Signs and symbols of palmistry · 2019. 2. 4. · Palmistry is the science which proves the free...

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Transcript of Signs and symbols of palmistry · 2019. 2. 4. · Palmistry is the science which proves the free...


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Signs and Symbols of


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BF W73

Copyright, 1914


Minerva Wise

DEC 18 1914

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©Cl, A 391 0 2 9


Conic Hand, The ........... 43

Divido, Position When Using . . . . . . . . .15

Elementary Hand, Showing the Seven Mounts, The .... 23

Mixed Hand, The ............ 55

Philosophic Hand, The .......... 39

Portrait—Minerva F. Wise ........ Frontispiece

Psychic Hand, The ........... 51

Seven Symbols, The ........... 47

Spatulate Hand, The ........... 35

Square and Useful Hand, The ......... 29

Time—Triangular System or the Fourth Equation . . . . . 19



Accidents ............. 57

Affection Lines, The ........... 41-42

Bracelets ............. 45

Circle, The ............ 50-53

Cross, The .......... ... 54

Fate Line, Financial Line or Destiny Line, The ..... 38

Fingers, The ............. 27

Foreword ............. 11

Girdle of Venus, The.45

Grille, The ............. 53

Head Line, The ............ 32

Health, Liver or Hepatica Line, The . . . . . . . 37

Heart Line, The.33-34

Island, The ............. 54

Life Line, The ........... 28-31

Line of Intuition, The .......... 57

Line of Mars, The ............ 45

Lines for Children, The .......... 42

Mounts, The ............ 22-25

Nails, The ............. 27


Principles of Palmistry, The . . . . . . . . .13-17

Reading of Character when Hands are Relaxed . . . . . .25

Ring of Saturn, The ........... 57

Ring of Solomon, The ........... 45

Seven Types of Hands. . 21

Signs and Symbols.10

Sister Fate Line, The.38

Spot, The..

Square, The ............ 49

Stars, The ............. 45

Sun Line, The ............ 37

Thumb, The.26

Travel Lines ............ 42.45

Triangle, The..

Triangular System or the Fourth Equation, The.18



As there was shown to be a certain

place on the face for the eyes, a certain

place for the nose, and a certain place for

the mouth, so there was shown to be a

certain place in the palms of the hands

for the life line, a certain place for the

head line, and a certain place for the

heart line for the normal man, and from

the normal man the abnormal man was

studied and corrected.



Signs and Symbols, trials and trembles,

Meet our every-day gaze;

When we are fortified, divers ways,

Cheerily speed us onward.

Nothing is bad when it has had

The light of research thrown on it.

The seeker of gold, can never behold

The gems of truth beside him,

’Till wasted and worn, he doubles his form

And gloomily takes his departure.

But the seeker of truth, keeps not aloof

But carefully plows the furrows,

’Till wasted and worn, he straightens his form

And gratefully takes his departure.

—t%Tinerva F. Wise.



The specific deductions contained in this book were ar¬ rived at after a careful examination and study of twenty thousand pairs of hands, or forty thousand hands. These deductions were proved as facts and lucidly applied in each individual’s life to his satisfaction and enlightenment. They were made according to the system of calculation found in “Cheiro’s Language of the Hands,” which unmistakably proves the correctness and accuracy of the system.

In this book I shall deal principally with the symbols to be found in the palms which seem to be the efflorescent part of the individual’s conditions, to fade in a day, or at will be transformed into living realities, for the good or apparent undoing of the individual.

The hands image the workings of the brain. Events when felt at all are definitely recorded, but when not felt do not register. This proves the truth of Palmistry.

The type and shape of the hands correspond to the physical body, which we will call Temperament. From time immemorial sages and philosophers have sought a term by which to express definitely the ever changing human acts.

By common acceptance the word temperament is given as the cause for the individual’s conduct. If the hand is a mixed hand, which is more generally found, there is a vary¬ ing of moods and disposition.

The great value of the knowledge of the signs and sym¬ bols of Palmistry is to enable one to rightly interpret the varying states of the mind, causing one to yield to his or her particular temperament.

As the temperament decides one’s acts, it is important to know which type dominates the hand and thence the being. Here comes the weighing process, and at times it is difficult to determine.

The various walks of life bear their own distinctive type; thus we have come to classify the particular type of hand as showing the individual’s aptitude. For instance, the practical business person will have the square and useful type of palm dominating the fingers; the professional per¬ son will have the conic and artistic type, or if very ingenious and original the spatulate type of palm dominating the fingers. Occasionally we see the one-type hand, but this is very unusual, and denotes a person of an extreme and ec¬ centric nature. But all are essential in the great plan of life.


Jlnttripka at flalmtairg

Palmistry is the science which proves the free agency of man. Predictions are impossible. Only possibilities of the evolving of future conditions resulting in future events are seen in the hands. Lines and Symbols tell the story. The image registered indefinitely as the parent cell began its evolving and perfecting. Just the faint vibration of the lives of our ancestors is recorded in our entity to be re¬ capitulated or cast off at will. The inventory has been taken and the raw material is ours to reconstruct and make better and purer.

