 - 15, 2014. Please familiarize yourself with the terms for payment, cancellation, and refunds listed on this page. If you choose to apply for the retreat please complete the following four pages and return to us with your payment. To reserve your place please send in the following materials included in this document: • Registration Form • Interview Questionnaire • Medical Questionnaire • Release Form • $100 deposit, or full payment ($25 discount if full payment is made two months before retreat start date) Reservations are confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis. If the retreat is full, you'll be placed on a waiting list. No payment other than the required deposit is necessary for those on the waiting list. The full retreat cost is $320 - $265. The sliding scale allows those who need to pay less to do so, while allowing those who can to more fully cover the costs associated with the retreat and make a small contribution to the basic overhead costs of Sky Mind Retreats. A $100 non-refundable deposit is due with your registration form. The rest of the payment is due January 9th (30 days before the retreat begins). You may take a $25 discount if you pay in full two months before the retreat start date.

Make check payable to Sky Mind Retreats and send to Sky Mind Retreats, 5 Pamela Drive, Petaluma, CA 94954 If you are registering after January 15th please mail to:

Sky Mind Retreats, PO Box 1171, Moab, UT 84532

Refund and Cancellation Policy If SMR finds it necessary to cancel a trip due to under-enrollment or other unexpected conditions, your deposit and any payments on the balance of the fee will be returned. If you find it necessary to cancel, your trip fee will be refunded according to the following schedule: 1. Cancellation received 30 or more days before departure: Full refund less $100 deposit. 2. 30 - 14 days: A refund of 50% of full trip cost. 3. 14 days or less: Within 14 days we cannot guarantee you any refund; however, if we are able to fill your spot, we will refund 50% of the fee. IMPORTANT NOTES All SMR events, including pre-trip meetings, are strictly non-smoking. Alcohol and drugs are also not allowed. This is a silent retreat. We will live together in noble silence for the length of the retreat. Now is the time to prepare. Take the time to check into medical, evacuation, and trip insurance. Read over the equipment list and information on physical conditioning carefully. >>> Please keep this page for your records. <<<


February 9 -15, 2013

Please provide us with the following information:

Your name _________________________________________________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________

Phone ________________________________________ Birthdate ____________________________________

Email _________________________________________________ Occupation __________________________

Person to notify in case of emergency:___________________________________________________________

Phone numbers_____________________________________________________________________________

Briefly describe your outdoor and backpacking experience:

What motivates you to go on retreat at this time?

Do you know how you will be traveling to the trip meeting place? If so, please tell us here:

May we share your email & travel plans with other participants to help facilitate carpooling?

A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required to hold your place. You may choose to pay in full at this time, too. If you are submitting this after Jan 9th, please remit full payment. Make check payable to Sky Mind Retreats.

Amount enclosed $____________

I understand that there are inherent risks in wilderness trips and that I will be expected to sign a Release and Acknowledgement of Risks form.

Signature _________________________________________ Date___________________________________

Signature of Guardian if Participant is under 18:

_________________________________________________ Date___________________________________

Important: Participant interviews with teachers during retreats are purely for the purpose of supporting the participant’s meditation practice during the retreat and are not--nor should be they be construed as--a form of psychotherapy or counseling. This form will be destroyed following the retreat.

INTERVIEW QUESTIONAIRE In order to help guide your meditation practice in ways that would be most beneficial, please answer the following questions about your meditation, medical, and psychological history. (Use back of this page for additional space to answer questions)

Name ____________________________________Occupation_____________________________________

List dates of previous meditation retreats attended – please include teacher names and tradition:

List any meditation practices or spiritual traditions that you have been or are currently involved with and the approximate years you have practiced in these traditions.

What is your current daily/weekly spiritual/meditation practice?

Have you ever had or been treated for a psychological condition such as depression, eating disorder, drug/alcohol addiction, anxiety disorder, psychosis, schizophrenia, mania or any other psychological condition? Please specify condition(s) and date(s):

Are you currently taking medication for any psychological conditions? If yes, please specify the condition and list the medications and dosage.

Have you experienced any significant emotional, psychological or spiritual difficulty in your life (that affected your ability to function)? If so, please briefly describe it and when it occurred. Is it still occurring now?

Are there currently conditions in your life which may be placing you under stress, or which might make meditation difficult for you at this time (e.g. fasting, recent loss of a loved one, substance abuse/withdrawal, relationship ending)?

Are there any additional comments or information you would like to convey to the teacher(s)?



