Simatography monthly nov14

Post on 06-Apr-2016

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Our new format - a monthly magazine to provide tips and inspiration for your creative projects and to showcase our talented community creators.

Transcript of Simatography monthly nov14

  • Come and join us

    Machinima Tips


    And more

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    The next season will begin inDecember 2014

  • Letter from the editorI am excited to launch this first issue of what wehope will be a monthly release. The Simscommunity moves so quickly with new photos andmachinima and stories being shared on our sitesevery day. We want to expand our issues toinclude more member talent showcases, and up todate information on helpful tips and tutorials foryour projects. I hope you enjoy this first issue ofour new project.

    We really want to focus more on giving you achance to be involved, so look inside for manydifferent opportunities to create, showcase oradvertise your stuff so we hope you will join us.

    Front cover image by Demeter - from the Darkside Challenge


    ha H




    Assistant Editorsfor this issue

    Major contributors this issue

    Gus Rockman, The Elonian Cass,TenderWolf, PibSims, Demeter


  • Each of our Simatography magazines will have a theme.We chose at the movies for this issue because we werelooking back at the years we had with The Sims 3 andrealized that the possibilities have become endless. With TheSims 3 and The Sims 2 you can create pretty much any f ilmgenre so this excited us. As f ilm makers and story tellersthere is nothing holding us back from creating to the extentof our imaginations.

    With the Sims 4 we have some limitations right now, sure,but remember that it was exactly the same when The sims 2or 3 f irst arrived. We took time here to show the potential ofthis new game platform.


  • Photo by Demeter

    We hope you will f ind our various f ilm themed photosand articles inspiring.

    We also really hope that you will consider joining us eachmonth in our theme challenges. You can submit anythingyou create - machinima, advertisements, custom content,stories, photos etc.

    Check for more information towards the back of this issueand you will discover that our theme for November throughDecember, to publish in our next issue, will be

    Winter Traditions

  • By Demeter

  • AT THE MOVIESWith Rick Shawn

    By Pibsims

    This is Sim Movie Review and I'm your host, Rick Shawn.

    Tonight I have three actors who have just f inished filmingwhat should be this year's holiday blockbuster, The WellBeyond Time. I'd like to welcome Marta Tomasi, JackHarkness and Sam Grant to the studio.

  • I would like tosay for all three of usthat it's a great pleasureto be here.

    Not a problem.Now, this movie is set in?

    We filmed mostof it in Egypt.

    My character is

    Professor Rhonda Masket, and my speciality is ancientlanguages including Egyptian hieroglyphs. The storystarts with me f inding a parchment of ancienthieroglyphs tucked in the back of an old book that Ijust purchased.

  • That seems convenient.

    Well get back to that. I manage tointerpret the parchment and learn that there is a hiddentreasure within the Sphinx. So Im determined to f ind thetreasure and retrieve it to put on display in a museumsomewhere. I travel to Egypt and set up in the maintourist camp area.

    Now what Rhonda doesnt know is that mycharacter, Gabriel Spinner, hide that parchment in abook that he knows she has been wanting to buy. Hedoes this because he cant f ind anyone else who couldread it. [Evil chuckle] Spinner is not about to donate thetreasure to a museum, he wants that treasure for his own.

    So, Sam, you are playing the villain again?

  • Yes, that's right.

    This is the third movie where you are playing thevillain. Arent you tired of it yet?

    Actually, its the fourth time Ive been the baddy.But its better to be a villain than to be unemployed.

    Its that laugh of yours, Sam. Sends chills downmy spine even when I know youre not in character.

    I must say is that its a good thing black suits me.Every director seems determined to make the villainwear black.

    What else should a villain wear?

    Canary yellow? Shocking pink? [laughs] I don'tknow, but when you see someone dressed in black youshould run the other direction.

    Well, if Marta is our hero and Sam is the villain, thatmust make Jack the love interest.

    Sort of. My character is Jonathan Hawk. He doesbecome the love interest becausewell, heres the clip.

  • But it doesnt take long for my character to startfalling for her wit, charm and determination.

    It helps that I can read some of the warning signsleft in the Sphinx. After Ive saved his hide a few times,he is a little more reluctant to be a spy.

    My understanding is the on screen romance isntthe only one.

    Thats true. Jack and I started dating part waythrough the f ilming.

    : Theyve been appalling.During the love scenes, thedirector would yell cut and theywould just keep smooching.Plus we had to announceourselves whenever we went

  • around a corner, just in case they happened to be there.

    Not a fan of true love, Sam?

    True love is f ineas long as you dontforce everyone elseto put up with it.Coming around acorner to f ind the twoof them slobberingon each other wasgetting old.

    Sam, you arejust an old grouch.No wonder you always

    play the villain.

    So, are there wedding bells in the near future foryou, Marta? Jack?

    We haven't made any plans yet.

    But we haven't ruled marriage out either. We bothneed a bit of time away from the set and the paparazzibefore we can decide.