The two hands differ from one another; one is positive and the other is negative. The positive hand reads the ex¬ ternalized manifestation of the conditions which the person has gone through. The negative hand reads the inner life so far as the past is concerned, that has not been made manifest. The subjective or soul life makes known its part in life as well as the objective. As constant change is the law of nature, all atoms are in constant change and recon¬ struction—so the lines in both hands change.

To the right-handed person the right hand is the positive hand, and to the left-handed person the left hand is the positive hand.

The varying of the lines and symbols in the two hands, first seen when the perfect baby is welcomed in our midst, shows the combat was on between ancestral proclivities and the planetary or prenatal conditions during unfoldment, and that the positive principle rules and dominates the negative, but can be changed, when knowledge of those conditions are known and will power exerted.

Let us consider further this raw material. We will take the man with the Spatulate type first. That type we are all inclined to ridicule, as the whole hand seems to be spreading itself, the palm is much broader than it is long and the fingers look like the chemist’s spatula. That man’s hands are like projected feelers. The incentive back of the hand


shows him to be the man that explores and investigates. In him is no desire to limit himself, but rather he would grasp all and more than is within his reach, not from a selfish standpoint, but because it is born in him to reach out for greater things, and fathom unknown causes.

Before he came into existence the foundation for his nature was being made through thoughts of his ancestors producing ideas of an original kind. The thoughts may never have found expression, but the image found lodgment in the parent cell. The thoughts may have seemed vague and uncertain but they were constructive enough to take root and become living realities in the new being.

We will next consider the Philosophic type of hand—the hand that gleams wisdom.

The fingers of this type are very much bent and drawn up, showing the whole nervous system has felt the strain of the deep problems he is ever trying to solve. Even the brow between the eyes is drawn in his effort to balance his thoughts and ideas.

We will next take the Conic and Artistic type. How dif¬ ferent the shape! The ladies prefer this type, but through ignorance, for this is the type that allows the emotions to control, these are the hands that inherently feel and know the vibrations of sound and color, and know how to properly send out the vibrations as well as to receive them; and thus the perfect atomic cell in their physical being is constructed through deep breathing and perfect sense feeling.

Regarding the lines which are different from creases made by work, I wish to say that it is a known fact that there are more nerves centered in the hands than there are in any other part of the body, and as the hands are the terminal of the nervous system, the exact registering of the brain’s working takes place in the hands. With symbols and lines in the hands we can read and study the existing conditions, ever

Looking higher toward the mountain heights And fitting our souls for grander flights.

It has been said, “Some are born great and others attain greatness. ’ Hands prove the truth of the statement. In the hands of the greatest people few symbols are seen. Oc-


Position When Using Divido


casionally an island indicating a loss or a victimized condi¬ tion may be discovered, but the palmist is interested to find more clear, distinct, definite, rising lines than symbols.

In the hands of those who attain greatness, stars, tri¬ angles and grilles are found. Like a great, powerful ma¬ chine the man born great plows his way through all difficul¬ ties, making no false moves. If there are false moves the world refuses to recognize them, but stands back when he approaches, awed by the smoothness of the man. His bear¬ ing, his step, his voice, his words, his gestures, and best of all, his works, are perfect. With him not one of the forty- two faculties in crania is perplexed or confused. As the captain gives the bidding all are ready, and when necessary each quickly responds to the vibrations of the mighty thoughts of the master mind. Not so with the mediocre brain which is trying to attain greatness. Experiments go on, deceptions take place and wrong suggestions, both auto and from others, are accepted, and when the goal of suc¬ cess is finally reached the working ground behind shows the struggle and contest. And future generations chuckle, yet rejoice at the efforts put forth by their mediocre ancestors and applaud the fact of their good ancestral blood.


ulriattgular or tlir fourth Equation

[Plate 1]

This System is Correct and Accurate

Draw a line from the space between the first and second fingers, starting at A diagonally across the palm to B, B being at edge of the palm to the left at the wrist on the

right hand.

Start line C and D at base of little finger and draw at right angles to A-B, letting it intersect same three-sevenths of the distance between points A and B, this being the loca¬ tion on life line and fate line for the individual’s life at

thirty-five years on both lines.

Half way between C and B, draw a line to the life line horizontally E-F, this being the individual’s life at forty-nine years on life line and twenty-eight years on fate line.

Between second and third fingers start a line G-H, which forms a triangle which is shown on Plate 1, carrying line down to life line. This marks the individual’s life at twen¬ ty-one years on life line and fifty-six on fate line.

Starting line at A drop line to I on life line parallel with nearest edge of hand. This marks the individual’s life at ten years.

Start line J between third and fourth fingers and run line diagonally across palm so that point K will be approxi¬ mately half way between H and D on life line. This marks the individual’s life at twenty-eight years on life line and forty-two years on fate line.

From B draw line to Point L, which is the same distance on life line as F to D. This measures life line at sixty-three years and fate line at twenty-one years.

The implements to work with are a magnifying glass, soft lead pencil and a Divido, as I have named it. To make a Divido, take an ordinary hat pin and cut off end and file down. Have it about seven inches in length. Photograph of hands (page 15), will give you an idea of the manner in which to work.


