Simple Photo Processing and Web Display with Perl

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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I have a small photo gallery on my website and in this presentation, I sharesome steps I used in creating a nearly automatic workflow of gettingpictures from my camera to his gallery using Perl.

Transcript of Simple Photo Processing and Web Display with Perl

Simple Photo Processing


Web Displaywith

PerlKent Cowgill

Unfortunately, nothing super fancy.

The first camera I used

The pictures were ... ok

The phonestayed in my

pocket. Along with pocket lint. A lot

of pocket lint.

And a lot of lint got in the lens

And the pictures started getting blurryAnd a lot of lint got in the lens

Especiallywith allmy dailyactivities.

Especiallywith allmy dailyactivities.

And the pictures got blurrier

... and blurrier ...

And practically unrecognizable.

So I got a new phone.

This has been my camera

The pictures were better

No lint problem, even in harsh conditions

Until my phone dropped out of my pocket

and was picked up by Ricardo Signes at YAPC

But that blurrinesswas user error.

Thankfully, he returned my phone to me.

What a nice guy.

My RAZR hasserved me well.

Until Recently

More on that later.

Step 1:Get the picturefrom the phoneto the server.

This is what I looked like

Taking pictures with my RAZR

The obligatory


Step 2:Get the picture

from the email to the filesystem.


strip image from mailcowgill


motorola v551

use MIME::Parser;use MIME::Entity;use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);use Image::Magick::Thumbnail;

my $parser = MIME::Parser->new();$parser->output_dir( '/www/kentcowgill/photos/data' );

my $message = $parser->parse( \*STDIN ) };

for my $part( $message->parts_DFS ){ if( $part->bodyhandle ){ if( $part->mime_type eq 'image/jpeg' ){ $filename = $part->bodyhandle->path; $data .= $part->as_string; $data =~ s/.*\n\n(.*)/$1/ms; } $data = decode_base64($data);...



... open ARCHIVE, '>', $archive_image; binmode ARCHIVE; print ARCHIVE $data; close ARCHIVE;

my $src = new Image::Magick; $src->Read($archive_image);...

Error checkingis left as an exercise

for the reader.

... my( $thumb, $x, $y ) =Image::Magick::Thumbnail::create( $src, 64 ); $thumb->Write($archive_thumb); }}

Worked great.


For a while.

Until I upgraded...


God only knows what else.

And with all their dependencies...


Then something broke.


It didn't make this blurry.Then something broke.


It didn't make this blurry.Then something broke.


No, that was poor technique.

It didn't make this blurry.It started cutting off my photos.Then something broke.


No, that was poor technique.


It was really annoying.


And inconsistent.


Termites (Not to scale)

Bunnies (Also not to scale)

Tough to reliably reproduce.

So I spent my time and energy elsewhere.

Step 3:Get the picture

from the filesystem to the web browser.

This is the site that I made

To view the pictures that I took

Click on a thumbnail...

And see the full image.

But not that one. ;-)

<?php$start = $_GET["start"] ? $_GET["start"] : "0";

$filearray = array();

$dir = "/www/kentcowgill/photos/arch";$mydir = "/photos/arch";$thumbdir = "/photos/thumbs";

if( $handle = opendir( $dir ) ){ while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ){ if( $file != "." && $file != ".."){ array_push( $filearray, $file ); } } closedir( $handle );}...


Didn't I say Perlat the beginning?

$_ == 0 && do { $table .= "<tr><td align=center height=$CELLHEIGHT " . "width=$CELLWIDTH valign=bottom>"; last SWITCH;}

$_ == 0 && do { $table .= "<tr><td align=center height=$CELLHEIGHT " . "width=$CELLWIDTH valign=bottom>"; last SWITCH;}

My only excuse is that I wrote it a

really long time ago


The picture viewerwas updated as well.

I also got a dog.



And I stored theusers' preferences...


Step 4:Fix the imagestripping bug.


strip image from mailcowgill


motorola RAZR v3

Add module version requirements.

use MIME::Parser;use MIME::Entity;use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);use Image::Magick::Thumbnail;

use MIME::Parser 5.415;use MIME::Entity 5.415;use MIME::Base64 3.07 qw(decode_base64);use Image::Magick::Thumbnail;

Add debugging and logging.

my $parser = MIME::Parser->new();$parser->output_dir( '/www/kentcowgill/photos/data' );

my $message = $parser->parse( \*STDIN ) };

my $parser = MIME::Parser->new();$parser->output_to_core(1);$parser->output_dir( '/www/kentcowgill/photos/data' );

my $message;

eval { $message = $parser->parse( \*STDIN ) };if( $@ ){ my $results = $parser->results; open ERR, '>', '/www/kentcowgill/photos/err.txt'; print ERR $results; close ERR;}

