Sight first hospitals in present perspective a doctor’s approach

Post on 12-May-2015

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Transcript of Sight first hospitals in present perspective a doctor’s approach

Sight First Hospitals in Present

Perspective - a Doctor’s Approach

Dr Soumen





The need to introspect

Lions eye hospitals do more than 300 000 cataract surgeries annually

But still does not receive the importance it deserves

Not rated at par with premier eye care institutions

Is something being missed ?

Does something need a change ?

The Lions’ motto

Of service to the under privileged

Has brought down the cataract backlog from 80 to nearly 60%

Perhaps the right program for a country like India

Inclusive of majority of the population

But with the growing economy, advent of the insurance sector and new technology, perhaps expectations of some are being left unfulfilled

The need of the hour

To diversify

To adapt

To upgrade

But at the same time consolidate our roots

Areas of focus


Patient comfort

Diversity of services

Up gradation of diagnostic equipment

Staff and doctor amenities

Training of manpower

Contribution in scientific forums

Professional hospital management team

Do we need to advertise?

Makes your presence felt – creates an impact on the society

Creates a brand image of the organization

Dissemination of information about the services offered/ available

The hospital is for patients …

Patient comfort and confidence should be ensured. Some suggestions are

Comfortable waiting room

A general sense of cleanliness

Reading material to avoid boredom of waiting period

LCD panel showing hospital information and entertainment programs

Availability of amenities like drinking water and clean toilet

Helpful and courteous supportive staff

The hospital is for patients

Periodic PR exercises –

Calling up the patient to ask how he is doing after surgery

Reminding his FU date Informing him of his TPA


Under no circumstances treatment should be refused to any patient

Diversification of services

Basic cataract surgery services should be continued and consolidated

At the same time hospitals should evolve from cataract surgery centers to eye care institutions

In addition, phacoemulsification should be encouraged and publicized More revenue Positive impact on service quality

Diversification of services

Additional sub specialties like retina, squint , oculoplasty etc should be made available

Choice of sub specialty shall be dictated by the demographic requirement of the area and hospital statistics

Special clinic of the sub specialty and general OPD should run in parallel, and single doctor system for OPD should be abandoned

Up gradation of diagnostic & surgical equipments


Advent of instruments like OCT have changed understanding and approach to many clinical entities

Instruments like OCT, AP, USG etc are presently considered basic and should be made available

Sending a patient for a common diagnostic procedure elsewhere usually results in a loss of clientele

Equipment up gradation is therefore mandatory

Up gradation of diagnostic & surgical equipments


Surgical outcome depends on quality of surgical equipments

Good equipments can be expensive – cost / quality balance

Care and maintenance funds

Uniform protocol of instrumentation in relation to cataract surgery

Financial returns from investment on medical equipments ?

Staff and doctor amenities

Emphasis on quality of manpower and retention as well.

Attributes of appointment should be precisely set, and an in house team should be formed to look into the selection process.

Reward retribution system should be there for the quality work done

Social security in the form of PF, ESI scheme etc should be arranged for staff

In house canteen should be there in every hospital. Wastage of time incurred due to staff travelling elsewhere for lunch should be avoided

For doctors Rest room Library with internet

Training of manpower

More important for people working in OR

Appropriate knowledge of asepsis / sterilization mandatory

Periodic in house training by hospital consultants

Off site training at larger Lions’ hospitals/ LAICO

Contribution in scientific forums

Academic contributions in national and international conferences

Publication in national / International indexed journals

Periodic guest programs and workshops with visiting faculties from reputed institutes

Yearly academic conference of Lions’ eye doctors

Professional hospital management team

An intra hospital team comprising of a Lion member, hospital doctor and full time administrator – preferably a professional administrator

First two members to be changed periodically

Objective shall be to build a co-ordinated approach on the priorities of hospital development and channelize resources accordingly

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. Henry Ford

Conclusion: the way ahead

UPGRADATION – both of perceptible and less perceptible aspects

Spectrum and variety of services should be widened

Quality of services must be ensured

Incoming technology must be assimilated