    All right then. One last question for you. I've heard

  • that this movie was cursed. Is that true?

    Well, we did have an unusual number ofequipment breakdowns. Almost every day, somethingdidn't work right. Cameras, lights, vehicles and even ourphones would just stop working for awhile, and thenstart working again for no particular reason.

    At least you were out of the worst part, Sam. Whileyou were stalking around outside muttering your plans,things down in the bowels of the set were dangerous.Sometimes the rigs we had set up for traps in the Sphinxwould go off when they weren't supposed to. One ofthe stunt people had to be hospitalized after gettingsecond degree burns from a fire trap.

  • Was that the worst injury? I'd heard that there weremultiple deaths.

    Thankfully, no one died. The burns were the worstinjury anyone suffered on set. But the equipment failuresmade every day a pain in the backside. We had to doa lot more takes than usual and you had to worrywhenever you went near any of the rigs.

    But we are sure that the movie will be fun andexciting to watch.

    Well, what we've seen of the movie looks fantastic.I would recommend that everyone go to see it in the3D version while they can. I'm sure I'll see you all againwhen the sequel comes out. Thank you, Marta, Jackand Sam for coming.

    Thank you, Rick. I've had a great time and I'msure everyone will love the movie.

    Special thanks to our audience. Next week, I'll bereviewing The Fantastic Sims. Be sure to watch.

  • strives to be a truly international festival, but the truth is thatwe at Simatography are almost all english speaking and our site is anenglish language site. We do accept all nationality of film makers, butwe cannot always provide the support that we would like, simply becausewe cannot always translate all of the important information.

    The great staff at All About Sims proposed a sort of partnership orfriendship that helps us connect their German speaking community withthe English language SIFF. A big Thanks goes to King Leo, Moni Bee andour very own long-standing SIFF patron Titus Linde for helping to keepthis connection alive.

    If you are a german player, be sure to check out All About Sims. If youknow german language machinima makers they can use all about Simsstaff as a resource to help them if they need anything explained beforeentering SIFF. We look forward to seeing more international machinimamakers at our festivals.

    Join our partner page Filme mit Sims and share yourlatest machinima with us

    www.allaboutsims.netIf you have an international Sims fansite with an active machinima community, contact us at to talk about how we can partner together to help your machinima makers films morerecognition in the English language community.

  • Machinima SeriesUpdate

    With Tabby Lloyd

    The Sims 4 is the new kid on the block,but the Sims 2 and 3 machinima makers arestill giving us a run for our money.

    Our goal is to showcase many more Sims Series wi th eachmonthly magazine. If you have a Sims Series and you release a

    new episode then be sure to share i t with us through YouTube orTwitter (by tagging @simatography)

    If you were a fan of Cleverboxs series Alone,then dont miss the new production of it coming

    soon in The Sims 4. Watch the trailer here

    Alone - the trailer on The Sims Central

    The Hollow Tower by The Elonian Cass

    This series premiered not long ago at SIFF and blew both thejudges and the fans away. I am excited to see that it is still

    going strong with a 3rd episode recently released.

    Watch the series HERE on YouTube

    I have been a bit behind on my viewing, I am sad to admit, somy planned article isnt as full as I hoped, but here are a few onmy personal weekend watch list. I promise to have more next issue.

    Daryl - The Walking Dead - by JellysimwichAn interesting concept - a graphic novel style format

    shown as a machinima. Check it out if you are a WalkingDead fan like me.

    See all episodes HERE on YouTube

  • Read it on ISSUU

  • Dark side Challenge 2014Regrettably we were not able to run a broadly

    advertised or wide-spread challenge this season, butwe didnt want to just miss it completely. Each year weinvite the community to join in on our little celebrationof Halloween with a little spooky fun. Turn the page tosee what our contributors have in store to scare and

    delight you this year.Banner by Jorgha Haq

  • Fair




    - b

    y D







  • MJSimKat - Pumpkin Patch Horror

    ameangelofsin - Do You Believe in Demons?

  • Cat


    ty -

    In C




  • Watch this high-energy Sims 2 and 3MEP compiled by SagaWorld Productionsand an awesome group of movie makers

    Watch Get JINXED


    A creepy little short inspired byThe Walking Dead byApocalyptic Dog Films

    (warning - not suitable for all viewers)


    By Demeter

  • By Morathami

    Tali Morgan has always beena master of the creepy whenit comes to machinima and shecame through again for us

    this round.

    (Not suitable for all viewers)

    Watch Little Girl HERE

    Another horror short to scare youDo You Believe in Demons

    by ameangelofsin

    (Not suitable for all viewers)

    Watch it


  • By





  • By Jorgha Haq

  • Filmore Noir and Shantel Potins

    Presented to you by Demeter, Nanami and CatKetty

    Watch for our duo ofcelebrity watchingmedia spies as theybring us updates on

    the latest news on SimCelebrities, machinima

    makers and morecoming in our next

    issue of simatographymagazine - december


    Read up on past issuesHERE on ISSUU

  • Bollywood - the Hindi film industry versionof Hollywood. Bollywood film style is allabout a vibrant display of colour, danceand drama in some definitions, but infairness the Hindi film industry is well

    established in the world film community,with many celebrated and world renownfilm makers and actors, and some of thegreatest films seen on the international

    film festival circuit.

