SITXENV001A Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of SITXENV001A Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices.


Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

Element 1Element 1Identify current resources used within the Identify current resources used within the workplaceworkplace

Resources are used every day to do our jobs, run our home and go about our daily business.

Every organisation has an impact upon the environment and its resources.

If we can minimise risk, then we can alsoincrease opportunities for the business. 

Environmental issues for Environmental issues for businessesbusinesses

AirWaterNoise WasteNatural resourcesLand and wildlife

Minimise riskMinimise risk

Effective policies and procedures need to be in place

TrainingSupervisionReport all environmental hazards

An organisation can reduce An organisation can reduce its environmental impact byits environmental impact by

reducing the resources used and/or

using its resources more efficiently and/or

using alternative environmentally friendly resources.

Measure and document Measure and document current usagecurrent usage

Once recorded, data can be analysed

and ways can be researched to minimise the impact that their use will have on the environment.

Workplace procedures for Workplace procedures for documenting resource usage documenting resource usage

Desktop assessment - invoices, purchase orders, waste disposal records and stock takes

Physical assessment - usage of selected resources using checklists is measured and recorded

Ecological FootprintEcological Footprint

This is the measurement of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. your footprint!!!!!

Measuring and Calculating our Measuring and Calculating our Environmental Foot PrintEnvironmental Foot Print

By tracking the resources used and the waste products generated from that usage

By making use of waste flows and converting the waste to another product that can be used by us or others i.e. food waste can be turned to compost for gardens.


Using newsprint paper and bright pens,

choose a product and create the lifecycle of that product from resourcesused to all by - products of theManufacturing process and beyond.

Potential HazardsPotential HazardsAir - fossil fuels for energy,

transportation Water – contaminants Waste - oils and fats  Poisons, chemicals and other hazardous substances – cleaning products, acids, heavy metals, pesticides or herbicides

Environmental Hazard Environmental Hazard Management PlanManagement Plan

Procedures include how dangerous goods should be handled, stored, used and disposed of

The steps to follow in the event of an environmentally hazardous situation.

Environmental Hazard Environmental Hazard Management PlanManagement Plan Should include:

All Environmental Legislation the organisation must comply with

Licences and permits required for the organisation to operate

The operational plan, including details of how the organisation will comply with the environmental regulations

Responding to hazards Responding to hazards Investigation may include:Finding ways to make existing work

practices environmentally sustainable

Modifying and maintaining equipment as required to support these practices

Co-ordinating staff training

Responding to hazards Responding to hazards Exploring alternative workplace

policies and procedures

Encouraging consultation with employees

Consulting with specialist personnel such as Environmental Officers or Workplace Health and Safety Representatives or Committees.

Comply with Comply with Environmental Environmental


Why comply?Legal – Stakeholders – Public Image – Reduce Ecological Footprint –

Environmental Environmental RegulationsRegulations

International - ISO 14000Commonwealth – National Greenhouse

and Energy Reporting (NGER) Act 2007.States and Territories – NSW pollution

of the environment is regulated by the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997(POEO Act)

Local governments – As above policed with the EPA

Help with ComplianceHelp with Compliance

Industry Bodies, e.g. Restaurant & Caterers, MEA, AFTA, IATA.

Operational Permits, organisations may need to hold permits and licenses to conduct certain aspects of the business

Help with ComplianceHelp with Compliance

Organisational procedures – Each organisation is responsible for ensuring all staff and business activities comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

Report breaches or Report breaches or potential breachespotential breaches

Each organisation is legally bound by legislations, permits and regulations

Swift reporting allows swift action to correct the breach.

To reduce potential harm to the environment.

Stakeholders are reassured of the organisations commitment to the environment.

Each individual is personally responsible for reporting breaches.

Documentation and Documentation and reportingreporting Each organisation will have its own

policies and procedures

Any breaches need to be reported under the relevant permit or licence as soon as possible to the relevant staff member.

Improving environmental Improving environmental practices and resource practices and resource efficiencyefficiency

Develop and implement policies and procedures to assist employees in ensuring resources are used and disposed of in an appropriate manner to reduce the impact on the environment.

Environmental Management Environmental Management Plan/Policy”, or an “EMP”. Plan/Policy”, or an “EMP”. Ensure consumables are used by the

use by datePrinting to double sided paper Use recyclable productsRecycling of all rubbishOrdering products from ‘green’

suppliersProvides details regarding the

organisations environmental policies relating to all staff, suppliers and subcontractors

The EMP should also include details on how the organisation will monitor and report on resource usage.

When developing these plans consult with employees and other stakeholders.

The types of plans, policies and The types of plans, policies and procedures likely to be effected by procedures likely to be effected by changes include:changes include:

Standard Operating ProceduresWaste, Water and Energy

management plansAccreditation policies like Green

TablePreferred supplier agreements

Innovation Innovation

May include:a new product or enhancement

to a product or servicea new work practice or new


Encouraging staff to identify opportunities to improve operations or procedures can lead to improvements in operational efficiency and effectiveness as well as customer satisfaction.

Simple changes to Simple changes to minimise environmental minimise environmental risksrisks

Switch your energy consumption to green energy with your energy provider

Purchase carbon offsets to balance out emissions

Switch to natural gasReduce your hot water system

temperature to 65ºC.

Can you think of other ways to minimise risk?

Accreditation SchemesAccreditation Schemes

Climate Action (EcoTourism Australia)

Green Star (AAA Tourism) Green Globe (EC3 Global) EcoClubs (ClubsNSW) -Green Table (Restaurant &


A read only copy of the resources can be found on the Hunter Institute portal.

Go to sharepoint/Tourism and Hospitality/shared documents

It is saved under GreenSmart project

If you have any problems refer to your head teacher.