Six Questions

Post on 24-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Six Questions

Six questions that TURN your life


Transforming questions

Why? How? When? What? Where? With whom?

If you could answer these questions, you are progressing toward success.

If you can’t why don’t try now? Let us try with a school student.

Why?Why should I score good grades?Your answer will provide the motive

ie. Energy for your work in school. If it is meaningful to you to get a

good grade, your effort will be maximum.

Or if you need to satisfy others, you won’t dedicate your full effort.


How to get good grades?

If you know the different methods of getting good grades then only you have the chance of doing it.


When will you get good grades?

It provides the deadline for your action, and means to identify whether you reached your goal in that particular timeframe.


What you need to do to get good grades?

List of activities you require to do.It may be like daily studying,

organizing the lesions, elaboration, meaningful rehearsing, relearning, testing, and remembering.


Where will you study to get good grades?

The physical environment which is very conducive for your effort to get good mark.

Free from distraction, disturbances, with good light, air, warmth.

With whom?

With whom you study to get good grades?

Your social environment which will help you to do smart work.

Your friends, neighbours, role models, well wishers, importantly parents.

If you could answer;

You are marching toward personal effectiveness.

If you aren’t,Try to do it now.

Everyone can ask these questions. If you found the answers you life’s

important turning point has been started.

Best wises….


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