Simple Face Products - St. Ives Apricot Facial Scrub

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Simple Face Products - St. Ives Apricot Facial Scrub

Simple Face

Products St. Ives Apricot Facial Scrub

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I discovered the St. Ives brand when a friend gave me some shampoo and

conditioner. I really liked the products so when one day I saw that there was a

sale on St. Ives Apricot Facial Scrub at the mall, I decided to try it out. Now, I

am very picky when it comes to facial products as I already have problematic

skin. After my first use, I was convinced that it really worked when it comes to

cleaning the skin.

One whole day out in the city is enough to make your face feel really gritty and

oily. While you are using the Apricot Facial Scrub, you can actually feel the

beads scrubbing the dirt and grit away. You have to rinse it very thoroughly as

the beads sometimes do not wash away completely. Make sure you get your

nose – it is very irritating to find that you have leftover beads after you have

dried your face. Right after you use the facial scrub, you will definitely feel

much fresher and cleaner.

It is good for scrubbing away dead skin cells as well. There are times when you

just feel like there is a layer of rough skin on your face. Use the Apricot Facial

Scrub and more likely than not, you will get rid of the rough layer.

Another thing I like about St. Ives is that their products are composed of mostly

organic ingredients. The Apricot Scrub is no different. With natural ingredients,

you are less likely to develop an allergic reaction to the facial scrub. Another

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thing is that if you are concerned about animal rights, you will appreciate the

fact that St. Ives does not test its products on animals.

This facial scrub does not help a lot when it comes to removing pre-existing

breakouts. It does seem to prevent major cases of acne but when you already

have acne when you start using it, I do not think that the Apricot Facial Scrub

has much effect on making it go away.

If you have a serious recurrent acne problem, you should not rely on the

Apricot Scrub as a solution. You should still see a dermatologist who can

prescribe treatment. However, for people who have a normally clear

complexion, then you should think about using the Apricot Scrub, especially if

your skin is exposed to a lot of dirt and pollution throughout the day.

I hope this information will be helpful for you,

Yours Sincerely,

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