Single Celled Organisms (Uni-Cellular) · Single...

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Transcript of Single Celled Organisms (Uni-Cellular) · Single...

Single Celled Organisms


Learning Goals

• Compare the structures and life functions of single celled organisms that carry out all the basic functions of life including: Euglena, Amoeba, Paramecium, Volvox.

• Single-celled organisms have similar and unique structures and life functions that allow them to survive and reproduce.

Essential Questions

• How are the single-celled organisms similar and different when talking about habitat, movement, food, classification and reproduction?

• How do the structures of Euglena, Amoeba, Paramecium, and Volvox help them perform basic life functions?

Beginning Brainstorm

• Think about essential things your body does that allows you to survive and live.

• What are things we do to survive/live and why are they important?

Single Celled Organisms


• Protists are organisms that make up one of the six kingdoms of living things.

• Most protists are microscopic.

• Most protists are single-celled.

• The way in which cells function is similar in all living organisms.

What are the single cell organisms that we are going to learn about?

• Amoeba

• Euglena

• Paramecium

• Volvox

Meet Euglena!

• Euglena is also a eukaryotic cell.

• Euglena is classified as both plant like and animal like.

• Euglena is a type of algae.

What does Euglena eat?

• What does Euglena eat?

• If light is available, will make own food using photosynthesis.

• If no light is available, will eat other protists (amoebas and paramecium).

Neat Fact!

• Euglena can see by using a red “eyespot” which is used for sensing light!

How does Euglena move?

• Euglena moves by using a flagella that whips back and forth.

Where does Euglena live?

• Euglena lives in ponds, rivers, and marshes.

• Some live in oceans and swimming pools.

Reproduction of Euglena

• Euglena reproduces by splitting in half (asexual reproduction/ mitosis)

• 1 splits in half and makes an identical new euglena.

• Euglena will only reproduce if well fed and in warm temperatures.

Euglena life span

• Euglena live about 3 weeks.

• Euglena also does NOT age!

Meet Amoeba

Amoeba is a eukaryote cell.

How does Amoeba move?

• Amoeba moves by using pseudopods or by changing the shape of its body.

Where do Amoeba live?

• Amoeba lives in lakes, ponds, streams, rivers, or puddles.

• Some amoeba live in soil and as parasites in moist body parts of animals.

Reproduction • Reproduces by splitting in half (asexual

reproduction/ mitosis).

• When amoeba splits in half, it makes 2 identical new amoebas.

Amoeba life span

• Lives up to two days!

Meet Paramecium!

• Paramecium is a eukaryotic cell.

What does Paramecium eat?

• Paramecium feeds on other organisms.

• Uses cilia to sweep food into the “mouth” and then surrounds it in a food vacuole.

How does Paramecium move?

• Paramecium moves by using cilia (small “hair-like” structures on the outside of the cell).

Environment for Paramecium

• in freshwater, brackish, and marine environments and are often very abundant in stagnant basins and ponds.

Paramecium lifespan

• Can live for 100-1000’s (even millions) of years if left alone

Meet Volvox!

• Classified as Plant-like.

• Also as a eukaryotic cell.

• Are a type of algae

How does Volvox eat?

• If light is available, will make own food using photosynthesis. (has chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll).

• Also has an “eyespot” which is used for sensing light.

How does Volvox move?

• Moves using 2 flagella (that beat together to roll the ball through water).

• And, it’s REALLY cool!

Where does Volvox live?

• Lives in puddles, ditches, shallow ponds and bogs (wet spongy ground; especially : a poorly drained usually acid area).

Lifespan of Volvox

• Lives about 2 days!




1. How does Euglena move?

2. How does Amoeba move?

3. How does Paramecium move?

4. How does Volvox move?


1. How does Euglena eat?

2. How does Amoeba eat?

3. How does Paramecium eat?

4. How does Volvox eat?

Unique Characteristic

1. What is a unique characteristic of Euglena?

2. What is a unique characteristic of Amoeba?

3. What is a unique characteristic of Paramecium?

4. What is a unique characteristic of Volvox?