Additional error checking is leftas an exercisefor the reader.

for my $part( $message->parts_DFS ){ if( $part->bodyhandle ){ if( $part->mime_type eq 'image/jpeg' ){ $filename = $part->bodyhandle->path; $data .= $part->as_string; $data =~ s/.*\n\n(.*)/$1/ms; } $data = decode_base64($data);...

for my $part( $message->parts_DFS ){ if( $part->bodyhandle ){ if( $part->mime_type eq 'image/jpeg' ){ $filename = $part->bodyhandle->path; $data .= $part->as_string; print LOG2 $data; print LOG3 $filename; my @raw_part = split( /\n/, $data ); my @edited_part; for my $line( @raw_part ){ if( $line =~ m/^$/ ){ $found++; next; } next unless $found; push @edited_part, $line; } $data =~ s/.*\n\n(.*)/$1/ms; $data = join( "\n", @edited_part ); print LOG $data; } $data = decode_base64($data);

... my $src = new Image::Magick; $src->Read($archive_image);...

... my $src = new Image::Magick; my $debug = $src->Read($archive_image); print LOG "WARNING: ImageMagick::Read " . "had problem: $debug\n" if $debug;


... my( $thumb, $x, $y ) =Image::Magick::Thumbnail::create( $src, 64 ); $thumb->Write($archive_thumb); }}

... my( $thumb, $x, $y ) =Image::Magick::Thumbnail::create( $src, 64 ); $thumb->Write($archive_thumb); }}

No debugging here.

No problem with thumbnails.

The cut-off images scaled fine.

The result?

No hints.

No clues.

No fix.


Step 5:Replace the imagestripping program.


strip image from mailcowgill


motorola RAZR v3

Replace the modules used.

use MIME::Parser 5.415;use MIME::Entity 5.415;use MIME::Base64 3.07 qw(decode_base64);use Image::Magick::Thumbnail;

use Email::MIME;use Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper;use MIME::Base64 qw(decode_base64);use Imager;

Still Used

my $parser = MIME::Parser->new();$parser->output_to_core(1);$parser->output_dir( '/www/kentcowgill/photos/data' );

my $message;

eval { $message = $parser->parse( \*STDIN ) };if( $@ ){ my $results = $parser->results; open ERR, '>', '/www/kentcowgill/photos/err.txt'; print ERR $results; close ERR;}

for my $part( $message->parts_DFS ){ if( $part->bodyhandle ){ if( $part->mime_type eq 'image/jpeg' ){ $filename = $part->bodyhandle->path; $data .= $part->as_string; print LOG2 $data; print LOG3 $filename; my @raw_part = split( /\n/, $data ); my @edited_part; for my $line( @raw_part ){ if( $line =~ m/^$/ ){ $found++; next; } next unless $found; push @edited_part, $line; } $data =~ s/.*\n\n(.*)/$1/ms; $data = join( "\n", @edited_part ); print LOG $data; } $data = decode_base64($data);

my $email = Email::MIME->new( $msg_text );

my $stripper = Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper->new( $email );

my @files = $stripper->attachments;

@files = grep { $_->{content_type} eq 'image/jpeg'} @files;

my $image_data = @files ? $files[0]->{payload} : decode_base64( $email->{parts}[0]->{body} );

... my $src = new Image::Magick; my $debug = $src->Read($archive_image); print LOG "WARNING: ImageMagick::Read " . "had problem: $debug\n" if $debug;


my $src = Imager->new;

$src->read( file => $archive_image, type => 'jpeg' );

... my( $thumb, $x, $y ) =Image::Magick::Thumbnail::create( $src, 64 ); $thumb->Write($archive_thumb); }}

my $tmbimg = $src->copy();

my $thumb = $tmbimg->scale( xpixels => 64, ypixels => 48, type => 'min');

$thumb->write( file => $archive_thumb );

The result?



No one was happier

than my dog.

Step 6:Add display options.

When was thepicture taken?