Plate 1

Time—The Triangular System or The Fourth Equation


Seven Types of Hands

1—Elementary Tyne. [Plate 2]

2—Square and Useful Type.

[Plate 3]

3—Spatulate or Active Hand.

[Plate 4]

4—The Knotty or Philo¬ sophic type. Knotty or Crooked\ Fingers.

[Plate 5]

5—The Conic and Ar¬ tistic Hand.

[Plate 6]

6—The Psychic or Idealistic Hand.

[Plate 7]

7—The Mix\ed Hand. [Plate 8]

Heavy, coarse and short palm dominates the hand. Lowest type of mentality.

Square palm and square fingers. This type denotes method, order, system, force, energy, activity and a reasoning ana¬ lytical mind.

Resembles the chemist’s spatula.

Persons possessing this type of hand have power of tech¬ nique, constructiveness, orig¬ inality, executive ability.

These people have a tendency to philosophize. They care more for the study of human nature and nature’s laws than they do for the clink of gold.

Tapering fingers and narrow palm. The hand of emotion, enthusiasm and impulsive¬ ness. They love the beautiful and appreciate art, literature and music.

Narrow and tapering and the fingers have an unfinished look. Sensitiveness and frailty mark these hands, unable to cope with life’s hardships. Persons with this type of hand lean too much on others.

Palm square or conic, fingers square conic, spatulate philo¬ sophic or psychic. Versatility marks this hand.


The Mounts.

[Plate 2]

There are known to be seven mounts in the hands, viz: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun or Apollo, Mercury, Mars and Luna. The mount of Venus is found at the base of the thumb. The great Palmar arch, one of the most important blood vessels of the hand, is located here. When well devel¬ oped, the mount of Venus indicates good health, and an af¬ fectionate nature, kindness and love of the beautiful. Beau¬ tiful colors and harmonious sounds appeal to the owners of well developed Venus mounts. A natural desire for the opposite sex is also felt, but if too high and large, there is apt to be an excess of love for the opposite sex.

The mount of Jupiter occupies that portion of the hand at the base of the first finger. It is the mount for ambition, pride and power.

The mount of Saturn is found at the base of the second finger. When well developed it gives prudence, earnestness and seriousness. Music, art and literature of a classical, sacred order are greatly appreciated by individuals having a well developed mount of Saturn. When not developed it gives dry wit, optimism, a lover of jokes and a clownish tendency.

The mount of the Sun is found at the base of the third finger and is also called the mount of Apollo. The ideal in all nature appeals to those having this mount well devel¬ oped. The love of poetry, painting, literature and dancing is inherent in these people.

The mount of Mercury is found at the base of the fourth finger. It gives quick wit, responsiveness, adaptability to people and things, love of travel and change.

The mount of Mars occupies that part of the hand under Jupiter, also the center of the palm, and here it is called the plain of Mars. We also find the mount under the mount of Mercury—here it represents Mars on the defensive. Under Jupiter it gives the martial spirit. If very large it shows a very quarrelsome nature. Under Mercury it gives reserve force, self-control and the power to resist wrong. As the mount of Mars and the plain of Mars occupy the central part and the largest portion of the palm, proof that life and conditions of life were intended to be a battle is evident, and


Plate 2

The Elementary Hand, Showing the Seven Mounts

if we desire to be one of the “survivals of the fittest,” we must learn to battle mind with mind at least to the extent of self-preservation, the first law of nature. By retaining our vital Mars energy, we lengthen our lives and keep our youth and buoyancy.

The mount of Luna lies on the side of the hand, where the percussion is under Mars on the defensive. This mount well developed gives sublimity, imagination, refinement and a fondness for romance, poetry and literature.

Reading of Character When Hands Are Relaxed

First relax the hands, then if there is a wide space be¬ tween the first and second fingers, the person is original in thought. A wide space between the second and third fingers shows a tendency to spend pennies. If the thumb clings to the hand the person is more “close-fisted,” or would save the dollars but not the pennies. If a wide space, they would spend the dollars, too. If the second and third fingers cling when relaxed, the person is economical and saving. A distance between the third and fourth fingers indicates independence in action.


The Thumb

The thumb is an important member of the hand. If small in comparison to the rest of the hand it is a sign of weakness and inability. I quote from Cheiro:

“The most significant of all the importance attached to the thumb is that which relates to what is known in medical work as the thumb center of the brain. It is a well known fact among the specialists of nerve diseases that by an ex¬ amination of the thumb they can tell if the patient is af¬ fected or is likely to be affected by paralysis or not, as the thumb will indicate such a likelihood a long time before there has appeared the slightest trace of such a disease in any other part of the system. If it indicates such an affec¬ tion an operation is at once performed on the thumb center of the brain, and if that operation is successful, which is again shown by the thumb, they have baffled the disease and the patient is saved. And yet in face of this which is a well known fact there still are people who do not believe in the study of the hand.

“If one will visit the asylums of the country he cannot fail to notice that all congenital idiots have very weak, poor thumbs, in fact some are so weak as not to be properly de¬ veloped even in shape.”

