Short Term Housing for International Students Attending Internships in the U.S.

Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Short Term Housing for International Students Attending Internships in the U.S.

Interns Can Enjoy Premium Short Term Housing Too

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

The value of an internship just cannot be overemphasized. Unfortunately, some of the most competitive or useful internships are only available in the United States and only to students, and this leaves foreign students at a bit of a disadvantage.

Even if you do get a spot with a global corporation or other institution, you may not be able to accept because you fear you will not have a suitable place to live while you spend weeks or even months working overseas and far from home.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

However, this is when homestay services can become your most treasured resource. The top homestay providers partner with academic institutions but also with a lot of key corporations, too. They do this because they understand how many students integrate an internship into their learning process, and how valuable such a time can be in establishing them on their career track.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

The key is to find an organization that offers all you require, and this is more than simply a good place to live.

You also need to have terms that will work within the terms of the internship, that provide short term housing but which are also “turnkey” (meaning you don’t have to rush to decorate or obtain basic supplies), and that can even match you up with a family rather than a single or shared apartment.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

The Homestay BenefitsWhy would an intern benefit from living within a household rather than as an independent?

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

Though the goal of your internship is to learn skills or to gain experience within a chosen area of specialization, you should also be able to immerse yourself in the culture of the country rather than just the company or institution.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

When you choose a housing option like a homestay, it is almost impossible to avoid learning about the culture of the city or region in which you are living, and you can really enhance your understanding of the whole world around you.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

Additionally, the ease with which this sort of student housing will allow you to transition into your temporary lifestyle cannot be overlooked. Imagine arriving at the airport on your first day…now what?

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

You would have to get to your apartment or temporary housing, find something to eat, and then struggle to learn the neighborhood and get familiar with your new surroundings.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

With a homestay arranged through a reputable service you would be picked up at the airport and brought into a home-like environment. There would be no worries about where to stay and where to get something to eat. All of these things are part of the arrangements.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

The next few days your hosts would help you familiarize yourself with the area, and discover everything from how to get to the location of your internship each day to where to go for the best local foods, culture, recreation, and more. They would give you the foundation for a good social life that you could build on with your peers and colleagues.

Use USH to find the Homestay you need

Don’t overlook the importance of choosing the right housing situation as you begin an internship. Though it may be the final phase of your education, and though it may only last a matter of weeks, it is important to you in so many ways.

Host families are often the ideal way of getting the most out of this time.

When you are considering an internship, consider using a reputable service like USH. With partnerships in California, Arizona, and Florida (and with more than 125 institutions relying on their services), you can easily find a premium accommodation that does a lot more than give you a roof over your head, but which supplies you with a real advantage.