Shifting the social percentages, without harming a soul.

Post on 24-Dec-2014

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Occupy identified how a small percentage of the population hold a disproportionate amount of the wealth (and vilified them). When we attack a certain group or tribe, we demonstrate our own fear of the 'other'. We aim to being the 'other' together, whoever and wherever they are. The only barrier to entry being if they believe themselves to be above the law, or beyond reproach.

Transcript of Shifting the social percentages, without harming a soul.

Shifting the percentages.

Who decided life isn’t fair?

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Here’s a novel idea.

A movement dedicated to theconcept of a society whereinpublic servants and electedofficials work solely in theinterests of that public whichelected them and pays them.

Does that sound unfair?


Shifting the percentages.

Imagine a system designed…

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… to work FOR you.

It doesn’t matter where youfeel you fit into society, or evenif you feel you don’t fit at all(that’s what we’re working on).

Everyone belongs.

Does that sound unfair?

Shifting the percentages.

Social climbing is acceptable…

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… looking down on peoplewhen you get there isn’t.

Society is complex, and we’renot going to fix all the myriadills we’ve inherited in one day.

What we can do is ‘correct’.

Does that sound unfair?

Shifting the percentages.

This isn’t about subtracting…

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… would you want to give upall you’ve worked for?

Some people are fortunateindeed in that they’ve not hadto work for what they have.It’s the way the world works,we pass things on.

Does that sound unfair?

Shifting the percentages.

No one prospers in isolation.

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How many pairs of cutlery canyou hold at any one time?Your canteen may be splendidand the spoon in your mouthmay be silver BUT there’s alimit to what you actually needin life. The environment andsociety can’t afford to indulgegreed…

Does that sound unfair?

Shifting the percentages.

We can’t ‘pass’ on responsibility.

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The entire fabric of society isintertwined. We’ve been ledto believe, by those that lead,that if we pull on the wrongthread, the whole fabric willbe undone.

That would be their undoing.

Does that sound unfair?

Shifting the percentages.

This is their problem.

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The general public believe thateducation is a good thing.They have also been lead tobelieve that you get what youpay for. And our leaders canafford to go to the best schools.

Our leaders have forgottenthat you lead by example, andhave created a great divide.

Divided we don’t fall for anything.

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For generations we’ve beensystematically infantilised.Buying a fluffy teddy in a cardshop that says ‘World’s BestMum’ doesn’t always expressreality. A fair and just societycan’t be built on wishfulthinking. We have to work forwhat we want. And if those inthe job aren’t doing it justice…

… it’s our duty to dismissthem and get new people in.

Is this a scary prospect?

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It would be, if everything washunky dory. Our problem is,we all seem to have turned abit ‘Dory’.

We vote for one party, becomedisillusioned, and then votefor the other party, becomedisillusioned, and then votefor the other party…

… but say, aren’t the otherparty the party we all gotdisillusioned in before?

They really are public self-serving…

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What every prospective leaderof Government does, is tell usthat they agree with us. ‘It’ is‘awful’, and when they get intopower, they’ll change thesystem to ensure ‘this’ neverhappens again. And then, theyget into power… and what’sthis? The naughty previousparty, left a terrible mess…

… and nothing changes.

Why would they… tamper witha system that got them elected?

Why would they…

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… want to change the OldGuard? The Old School Tienetwork works. For them.

In order to break these ties,bonds that prevent our havingand enjoying a just society, wehave to present an argumentand an alternative, that’s justright… not ‘Goldilocks’ right.

If your movement or partyhas an underlying philosophythat’s fair, just, equitable andwell-reasoned; they can argue,thus exposing themselves forexactly what they are.

C O M M U N I T YFeeling ‘a part’, not apart.

The Three ‘C’s.

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The Three ‘R’s are an out-dated source of wisdom. Welearn regurgitated facts by rote.Society deserves an upgrade.

Does that sound unfair?

C O M P A S S I O NCare in the community shouldn’t be a service.

The Three ‘C’s.

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I don’t want to feel like I’m allalone, and that if I happen tostumble that those around mewill step over me.

I want to feel cared for.

Does that sound unfair?

C O N S E N S U SAgreement shouldn’t be something we diss.

The Three ‘C’s.

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I don’t want to feel that justbecause I don’t understand theproblems, that those who do,can decide for me; when theydon’t consider my interests.When I chose a leader, I wantthem to help me get ahead.Does that sound unfair?

If this sounds wrong…

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… I don’t want to be right.

I don’t want to have to choseright or left. Shouldn’t societyand politics have evolvedsufficiently to have establishedequilibrium? Why should I haveto choose repeatedly and feelI’ve made the wrong decision?Doesn’t that sound unfair?

If our current leaders are bestof breed (rather than in-bred)and have enjoyed all thebenefits that privilege canbestow, shouldn’t outcomesbe better, as they’re smarter?

Shifting the percentages.

We should enjoy joining.

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Joining a party. Subscribing andthen sitting back, waiting forsomeone else to right the wrongs(or protect our group interests)and do what’s correct; hasn’treally worked has it? It all soundsfine and dandy, until the endresult is a bunch of dandiesenjoying fine-dining at society’sexpense in palatial ambience.

Shifting these tiny percentages.

Do the math.

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There are just 650 MPs.

That’s one 1/100,000th of thepopulation. 0.00001 per cent.

That 0.00001 per cent, spendall our tax cents, dollars,pence, pounds, and euros.

Now that does sound unfair.

Shifting gears. Let’s change up.

It could be worse?

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Loads of people are grumbling,whinging, whining, moaning,groaning and whittering.Funny how many words weBrits have for such things.Less funny, is how, when youask people to do somethingabout it, they change theirtune.

Shifting the percentages.

What’s ‘our’ problem?

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There’s a German word for it:Schadenfreude… takingpleasure in the misfortune ofothers. Research proves thatwe Brits would happily take aknock or a hit, as long as thosearound us suffer more badly.That’s doesn’t sound right, butthat’s how it’s been for ages.Fair pay and fair play R.I.P..

Shifting the percentages.

It could be worse? It will be.

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Politicians are full of hot air.

They’ve used plenty of hot airplus tax pounds inflating thehousing bubble. As usualthere’s a sting in the tale. Allthose deposits supplied byGovernment must be repaidin five years… but what doesup, must come down.

Shifting the percentages.

What’s fair?

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“Life isn’t fair.”

Today we’re told to man up(sorry girls). This comes aftergenerations of keeping ourchins up to display that stiffupper lip.

When did fair become an F-word? Fair isn’t a dirty word.

Our objective is to restore an adjective.

Seems fair enough to me.

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fair: adjective

1. free from bias, dishonesty,or injustice: a fair decision; afair judge.

2. legitimately sought, pursued,done, given, etc.; proper underthe rules: a fair fight.

3. moderately large; ample: afair income.

4. neither excellent nor poor;moderately or tolerably good:fair health.

5. marked by favouringconditions; likely; promising:in a fair way to succeed.

What about you?

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What is it about this country?On the one hand, we’re themost creative and innovativenation in recent history.

On the other, we’re trussed-upby tradition, possessed by anEstablishment that’s ‘stuck’.

We have to break free of thiscycle of ever-decreasing circles.

Are you with me?

Are you for a fairer nation.

Are you for the restoration…of fair play and fair pay?

If so, contact me as below:)@SociaContra