There is the supple jointed thumb and the firm jointed thumb. The supple jointed thumb shows an adaptability of temperament for both people and circumstances. These persons are naturally extravagant in thought and also are nature’s spendthrifts. The first phalange denotes will, the second logic, and the third embraces the mount of Venus and denotes love. When the second phalange is much longer than the first it indicates that the subject has good logic but not sufficient will power to carry out his convictions. He is apt to be swayed by sympathy. When equal in length a strong will is indicated, then logic and will go hand in hand.

Diplomacy is seen in a narrow, waist-like second pha¬ lange to the thumb. If the thumb is full in the second pha¬ lange it indicates a person sincere in action.


The Nails

The nails on hands are important, as they indicate the state of health one has or will be subject to. Nails are di¬ vided into four classes—long, short, broad and narrow. Long nails never indicate great physical strength. Very long nailed persons are apt to suffer from chest and lung trouble. Short nails indicate a tendency toward heart dis¬ ease. Short nails, thin and flat with no moons, indicate weak heart action. Large moons indicate good circulation. Short nails, flat and inclined to curve out and lift up at the edges, when white and brittle are the forerunners of pa¬ ralysis. Short nails, very flat and sunken as it were, into the flesh at the base, show nerve diseases. When the nails are flecked with white spots it is a sign that the whole ner¬ vous system needs an overhauling. Nails that are large and broader than they are long, indicate asthma trouble.

The Fingers

Long fingers indicate good intellectual power and abil¬ ity in detail if there are large knuckles. When long fingers turn back it shows an investigating turn of mind along in¬ tellectual pursuits. If the first finger is as long as the sec¬ ond, there is a tendency to want to rule everything and everybody. If the fourth is long, extending beyond the sec¬ ond phalange of the third finger, it indicates oratorical ability and makes the natural linguist and conversation¬


Short fingers with no knuckles show lack of detail. These persons are better at generalizing. If short fingers turn back, there is a tendency to pry into other people’s business and affairs. Large cushions on the ends of the

fingers show sensitiveness.


The Life Line

[Plate 3]

The Life line embraces the mount of Venus. Danger of death, illness and the nature of it is recorded here. Indica¬ tion of a robust nature is seen when the life line extends far out into the palm. Some individuals have two or three life lines. Any line embracing the mount of Venus has vitality in it. Poor health is indicated by a chained or islanded life line. Islands on the life line, head line and heart line indi¬ cate delicate health. Breaks in the line indicate dangerous illness.

Life line and Head line closely connected indicate ex¬ treme sensitiveness about anything regarding self. When there is a space between the life line and the head line the subject is more free to carry out his plans and ideas; it also denotes energy and a go-ahead nature. When the space is too wide there is too much self-confidence and dash—the person is not guided by reason. When the life line, head line and heart line are all connected, the subject rushes blindly into danger and trouble, and stops at nothing to attain his point as regards revenge, if other indications cor¬ roborate the tendency.

Lines that come up from the life line, rising from it, indi¬ cate greater gain and success.

All well formed lines following the life line indicate for¬ tunate influences through life, but all rising in the opposite direction and cutting the life line show obstacles caused by the opposition and interference of others. When they cut the life line only, they denote opposition in home life, or family or neighborly difference.

When they cross the life line and reach the line of Fate, they indicate people who will oppose the subject in finan¬ cial interests, and the date is registered on the fate line. When they reach and cut the line of heart they denote people who will oppose the subject in his deepest affections, causing interference of the affections. [Plate 4 or 6.] We find the date on the life line. When lines cut and reach the line of the Sun and when an island is also seen there, they denote that others will interfere and spoil his position in life, and that the mischief will be caused by scandal and disgrace. When the line extends across the hand and touches the line



of marriage it signifies divorce, or the object of the subject’s affection leaving and engaging in a traveler’s life and pro¬ fession. When this line has in itself a mark like an island, it denotes that the person who will cause this trouble has had trouble of a scandalous nature in his or her life. Any experience line beginning on the mount of Venus and cross¬ ing the palm to the space between the third and fourth fingers, shows weighty opposition confronts one in the af¬ fair. Weighty opposition indicates two or more persons op¬ posing. Specific deductions are governmental affairs, law¬ suits, corporations, partnerships, estates, church, etc. If there is an island on the line at the junction of the third and fourth fingers, disappointment is assured and the larger the island the more stupendous the disappointment and the af¬ fair. Date is given on the life line.

When the life line divides toward the end it indicates that the person is liable to die far from birth place, either a change of climate or government, or in a foreign land. Date of the change is assured at the beginning of the division, but it does not necessarily indicate death at that junction.

Ray lines run parallel with the life line and represent the most important influence of our lives. If the ray line runs evenly with the life line it is a good indication, showing that the possessor of the hand can strongly influence the one he loves and travel with her through life. If the ray line runs farther in on the mount of Venus, it indicates that the two persons will sooner or later drift out of each other’s lives. If the ray lines run into an island or becomes one itself, the influence is bad, and disgrace will follow through contact with the person.


