Shopzilla On Concurrency

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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AbstractConcurrency is everywhere. Prior to Java 5, concurrency was difficultand error prone. Since Java 5, it's far more prevalent in ourapplication code, and through time it's been lurking in open-sourceframeworks and containers. Concurrency is also a fundamental part ofShopzilla's web-site and services ecosystem.IntroductionRod Barlow from Shopzilla will explore a brief history of concurrency, and the keyconcurrency features and techniques provided by the Java API sinceJava 5. Topics covered include Immutability, Atomic References, BlockingQueues, Locks and Deadlocks. Also covered is Concurrency inFrameworks, and Shopzilla's Website Concurrency Framework, includingThread Pools, Executors and Futures.

Transcript of Shopzilla On Concurrency

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Shopzilla on ConcurrencyConcurrency as Shopzilla's performance building block

Rod Barlow, Architect


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Introduce Shopzilla

History of Java Concurrency

Java 5 Concurrency Features

Concurrency in Frameworks

Concurrency @ Shopzilla



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Shopzilla, Inc. - Online Shopping Network

100M impressions/day

20-29M UV’s per Month

8,000+searches per second


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Concurrent code pre Java 1.5 was difficult and error prone.

Unintended side effects

Doug Lea's concurrent package (circa 1998)

Java users need to write reliable multi-threaded software!

JSR-133 Java Memory Model (threads, locks, volatiles, ...)

JSR-166 Concurrency Utilities

Expert groups consisting of Bloch, Goetz, and Lea

4History of Java Concurrency

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Where is Concurrent Code?

Concurrent code is in our application containers


"A thread pool that is trying to copy the apache process management. Should we remove this in favor of Doug Lea's thread package?"


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Where is Concurrent Code?

Concurrent code is in the frameworks we all use

Concurrent code is increasingly in our application code

Concurrent code @ Shopzilla!


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Immutability = a class whose instances can't be modified

Eg; String, boxed primitives, BigDecimal, BigInteger

Joshua Bloch's Effective Java sets forth guidelines Eliminate mutators

Eliminate extensibility

All fields final

Exclusivity for mutable components

Further, Bloch's Effective Java reminds us

Immutable objects are inherently thread safe.

Immutable objects require no synchronization

Immutable objects can be shared freely


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Immutability - Guava

Formerly Google Collections, now Guava - “Immutability” guarantees no other actor in the system can change the

state of the collection

“Unmodifiable” (java.util.Collections.unmodifiable... factory methods) only guarantees that the client of the collection – the user – can never change the collection

An instance of ImmutableList contains its own private data and will never change


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Atomic References

Immune to deadlock and other liveness issues

Offer non-blocking synchronization of single variables

Offer lower scheduling overhead than traditional synchronization techniques

Immune to deadlock and other liveness issues

Effectively volatile variables with extra features

Modern hardware support through compare-and-swap processor instructions


public final boolean compareAndSet(V expect, V update);

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Atomic References – Unique ID

We needed an unique ID value

Unique across multiple data-centers, and silos

Configuration elements prime the singleton IdGenerator for distributed uniqueness

A portion is based on a time value, e.g.: the seconds since the start of the month

An additional portion provides uniqueness within a single JVM, using an Atomic Reference


private static AtomicInteger sessionIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(100000);


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Atomic References – Parent Node

AtomicReference's compareAndSet()

Used for visibility

Used to enforce data integrity constraints

Note ImmutableList


public class Node { private final NodeInfo nodeInfo; private final Collection<Node> children; private final AtomicReference<Node> parent;

public Node(NodeInfo nodeInfo) { this.nodeInfo = nodeInfo; children = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Node>(); parent = new AtomicReference<Node>(); }

public void addChild(Node szNode) { szNode.setParent(this); children.add(szNode); }

private void setParent(Node newParent) { if (!parent.compareAndSet(null, newParent)) { throw new NodeException("Child: " + this + " already has parent. Attempted:" + newParent); } }

public Node getParent() { return parent.get(); }

public Collection<Node> getChildren() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(children); }

public NodeInfo getNodeInfo() { return nodeInfo; }}

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Atomic References – Takeaways

Volatiles suffice where atomic check-then-act is overkill

Some atomic nonblocking algorithms involve looping for a failed compareAndSet()

During high thread contention this could actually mean inefficiency

Most real-world threads have far more to do than mere lock contention though


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Blocking Queues

Acts as a thread-safe implementation of a producer / consumer pattern

JMS queue, though not distributed

Insertion blocks until there is space available (for bounded queues)


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Blocking Queues – Data Publish

A very large (50GB) flat-file

Consumers send data to a remote grid cache

Multiple queue consumers increased throughput


BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(upperBound);…private final BlockingQueue<String> blockingQueue;BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("numbers.txt"));String line = reader.readLine();while (line != null) { blockingQueue.offer(line); line = reader.readLine();…String string = blockingQueue.take();