    Attention to detail in costumedesign can make or break yourmachinima, so if you are everinspired to create a bollywoodstyle film, here is some inspiration.

  • All outfits available in the Sims 3 store or invarious Sims expansion packs such as

    Supernatural and World Adventures

    Download the female model Nadia Azad


  • All outfits available in the Sims 3 store or invarious Sims expansion packs such as

    Supernatural and World Adventures

    Download the female model Nadia Azad


  • We were inspired to create Bollywood costumes,but you may find that they also fit other


  • We were inspired to create Bollywood costumes,but you may find that they also fit other


  • A Sims 2 Machinima Retrospective

    We are two months into the fourth incarnation of The Sims but tenyears ago something phenomenal happened in theworld of The Sims 2 and machinima. A group that callsthemselves Rooster Teeth launched something called TheStrangerhood

    vs. Blue, a civil war story that spoofs not only sci-fi but military life. EpisodeOne aired in 2003 and continues today. 11 years is quite a long run for aTV series. Thats totally amazing for a machinima series and shouldspeak volumes for the unique entertainment that Rooster Teeth produces.

    Who or what is Rooster Teeth?Rooster Teeth is a small independentproduction company out of Austin,Texas that has made a name forthemselves doing machinima, liveaction shorts, animated pieces,podcasts, and Achievement Hunter.or Lets Play style videos. They arereally big on something called theInternet. You may have heard of it.

    Rooster Teeth ventured into theworld of mahcinima with Halo in anongoing voice over series called Red

    By: Jorgha Haq

  • weird, wonderful, mysterious, and nearly deserted suburb known asThe Strangerhood. None of them have any memory of how they got there.

    The Eight Assorted Stereotypes or The Cast:Griggs - The Tough Guy - Griggsclaims to be a champion nerdpuncher with the world high scorein the sport. Its easy to come tothe conclusion that he is a warhero who maybe didnt return

    unscathed. He talks to a garden gnome that he refers to as a stupidleprechaun and subscribes to a number of conspiracy theories.

    Nikki - The active energeticpersonality - it is eventually revealedthat Nikki is Griggs daughter.Griggs has no recollection of hisrelationship with Nikki, or who hermother is. Hes just worried hesgoing to have to pay child support. Nikki is more curious than everyoneelse on the hows and whys of the groups arrival in The

  • Sam - The Straight Man - becauseevery comedy needs a straightman as a foil to everyone else.Sam believes his name is Sam becauseits the name he finds written in hisunderwear. Despite this, the only

    Strangerhood and sets out to find the answer.

    normal one of the bunch and the only one aware of what is going onaround them.

    Wade - The Stoner - Wadeinsists that his name is Durnt,despite a name tag on his shirtthat says differently. He soundslike the stereotypical surferdude/stoner/hippy and comes completewith memories of things that never really happened. At one point in thestory he becomes the unofficial police officer of The Strangerhood.

    Catherine - The Dumb Blonde -She is very superficial andJudges people based solely on theirappearance. This is the main reasonsheclaims to have been married toDutchmiller before their arrival in

    The Strangerhood. Hes the most good looking person there - outside ofherself.

    Dutchmiller - The Preppy - Dutchgets excited over trivial things,such as the mail and is overlycharismatic. Enjoys Japanese cuisineand culture and has a rare

  • neurological disorder that makes him think he can do anything.

    A strange and omnipotent voice talks to them, and helps direct -ormisdirect, as the case may be - their lives. The Omnipotent Voice is,in fact, the reason they are all there. They are all part of an elaboratescheme by future world television executives to come up with new ideas.During the course of the show there is a murder mystery, a realityshow TV task, and a secret affair as their lives take a series ofUnexpected, and sometimes expected, twists and turns.

    The Strangerhood is a satirical spoof on American TV merging areality show with a sitcom. In fact, it was filmed in the same style as asitcom would be, utilizing four standard camera angles. Each of the 17episodes run about 5 minutes each.

    Tovar - The Confused Ethnic MinorityTovar talks with a funny accent,refers to himself in the thirdperson, is absent-minded andclaims that being sexy in his countryis a crime. He also claims to have a

    twin named Tobar. Despite this being the truth, people dont believe him.An accident with the technology that brought everyone to TheStrangerhood divided Tovar into two identical looking people with twovery different personalities. One is pure moron while the other ispure evil.

    Dr. Chalmers - The Elderly,Curmudgeonly Intellectual - Is easilyirritated with everyone and alwaysfinds something to complain about.He often plays chess - against himself.When not playing chess he collects refrigerators obtained throughkleptomania.