The Head Line

[Plate 4]

The head line pertains to the mentality of the individual, to the strength or weakness of the brain calibre. It occu¬ pies the space between the heart line and life line.

It is seen to rise from different mounts—from the mount of Jupiter and the mount of Mars and from the line of life. Rising from the mount of Jupiter and close to the life line, if the line extends over to the side of the hand near the percussion, we find the greatest mentality. Such a person will have talent, energy and daring determination, tempered by reason and caution. He will control his fellow man, yet not seem to control him.

When the head line rises on the mount of Jupiter and is free from the life line, the person lacks caution and discre¬ tion, but as a leader in a crisis such an individual would make his mark. If the space is very wide he shows bold effrontery and egotism.

The line rising from the mount of Mars is unfavorable, as it indicates that the person will be in constant disagree¬ ment with his neighbors. We find this sign and arrange¬ ment of lines in the hands of the pugilist. When the line is straight and even it denotes common sense and good logic. When the line slopes into the mount of Luna great imagina¬ tion is the tendency of the individual. When extremely long and straight and going direct to the side of the hand it denotes more than ordinary brain power. If short, it is not a good indication of long life. When linked, lack of fixity of ideas. When full of little islands the individual has a tendency to pain in the head and danger of brain fever.

If a branch from the line of head joins the heart line, it indicates a high temper and a wrought-up nature, and that the person will be blind to danger.

A double head line indicates a double mentality—a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Plyde. One side is sensitive, refined and gentle, the other cold and cruel.

If the head line is broken it indicates danger of a blow to the head. An island is a sign of weakness, of congestion, concussion, paralysis. When the head line is closely con¬ nected with the life line it indicates timidity, underrating one’s ability, etc.


The Heart Line

[Plate 4]

The line of heart, otherwise called the Mensal Line, is the line found at the base of the mounts. It may rise from the mount of Jupiter or Saturn or between the first and sec¬ ond fingers. Its end is at the base of the mount of Mercury.

The best indication is when found clear and deep and red, for then the individual manifests a loving, kind, at¬ tractive nature especially between the sexes. The idealist, realist and the well-balanced person in the affections are easily recognized from the position the heart line takes.

When the heart line rises from the center of Jupiter, it indicates the idealist, the person inclined to worship the heart’s ideal.

When the heart line rises from the mount of Saturn, the other extreme is seen. Then we find the person whose love is purely selfish and sensual and one to be dreaded as a lover. The well-balanced person in affection has the line rising between the first and second fingers; he goes slow and weighs well; his love nature partakes of the warmth and ardor of Saturn and the ideality of Jupiter—the law of reciprocity is essential to his happiness.

The nature that is too intense has the heart line lying straight across the palm from side to side. This shows an extremely jealous nature. When the heart line seems to be made up of many small lines, inconstancy is the ten¬ dency.

When the line of heart is very low on the hand close to the head line there is danger of the affairs of the heart in¬ terfering with the affairs of the head, but if the heart line is placed high up on the mounts and the head line rises and is close to the heart line, then the head rules the heart, and one is apt to be cold and hard-hearted if other indications are seen.

The heart line is very frequently broken, but more fre¬ quently in one hand than in both. A lapsed line assists to lessen the break and sorrow and it may be healed over. If the heart line breaks under Saturn circumstances or fa¬ tality hard to control and master are indicated, but when known ahead may be avoided. If the line breaks on Apollo, under the Sun line, there is too much pride, and while the


heart may be aching and breaking, the spirit keeps the per¬ son up and the true state of affairs of the heart is kept hidden.

When the break occurs under Mercury, folly and caprice have placed the person in an embarrassing position. Di¬ plomacy and patience with the loved one may right matters and the injured ones overlook and forgive the wrong done them.

Enthusiasm in love is indicated when the heart line rises on Jupiter and commences with a small fork. If the heart line forks with one fork resting on Jupiter and the other on Saturn, a very uncertain disposition is indicated and the person is incapable of happy marital conditions.

When head, heart and life lines all connect, the person is revengeful and would stop at nothing to obtain his desire as regards revenge. When there is no heart line, the per¬ son lacks the power of deep affection. He may be sensual, but incapable of pure, true love for the opposite sex.



The Sun Line

[Plate 4]

The Sun line or line of Apollo, or brillancy line, is better known as the line of success.

The Sun line, rising from the line of life, promises suc¬ cess in artistic pursuits. Rising from the line of fate it as¬ sists that line or the financial career.

If it rise from Luna it promises success through the caprice and fancy of others.

If it rise from the plain of Mars it indicates success in middle life from 30 years of age on; from the line of heart, success at still a later date. Its termination is on the mount of Apollo at the base of the third finger.

Many lines show versatility of talents, in which case the person should specialize. A circle on the mount of Apollo connected with the Sun line is very good, in fact, the only place on the hands where it is good. As a circle means completeness it therefore indicates that the possessor has developed a strong personality and is thoroughly capable of thinking independently of others.

