Shooting Kabul Mission Guide - Amazon · and...

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Transcript of Shooting Kabul Mission Guide - Amazon · and...

Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 1






This mission guide will help you along the way. But you must complete the challenges and always remember to bring your

mission guide.

Name: ____________________ #________


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 2

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                                          DAY  1        

   1. Go to Google Earth and type in Afghanistan. Using the Google Earth

map, label the following countries on the above map: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, and Egypt.

2. Color in and label the following bodies of water: Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Caspian Sea, Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea.

3. Locate and label with a star, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.  

Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 3

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                                          DAY  1     4. Go to the following website: Using the Facts & Photos section, complete the following worksheet. Geography 1. Afghanistan is located in Central _______________ with _______________ to the west and

_______________ to the east. 2. Tall, forbidding _______________ and dry _______________ cover most of the landscape of

Afghanistan. 3. How much of the land is used to grow crops? ________________________________ 4. The country was a busy section of the ___________________, a route that merchants

traveled over land between _______________, India, and _______________ for over 2,000 years.

Nature 5. List four extinct or nearly extinct animals found in Afghanistan. _______________,

_______________, _______________, _______________ 6. What stone is found in Afghanistan that was used to decorate King Tut’s tomb?

_______________ History 7. Afghanistan was settled around _______________ and has been in transition for most of its

history. Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan in _____________ and brought the _______________ language and culture to the region. Genghis Khan’s Mongols invaded in the _______________. In 1747, ______________ elders held a council meeting called a Loya Jirga and created the kingdom of the _______________.

8. How many wars did the British and Afghans fight in the 19th to 20th centuries? ______ 9. Who invaded Afghanistan in 1979? _______________________ 10. When did these troops leave Afghanistan? _________________ 11. Who too control of Afghanistan after this? __________________ People and Culture 12. How many people live in Afghanistan? _____________________ 13. List four groups of people who live in Afghanistan. _______________, _______________,

_______________, _______________ 14. What is one thing Afghans take pride in making and flying? _____________________ 15. What is the favored Afghan drink? ______________ Government 16. Afghanistan is a newly formed _______________. Under the new constitution, the president

and _________________vice presidents are elected every _________________years. 17. The government still faces problems with the _________________, internal security, and

public _________________. 18. What is the capital of Afghanistan? _______________ 19. What is the official language? _______________, _______________


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 4

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                        DAY  2  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 1, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Chapter 1 begins with the sentence, “It’s a perfect night to run away . . .” From what is the family running at the opening of the story? (initial)



2. What book is Fadi reading? (initial)


3. Describe the setting using at least eight adjectives. (initial)




4. What happened to the family’s belongings? Why? (initial)



5. What type of doll is Gulmina? (initial)



6. Can you think of another group, besides the Taliban, that abuses power? How? (reflective)







Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 5

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                   DAY  3  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 2, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. What belongings did Fadi bring with him? (initial) What belongings would you bring? (reflective)




2. Where is the family running away to? (initial)


3. What problems are the family encountering trying to get onto the truck? (interpretive)




4. What happens to Fadi’s sister, Mariam, as the family embarks on their escape from Afghanistan? (initial)



5. How would you have responded if you had been Fadi? Habib? (reflective)




Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 6

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                        DAY  4  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 3, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Why didn’t the driver stop? Why didn’t the other passengers allow Habib to leave? (initial)



2. Who do you think is responsible for Mariam being left behind? Why? (reflective)



3. Where is the family flying to? How did they get permission to go there? (initial)



4. During the flashback, what do the Taliban ask Habib to do? What decision does he come to? (initial)



5. What explanation about Osama Bin Laden does Habib provide Mariam? (initial)?



6. Why did Fadi’s father, Habib, choose to return to Afghanistan? What does this choice tell you about Habib? (interpretive)



7. Why is Zafoona upset on the plane? Who does she seem to blame? What do Noor and Habib try to convince her of? (interpretive)



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 7

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  4  8. During the flashback what did Fadi help Mariam do? What was Mariam’s treasure? (interpretive)



COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 4, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Where did the family arrive at? (initial)



2. How did Uncle Amin end up in America? (interpretive)




3. How does Fadi react to meeting his extended family in San Francisco? (interpretive)




Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 8

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  5  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 5, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. What was life like for Fadi’s family in Afghanistan? (reflective)



2. How does Mariam’s absence affect the family reunion? (interpretive)



3. Make a list of things you have learned about Afghanistan and its people. (reflective)





4. Why does Zafoona blame herself for Mariam being left behind? (reflective)



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 9

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  5  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 6, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Why does Fadi think Mariam might not have been found yet? (interpretive)



