Six questions every marketer must answer tool by mythology

Post on 17-Dec-2014

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It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day busy-work of marketing and forget the big picture goals and objectives required to be successful. Every marketer must make sure to answer these critical six questions for customers.

Transcript of Six questions every marketer must answer tool by mythology

Six Questions Marketing Must Answer

A strategic tool to help marketers stay focused in their marketing planning and execution

How well does your company answer the #sixmarketingquestions?

Six Questions Marketing Must Answer

Customer Question Description Do I need what you offer?

Does the customer perceive and feel the need that your product/service fills?

Do I want what you offer?

Does the customer have a pressing aspiration for improvement that your product/ service promises to deliver?

Why should I choose you?

Is there a clear, unexpected difference in how your product/service fulfills this benefit promise?

Why shouldn’t I worry? What risks come to the customer’s mind and how do you address them to build confidence?

What is the cost/benefit equation for me?

Are there overwhelming benefits vs. costs of time, money or emotional energy that must be spent by the customer?

How do I get started? What is the easy call to action that makes it simple to sample, experience or buy?

Six Questions Marketing Must Answer

Customer Question Tips for Engaging, Answering and Amplifying

Do I need what you offer? (Pain)

• Get them thinking – They may not be aware of or feel the pain (yet) • Customer self-surveys and decision tools • Help customer compare themselves to others

Do I want what you offer? (Aspiration)

• Appeal to emotions with questions and comparisons that connect the category to broader personal goals and self-perceptions

Why should I choose you? (Differentiation)

• Crisp, engaging tagline that connects to a clearly differentiated value proposition

• Help visualize or experience the difference with graphics, low-risk interactions, testimonials

Why shouldn’t I worry? (Risk/confidence)

• Easy-to-consumer and understand testimonials • Expert or role model endorsements • Trial and money back guarantee offers • Easy-to-access support to guarantee pleasant initial consumption

What is the cost/benefit equation for me? (Return on investment)

• Show examples and simple case studies • Invite the prospect to plug in her own numbers and prove it to herself

How do I get started? (Call to action)

• Virtualize the trial experience – Online demos, interactions • Point-of-purchase displays, interactive experiences and samples • Trial offers

Assess and Improve

• How well does your company answer the #sixmarketingquestions?– Share your feedback on Twitter or LinkedIn

• Consider scheduling an Assessimize™ Marketing Workshop from Mythology – Full or half-day sessions that dive into these questions and more– Sessions on brand/value proposition, social media, revenue

campaigns, relationship marketing, innovation, internal alignment


About Team MythologyMythology is a marketing management consulting firm. We build marketing systems for ambitious organizations to grow brand, revenue and relationships using our unique Ten Pillars of Meaningful Marketing.™

You can view how we answered these #sixmarketingquestions here:

• Jeff James, CEO• Crystal Good, Director of Brand

Experience• Miguel Matuk, Client Solutions

Manager – US and Latin America • Deonta’ Landis – Marketing Services


Mythology Services• Assessment and optimization analysis (Assessimize) and workshops • Customer and prospect research • Satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy analysis • Customer experience reports (secret shopper)• Competitive research • Business and marketing process analysis • Industry trends and opportunities analysis

Long-term strategic business and marketing planning Integrated marketing campaign planning Social media, search, mobile and other marketing tactics Relationship marketing Event and customer experiences Partner opportunities and development Project management and business process planning

Team training and skill development Integrated project management and reporting Partner and vendor team management Digital marketing management: social, search, mobile, web, email Event management and ROI reporting Creative agency alignment and guidance Business and marketing process execution




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