The Health, Liver or Hepatica Line

[Plate 5]

The health, liver or hepatica line crosses the hand from the mount of Mercury to the life line. If the line is broken and in pieces there is evidence of stomach trouble. If the line is very much twisted there is liver trouble. An island on the hepatica line shows a severe illness.

In trying the percussion which is found on the mount of Luna and the mount of Mars under Mercury, if the tissue is found to be poor and flabby, there is evidence of kidney trouble. Buoyancy of tissue is evidence of strong kidneys.


The Fate Line, the Financial Line or Destiny Line

[Plate 5]

This line represents the ability of gathering together atoms of a weighty nature, viz: the externals of life. The inclination and tendency in the human being is seen on these lines to gather or to scatter, to accumulate or to de¬ stroy earthly possessions or considerations; but back of the power or tendency is the thought or idea, back of it is the image, and back of it is the desire as an ancestral proclivity or a planetary susceptibility to be rich or poor.

If the tendency is there for a commercial system or method, either on a large scale or a small scale, the line runs to the mount of Saturn; if the desire is for managing or public good or leadership it advances to the mount of Jupiter; if the line ascends in the direction of the mount of Apollo, instead of the commercial system the genius or talents of the individual overrule set methods and customs, and he chooses a profession or trade which often incurs danger and risk to his own life and others’.

If his desire is to travel, he combines his commercial instinct and his love of change or travel, and then we find many lines running from the mount of Luna up in the direc¬ tion of the mount of Saturn.

If the financial line ascends and stops between the sec¬ ond and the third fingers, it partakes of both the commer¬ cial instinct and the individual’s special gifts and talents.

When any of these lines go beyond the fingers it indi¬ cates that everything goes too far and friends turn around and attack their co-worker, friend or leader, either from a financial standpoint or from the point of reputation. If there is an island on any of these lines, it indicates a loss.

The Sister Fate Line

[Plate 5]

The Sister Fate Line always accompanies the fate line or financial line and runs evenly with it. It increases the financial gain. It is also the sign for the happiest marital conditions that can be found.


Plate 5

The Philosophic Hand



The Affection Lines

[Plate 5]

The affection lines are found on the mount of Mercury. The lines nearest the heart line are the early attachments which occur in life. If they are short they indicate mar¬ riage contemplated, if long they have more significance— they may then stand for marriage or companionship. It is impossible to prove the actual marriage contract by the hand. If the sign of divorce is there the indication is stronger that they may be married, still there is no actual sign of divorce. If the head line shows conservatism or conforming to custom, which is indicated when the head line keeps its position, and does not drop to the mount of Luna, it is then a stronger indication of marriage. If the head line drops down to the mount of Luna, it is indicative of a romantic careless nature, and one could not depend on the affection line then indicating marriage.

When divorce is indicated, the long affection line divides into a fork, still a fork does not prove divorce. A fork proves separation only; the two persons might separate through travel, the husband becoming a commercial trav¬ eler, or the wife or sweetheart becoming an actress, etc. When the line crosses the hand and enters the life line the date of the event is found on the life line. Islands on the line indicate trouble or circumstances separating the pair. Breaks in the line show quarrels and disruption. A line dropping from the fourth finger indicates opposition to the affair if it touches the line. If it breaks the line it com¬ pletely ends the affair unless the line begins again. This opposition line can mean some person or condition draw¬ ing the affection away from one, it could mean family dif¬ ference, it could indicate a habit that wrecks the affection, it could mean an operation ending the fife of the loved one, or it could mean, in a male’s hand, losing the life of the wife

through the birth of a child. Two lines close together running evenly with each other

indicate two affections at the same time which could mean a wife and a sweetheart in the life at the same time, or it could mean having two sweethearts at the same time.

If an opposition line runs through all the affection lines and crosses the heart line and enters the travel lines, it means opposition to the person or to the attachment on a



If the affection line extends into the Sun line, it indi¬ cates that the person entering the life as an affection is a person of distinction, or at least the person is elevated in

life higher than the possessor of the hand.

The Lines for Children

[Plate 3]

The lines indicating children cross the affection lines. The lines indicating males are heavier than the lines indi¬ cating females. If the line has an island on it, it indicates that the child is delicate; if the island ends the line the child will not live; if it does not end the line the child will recover. The sign in the hands for twins is two lines joined together and forming a fork. Squares on the line indicate danger of contagious disease to the child, a circle would mean danger of drowning or of being burned, or a disease baffling the

physician’s skill.

Travel Lines [Plate 4]

Travel lines are the lines on the side of the hand on the mount of Luna, and on Mars under Mercury. If there are no crosses or islands or stars, they will be pleasure trips. If they run in the direction of the line of destiny, there will be remunerative results. If they reach and enter the line of Destiny they indicate money or property or position backed by influence. If they run to the life line they indicate a long journey taken by land; date is registered on the life line. Fine lines accompanying the life line indicate constant in¬ halation of moisture, viz: An oceanic trip, a tank act in vaudeville, living on the water in a houseboat or a yacht. As only conditions can register in hands, it is necessary for the individual to study his own particular case, as I have done with my clients.