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Locks – ReadWriteLock

Allows for multiple concurrent read locks

No new read locks once a write lock is placed

Write lock blocks until read locks complete

Lock modes; non-fair (default), fair




readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();readLock = readWriteLock.readLock();writeLock = readWriteLock.writeLock();...

writeLock.lock();try { ...} finally { writeLock.unlock();}

readLock.lock();try { ...} finally { readLock.unlock();}

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Distributed Cached Data Snapshot

Multiple clients → Multiple HTTP requests

Multiple load balanced JVMs

Distributed data grid cache

Need to stream a data snapshot to n clients


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Distributed Cached Data Snapshot

Coherence partitioned cache supports cluster wide key-based lock

Locked objects can still be read by other cluster threads without a lock

Locks are unaffected by server failure (and will failover to a backup server.) Locks are immediately released when the lock owner (client) fails.

Lock timeouts (-1, 0, 1+)


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Open source clustering and highly scalable data distribution platform for Java

Distributed data structures

Queue / Topic

Map, MultiMap, Set, List


Effectively distributed java.util.concurrent


Cluster wide ID generators

Distributed executor services

Distributed Cached Data Snapshot 18

Lock lock = Hazelcast.getLock(myLockedObject);lock.lock();try { // do something here} finally { lock.unlock();}


if (lock.tryLock (5000,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { try { // do some stuff here.. } finally { lock.unlock(); } }

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Distributed Cached Data Snapshot

Apache Zookeeper



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Distributed Cached Data Snapshot

Distributed competition for the publishing privilege

Computation of completeness

Communicate completeness

Other threads in other JVMs happily polling for State.DONE


public class QueueState { State state; Long expectedSize; ...}

public void populateQueue(final String version) { final NamedCache cache = CacheFactory.getCache("queue-state"); final boolean lockObtained = cache.lock(version, 0); if (lockedObtained) { try { QueueState state = (QueueState)cache.get(version); cache.put(version, newQueueState(State.PUBLISHING)); publishSnapshotIds(version); // compute completeness ... cache.put(version, new QueueState(State.DONE)); } finally { cache.unlock(version); } }}

long publishSnapshotIds(Identifier version) { final Set<?> keySet = dataCache.keySet(); for (Object key : keySet) { messagingSession.publishMessage(version, (Long) key); } return keySet.size();}

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Distributed Cached Data Snapshot

n number of clients

n number of HTTP requests across 6 load balanced Tomcat JVMs

Threads failing to acquire lock immediately start shipping data

What about the thread obtaining the lock?


@GET@Path("data/snapshot/{version}")@Produces( { "application/fastinfoset" })@Overridepublic StreamingOutput getDataSnapshot(@PathParam("version") final String version) throws Exception { distributedQueueLock.populateQueue(version); return new DataStreamingOutput(messagingSession, dataDao, dataModelAdapter, version);}

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Concurrency in Frameworks

Hibernate Core 3.5.0


Need a thread to wait until some number of events have occurred

Constructed with the count of the # events which must occur before release

Callable, ExecutorService, ReentrantLock, AtomicReference


final CountDownLatch readerLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);final CountDownLatch writerLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);final CountDownLatch completionLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);final ExceptionHolder holder = new ExceptionHolder();

Thread reader = new Thread() { public void run() { try { BatchModeTransactionManager.getInstance().begin(); log.debug("Transaction began, get value for key"); assertTrue(VALUE2.equals(region.get(KEY)) == false); BatchModeTransactionManager.getInstance().commit(); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) { holder.a1 = e; rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { holder.e1 = e; rollback(); } finally { readerLatch.countDown(); } } };

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Concurrency in Frameworks

Spring Framework 3.0.1


Spring 2.0 supported Java 1.4

TaskExecutor did not implement Executor

In Spring 3.0 TaskExecutor extends Executor

TaskExecutor sees wide use within Spring framework


Message Driven POJO

Spring Enterprise Recipies – Josh Long, Gar Mak


public interface TaskExecutor extends Executor { ...}

public interface AsyncTaskExecutor extends TaskExecutor { ...}

public class SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor extends CustomizableThreadCreator implements AsyncTaskExecutor, Serializable { ... }

public void execute(Runnable task, long startTimeout) { Assert.notNull(task, "Runnable must not be null"); if (isThrottleActive() && startTimeout > TIMEOUT_IMMEDIATE){ this.concurrencyThrottle.beforeAccess(); doExecute(new ConcurrencyThrottlingRunnable(task)); } else { doExecute(task); }}

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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Needed sub 650ms server side response time

Simplify the layers

Decompose architecture

Functionally separate, individually testable, loosely coupled web-services

Define SLAs


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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency 25


Our pages today ship within 250ms

How to invoke 30+ web-services and ship a page in <650ms?