The pictures arrive at my server within


[~]$ perldoc -f time

time Returns the number of non-leap seconds since whatever time the system considers to be the epoch, suitable for feeding to "gmtime" and "localtime".

my $archivedir = '/www/kentcowgill/photos/arch';my $thumbdir = '/www/kentcowgill/photos/thumbs';

my $pic_time = time;

my $archive_image = $archivedir . '/' . $pic_time . '.jpg';my $archive_thumb = $thumbdir . '/' . $pic_time .'_thumb.jpg';

return $date;}

sub pretty_date { my( $stamp ) = shift; # $stamp = 1195004723; my @date = split /\s+/, scalar localtime $stamp; # @date = qw(Tue Nov 13 19:45:23 2007); my $date = join q{ }, splice @date, 1, 5; # $date = 'Nov 13 19:45:23 2007'; my ( $hr, $mn ) = ( split /:/, ( split /\s+/, $date)[2] )[0,1]; # $hr = 19; $mn = 45; my $merid = $hr > 12 ? do { $hr -= 12; 'pm' } : $hr == 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; # $hr = 7; $merid = 'pm'; $date =~ s/(\w+) (\d+) .* (\d+)/$1 $2, $3: $hr:$mn$merid/; # $date = 'Nov 13, 2007: 7:45pm';


Concise and efficient?OR


my $merid = $hr > 12 ? do { $hr -= 12; 'pm' } : $hr == 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; # $hr = 7; $merid = 'pm';

SIDE BAR<australian accent>

That's not an obfuscation...<australian accent>

$_='`$t` `.=lc for<>;u($_` )for` 3..``6;%t=qw ` `(a 82 b 15 c 28 d 43 e ` `127 f 22 ` g 20 h 61 i 70 ` `j 2 k 8 ```````l 40 m 24 n 67 ` o 75` ` p 19 q 1` ` r ` 60 s 63 t ` 91 ` u 28 v 1 `0 w ` 24 x 2 y ` `20 ` ` z 1);$k= k() ` ``;$d+=$t{$` `_}f o``r keys%t;$l =$d` /in` ``t(`length($t)/ $k)/100 ` ;map{%n=f(t($_));@g=b(1,\` `%n);$y.= i(\@g)}0..$k-1;@_=(a..z); map{@$_= @_;if($;++){for$"(2..$;){ pu ` sh` `` @$_,shift@$_} `` `` `}` }@_;map{$p=i` n` d`ex `((join\'\',` ` ` `@`{(sp `lit//,$y)[$c ` ]}),$_);` `$o```.=$p>=0?$`a` `` [ $p]: $_;$c+=$c<$k-1?1 ````: `-$` ``k+1}split//,$t;s ``ub \'b{my($e,$s `,@g)=@_;p ` ``ush@ `g`,[$_,(s pli` `` ``t//,\'#\' ``x in` `` `t($$s{`$_}*$e )`)]for ` `+sort+keys%$s;retur ```n@g}s` ub\'c{my$x=shift;$x=g($x,shift ```)while@_; return$x}sub\'f{my%d;$d{$_}++f` or grep/[a-z]/ ,split//,shift;$d{$_}||=0for a..z;return%d}su b\'g{my($x,$y)=@_;($x,$y)=($y,$x%$y)while$y;r eturn$x}sub\'i{my($g,@c)=@_;map{push@c,o(v($g),` `` ` $$g[0][0]);w($g)}0..25;return(map{$_->[1]}sort{$` b-`` >[0]<=>$a->[0]}@c)[0]} sub\'k{my@g;for(sort{$s{` `$b}`` <=>$s{$a}}keys%s){last ``if$s{$_}<3;next unless y `/a-``` z//>2;my@f ;push@f,(pos `($t)-3)while$t=~/$_/g;m` ````````y$g=c(n(@f) );`$g```` >2&&push@g,$g}return c(@` g)}sub\'n{my$o= shift;return map{$_-$o}@_ }sub\'o{my($g,$w) =@_;my$c=0;map{map{/\+/&&` $c++;/\-/&&$c--}@ $_}@$g;return[$c,$w]}sub\' `t{my($o)=@_;my$c= 0;my$r;map{$r.=$_ unless( `$k-$o+$c)%$k;$c++} split//,$t;$r=~s/[^a-z]/ /g;return$r}sub\'u{ my$l=$_[0];$s{substr($t` ,$_,$l)}++for 0..(le ngth($t)-$l)}sub\'v{my($ `m)=@_;my@g=b($l,\%t );$s=\@g;$z=0;map{$x=0;ma `p{$$s[$z][$x]=$$m` [$z][$x]eq\'#\'&&$$s[$z][ `$x]eq\'#\'?\'+` \':\'-\';$x++}@$_;$z++}@$m `;return$s}sub \'w{$R=shift;push@$R,shif` `t@$R}print" Key: $y\nPlaintext:\n$o\`` `n";';s-\s \s+--gmx;s&`&&gm;eval#;` #etur#`` `#my($x($v());$y=$z#`#` ##```` ``# charles #`` #`````` ````# babbage #`

