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(A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade Students

of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining

the Degree of Bachelor In English Language Education


Mirza Rusdiana






I am, the student with the following identify :

Name : Mirza Rusdiana

Student Number : 073411004

Department : English Language Education

certify that this definitely my own work. I am completely responsible for the

content of this thesis. Other writers’ opinions or findings included in the

thesis are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical standards.

Semarang, December 9th

, 2011

The Writer,

Mirza Rusdiana

NIM. 073411004



FAKULTAS TARBIYAH Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Kampus II Ngaliyan Telp.7601295 Fax. 7615387 Semarang 50185


Name : Mirza Rusdiana

Student Number : 073411004




(A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade Students

of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the Academic Year

of 2010/2011)

Had been ratified by the team of thesis examiner of education Faculty of Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies Semarang on:

Day :

Date :

The team of examiner

Chairman, Secretary

_____________________ ____________________


Examiner I, Examiner II,

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Advisor I Advisor II,

Dra. Hj. Siti Mariam, M.Pd Drs. Mahfud Junaidi. M.Ag

NIP. 196507271 199203 2 002 NIP. 19690320 199803 1 004

ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, December 12th



The Dean of Education Faculty

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:






Name of Student : Mirza Rusdiana

Student Number : 073411004

Department : Tadris

Filed of Study : English Language Education

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo State

Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at munaqosyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Dra. Hj. Siti Mariam M. Pd

NIP.19650727 199203 2 002

ADVISOR NOTE Semarang, Nophember 30th



The Dean of Education Faculty

Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I inform that I have given guidance, briefing and correction to whatever extent

necessary of the following thesis identification:






Name of Student : Mirza Rusdiana

Student Number : 073411004

Department : Tadris

Filed of Study : English Language Education

I state that the thesis is ready to be submitted to Education Faculty Walisongo State

Institute for Islamic Studies to be examined at munaqosyah session.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Drs. Mahfud Junaidi M. Ag

NIP.19690320 199803 1 004


Title : The Use of Peer Lesson Technique to Improve Students’

Skill in a Writing Hortatory Exposition text (A Classroom

Action Research at Eleventh Grade Students of MAS

Simbang Kulon Pekalongan In the Academic Year of


Writer : Mirza Rusdiana

Student Number : 073411004

Writing is important skill which must be taught to Senior High School

students. However, many students have difficulties in writing. Students can not write

well because they have limited knowledge in English grammar and vocabulary.

Therefore, the teacher should have alternative ways to teach writing. This research

was aimed at answering the following questions: 1. How is the implementation of

peer lesson technique to improve students’ skill in a writing hortatory exposition text

at eleventh grade students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan?, 2. Could the peer

lesson technique improve students’ skill in a writing hortatory exposition text at

eleventh grade students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan?.

The implementation of peer lesson technique in teaching writing hortatory

exposition text at MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan was conducted in two cycles

with four activities in each cycles, they are planning; acting; observing; reflecting,

and pre cycle. The participant of this study is 46 students in class Science 1. The

writer intended to elaborate Classroom Action Research it is a kind of research to be

used in her research and it could be done by a teacher in which involved a group of

students to improve the teaching learning process. The writer used the form of

quantitative approach to analyze the data. The data collection was done using

observation and test. Observation is intended to see and to know about the conditions

of class and students, and the obstacles appear during the teaching learning process.

Test is done to know students’ achievement, so the writer knows the students’

improvement and students’ mastery learning can be achieved by students.

The result of study shows that using peer lesson technique can improve

students’ skill in writing a hortatory exposition text. This is proved by students’ skill

test that improved in every cycle. In the pre cycle, the average of students’ test was

48. 3, it meant that the result poor. In the first cycle, the students’ test got 68. 1, and

observation students’ score got 54. 28%. Based on the result of first cycle, it showed

fair. And in the second cycle students’ test got 76. 8, and the observation students’

score got 65. 7%. In the second cycle, it meant good. Teaching learning process ran

well. There was some significant improvement from pre cycle, first cycle, and

second cycle. There was improvement in every cycle after using peer lesson

technique. Result of the study shows that students improve their writing effectively

by using peer lesson technique.



Alhamdulillah, the writer would like to thank Allah SWT for blessing, health,

chance, and inspiration given to the writer during the completion of this final project

with title The Use of Peer Lesson Technique To Improve Students’ Skill In A Writing

Hortatory Exposition Text (A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade

Students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)

Shalawat and Salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from the

darkness to the brightness.

The writer realizes that she cannot complete this final project without the

help of others. Many people have helped the writer during the writing this final

project and it would be impossible to mention all of them. The writer wishes,

however, to give the writer sincerest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Dr. Suja’i, M.Ag. as the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah.

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum, as the Head of English Department.

3. Dra. Hj. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. as the first advisor and Drs. Mahfud Junaidi, M.Ag.

as the second advisor, who both had the responsibility of giving great motivation,

help, and suggestions to improve this thesis. There is no word that the researcher

can say except, “Thank you very much for good guide and good consulter for me

as good as my parent. You are the nice lecturer.”

4. All lecturers in Faculty of Tarbiyah who always give input and advice to the

writer during conducting this study.

5. My beloved father and mother (Abah H. Abdul Kholiq and Ibu Hj. Mahmudah)

who always support emotionally and materially with prayer, love, and patience.

Without your support I do nothing.

6. Drs. H. Muslikh, M. S. I as the Head master of MAS Simbang kulon Pekalongan

who had given permission for the writer to conduct the study there, and the

teachers, especially Nur Hayati, M.Ag and Mr. Luqni for all the time, the

information about the teaching learning process of English and his guidance

there, and the students of 11th

grade class Science 1, thanks for the cooperation.

7. My beloved Brother (Dzilfirdaus) and young Sister (Lia, Nana, Ririen) who

always support and motivate the writer to finish this thesis.

8. My beloved Maz Ali As’ad, who always motivate me.

9. All my friends TBI 07 especially TBI A.

10. All my best friends Zena, Ani, Rina, etc.

11. All members of my boarding house, Alfin Faza .

12. All friends in IMPADIS IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

Finally, the writer realizes that this thesis is still far from being perfect;

therefore, the writer will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make it

better. The writer hopes that this thesis would be beneficial to everyone. Amin

Semarang, Nopember 30th

, 2011

The Writer,

Mirza Rusdiana

NIM. 073411004


PAGE OF TITLE ......................................................................................... i

THESIS STATEMENT ................................................................................. ii

RATIFICATION ....................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. iv

ADVISOR APPROVAL ................................................................................ v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... vii

TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................ ix


A. Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

B. Research Question ............................................................................... 4

C. Objectives and benefits of the research ................................................ 4



A. Previous Research ................................................................................. 6

B. Theoritical Review ............................................................................... 7

1. General Concept of Peer Lesson ...................................................... 7

a. Definition of Peer Lesson .............................................................. 7

b. Peer Lesson Technique In Teaching Learning ............................. 7

c. Peer Lesson Technique To Teach Writing ................................... 8

2. General Concept of Writing ............................................................. 10

a. Definition of Writing ..................................................................... 10

b. Types of Writing ........................................................................... 18

c. Kinds of Genre .............................................................................. 19

d. Teaching English Writing for Senior High School Students ........ 22

e. General Concept of Hortatory Exposition ..................................... 23

C. Hypothesis ............................................................................................ 27


A. Research Design ................................................................................... 28

B. Setting of The Study ............................................................................. 32

C. Technique of Data Collection ................................................................ 34

D.Technique of Analyzing Data ................................................................ 37

E. Research Procedure .............................................................................. 41


A. Implementation of Peer Lesson Technique ........................................... 45

1. Pre Cycle .......................................................................................... 45

2. First Cycle ........................................................................................ 48

3. Second Cycle .................................................................................... 55

B. Discussion of The Result ....................................................................... 61


A. Conclusions ........................................................................................... 66

B. Suggestions ............................................................................................ 67










1 The Explanation of Criterion Assesment Writing . ....................................38

2 The Criterion of Writing Mastery in Scale Change of Five ....................... 40

3 The results of pre-cycle ............................................................................. 46

4 The results of first cycle ............................................................................ 53

5 The results of second cycle ....................................................................... 60

6 The results of the test from the pre-cycle until second cycle .................... 62


Figure 1 Action Research Cycle ................................................................... 29

Figure 2 Cyclical Process of Action Research ............................................... 32

Figure 3 Diagram of The Whole Test ............................................................ 64


Appendix 1. Students List

Appendix 2. Observation Scheme

Appendix 3. Instrument

Appendix 4. Evaluation Test of Pre Cycle

Appendix 5. Evaluation Test of 1st Cycle

Appendix 6. Evaluation Test of 2nd


Appendix 7. Students’ Answer of Pre Cycle

Appendix 8. Students’ Answer of First Cycle

Appendix 9. Students’ Answer of Second Cycle

Appendix 10. List of Students Group

Appendix 11. Scoring of Pre Cycle

Appendix 12. Scoring of First Cycle

Appendix 13. Scoring of Second Cycle




A. The Background of the Study

Language is a system of communication by speaking, writing or making signs

in a way that can be understood or any of different system of communication that is

used in particular region.1 Language as a means of communication is inspirable from

almost every human activity. They talk, share, and express their feeling with

language. It is a demand for them be able to communicate well, because they can

convey their purpose to other people. Language is an arbitrary system of speech

sound which is used or can be used in interpersonal communication by an

aggregation of human beings which rather exhaustively catalogs things, process and

event in the human environment.2 From the definition beside, it is identified that

language comprises process. It means that there must be process in acquiring new

language. In addition, the process will take a long period. The learners will look

toward such many new things as writing system, spelling, vocabularies and even

grammar. Moreover, they will also meet new habits will definitely be different from

their own language.

Language is basically a means to communicate ideas, thoughts, opinions, and

feeling. English as a foreign language in Indonesia is considered to be important to

absorb and develop science, technology, art and culture. Language has a basic role

for students’ intellectual, social and emotional development. The language education

is purposed to help students to recognize themselves, their culture and other culture.

More over it helps students to communicate their idea, feeling and participate in the

community, even to find and use their analytic and imaginary ability.

There are four basic skills that must be mastered by English learners in

learning English, those are speaking, listening, reading and writing. From four skills

1Cambridge Dictionary of American English, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000),

p. 486.

2Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learner, (Cambridge: Cambridge University

Press 2001), p. 10.


above, writing is the hardest skill for people who learn English because in writing

process, students will face many difficulties in transferring thought and ideas in

writing form. Barli Bram in his book Write Well said “for most beginning writers

whose mother is not English, to express what they intend is sometimes difficult. One

of the common problems might be a lack of ability construct grammatical


In writing, language components such as grammar, punctuation and word

meaning are obviously appraised. If the construction is true, the readers can caught

what the writer wants to talk about. Writing skill is complex and difficult to teach,

requiring mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of

conceptual and judgment.4 Dealing with writing problems, most of Indonesian

students think writing is generally difficult. Not only the students but also the

teachers consider that teaching writing is not a simple task. Based on the interview

done with my former Senior High School English teacher, the students’ ability in

writing was still far from what is expected. They still got difficulties in composing

sentences and arranging a good paragraph. The eleventh year students were still poor

in writing a hortatory exposition text. They still got difficulty in mastering the

complexity of those problem. In the area of the language problems, the students got

difficulty in grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. For example, the students who

lacked of vocabulary tended to use only certain words they have known in writing.

As a result, they just applied some words from dictionary without considering the

context of their sentences. Further, the use of mechanics such as spelling and

punctuation was also a problem for students. In the area of rhetorical problem, they

got difficulty in composing their ideas into a logical order. So, their writing was not

easy to follow.

Because of the complexity, the students are usually afraid in arranging or

making text in English. They usually needs a lot of time to think about the topic that

they are going to write; they have few ideas; and they only have little knowledge

about technique of writing. Therefore, the students need alternative techniques or

3Barli Bram, Write Well Improving Writing Skill, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1995), p. 25.

4J. B Heaton, Writing English Language Test, (London: Longman, 1975), p. 138.


methods to encourage them to explore their ideas in writing and enable them to learn

by doing. Because of the difficulties of writing, some efforts have been done to solve

the problem. The main objective is to make writing easier for the students to learn.

In my research, the writer focuses on teaching writing since the writing skill

is so important to teach in order to reach the mastery of English language. Moreover,

it has an important role in the context of English teaching as a foreign language in

Indonesia. As one of the language skills, it is an important medium to express ideas

or feeling.

In Indonesia, writing is taught in elementary, junior and senior high schools.

Hortatory Exposition is one of writing skills which is taught in senior high school.

For this level of education, students should learn writing based on certain genres.

There are twelve genres given at senior high school. In this study the writer uses

hortatory exposition.

To make the students motivate and enjoyable to learn, the teacher should use

the interesting teaching method and can make the students interested to learn, as

Jeremy Harmer said that teacher’s method in teaching could be intrinsic motivation

which motivate the students to learn.5 Therefore, it is important for teachers to gain

some knowledge. This statement is supported by Hadits:

)“From Annas bin Malik, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of

Allah by upon for him) said: make it easy and do not make it difficult to

them, and give them a happy thing and do not make them run away” 6

This Hadits said that when we teach the lesson to students, we should give them new

things or we should use the interesting method or strategy in teaching.

Before doing teaching learning process, a teacher decides the method will be

used to learning purpose. Choosing one of methods must be appropriate with

learning process and the material learning object.

5Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach Writing, (England: Longman, 2007), p. 20.

6Ahmadie Thaha, Terjemahan Shahih Bukhori, (Jakarta: Pustaka Panjimas, Vol. I, 1986), p. 89.


Many students in learning English, especially in writing, the researcher

intended to use peer lesson technique as an alternative technique to help and make

students write the composition easily. The researcher believe that peer lesson

technique will give students a chance to learn something different and can be used as

a guide to help students write hortatory exposition text.