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Pods &Service Calls

Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Started simple

Implement only the concurrency features required

Concurrency isolated to pods

Pods responsible for fetching data

We're using simple building blocks

Incremental implementation based solely on requirements

Haven't seen deadlocks


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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Thread longevity configured at the HTTP connection level

HTTPClient connectionTimeout

Spring wired HTTPClient implementation

Ability to add a pod to a controller


<!-- Bean used for HTTP communication.--><bean id="commonsHttpClientTemplate" class=""> <!-- Max time waiting to open a connection --> <property name="connectionTimeout" value="1000" /> <!-- Max time waiting to receive data --> <property name="socketTimeout" value="1000" /> <!-- Essentially disable an upper limit we own these hosts--> <property name="maxConnectionsPerHost" value="9999" /></bean>

new FuturePodResult(executor.submit(new PodCallable<SearchCommand>(

relatedSearchPod, search, request, dictionary))));

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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

FuturePodResult implements the PodResult interface

Abstracts the details of the future

PodCallable types the pod and command


public class FuturePodResult implements PodResult { private final Future<PodResult> future; public FuturePodResult(Future<PodResult> future) { this.future = future; } public Map<String, Macro> getMacros() throws InterruptedException, PodException { try { return future.get().getMacros(); ...

public class PodCallable<T> implements Callable<PodResult> { final Pod<T> pod; final HttpServletRequest request; final T search; final Map<String, Object> dictionary; public PodResult call() throws PodException { ThreadLocalHelper.beforeExecute(request); try { return pod.invoke(request, search, dictionary); } finally { ThreadLocalHelper.afterExecute(); } }}

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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Need to execute pods

Configurable ExecutorService

Backed with a queue

Naming of threads proved useful in initial testing (JMX)


public ExecutorService create() { final LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(); final ThreadFactory threadFactory; if (poolName == null) { threadFactory = Executors.defaultThreadFactory(); } else { threadFactory = new NamedPoolThreadFactory(poolName); } return new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, keepAliveTimeSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue, threadFactory);}

private static class NamedPoolThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { private static final AtomicInteger poolNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); private final String namePrefix; private NamedPoolThreadFactory(String poolName) { namePrefix = poolName + "-" + poolNumber.getAndIncrement() + "-thread-"; } public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) { return new Thread(runnable, namePrefix + threadNumber.getAndIncrement());


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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Once the concept was proven, interesting feature requests materializing

Product Review pod

Distilled, 2 pods needed to share a single result

Added ServiceInvocation concept


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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Pods now have access to a Service Invocation Map

get() blocks on the result of the service invocation

A single service invocation result can be shared between two pods


public interface ServiceInvocationCallback<T> { public T invokeService() throws ServiceInvocationException;

}public class ServiceInvocationCallable<T, E extends ServiceInvocationCallback<T>> implements Callable<T> {

private E callback;

public ServiceInvocationCallable(E callback) { this.callback = callback; }

public T call() throws ServiceInvocationException { try { return this.callback.invokeService(); ...

serviceInvocationMap.add(CommonServiceInvocations.PRODUCTS, new ServiceInvocationCallable <ProductSearchResults, SearchCommand>( productServiceCallback, search, request));

// Product PodserviceInvocationMap.get(CommonServiceInvocations.PRODUCTS,ProductSearchResults.class);

// Product Reviews PodserviceInvocationMap.get(CommonServiceInvocations.PRODUCTS,ProductSearchResults.class);

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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Now we were sharing results, we were done, right?

Product Review information was now required in-line in the product pod

Still needed the special Product Review pod too!

Dependent Service Invocations


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Shopzilla's Website Concurrency

Service Invocations can now depend on results of others

Dependent Callable is configured with two callbacks;

A callback whose result is blocked for

A callback which is invoked once the blocking result arrives


public class DependentServiceInvocationCallable<T, E>implements Callable<T> { BlockingServiceInvocationCallback<E> blockingCallback; ServiceInvocationCallback<T, E> serviceCallback; HttpServletRequest request;

public DependentServiceInvocationCallable( BlockingServiceInvocationCallback<E> blockingCallback, ServiceInvocationCallback<T, E> serviceCallback, HttpServletRequest request) { ... }

public T call() throws ServiceInvocationException { ThreadLocalHelper.beforeExecute(request); try { E serviceRequest = blockingCallback .waitForResult(); if (serviceRequest == null) { throw new ServiceInvocationException( "Result of blocking helper was null"); } return serviceCallback.invokeService( serviceRequest, request); } finally { ThreadLocalHelper.afterExecute(); } }}

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More use of distributed data structures

Spring 3.0



JSR-315 Servlets 3.0


More parallelism


BlockingQueue<MyTask> q =Hazelcast.getQueue("tasks");q.put(new MyTask());MyTask task = q.take();

@Async // Spring 3public Future<Customer> createCustomer(Stringfn, String ln, String email);

@Scheduled(cron="*/5 * * * * MON-FRI")public void doSomething() { // something that should execute onweekdays only}

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Resources, Books

Java Concurrency in Practice (Goetz)

Effective Java (Bloch)

Spring Enterprise Recipes (Long, Mak)

Spring 3.0


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For more info…go to:

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