$_='`$t` `.=lc for<>;u($_` )for` 3..``6;%t=qw ` `(a 82 b 15 c 28 d 43 e ` `127 f 22 ` g 20 h 61 i 70 ` `j 2 k 8 ```````l 40 m 24 n 67 ` o 75` ` p 19 q 1` ` r ` 60 s 63 t ` 91 ` u 28 v 1 `0 w ` 24 x 2 y ` `20 ` ` z 1);$k= k() ` ``;$d+=$t{$` `_}f o``r keys%t;$l =$d` /in` ``t(`length($t)/ $k)/100 ` ;map{%n=f(t($_));@g=b(1,\` `%n);$y.= i(\@g)}0..$k-1;@_=(a..z); map{@$_= @_;if($;++){for$"(2..$;){ pu ` sh` `` @$_,shift@$_} `` `` `}` }@_;map{$p=i` n` d`ex `((join\'\',` ` ` `@`{(sp `lit//,$y)[$c ` ]}),$_);` `$o```.=$p>=0?$`a` `` [ $p]: $_;$c+=$c<$k-1?1 ````: `-$` ``k+1}split//,$t;s ``ub \'b{my($e,$s `,@g)=@_;p ` ``ush@ `g`,[$_,(s pli` `` ``t//,\'#\' ``x in` `` `t($$s{`$_}*$e )`)]for ` `+sort+keys%$s;retur ```n@g}s` ub\'c{my$x=shift;$x=g($x,shift ```)while@_; return$x}sub\'f{my%d;$d{$_}++f` or grep/[a-z]/ ,split//,shift;$d{$_}||=0for a..z;return%d}su b\'g{my($x,$y)=@_;($x,$y)=($y,$x%$y)while$y;r eturn$x}sub\'i{my($g,@c)=@_;map{push@c,o(v($g),` `` ` $$g[0][0]);w($g)}0..25;return(map{$_->[1]}sort{$` b-`` >[0]<=>$a->[0]}@c)[0]} sub\'k{my@g;for(sort{$s{` `$b}`` <=>$s{$a}}keys%s){last ``if$s{$_}<3;next unless y `/a-``` z//>2;my@f ;push@f,(pos `($t)-3)while$t=~/$_/g;m` ````````y$g=c(n(@f) );`$g```` >2&&push@g,$g}return c(@` g)}sub\'n{my$o= shift;return map{$_-$o}@_ }sub\'o{my($g,$w) =@_;my$c=0;map{map{/\+/&&` $c++;/\-/&&$c--}@ $_}@$g;return[$c,$w]}sub\' `t{my($o)=@_;my$c= 0;my$r;map{$r.=$_ unless( `$k-$o+$c)%$k;$c++} split//,$t;$r=~s/[^a-z]/ /g;return$r}sub\'u{ my$l=$_[0];$s{substr($t` ,$_,$l)}++for 0..(le ngth($t)-$l)}sub\'v{my($ `m)=@_;my@g=b($l,\%t );$s=\@g;$z=0;map{$x=0;ma `p{$$s[$z][$x]=$$m` [$z][$x]eq\'#\'&&$$s[$z][ `$x]eq\'#\'?\'+` \':\'-\';$x++}@$_;$z++}@$m `;return$s}sub \'w{$R=shift;push@$R,shif` `t@$R}print" Key: $y\nPlaintext:\n$o\`` `n";';s-\s \s+--gmx;s&`&&gm;eval#;` #etur#`` `#my($x($v());$y=$z#`#` ##```` ``# charles #`` #`````` ````# babbage #`

Or with Date::Calc:use Date::Calc qw( Today Month_to_Text Localtime );

my $datestamp = shift;my( $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute ) = ( Localtime( $datestamp ) )[ 0 .. 4 ];my $meridian = $hour > 12 ? do { $hour -= 12; 'pm' } : $hour == 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';my $date = sprintf( '%.3s %02d, %d: %d:%d%s', Month_to_Text( $month ), $day, $year, $hour, $minute, $meridian,);

# $date = 'Nov 13, 2007: 7:45pm';

Or with a regex:

my $date = scalar localtime $stamp;

$date =~ s{^\w{3}\s(\w{3} )(?{$^N})\s+(\d+)(?{$,=$^R.$". $^N})\s(\d+)(?{$.=$^N;$@=$.>12?do{$.-=12;'pm' }:$ .==12?'pm':'am'}):( \d+)(?{$ /="$ .:$ ^N$ @"}):\d+\s(\d{4})(?{$==$ ^N})}{$,$"$=:$"$/}x;

# $date = 'Nov 13, 2007: 7:45pm';

use strict;use warnings;

Believe it or not

Adding captionsto the photos.