  • The BBC gave The Strangerhood a less than favorable review in 2005saying it lacked any character development.The idea of what The Strangerhood was supposed to be may have beenlost on the BBC, as character development wasnt supposed to be as muchas a focus as the stereotypes picked for each character, It was theExaggeration of these stereotypes that made The Strangerhood the satiricalMachinima classic that has cemented itself in Sims pop culture with thousands of loyal fans. It has even garnered its own page on TV Tropes.

    Earlier this year, Rooster Teeth started an Indiegogo campaign to helpfund their first full length live action film, Lazer Team. It wasannounced that a second season of The Strangerhood would be madeif the Indiegogo campaign reached its goal of 2.25 million US dollars.That goal was surpassed and, much to the delight of Strangerhoodfans, it was announced in October, on the 10th anniversary of TheStrangerhoods launch, that a second season is in production.

    If this screen shot of Wade madeIn the Sims 4 found, SeasonTwo will be done in The Sims 4 andwill have at least some of theoriginal characters. At this timeonly four episodes are planned.

    If you have somehow missed out onthe machinima gem that is TheStrangerhood you can watch it herealong with the six episodes ofStrangerhood studios, two minuteshorts created on request for TheIndependent Film Channel..

  • With Minraed Arzhel

    Our guest this month is , who has been wel l known in themachinima community for his outstanding Sims 2 machinima. At this pastseason of SIFF he surprised us with a jump right into The Sims 4, taking awin for fan fave in the Sims 4 machinima category. Lets see what we canlearn from him about filming with the chal lenges of a new Sims platform.

    The release of The Sims 4 was such a huge deal to me as It would be the first timeid be playing the famous simulation series since day 1, and I knew I had to try makingsomething with it.

    The making of Lolita, in a new and cheat-lacking game in a machinima context,like the Sims 4 was an inevitable challenge, but one that granted me the basicknowledge of film making in the game, which Ill be sharing (well, some of it!)

    In the description of the music video uploaded to Youtube, I mentioned countlessproblems with the parameter usage, I cannot tell if those were caused by my lack ofexperience with Sims 3 (where the game may have had some improvements in thisdepartment I am unaware of) but nonetheless, if theres something you should knowof is if youre planning to do some machinima in this present installment, the keywordhere is . There will be plenty of camera-going-nuts moments and just plainnot obeying you for time to time.

    Until we get proper mods andcheats for the game, a huge problemstanding in the way of filming are thesims themselves and their mechanicslike if youre trying to film simsstanding up just casually chatting,they will go over your orders and justgo somewhere else, like sitting on thecouch or just hang out somewhereelse but where you really want themto be. (even with Free Will off theresalways something)

  • Either you decide to be ambitious or just try it out, filming will always have itsperils and right now its too early to judge a newly released game like TS4 by itscurrently filming tools. I do can help you out make this experience feel moreenjoyable though:

    - Get rid of the plumbob by using the cheat menu (ctrl+shft+C), type intestingcheats on, then type in headlineeffects off (this is new from arecent patch, and was not available during the filming of this machinima)

    - While using the preset camera positions try not only pressing its key but keepholding it (e.g. hold the 5 key until the parameter ends) youll notice the endresult will be smoother and will give a much more professional look to yourmachinima.

    - Filming is only a small part of machinima making, theres plenty you can do inthe editing phase, you dont need to push yourself to extremes - adding acoloring, an overlay or even a few fitting transitions can go a long way andreally make up for whatever you think it could be lacking in your machinima.

    Click HERE to visit The Elonian Cass

    This incredibly detailed video byJor'gha HaQ has all the basics

    to get you started on TS4machinima making and then


    Watch it HERE

    No Drift Camera Mod from MTS

    Get it HERE

    Here is another camera mod I wish Ihad during filming for Lolita

    See it HERE on YouTube


  • Peacemaker, Jorgha, and Gus check out the Sims 4 landscape from Umbridge Manor.

    Its been two months since the Sims 4 has come out, and in that two months a lot has alreadychanged. Updates have been made to fix bugs and update cheat commands. Pools and ghosts havebeen added and we know a bit more about making machinima. Many have seen the first versionOf this article when the game was brand new and it took a little more creativity to get what wewanted out of the game machinima wise. Consider this printing Tips, Tricks and Machinima BascisV2.0.

    The first piece of advice that is going to be doled out is to play the game. Just sit down and spenda few days doing nothing but playing to get a feel for the game. While it is a Sim game, andgame play is basically the same it does have a different feel to it. At this early stage we are alsoworking without game mods so it is important to know how the game and your sims behave.While it is difficult to film machinima without mods, its not impossible but you have to knowwhat the game can and can not do. The only way you are going to discover that is to play.

    By: Jorgha Haq

  • The Sims 4 was designed to play on lower end computers so having things running at high should,in theory, should not be an issue for anyone.