B. Research Questions

This study is intended to answer the following questions:

1. How is the implementation of peer lesson technique to improve students’ skill in

a writing hortatory exposition text at eleventh grade students of MAS Simbang

Kulon Pekalongan?

2. Could the peer lesson technique improve students’ skill in a writing hortatory

exposition text at eleventh grade students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan?

C. Objectives And Benefits of the Research

The objectives of the study as follows:

1. To describe the implementations of peer lesson technique to improve students’

skill in writing hortatory exposition text at eleventh grade students of MAS

Simbang Kulon Pekalongan.

2. To know the improvement of students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text

using peer lesson technique at eleventh grade students of MAS Simbang Kulon


The result of the study will be hopefully useful for English teachers to

improve their teaching process and will be more creative in teaching writing of a

hortatory exposition text, and it also can contribute some benefits to students.

Practically, there some benefits for the teacher and the student in many ways.

For the teacher, the result of this classroom action research are useful for the English

teacher as the information and consideration to encourage them to use peer lesson

technique in teaching writing to improve students’ writing achievement. For the

student, the actions given to the students provide good practices on peer lesson

technique to improve their writing achievement, particularly in achieving writing


words, sentences and text. In teaching hortatory exposition, it is expected that

students can be more creative and they can express their idea, thought, feeling as

freely as possible.

Theoretically, the writer hopes that this research result will be useful for

future researchers who have problem in writing as a reference to do a further

research with a different research design or the same design at another school to

developed the students’ writing skill by using peer lesson technique. It is also hoped

that the teacher can apply this technique appropriately based on the theories

explained in this research.

Pedagogically, this research result will have pedagogical benefit that is the

teacher will give a good chance to the students to practice how to developed their

writing skill by cooperating with others. It will create a good atmosphere in English

teaching learning process since it encourages to be more active, not only listen to the

teacher’s explanation but also they have a chance to give opinion to their friends’

work practice what they have got. The function of the teacher is not as the central of

the teaching and learning process, but as a facilitator.





A. Previous Research

Writing is an interesting field for research. Many researchers have conducted the

research about writing skills. Related to this study, the writer chose some previous

researches which are relevant to the teaching of Hortatory exposition writing.

1. “The Senior High School Students’ Ability In Writing Hortatory Exposition

Text (A Case of Eleventh Grade Students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pekajangan

Pekalongan In the Academic Year of 2009/2010)” by Reni Anggia Suci. The

result showed that the mean score was 46.17. It meant that the students’ ability in

writing hortatory exposition text were poor. Basically, most of the students had

already known the concept of hortatory exposition text. They understood about

its social function, generic structure and significantt lexicogrammatical features.

Nevertheless, they were still lack of knowledge and competence in implementing

them in the written form. The students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition text

was influenced by the lack of vocabulary, knowledge about hortatory exposition

text practice in writing text, knowledge on the aspects of good writing and the

students’ interest in English subject.1

From the result, its motivating and tried the writer to do research apply “The Use

of Peer Lesson Technique to Improve Students’ Skill In a Writing Hortatory

Exposition Text”. The writer did a classroom action research in teaching hortatory

exposition writing using peer lesson as a technique. The writer conducted the

research with eleventh grade of students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan.

Therefore, the differences between her research and my research were in method,

material, setting, and participants. In those two studies, my research was another

research of those studies in order to improve students' imagination during writing.

1Reni Anggia Suci (2201406620), The Senior High School Students’Ability In Writing

Hortatory Exposition Text in The Academic Year of 2009/2010, (Semarang: English Departement and

Education Faculty UNNES, 2002), Unpublished Thesis.


2. Another research under the title of “Improving The Ability In Writing Hortatory

Exposition Texts Through A Group Discussion For Grade XI Students Of Senior

High School (An Experimental Research Of Grade XI Students of SMA Negeri 3

Demak In The Academic Year of 2008/2009) by Dian Ayu Purnomowati”.2 The

result of this research showed that a group discussion actually gave contribution

in improving the students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition texts. The

difference between this research and my research is in research method; Dian

Ayu Purnomowati did the research through group discussion whereas the writer

conducted the research using peer lesson technique.

B. Theoretical Review

1. General Concept of Peer Lesson

a. Definition of Peer Lesson

Peer lesson technique is strategy to motivate learning students’ peer in

classroom. This strategy rating all of students’ responsibility learning in the


Using peer lesson techniques helps utilize all the resources available to a

teacher. Students understand how other students communicate. Additionally, how

one student internally assimilates information can be expressed to help other

students understand it better. Using peer lesson techniques the researcher hoped

that can improve the overall learning environment and success of all students

when implemented properly.

b. Peer Lesson Technique In Teaching Learning

According to Widada that is teaching by friends in classroom more effective

than teaching by teacher.4 In this research, the researcher uses peer lesson

technique as a method to teach writing hortatory exposition text.

2Dian Ayu Purnomowati (2201405691), Improving The Ability In Writing Hortatory

Exposition Texts Through A Group Discussion For Grade XI Students Of Senior High School,

(Semarang: English Departement and Education Faculty UNNES, 2002), Unpublished Thesis.

3Melvin L.Silberman, Active learning; 101 Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif, (Bandung: Nusa Media

dan Nuansa, 2006), p. 185.


There are many steps in peer lesson technique:

1) Divided students into some groups appropriate with topics of learning.

2) Give each groups some informations, idea, concept or skills to teach another


Example the topic:

a) Should not bring mobile phone to school

b) Watching television

c) Structure of good paragraph

d) Spreading of AIDS

The topic is given to students must be related.

3) Ask the each groups arrange the method to present or teaching their topic to

another students. Give suggestion the student to avoid the teaching method of

talkative or reading.

4) Give suggestion to students :

a) Involved the student through discussion, writing assignment, game, etc.

b) Use of visual media.

c) Give the student opportunity to ask a question.

5) Give the time for student to prepare the material have been given.

6) After all of group doing their assignment, give conclusion and comprehension

to the student.5

c. Peer Lesson Technique to teach Writing

According to Melvin L Silberman that peer lesson technique is one of

methods in active learning. The writer applies this method as active learning of

students to improve their skill in writing especially hortatory exposition text.

Teaching English as a foreign language sometimes make the teachers realize that

are transferring knowledge to the students are not easy. A good teacher will not

surrender, if the students are boring with the lesson.

4Wahyu Widada, Pendekatan-Pendekatan Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika (Surabaya:

UNESA University Press, 2002), p. 53.

5Melvin L Silberman, Active Learning: 101 Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif, p. 185.


The writer applies peer lesson technique as alternative method in teaching

writing hortatory exposition and the topic is students’ interesting contemporary.

Peer lesson is one of teaching methods. By using peer lesson technique

during the teaching and learning process, it is hoped that teacher will be able to

motivate the students to learning and pay attention to the material presented by

another student.

In the process of teaching, teacher uses peer lesson and gives the topic to

stimulate students' interest. The main use of peer lesson technique in the teaching

writing of hortatory exposition text is to help students catch and express their

idea in writing. Giving students a topic to research and present to the class is a

great peer lesson technique. As the teacher should be able to provide the basic

background for each lesson to the students. They must then find pertinent

information and look for a way to explain it to other students and friends.

Encourage the use of visual aids, for example picture. Not only does this remove

some of the anxiety of public-speaking, but it helps students think about how to

lay the information out so it makes sense to themselves and to the other students.

One great peer lesson technique is to break the class into smaller groups. The

researcher divides the students into five groups. Before the groups moves off to

discuss the topic, gives them an overview of the topic and provides each group

with specific tasks they have to meet within a given time frame. When time is up,

explains that the group should have a presenter that shares the group results with

the rest of the class.

According to Taylor Halverson in active learning that students as a teachers

or presenter to other students, in this type of active learning experience, the

student prepares an actual lesson on a given topic. The students’ lesson can range

from a 10 minutes in a small group to a 30 minutes activity presented to the

whole class. Do not confuse this with a simple student presentation. The students

are given an actual lesson that includes lesson objectives or learning outcomes,


discussion questions, a form of practice and a form of evaluation. Their class is

encouraged to ask questions and discuss points that the students presents.6

By using this technique, students will be more interested in learning writing.

Besides that, they will practice regularly especially in writing.

2. General Concept of Writing

a. Definition of writing

“Writing is functional communication, making learners possible to create

imagined worlds of their own design.”7 It means that, through writing, learners

can express thought, feeling, ideas, experiences, etc to convey a specific purpose.

The purpose of writing is to give some information.

Based on the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, writing is making

letters or other symbols (e.g. ideographs) on a surface, esp. with a pen or pencil

on paper.8 Writing is one of skills; it is both physical and cognitive activity in

which the writer is required to produce a number of variables that consist of

word, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation, and so on. In order to make

possible transmission of messages.9

Meyers said that writing is an action.10

This means that when we first write

something down, we have already been thinking about what we are going to say

it. Then after you have finished writing, we read over what we have written and

make changes and corrections.

Writing is one of productive skills, which contains a symbol (orthographic)

and involves a complex process. In making good writing, we must use correct

6Taylor Halverson, Active Learning Techniques. Aug 10, 2010. Http://


7Richard Kern, Literacy and Language Teaching, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 172.

8A. S Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary of Current English, (New York: Oxford

University Press, 1995), p. 1382.

9Cambridge Dictionary of American English, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000),

p. 1006

10Alan Meyers, Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences, Paragraphs, and Essays,

(New York: Pearson Education, Inc, 2005), p. 2.


grammatical rules, choose appropriate vocabulary, and consider the coherent and

cohesion. Some linguists gave some definitions of writing that may help us get

clearer definition. One of them is stated by Celce and Murcia, “Writing is the

production of the written word that results in a text but the text must be read and

comprehended in order for communication to take place.”11

O’Malley and Pierce add that writing is a personal act in which writers take

ideas or prompts and transform them into self-initiated topics.12

So, it prosecutes

students to formulate goals and plans for creating an organized structure in their


Written language is simply the graphic representation of spoken language,

and that written performance is much like oral performance, the only different

lies in graphic for writing instead of auditory signals for speaking.13

So writing is

closely related to speaking not only in such item of content, organization of ideas,

and vocabulary but also the relationship of the ideas or the coherent with the

other sentence.

From some definitions above, it can be concluded that writing is a system of

human communication which represents a symbol. By writing, we can share our

idea, feeling, or anything that exist in our mind. Writing prosecutes students to

focus on generating idea, organizing coherently, revising it into good

composition, using discourse markers and rhetorical conventions cohesively, and

editing text for appropriate grammar. Therefore, students who want to be able to

write a good writing, they must learn to write regularly.

1) Writing Process

Writing is a never one-step action. Writing as one of productive skills

needs a process. This process sues writer to write in sequence stages. Harmer

states that the writing process is the stages that a writer goes through in order

11M. Celce and Murcia Elite Olstain, Discourse and Context in Language Teaching, (New

York: Combridge University Press, 2000), p. 142.

12J. Michael O’Malley and Lorraine Valdez Pierce, Authentic Assessment for English

Language Learners: Practical Approaches for Teachers, (Great Britain: Longman, 1996), p. 136.

13H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle, (San Francisco: Longman, 2001), p. 335.


to produce something (a written text) before to be a final draft.14

There are

four processes of writing:

a) Planning

At this stage, the writer must think about three main issues. Those

are the purpose, the audience (the reader), and content structure. The

purpose of writing will influence not only the type of text that the writer

wants to produce, the language that the writer uses, but also the

information that the writer chooses to include. Secondly, the writer must

think of the audience. The audience will influence not only the shape of

the writing (how it is laid out or how the paragraph is structured) but also

the choice of language (formal or informal language). Thirdly, the writer

has to consider the content structure of the piece. It means that how the

writer sequences the fact, ideas, or argument.

This stage is often called by pre-writing process. Pre-writing is the

thinking, talking, reading, and writing that the writer does about his topic

before he writes a first draft. Pre-writing can be defined as a way of

warming up the brain before write. There are two ways of warming up the

brain; brainstorming and clustering.

Brainstorming is a quick way to generate a lot of ideas on a


So, brainstorming is the way to get “the ideas creation engine”

running. The purpose of brainstorming is to make a list of as many ideas

as possible without worrying about how writers will use them. Writers’

list can include words, phrases, sentences, or even questions.

There are five steps that must be done by writers to brainstorm:

1) Writers must begin with a broad topic.

2) Writers must write down as many ideas about the topic as writers can

do in five minutes.

14Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p. 4.

15Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, (New York: Pearson Education Inc.,

2003), p. 41.


3) Writers can add more items to their list by answering the questions

what, how, when, where, why, and how.

4) Writers group similar items on the list together.

5) Writers can cross out items that do not belong.

Clustering is another pre-writing technique. It is a visual way of

showing how writers’ ideas are connected using circles and lines. When

writers cluster, they draw a diagram to connect ideas.16

There are five steps that must be done by writers to cluster:

1) Writers must write the topic in the center of blank place of paper and

draw a circle around it.

2) Writers can write any ideas that come into their mind about the topic

in circle around the main circle.

3) Writers must connect these ideas to the center word with a line.

4) Writers think about each of their new ideas, write more related ideas

in circles near the new ideas, and then connect them.

5) Writers repeat the process until they run out of ideas.

The example of clustering:


Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, p. 42.




Where did

she live


Beautiful Kind Palace

Her sisters

Her aunt



b) Drafting

After you have finished in planning, you can continue to the next

step (drafting). As you write, the first draft on your paragraph, use the

ideas you generated from planning as a guide. As you write, remember to:

1) Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, include several

sentences that support the main idea.

2) Stick the topic does not include information that does not directly

support the main idea.

3) Arrange the sentences so that the other ideas make sense.

4) Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas in your

paragraph are connected.17

c) Editing (Revising).

It is almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on the first try.