2. In what ways do family members reach out to Fadi, Noor, and their parents? (reflective)



3. What is life like in Uncle Amin’s house? (reflective)



4. What job does Habib take in America? (initial))


5. Describe the family’s apartment. (initial)

6. Why does Noor blame herself for Mariam being left behind? How does Fadi react to Noor’s confession? (interpretive)





Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 10

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                  DAY  6        COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 7, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. How has Noor changed? (interpretive)



2. What does Fadi begin in this chapter? Where? (initial)



3. How was Fadi’s summer different from the other student’s? (initial)



4. Why does Fadi want to leave the line before Felix gets there? (initial)



5. Why does Fadi feel as if he is watching another world? (interpretive)




Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 11

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                  DAY  6        COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 8, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Who do they think took in Mariam? (initial)



2. What does Zafoona mean when she asks Habib, “Where is your ghayrat?” (interpretive)





3. Why does Fadi say Mariam knows where the family was going? (initial)



4. How does Fadi feel when he is taking pictures? (interpretive)




5. Why would the Taliban ban photography? (reflective)








Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 12

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  7  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 9, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Who is in Fadi’s group for the art project? (initial)



2. Why does Fadi have a heavy heart? (interpretive)



3. Why does Fadi run away from the McDonald’s parking lot? (initial)



4. Do you think Fadi has anything to confess about? (reflective)







Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 13

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  7  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 10, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. What ideas does the photo contest inspire for Fadi? (initial) __________________________________________________________________________________



2. Do you think Fadi’s plan will work? Why or why not? (interpretive)





3. What gave Fadi the idea for his plan? (initial)



4. What surprising event happens at the end of the chapter? (initial)



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 14

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  8  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 11, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Describe Habib’s feelings when the customer comments, “If you don’t study and work hard, you’ll end up a taxi driver like your father.” (interpretive)




2. Where does Habib take Fadi? (initial)





3. What secret does Habib share with Fadi? (initial)



4. Why does Fadi not mind being lectured by his father? (reflective)



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 15

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                  DAY  9  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 12, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Do you think Habib was right in telling Noor and Fadi not to tell their mom about Fadi’s actions? (reflective)




2. Why does Noor give Fadi the money for his photo club? (interpretive)





3. What major world event occurs in chapter 12? (initial)



4. What part of the photo contest grand prize did Fadi want the most? Why? (interpretive)



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 16

FIGURATIVE  LANGUAGE  IN  SHOOTING  KABUL           DAY  10      Author N. H. Senzai uses figurative language in her novel Shooting Kabul. Figurative language is writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally. These “figures of speech” include similes, metaphors, and personification. They add interest and color and make the language more exciting and interesting.

simile: A comparison of two things (that may or not be alike) using the words like or as. She is as quick as a fox.

metaphor: A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as. The sun was a furnace.

personification: A type of metaphor in which non-human things or ideas possess human qualities or actions. The wind whistled throughout the night.

➵Read the examples of figurative language from chapters 1-14 below. For each one: • Identify whether it is an example of: A. simile B. metaphor C. personification • Underline the words that identify it as such. (For simile and metaphor, underline the two things being compared. For personification, underline the non-human thing and its human quality or action. For hyperbole, underline the word or words which identify the exaggeration.) Example:

_____ (p. 7) “He was barrel shaped.” B – metaphor. He is the shape of a barrel,

meaning he was round around the middle.

______ 1. (p. 2) “The taxi he and his family were traveling in swerved around a bombed-out Soviet tank and exited the pockmarked highway.”

______ 2. (p. 2) “…revealing a thin face with unruly dark hair escaping from beneath a

traditional beaded cap.”

______ 3. (p. 10) “Her face was laced with sadness and a trace of pity.” ______ 4. (p. 26) “The hot ember of guilt burned in his mind.”

______ 6. (p. 57) “…her voice as wispy as a spider’s web.”

______ 6. (p. 77) “Fadi felt like an unnoticed shadow no one cared about.” ______ 7. (p. 79) “His arm along with the rest of his body, flew across the board as he wrote his


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 17


______ 8. (p. 92) “The sound of music floated through the air as an ice cream truck came around the corner.”

______ 9. (p. 98) “…making him look like a confused owl chick.” ______ 10. (p. 101) “But Ms. Bethune’s next sentence hit him like a bucket of cold water.”