If travel lines run over to the mount of Saturn, a fatal¬ ity hangs over the journey and it should not be taken, or if taken, I would say break the long journey, if possible. If taken for business, I would say send a representative. If travel lines run straight over to the fate line or the line of destiny, they indicate changes in business or moves; if an island is seen on them loss and disappointment will follow. Date of marriage is generally obtained in a woman’s hand at the time these lines and breaks in the lines are seen. The


Plate 6

The Conic Hand

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Triangular System or the Fourth Equation will give the right date.


The Bracelets are the rings encircling the wrist. If the first bracelet reaches high up on the wrist, into the palm, and especially if broken or forming a point, weak internal organs are indicated.

The Line of Mars

[Plate 5]

The line of Mars is located on the mount of Venus in¬ side of the life line. It strengthens the vital power, through the exercise of enthusiasm. It tends to give argumenta¬ tive ability and inclination in that direction.

The Ring of Solomon

[Plate 4]

Embraces the Mount of Jupiter and denotes the masterful person and the adept. The love for occultism is strong when this ring is seen. It is sometimes found low down near the life line, in which case the possessor has wisdom early in life. It is more frequently found higher up on the mount of Jupiter, in which case the wisdom and mastership is obtained later.

When the ring extends farther over on the mount of Saturn the wisdom is of a more practical and commercial kind.

The Girdle of Venus

[Plate 5]

The Girdle of Venus is a semi-circle running from the first and second fingers around to the third and fourth fingers. When the symbol called a triangle connects with it between the third and fourth fingers, it indicates the natural diagnostician. These people immediately sense the conditions around them; when they come in touch with others, they like or dislike very decidedly—they speak as well as feel with decision. They are full of moods, and hard to please, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. But the semi-circle must extend to the affection lines, in

order to show this peculiarity.


The Stars [Plate 6]

The Star is an important symbol in the hand, for it either works to a person’s good or may indicate his un¬ doing. It all depends on what part of the hand it is found.

On the mount of Venus, it indicates the person will be a winner in the arena of love—that there can be nothing to rob him of the spoils of conquest.

On the mount of Jupiter it gives ambition gratified, name, position, honor, money.

On the mount of Saturn, it tends to make one a creature of destiny—still, if that person through the science of Palm¬ istry, becomes cognizant of that destiny, he can overcome it so far as he is concerned. Sudden deaths and unusual happenings to loved ones may be hard to avert, but I believe even these catastrophies can be averted through warnings and knowledge.

On the mount of Apollo, it gives fame and celebrity through special gift and talent. The person is really above the average, whether the world is willing to acknowledge it or not.

On the mount of Mars, one wins over enemies, and is generally successful in military tactics, lawsuits and de¬ bates.

On the head line it is bad—it indicates some great mental worry and shock, generally a living sorrow.

On the mount of Luna there is a danger of the imagina¬ tive qualities of the mount overbalancing the reason of the person. If a circle connects with it, then there is a very different meaning. It then means danger by water.

The Triangle [Plate 6]

The Triangle is a wonderful sign. I believe it to be a psychic symbol. It indicates the soul mastering circum¬ stances and physical desires and inclinations when the per¬ son develops the sign in connection with signs denoting calamities and tragedies.

On the mount of Jupiter it gives the power to manage affairs, especially people—and the opposite sex more espe¬ cially. I would call it indicative of hypnotic power.

On the mount of Saturn it gives the power to delve and penetrate into the unseen or unknown laws, as well as the seen or known laws.

Wherever it is found it is good.


The Seven Symbols

The Square

[Plate 6]

The square on the Life or Vitality line always protects the person from whatever danger menaces the life, but when it only touches the life line from the plain of Mars, and jumps the line as it were, and has failed to get a good grip on the laws of health, it causes thoughts and condi¬ tions of seclusion, a one-sided state. This is the only place in the hand where it works against the person, except it be on the lines of affection or marriage, when it again rises as a barrier between the possessor of the hand and the affec¬ tions which have entered the life.

The specific deductions which it represents when touch¬ ing the life line from the plain of Mars are jail, nervous breakdown, insomnia, contagious disease, trouble over re¬ ligion.

The square found on the mount of Jupiter protects one from his ambition, and is indicative of honor. Many squares joined indicate an arbitrary nature, but for good only.

The square found on any mount, or any other part of the hand, is a mark of preservation.

The square found on the Fate line protects against finan¬ cial disaster. If it surrounds a circle, it protects against fire through insurance, against a business swindle, or a robbery or a hedged-in condition financially.

The specific deductions which it represents on the lines of affections are contagious disease, or trouble over relig¬ ion, or nationality, elopement, secret marriage, being a mis¬ tress, having nervous breakdowns, insanity, jail or seclusion of any kind.

These deductions have been proven to be correct in thousands of hands.

The student must always keep in mind the fundamental principle underlying all symbols, never losing sight of the fact that each has its own specific condition, yet susceptible to the conditions of other symbols, if touching them or embraced by them, so if the specific deductions that I have arrived at in my study cannot be placed, it is then necessary

for you to do your own placing.