Use a database.

create database photoblog;

use photoblog;

create table captions ( caption_id int( 11 ) not null auto_increment, caption_photo varchar( 32 ) not null, caption_text text, primary key( caption_id ), unique caption_id( caption_id ));

Create a row in the database when an

email arrives.


• Makes later CRUD implementation easier.

CRUDCreate RetrieveUpdate Delete

The four basic functions of persistent storage.

• Makes later CRUD implementation easier.


• In the editing interface, just implement:

• Retrieve and Update

• Don't worry about Create

• Delete is just updating a record to nothing.

CRUDWhat is CRUD without the Create and Delete?





my $dbh = Mysql->connect( 'localhost', 'photoblog', $username, $password,);

my $sth = $dbh->query( qq{ insert into captions (caption_photo) values ('$new_filename')});


Binding input parameters is left

as an exercisefor the reader.

Create an interface to update captions.

my $caption = param( 'caption' ); my $url = param( 'url' ); $url =~ m/.*\/(.*)\.jpg/; my $picture = $1; $caption =~ s/'/''/g; $caption =~ s/<.*?>//g;

my $dbh = Mysql->connect( 'localhost', 'photoblog', $username, $password, );

my $query = qq{ update captions set caption_text='$caption' where caption_photo='$picture'};

my $sth = $dbh->query( $query );

Binding theinput parameter

would've helped here.

Just stripping out HTML tags.

Fetch the captionswhen showing the


my $query = qq{ select caption_text from captions where caption_photo=$picbase};

my $dbh = Mysql->connect( 'localhost', 'photoblog', $username, $password, );

my $sth = $dbh->query( $query ); my $caption = $sth->fetchrow;

$caption = $caption || '';

Step 7:Redesign.

Fit into the design for the rest of the site

($header=<<" EOHEADER") =~ s/ //gm; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head><title>$title</title> <style type="text/css"> EOHEADER... SWITCH: for( $counter ){ $_ == 0 && do { $table .= "<tr><td align=\"center\" " . "valign=\"bottom\">\n"; last SWITCH; }; $_ == ($cols) && do { $table .= "</tr>\n"; last SWITCH; }; $table .= qq(<td align="center" valign="bottom">\n); }


use Template;


my %pic = ( picture => q{/photos/arch/} . $base . '.jpg', timestamp => pretty_date( $base ), thumb => q{/photos/thumbs/} . $base . q{_thumb.jpg}, caption => $caption, );

<table border="0" class="gallery"> [% FOREACH row IN pictures -%] <tr> [% FOREACH pic IN row -%]

<td align="center" valign="bottom" class="pic"> <a href="javascript:OpenWindow('[% pic.picture %]','700','540')"><img src ="[% pic.thumb %]" alt ="[% pic.caption %]" title ="[% pic.caption %]"/></a> <p class="timestamp">[% pic.timestamp %]</p></td>

[% END -%] </tr> [% END -%] </table>

Add a "current image".

i.e. most recently taken

my $src = Imager->new;$src->read( file => $archive_image, type => 'jpeg' );

my $newimg = $src->copy();

my $curimg = $newimg->scale( xpixels => 320, ypixels => 240, type => 'min',);

my $gryimg = $curimg->convert( preset => 'grey' );$gryimg->write( file => $current_image );

my ( $firstbase ) = $firstfile =~ m{^.+/(\d+)\.jpg$};

$vars->{ mostrecent } = get_caption( $firstbase );

$vars->{ randomizer } .= int rand 9 for 1 .. 8;

Why?• Browsers cache the image

• appending a random number

(i.e. "?12345678") prevents caching

• It's an actual image, but it could be a CGI

• It could be dynamically generated

• Your web browser and my server won't know the difference

• No caching, fresh request each time

[% IF mostrecent -%] <table border="0" class="mostrecent"> <tr><td class="mostrecent"> <img src="/photos/mostrecent.jpg?[% randomizer %]"/> </td></tr> </table>[% END -%]

Use it elsewhere.

Organize the photos.


• Having a chronological list is OK

• By assigning tags to photos, you won't have to remember which page of 60 has:

• that picture of the dog from 3 months ago

• the picture of the bed you bought last year

• or...

The picture of the video chat with your crazy in-laws.

Use the same database.

use photoblog;

create table tags ( tag_id int( 11 ) not null auto_increment, tag_photo varchar( 32 ) not null, tag_name text, primary key( tag_id ), unique tag_id( tag_id ));

Create an interface to add tags.

my $tags = param( 'tags' ); my @tags = split( /(?:\s+|,)/, $tags ); my $dbh = Mysql->connect( "localhost", "photoblog", $username, $password ); my $delete = qq{ delete from tags where tag_photo = '$picture'}; $sth = $dbh->query( $delete ); for my $tag( @tags ){ my $ins = qq{ insert into tags( tag_photo, tag_name ) values( '$picture', '$tag' )}; $sth = $dbh->query( $ins ); }

Fetch the tagswhen showing the


my $query = q{ select tag_name from tags where tag_photo=$picbase};$sth = $dbh->query( $query );

my @tags;while( my $tag = $sth->fetchrow ){ push @tags, $tag;}

my $tags = join( ' ', @tags );$tags ||= '';

$vars->{ tags } = [ $tags ];

Create a "tag cloud".

$query = qq{ select count(*) as num, tag_name from tags group by tag_name having num > $MIN_TAGS};

$sth = $dbh->prepare( $query );$sth->execute;my @tags;while( my $hashrow = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ){ push @tags, $hashrow}

$vars->{ phototags } = [ @tags ];

<table style="background: #ccc; border: 1px solid #555"><tr><th align="left">Photos filed under...</th></tr><tr><td align="center">

[% FOREACH tag = phototags -%]

<span style="font-size: [% ( tag.num + 80 ) / 8 %]px"> <a href="/photos.cgi?tagged=[% tag.tag_name %]" title="[% tag.num %] photo[% IF tag.num > 1 %]s[% END %] filed under [% tag.tag_name %]">[% tag.tag_name %]</a></span>

[% END -%]


Highly complicated and sophisticated

formula derived by minutes and minutes

of trial and error

Jazz it up with a little AJAX

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), or Ajax, is a group of inter-related web development techniques used for creating interactive web applications.

A primary characteristic is the increased responsiveness and interactiveness of web pages achieved by exchanging small amounts of data with the server "behind the scenes" so that the entire web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user performs an action.

This is intended to increase the web page's interactivity, speed, functionality, and usability.



Load JQuery in your template

<script type = "text/javascript" src = "/script/jquery.js"></script>

Right here

Create a Javascript Function


to switch the picturesfunction swapem( pic ){ $('#caption').fadeOut( 'slow' ); $('#display').fadeOut( 'slow', function(){ getData( pic ); $('#display').html( '<img src="' + pic + '" border="0">'); $('#display').show; $('#display').fadeIn( 1500 ); });}


A callback is executable code that is passed as an argument to other code.

Because of the asynchronous nature of calls in the JQuery library, using certain code as

callbacks helps ensure specific timing for events.

Create the AJAX request



function getData( pic ){ $.ajax( { url : '/caption.cgi', type : 'POST', dataType : 'html', data : 'pic=' + pic, success : function( retVal ){ $('#caption').html( retVal ); }, complete : function(){ $('#caption').fadeIn( 'slow' ); } });}

Call the AJAX code

<td align="center" valign="bottom" class="pic"> <a href="javascript:swapem('[% pic.picture %]');"><img src ="[% pic.thumb %]" alt ="[% pic.caption %]" title ="[% pic.caption %]"/></a> <p class="timestamp">[% pic.timestamp %]</p></td>

Right here

Create a CGI to handle the AJAX call


use strict;use warnings;

use DBI;use CGI qw/:standard/;use PhotoLib;


Saved a lot of copying and pasting

Damian said it best:

• Place original code inline.

• Place duplicated code in a subroutine.

• Place duplicated subroutines in a module.

- Perl Best Practices, page 401

Create a CGI to handle the AJAX call...

my $pic = param('pic') || exit;# $pic = '/photos/arch/1197770265.jpg';

$pic =~ s/[^\d]+(\d+)\..*/$1/;# $pic = '1197770265';

my $caption = get_caption( $pic );$caption =~ s/''/'/g; # stoopid mysql

my @tags = get_tags( $pic );


Create a CGI to handle the AJAX call


my $out = header();$out .= qq{<span style="font-family: tahoma; };$out .= qq{"><p>$caption</p><p>More pictures: };for my $tag( @tags ){ $out .= qq{<a href="photos.cgi?tagged=$tag">$tag</a> };}$out .= "</p>";print $out;

Should I have useda template?

Please visit

for the Ajax demonstration

Then something wonderful happened


The pictures arrive at my server within



I got a real* camera

* For some values of real.

My new camera stores images on one of these...

Happens much later, all at once

Also happens in batches

They would all get the same timestamp:

Nov 13, 2007: 8:15pm

What to do?