The first try is called the first draft. Perhaps the order of information is

not clear or the discourse marker is wrong. The way to revise and

improve the first draft is called editing. The writer edits their own or their

peer’s work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction, sentence

structure, and accuracy of supportive textual material such as quotations,

examples and the like. The steps are:

1) Add new ideas to support the topic.

2) Cross out sentences that do not support the topic.

3) Change the order of the sentences.

4) Using the following checklist to revise your paragraph;

a) Make sure you have a topic sentence.

b) Cross out sentences that do not relate to the main idea.

c) Check to see if the sentences are in the right order.

d) Add new ideas if they support the topic sentences.

e) Make sure you have included signal words to help guide the



Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, p. 43.


f) Check the punctuations, spelling and grammar.18

d) Final Version

Once the writer has revised and edited the draft and made the

changes that considered being necessary, he has produced the final


Planning Drafting Editing Final draft

2) Purposes of Writing

According to O’Malley and Pierce, there are three purposes of writing

that describe the kinds of students writing.19

Those are:

a) Informative Writing

Informative writing helps writers integrate new ideas and examine

existing knowledge. So, writers can share knowledge and give

information, directions, or ideas. Examples of informative writing include

describing events or experiences, analyzing concept, speculating on

causes and effect, and developing new ideas or relationships.

b) Expressive

Expressive or Recount Writing is a personal or imaginative

expression in which the writer produces story or essay. This type of

writing often used for entertainment, pleasure, discovery, poems, or short


c) Persuasive Writing

In persuasive writing, writers attempt to influence others and

initiate action or change. This type of writing includes evaluation of a

book, movie, consumer product, or controversial issues.

3) Characteristic of an Effective Paragraph

A paragraph is a basic unit of organization in writing in which a group of

related sentences develops one main idea. The number of sentences is

unimportant; however, the paragraph should be long enough to develop the

18 Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, p. 44.

19J. Michael O’Malley and Lorraine Valdez Pierce, Authentic Assesment for English Language

Learners, p. 137-138.


main idea clearly. A paragraph has three major structural parts: a topic

sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.20

Writing a paragraph is an uneasy activity. Students often find difficulties

especially when they want to write a good paragraph. In every sentence of

paragraph, it should be related to the unit of organization, the parallelism, and


Harmer states that there are two characteristics of an effective paragraph.

Those are coherence and cohesion.21

a) Coherence

Coherence means that the sentence in the paragraph must be

logically arranged and the movement from one sentence to the next

sentence must be smooth. Coherence can be gained by applying logical

order and transition signal. When a text is coherence, the reader can

understand at least two things:

1) The writer’s purpose

A coherent text can make the reader understands what the

writer’s purposes. Is it for giving information, expressing idea, or

entertaining the reader?

2) The writer’s line of thought

The reader should be able to follow the story and should not

get confused with the characters of the story, setting, time, and others.

In a recount text, the reader should know what is being narrated, who

is the character, and can distinguish between the complication and


b) Cohesion

A paragraph is called cohesion if all supporting sentences can

support the topic sentence. The method of connecting sentences to each

other called cohesive devices. Five important of cohesive devices are

20Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, (New York: Addison Wesley

Publishing Company, 1996), p. 3.

21Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, p. 22-24.


lexical cohesion (can be achieved by using lexical set chain and

repetitions of word), grammatical cohesion (can be achieved by using

pronoun and possessive reference and article reference), tenses, linkers,

and substitutions.

Alice and Ann add unity as a requirement of an effective paragraph.

They state,

”Every good paragraph has unity, which means that in each paragraph

only one main idea is discussed. If the writer starts to discuss new

idea, he must start a new paragraph. Furthermore, every supporting

sentence in the paragraph must be directly related to the main idea”.22

4) The Tasks of Teacher in Teaching Writing

Teacher has a number of crucial tasks that must be performed in order

to help students to be good writers. Students often feel reluctance to write

either in their own language or in second language. So, teacher must

stimulate students to write by performing his tasks in the classroom. The

teacher tasks are not only during the writing class, but also before and after

writing class.

According to Harmer, there are five tasks that teacher can perform in

the class. Those are demonstrating, motivating and provoking, supporting,

responding, and evaluating.23

a) Demonstrating

Teacher must tell the students about the material and demonstrate

it in fronts of class. This task can be an effective way to warm up

students’ knowledge about the material.

b) Motivating

When students find difficulties in writing like “lost for word”,

teacher can help by provoking the students into having ideas, encourage

them with the value of the task, and persuading them what fun it can be.

22Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, p. 17.

23Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach writing, p. 41-42.,


The example is teacher can give students the word that they need to start a

writing task.

c) Supporting

This task is closely related with the teacher’ roles as motivator and

provoker. Students need a lot of help and reassurance once they get going,

both with ideas and with the means to carry them out. Teacher can help

students overcome the difficulties by giving a support.

d) Responding

When responding, teacher reacts to the content and the

construction of students’ writing supportively and makes suggestion for

their improvement. When teacher responds to the students’ writing, he

may not give a grade and judge it as final version (final product).

e) Evaluating

When teacher evaluates students’ writing, he can indicate where

students make mistakes and may award grades in students writing.

b. Types of Writing

Finnochiaro stated that naturally, the type of writing system (alphabet,

picture) which exist in the native language in an important factor in determining

to easy of speech with which students learn to write.24

According to Finnochiaro there are two types of writing:25

1) Practical or Factual Writing

This type of writing deals with facts. We can find it in the writing of

letter and summaries.

2) Creative of Imaginary Writing

This type of writing usually exists in literature. The examples of

imaginary writing are novel, romance, fantasy, science fiction adventure, etc.

The type of writing which is given to the students to do will depend

on their age, interest and level. For example, we can ask beginners to write a

24Mary Finnochiaro, English as a Second Language: from Theory to Practice, (New York:

Regents Publishing Company, Inc. , 1974), p. 85.

25Mary Finnochiaro, English as a Second Language: from Theory to Practice, p. 86.


simple poem. When we set a task for elementary students, we will make sure

that the students will get enough words to do it and also for intermediate and

advance students.

There is no limit to the kinds of text we can ask students to write. Our

decision will be based on how much language the students know, what their

interests are, and what we think will not only be useful for them, but also

motivate them as well.

c. Kinds of Genre

1) General concept of Genre

“Genre is used to refer to particular text-types, not to traditional varieties

of literature. It is a type or kind of text, defined in terms of its social purposes;

also the level of context dealing with social purpose”.26

The meaning of the genres intended is that students are able to understand

the concept and they would be able to identify a kind of texts that students will

have to write.

2) Kinds of Genre

There are fifteen types of genre text, they are:

a) News story is a factual text which informs reader’s events of the day

which are considered newsworthy or important.

b) Exemplum is a kind of genre used to deal with incidents that are in some

respects out of the usual, point to some general values in the cultural


c) Anecdote is a kind of genre used to share with others an account of an

unusual or amusing incident.

d) Recount is a kind of genre used to retell events for the purpose of

informing or entertaining.

e) Spoof is a kind of genre used to retell an event with a humorous twist.

f) Procedure is a kind of genre used to describe how something is

accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps.27

26Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, (Semarang: UNNES, 2005), p. 4.

27Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, p. 6.


g) Explanation is a kind of genre used to explain the processes involved in

the formation or workings of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.

h) Report is a kind of genre used to describe the way things are, with

reference to arrange or natural, manmade and social phenomena in our


i) Analytical exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader or

listener to take action on some matter.

j) Hortatory exposition is a kind of genre used to persuade the reader or

listener that something should or should not be the case.

k) Discussion is a kind of genre used to present (at least) two points of view

about an issue.28

l) Description is a kind of genre used to describe a particular person, place

or thing.

m) Review is a kind of genre used to critique an art work or event for a

public audience.

n) Commentary is a kind of genre used to explain the processes involved in

the information (evolution) of a social-cultural phenomenon, as though a

natural phenomenon.29

3) General concept of Text

a) Definition of Text

In general, text is an article we often read. We know that human

beings are different from other creatures. We live in a world of words.

When these words are put together to communicate a meaning, a piece of

text is created. They will think to express their expression. We can say

that human need to express their own in many ways that can be

understood by others. Human can use a text as one of the ways to express

their own.

“A text is any stretch of language which is held together

cohesively through meaning”.30

It means that when we use language to

28Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, p. 6.

29Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, p. 6.


write, we are creating and constructing a text. When we read, we are

interpreting texts. Moreover, when we talk and listen, we are also

creating and interpreting texts.

Halliday and Hasan said that a text is a social exchange of


The meaning of a sentence may have different meaning

according to the context. For example, I am buying a drink for every

body here, and the mean of that sentence is one drink for all or one drink

for each. Therefore, if we are a teacher, we must be able to develop

students’ abilities to exchange the meanings in different points of


b) Types of Text

There are two main categories of text. They are literary and

factual. Within these are various text types. Each text type has a common

way of using language.

1) Literary text

Literary text is a text that appeals to our emotions and

imaginations. Literary text can make laugh or cry, think about our own

life or consider our beliefs. Literary text includes aboriginal dreaming

stories, movie scripts, limericks, fairy tales, plays, novels, song lyrics,

mimes and soap operas. Media text such as films, videos, television

shows and CDs can fall in this category.

There are three main text types in this category: recount, poetic

and dramatic.32

2) Factual text

Factual text is a text that presents information or ideas and aim to

show, tell or persuade the audience. This text includes advertisement,

30Susan Feez and Helen Joyce, Text-Based Syllabus Design, (Sydney: Macquarie University,

2002), p. 4.

31M.A.K. Halliday, & Ruqaiya Hasan, Language, Context, and Text: Aspects of Language in

Social-Semiotic Perspective, (Hongkong: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 11. 32Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (South Yarra: Macmillan

Education Australia, 1997), p. 1.


announcement, internet website, current affairs shows, debates, recipes,

reports and instructions. The main text types in this category are recount,

response, explanation, discussion, information report, exposition and


d. Teaching English Writing for Senior High School Students

“Writing (as one of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and

writing) has always formed part of the syllabus in the teaching of English.

Writing has always been used as a means of reinforcing language that has been


It means that writing is a good instrument for students to learn English.

They can put their ideas on the paper by using grammar and vocabulary which

have been studied.

When writing, students need more time to think. Teacher asks students to

focus on accurate language use and ideas what they will write. It will provoke

their language development by finding ideas which will put on a text. Teaching

writing for Senior High School is not an easy job, because the range of age of

Senior High School students varies between thirteen to seventeen years old.

“Adolescence interpreted as a transition-period from children to adult

including change of biological, cognitive and emotional-social”.35

“They are so much less motivated, and they present outright discipline


Based on the statement above, the writer concludes that the teacher’s role is

very needed to motivate students in teaching learning process while students in

transition-period. Therefore, they will have good discipline and responsibility, if

a teacher encourages their students to learn to write in the target language.

33Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, p. 3.

34Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p. 31-


35John W. Santrock, Adolescence, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2003), 6th Ed., p. 26.

36Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (England: Pearson Education

Limited, 2001), 3rd

Ed., p. 38.


There are some characteristics of adolescent’s learner, they are;

1) They seem to be less lively and humorous than adults,

2) Identity has to be forged among classmates and friends; peer approval may be

considerably more important for the student than the attention of the teacher,

3) They would be much happier if such problems did not exist,

4) They may be disruptive in class, and

5) They have great capacity to learn, have a great potential for creativity, and a

passionate commitment to things, which interest them.37

Therefore, adolescents are a period of change, new experiences learning,

instability and the most trying times in life school and teacher should provide

adolescent with opportunities to explore and experiment in a stable and

supportive atmosphere. Teacher’s job is to provoke intellectual activity by

helping them to be aware of constructing ideas, which they can resolve by their

own though still with the teacher’s guidance.

e. General Concept of Hortatory Exposition Text

An exposition is a piece of text that presents one side of an issue.38

Exposition text has two kinds, they are analytical exposition and hortatory

exposition. Here, the writer discusses about hortatory exposition text.

So many arguments about hortatory exposition text, Gerrot and Wignel have

opinion, they state, “Hortatory exposition is a genre which has social function to

persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.”39

According to Desmal, et al, they state, “Hortatory exposition is to represent the

attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way.40

Then, Grace and Sudarwati, point out hortatory exposition, they state, “Hortatory


Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, p. 38-39.

38Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Australia: Macmillan, 2003), p.


39Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook,

(Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1994), p. 209.

40Drdijis, et all, English 2 SMA/MA Natural and Soial Programme, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi perkasa:

2008), p. 196.


exposition is to persuade the reader or listener that something should or should

not be case”.41

From the statement above we can conclude that hortatory exposition is type

of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that

something should or should not happen or be done.

To strength the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as

the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind of the text

can be called as argumentation.

Rudi Hartono have view the social function of hortatory exposition text that

the social function of hortatory exposition text is to persuade the reader or

listener that something should or should be the case.42

Then, the purpose of

hortatory exposition text is influencing and persuading the readers by presenting

the supporting arguments.

Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, magazines,

newspaper, letter or editor, advertisings, speeches, research report, etc.

Hortatory exposition is popular among science, an academic community and

educated people.

1) Generic Structure

The structure of a text is called generic structure. One way in

understanding hortatory exposition text is by identifying the generic

structure of that text. The simple generic structure of hortatory exposition

text is divided into the following three elements, namely thesis,

argumentations, and recommendations.

a) Thesis

Thesis is announcement of issue of concern.43

The writer’s

thought is presented as thesis which is proven with several arguments.

Usually answer the following questions:

41Sudarwati, Th. M, Grace, Look ahead Book 2 An Course for Senoir High School Students

year XI Science and Social Study Program, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007), p. 204.

42Rudi Hartono, Genres of Text, p.6.

43Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, p. 210.


(1) What is the topic of the text?

(2) What is the text about?

b) Argumentations

The next paragraphs show the writer arguments in supporting his

thesis. Arguments are reasons for concern, leading to recommendation.44

In this case the writer shows the reason or reasons why supporting or

opposing an idea or suggestion, or a process of explaining.

c) Recommendation

Recommendation is statement of what ought or ought not to


It will be ended with a strong recommendation or persuade the

reader or listener.

2) Significant Lexicogrammatical Features

a) Focus on generic human and non human participants, expect for

speaker or writer referring to self.

Use of:

- Mental processes: to state what writer thinks or feels about issue.

(e.g.: realize, feel, and appreciate).

- Material processes: to state what happens. (e.g.: is polluting, drive,

travel, spend, and should be treated).

- Relational processes: to state what is or should be. (e.g.: doesn’t

seems to have been, is)

b) Use of simple present tense

The present tense indicates that an action is present, now, relative to the

speaker or writer. Generally, the simple present express events or

situation that exist, always, usually, habitually, they exist now, have

existed in the past, and probably will exist in the future.46

44Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, p. 210.

45Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar, p. 210.

46 Betty Scrampher Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar, (USA: Prantice Hall

Regents: 1989), p. 2.



(1) Play tennis.

(2) She does not play tennis.

(3) Does he play tennis?

(4) The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.

(5) The train does not leave at 9 AM.

3) The example of hortatory exposition text

Hortatory exposition text is a text which is taught at the eleventh grade

students of senor high school. This is the example of hortatory exposition text:

Should Not Bring Mobile Phone to School

Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile

phone user increase dramatically in recent years? First, the

features and functions have increased. Mobile phone is not used

just for calling, but sending text, taking pictures, recording videos,

accessing internet, playing games and much more. Second, mobile

phone has also become a lot cheaper. Now this communication

device does not only fill the pocket of adult but also teenager and

student. Event a lot phones are intentionally designed to teenaged

market. However should they be allowed to bring them to school?

Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to

school. It is very reasonable because bringing phone to school

potentially disrupts the learning process. Most students use cell

phones irresponsibly. They use cell phones to talk to their friend

during class time. They also use the calculator and camera

features in the class as well. Those potentially lead less

concentration in the time of learning and teaching process.

Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile

phones a large temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate

to anyone and almost anywhere in the world. Because of the small

size of the cell phone, students can send a text quickly and

discreetly. The text can go unnoticed anywhere to get help on

answering test, homework, and other class assignment. Learning

in school is to behave fair not cheating.

Therefore, school should ban students from bringing their

cell phones. However it should be done fairly. In case of an

emergency some students need a call for help, providing easy

access to phone is better.

(Cited from

47 Retrieved on 14

th January 2011


Based on the text above, the purpose of hortatory exposition is to

persuade the reader or listener the writer’s act and opinion, point forward the

certain thing should or should not be done. The writer gives arguments in

supporting his thesis and is completed with the writer’s recommendation.

C. Hypotheses

“Hypotheses consists of words hypo and thesis. Hypo is under or less or weak.

Thesis is theory or proposition that showed as a proof.” Hypothesis is a temporary

answer of problems in research until proved from the data which collected.48

In this research, based on the description above there is an action hypotheses that

can be described as follows: The use of peer lesson technique can improve students’

skill in writing hortatory exposition text by the eleventh grade students of MAS

Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the academic year 2010/2011.

48Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,

2006), p. 71.




A. Research Design

Research design played an important role in a research because the quality of

research greatly depended on the design. In this research, the writer used the form of

quantitative approach to analyze the data. Research method is a systematic activity

by using certain method to find new thing or to prove a theory. This research is

classroom action research (CAR) that uses data observation towards teaching

learning process in writing hortatory exposition text. This data was analyzed through

some cycles in action.

In this research, the researcher used the form of action research as stated by

Julian Edge is a version of the classic action research sequences in which teacher

first consider problems or issues in their teaching which lead them to design

questions (on use other methods) in order to collect data.1 It means that in action

research, a researcher not only needs the theories which supports research but also

needs to practice and to act with the subject of research. According to Harmer action

research is the name given to a series of procedures teachers can engage in, either

because they wish to improve aspect of their teaching, or because they wish to

evaluate the success and/ or properness of certain activities and procedures.2

Classroom action research is useful for knowing more about learners and

what they find motivating and challenging. The teacher uses an action research when

he or she finds some problems such as the students have not achieved the target he

expected during teaching and learning process.

Furthermore, classroom action research is a reflective study done by teacher

in a classroom for getting solution about the problem until it can be solved.

1Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (New York: Longman, 2001), p.

344- 345

2Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, p. 344- 345


The researcher intended to elaborate Classroom Action Research it is a kind

of research to be used in her research and it could be done by a teacher in which

involved a group of students to improve the teaching and learning process.

There are four steps in Classroom Action Research, they are planning

(identify the problems), acting (collect the data), observing (analyze and interpret

data), reflecting (develop an action). All these aspects are made a cycle, as stated by

Kemmis McTaggart:3

Figure 1 Action Research Cycle

Classroom action research has several characteristics which will be

elaborated as follows:

1. On the job problem oriented

Problem which is being investigated appears from the authority of the

researcher herself. The problem is the real problem faced by students everyday.

2. Problem solving oriented

This research is oriented in the problem solving. This short of research puts

the researcher as the agent of change.

3. Improvement Oriented

This research gives emphasizes on the improvement of quality. This concept

is according to the principle of critical research has to construct product oriented.

3Wijaya Kusumah, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: Permata Puri Media, 2010),

p. 20.

Observing Planning




4. Multiple Data Collection

In fulfilling the critical approaches principle, there are several ways of

collecting data, such as observation and test.

5. Cyclic

There are four steps in Classroom Action Research, they are planning

(identify the problems), acting (collect the data), observing (analyze and interpret

data), reflecting (develop an action).4Classroom action research usually conducted

cyclic in which seeks to unit. Its two central concerns, improvement in practice and

increased knowledge and understanding is by linking them into an integrated cycle of

activities in which each phase learns from the previous one and shapes the next.

6. Participatory

Researcher made such collaboration with an English teacher to do the

classroom action research.

This research is Classroom Action research, the researcher uses data was

analyzed through some cycles in action. Generally, Classroom Action Research

involves a cyclical approach there are identify the problem (planning), collect data

(action), analyze and interpret data (observing), develop and action plan (reflecting).5

Before the researcher did the cycles in action, she will be done preliminary

observation (pre cycle). Research design can be done with some steps as follows:

1. Preliminary Observation

In this step, the researcher intended to find out:

a. Collect data related with count of the students, names of the students, and

students’ marks.

b. After the writer collects the data, she does a pre-test. Its purpose is to know

the score mean of students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text before

using peer lesson technique.

c. The writer assessed the result of students’ writing in pre-test.

4Wijaya Kusumah, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, p. 20.

5Wijaya Kusumah, Mengenal Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, p. 20.


2. Planning in Action

In this research, the researcher planned to conduct three cycles of Classroom

Action Research. There are four steps process in each cycle for doing Classroom

Action Research:

a. Planning

Planning an action by focusing on who, what, when, where, and how the

action will be done.

b. Acting

In this step, the teaching technique will be applied in teaching learning

process. That is using peer lesson technique in teaching writing hortatory

exposition text.

c. Observing

In this phase, the researcher observes and takes notes during teaching

learning process.

d. Reflecting

Reflecting means to analyze the result based on the data that have been

collected to determine the next action in the next cycle. In this phase, the

researcher could observe whether the acting activity had resulted any progress,

what progress happened, and also about the positives and negatives.6

A cyclical process involving stages of action research is followed by

action. It can be illustrated below:7

6Suhardjono and Supardi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 2008), 6th

Ed., p. 75-80.

7Suhardjono and Supardi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, p. 16.


Figure 2 Cyclical Process Of Action Research

B. Setting of The Study

In a classroom action research, there are populations that will be investigated.

Population is all of the research subject.8 In this study, the population that is used by

the researcher is the students at MAS Simbang Kulon, Buaran, Pekalongan .

Sometimes it is not possible to investigate the whole population directly, so the

researcher has to take a sample. Sample is a part of population to be researched.9

There are 6 classes to eleventh graders at MAS Simbang Kulon. It consists of class

XI Science 1, XI Science 2, XI Social 1, XI Social 2, and XI Social 4.

The researcher uses class XI Science 1 as sample in this research. So

participant in this study are students on XI Science 1 at MAS Simbang Kulon Buaran

Pekalongan in the academic year 2011/2012.

The subject of this study was students of XI Science 1 of MAS Simbang

Kulon, where the total number 46 students. The whole subject in the research was

female because since the students were subdivided into the class separately based on

the gender. The researcher conducted the classroom action research at MAS Simbang

Kulon Pekalongan on eleventh graders academic year 2010/2011. It is located on Jl.

KH. Abdul Hadi Gg.2 Buaran Pekalongan. It is located in Simbang Kulon, Buaran,

8Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka

Cipta, 2002), 5th Ed., p. 108.

9Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, p. 109.

The Problem of Student

Planning 1 Action I

Observation 1

Action 2

Observation 2

Reflection I

Planning 2

Reflection 2

The Problem of


The problem was solved


Pekalongan. Besides MA, there are also RA, MI, MTs, MAK, and Pondok Pesantren

Putra Putri Nurul Huda in one institution. This school is very easy to reach, because

it is located at beside of Masjid Jami’ Simbang Kulon mosque, near with traditional

market, and village meeting hall. Sometimes the sound is very crowded, the situation

does not support for teaching learning process because it is very near with activity of


Table of Students Name List

No Name Students Code

1 Arofah A -1

2 Ayu Fatma Elok A -2

3 Dewi Aisyah A -3

4 Dewi Alfiana Azizah A- 4

5 Dewi Tyas Zuraizah A -5

6 Durotul Fakhiroh A -6

7 Eva Yuliana A -7

8 Fina Khafidhoh A- 8

9 Hikmatul Maulida A -9

10 Hisbuna Ihda Nur A. A-10

11 Ike Tifani Novita A -11

12 Imroatul Khasanah A -12

13 Ina Fatina A- 13

14 Inarotul Izzah A -14

15 Indah Riskiana A -15

16 Istikmaliah A -16

17 Izza Khamidah A- 17

18 Karunia Nevi Afrida A- 18

19 Khafidani A -19

20 Laily Silvia A -20

21 Milata Aliyata A- 21

22 Nafi’atul Hidayah A-22

23 Naili Rohmah A -23

24 Naily Mustafidah A -24

25 Nila Karimah A -25

26 Nur Azizah HMA A- 26

27 Nur Azizah A -27

28 Nur Fandhilah A -28

29 Nur Jazilah A -29

30 Nur Kumila A- 30

31 Nur Laila A- 31

32 Nur Mala Sofiana A -32

33 Nur Ning Vita A -33

34 Nur Syamsiyah A -34


35 Nurul Aini A- 35

36 Nurul Maghfiroh A -36

37 Riadhil Hikmah A 37

38 Risqi Ginanjar A -38

39 Rizqiyana A- 39

40 Siti Umi Nafi’ah A- 40

41 Umi Fithriya A- 41

42 Umi Khabibah A- 42

43 Umroh Mahfudhoh A-43

44 Uzlifatul Jannah A- 44

45 Yana Linda Suryani A- 45

46 Yusroh A-46

C. Technique of Data Collection

As other research, classroom action research also needs to collect data to

support the investigation. It is a fundamental thing to be well throughout by a

researcher before to conduct a research.

There several ways to collect data like questionnaire, observation, field notes,

interview, documentation, and test. In this research, the researcher gathered the data

to support above. The researcher chooses some of which is appropriate to her school

environment, and can be done there. In gaining the data, the researcher attempts to

employ the following methods.

1. Observation

Observation is the activity of giving total concern to research object by the


In conducting observation, the researcher used the sheets of check list to note

the activity that might happen in the teaching learning process. Observation is

intended to see and to know about the condition of class and students, and the

obstacles appear during the teaching learning process. It can also used to appraise the

students’ motivation during teaching learning process, to see their difficulties, their

problem and their understanding about the material given.

10Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, (Jakarta: PT Rineka

Cipta, 2006), p. 156.


Observation Scheme

No. Indicators None






















The students are

enthusiastic in listening

teacher’ explanation on

hortatory exposition text

The students are

enthusiastic in responding

teacher’s question

The students concern in

group work

Students ask question to the

teacher to clarify


The students work together

in a group to solve the


The students work

communication during in

group work.

Students are enthusiastic to

present and discuss about



The criterion of scoring from the observation checklist such as below:

a. Score 1 if the student’s participation was fail.

b. Score 2 if the student’s participation was poor.

c. Score 2 if the student’s participation was fair.

d. Score 2 if the student’s participation was good.

e. Score 2 if the student’s participation was excellent.

The researcher observed 7 aspects with criterion of scoring from the

observation checklists such as below:


In which Percentage

a. Fail 0% - 20%

b. Poor 20% - 40%

c. Fair 50%

d. Good 60% - 80%

e. Excellent 100%

The observation is analyzed by using the following formula:

Score = Scored got x 100

Maximum score

2. Test

In this classroom action research, the researcher provided pre-test, second

times of evaluation test. These test used to measure the students’ ability in organizing

the words to be simple sentences, and expand to the paragraph of hortatory

exposition text.

In this research, the researcher used achievement test because it is made to

measure the students’ achievement after they learned the material. According to H.

Douglas Brown: 11

An achievement test is related directly to classroom lesson, units, or even a

total curriculum. Achievement test are limited to particular material covered in a

curriculum within a particular time frame, and are offered after a course has covered

the objectives in question. Achievement test can serve as indicators of features that

students need to work on in the future, but the primary role of an achievement test is

to determine acquisition of course objectives at the end of a period of instruction.

Test is done to know students’ achievement, so that the researcher knows the

students’ improvement and students’ mastery learning can be achieved by students.

Achievement test are used to indicate group or individual progress toward the

instructional objective of a specific study or a training program.12

To get the data of

11H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles “An Interactive Approach to Language

Pedagogy”, (San Francisco State University: Longman, 2001), 2nd Ed., p. 391.

12P. D. Harris, Testing English as a Second Language, (USA: Mc. Graw- Hill. Inc 1969), p. 3.


the students’ skill of the content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic,

the researcher conducted written test. The researcher asked the students to write a

hortatory exposition text.

Data is very importance in research, for the research finding comes from the

interpretation of the data collected. In collecting the data, the researcher got the data

from observing the teaching and learning process and the results of the students test.

The process of collecting the data was two cycles and three meetings. First cycle

until second cycle, the researcher conducted the teaching and learning process.

The researcher entered the class about three times. At the first meeting, the

researcher conducted pre cycle, and taught the students about “Should Ads be

Banned from TV Programs?” And then give the students test of free writing about

hortatory exposition text. At the second meeting, the researcher conducted first cycle

and taught the students about “Watch Your Kids while Watching TV”, and then ask

the students in group to write a hortatory exposition based on theme of “Problems in

Our Country” in each of topics. At the third meeting, the researcher conducted

second cycle and taught the students about the “Why Should wearing a Helmet when

Motorcycling” , and then ask the students in group to write a hortatory exposition

based on theme of “Entertainment” in each of topics.

To analyze the data, the researcher assessed the students’ mastery of the

material given, how well an individual student mastered the material. The researcher

gave test in order to know the students mastery in that material.

D. Technique of Analyzing Data

Technique of data analysis comes from the interpretation of the data

collection. In analysis the data, the researcher gets the data from observing the

teaching learning process, and the result of the students’ test.

Processing of the data uses descriptive analysis. It is to explain the condition

in raising indicator achievement every cycle, and to describe the success of the

teaching learning process using peer lesson technique in writing hortatory exposition.

The data from observation were described as detail as the researcher got. Data

from observation are grouped based on students’ behavior and students’ response


that can be taken as a clue or indicator for students’ understanding in writing

hortatory exposition text.

A standard technique should be used to show that result of research are

reliable to measure the writing test. The researcher uses the scoring element of

writing and using more than one score.

The elements of writing are content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and

mechanics. After classifying the test items, the researcher gave score for each item.

The items analysis can be seen on table 1.

Table 1

The Explanation of Criterion13

Item Analysis Score Criteria


27-30 Excellent: knowledgeable-substantive etc.

22-26 Good: some knowledgeable of subject-

adequate range.

17-21 Fair: limited knowledgeable of subject-little


13-16 Very poor: does not show knowledgeable of

subject-non substantive.


18-20 Excellent: fluent expression-ideas clearly


14-17 Good: somewhat choppy-loosely organized but

main ideas stand out

10-13 Fair: not fluent-ideas confused / disconnected.

7-9 Very poor: does not communicate-no



18-20 Excellent: sophisticated range-effective word/

idiom choice and usage.

14-17 Good: adequate range – occasional of word/

idiom form, choice, usage, bit meaning is not


10-13 Fair: limited range – frequent errors of word/

idiom form, choice, usage.

7-9 Very poor: essentially translation-little

knowledge of English vocabulary.


22-25 Excellent: effective complex grammar


18-21 Good: effective but simple construction in grammar.

11-17 Fair: a major problem is simple / complex

13J. Charles Alderson and Lyle F. B, Assesing Writing, (USA: Cambridge University Press,

2002), p. 116.


construction in grammar.

5-10 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules.


5 Excellent: demonstrates mastery of construction.

4 Good: occasional errors of spelling, punctuation.

3 Fair: frequent errors of spelling, punctuation,


1 Very poor: no mastery of conventions,

dominated by errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing.

Total of score 1 - 100

After collected the data, the researcher analyzed it. In gave scoring of the

writing test, the researcher processed the result of the students’ test .The researcher

gave the score for each element of writing follows:

1. Content ability : the lowest score is 13 and the highest score is 30

2. Organization ability : the lowest score is 7 and the highest score is 20

3. Vocabulary ability : the lowest score is 7 and the highest score is 20

4. Grammar ability : the lowest score is 5 and the highest score is 25

5. Mechanic ability : the lowest score is 2 and the highest score is 5

Then the researcher formulated to get the mean of each element of writing

researched by the formula. Sutrisno Hadi explains the mean of each writing element

researched as follows:14

e.g. Content

Mxc = maxS



Mxc : The level mastery of content

xc : The students’ score of content

Smax : Maximum score of content

After getting the mean of each element in writing hortatory exposition text,

the writer formulated the result to get the total mean score as follow:


Sutrisno Hadi, Statistic Second Series, (Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2004) p. 272






Mxt : the mean of total score

xt : the number of total

Smax : maximum score for writing elements

Then the result of percentage of each component in writing hortatory

exposition text consulted to the following criterion. According to Sutrisno Hadi, the

criterion are as follow:15

Table 2

The criterion of writing mastery

(Scale change of five)

The percentage

of ability Scale change of five Criteria





















Based on the table above, the writer determines the level of the students’

ability in writing hortatory exposition text.

First step, the researcher gets score using conventional method from pre-test,

the teacher is English teacher themselves, then mean of score using conventional

method is compared with mean of score from one cycle. Mean of score from one

cycle is compared with mean of next cycle, and so on until the last cycle. It is to

know how far the progress of students in this research.


Sutrisno Hadi, Statistic Second Series, p. 399.


E. Research Procedure

The research focus is an object explored in a research activity. The research

focuses of this classroom action research are:

1. The focus of students can be seen from students’ activity in teaching learning

process that involves:

a. Students’ activities doing learning process

b. Students’ understanding about hortatory exposition text which was indicated by

students’ achievement.

2. Teacher

Focus on the teacher was the way of teacher in constructing teaching learning

condition using peer lesson technique.

3. Teaching learning process

Teaching learning process was focused on the improvement of students’ skill

in writing hortatory exposition text.

This research is Classroom Action Research conducted in two cycles. There

was pre cycle before the researcher doing an action, it is used to know students’

achievement in writing hortatory exposition text. After pre cycle, the researcher

implemented peer lesson technique in every cycle. The research procedures were as


1. Pre cycle

In pre cycle, the teacher taught writing hortatory exposition text to the

students about “Should Ads be banned from TV Programs?” without peer lesson

technique. After the activity finished, the teacher gave free writing test for the


After the researcher got the data from the test, and then the researcher asked

the students to know the problems faced by them in writing hortatory exposition text.

The result used to make a plan in cycle 1.


2. Cycle 1

The first cycle was done based on the result from the pre cycle.

a. Planning

1) Arranging lesson plan

2) Preparing teaching material

3) Preparing observation scheme

4) Preparing test instrument

b. Acting

1) Teacher explained about social function of hortatory exposition text

2) Teacher distributed the hortatory exposition text

3) Teacher divided students into 5 groups consist of eight or nine students

4) Teacher asked every group of students to decide the generic structure and

social function of hortatory exposition text

5) Teacher gave a topic about hortatory exposition to every group

6) Teacher asked every students in group to make a hortatory exposition text

based on the topic which represent the thesis, argument, and recommendation

of the text

7) Teacher asked students in every group to present the result in front of the


8) Teacher gave test to evaluate students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition


c. Observing

The teacher applied peer lesson technique and observing the teaching learning

process. The observation on the students in first cycle was to check:

1) The students were enthusiastic in listening teacher’ explanation on hortatory

exposition text

2) The students were enthusiastic in responding teacher’s question

3) The students concerned in group work

4) Students asked question to the teacher to clarify understanding

5) The students worked together in a group to solved the problem

6) The students worked communication during in group work.


7) Students were enthusiastic to present and discussed about task of hortatory

exposition text.

d. Reflecting

1) In the first cycle, the researcher got the data from the test and observation.

2) Evaluated the activities that have been done.

3) The classroom teacher and the researcher discussed to make a reflection what

should they do to repair the problems.

4) Analyzed the data to repair the next cycle.

5) Made a temporarily conclusion for classroom action research in cycle 1.

The result of the observation then analyzed, and the result used to improve

students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text in second cycle

3. Cycle 2

The second cycle was done based on the result of the reflection from the first

cycle. The result showed that students get improvement score, but they still faced

difficulties in understanding English text, so it was needed another action to improve

the next cycle.

a. Planning

1) Arranging lesson plan

2) Preparing teaching material

3) Preparing observation scheme

4) Preparing test instrument

b. Acting

1) Teacher distributed the text of hortatory exposition

2) Teacher divided the class into 5 groups of eight or nine students

3) Teacher asked every group of students to write argument which is related to

the title by their own words

4) Teacher asked students to present the result in front of the class

5) Teacher asked every students to correct the text

6) Teacher asked every group to write a hortatory exposition based on the topic


7) Teacher asked students to present in front of the class


8) Teacher gave test to evaluate students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition


c. Observing

The researcher was doing observation towards teaching learning process

using observation scheme that has been made. The observation teaching learning

process focused on students’ participation. Observation is conducted together

with the action or teaching, the researcher observed the teaching learning process

and compare with cycle 1.

1) The students were enthusiastic in listening teacher’ explanation on hortatory

exposition text

2) The students were enthusiastic in responding teacher’s question

3) The students concerned in group work

4) Students asked question to the teacher to clarify understanding

5) The students worked together in a group to solve the problem

6) The students worked communication during in group work.

7) Students were enthusiastic to present and discussed about task of hortatory

exposition text.

d. Reflecting

1) Evaluated the activity that has been done,

2) Analyzed the data from the test and observation,

3) Analyzed the activity, they still find out the problem or not?

The result of observation was analyzed, so it could be seen the

improvement of students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text. The result of

this analysis could be used as review to use peer lesson technique in teaching

writing hortatory exposition text.




A. The Implementation of Peer Lesson Technique in Teaching Writing

Hortatory Exposition

In this chapter, the researcher would like to describe and comparison the

findings of the research. As mentioned in the previous chapter that in this research,

the researcher described the implementation of teaching writing hortatory exposition

to improve students’ skill using peer lesson technique and to find out the

effectiveness of the use of peer lesson technique to facilitate teaching writing

hortatory exposition text. In this research, the researcher uses classroom action

research. Its purposes are to know students ability in writing hortatory exposition

text. In these findings, the researcher presents the result of research and the analysis

of the data collected which are conducted through two cycles that consist of pre-

cycle, and two cycles of treatment. Pre-cycle considered as the preliminary

reflection, second times of treatment are the teaching and learning processes using

peer lesson technique and the assessment tests. Each activity will be explained as


1. Pre – Cycle

This activity was done on July 25, 2011. In this first stage, the teacher was

used conventional way in teaching writing hortatory exposition text (conventional

method) this is done to know students’ basic score of writing hortatory exposition

text when taught using non – peer lesson technique.

In this activity, the teacher was doing teaching learning process as usual, the

teacher learning process began with introducing of hortatory exposition text about

language feature and lexicogrammatical. But not all the students paid attention to the

teacher. There were only some students active to ask questions to teacher during the

teaching learning process. After that the teacher gave pre-test of free writing of

hortatory exposition text by free topic to get students basic score using technique that

usually applied by the teacher (teacher learning center). It was followed by 46


students as the participants of the study. The teacher provided 30 minutes for them to

do the test. The purpose of the test was to measure the skill of the students in writing

English text and to know basic score of writing when taught using conventional


Based on the observation in this activity, most of the students had difficulties

to do it. It can be seen from their faced which appeared nervous and also from their

activities. After doing the test, researcher decided to use another technique to make

students interested and enjoyed the writing class in order to improve students’ skill in

a writing hortatory exposition text, the technique is peer lesson technique.

After implementing the test, the researcher examined the answer sheet and

finds the result.

Table 3

Score test in pre-cycle

No Students Code Score

1 A- 1 41

2 A- 2 65

3 A- 3 58

4 A- 4 49

5 A- 5 41

6 A- 6 39

7 A- 7 44

8 A- 8 57

9 A- 9 46

10 A- 10 48

11 A- 11 39

12 A- 12 41

13 A- 13 57

14 A- 14 65

15 A- 15 56

16 A- 16 42

17 A- 17 41

18 A- 18 65

19 A- 19 37

20 A- 20 49

21 A- 21 46

22 A- 22 57

23 A- 23 49

24 A- 24 44

25 A- 25 49

26 A- 26 39


27 A- 27 58

28 A- 28 39

29 A- 29 39

30 A- 30 41

31 A- 31 43

32 A- 32 56

33 A- 33 39

34 A- 34 65

35 A- 35 47

36 A- 36 44

37 A- 37 57

38 A- 38 46

39 A- 39 41

40 A- 40 38

41 A- 41 48

42 A- 42 35

43 A- 43 58

44 A- 44 48

45 A- 45 58

46 A- 46 59

Total Score 2222


M : the average of the students’ score

X : total score

N : the number of students

M= 2222


M= 48. 3

After getting the mean of each element in writing hortatory exposition text,

the writer formulated the result to get the total mean score as follow:





Mxt : the mean of total score

xt : the number of total

Smax : maximum score for writing elements




The average score of the students test for pre cycle test was 48. 3% it meant

that the result is poor.

The result of pre-test is not satisfying enough. The students’ written hortatory

exposition text was not coherent and united. They constructed a paragraph in which

the content did not have good supporting ideas. They wrote an hortatory exposition

paragraph with the lack of idea development.

The students were also poor in grammar and some of students ignored about

punctuations such as capital letters, period, and commas.

Based on the explanation above, the average of students’ result in pre-test

was poor. The teacher and researcher decided to use another method to make

students interested in the learning process in order to improve students’ ability in

writing hortatory exposition text. The researcher was aware of the most of the

students in class of Science 1 still have difficulties in writing. Hence, the researcher

intended to help them to improve their skill especially in writing hortatory exposition

text so that it could improve their skill in writing. The researcher considered that by

giving continuous improvement to the students they would get better result, and the

researcher was also aware that teacher’s ability to carry out the material in teaching

learning process is an important part.

2. First Cycle

This activity was done on July 31, 2011. The teacher announced the result of

yesterday’s writing test. Knowing the students result from the pre cycle not satisfied

enough or still poor. The teacher told the students score of the test was not satisfying


In this activity, the teacher taught writing using peer lesson technique, it

made students paid attention. Before the teacher did the action, the teacher began to

explain to the students about peer lesson technique, gave overview, and how to work

with it. First time, the students faced difficulties about the teacher means, but not

long after that, by brief explanation from the teacher students can understood and got


the point of peer lesson technique. Because this researcher was classroom action

research, there were four steps: planning. Acting, observing and reflecting.

a. Planning

The researcher and the teacher discussed to solve the problem of pre-

cycle and decided to use peer lesson technique to improve students’ skill in

writing hortatory exposition text. The teacher arranged the learning instrument

such as:

1) Lesson plan based on the teaching material

2) Hortatory exposition text

3) Test

4) Observation scheme

5) Students’ attendance list

From planning above, the teacher used lesson plan as the form to

implement of action will be done. In the first cycle, teacher used hortatory

exposition text by the title of “Watch your Kids while Watching Television text”.

b. Acting

The researcher began the activity with explaining an hortatory exposition

text and the students paid attention to teacher’s explanation.

After that, the researcher introduced peer lesson technique to the students

and presented the way and rules the method.

This step, the teacher began from pre- writing activity, while-writing

activity, and post-writing activity.

1) Pre-writing activity is the activity of students and teacher prepared

themselves for the task and made them familiar with the theme. Purposes of

this step are; to introduced and arouse interest in the topic, to motivate

learners by giving a reason for writing, and the last to provide some

language preparation for the text.

2) While-writing activity where the teacher gave clearly explanation about the

material, grammatical feature, and generic structure of hortatory exposition

text. After that, the students asked to do the writing in groups, each group

that consists of eight or nine students based on topics given.


3) Post-writing activity, the post-writing activity is intended as kind of follow-

up activity. In this activity the students must present the report of group

work in front of class.

In this activity is planning, the researcher became a teacher and

accompanied by the teacher as collaborator. Learning process was started by

greeting, asked students to pray together, checked students’ attendance and then

the teacher gave brainstorming before started the material by asking the students

“Do you know about hortatory exposition text and the features of the text?” if

you know, raise your hand. In this case, there some students answer the question.

After that, the teacher explained about hortatory exposition text and the features

of the text. The teacher introduced the theme about “Watch Your Kids while

Watching Television”. Then the teacher asked the students to read it, the teacher

also gave keyword from the text in each paragraph to help students easier to

understood the text. The students paid attention during the lesson, sometimes the

teacher gave some questions in order to make students more active. The teacher

divided students into five groups. Each group consists of eight to nine people

based on random system both in academically. First group consists of Ayu Fatma

Elok, Dewi Tyas Zuraizah, Eva Yuliana, Indah Riskiana, Karunia Nevi Afrida,

Nur Jazilah, Nur ning Vita, Nur Syamsiyah, Siti Umi Nafi’ah. Second group they

were Innarotul Izzah, Istikmaliya, Dewi Aisyah, Nafi’atul Hidayah, Nur Laila,

Risqi Ginanjar, Umroh Mahfudhoh, Hikmatul Maulida. And then Hisbuna Ihda

Nur Amalina, Yusroh, Naily Rohmah, Khafidani, Umi Fithriya, Laily Silvia, Ike

Tifany, Izza Khamidah, Durotul Fakhiroh that is third group. For the fourth group

they were Nurul Aini, Nur Mala Sofiana, Arofah, Nur Kumila, Imro’atul

Khasanah, Milata Aliata, Naily Mustafidah, Ina Fatina, Fina Khafidhoh. To the

fifth group they were Nur Azizah, Nur Fandhilah, Rizqiana, Uzlifatul Jannah,

Umi Khabibah, Nila Karimah, Riadhil Hikmah, Dewi Alfiana Azizah. Then the

teacher gave the topic by the theme of “Problems In Our Country” to every

group to write down of a hortatory exposition text. Each group was given one

topic. First group with the topic of “Bad TV Programs”. Topic of “Traffic Jam”

by the second group, and “Flood” to the third group. Fourth group given the


topic of “Pollution”, and “Crime” to the fifth group. The teacher asked each

group to made a hortatory exposition text based on the topic which represented

the thesis, argument, and recommendation of the text, and discussed. The

students’ group, they used peer lesson technique as a method. The time was given

15 minutes for each group. The students did groups’ work while the teacher

observed. In group two, they made of hortatory exposition with the topic “Flood

in Indonesia”. In their group, Istikmaliyah taught to Dewi Aisyah and Inarotul

Hidayah about the theses. Dewi Aisyah gave a topic sentence of “Flood is big

problem in our country” and she taught about theses’ paragraph to other.

Nafi’atul Hidayah taught about argumentations. She gave a topic sentence of

“Caused of flood”. Nur laila taught to Rizqi Ginanjar with added another caused

of flood. Umroh Mahfudhoh and Hikmatul Maulida taught about the

recommendation. Their group more enthusiatic than other. After finished each

groups made a hortatory by the topic given, the teacher asked the students of each

group presented their result in front of class and the rest of students responded

and gave questions. Third group presented their result early. Their group

explained about “Pollution”. One student of them read the result of their work.

After those from second group gave the question about language feature from

their work. The next group presented was second group. Their group explained

about “Flood”. Another group paid attention with second group’s explanation.

One of students gave question about influence between pollution and flood. They

discussed about result themselves. The teacher only monitored this activity.

During presentation, the researcher observed the students’ activeness in present

the material, students concern toward other group presentation, the students’

activeness in asking question, and the students’ activeness in answering questions

in group. In the last, the students and the teacher evaluated each group

contribution to the work of the class.

c. Observing

The researcher observed the students’ writing skill by using peer lesson

technique observation scheme, evaluated the result, collected data and monitored


the teaching learning process. It was used to find out to what extent the action

result reached the objective. The steps were as follow:

1) The researcher observed the teaching learning process in order to know the

influence of using peer lesson technique in writing skill on hortatory

exposition text.

2) The researcher observed the students’ activity.

3) The researcher wrote the success and the problem when the teaching learning

process in progress which was not enough sufficient in reaching the


Observation in First Cycle

No. Indicators





























The students were

enthusiastic in listening

teacher’ explanation on

hortatory exposition text

The students were

enthusiastic in responding

teacher’s question

The students concerned in

group work

Students asked question to

the teacher to clarify


The students worked

together in a group to solve

the problem

The students worked

communication during in

group work.

Students were enthusiastic

to present and discussed

about task of hortatory

exposition text.

Score = Total Score x 100%

Maximum Score

Score = 19 x 100%


= 54. 28%


According to the result of the observation above it can be concluded that

more students joined the class enthusiastically. It meant fair. They paid attention

to the lesson, although some students made noisy when discussed about the topic.

d. Reflecting

Based on the activity during cycle 1, the researcher noted that there were

some problems should be solved in the next cycle, the problems were as follow:

1) Because of the results of cycle 1 were not good enough, the teacher and the

researcher discussed about the activity in cycle 2 to solve the problems,

especially in group work.

2) Class should be conductive during teaching learning process, before teacher

started the activity. There are some students shouted that make noisy. The

teacher should control the class well.

3) When the activity in progress, the researcher found some students were

passive in group. They were not fully joining in the group although they were

in group pairs. It was the duty of the teacher to give more attentions and

motivation toward the students in order to have a will or interest to join in

group work activity. It can be done by calling their name and approached

them, and asked their problems in joining the writing class.

4) Time management was very important factor in teaching learning process. The

students need a longer time to discuss their material. So, teacher should

manage and provide time perfectly.

The result of the test then analyzed, and the result used to improve

students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text in second cycle.

After implementing the test, the researcher examined the answer sheet

and found the result.

Table 4

Score Test in First Cycle

No Students Code Score

1 A- 1 61

2 A- 2 71

3 A- 3 80

4 A- 4 63


5 A- 5 71

6 A- 6 66

7 A- 7 71

8 A- 8 61

9 A- 9 80

10 A- 10 66

11 A- 11 66

12 A- 12 61

13 A- 13 61

14 A- 14 80

15 A- 15 71

16 A- 16 80

17 A- 17 66

18 A- 18 71

19 A- 19 66

20 A- 20 66

21 A- 21 61

22 A- 22 80

23 A- 23 66

24 A- 24 61

25 A- 25 63

26 A- 26 63

27 A- 27 63

28 A- 28 63

29 A- 29 71

30 A- 30 61

31 A- 31 80

32 A- 32 61

33 A- 33 71

34 A- 34 71

35 A- 35 61

36 A- 36 80

37 A- 37 63

38 A- 38 80

39 A- 39 63

40 A- 40 71

41 A- 41 66

42 A- 42 63

43 A- 43 80

44 A- 44 63

45 A- 45 66

46 A- 46 66

Total Score 3135


= 46


= 68. 1%

From the result above, it is clear that the average of the students test result

of the first cycle was 68. 1%. There is improvement comparing to the pre-cycle.

But the students still had difficulty in writing to make sentences based on the

topic. Hence, the researcher decided to conduct the next cycle and the teacher

intended to give better explanation to them.

3. Second Cycle

This activity was done on August 12, 2011. In this cycle, the researcher

prepared planning as well as previous one. The teacher reviewed previous lesson,

improved learning tool to improve students’ skill in writing class. In this phase, the

teaching learning process ran well. The students were interested in this technique.

In this cycle, students were active, they tried to write and understood about

writing in hortatory exposition text.

a. Planning

The researcher and the teacher started the lesson by motivating the

students and the researcher also announced the result of yesterday’s writing test.

The teacher told the students score of the test was better than the pre-cycle score.

The teacher arranged the learning instrument such as:

1) Lesson plan based on the teaching material

2) Hortatory exposition text

3) Test

4) Observation scheme

5) Students’ attendance list

In this cycle the researcher gave different theme of hortatory exposition

text. In this phase, the teacher began from pre-activity, main activity, and post-

activity. The activity is same with the previous cycle. The teacher divided


students into groups, each group consists of eight until nine students. The teacher

spread the hortatory exposition text.

b. Acting

The researcher did some activities such as in the first cycle. Learning

process was started by greeting, asked students to pray together, checking

students’ attendance. The teacher gave brainstorming before started the material

by asking the students “Do you understand about hortatory exposition text”. In

this case, there some students answer the question.

The second cycle, the teacher taught writing using peer lesson technique.

The students were introduced using peer lesson technique in writing skill for the

second time. In this phase, the teacher explained more detailed about hortatory

exposition text, teacher prepared another hortatory exposition text that more

interesting than before. In this cycle used text with the title “Why Should

Wearing a Helmet When Motorcycle” Then the teacher asked them to read and

retell content of the text. Almost of students wanted to come forward to retell it.

The teacher divided students into 5 groups, each group consists of eight until nine

students. The member of group was same with the first cycle but the theme is

given was different. The teacher gave the theme of “Entertainment” by the topic

of “Watching TV” to first group, “Shopping” to second group, topic of “Play

Internet” to third group, fourth group with the topic “Trip”, and the last group

with the topic of “Go with boy or girlfriend”. The teacher asked each group to

made a hortatory exposition text, discussed, and then one of the student each

group present the result of the text made in front of class. Each group was

occupied in made of text by the topic given. The students’ group, they used peer

lesson technique as a method. The time was given 15 minutes for each group.

The students did groups’ work while the teacher observed. In group three, they

made of hortatory exposition with the topic “Go with boy or girlfriend”. In their

group, Yusroh taught to Naily Rohmah and Hisbuna Ihda Nur Amalia about the

theses. Laily Silvia taught to Umi Fithriya and Izza Hamidah about arguments.

Ike Tifani taught to Khafidani and Durotul Fakhiroh about the recommendation.

The students group were enthusiastic and more active than before. There were


three group more active in finished their work because the topic given were

interested. After those they presented their result in front of class. First presented

by group one with the theme of “Shopping”. One students of first group asked

another group to make a hortatory exposition text. The first group appointed

Yusroh from third group to write down on the blackboard. After those first group

gave question, ”Where is the social function and generic structure based on the

text”. Another students responded and gave questions. The teacher only

monitored this activity. During presentation, the researcher observed the students

cooperative in group, the students’ activeness in presenting the material, students

concerned toward other group presentation, the students’ activeness in asking

question, and the students’ activeness in answering questions in group. Then,

students helped the teacher if they faced the problem. In the last, the students and

the teacher evaluated each group contribution to the work of the class. The last,

the teacher gave suggestions to the students to study hard and also increased their

vocabulary and learned grammar. Because vocabulary and grammar have

important role in writing skill. Then, the teacher asked students to say hamdalah

together then closed the meeting.

c. Observing

The researcher observed the students’ writing skill on hortatory

exposition by using the observation scheme, evaluated the result, collected the

data and monitored the teaching learning process. It was used to find out to what

extent the action result reached the objective. The steps were as follow:

1) The researcher observed the teaching learning process in order to know the

influence of using peer lesson technique to improve students’ skill in hortatory

exposition text.

2) The researcher observed the students’ activity.

The researcher wrote the success and the problems when the teaching

learning in progress which was not enough sufficient reaching the objectives.

The observer observed students in learning process at class by using

observation scheme like at the first cycle. It could be seen in the table below:


Observation in Second Cycle

No. Indicators





























The students were

enthusiastic in listening

teacher’ explanation on

hortatory exposition text

The students were

enthusiastic in responding

teacher’s question

The students concerned in

group work

Students asked question to

the teacher to clarify


The students worked

together in a group to solve

the problem

The students worked

communication during in

group work.

Students were enthusiastic

to present and discussed

about task.

Score = Total Score x 100%

Maximum Score

Score = 23 x 100%


= 65. 71%

Based on the result of observation above, it can be concluded that many

of the students joined the class enthusiastically. It meant good. Teaching learning

process ran well, but in the last time in the lesson, the bell made students did not

concentrate to the lesson as they wanted to go back home soon. The researcher

said that they went back home soon after did the test. It was better than the result

of cycle 1. All activities in the second cycle ran well. It can be seen from their


responses. The students paid attention toward teacher’s explanation, the students

also were enthusiastic to present in front of class.

d. Reflecting

The result of the second cycle was also considered as implementation. It

was better than previous one. There was an improvement in this cycle. The

condition of the class was getting better. The students listened to the teacher’s

explanation and did not make noisy in learning activity. The students took active

part in group and can associate with member group. It was because they are

interesting to study with peer lesson technique that the teacher never uses it as

teaching method before.

The researcher concluded that the problems have been solving using peer

lesson technique to teach English writing. The teacher should motivate students

to always write a lot in English text and motivate the passive students in order to

be brave to express their idea.

All of the students had positive responses toward the teaching activity by

using peer lesson technique. They felt enjoy when they were taught using peer

lesson technique, because could help the students to introduce with other friend

who have different background in academically. So, they could work together.

Most of students also said that they were any improvement in writing skill after

the teaching learning process with peer lesson technique.

It proved that the use of peer lesson technique could motivate the

students’ interest in learning English and improve students’ skill in writing.

Through this method not only helped students improve their writing skill but also

helped them to introduce with other friends in academically.

After implementing the test, the researcher examined the answer sheet

and found the result.


Tabel 5

Score Test in Second Cycle

No Students Code Score

1 A-1 66

2 A-2 80

3 A-3 86

4 A-4 76

5 A-5 80

6 A-6 76

7 A-7 80

8 A-8 66

9 A-9 86

10 A-10 76

11 A-11 76

12 A-12 66

13 A-13 66

14 A-14 80

15 A-15 86

16 A-16 76

17 A-17 86

18 A-18 80

19 A-19 76

20 A-20 76

21 A-21 66

22 A-22 86

23 A-23 76

24 A-24 66

25 A-25 76

26 A-26 76

27 A-27 76

28 A-28 76

29 A-29 80

30 A-30 66

31 A-31 86

32 A-32 66

33 A-33 80

34 A-34 80

35 A-35 66

36 A-36 86

37 A-37 76

38 A-38 86

39 A-39 76

40 A-40 80

41 A-41 76


42 A-42 76

43 A-43 86

44 A-44 76

45 A-45 76

46 A-46 76

Total Score 3532

= 46


= 76. 8

The result above showed that the result of the second cycle was better

than the previous one. The result was 76. 8% , it was good. However, there was

improvement for the students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text although

it was step by step.

The researcher concluded that the problems have been solving using peer

lesson technique taught writing English. Using peer lesson technique gave easier

for the students to write especially hortatory exposition text because the students

were not confused to make certain about the topic of hortatory exposition text.

The students also can work in group and discuss with their friends.

B. Discussion of the Result

After the researcher implemented the use of peer lesson technique in teaching

writing hortatory exposition text, the researcher got the data, it was analyzed of first

cycle and second cycle, the researcher got the result of Classroom Action Research.

The first cycle was about teaching and learning process and the assessment

test. The theme was “Watch your kids while Watching TV”. In this cycle the teaching

and learning process was begun. The problem faced by the researcher in the first

cycle were the students who sat in the backside of the class liked to talk with their

peers, bored, and felt sleepy. To solve this problem, the teacher gave more attention

to the students who sat in the backside of class, and sometime the teacher walked to


behind of class. The students were not enthusiastic in responding teacher but the

students could work together in their group.

The second cycle was the same with the first cycle. It was about teaching

learning process and the assessment test, but the materials and task were different for

the second cycle.

Based on the result of second cycle, it can be concluded that many of the

students joined the class enthusiastically. The students not only are enthusiastic in

listening teacher’s explanation but also in responding teacher question. In this second

cycle teaching learning process ran well.

The researcher concluded that the problems have been solving used peer

lesson technique to teach writing English. Using peer lesson technique gave easier

for the students to write especially hortatory exposition text because the students

were not confused to make certain about the topic of hortatory exposition text. The

students also can work in group and discuss with their friends.

Tabel 6

Improvement the Average of Students Score

on Pre Cycle, Cycle 1 and Cycle 2

No Students’



Cycle Cycle 1 Cycle 2








































































































































































































































Sum 2222 3135 3532

Average mean 48. 3 68. 1 76. 8

As whole the meetings ran well. There was some significant improvement

from cycle one to cycle two.

In the pre cycle, all of the students have been doing the test, and the average

result was 48.3. In this activity, the teacher used conventional method. The

researcher did not use peer lesson technique as teaching method. In teaching learning

process, only half of the students were active and enthusiastic to the lesson. A half of

students did not give response maximally, especially the students who sat down in

backside. They liked to talk with their pairs. The students were bored and sleepy.

In the first cycle, the average result was 68.1. The teacher began to use peer

lesson technique to teach the students. In teaching learning process, there were many

of students joined the class enthusiastically. They paid attention to the lesson,


although some of students were still confused with the researcher and the teacher


In the second cycle, the average result was 76.8, before the lesson began, the

researcher asked the students to give more pay attention to the lesson. In teaching

learning process, majority of the students joined the class enthusiastically. All

activities in this cycle ran well. According to the researcher, it caused with their

interesting using peer lesson technique and they can work in group.

It showed that there was some significant improvement in students’

achievement. Furthermore, there was also improvement from pre cycle until cycle

two. The researcher felt that the implementation of peer lesson technique as teaching

method to improve students’ skill in writing hortatory exposition text was successful,

because peer lesson technique is interesting teaching method to the students. So, peer

lesson are helpful in the process of teaching writing English especially writing of

hortatory exposition text.

The improvement of students’ achievement in writing hortatory exposition

text can be seen taught the histogram as follow:

Figure 3 Diagram of The Whole Test

From the diagram above, the researcher can conclude that there was an

improvement on students’ skill in writing after taught using peer lesson technique.

48. 3


76. 8











Pre-Cycle Cycle I Cycle II


From pre cycle showed that students’ achievement was 48.3 it means that still poor

ability in some students.

In the cycle I showed that there was increasing students’ achievement up to

68,1. It means fair. From cycle II the students’ improvement more increased 76.8. It

means good and there was improvement in every cycle after using peer lesson





A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the research that had been done in two cycles in the

research entitled “The Use of Peer Lesson Technique to Improve Students’ Skill in a

Writing Hortatory Exposition Text (A Classroom Action Research at Eleventh Grade

Students of MAS Simbang Kulon Pekalongan in the Academic Year of 2010/2011).

It can be taken the conclusions as follows:

1. The implementations of peer lesson technique that had been done in the two

cycles in the research in the entitled “The Use of Peer Lesson Technique to

Improve Students’ Skill in a Writing Hortatory Exposition Text” can be applied to

stimulate and give motivation to students to write hortatory exposition text. It can

be seen by significant different of students’ skill between first cycle to the second

cycle. The implementation of Peer Lesson Technique to improve students’ skill in

a writing hortatory exposition text has been applied through action research they

are: The improvement of learning tool, teacher chooses interesting hortatory

exposition text in every cycle that appropriate for Senior High School in order to

make students interested with the text. Motivate students to discuss in group and

each students can teach to another students. Since the students accustom to think

individually, teacher should motivate students to discuss the writing material and

discuss in group when they are assigned to do the group work. Motivate the

passive students to be more active during the lesson. This relates with student

skill to pay attention during the lesson, to understand the material and to speak up

their mind in order to brave to express their mind. Students’ engagement in

students’ writing skill. This related to students’ effort to understand the text, to

know new vocabulary and understand the meaning of the writing text. Students’

skill in writing not only in the text, but will be developed best in association with

speaking, listening, and speaking activities. It helped the students to write a

hortatory exposition text easily and accurately, because they were not confused

about the theme that had been given by the teacher.


2. Using of peer lesson technique can improve students’ skill in writing hortatory

exposition text. There is an improvement. The ability in writing skill hortatory

exposition text improved after taught by using peer lesson technique. They can

write easily without consuming more time because they did writing of hortatory

exposition text by group and peer lesson. They could write a hortatory exposition

text with theme was given by the teacher. They also could discusses to another

friends. It showed by the score of pre-test, first cycle and second cycle. In the pre-

test found the total score of students’ writing result was 48.3, its mean was 48.

3%. It shows that the value of students’ writing result was poor. In the first cycle

found the total score of students’ writing result was 68.1, its mean was 68.1%. It

shows that the value of students’ writing result was near of fair, even fair. In the

second cycle found the total score of students’ writing result was 76.8, its mean

was 76.8%. It shows that the value of students’ writing result was good.

B. Suggestions

There are some suggestions especially for students in order to improve their

ability in writing skill of hortatory exposition text:

1. To the teachers

a. Teachers are expected to use peer lesson tecnique as a teaching method, especially

in teaching writing hortatory exposition text. Because by using peer lesson

technique, teacher can expect the students’ skill in writing result well.

b. Teachers are expected to develop the teaching of writing hortatory exposition text

by increasing the exercises in writing. Teacher should give more attention to the

students in writing a hortatory exposition text.

c. Teachers are expected to motivate to the students in writing especially in hortatory

exposition text.

2. To the students

a. Students are interested in English first, so they enjoyed along learning.

b. Students have to learn and improve the students’ skill in writing hortatory

exposition text by trying to write using peer lesson technique.


c. Students should extend their skill in many ways, e.g. writing the texts especially

hortatory exposition text; using new words along in the classroom activities or

their daily life, or even by drilling some new words. So finally, students are able

to write a text.


Anderson, Mark, Kathy Anderson, Text Type in English, New York: Macmillan,


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Suhardjono, Supardi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, 6th ed, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara,


Azar, Betty Scrampher, Understanding and Using English Grammar, USA:

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Bram, Barli, Write Well Improving Writing Skill, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1995.

Brown, Douglas ,Teaching by Principle And Interactive Approach To Language

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Blanchard, Karen and Christine Root, Ready to Write, New York: Pearson

Education Inc., 2003.

Cambridge Dictionary of American English, New York: Cambridge University,


Cameron, Lynne, Teaching Language to Young Learner, Cambridge: Cambridge

University, 2001.

Celce. M and Murcia Elite Olstain, Discourse and Context in Language

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perkasa, 2008.

Finnochiaro, Mary, English as a Second Language: from Theory to Practice, New

York: Regents Publishing Company, 1974.

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University, 2002.

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Gerd Stabler, 1994.

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Kind of text : Hortatory Exposition Text

Time Allotment : 35 minutes

Instruction :

1. Write your name and class on the top of the paper.

2. Dividing students into 5 groups.

3. Make a short hortatory exposition text by developing topics given.

4. The duration of writing is 35 minutes.

5. The topic is your inspiration.

6. It is necessary, you can open your dictionary.


Theme: Problems In Our Country

Topics :

Bad TV programs

Traffic jam





Theme: Entertainment


Watching TV

Play Internet



Go with boy or girlfriend


School : MAS Simbang Kulon

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Science 1/ XI P I

Theme : Hortatory Exposition text

Skill focus : Writing

Time Allotment : 2X45 minutes


Expressing the meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of narrative,

spoof, and hortatory exposition in the daily life context.


Expressing the meaning and rethorical stage of essay in the form of narrative, spoof,

and hortatory exposition using written language accurately, fluently and acceptability in

the daily life context.


Students are able to identify the social function of hortatory exposition text.


By the end of lesson, students are able to understand social function of hortatory

exposition text.


Peer Lesson Technique


Question and Answer





Hortatory Exposition

Social function

To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

Example of hortatory exposition

Generic Structure


Watch your Kids While Watching TV


Television becomes one of the most important devices which take place in almost

houses. It can unite all members of the family as well as separate them. However, is it

important to know what your kids are watching? The answer is, of course, absolutely

"Yes" and that should be done by all parents. Television can expose things you have

tried to protect the children from, especially violence, pornography, consumerism and so



Recently, a study demonstrated that spending too much time on watching TV during the

day or at bedtime often causes bed-time disruption, stress, and short sleep duration.

Another research found that there is a significant relationship between the amount of

time spent for watching television during adolescence and early adulthood, and the

possibility of being aggressive. Meanwhile, many studies have identified a relationship

between kids who watch TV a lot and being inactive and overweight.


Considering some facts mentioning above, protect your children with the following tips:

Limit television viewing to one-two hours each day

Do not allow your children to have a TV set in their own bedrooms

Review the rating of TV shows which your children watch

Watch television with your children and discuss what is happening in the show.


1. Pre Activities

a. Greeting (teacher greets students and checks students’ attendance).

b. Brainstorming (teacher stimulates students’ interest by asking some questions

related to the topic).

c. Giving review about previous lesson.

2. Main Activities

a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Giving introduction about materials by asking some questions.

“Can you give an example of hortatory exposition?”

Students answer the questions orally.

b. MOT (Modeling of the Text)

Giving explanation about social function.

Giving an example of hortatory exposition text to the students.

Teacher and students discussing about content and social function.

c. JCOT (Join Construction of the Text)

Asking students to retell based on the text.

Asking the others students to give respond.

d. ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Giving a theme “Problem In Our Country” by the topics as follows:

Bad TV programs

Traffic jam




Dividing students into five groups which consists of seven or eight students.

Giving a topic for each groups.

Asking each groups to make a hortatory exposition text and discuss to present

in front of class.

Asking to another group to give some questions for other group presented.

3. Post Activities

Teacher provides or gives feedback and reviews the material

Teacher gives suggestion to students to study hard

Teacher closes the class


Type : Written Test

Instrument : Make a hortatory exposition text based on “Problems in our country”

Guided Scoring Of Writing Hortatory Exposition Text

Element of Writing Score

1. The content mastery

2. The organization mastery

3. The vocabulary mastery

4. The grammar mastery

5. The mechanic mastery

20 %

20 %

20 %

20 %

20 %

Total Score 100 %


Content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.


Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook,

(Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1998).

Sudarwati, M and Crace, Eudia, Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High School

Students year XI, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006).

Pekalongan, August 2011

The Researcher,

Mirza Rusdiana


Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Drs. H. Muslih, M. SI Nur Hayati, M.Ag


School : MAS Simbang Kulon

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Science 1/ XI P I

Theme : Hortatory Exposition text

Skill focus : Writing

Time Allotment : 2X45 minutes


Expressing the meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of narrative,

spoof, and hortatory exposition in the daily life context.


Expressing the meaning and rethorical stage of essay in the form of narrative, spoof,

and hortatory exposition using written language accurately, fluently and acceptability in

the daily life context.


Students are able to rewrite hortatory exposition text based on the topic.


By the end of lesson, students are able to rewrite of hortatory exposition based on the



Peer Lesson Technique


Question and Answer





Example of hortatory exposition

Generic Structure


Why should wearing a helmet when motorcycling


We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycling

when they are riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess.


Wearing a fitted protective helmet offers many benefits which reduces the negative

aspects of riding. First and the most important is that wearing the correct helmet can

save rider’s life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The recommended designs

of motorcycle helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect riders from

getting a worse road injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet,

mud and other potential projectiles.

Second, wearing helmet can give the riders a matter style. Helmet gives opportunity

for rider to express the image they want to project when riding on the way. The

benefit may not be important to some people. But to others, it means a lot and

important. By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles,

such as beanie, shorty, German and many others, wearing a helmet which can

projecting an image is an inherent crucial part of motorcycling and help the riders feel

more confident when riding on the road.


However, what most important is wearing a helmet when riding is a matter of using it

properly. Bikers should use the helmets which are fixed to their head. It is really not

good if they place simply the helmets on the head without settling them properly. The

bikers should fasten the helmet correctly to their head in order to get safe and comfort.


1. Pre Activities

a. Greeting (teacher greets students and checks students’ attendance).

b. Brainstorming (teacher stimulates students’ interest by asking some questions

related to the topic).

c. Giving review about hortatory exposition text.

2. Main Activities

a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Giving introduction about materials by asking some questions.

“Have you understood of hortatory exposition?”

“Can you explain about generic structure of hortatory exposition text?”

Students answer the questions orally.

b. MOT (Modeling of the Text)

Giving text of hortatory exposition to the students.

Choosing one of students to retell contain of text given.

Giving correction to the students’ presentation.

c. JCOT (Join Construction of the Text)

Giving students a title of hortatory exposition text.

Asking students to make some arguments which is related to the title by their

own words.

Checking students work and giving the correct text.

d. ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Giving a theme “Entertainment” by the topics as follows:

Watching TV


Play internet


Go with boy or girlfriend

Dividing students into five groups which consists of seven or eight students.

Giving a topic for each groups.

Asking each groups to make a hortatory exposition text and discuss to present

in front of class.

Asking to another group to give some questions for other group presented.

3. Post Activities

Teacher provides or gives feedback and reviews the material

Teacher gives suggestion to students to study hard

Teacher closes the class


Type : Written test

Instrument : Please make a hortatory exposition text based on theme “Entertainment”.

Guided Scoring of Writing Hortatory Exposition Text

Element of Writing Score

1. The content mastery

2. The organization mastery

3. The vocabulary mastery

4. The grammar mastery

5. The mechanic mastery

20 %

20 %

20 %

20 %

20 %

Total Score 100 %


Content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.


Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook,

(Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1998).

Sudarwati, M and Crace, Eudia, Look Ahead An English Course for Senior High School

Students year XI, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006).

Pekalongan, August 2011

The Researcher,

Mirza Rusdiana


Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Drs. H. Muslih, M. SI Nur Hayati, M.Ag


School : MAS Simbang Kulon

Subject : English

Class/Semester : XI Science 1/ XI P I

Theme : Hortatory Exposition text

Skill focus : Writing

Time Allotment : 2X45 minutes


Expressing the meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of

narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition in the daily life context.


Expressing the meaning and rethorical stage of essay in the form of

narrative, spoof, and hortatory exposition using written language accurately,

fluently and acceptability in the daily life context.


a. Students are able to understand the generic structure in the hortatory

exposition text.

b. Students are able to understand language features in the hortatory

exposition text.


By the end of lesson, students are able to understand about generic structure

and language features of hortatory exposition text.



Question and Answer





Hortatory Exposition

a. Definition of hortatory exposition text

Hortatory exposition is a genre which has social function to persuade

the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

b. Generic structure of hortatory exposition text

Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern

Arguments: reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation

Recommendation: statement of what should not happen or be done

based on the given arguments.

c. Significant Lexicogrammatical or Language Feature of Hortatory


The significant lexicogrammatical or language features of hortatory

exposition are:

The use of emotive words (e.g. : alarmed, worried)

The use of words that qualify statements (e.g. : usual, probably)

The use of words that link arguments (e.g. : firstly, however, on

the other hand, therefore)

The use of present tense (e.g. : ads give a bad influence,

Indonesia is rich in culture from many regions)

The use of modal and adverbs (e.g. : can, many, certainly, get,


The use of subjective opinions using pronouns (e.g. : I and we)

Example of hortatory exposition

Generic Structure


Should Ads be banned from TV Programs?


I am writing to complain about ads on TV. There are so many ads,

especially during my favorite programs. I think they should be stopped

for a number of reasons.


First, ads are a nuisance. They go on for a long time and there are many.

Sometimes there seems to be more ads than programs.

Second, ads are a bad influence on people. They try to encourage people

to buy unhealthy food like beers, soft drinks, candies, and chips. In

other word, they make people want things they do not really need and

cannot afford.

Finally, ads play role in what programs people watch. That is because

are lots of ads in popular programs that a lot of people watch. Some

programs which are not so popular get stopped they do not attract

enough ads, even though those programs may be someone’s favorite.


For those reasons, I think TV stations should stop showing ads. They

interrupt programs. They are a bad influence on people and they

sometimes put a stop to people’s favorite shows. I am sick of ads and

now I mostly watch movie cinema.

Read the following text, then discuss the generic structure and

contains of the text

Should Not Bring Mobile Phone to School

Recently most people own mobile phone. Why does mobile phone

user increase dramatically in recent years? First, the features and

functions have increased. Mobile phone is not used just for calling, but

sending text, taking pictures, recording videos, accessing internet,

playing games and much more. Second, mobile phone has also become

a lot cheaper. Now this communication device does not only fill the

pocket of adult but also teenager and student. Event a lot phones are

intentionally designed to teenaged market. However should they be

allowed to bring them to school?

Many schools do not allow students to bring cell phones to school. It

is very reasonable because bringing phone to school potentially disrupts

the learning process. Most students use cell phones irresponsibly. They

use cell phones to talk to their friend during class time. They also use

the calculator and camera features in the class as well. Those potentially

lead less concentration in the time of learning and teaching process.

Students go to school to learn and behave fair way. Mobile phones a

large temptation to cheat in tests. They can communicate to anyone and

almost anywhere in the world. Because of the small size of the cell

phone, students can send a text quickly and discreetly. The text can go

unnoticed anywhere to get help on answering test, homework, and other

class assignment. Learning in school is to behave fair not cheating.

Therefore, school should ban students from bringing their cell

phones. However it should be done fairly. In case of an emergency

some student need a call for help, providing easy access to phone is



1. Pre Activities

a. Greeting (teacher greets students and checks students’ attendance).

b. Brainstorming (teacher stimulates students’ interest by asking some

questions related to the topic).

c. Giving review about hortatory exposition text.

2. Main Activities

a. BKOF (Building Knowledge of the Field)

Giving introduction about materials by asking some questions.

“Do you know hortatory exposition text?”

“What is generic structure of hortatory exposition?”

Students answer the questions orally.

b. MOT (Modeling of the Text)

Giving introduction about hortatory exposition text.

Giving explanation about social function, language features and

generic structures of hortatory exposition text.

Giving an example of hortatory exposition text to the students.

Teacher and students discussing about content, language feature

and generic structure.

c. JCOT (Join Construction of the Text)

Checking students work and showing the correct text.

Identifying together about generic structure and language feature of

hortatory exposition text.

d. ICOT (Independent Construction of the Text)

Dividing students into five groups which is consist of seven or

eight students.

Asking each groups to discuss about contain of hortatory

exposition text.

Asking students to identify the generic structure and language


Asking students from each groups to write down on the


3. Post Activities

Teacher provides or gives feedback and review the material.

Teacher gives suggestion to students to study hard.

Teacher gives following up by giving home works.


Type : Written test

Instrument : The teacher asks the students to identify the generic structure and

language feature.


Generic structure and language feature.


Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of

Workbook, (Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1998).

Sudarwati, M and Crace, Eudia, Look Ahead An English Course for Senior

High School Students year XI, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2006).

Pekalongan, July 2011

The Researcher,

Mirza Rusdiana


Approved by

Headmaster English Teacher

Drs. H. Muslih, M. SI Nur Hayati, M.Ag



Ayu Fatma Elok

Dewi Tyas Zuraizah

Eva Yuliana

Indah Riskiana

Karunia Nevi Afrida

Nur Jazilah

Nur ning Vita

Nur Syamsiyah

Siti Umi nafi’ah


Innarotul Izzah


Dewi Aisyah

Nafi’atul Hidayah

Nur Laila

Risqi Ginanjar

Umroh Mahfudhoh

Hikmatul Maulida


Hisbuna Ihda Nur Amalina


Naily Rohmah


Umi Fithriya

Laily Silvia

Ike Tifany

Izza Khamidah

Durotul Fakhiroh


Nurul Aini

Nur Mala Sofiana


Nur Kumila

Imro’atul Khasanah

Milata Aliata

Naily Mustafidah

Ina Fatina

Fina Khafidhoh


Nur Azizah

Nur Fandhilah


Uzlifatul Jannah

Umi Khabibah

Nila Karimah

Riadhil Hikmah

Dewi Alfiana Azizah


No. Indicators None






















The students are

enthusiastic in listening

teacher’ explanation on

hortatory exposition


The students are

enthusiastic in

responding teacher’s


The students concern in

group work

Students ask question

to the teacher to clarify


The students work

together in a group to

solve the problem

The students work

communication during

in group work.

Students are

enthusiastic to present

and discuss about task

of hortatory exposition



No Name Students Code

1 Arofah A -1

2 Ayu Fatma Elok A -2

3 Dewi Aisyah A -3

4 Dewi Alfiana Azizah A- 4

5 Dewi Tyas Zuraizah A -5

6 Durotul Fakhiroh A -6

7 Eva Yuliana A -7

8 Fina Khafidhoh A- 8

9 Hikmatul Maulida A -9

10 Hisbuna Ihda Nur Amalina A-10

11 Ike Tifani Novita A -11

12 Imroatul Khasanah A -12

13 Ina Fatina A- 13

14 Inarotul Izzah A -14

15 Indah Riskiana A -15

16 Istikmaliah A -16

17 Izza Khamidah A- 17

18 Karunia Nevi Afrida A- 18

19 Khafidani A -19

20 Laily Silvia A -20

21 Milata Aliyata A- 21

22 Nafi’atul Hidayah A-22

23 Naili Rohmah A -23

24 Naily Mustafidah A -24

25 Nila Karimah A -25

26 Nur Azizah HMA A- 26

27 Nur Azizah A -27

28 Nur Fandhilah A -28

29 Nur Jazilah A -29

30 Nur Kumila A- 30

31 Nur Laila A- 31

32 Nur Mala Sofiana A -32

33 Nur Ning Vita A -33

34 Nur Syamsiyah A -34

35 Nurul Aini A- 35

36 Nurul Maghfiroh A -36

37 Riadhil Hikmah A 37

38 Risqi Ginanjar A -38

39 Rizqiyana A- 39

40 Siti Umi Nafi’ah A- 40

41 Umi Fithriya A- 41

42 Umi Khabibah A- 42

43 Umroh Mahfudhoh A-43

44 Uzlifatul Jannah A- 44

45 Yana Linda Suryani A- 45

46 Yusroh A-46


Kind of text : Hortatory Exposition Text

Time Allotment : 15 minutes

Instruction :

1. Write your name and class on the top of the paper.

2. Make a writing hortatory exposition text based on the topic given.

3. The duration of writing is 15 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 3 paragraph.

5. It is necessary, you can open your dictionary.




















Kind of text : Hortatory Exposition Text

Time Allotment : 15 minutes

Instruction :

1. Write your name and class on the top of the paper.

2. Make a writing hortatory exposition text based on the topic given.

3. The duration of writing is 15 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 3 paragraph.

5. It is necessary, you can open your dictionary.





















Kind of text : Hortatory Exposition Text

Time Allotment : 35 minutes

Instruction :

1. Write your name and class on the top of the paper.

2. Make a free writing hortatory exposition text

3. The duration of writing is 35 minutes.

4. You have to write at least 3 paragraph.

5. It is necessary, you can open your dictionary.



















Name :

Class :

Student no :


Name : Mirza Rusdiana

Place and date of birth: Pekalongan, 15th Oktober 1988

Original address : Jl. Pattimura, Ds. Mayangan Rt: 24/VIII, Kec. Wiradesa

Kab. Pekalongan 51152

Dormitory address : Jl. Segaran I Gg.2 Buntu No.25

Purwoyoso, Ngaliyan, Semarang

e-mail :

Education : 1. TK Muslimat NU Kepatihan

2. SDN 01 Mayangan

3. SMP N 1 Wiradesa

4. MAS Simbang Kulon

5. Student of Tarbiyah Faculty in Islamic Institute of

Walisongo Semarang in 2007 period.

Semarang, December 12nd

, 2011

The Writer,

Mirza Rusdiana

NIM. 073411004