
Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Siwaliks-Mohund-Dehradun


A Saturday Outing

A camel in the Siwalik Hills

Watching the Siwalik Monkey Races

Gujjar gentleman keeping his roadside vigil

Adventurer on a delightful Forest Service road.

More of that delightful forest road…

Photogenic spreading banyan tree

The leaves of a young teak tree are really BIG!

Surprise in a clearing off to the side of the forest road!

The home is under construction for the owner of A L M Industries –major exporter of buffalo meat. We were invited in for a tour by the site supervisor.

Back on the road… Gujjar milk sellers head for Mohund to market their product.

Rope makers at work on the road.

Arriving in Mohund with milk.

Plassing the time in Mohund

A few random Dehradun street scenes by Lynn—from the back seat of the motorbike!

Nice shot of our Mussoorie ridge from Supply Road, the “new” route out of Dehradun we discovered.