    The first thing we need to talk about are the game options. If you dont know where to accessthese, in the upper right hand corner of the screen are three little dots. Click on them and youwill get your normal Sims menu. Click on options.

    If you play in window mode, make sure youRevert to full screen mode to prevent blackBoarders on your videos when it renders toYouTube. There doesnt seem to be muchdifference between full screen and windowedfull screen. It should also be noted here thatLaptop Mode was designed for those who donot own gaming laptops and lowers the renderBlack frame from recording in window mode

    quality. This means putting your game in this mode, despite your graphic settings, will result inlower quality pictures and video. For those of you who are running the game on older non-gaming laptops, check your computer specs against the game requirements before changingthis setting. At the very least you will experience lag and at the worst you could damage yourcomputer.

  • For the best quality video its always best to record at a large capture size as an uncompressedvideo. Depending on your video editing software, some programs will not open a Sims video fileunless it is recorded as uncompressed.

    EA seemed to consider everyone doing Lets Play videos when setting up the video capture. Thisjust means you need to double check your video capture options. Make sure that capture UI isunchecked and that you uncheck or check whatever sounds you want to record. This timearound we are given the option of what we want to record sound wise and what we dontinstead of recording everything or nothing at all. The cool thing about this is that by recordingthe sound effects, most of them will no longer have to be inserted post-production.It also means you have the ambient sounds you would expect. For example, filming outside willnow give you the sounds of crickets, birds, and frogs in the distance.

    You can also see that there is a TS3 camera mode. Spend some time with this. While it doesfunction like the cameras in TS3, its not a perfect recreation. Compare it to the default TS4camera. You may find yourself switching between the two camera functions during filming.

    Best quality photos and videos are always going to be obtained by putting all the graphicssettings at their highest setting and having the screen resolution set to the highest allowedby your computer.

  • types in testingcheats true in the command consoleShift Clicking on Sims: Reset Object Resets Sim Add to Family Add the Sim to the current family Cheat Motive > Make Happy Sets all motives to full and sets Mood to Happy Cheat Motive > Enable Motive Decay Allows motives to change dynamically Cheat Motive > Disable Motive Decay Allows motives to remain static Shift Clicking on Objects Reset Object Rests Object Shift Clicking Dirty-able Objects Make Dirty Makes object dirty Shift Clicking on Dirty Objects Make Clean makes object clean Shift Clicking Mailbox: Reset Object resets Mailbox Shift Clicking the Ground: Teleport Me Here Teleports selected Sim as close to the clicked

    spot as possible Shift Clicking Sims:Modify in CAS Allows editing of everything but name change and

    inherited traits

    The following cheats are NOT official but it is reported that they work. USE WITH CAUTION!

    Sims.remove_all_buffsRemoves all moodlets/emotionsSims.add_buff [buff, low/high]Adds a particular buff to the sim (spelling is very important)

    sims.add_buff confidenthigh ORsims.add_buff e_buff_confident (This enables the cowplant essence effect, powerful andlonger lasting)

    Energized: EnergizedLow or EnergizedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Flirty: FlirtyLow or FlirtyHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Inspired: InspiredLow or InspiredHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Focused: FocusedLow or FocusedHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Playful: PlayfulLow or PlayfulHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Sad: SadLow or SadHigh (do not stack, high gives +2) Angry: Social_Angry, e_Buff_Angry, feelingangry, unfaithful (these all stack) Happy: Social_Happy or e_Buff_Happy (these two stack)

  • Embarrassed: e_buff_embarrassed, peedself (these two stack)Uncomfortable: e_buff_uncomfortable

    Skilltypes are in two varieties. AdultMajor and Skill. Leaving the Adult off should still allow thecommand to execute.

    Stats.set_skill_level 1-10 Adjusts a sims skill level

    Major_Fishing Major_RocketScienceMajor_Mischief Major_PaintingMajor_Guitar Major_PianoMajor_Reaping? Major_PianoMajor_Programming Major_LogicMajor_Gardening Major_HandinessMajor_GourmetCooking Major_HomestyleCookingMajor_Comedy Major_BartendingMajor_Charisma Skill_Child_SocialMajor_Writing Skill_Child_MotorMajor_VideoGaming Skill_Child_CreativityMajor_Violin Skill_FitnessSkill_ Child_Mental

    EXAMPLES: stats.set_skill_level AdultMajor_Programming 10 or stats.set_skill_levelMajor_Programming 10

    Modifyrelationship YourSim(first name) YourSim(last name) TargetSim(first name) TargetSim(last name) (-)50 Track_type Modifies relationship between two sims

    Types of relationships (friends and romance): Friendship_Main and Romance_MainExamples: Modifyrelationship Beatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado -50 Friendship_Main[For negative friendship] and ModifyrelationshipBeatrix Monroe Alexia Mercado 50 Romance_Main[For positive romance]

    To make your video files bigger, you'll need to adjust a small detail in The Sims 4's Game Files

  • .It is almost impossible to make machinima in any Sims game without cheats or knowingkeyboard commands. Here is a list of most of the commands you will need to know to getstarted making machinima in The Sims 4. (List was compiled from various Internet sources)

    Switch to next Sim in Household: (Space or N) Switch to Specific Sim: (Click Sim portrait) Lock Camera to Sim: (Right-Click Sim portrait) Center Camera on active Sim: (Enter) Camera mode: Tab Pause Game: (P or 0 or ) NOTE: Once you enter camera the P button no longer works.