The Circle

[Plate 6]

The circle is an important sign in the hand. It gener¬ ally works against the person and indicates a dazed, liedged-in condition—not knowing what to do. There is, however, one place in the hand where it is good and has great significance—namely, on the mount of Apollo and the lines of the Sun. As these lines indicate one’s talents and individuality—a circle there would represent complete¬ ness and would emphasize the individual’s power and strength to stand alone independent of others, as far as he could be independent of others. The circle on that mount is generally very large and not closed in completely.

The circle on the life line is frequently found, indicating a dazed, hedged-in condition physically. The specific de¬ ductions are danger to eyes, danger by fire, danger by water, and danger by bullet. It sometimes indicates a com¬ plication of diseases where a consultation of physicians is necessary. A circle is seen when one’s eyes begin to fail. Blindness is generally a large circle embracing a large part of the life line. If there is great danger by fire, there may be found a circle on the line of destiny, at the same year that the life line indicates. If one carries insurance, a square surrounds the circle, indicating protection from loss.

If there is danger by water, there is seen a circle on the mount of Luna. If there is a star connected with the circle, there would be a shock or blow to the person as well. These, in connection with a circle on the life line, indicate danger of drowning, an event that certainly can be averted.

Danger by bullet is a circle on the life line, but an event line connects with it generally and an island on that event line—which denotes a victimized condition.

A circle on an affection line indicates danger by bullet, water or fire to the sweetheart or affection in the life at that time. Date is given on the life line.

A circle on the fate line indicates a dazed, hedged-in condition financially, viz: A business swindle, a robbery, but in case of robbery the circle is generally on a side line, connected with main line, not the main business line. A circle on the fate line can also mean danger of loss by water, but generally the fate line fades out when there is a loss by water or cyclone. A circle on the fate line often means



undertaking more financially than one can see his way through clearly, causing a bewildered condition. In that case nothing can be done, so one must let the condition exhaust itself.

The Grille

[Plate 7]

The Grille is very frequently seen. It is one of the ex¬ treme conditions working against the success of the sub¬ ject on whatever mount it is found.

On the mount of Jupiter it shows the tyrant, especially if the first finger is as long as the second. The ego is strong in the person possessing this sign. On the mount of Saturn it signifies a melancholy, morbid nature. On the mount of Apollo it indicates susceptibility to flattery and a vain per¬ son, or one who can be influenced more through kindness than severity. On the mount of Mercury it shows an unstable, unprincipled person. On the mount of Luna it foretells disquietude and changeableness. On the mount of Venus a tendency to coquetry.


The Island

[Plate 7]

An island is an extremely unfortunate sign.

When as one distinct mark in the center of the line of head it denotes hereditary weakness, which can be over¬ come. If seen on the life line it denotes delicate health; on the fate line, loss in finance or worldly matters; on the sun line, loss of reputation and sometimes money, through a scandal; on the hepatica line, some serious illness. Any line running into an island or becoming an island is a bad indi¬ cation whenever found.

An attendant line on the mount of Venus, running into an island, shows disgrace and trouble from the man or woman who influences the life. Islands on the event lines or experience lines—running across the mount of Venus— show one is victimized and not squarely dealt with.

Islands on the heart line show hereditary heart trouble; on the affection or marriage lines, trouble and separation; on the lines indicating children, delicate health for the chil¬ dren; on opposition lines, dishonorable opposition; on spe¬ cial effort lines, disappointment in the efforts. An island on the Mount of Saturn, between the first and second fingers and connected with the heart line, indicates financial losses through too large a heart all through life, so keep affection and finance apart, as not only loss but disappointment in those you love and esteem will follow.

The Cross

[Plate 6]

The cross is an unfavorable symbol in the hand. There is, however, one place where it is of benefit to the individual and that is on the mount of Jupiter. There it indicates a happy reciprocal love. If it is at the beginning of the mount of Jupiter it is early in life, in the center of the mount later in life, at the top of the mount it is past middle life.

The cross indicates an obstacle or barrier on whatever part of the hand it is found.

The Spot

Spots indicate nervous shocks, or blows to the nervous system.


Plate 8

The Mixed Hand


The Line of Intuition

[Plate 5]

The line of intuition is a semi-circle extending from the mount of Mercury to the mount of Luna. It is not often seen. First impressions with these individuals cuts an im¬ portant figure, but to know when one really has an intuitive thought is the thing to be considered. I would say in order to have intuition work freely, one should not know anything either pro or con regarding the person, or thing, or circum¬ stance.

The Ring of Saturn

[Plate 7]

The Ring of Saturn is a semi-circle encircling the sec¬ ond finger on the mount of Saturn. Its presence there is bad, as it gives a morose melancholy tendency. These people are very pessimistic.


[Plate 6]

On the mount of Saturn observe lines and also symbols, if any, on those lines extending to the life line. If a symbol called an island is seen on the line, extreme fear and help¬ lessness is the controlling emotion. In thousands of hands I have found it to mean accident resulting from animals. If a straight line from Saturn extends down to the life line and crosses it, operation or a cut, a disease of a vital order where a crisis takes place, such as typhoid or brain fever, pneumonia or the birth of a child, is indicated.




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