Simona Marche - Interazione ed arti digitali BIP 2010

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Simona Marche - Interazione ed arti digitali BIP 2010

Interaction and digital arts:

BIP 2010(Build Interactive Playground)

Oltre 30 applications da tutto il mondo

Promosso da Fawi, WERK, In.Fact

In collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione dell'Università

degli Studi di Siena

I° classified: Interactive Game

By Anis Saraci

Interactive Game

It´s an interactive game that works with the movement of the arms of the person

Interactive Game

The game it´s structured in a cube, with the movement in 3D.

Interactive Game

II° classified: Mosh Pit Amp

by Mosh Pit

Mosh Pit Amp

The Mosh Pit Amp is an automata that converts head-banging movements into metal music. 

Mosh Pit Amp Through style and

intensity of your head banging, you are the conductor of a virtual metal band consisting of four instruments: vocals, bass, drums and guitar.

Mosh Pit Amp

III° classified Seed of Digitalism

by Interactive Freedom

Seed of digitalism

The installation will consist of a vessel in which seeds are added and grow as a plant.

Seeds of Digitalism Plant growth will

be influenced by the typical elements that influence the growth of real plants: water and sunlight.

Seeds of Digitalism

IV° classified: La Medusa Parlante

by Plastique Fantastique

La medusa parlante

The jellyfish is a pneumatic speaker made of plastic and supported by high internal pressure through the constant release of air.

La Medusa Parlante

On the surface, special sound pads make sound relatives at human movement

La Medusa Parlante


Digital Puppetry by Tine Papendick

Augmented reality made by using post it in recognizing colours

RiSing by IN.Fact

Physicl Computing made by anemometer: games of light using

human movements