    You will have to use the 0 (zero) key to pause and unpause the game. Regular/Fast/Ultra Speed: (1/2/3) Move left/right: (Arrow Left/Right or A/D) Move forward/back: (Arrow UP/Down or W/S) Move Faster: (Hold Shift + Camera Movt) Zoom in/out: (Z/X or +/-) While in camera mode Ctrl + 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 will set the camera position just as it does in TS3

    Help Lists all available commands into the command console. bb.showhiddenobjects - TS4 version of buydebug resetSim {FirstName} {LastName} Resets the Sim. fullscreen toggles full screen on or off. headlineeffects{on/off} Hides all headline effects. THIS HAS BEEN FIXED TO REMOVE PLUMBOBS Death.toggle Disables Death so that Sims dont die. FreeRealEstate {on/off} Can be entered at neighborhood/world. If on, all homes are free.motherlode Provides 50,000 Simoleons kaching Provides 1000 Simoleons rosebud Provides 1000 Simoleons Pressing Shift + ] Increases the size of objects testingcheats {true/false} Enables use of further cheats Entering testingcheats true, then entering cas.fulleditmode allows all CAS abilities. Interaction Cheats are available by Shift + Clicking on objects and Sims once the player

    For a full list of cheats visit the Simatography Forum

  • To edit your video size, open the folder where you install your Origin Games and then go toThe Sims 4 > Game > Bin > res. In the "res" folder, you'll have to open a configurationsetting file called "VideoRecording".

    To make a video larger, simply rename the "Large =" section from 1024 to any biggerresolution you want.

    MAKING MACHINIMANow that all that is out of the way we can talk about actually filming in the game. Without allcheats and mods that we are used to in The Sims 3, filming in The Sims 4 is going to be atime consuming process that is going to take a bit more patience. Its really a throwback tofilming in The Sims 2 in a lot of ways. If youve never made machinima in The Sims 2, yourein for a ride.

    One of the little details about The Sims 4 that lends itself to picture taking and video filminghappens once you enter camera mode. Thought bubbles and skill bars magically vanish. Theywill not show up in your pictures and neither will your plumbobs, now that the hideheadlinescheat command has been updated..

    One of the first things youAre going to want to do isTurn off free will It will saveyour sanity. It took me agood five minutes to get thestaff to stop playing musicalchairs long enough to get thisPicture. There are two waysto Tell your sims to sit. Thereis thesit function and then,if you are working with agroup of sims, there is sit

    together: Keep this in mind. Its the difference between sims sitting on opposite sides of theroom or actually sitting together. Sit, when used ndividually with a group of sims chatting, theywill play musical chairs and sit in nearly every available chair present until they find one that isjust comfy enough on their pixilated butts. For anyone wondering, they are having a veryIntense conversation about cupcakes. Ryan takes his cupcakes very seriously.

    One of the most aggravating things to get used to is the lack of the moveobjects on cheat.

  • getting a sim where you want them is a lot of telling them to go here until they are positionedJust right.

    Ryan has wandered off to set Sims on fire, because hes like that. However, he is still needed..The Great Cupcake Debate had not yet come to an end.

    One of the things that EA browbeat us with in all the promo stuff was multi-tasking. This isgoing to be an awesome thing in the world of filming machinima. Everything is now going tobe more fluid. A few go here commands to get Gus and Jorgha positioned just so and theycan continue their debate about the best sort of cupcake with Ryan while he continues tokill his sims..

  • Now is a good time to bring up lighting since this picture is on the dark side.This is a function of each light in the game having its own unique brightness dimmer. Nonumber of lights in a room seem to fix this. There is a lighting mod tohelp fix this over at ModtheSims. Shift clicking on any lamp will bring up this menu where youcan adjust the brightness and colour. This mod does come with a caveat. Some people find itway to bright.

    You have the option to change just one light or all of them. This slider functions both with andwithout the lighting mod.. This has to be done in live mode.

    The dark indoor lighting has been a big complaint and one that EA said that they would address.In one of the last updates we were given the wonderful invisible lights that we came to lovefor picture taking and filming machinima in The Sims 3. They come in both ceiling and wallVariety and in nearly all the same sizes and shapes that we have in TS3.

    The only problem is, this isnt The Sims 3 where just one ambient light can make a world ofdifference.

