Skin Appearance Benefits From a 3-Product Salycylic Acid Anti Acne Regimen

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Skin Appearance Benefits From a 3-Product Salycylic Acid Anti Acne Regimen

  • 7/28/2019 Skin Appearance Benefits From a 3-Product Salycylic Acid Anti Acne Regimen




    J . R. Kaczvinsky1, C. E. Mack1, L. L. Griffin1, J . Li1, R. A. Rose-Mansfield1,S. C. Weitz1, M. J . Marmor1, P. E. Grimes, MD2 and M. I. Perez, MD3

    1The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio USA2UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA USA3Columbia University, New York, NY USA

    Poster FC02-07

  • 7/28/2019 Skin Appearance Benefits From a 3-Product Salycylic Acid Anti Acne Regimen



    Mild to moderate acne vulgaris can persist in somewomen well past adolescence

    The periodic appearance of inflamed lesions can be asignificant source of psychological and emotional distress

    Many acne treatment products are harsh and notcompatible with other skin needs of post-adolescentwomen, such as those related to aged appearance.

    A multi-product regimen containing salicylic acid was

    designed that addresses both the acne treatment andskin appearance needs of these women

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    Study Design Skin Benefit EndpointsObjective:

    1. Compare the extent of beauty-related skin benefits for treatment with a 3-product

    salicylic acid (SA) acne regimen versus a positive control regimen (2.5% benzoylperoxide; BP) and a placebo


    Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel group study

    2 wks pre-conditioning, 12 wks treatment

    ~330 healthy post-adolescent females (aged 18-45)Mild to moderate acne (grades 2-3)Conducted at three separate (US) study sites


    Baseline and after 4, 8, and 12 weeks treatment

    Skin texture by image analysis and subject self-assessmentEnlarged pores by image analysis and subject self-assessmentSkin barrier function (TEWL)

    Skin hydration (capacitance)

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    Pre-ConditioningCleanse with mild liquid cleanser

    AM, PM: Placebo Moistur izer w/3% glycerin/SPF15

    Wk -2

    Wk 0

    Wk +4

    Wk +8

    Wk +12

    ~110 subjects

    SA Regimen


    SA Cleanser

    (1.8% salicylic acid)SA Treatment(1.5% salicylic acid)

    AA Moisturizer(5% niacinamide)



    SA Cleanser

    SA Treatment

    AA Moisturizer

    BP Regimen



    (non-acne)BP Treatment

    (2.5% benzoyl peroxide)

    Sunscreen(3% gly/SPF15)



    BP Treatment

    3% gly Moisturizer






    Olay FFW

    3%gly Moisturizer

    ~110 subjects ~110 subjects

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    Results Inflammatory Lesion Counts

    Both BP and the SA regimens significantly reduced the number ofinflammatory lesions relative to the placebo treatment at all time points

    Efficacy from the two test regimens was not significantly different

    Mean 12-wk reductions were ~53% for the SA regimen and ~57% for BP

    Data was logtransformedfor analysis

    Reported datais backtransformed

    There wassubstantialimprovementin the placebogroup

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    Texture and Pore Analysis

    REAL 3.0 system

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    Results Skin Texture/Image Analysis

    The SA regimen significantly improved facial skin texture comparedto the other two treatment regimens

    BPs impact was negative but not significant compared to placebo


    benefit notdriven byacne lesionresolution

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    Results Skin Texture Self-Assessments

    Subjects using the SA regimen noticed an improvement in theirskin texture throughout the study

    This may be driven in part by clearance of their acne lesions

    Subjects gradedtheir skin texture

    on a 0-10 ptcontinuous scale

    Absolute gradeswere given ateach time point

    Lower numbermeans lessuneven (moreeven) texture

    Subjects could

    calibrate to theirlast grade

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    Results Pore Area Image Analysis

    Pore reduction

    benefit notdriven by acnelesionresolution

    The SA regimen significantly reduced the detectable pore area compared tothe other two treatment regimens

    BP treatment increased pore area but not significantly compared to placebo

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    Results Pore Size/Visibility Self Assessment

    Subjects graded theirpore size/visibility ona 0-10 pt continuousscale; poor toexcellent

    Significant benefits after 8 wks with the SA regimen and after 12 wks for BP

    Results not completely driven by improvements in acne lesions

  • 7/28/2019 Skin Appearance Benefits From a 3-Product Salycylic Acid Anti Acne Regimen


    Results Barrier Function (TEWL)

    The SA regimen was similar to placebo with respect to barrier integrity

    Possible balancing effect of niacinamide (known to provide barrierintegrity improvement) and salicylic acid

    BP regimen treatment significantly compromised barrier

    TEWL wasmeasured on thecheek with mostacne at baseline

    Triplicate readingswere averaged


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    Results Skin Hydration (Corneometer)

    Hydration wasmeasured via

    Corneometeronthe cheek mostbroken out atbaseline

    Triplicate readingswere averaged

    SA regimen treatment provided a significant hydration benefit early oncompared to placebo and BP; the comparative benefit and change vs.baseline was reduced over time

    BP treatment had a negative effect, which improved over time

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    The SA regimen used in this study significantly reduced inflammatoryacne lesions starting at 4 weeks treatment, compared to placebo

    The acne benefits from the SA regimen were comparable to thoseachieved with twice daily use of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide.

    The SA regimen improved skin texture as well as or better than both

    2.5% benzoyl peroxide and placebo after 4 weeks treatment.

    Four or more weeks treatment with the SA regimen significantlyreduced the area of enlarged pores and made them less visible

    The SA regimen was more hydrating and less damaging to the skin

    than 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and also provided additional skinbenefits.

    The SA regimen provided both anti-acne efficacy and additionalbenefits for attributes related to skin aging. The latter benefits werenot achieved with a 2.5% BP regimen.

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    This work was funded by P&G Beauty & Grooming