Silver bend week 1

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Silver bend week 1

Week 1

Pony Diem

So here I go again. Brand new challenge. *take deep breath* Time for new beginnings, so here’s my latest simself. New story, new haircut. Pony Diem, as in Carpe Diem. And of

course Bane, and I made my RL dog Hanna to be his mate. I’ve pair them together before and they make the cutest

puppies. I forgot to randomly draw Pony’s challenge before I started play her. So I’m defaulting to a scored legacy.

I inhaled the salty air of the beach. I still couldn’t help but wonder if this was a good idea. I had so many other stories to worry about. Should I even bother to write my


Bane woofed to get my attention. His eyes begging for a treat. Who am I to resist those big eyes. I gave Hanna a pat on the head. So

she wouldn’t get jealous. I took another deep breath. We’re already

here so might as well try. This actually might be a good thing for me.

I had the perfect floorplan in mind for my house. But legacy funds don’t stretch far when there’s walls to build. I still had to

plant a garden so I would be able to restock my fridge.

People starting arriving making a beeline for the beach after I greeted them. Waves are irresistible. I could make friends later in the tomatoes were in the ground. Though I don’t

actually like tomatoes.

I whipped up some hot dogs for my neighbors. I had to get them away from my

beach some how.

Melissa Fancey finally struck up a conversion with me. Apparently we both really like

dogs. Who knew, I had her pegged as a cat person.

I didn’t quite have enough funds to buy my community lot. So digging for treasure it is. Maybe Steve actually hid some good stuff

around here.

Some of my guests didn’t get the hint that it was time to go home. I didn’t care, I was so exhausted from digging. Lucky he eventually


The sounds of the waves woke me up the next morning, my turn to spend a little time at the

beach. The dogs joined me, together we watched the waves crash on the shore. I hope to see Steve’s Bonnie Lass but I knew it was still too early. He’s have a lot of searching

ahead of him to find my friends.

I couldn’t watch the ocean forever. The day would start without me. Weeds were already starting to smother my tomatoes. Couldn’t let

that happen.

I spent most of the day digging. Steve apparently buried rocks and bones on this

particular island. Progress was slow to make the 1600 I needed to buy my business.

But after awhile bones and stones add up. I finally had enough to buy Diem Digs.

It was too late to go right away but I would go first thing in the morning. I spent the day

relaxing. Watching the beach and playing with my dogs.

Nothing like a tasty Dr. Sims before bed.

Of course chores must be done before fun. Nothing gets dirtier than a shower exposed to

the ocean air.

My tomatoes were doing well in the fall air. I actually felt excited for my first crop. The

plants were doing that well. Usually the pre greenhouse crops struggled to survive.

I had to start small. No money for walls, just enough for the register. Thankfully I had a

few extra bones in my inventory.

As I waited for customers I looked for more things to sell. But the water lines are all

rather close to the surface and I managed to drive shovel right through one.

I managed to find a few things. Including the blue vase that’s worth so much. And a

few more rocks.

I didn’t stay long the rain was pouring. Though it was nice to chat with some actual

people. It was difficult to convince anyone to buy anything.

The rain was gone by the time I got home. Though the day was still pretty overcast. But

I couldn’t let that ruin my perfectly good lunchmeat sandwich.

Time was moving rather quickly. It was already Thursday. I splurged a little and

purchased a tree. I couldn’t resist my front yard was looking a little empty.

The second day at the shop was a better one. Although even without the rain is was a little difficult to

sell my wares. “Pony it’s a lovely rock, I’m sure, but com’n this isn’t

even a real shop. There’s no building no shelves. Why would I want just a rock laying here in the dirt?” Brandi

said after my sales pitch.

Brandi was right. I needed to get things off the ground. Of course it was a little hard to build a shop with Brandon standing in the

way. But it was a start.

I went home exhausted. But before I could climb into my tent Bane begged for some much needed attention. I almost finished teaching him to come here before my mind

had enough.

Friday morning I was back at it. Things were going better.

“Wow Pony I never though I needed a bone that badly. I think I must have one.” Jan

said starting to get excited. Even Brandi was more interest. Now if only

someone would buy that vase.

FINALLY! I managed to talk Brandon into buying the stupid vase. I decided to keep it as a permanent stock item. $140.00 profit

every time I sell it. Not the greatest but the best going for the store right now.

Chore time back home. My cleaning moods come in spurts. This one lasted long enough

take care of the garden and clean the counters. But not to fix the clogged toilets. What can I say there is more fun things to


Dog training is way more fun than unclogging toilets.

Saturday I finished teaching Bane to Come Here.

The weather was definitely starting to get a little chilly. My tomatoes were almost ready to harvest. Hopefully my winter vegatables would

do this well.

My last workday at Diem Digs for the week. I don’t like to work on Sundays. I had a few new pieces of permanent stock items to go

along with the vase.

Alvin gave my business the third star I needed to get me to Rank 1. Yay! A free thousand bucks. Good cause I decided

Saturday’s would be Reno Day.

Look I finally manage to close in the first room. The entry hall, that’s going to double

as bedroom/bathroom for now. But eventually it’ll be the entrance to the house, with access

to the garage and a patio area.

Along with a real bed for me, I got a bathtub for the dogs. They were a bit ripe.

I also expanded the garden and dug out a pond. The tomatoes were finally ready. I was hoping to space out the crops to make sure I never had out of food. But with the bounty to

tomatoes, maybe I’ll be good until the next crop is ready.

It feels so good to put my own hard work in the fridge.

And just as nice to crawl into a real bed, albeit a crappy one.

I awoke with a start in the morning, it was definitely getting colder. I had to get a

greenhouse built. I couldn’t risk losing my only source of food.

I tended to the young plants first. No sense in losing them to weeds.

I spent the day dedicated to digging. Again mostly rocks and bones. But I managed to

find map and the orb tray decoration.

Not much luck today. After a frustrating series of broken water mains. I did manage to get part of the green house built. Next

week I could finish it. The one thing I won’t wait until Reno Day.

I filled in my dig holes and went down my private slice of shore. My first week here was over. I’d say I was pretty successful. Though I

couldn’t help but feel a little lonely. I hadn’t met anyone that I felt a connection with. I gazed into the waves looking for signs of the

Bonnie Lass. This was a good idea of his. I actually felt relaxed like I could write for once.

“I wondering what happening in Riverblossom?” I said to the waves letting my mind sail across the ocean.


.5 Founder point


No current points

Family Friends

No current points

Impossible wants

No current points

Platinum Graves

No current points


No current points


No current points

Family Breed

.5 Pet created in CAS

.25 Mate created in CAS


No current points

Bon voyage

No current points

Free Time

No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


No current points


-3 Maxmotives

Rotation: Week 1 Households: 1 of 1 Playable Sims: 1 # Of Total Residents(PS + Gravestones): 1 Community Lots: 1 Business Districts: 0 Universities: 0 Downtown: No SM: 2 Population: 2

CAS Available: 1 University Funds: $0 # of Fires: 0 # of Burglaries: 0 # of Electrocutions: 0 # of Graves: 0

Businesses: Diem Digs – Pony Diem – 1 Careers:

That’s it for Pony’s first week. Next week I add the second simself to Silver Bend. Thai’s next on the list, so he’ll be my next vic…erm friend. But before that I have a Fabulares Animalia neighborhood to check out.

I have one last chapter I need to crank out. Thankfully it’s already started. Now I just need to

finish it so I can past the torch now. Thankfully all you wonderful people are very patient with me. I cannot

thank you enough.

Thanks for reading and happy simming!