Sibling Rivalry by Jacqueline Green

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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This presentation is on sibling rivalry, why it is so important to address, the common parenting techniques that make it worse, and what works.

Transcript of Sibling Rivalry by Jacqueline Green


Starting in just a few minutes…

Can you hear me?

Tired of sibling rivalry? Find out why it happens, and how to fix it!

Jacqueline R Green

Cup of coffee!!

Cup of coffee!!

Once upon a time…

Kids getting along and behaving - NOT

= NOT happily ever after!

My is

Need a hand?

1. Too high standards 1. Sibling Rivalry Why it’s such a big deal

Putting Love on the line2. Common methods that don’t work

3. What works

1. Too high standards 1. Sibling Rivalry Why it’s such a big deal

It’s not your fault

High pressure

Loving and supportive

Can’t deal with conflict

Part of a loving team

5 Key Points

1. Critical sanctuary

2. Longest relationship

3. Learn conflict skills

4. Family Fun

5.5. Symptom of a bigger problem

My story of aiming for Bs


Putting Love on the line2. Common methods that don’t work

Impossible job

In control

Spinning your wheels


Kids with poor relationships

Kids with great relationships

5 Common techniques that DON’T work

1. Special time

2. Ignoring emotions

3. Praise and comparisons

4. Trying to treat equal

55. Failure based discipline

5. Immature


3 . What works

Constant surveillance

Time for you

Constant Fighting

Happy together

1. Keep your cool1. Keep your cool

2. Emotional coaching

3. Work the alignment

4. Loving Limits


What most parents do


What works


Consumes your scarce attention

Targeted parenting info

Trust it’ll get better

Draw a line in the sand

Return to the good old days

Best researched theory…

Ignore alignment

Learn about alignment

Why are you here?

Trial and error

Fast track

Exclusive membership