I want to keep the filename standard

I want to keep the filename standard

I've already got over 700 images and their tags in my database

2007:10:28 18:03:54



Time::Local(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Time::Local(3)

NAME Time::Local - efficiently compute time from local and GMT time

SYNOPSIS $time = timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year); $time = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year);

DESCRIPTION These routines are the inverse of built-in perl functions localtime() and gmtime(). They accept a date as a six-element array, and return the corresponding time(2) value in seconds since the system epoch (Mid- night, January 1, 1970 GMT on Unix, for example).

my $filebase = 'tempfilename';my $archive_image = qq($arch_dir/${filebase}.jpg);# $date_time = $src->tags( name => 'exif_date_time_original');

my( $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s ) = ( split /(?::| |T|-)/, $date_time )[ 0 .. 5 ];$y -= 1900;$mo -= 1;

my $filebase = 'tempfilename';my $archive_image = qq($arch_dir/${filebase}.jpg);# $date_time = $src->tags( name => 'exif_date_time_original');

my( $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s ) = ( split /(?::| |T|-)/, $date_time )[ 0 .. 5 ];$y -= 1900;$mo -= 1;

my $filebase = 'tempfilename';my $archive_image = qq($arch_dir/${filebase}.jpg);# $date_time = $src->tags( name => 'exif_date_time_original');

my $new_filename = timelocal( $s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y );my $new_image = qq($arch_dir/${new_filename}.jpg);

rename $archive_image, $new_image;

my( $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s ) = ( split /(?::| |T|-)/, $date_time )[ 0 .. 5 ];$y -= 1900;$mo -= 1;

my $filebase = 'tempfilename';my $archive_image = qq($arch_dir/${filebase}.jpg);# $date_time = $src->tags( name => 'exif_date_time_original');

my $new_filename = timelocal( $s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y );my $new_image = qq($arch_dir/${new_filename}.jpg);

rename $archive_image, $new_image;

my( $y, $mo, $d, $h, $m, $s ) = ( split /(?::| |T|-)/, $date_time )[ 0 .. 5 ];$y -= 1900;$mo -= 1;

2007:10:28 18:03:54


2007:10:28 18:03:54





3,072px x 2,304px

3,072x 2,30412,288




+ 6,144,0007,077,888




7,077,888x 1642,467,328


+ 70,778,880113,246,208

pixelsbits per pixel


113,246,208 bits14,155,776 bytes

13,824 kilobytes13.5 megabytes



Wouldn't it be great if I could get these 7 MP images automatically scaled to 640x480?

[Kent-Cowgills-Computer ~]$ locate Constrain

/Applications/Adobe ImageReady CS/Samples/Droplets/ImageReady Droplets/Constrain 350, Make JPG 30.exe

/Applications/Adobe ImageReady CS/Samples/Droplets/ImageReady Droplets/Constrain to 200x200 pixels.exe

/Applications/Adobe ImageReady CS/Samples/Droplets/ImageReady Droplets/Constrain to 64X64 pixels.exe

/Applications/Adobe ImageReady CS/Samples/Droplets/Photoshop Droplets/Constrain to 300 pixels.exe

Now for a tutorial on creating contextual menu droplets in...

Adobe ImageReady™

Just kidding.

But that's not Perl.

No Perl ≠ Fun

Perl === Fun

(wait - that's PHP)

Perl == Fun

Use to scale images to 640x480

my $src = Imager->new;$src->read( file => $archive_image, type => 'jpeg' );

my $newimg = $src->scale( xpixels => 640, ypixels => 480, type => 'min', qtype => 'mixing',);

$newimg->write( file => $new_name, type => 'jpeg', jpegquality => 85,);

What about when you rotate the camera?

Value 0th Row 0th Column1 top left side2 top right side3 bottom right side4 bottom left side5 left side top6 right side top7 right side bottom8 left side bottom

Exif Orientation Tag Values


Here is what the letter F would look like if it were displayed by a program that

ignores the orientation tag:

1 2 3 4 888888 888888 88 88 88 88 88 88 8888 8888 8888 8888 88 88 88 8888 88 888888 888888

5 6 7 88888888888 88 88 888888888888 88 88 88 88 88 88 8888 8888888888 8888888888 88

8 8





8 8




8 8888888888 88 88 88




8 8

8 8




8 8888888888 88 88 88

my $src = Imager->new;$src->read( file => $archive_image, type => 'jpeg' );

my $orientation_tag = $src->tags( name => 'exif_orientation' );

my %degrees_for = ( 6 => 90, 8 => -90 );

my $newimg;if( exists $degrees_for{ $orientation_tag } ){ $src = $src->rotate( degrees => $degrees_for{ $orientation_tag } );}

Wouldn't it be great if I could get these scaled

photos automatically to my server?