  • but 25 of them will. Because 25 invisible lightsLooks much better than using 25 ceiling lights. Goodthing these things are free since so many of themare needed. A note should be made that the lightscan not be put flush against the walls now.

    The lights can be found in misc. lighting while usingthe command They can also be found along with a lot of other neatthings when using the debug sort.

    Things found using bb.showhiddenobjectsInvisible LightsFrog Hideouts

    Dig SitesFood Objects

    Babies(proving that they

    are indeed an object)Mixology Bottles & Ice Cubes

    ToothbrushesAir Horn

    PondsPepper Spray

    Stun GunCell PhonesMicroscope SlidesCraft Table ToolsCraft Table SculpturesPaint BrushSheet MusicCollectablesAbandoned MinePlungerFishing SignTons of Other Stuff

    To bad we dont have mods to be able to use these items to their fullest for pictures andmachinima but they can be used as clutter, becase there is never enough clutter

  • Now, this is where things are going to get tedious filming, and this is why you really need tospend some time playing to get used to interactions and what is what. You are going to haveto actually play to get sims to do what you want. Without animation codes to type into theanimation player you are going to have to play and get two sims relationships up, or low,enough to be able to get them to do what you want. Some of those things are going to berelated to emotional states as well, as some interactions are only available if a sim is feeling acertain way. This means if you need romantic interactions, there is no faking it withanimation codes.

    While it is awesome that when sims going out into their world, the lots arent empty, it doeshave a drawback. You cant really stop a sim from engaging in a group conversation. This hasalso been brought up to the Gurus and put on the To Do List to look at. A group conversationwill always override a one on one conversation. Keep this in mind when staging things whereYou want sims in the shot in the background but not interacting with your active sims.

    Here the staff members have been sent to the park, along with Mr. Luchador, the designatedkeeper of the Plumbob. Hes off hunting down food. This scene didnt go as planned. I wantedanother staff member playing chess with Ryan but the guy in the red hat forced his way inthere. Forget using cheats to control NPCs. Its not going to happen so plan accordingly.

    There was no way possible to have just the staff chat with each other in this situationand it turned into one huge group chat with everyone talking at once. The next thing I know, ina case of The Sims imitating life, Jorgha gets mad (I had to check the moodlets, it hadsomething do with Cassandra) and runs off to kick something. Its the park and the only

  • kickable things around are trash cans.

    I thought that a picture of the trash can kicking was taken but its missing. This is going to bea problem while filming because many times you are only going to have one chance to get atake. Angry at the park means trash can kicking. Once the trash can is kicked, the angerabates. This means that in some cases you are only going to get one chance to film somethingbecause it may be difficult to restage.

    This was all done autonomously. I did notice that the game has its own idea on routing and sheran to the other side of the park, passing up three cans on the way, to kick the one farthestaway.

    Recreating the event using cheat codes and turningoff free will I was able to direct herto the can I wanted kicked. It needs to bementioned here that if you use cheat codesto achieve a certain emotional state, youneed to use cheat codes to turn it off.

    A note on free will. In the game options you havethe option to turn off free (its located undergameplay) will for your entire activefamily or just the sim you are controlling. The freewill option only affects your active sims. NPCs on thelot will continue to go about their business in thebackground

    Some things will just have to be faked as best as possible. Say you need a sim talking to the camera You.will have engage her or him in talking to another sim on the lot. Not being able to use move objects meansgetting creative with camera angles to cut the second sim out of the shot.

    Hopefully this guide will get you started on making machinima in The Sims 4. Even with the limitedresources we have available at the moment, a little time and patience will go a long way to making some-Thing totally amazing.

  • Empty Version of Neighborhoods: New Social Event - Destination Party: Decorative Vehicles: Sims: Debug Cheats: Emotion Changes: Objects On:

    SPECIAL NOTE: The gallery will remove all objects that are placedusing this cheat and it DOES NOT work on Sims.

    Mods and Cool Things You May Want

    No Mosaic - Changer - Blur in the Distance - Intro - Super Speed - automatic Fatness / Muscles - Fade Objects - House Mod: Overcharge: Disabled:

  • Photography

    By Minraed Arzhel

    I can already feel myself wanting to write paragraph afterparagraph of tips and information, but we cant cover it all at onceand who really wants to READ about photography when we can lookat pictures. So I hope that these simple tips and photos will help youget started in overcoming the challenges of starting your photographyskills in the new game platform. Yes, we have limitations, for now, butit is not impossible to get some great shots. Heres what I discovered.

  • - follow your sims around and see what they do. Letthem repeat the actions in different locations until you get thescene you like best.

    - Once you have your sim in position, go back to buildmode and change up the lighting around the area to see if youcan improve the look and feel of the shot.

    - avoid takingfull-screen shotsof a scene if it isntall worth capturing.

    Look for what isreally interesting

    and get your cameraright in there to capture thescene and action in the mostinteresting way. Move yourcamera around until you getthat money shot.

  • Have your sim use an object to findinteresting animations and poses.Then, move in close and that objectwill fade away, leaving you with thesim clearly visible and ready tophotograph.

    Move that camera around;get creative with cameraangles.

    Cropping - Sometimes you just have to know when to crop out thestuff that takes away from the photo.

    - Assess the scene. This is too busy, with too manydistractions, but this is where your sim is so you have to workwith it.

  • - Move some things around, decide what you want toshow in the photo. For this shot I want to show my sim in actionas an artist. Notice the lights added to the floor as well forbetter lighting when she is in position.

    - Get your sim approximately in position and reassess thesurroundings. Move things around a bit more if needed.

  • Using pause/unpause (~ key or pause button in game) let theaction play out frame by frame. Look for the perfect bit of theanimation for a great photo. Many of the game animations arehilarious, many are fantastic for photos. The following serieswas taken in stages as the animation played out.

  • - After a fewminutes I found agreat shot thatreally shows off herartistic personality.Here is the moneyshot.

    - Our artist takes herart seriously and I wanted toportray this in the photo andI think it worked out well.Pose player will come alongsoon, we can be sure of that,but dont underestimate theawesomeness of the gameanimations. Play with yoursims, see what you candiscover, and make somegreat stories.

  • Meanwhile, back at headquarters We are always trying to keep things fresh, interesting andchallenging over at our home site so there is always something goingon between SIFF cycles to keep our creative juices flowing. If youhavent been by in a while, or if you have never been there at all,be sure to check us out. Here are a few things you will find

    Coming SOONa new photography club - watch for details in the December mag

    ADVERTISE YOURSELFclick HERE to find out how you can advertise in our magazines



    Visit us at today

  • The Sims International Film Festival and the Battle of the Bandswill be here before you know it. In fact, sign ups for the Battleof the Bands start 15 Dec 2015. We cant wait to see to see whoturns out this season. There have been some changes made andput in place for this season. There will now be mandatory photo

    Prompts to encourage consistent participation to counteract the steep decline in submissions as we reach the voting stage. We also want to enforce that the Battle of the Bands is not a popularity contest; it is about creativity through photography. Check out the rules document if you are planning on joining.

  • Join our monthly themeSomething for everyone

    Advertisements - Machinima - Photography

    Story Telling - Custom Content - Poses - Animationsor anything you can think of that fits the theme

    (Flip the page for some examples)

    Contributions will be showcased in our nextmagazine in December

    Find the details HERE

  • Story Telling - Custom Content - Poses - Animations

    (Flip the page for some examples)

    Contributions will be showcased in our next

    Exclusive giveawayEnter this months theme for a chance to

    win the Island Paradise EP

    We have one copy of Island Paradise togiveaway to one lucky participant in

    this months challenge.

    When you submit your contribution tothe theme, just let us know if you want

    to be added to the draw.

    Give your sims the gift of a summerparadise vacation to escape the winter


  • Snow play by Jorgha Haq

    If you dont have snow in Winter where you are, then dont worry.It doesnt have to be a snow scene.

  • A greeting and a romantic winter scene by Demeter

    Let your imagination run wild with this theme.

  • We have not given up on the 100 theme chal lenge, andeven though things have slowed down, i t is stil l open andpeople are stil l adding their photos to the col lection. Hereare some of the most recent addi tions. Why not join in?We welcome al l versions of The Sims so we would love tosee Sims 2 and Sims 4 in the mix.


    5 S






  • Click HERE to join in


    9 M


    c b

    y C



  • # 94The Visitor

  • The most common theme used in the past little while and what a greatvariety on the theme.

    Clockwise from top left

    Ninisims, ZoeyZuko, Jorgha Haq, Titus Linde

  • #12 Fire Top by InfiniteSaxa Below by Jorgha Haq

  • #13 Water Above by InfiniteSaxa and Below by Jorgha Haq

  • Above #4 Dance by Green Girly

    Below #21 Pets by Titus Linde

  • Above #22 On the Job by Goldysch

    Below #34 LOL by ZoeyZuko

  • Above #28 Goodbye by Titus Linde

    Below # 24 Home by Petalbot

  • Above #7 Friendship by ZoeyZuko

    Below # 19 Music by Goldysch

  • #1 Flowers by Green Girly

  • #23 OopsAbove by Petalbot Below by Goldysch

  • #23 Oops

  • Read it HERE on issuu

  • Updated SIFF rules booklet wil l be available soon. Watchfor i t on our channels, or in the nex t Simatographymagazine in December. Minor changes were made to someof the details, but the basics are stil l the same so you candefini tely start planning your project.

    NEW for SIFF Next Season

    Voice actors will be able to submit their SIFF voiceacting parts for best voice actor.

    Sims 4 machinima will be joining in on the mix.

    Machinima masters will be separated out into full-length and short-length categories.

    Machinima series will be separated into establishedseries and new starting series

    Watch for all of the details coming soon!
