Silver linings opening sequence

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Silver linings opening sequence

Silver Linings- opening sequenceThe opening sequence to this film begins with the non-diegetic soundtrack of eerie classical music in the background, the music increases in noise as the animation of the TWC symbol appears on the screen. The eerie non-diegetic music along with the black colour of the background, which connotes mystery, represent to the teenage target audience that their will be a dis-equilibrium in the narrative (Todorov’s equilibrium). This will create an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code). They will therefore be attracted to watch the film as it will offer them escapism (uses and gratification theory).

The distributing company is shown at the bottom on the screen, this is to inform (uses and gratification theory) the teenage target audience who they are (The Weinstein Company). A teenage target audience may be attracted to watch this film, as they may have enjoyed previous films distributed by this company and will therefore believe this film will offer them entertainment (uses and gratification theory).

The non-diegetic classical eerie music fades out slowly along with the animation to add to the sense of enigma (Barthes enigma code) the teenage target audience feel, giving them more time to wonder what ominous thing will occur in the narrative. The non-diegetic eerie music is replaced by the voice over of the protagonist. The titles represent that the narrative will be based in a Psychiatric Facility, this automatically gives the teenage target audience the information (uses and gratification theory) that there will be a dis-equilibrium early on in the narrative. A teenage target audience may be attracted to watch this film as it offers them escapism (uses and gratification theory).

Binary oppositions can be identified here as the black colour connotes mystery, which creates and enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code). Whereas the white colour connotes peace and purity, this represents to the teenage target audience that there will be a balance of equilibriums and dis-equilibriums. This will attract a teenage target audience as they may find the narrative entertaining (uses and gratification theory).

The voice over continues onto the next scene, where the background appears as just black, this may be done so that the teenage target audience are made to focus on what the protagonist is saying. The voice over gives the teenage target audience an insight into the protagonists character, he mentions ‘’yeah it drives me crazy’’ this along with the black backdrop connotes mystery and creates an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code) as they are informed (uses and gratification theory) that the protagonist may have mental problems. This may attract a teenage target audience to watch the film as they can socially interact about the narrative with their friends (uses and gratification theory).

The voice over continues onto this scene (sound bridge) and the protagonist slowly fades into view, this is where our teenage target audience is informed (uses and gratification theory) on what the primary character looks like. The fact that a wide shot is used enables us to see his clothing clearly, we can see he is wearing black which connotes mystery and that he may be a depressed character. The lighting is also low which connotes that the situation the protagonist is undergoing is not a pleasant one. The punctual knock on the door causes the teenage target audience to jolt in their seat, this creates an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code) and informs them that there is going to be a dis- equilibrium (Todorov’s equilibrium).

An over the shoulder shot is used on the protagonist to create an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code) as they are left wondering what he looks like. The non-diegetic voice over turns into a synchronous sound of the protagonist talking. The fact that he is talking to himself creates an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code) as they are left to believe he has mental problems. This represents to the teenage target audience that there will be a dis-equilibrium in the narrative (Todorovs equilibrium) due to his mental problems. This will attract a teenage target audience to watch the film as it will offer them escapism (uses and gratification theory).

A non-diegetic soundtrack of piano music fades in, this connotes that something bad may occur in the narrative, this creates an enigma for the teenage target audience (Barthes enigma code). The camera pans forwards as the non-diegetic music increases in tempo, this increases the pace and draws the teenage target audiences attention on the white sheet of paper reading ‘’ Excelsior’’ which is a Latin word for ‘’ever upward’’. This represents to the teenage target audience that there is a dis-equilibrium in the narrative however, it also informs them that there will later be a new equilibrium ( Todorov’s equilibrium). This along with the bad handwriting connote there may be something wrong with the protagonist mentally, this creates an enigma for the teenage target audience, as they are left to wonder what will occur next in the narrative. A teenage target audience may be attracted to watch this film as it may offer them information (uses and gratification theory) of how people with mental problems behave and live their lives.