______ 11. (p. 118) “Coming around the peak the city revealed itself with a burst of radiant light.”

➵Digging Deeper: Finding Meaning in Similes & Metaphors

Identify the simile or metaphor in each of these examples by underlining it, then write its meaning. Remember that figurative language is not meant to be taken literally. Example: (p. 124) “Panic or fear will kill a spell.”

If you panic during a spell it will not work.

12. (p. 110)“But unlike Claudia, who had taken weeks to carefully plan out every aspect of her escape, Fadi was flying by the seat of his pants.”



13. (p. 26) “The hot ember of guilt burned in his mind, and his thoughts flew back to the night of their escape.”



14. (p. 48) “A sea of eager smiling faces bobbed around them, calling out names and waving cards with passenger’s names on them.”



15. (p. 69) “Fadi lay on the living room floor, cocooned in a bedroll made up of old blankets from the Salvation Army.”



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 18




Will Fadi win the contest and find Mariam? Will you finish the

novel and earn an A? This mission guide will help you along the way. But you must complete the challenges and always remember to bring your

mission guide.

Name: ____________________ #________


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 19

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                        DAY  11  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 13, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. What information does Habib receive from Professor Sahib?



2. What did Osama bin Laden ask the Taliban for? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________


3. How did the Taliban help Afghanistan? According to Habib, how is the Taliban hurting Afghanistan?




4. What literary device is used when Fadi thinks, “Things are going to get worse. I just know it.”


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 20

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  11  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 14, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Why are Ike and Felix creating problems with Fadi at the beginning of the chapter? ____________________________________________________________________________


2. List each of the four judges for the Take Your Best Shot competition and two important details for each. Which judge seems to be the most important?








3. What plan do Fadi and Anh make for the competition?



4. What happened to Jon?



5. What did Habib say were the three key ingredients of a photo?



6. When does Fadi believe the best photos are taken? Why?



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 21


SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  12  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 15, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. List four things you learned about Friday prayers from the beginning of chapter 15.




2. What do you think it means when the imam says, “When you kill, you cease to be a true human”? ____________________________________________________________________________



3. What store does Habib take the boys to? Why?



4. What does Fadi see that makes him stop in his tracks? _______________________________

5. How does Fadi initially feel as he walks down this aisle?




6. What surprising thing does Fadi do? Why?



7. Who was Mr. Singh and why did he get attacked? ____________________________________________________________________________



Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 22

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                  DAY  13  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 16, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Explain how the picture Fadi wants to use for the contest will appeal to each of the four judges? ____________________________________________________________________________




3. Fadi feels his picture tells a _____________________, but that it is missing ______________.

4. What does Anh take a picture of? _______________________________________________

Whose picture does Fadi think is better? ____________________________________________

4. What does Fadi tell Anh?



5. What surprising revelation does Anh make at the end of the chapter?



6. Create a describing map for Anh. Use at least eight adjectives. Provide textual evidence for your




Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 23

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                    DAY  13          

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 17, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. If Zafoona’s health is fine now, why is she still behaving as though she is ill? ____________________________________________________________________________


2. Why does Fadi have to go back to the school? ______________________________________

3. Create a sequence map that explains what happens from the middle to the end of chapter 17. Your

map should begin with Fadi walking out of the school and conclude with Fadi heading home. You

should have a minimum of seven boxes.

Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 24

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                                      DAY  14        COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 18, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. Why doesn’t Fadi tell his parents who he was in a fight with? ____________________________________________________________________________


2. What do you think is Fadi’s major conflict at the beginning of chapter 18? ____________________________________________________________________________


3. What is the family celebrating chapter 18? _________________________________________

4. Why won’t Fadi eat the mantu? __________________________________________________

5. While the family is eating dinner, what surprising news do they find out? ____________________________________________________________________________



6. Why do you think this news is so upsetting to the family? ____________________________________________________________________________






Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 25

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  14  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 19, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:

1. What happens to Fadi at the beginning of chapter 19? ____________________________________________________________________________


2. What does Fadi ask Ms. Bethune for? ____________________________________________________________________________


3. Do you agree or disagree with Habib and Fadi’s decision to conceal the truth about Fadi’s suspension from Zafoona? Why? ____________________________________________________________________________





Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 26

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 20, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:



     SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 21, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:


   SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 22, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:


SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 23, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:


Shooting Kabul Mission Guide 27

SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 24, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:


SHOOTING  KABUL  MISSION  GUIDE                                DAY  15  COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS After you have finished reading chapter 25 and the Epilogue, answer the questions below. Be sure to use full sentences and explain your answers where appropriate:
