Sixth form life

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Sixth form life

Sixth Form Life Filmmaker: Oliver Buckle


With pressure from the government as well current education laws that state that young people have to stay in education till the age of eighteen, A-levels are the top level post GCSE courses one can take in FE places like the sixth form at Drapers’ Academy. On top of that there is the added social pressure for Year 13s to go to University to be successful.

Following two students from Year 12 and two from Year 13, we look at how year 12s are settling in and coming to terms with harder work compared to GCSEs and how Year 13s are finishing off their A-Levels and preparing for University or going into the world of work.

The story shown will document how life has changed for the participants. Voiceovers will enable to show to changes from scene.

Careful editing will allow the audience to go on the same journey with the participants to share in their work and their leisure time.

We will look at how the pressure of personal statements and preparing for exams has had an effect on Year13s.

It will only feature key events and will tell a story over a few days.

The main point is document how current laws and the social pressure has had an effect on students and the need to stay in education for as long as possible.

What style will be used for the documentary?

After looking at the different types of documentary styles, I have decided that for a topic such as this I have gone for a participatory / observational style approach.

The documentary will be presented in a series format following the lives of the selected participants, documenting how their life has changed and how they have adapted to this.


Interview with Miss Armstrong, Head of Sixth Form.

Observations of participants.

Interviews at key moments with participants.

Possible interviews with the Head teacher.

Editing to show an argument.

TV Station and audience Looking back on audience feedback, both on survey monkey and hand

writing questionnaires there are conflicting views as to what channel my documentary will be on.

Either Channel 4 or BBC channels.

Because of the nature of this documentary and the subject it is about. I have decided to go with presenting the documentary on Channel 4.

My audience was at first was believed to be niche however looking at my results, I can see that it is for a much wider audience.