€¦ · Web viewHe posted a selfie 30 minutes after posting this ad and a fashion...

Post on 28-Aug-2020

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Transcript of€¦ · Web viewHe posted a selfie 30 minutes after posting this ad and a fashion...


Vibrant colors attract immediate attention on IG feed Relatable/motivational caption “You, too, can

achieve this level of fun and relaxation without traveling far!”

Minimal use of hashtags attention on Google Pixel tag

Doesn’t outwardly appear like an advertisement; stylish, neatly curated

WEAKNESSES: Jerome takes back seat in photo; focus instead on the

environment/atmosphere may disappoint fans who want to see Jerome front and center, and result in less engagements (most of his content is close ups/fashion photos)

He posted a selfie 30 minutes after posting this ad and a fashion picture 30 minutes after that one might bury or detract from Google Pixel post


STRENGTHS: Tweet clearly identifies promotion and partnership

with Krispy Kreme, and creates excitement with strategic capitalization of words

Comedy (poking fun at Charles Barkley) relevant to his followers and helps link him with donut brand

Clear emphasis on date (Friday, June 7th) and occasion (National Donut Day)

WEAKNESSES: If I watched the video without volume, I wouldn’t be

able to tell that Shaq is excited (he doesn’t smile until the very end, and when he does it’s more of a mischievous smile than a “I’m so happy” one)

A small, nitpicky detail but the people moving in the background are kind of distracting

No mention of new donut in video is it worth adding this information in the Tweet? Might confuse people.


STRENGTHS: Authentic to family brand and things parents

experience (“serves ice cream and calls it dinner”) Gives clear examples of when Tillamook ice cream

sandwiches might be used in daily life The Paige kids seem genuinely happy and like they

are enjoying themselves/their treat

WEAKNESSES: Lighting/edit on picture feels too bright/light The kids’ faces and fingers look pretty messy might

be a deterrent to parents who don’t want to deal with that

Long caption people might lose interest or be overwhelmed by the amount of text and scroll through


STRENGTHS: Simplicity and clear color coordination in the

photograph makes it eye catching Followers wouldn’t know it was an advertisement if it

weren’t for the tag and hashtags Short caption = not overwhelming

WEAKNESSES: No obvious link to H&M brand in photograph might

cause followers to just see it as a handsome picture and not connect it to H&M

o Maybe a small H&M logo on the bottom corner could make a difference

Just like every other modeling photo on social media what makes it stand out?


STRENGTHS: Caption is both sentimental and relatable Both photograph and caption relate to one another

and help tell a clear story without being too overwhelming

Expert use of a multi-photo IG post Father/daughter cuteness

STRENGTHS: Caption is long, which could overwhelm followers or

encourage them to scroll through without reading entirely

Initially, I was confused whether the #ad was for the blog or Chapters could use some clarity/maybe don’t need to add blog link in caption