I've invested all that time with my image stripper for emails.

Plan A:


What's the problem?

1) Wasn't working right.

2) Wasn't Doing What I Mean (DWIM).

3) Wasn't Perl.

Automator ≠ Fun

Plan B:



What's the problem?

1) Tell who what now?

2) Repeat what with which in the where?

3) Dear God why can't I find an example.

4) Wasn't Perl.

AppleScript ≠ Fun

Plan C:


From Perl

Yes! Perl!

Perl == Fun!

use Mac::AppleScript qw(RunAppleScript);...sub send_email { my $scr; my $msg = shift; DEBUG "Attempting to send email"; ($scr = <<" EOS") =~ s/^\s+//gm; set fromAcct to "$FROM_ACCOUNT" set toAcct to "$TO_ACCOUNT" tell application "Mail" repeat with acc in accounts if display name of acc is fromAcct then connect acc repeat with ctc in contacts of acc if display name of ctc is toAcct then send ctc message "$msg" on account acc end if end repeat disconnect acc end if end repeat end tell EOS RunAppleScript($scr) or DEBUG "couldn't run applescript";}

What's the problem?

1) I'm sorry, AppleScriptis just a pain.

2) It's just a hunk of AppleScript crammed

into Perl.

3) So basically,it wasn't Perl.

AppleScript, even when used from within Perl


Are you thinkingwhat I'm thinking?

Too bad I didn'tthink of it earlier.

( I really didn't! =:-o )

Plan D:



opendir my $indir, $picdir or die "Can't open directory - $!";

send_img( $_ ) for grep { ! /^\./ } readdir $indir;

sub send_img { my $image = shift; my $file = "$picdir/$image"; my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => '', To => '', Subject => 'Here is my image', Type => 'multipart/mixed' );

$msg->attach( Type => 'image/jpeg', Encoding => 'base64', Path => $file, Filename => $image, Disposition => 'attachment' );

$msg->send( 'smtp', 'localhost:2025' ); my $new_loc = $file; $new_loc =~ s/send/sent/; rename $file, $new_loc;}

Use your own SMTP server, not the SSH tunnel

on my computer :)

Perl == Fun!


But now there'sa new problem...



The problem:

No image (exif) tags

In the process of creating the scaled image, Imager didn't keep the exif tags.

It's a known limitation.

Some might call it a design decision.

I've invested all that time with my image stripper for emails.

(sound familiar?)

Tony Cook suggests:


use strict;use warnings;use Imager;use Image::ExifTool;

my $src = Imager->new;$src->read( file => $file );

my $exif = new Image::ExifTool;

my $info = $exif->SetNewValuesFromFile( $file );

$exif->SetNewValue( 'orientation' => 1, Type => 'ValueConv');...

$exif->WriteInfo( $new_file );

"So, that's great and all.

But I use flickr."

Need I say more?


So, in review, the process is...

Take the picture

Get the picture to the computer

Reorient and scale

Send it

Through the internet

my $email = Email::MIME->new( $msg_text );

my $stripper = Email::MIME::Attachment::Stripper->new( $email );

my @files = $stripper->attachments;

@files = grep { $_->{content_type} eq 'image/jpeg'} @files;

my $image_data = @files ? $files[0]->{payload} : decode_base64( $email->{parts}[0]->{body} );

Strip it from the email

my $src = Imager->new;

$src->read( file => $archive_image, type => 'jpeg' );

my $tmbimg = $src->copy();

my $thumb = $tmbimg->scale( xpixels => 64, ypixels => 48, type => 'min');

$thumb->write( file => $archive_thumb );

Make a thumbnail

my $curimg = $newimg->scale( xpixels => 320, ypixels => 240, type => 'min',);

my $gryimg = $curimg->convert( preset => 'grey' );$gryimg->write( file => $current_image );

Make a greyscale image

my $dbh = Mysql->connect( 'localhost', 'photoblog', $username, $password,);

my $query = qq{ update captions set caption_text='$caption' where caption_photo='$picture'};

my $sth = $dbh->query( $query );

Add a caption

Add tags

my $tags = param( 'tags' );my @tags = split( /(?:\s+|,)/, $tags );

for my $tag( @tags ){ my $ins = qq{ insert into tags( tag_photo, tag_name ) values( '$picture', '$tag' )";}; $sth = $dbh->query( $ins );}

Fetch the tags

Display the thumbnails

Show the picture

And that's it.

Thank you.

Any questions?

References•Chuck Norris' Action Jeans:

•AJAX on Wikipedia:


•Great "visual" jquery documentation:

•Exif Orientation information:

•My photo gallery:

•My Flickr page: