Simple Life As an Entrepreneur

Post on 26-Aug-2014

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If you were to visualize a productive life, it would look something like this. BEING UBER-PRODUCTIVE The new entrepreneurs are expected to be fast. Fast to learn, fast to do, fast to decide. After all, entrepreneurs succeed when they do things faster and better than a large corporation. That means being uber-productive. This year I experimented with uber-productivity. I made a new year resolutions a year ago. Not so naive about my self-discipline any more, I did not kid myself that I would just do it. I had to “pre-do” to make sure that I actually do it. Let me explain. "PRE-DOING" YOUR GOALS When I set a big goal, like change my life, or be more productive, I normally failed. Predictably so. Until I started using a tool, well familiar in the startup world. You can call it beta testing. Or just “pre-doing.” When a startup company launches, they are usually so far from achieving their goal that they have to launch before they are ready. Otherwise they would never launch. Their money would run out, the team’s enthusiasm would drain and the investors would lose interest. That’s why a startup launches a beta, something that looks like their product and almost works, but not quite. Same idea goes for some Kickstarter projects - they pre-sell something that is not quite done yet. So “pre-doing” works for companies with small resources and a lot of enthusiasm. Why couldn’t it work for people with little patience and a lot of optimism about life around New Year? That was me last year. So I wanted to “pre-do” my goal of being uber-productive. PRODUCTIVITY TEST IN VILLAGE, THEN IN CITY I started by doing what I do best - visualize what I will do. I visualized a productive live for me in a series of infographics (see above). That was the pre-doing part. Then I followed the graphics like a mind map. I went to an Indian village (Indian, not Native American) with limited internet access, put the graphics on my walls and followed them like a map. I worked. And did nothing else. It worked. So I “pre-did” my goal for 3 months. But village life made it easy to be productive - other than snakes and lizards there weren’t many distractions. So the experiment had to continue in a more mind-grabbing place. A metropolis. There I went for another 7 months. As life distractions piled on, I had to make additional graphics to stay focused. But after life again was minimized to its bare and beautiful necessities, the last 3 months I spent like this. And as I write this, I can say that I have “pre-done” my last New Year resolution, so next year looks promisingly productive. We Really Have About 9 Years Is it worth it to go through this just to be productive? After I deducted everything that one has to do in life, like sleeping, commuting, working and eating - I put a number on the time we all have left of our lives to do what we want. 9 years. Even still in my twenties, I am in a hurry to make those 9 years count.

Transcript of Simple Life As an Entrepreneur

SIMPLE LIFEhow to have a

as an entrepreneur

say no,when youmean it

consume less

purge yourbelongings

sever unhealthyrelationships

turn offthe phone

walk more

run slowly,and you will get there faster

by Anna Vital

wear minimalistclothes move closer

to where you want to be

have an alter-ego(to deal with complicated things)

let go ofperfectionism

let go of thepast

turn off thephone

sleep in totaldarknessmelatonine, the sleephormone, is producedin the dark

drink water beforegoing to bed

choose a blanketthat keeps you warmbest sleep is between 62-70 F (16-21C)

put the alarmacross the room

by Anna Vital

plan an excitingbreakfastto look forward to it

read a book (not online)

you can’t browseaway from it

it is relaxing and rejuvenating

schedule yourmost importantplans for the morning so you are excited to get up and do it

(you know why)

can’t hit the snooze button


Tony Robbins,


how you

will make

your day.”

David Karp,

“Don't check

your email

and do

real work.”

Steve Jobs:

“Every morning

I asked myself:

'If today were

the last day of

my life, would I

wwant to do what

I am about

to do today?”



Funders and Founders



“ I do it

just to

clear my

head and

rrelieve me

of stress.”

first thing successful people do in the morning

Mark Twain,


the hardest

problem on

your plate.”


the frog”

visualize talk tocustomers





real work,

no emailwork


by Anna Vital

douse atimerif you can’thack it in15 minutes,you can’t doit at all

listen to music

background music helps finish tasks fasterdon’t

questionanything you doin the first 15 minutes

don’t stopif you get stuckfor more than 30 seconds,

move on

(let it be bad)

make 1st draft

in 15minutes

have a one track mindan average person has

70,000 thoughs per daywhich is 49 per min

write short140-character emails

otherwise you don’t know what you are saying

. increasing light levels

from 300 lux to 2000 lux improves productivity by 8%

(most offices work at 300-500 lux)

10000 lux is full daylight(not di(not direct sun)

keep yourdesk clear

it will clear your mind




relax your jaw, your mouth may talk on its own - body intelligence

if the otherside is silent,

let the silence be, don’t feel like

you have to fill in follow the least effort principle

by Anna Vital

repeat something

several times while you are


visualize your knee jerk, now produce a “mind jerk”

listen to your gut, it thinks faster than your brain

say, “Yes, and...” - first principle of improv comedy

work with the 1st thought

that comes to mind - it isthere for a reason

Funders and Founders by Anna Vital

tea for hydration

lightfor productivity

drawersto hidinggadgets

headphonesfor noise cancellation

bedfor resting

bookfor reading before bed

alarmfor keepingtrack of reality

dressto feel official

chairto think in

mirrorto remind self who one is

blackout curtainsto sleep well