Sky Mind retreats take place in the backcountry. On backpacking retreats we carry all our equipment in packs weighing 35-45 pounds. On some supported trips, we carry daypacks for up to eight miles. You do not need to be an athlete to participate in a Sky Mind retreat, but you do need to be in good physical condition, participating in a regular exercise program. If you are not sure of your physical capabilities now, talk with us about your concerns. We will be happy to talk with you about a conditioning program that suits you.

Please answer the following questions. A "yes" answer does not necessarily preclude your participation; we must have this information for your safety and the safety of the group. Name _____________________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________________

1. Your Age ________ Height ________ Weight ________

2. Have you had any knee, hip, back, shoulder, ankle injury or operation? Yes ____ No____ If yes to any, please explain ___________________________________________________________________

3. Do you have any of the following conditions?

Respiratory problems? Yes ____ No ____

Diabetes? Yes ____ No ____

Epilepsy or seizures? Yes ____ No ____

Allergies to medications? Yes ____ No ____

If yes to any, please explain ____________________________________________________________________

4. Do you have any allergies to insect bites or bee stings? Yes ____ No____

If you are allergic, will you be carrying an epi-pen on this retreat? Yes ____ No____

5. Are you taking any medications? Yes ____ No ____

If yes, please explain __________________________________________________________________________


6. Are you pregnant? Yes ____ No ____

7. Do you have any pre-existing conditions? Please describe: __________________________________________


8. List any other health or physical problems not set forth above:

9. Describe your fitness program and general level of activity:

10. Are there any foods you cannot eat?

11. Person to contact in an emergency _____________________________________________________

Phone # _____________________________________ Relationship to you ______________________

12. SMR strongly advises its participants to have their own health insurance. If you do not already belong to a regular health insurance program, you may purchase a short-term health policy from an insurance agent. If you have a medical insurance plan please verify that this plan provides coverage for injuries or conditions that arise while on a wilderness trip. Please fill out all items that apply to you:

Do you have medical insurance? Yes ______ No ______

Name and address of person under whose name insurance is carried:



Insured’s Phone # _____________________________

Name of Insurance Company ____________________________________________________________

Insurance Company Phone # _________________________________

Policy Number ________________________ Group Number __________________________

The above information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature ______________________________________

Date _______________________

Signature of guardian if participant is under 18: ______________________________________________

Date _______________________


In consideration of the services of Sky Mind Retreats, their agents, owners, officers, volunteers, participants, employees, and all other persons or entities acting in any capacity on their behalf (hereinafter collectively referred to as “SMR”), I hereby agree to release, indemnify, and discharge SMR, on behalf of myself, my children, my parents, my heirs, assigns, personal representative and estates as follows:

1. I acknowledge that my participation in hiking, camping, canoeing, and backpacking activities entails known and unanticipated risks that could result in physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to myself, to property or to third parties. I understand that such risks simply cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of the activity.

The risks include, among other things: slipping and falling; falling objects; water hazards; exhaustion; exposure to temperature and weather extremes which could cause hypothermia, hyperthermia (heat related illnesses), heat exhaustion, sunburn, dehydration; and exposure to potentially dangerous wild animals, insect bites and stings, and hazardous plant life; equipment failure; and improper lifting or carrying.

Furthermore SMR employees have difficult jobs to perform. They seek safety, but they are not infallible. They might be unaware of a participant’s fitness or abilities. They might misjudge the weather, the elements, or the terrain. They may give inadequate warning or instructions, and the equipment being used might malfunction.

2. I expressly agree and promise to accept and assume all of the risks existing in this activity. My participation in this activity is purely voluntary, and I elect to participate in spite of the risks.

3. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless SMR from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity or my use of SMR’s equipment or facilities, including any such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of SMR.

4. Should SMR or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur attorney’s fees and costs to enforce this agreement, I agree to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs.

5. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may cause or suffer while participating, or else I agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage myself. I further certify that I am willing to assume the risk of any medical or physical condition I may have.

6. In the event I file a lawsuit against SMR, I agree to do so solely in the state of California, and I further agree that the substantive law of that state shall apply in that action without regard to the conflict of law rules of that state. I agree that if any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.

By signing this document, I acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged during my participation in this activity, I may be found by a court of law to have waived my right to maintain a lawsuit against SMR on the basis of any claim from which I have released them herein. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document. I have read and understood it, and I agree to be bound by its terms.

Signature of Participant______________________________ Print Name__________________________________


Phone_______________________________ Date__________________


(Must be completed for participants under the age of 18) In consideration of _________________________________ (print minor’s name) (“Minor”) being permitted by SMR to participate in its activities and to use its equipment and facilities, I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless SMR from any and all Claims which are brought by, or on behalf of minor, and which are in any way connected with such use or participation by Minor. Parent or Guardian_____________________ Print Name _____________________ Date ___________________