Sherman Skolnick Reports

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Transcript of Sherman Skolnick Reports

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  ULY 5 i97

Shennan Skolnick, Chicago legal researcher who charges that docu·ments in the National Archives will prove Lee Harvey Oswald didn't

act alon;, in killing Kennedy.

y EV RT LIMINEA black former Secret Service agent was railroaded to

jail because he tried to tell the Warren Commission someuncomfortable truths about the assassination of PresidentKennedy.

The agent was Abraham Bold·en, now on parole after serving39 months in prison on apparent·

Jy trumped-up charges involvingthe selling of information toconn erfeiters.

Bolden had wanted to tell the

Warren ·Commission in 1964 thathe knew of a plot to kill the

P1·esident notin

Dallas on Nov.22, 1963, but in Chicago during

a football game on Nov. 2 of

that year.

legal researcher whose investigations of eorruption already havej,,d to the r e ~ i g n t i o n of two

I l l i n o i ~ judgeH, sued the National

Archives i'l Washington, charg·

'ing it with withholding docu·ments p o i n t i n ~ to the ChicagD plot

on JFK's life.Excert for ever-so-brief men·

tion, the story has not appeared

in the daily press.Skolnick. a cripple confined to

a wheelchair. says he has evi·dence leading to a Chicago plot

a ~ a i n s t Kennedy which goes un·mentioned in the nDw-battered

WaiT< n Report

Legal whiz Skolnick is trying •tG

get Lyndon Johnson to testifyabout certain misgivings the expresident harbors about the Warren Report, hoping ·to throw morelight on the possibility of Oswald

having one or ~ o _ r e accomplices.



·He charges that Kennedy wassupposed to be assassinated inChicago •bu t the plDt was shiftedto Dallas when the President

cancelled his trip to Illinois be·cause of a cold. ' ·

The plot is linked not Dnlyto Lee Harvey Oswald but a mannamed Thomas Arthur Vallee,now 37 whereabouts unknown,described as closely resembling


Several other private research·

ers into the Kennedy assassinationhave uncovered evidence of asecond Oswald" seen here and

there in the U.S. while the realOswald was known to be n Mex

leaders Fred Hampton and MarkClark in Chicago.

On Nov. 2, 1963, Thomas Valleewas stopped and charged with aminor traffic violation one hour

before JFK's proposed arrival inChicago (he never showed up).

The FBI immediately entered

the case and in its report linkedVallee with an aborted assassina·tion plot. Three FBI documentspertaining to this now are lock·ed in the National Archives.

The documents reveal that thewitness against Vallee was DavidGroth, who at the time was notreferred to as a policeman, nor

N A T l O , N A l T A T T t R :I



Edward Hanrahan, then a .U.S.Attorney, helped l send Bolden up

the river >n allegedly trump;,d-up


fire, but a r buke Df both ·theState's Attorne1's police and

segments Df t h ~ Chicago PoliceDepartment whe a federal grand

jury failed to in ict the survivingPanthers who were in the apartment.

The raid was arganized •byState's Attorney , Edward Hanra·

han, who d e f e n d ~ d the actions ofhis raiders right up to the m<>·

ment the grand jhry slapped them


In 1964, Hanrahan was U.S.Attorney for Northern Illinois.

It was to Hanrahan's officethat Agent Bolden was escortedon May 18, 1964, the day after

Bolden tried to talk with theChief Counsel of the WarrenCommission, J. Lee Rankin. BDld·

Ordered back to ChicagD >n apretext, Bolden was told byHanrahan that he, Bolden. wasunder indictment for selling evi·dence to counterfeiters.

In his first trial, BDlden got ahung jury; but in his secondtrial, two counterfeiters who werepolice informers were "found''who testified- against him. BDldengot a six-year sentence.

But in their own trial. the

counterfeiters admitted they liedagainst Bolden.

When Skolnick's charges brokesome weeks ago, Bolden - nowout on parole - was called inby his probation advisor and toldto keep his IUDnth shut or goback to prison.

Skolnick says that Bolden knew

about the Chicago plot on JFK,

and that one of the hidden documents prDves the Secret Servicehad Thomas Vallee under sur-veillance before Nov. 2, 1963,knew that he was linked to LeeHarvey Oswald and at least two

other men.

Skolnick also says that Vallee'scar, bearing New York license

plate 311 ORF, was "linked or

registered .to Lee Harvey Os-wald.

Attempts by a Chicago TV station t trace the ·plates turnedup an FBI "freeze'' on this vitalinformation. Others who h a v etried to learn a'bont these license

Black Panther Fred Hampton

was his death in 1969 lloked toJFK's six years earlier?

But what he evidently wanted

to .tell the Warren Commissionwas that some agents were

racists who hated the Presidentbecause of his strong stand infavor of civil rights.

The fact that the same controversial office holders were in·

valved in the official gagging ofAgent Bolden, and the raid whichsix years later took the lives Dftwo Black Panther leaders, suggests to Skolnick that strongracism in high places is in the

Former Secre-t ServiceJ:aham Bolden has bee

silenced in his attemwhat he knows abou

to kill JFK.

saddle.The full story is no

and may never be. Mattempts to pry SDmtruth out of governmcials and the Nationahave proved futile.

But with even Lyndonow saying that the Wa

mission didn't do a coinvestigating his prdeath, maybe the truthassassinat,ion will finalla little at a tirr:e.

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 2/20

news sto r y on the other s ide of thl.s sheet r efers to the case of Skolnick vs. National Archives

No . 70 C 790, fi led in U.S. Dist rict Court, Northern Dist rict of Illinois, Eastern

Div., (Chicago), Clerk's off ice of which i s on 20th floor, Federal Building , 219 So. Dearborn, Chicago

The story is very accurat e about the suit with the minor exception that Daniel Gr oth is called

David._] · Information b rought out in Court in case No. 70 C 790:

(1) Another Secr et Service agent , Harvey Henderson, had a part in planning the assassination of

President Kennedy. Hender son was quietly sacked from the Secret Service about the time of the

assassination , Nov. 22, 1963 .

(2) A do cum ent attached to th e suit, shows that the day after the assassination, Lee Harvey ·

Oswald, the alleged sole as sas sin according to the Warren Report , made a collect call from th e

Dallas Jail to what appears to be hi s boss or contact , John David Hurt, of Raleigh, North Ca r olina ,

who had been a special agent in the U. S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps. Oswald's mother has

been saying publicly th at he r son was with the government as being , she thought , with Naval

lntellilrence .(3) Daniel Groth (who helped assassinate)llinois Black Panther Leader Fred Hampton), the suit

points out , is not a policeman as the news media tells the public, but is some kind of a federal opera

tive higher than U. S. Sec ret Service, i . e . , C. I A. The suit sets forth the circumstances suppo rted

by attached documentation, showing Groth, not acting as a policeman , helped abort the Chicago plot

against Kennedy (because something went wrong) , so that the assassins could escape and do their

thing in Dallas three weeks later .

(4) Accor ding to one National Archive s document attached to the suit, the then executive editor o

the Chicago Daily News (Nov. , 1963) , knew about the plot to kill President Kennedy in Chicago , three

weeks before Dallas , involving Oswa ld in Chicago and accomplices. The Chicago Daily News did not

run a story about the arrest of Vallee (related to the Chicago plot) , u n t l ~ Kennedy was on the

cemetery. When the Skoln ick suit was filed in Chicago , April 6, 1970, the Chicago newspapers ,

uptight about the document Skolnick attached to the suit implicating the Chicago Daily News, blocked

out the ·news of th e suit . The sto ry r an, however , worldwide , including on the Associated Press

national wire. Worldwide , that is , but not in Chicagonewspapers . WCFL Radio had an in-depth stor

(5) The released Nati onal Archives documents , attached to the su it , mentioning Oswald and his

Chicago possible look alike, Vallee , both in Chicago three weeks befor e Dallas, are regarded as one

of the greates t blunder s in th e histo ry of the Archives. Supposedly, all mention of the Chicago plotagainst Kennedy was to have been suppressed for 75 years. Skolnick insisted in court that the Archiv

should be compelled to now release the rest of tl: e Chicago p ~ o t documents since part of those docu

ments somehow slipped out of the Archives and into his possession.

(6) Chicago Federal District Judge J . Sam Perry (who is responsible for the false imprisonment

· of Abraham Bolden) is according t o other undisputed court -filed documents/ owned by the Chicago

crime cartel . Two pages of the suppres sed Blakey Report are now part of the federal court record

(Case 16615 , U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, Chicago, clerk's office, 27th floor, Federal Bldg.

(7) The National Archives su it contends that the · . Warren Report is void (it says there was no

plot), since ther e now i s shown documented links to a plot or conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy in .

Chicago, three weeks befor e Dallas .

(8) Strange as it may seem to the uninformed, news coverage after the filing of the suit and

subsequent court event s in the suit , was inter fered with by a barrage of letters and phone calls from

one or more Warren Report cr itics , threatening lawsuits and other reprisals against various people

in the news media, if th ey continue to publi cize Skolnick's suit. Some of the Warren Report critics

assert, oddly enough , th at Skolnick had no right to ask the court to hold the Warren Report void. ·

(As long as the Warren Report is not invalidated by court on;ier , they can go on writing books and

articles criticizing and li nt -picking it .) Some absolutely mind -blowing data has been compiled about

the Warren Report crit ics as a res +ult of the National Archives suit. By a highly detailed factual

analysis , Skolnick and fellow re sea rcher s can show that some of the Warren Report critics are, of

all things , part of a clean up squad , purporting to lint -pick the Warren Report , but, in fact, stiflin

any outside effort s t o get news coverage of ,-:_; situations like the Chicago plot against Kennedy. It can

be shown, for example, that one or more Warren Report book-writing critics stifled news coverage o

another suit aQ'ainst the National Archives (a suit involving the Kennedy x-rays).

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(outside Olicago ue a di J a ··• ' ' ' 112)

LINE DeWS 731 1100

up of well-known C.3.'crs. Apparently involved inbribe was recently resi4· That the l'ederal Deposit former COP National Com

In sura nce Corporatro n ,tcc man from Indiana, K

2. Tira t the Symbionese Li- fo.D.I.C ., supposedly guaran- Bule n.

.. .. .._,...bcratian Army, S.l..A., is a teeing bank deposits, has in-creature of th e CIA, des1gned adequate assets and reserves. 6. Two eivil lawsui ts pe nto create an atmosphere of $5 billion in to under- rn the federal courts in C

TOP 10 terror and lay the groundwork wr ite banks haVIng $700 btL- go involv•· ' ' li nesfor martial law and a suspen-  ion in deposits. by relatives of the Shah

Sion of constitutional rig•hts. Iran. Nixon ). O t $11 mi5 . That there was another f th r l 1

l f SkolnickAIRMAN , CITI ZEN'S



The maj·or disclosures were by rom e ta ' L mc oWa tc rooatc-connct'led plane d" 1 tC'il y fiank , and banks linked assassination resea rche rs Mac " accor onr, o coUI rccocrash where sabotage was sus- t · kJ d d t twith them, such as the Mor gan l3russell. Bon Freed. author of nc e own o corruppcctcd.ThcDect mberl . l974 CJ   f I 'd 1 D"sGuaranty Trust, am these in l: xecutil'c Actioll , and our- ca)lo lJc ·c era 1

I . 1  crash of TWA night 5 i 4 near Jucl"e Edw1rt Robson, accuurn are t te major owners o 1 "arc ten major stories of

suppressed by the mas s

the th ree news networks, sc vcs. the C'IA base, Mt. Weather, of falsifying official re cordABC. CBS. and RCA the pa - 3. l11a t the f ede ral Co m- Virginia. Killed was a federa l benefit <he Shah and rent of NBC, and other maj or mu nicat iom Co mmission ha s official can ying super-secret Sh ah's at torney.

·' d · formulated seventl new pro- documents, burned in the Simon, hintself n ·,v 1 j"uadio :mu TV broa casting· Tl ·1 VJ·sJons to help snppress Citi· crash, showing that Nixon got U.S. Attorney Jim ThompThat Ne lson and David comp;tmes. te t ra1 starts

Lens Banu Radio. <.-o incident an 800 thousand doUar br ibe sup posedly Mr. Clefeller, and Senator \vith th e public:Jtion Mar ch 4.with a mystt rious waY\ of in 1972 to drop a federal won't prosecute, becauserles Percy, arc the princi- 1974 by the U.S. Government .

' sabotagin" and robbery of extort ion indictment agamst mun's son, Jo hn. until rccowners of the Cha se Man - PrintinJ' Office of ' Disclosure u

Of Corporate 0 \'/ncrsltl.p." C.B. equipment and beating Gary Ma yo r Richard Hatcher. ly was O •it:f of the Civil Dt ~ N ~ a ~ i ~ o ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -•t m Titnmpson's office.

_mys tcnous death of ('lay federal interference and the timony of 194 -49 started to Roekcfc lk r 's nwolvctloent. TShaw, one week after Nixon's mur der of most of Garrison's come out early in 1974, show- divert public at tention, lulires ign ation. C'lay Slww was key witnesses. ing that in the early 194lh, · and Ltltc: Rosenbe rg weaccused by New Orleans Dt s- 9. That Nixon hdpcd cover-up there was a crack 200-man fr ant('d on fa lse cvidenc;: antri <.:t Attorney J i111 (;arrison of for the Ro ckefellcrs fur more f-BI team, headed by Larry assas.<oinat in th e clectn

being part of a CIA plot to than 25 yea rs. The atomic Kerley, tracking the s ~ c n : t s chair, 19.5 3. fh c details weassassinate JPK. Assas,;ina tion sec rets we re not stolen hut being given away hut forbid- being r tvcn t o ~ 111agazine w

r e s c believe Shaw was •l given away to the Soviets den to arrest the top level ter in January, 1974. Onlink to Nixon's invo lvem.:nt in to th e U.S.'s own first atomtc Soviet agents. Ntxon, as chief hour lut.:r, K e r l . : ~ was rnu

Da llas. Garrison couldn' t pro- bomb, witlt the help of Nelson investigator, cut ~ h o r l the dcr.:u. Ilis d<H'Uil teuts survivceed against Shaw because of aml Winthrop Rockefeller. Alger Hiss case to suppress the

Sea1 cred across the U.S.100 supcr-wirctrap ce nters,uiscd as Mother Uell's

Switch in l\ System.opened is one at 4025

and St., Gaiy , Ind. C'.ali ty: surveillance and re

of 15,000 conversaper second.

urder is suspected in the10 Maj<..r lay-offs arc com in

Suppressed Congressional tcs- at the a ~ o l'rihu  e . Rc



C  .t) L Sh a w. 60. was f ound dead in his home on

Augus t 15. 197 ' , . five and a half years afte r h e was

c h.t rgccl by District Attorn ey Jim Ga r r is on with co n

..,p ir a c y in th l· murde r of Pres id e n t John F . Ke nnedy.

Sha w re port edly had been ill s in ce February when h e

ttndC'rwcn t g e r y for the remova l of a b lood clot.

Another n ews so urce reported th at Shaw was th e

apparent , -ic t im o f ca n cer. Consid e rin g th e biza r re

u t a n c surround in g th i s dea th. we must list

it a nother in th e long li ne of mysteriou s death s

ll'hich s urround th e Kenne d y assassinat ion .

Tn j anua ry o f this ye a r, former C. l. A . sta ff .11e m

her V ict o r Mar c he tti reve a led that S h a w was a p aid

o nt ac t o f th e Centra l Inte lli gence Agency bac k in the

e a rly 1960s . Note th at the s ur ge r y on S h aw oe cu ned

on ly a few weeks af te r th e re lease of th ese fa c ts .

;\1arc h c tti stated that w hi le Shaw was being in ve st iga

ted i>y Garrison in 19 68 . freq u ent mornin g br iefin g

were held w it h high Agency official s it1

whic h ser ious co n cern w:1s voiced c on cerning th eI b i l i t y of th e New Orleans D isti 'ict A t torney un

c m t t ~ S h a w 's CI A contact s a nd mak in g t hem pub-

lic . C.:l rrison h ad a ll eged on several occasion s that

S lt .tw w a ~ a C I/\ opera ti ve. hut was n ever able to

prm < his co nt e nt io n . The se same hi gh Agen c y offic i

, t l ~ . d ~ o often ex pre ss ed the n eed to gl\'C hel p to Sh aw

and hi.'-o de fe n se leam dur ing Garrison's in ves tiga tion .

Chicago Reader

12/20/ 74

son. to cut <tall to the bonso as to <llow bigge r profiwh en the Tribun e puts thestock on the market in 197

(The Cittz c,,s Commitl eeClean I 'I' I he (0111 /S is a KTOI

which mvestigates corrup11oand political a s ~ · a s s i n a t i oThe .• '1/fl a rt•curded m essagal>o;a tlteir ott>st work, 2

hours per day, 73 /-1/00j.

o hs e n ·ccl an ambul a n ce pulling up in fr on t of the

S h aw home Then two ambu la nc·e attenrlanro;

a s tr e tc her w ith a fi gu re on it covered by a shee t in to

th e house. The tw o men th en quickl y left wi th an

empty stre tc h e r and a few h ours later Shaw was

J'cported '· found dea d in hi s h ome al one ."

Th e body was im m ediatel y taken to a local mortu-

:n ·v and Pmha lm c d bef o re Parish Coroner. Dr. Frank

Mlnyarcl . was notified of the death . La te r Dr. Min-

vard is -.ttC'ci a press e n t in whic h he condemned

rhe c • e d y e m b alming of Shaw's body a nd s ta ted

the act ion rende red impossib le the de te rm i nat ion of ·c. tusc• o f death.

Tim e ma gaz ine says that th ings at'c going to getbc tt n and that the healing p rocess h as begun with

N ixo n 's n : - ~ t i T h e re w ill be no he a li n g of this

lattd until th e d isease whic h s t r uck this co un try on

Nm c·mhcr 22. 19G:3 b recognized . an.1lyzed and treat-

men begun . O nl y then ca n the awful germ which

cn uscd o ur c.t n U;'I be isolated and era di ca ted .

Home Week

::: 1.., -

1'vLtrc h e tti a lso re late d th at Sh a w. David Ferr ie . E.

ll oward Hun t. Frank S tu rgis. Bern ard Barker, and l l l ' r ~ w e re a II workin g toget h e r in th e CIA' s Bay

f . ~ s plann in g ope ra ti on . T hi s informati on becomes

It l><·c·n c lear for a lon;z t im e that th e members

rd th l' \,V. trrc·Jt C m t n l ~ ~ t o l l covered up the most h e m-

oi l" <:t till(' o f our hi s tory. I t is now obvwus t h at thenH · tn iH-r'-o arc · re apin g th e ir rewards .


Co 111mission membe r Gera ld Ford is Presid e n t by

£ w' w_,

... ._.

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 4/20





Sherman H Skolnick , chainnan



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T ape #5 . By Sh e rman H. Skolnick. The C . I .A. and Martial La w - -the story of th e s pecific-

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F'ivc do ll a rs, $5 . 00, each tape, pos tpaid ._ THE BEST OF HOT LINE NEVIS  , now in printed form. A compilation of t imely items on

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Three-volum e set, ent itled For giv e My Gri ef  , by Penn Jones, j r . , fea rless small town-J di t o r - Publishe r from Dallas suburb, te lls point by point the unpublic ized facts about the death of

Pn :s i de nt Kenne dy - -- the murde r of nu m e ro u s mate rial witne s s es ; th e involv em ent of th e C IA and

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se :td 00 (fifteen dollars ) pe r se t, po s tpaid. Volu mes l, 2, and 3.

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p roving there was a second gun in th e murder of Robe rt Ke nne dy. Excerpts from the autops y report

g ran d jury te s timony from eyewitnes se s . F B I intervie w with kitchen worke r whos e car key wa s

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_ _ _ He nry Ki ss inger - -Soviet Agent  by Frank A. Cap el l . A we ll -docume nte d bombs he ll ac cu s in

Kis s inger of be ing with a s uper -sec ret branch of Sovie t in te lligence . Suppres sed by the mass m e di a

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___  h e pl ot to kill President Kenne dy in Olicago , th ree weeks before Dallas , shown in eleven

s uppre s sed Na tio na l Ar chives doc um ent s th at became pa r t of the Fede ra l Cour t r ecord and the text o

th e l aw s uit explaining i t and challe nging th e gove r nment on it. T he governm ent fa il e d to de fe nd t hem

sl :lv e s in court and were in de fault , because they h ad no answ er . Invo lve s a C I A hit -m an . Daniel

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 5/20


CI TIZENS\ COMMITTEE Sherman H Skolnick , chainnan



Afternoons and evenings: (312)375 -5741

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Prepared by Sherman H Skolni ck, chairman, . and the staff, of the Citizen's Committee

to Clean Up the Courts, a Chicago-headquartered research group investigating corruption and

political assassination .

Like s. crooked boxe r , Gerald Ford is apparently being paid to take a falJ , paving the way

for Nelson Rockefelle r to be president without an el et t ion. He r e are th e fact s :

Geral d Ford was originally na m e d Leslie Lynch King, Jr. --his family were som e of the

richest people in Wyoming, with bu s in ess in tere stSj_n wool , lumber , banking, and real estate,

operating out of Rive rton, Wyoming. Connected to the Leslie King family is Pasco , Inc. , l ike

wise headquartered in Riverton. Now operating gas and oil fie lds , th ey were form e r ly Pan

American Sulphur and were very much in the es pionage business in Latin America . A director

was Leon Jaworski , recently special Wate r gate prosecutor.

In April , 1975 , Pasco was offere d 220 million dollars cash for their Vlyoming prope rt iesby a major corporation, l ater identifi ed as Rockefel le r   s Standard Oil of India na. St andard

later booste d th ei r offe r to 225 million cash . Nelson Rockefeller, wanting to be pres ident with

out an election, turned loose the m as::; media on Nixon . A 1974 Senate subcommittee report .

Disclosure of Corporate Owne r ship , shows the Roc kefe llers are the prinsipal owne rs of all

three news networks and oth e r m a jor hunks of the communications and publis hing indu s tr ies .

Tri cky Dick was not framed but cornered witl1 se le ctive t r uth , as an a ttack on th e office of th e

presidzncy. Double agents, like James McCord , working for Rocky and th e CIA, he lped bring

about Nixon's downfall .

Next, Gerald Ford, a lias Leslie Lynch King, Jr . , is very vulnerable and he la1ows i t . As

outlined in the b ook The Washington Pay -off , by Rober t N. Win te r-Be r ger, F ord was a crooked

Congr essm a n . Now, after e leve n years of s i le nce, the Rockefeller-·o wn ed m ass m e dia are

beginn ing to focus on Ford as being respon s ible for cove ring up th e cons piracy involved in

th e assass ination of Preside nt Kennedy . F ord i s one of the visible, surviving members of the

infamou s Warren Commis s ion. Texas lawyer Leon Jaworski playe d a key role in th e

Comm ission and in vvatergate , both time s wi th Gerald Ford . Like on the Warr en Commi ss ion,

Jawo rski and Ford blocked an inves tigat ion into the murder of several material witne sses.

On June 22, 1972, five days after th e alleged Wa t e rgate break -in , was a meeting with

Nixon, Mitche ll , Haldeman, Erlichman, Cols on , a nd others in the Wl1ite House gang . They

formulated an il legal pl an to block an invest igation into thei r crimes. Now rattling a round is

apparent proof that at th at secret m eeting was Gerald Ford. (vVashing ton t c h ne ws le t te r ,

5 / l /75 . ) So, Ford apparently i s as guilty of obstructing j us ti c e as Nixon Company. Th at

he lps ex plain why Ford has been bu sy covering up furthe r inquiries into Wate rgate- -such as,

the <l..uickie pardon to Nixon, to head off revealing that many mate rial Watergate witnesses were

murdered , including White House secretary Beve r ly Kaye , wo rking on the Nixon ta pes ; Nixon   s

close frie nd Murray Chotiner whose widow b egan t alking behind the s cenes just be fore tl1e

pa rdon; and Watergate bagwoman, Dorothy Hunt , killed in a sabotaged pl ane crash in Chicago ,

along with t en other ·vvat e r gators . Ford now maintains Nixon   s San Clemente st aff with his own

hite House funds .Jawor s ki, to he lp the cover up, resigned, cutting short th e vvate rga te probe .

The visible operators of Pasco , Inc., a re Rockefel ler ' s peo ple an d the mob . One of the

directors has bee n Randolph H. Guthrie, of th e l aw firm of Mudge, Rose, Guthrie Alexander,

m unicipal bond counsel for Rockefel ler and El .Paso Natural Gas Co . a tt o r neys (two months after

MHchell took office, th e Jus tice De pt. l h ~ g ~ . Guthrie   s l aw partne r h as been fo r m e r

U . S. Attorney Gene ral John Mitchell . Anothe r Pasco directo r has been Leslie T . \ivel sb , of

Barringto n , Illinois . Oth er directors are il ich ard D. Colbu rn an d De rald H . Rutte nbe rg. We ls h,

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Sherman H Skolnick, chairman



n ws.Afternoons and evenings : (31 2)375 -574

Answering service: (312) -8 220


A research and investigation group based in Chicago challenges NiXon's use of national

security as an alibi in the Watergate case . Legal researcher Shennan Skolnick, head of th e

watchdog group, says most of our atomic and defense secrets were given to Russian in th e early

19' dOs by high - ranking members of our own government. Skolnick says Nixon helped suppress

evidence related to the Alger Hiss case and that of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg . Nixon knows full

well that sec ret t es timony , in executive sess ion , before a Congress ional committee, proved

that our country's most vital secrets were knowingly given to high - lev el Soviet KGB agents by to p

ranking individuals in the Executive department of our government, and protec ted by Nix on and

the Rockefellers for more than 25 years, Skolnick contends.

Persons as sociated with Skolnick ' s Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts ha ve

examined secret Congressional docum ents su ppressed for 25 years which prove these points,according to Skolnick's Chief Invest igator , Alex J. Bottos. The secret Congressional papers show

m embers of the FBI were absolutely forbidde n to arrest known Sovie t KGB agents as they were

l eaving th e United States with atomic secr et s and atomic s amples in their possess ion , according

to Bottos. 'vVhy wasn't )/int ;rbop Lockefeller arrested for his participation in t hese events, as

Nixon bas kn cwn for more th an 25 years? Skolnick asks.

Skolnick says Nixon cannot that he didn't know that Mr. and Mrs . E. Howard Hunt

were blackmailing Nixon for these and other equally damaging documents. According to Bottos,

Nixon while vice president was the '.iVhite House ac tion officer for the Bay of Pigs episode and

worked ~ e l y with Hunt who headed up the Cuban invasion plan. Bottos was a priv a te recrui ter

for Hunt in n a t i o n for the ill-fated attack .

Nixon i s not telling the truth about the vVate rgate hu sh money unless he c u s s c s the million

of dollars of securities given to E . Howard Hunt and carried by his wife on the plane, S -:olnick says

Those valuables became an issue in a reC'eirt' Chicago s tri ke Force- prosecution in the federal

district court in Chicago . (U.S . vs . Joseph Sarelli et al. , 73 CR 429. ) The Strike Force was

prosec uting a stolen secur: .ties and airplc:ne piracy gang identified by Eottos who infiltrat ed the

crime s y n d . c ~ t e operation to crack the case. As shown by undisputed federal ccc•r:: records, filed

in the Sarelli case, Bottos was the government  s star witness until Bottos drlred mention the sam e

gang was invo lv ed n th e robbery of :he plane on which Mrs . Hunt died in December, 1972, in


Accordino- to Bottos' sworn statement in federal court, one of the top people in the gang was

Bennie Smith wBb/furned loose by the Strike Force to avoid opening up the i: at ergate angle. Bottos

said that while pretending to be th e fence " for the stolen securit ies gang, he a•1d an associate

were shown some of the valuable s a:1d documents t aken from Mrs. Hunt's belongings after the

crash. Refe rence to Mrs. Hunt's valuables is contained in a previou sly suppressed FJ.>I report put

intr the Sarelli case record.

Skol contends the crash of United Air Lines flight 553 near Midway Airport, Olicago, wa

sabotage intended to kill Dorothy Hunt and 11 other 'Natergate -connected persons on board. In a

special hearing of National Tran spo r tation Safety Board, in June, 1973, Skolnick and m embers

of his staff detailed the sabotage from th e government ' s own records . He d m i t i e l:is group had

' 'liberated t'-:e enti:::-e government Midway crash file. Ignoring their own highl y l e d records,

pictures, and exhibi ts showing sabotage , the NTSB later sa id t was m ere ly pilot err0 r, he said.

A que8tion posed by Skolni ck and Bottos is: Did Nixon think the National Security required

the death and silencing of Mrs . Hun and others connected with her? The y conte nd the national

security i ssue :, posed by Nixon, in th e Vvatergate and Ellsberg cases, i s a bad joke on th e people .

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  -   ...


TOSherman H Skolnick , chainnan




':'> j . .. _ _ Afternoons and evenings: (312)375 -5 7

. 0 I  -., / - 1 ~ s v n ws Answering service: (312) 7d7-822

CI A MIND POISONS by Sherman H. Skolnick . [ Ect_itor s note7 Skolnick h e a ~ s u_p aChicago -base d research and investigating group deahng w1th corrupt10n and assassmat w n.

One of the most deep, dark secrets of the CIA i s a pro ject with the code name MK ULTRA.

From 1952 to 1963, CIA scientists deve loped frightening drugs that produced loss of memory, cal

a mn esia , that dis -oriented people, that caused suic id es , and in other ways neutralized or distur

a person's brain or personality. Operation Artichoke, which went on to about 1958, determined

some of th e applications and effects of these behavior-influencing drugs: public officials , here an

abroad, reacting to being secretly drugged, could be neJIJitralized when they made fools of them

se lv es publicly (some do that on their own also). Unfr iendly eyewitnesses or double agents could

made to forget or to kill themselves . A related project was MK Delta, to be used for overseas

espionage .

The Rockefeller Commission on CIA Activities committed a mammoth fraud on the America

people . vithout giving the na me of the vast operation , MK Ultra , or tell ing it s deadly application

they cover ed it up with a few paragraphs about the t esting of LSD. Th e Rockefeller Report to the

Presedent, on page 228, fraudulently said the CIA drug testing on unsuspecting subjects was term

a ted in 1963 . In fact, to conceal the ope ration, the CIA changed i ts name to MK Search, and con

linue d until 1973.

The details of th is whole mess are known to Sen . Edward Kennedy who heads up a Senate sub

comm ittee poking into the matter. They know that the MK Search Project was used to cove r up C

complic ity in various political assassinations, indluding that of President Kennedy, and Dr . Mart

Luther King , Jr . Following the Dallas tragedy, seve ral hundred material witnesses mysteriou s l y

died, one by one, in weird accidents or supposedl y suicides. Dr. King's personal physician supp

edly killed himself. CIA mind poison s were used against several key anti -war activists . To open

up the chemic al mind murder fa ctory wou ld now r equire a review of almost one thousand victim s :assassination . eyewitnesses, public officials that died mysterious ly like A'dlai Stevenson (Sr. ) ,

peace movement leaders , and others .

A related CIA project had the code name MK Naomi, s tarting about 1956 . The i r purpose,

origina lly, was to study chemical weapons that might be used by a fo re ign power . After a wh ile ,

MK Naomi Project, like other CIA schemes, became a reckless, out of contr ol program. Under

absolute control and direction of Dr. Nathan Gordon , they developed methods to dispense contami

nants - - -exotic chemicals they could add to the air or to neutralize or demobilize en t ire

populations of an area . In recent years th e project, still going in 1975, focussed on chemica l wa

fare directed against so -called domestic rebels, such as those that rioted after the CI A and FBI

covered up assassination of Dr . King in 1968 , or ghetto or civil r ights uprisings. Some of the

scientists joked among them selves that they were working on a form of mercy killing  .

Remembe ring what happened to · \ his two brothers, Ted Kennedy , although knowing about th

m ess, seems to want to leave the CIA alone .

The MK Ult ra e c t ~ under its various names was a large national program , having om ino

implications and uses for de aling with domestic problems -- such as quelling dissident s and wiping

material witnesses following a domestic poli t ical assassination. In i ts formative stages, the proj

was based mostly inn Los Angeles and was headed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb , head of the CI A's Specia

Ope rations Research Divtsion. He l ater was director of CIA Technical Services, a fancy te rm fo

the ir mind murder factory. Much of the so -called scientific work was at various la boratories a

Universities in California .

Knowledgeable researcher s are r eviewing the circumstances of the drop-out or neutralizingspecific pe rsons in the anti -war movement as well as r econsidering the demise of key assass inati

witnesses; to match up previously unexplained happenings with what has now j um ped ou t of the CIA

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ADL>ri  ():\.\L " 1 ' 0 1 \ ~ . 1 I l l ' - :


Federal government eft ort s h> jail on a frame up. the wltneu lr. t.'\e Watergatr a n ~robbery lex j BN tn<J n a \ ' t ~ suf1ered dec lsi"C' defeat. On July 2"' 1Q7J, a tederal ~ o u n

r ) Jh S o ~ o ~ t h Ben\1., delivered a Atlngtng r e b u k ~ to fede.-nl efforts to dtscr edlt suppress

(n h ll) o th31l a hnJf -)10\.IT .>f cich.bctRtiOOS afte- r the JUr}' Willi lodl;tod US), fOllOWing tl. O:IC Y.'eCk

the: federal J.1rv came back wttn a '" . '>f U'lr.ocer.t ef all fcder:.zl C r tm\nal c.h arres.

The c h a r $ c ~ ngninst B o n o ~ that he tmoersuntUt d u FBI o.genr. are an outgt'Owtn ot

r;top hk l m v c - d t i . g n t 1 t ~ n of c.rime ~ ~ : y n d i c u activities i.n Cl11cago •pd Non.h 1Yest lndi.1na. Ou.rtngtwo FSI a ~ c n t s perjured them se lvr.• in Aftcmpt lng to frame Bntt.llt . One of the gove rnme nt 11

key w t w e c s . Ronald E. Wheeler. f t ~ d that the PBJ used t.hrcau to tr y to Whet'Jt.-rtestify a 1 t 1 1 ~ 1 Bouo.s . The government's IJlew up when the federal prosecutor u i d Whe eler

• 3worn t ~ m e n t as.serting thJt Bottos claimed he wu a .spt-ct411ederal agc•.t · · and thennot produce a copy of the su:tement . Sherman H. Skolnick. head of a watchdog group h e a d ~

Ch\cago 10aid corrupt local , Btatc , and federal offh:la s h, the Mldwe»t tried to gangon Dent? ' to block lnquiq into crhne syndicate l i n k ~ to ptiDHc. off1.ce holden . Last Mar ch, the

up tnten.sLtrted when Bonos made pu..bU.¢ etatemeots t.tii.t': a en me ey11d1eatC•gtoup was invOlvedthe robbery llnd : ~ ~ a b o r a g c of the Watergate plane .

In the courae or his work, behind the scenes. in a.ssisting the Otlzen's Committee to Clean

the Couns, headed by Sk\llnick, and the l":onhwe.tcc llldiana Commlillon, Bottoa last {allthe Joseph Sa.relll air pi racy fiC&ng. Th at gang has gone un punished for more than a decade.

n os crat.ked their lhicld regarding a 0 1itago to Mll>Yaukce in·Oight air robbery of August .He turned them over to Ntxon  s "elltc" Chlcago Suike Force. In March, l973, Bonos

ced as o long·tlme volunteer stnff member oC"Sko ck's watchdog u p . 1n so doing. Dottos

" ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ i t r : : : c ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " p f ~ e m : h f ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ r : ~ t ~ ~ ~ J t ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ n e s s1a Mldwny Airport, kiJHns; W::uerJ:ratc payo(f woman Mrs . E.Howard Hunt and 10 others

J ~ I e c t e d In one way or Mother wlth the Nlxon oper:u:lon .

\-then Lhe For ce found out thnt thelr sta r Wtness , Alex Bono& . was talk*ng about the

gang belng a.lso involved in Waterg:ltC, l\:ixon'a r e t pr osecutors began dnggtngfeet . They a::iW'io it that Bouos was sent March to :1 max.lmum security federaJ prisoo

-&0 days, as a rep ri sal. wl\hout a trial or legal fonn.Ulty. Recently, Bonos bTought a fa1sesult , sta ting he w u jaHed because of his eyewitness tes timony about the valuables

len l.rom the Watergalc plane.

n..rJng the National Transport4tion Safety Ooard hearings In Olicago, June 13 · 1-4 , 1973. onMidway crash, Bon os and four other witnesses tCRttlicd in Skolntck'G d o c u m ~ n c e d presentation ,

1300 paJtCS of government records , showing there was sabotage, robbery. and murderolved In the Watc.rgate plane cr uh . Skol nick, In confronting the N.T .S.D. who dJd nCK know he

recorda, h e was proud to admit his g roup stole the en ti re go\'ornmcnt Mi dw ay crash

He caUcd it "a patriotic rlp·o f ' .

Another one of the wHnesscs, Joseph Zale, of Gory, lndian:t, Oottoa' au*stant, w11 a indictedalmtla.r ly trumped up feder.ll chargee the day o r ~ the N.T .S.B. hearlniS· StUl another eye·

tness, Wtlllwn J. Simonin , ,.f Pab.tlnc, UUnols, .1 rettrcd aviation expe n , told how the FBl washJm and his Camlly ever since they found ou.t he saw the Watergate plane shortly befo r e

cruh. Slmon lnl said the FBI Wll l tormenting him day and night. Both of hit eona, under 30,imprisoned on a dope frame ·Ufl, Simonlni "They hav e alwaye been good boys-....d this happen 1 the government wasn't corrupt 1n trying to cover -up thte plane crash'',added . He saJd sons were being kept ln a'hell ·holc': Hl s efforte to tree them have so

been unsuccessful .

Jn a public sta..tement, April 23, 1973, Elmer }acobtcn , operar.lng director of thelncU311a Crizne: Comml:u1lon, de manded a Congressional iavc.artgatloa of the falee impr ison·

ot Doaos o..nd the handling o the Suclll c:uc by the Strike Force. SkohtJc.k uJd 01 Congre ss ionalIa l.nteres tcd in his heavily documented presentation la9t June before the N.T S.B. "The

Bou d ore N1.x.on' s puppets· · -Uk.c the Warr en Commtsston, they wUI ignore, or 'load , 11

ary, their own records , tn order to be able tn continue saying the Watergate plane cr ash was'accident' " ., Skolnick added .

ln response to .1. letter inquJrlng whether the Senate Water gate Committee wa.s 1nterestedtho \i'otergAtc plane c rash, Olairman S4JD J. Ervin, Jr . , May 26 , 1973, in a lette.r addreaaed to

by Ervin, saJd h is Semue CommJtteo "is powerless to ioveetlgate the matterto io your letter" . Skolnick aa.J.d the Ervin rcsponae 13 "J)U .tllng. Aio they part of a slick

er · up alto7"-5 -


The N.T S-B.'al nal report on OJght 553 waa adopted August 29 and ls ouod September 28,Tholr cllairmon)ohn 1\A>od would not s ign tho ropon. (Nl'SB-AAR-73-16, page 34.) RA>cd

tJ1e one th4t compl .:t.lncd to a Cong-ressfona l com mJnec about the FBl be ing in the crash zone

taking over, wJthout apparent authority, the NTSB a.lrerash tnvcst:lgadon. (Hearings , 6/13/73,

Activities Subcommin ae of the House Government Operations Committ ee. Cong.Jack

o Tcx.llS, Js d 1a.lcman of the comm.lnec thll hC4rd Reed.)

The N.T .S .D • • ln their final repon, tried to cove.r ·up sev eral things Skolblck' s group

from the government file: (1) thllt the outer went off as 553 approached and

on agl.\ln after it crashed, (2) th4.t both airport towers, Midway and O' Hare, misdirected

nnd tho.t Mldwo.y steered a. small. propeller ddven right in front of ~ 3 , . (3) that there

massive elcct rlell.l failure i n th e cockpit.

To cover lhts up, the N.T. S .IJ. als ltt ed thet r own recor ds . They cho.nged ttenf'Ln thesurviving r ecord, the trms crl pt ot the Cock·pit Voice Reeorde.r (Dock.ct SA·43S, Exhibit 12A,

8, alsUied on page 44 of their flno.l report) . Fino. report, pogo 48 , baa f4laely Inserted

of first aound ot first serles ot Kcdz1e outer marker beacon tonea." No auch thing ts 1n theirExhibit i2A. p : ~ g c s 11·12. No such thing to to tbctr c o m p . ~ t e r Approach re cord. Exhtb1l

Yet, Appendix G o  tl10ir fino. ropon •cpcats tho froudulcnt Item Inserted In Appendix F . page

The tlnol rcpon adds £en seconds (300 feet per second for 553, In other words 3, 000 feet) . to

time sequence, so as to make the propell er pl31le seem fun.ber away trom 553.(Flnal report.46. us compared to Exhibit 12A, p.:tgea 9·10.) ln aH, the tlna l repo.rt fo.lelt1ed ten time

nce items on their J>.l.gc 46. They say that th e ent ire correlation o1 the time eequence ste msthe t ime 553 crossed the outer mo.rkcr. Since the outer mar ker was ott the olr,

entice sequl ncc in their ina l report is a fraud. ( Fin ll.l r eport, page 8.) They omit tlle oct

on undisputed ground eyewitness tcstiflcd that the plane h ad dri fted 14 blocks to the dght of themarker. (Tca timony of SlmonlnJ. , N. T .S.D. hca.rtngs June 13, 1973.) Tho aupe.r·dupcr rodo..r

553 ts supposed to nOt ice tf the plane l.a 50 yards off the outer ma.rkerh553 was 14 blocks.








1\0DBllR Y, and MURDER.

The mnss mcdlo. used the Snfet.y llo11rd•a press re Jense on their tl nol .report wlthout bot:hertng

check 1t out. The media was not Interested (wi th a. f c : . P e x e c p t l o tn the troudulent Items -

N.T .S. B. inserted t.n their flnol re('IOn.

The N.T S.D. was a sort of Warren Commlseton. While the Salety Board was atlllln scaston

very clllzcns ripped ofi cutlrc llc and l.hrew It , ao to spca.k, into the lace of theBo:a.rd when they re·opened their hearings j une 13, 1973. U the Sa..fety Boo.rd had known tha.c

group had the entire 553 cra..ah fil e, no doubt the N.T. S. B. would not have re-opened

hculnga . The N.T S.D • WlUke the W.uren Com mi ssion, cannot now succeed 1n locking up


The episode of flight 553 iiWOivec..lthc ~ r v c r g c cc of t."\\e tS of both (actio s or levels.

locked 1n a death sti\Jggle (or contro) o (he Unhed States: ( l ) lhc Nlxon·ma.Ua clement ln the

QA group and (2) the Rockefeller lnternaUonal • surcr 4 clhl11a Mectlon in the OA·

..:UuncU on Foreign Rchuions. S o m ~ believe Nixon was formerly one of Rock.c ellct"'s peop\ e bu

ho.d a lulling OU t with the m. The Qln8C Manhott an Dank 18 tht: larfZCSt sh::u"ChoJdL:r or U ~ , Inc.

holding company whtch owns: United Ai r Lines. Thnr bunk, ln tu rn, Is owned. princlpall)'.

b} 0:\\"Jd onU N e l : : ~ o n lt{,d: cfc lle r , aull U. S . Sen ator Om.rlt:-8 Percy of Ullno)lS.

Nixon had p)d m..>tlvc for the ck:mlse of nt lc. lst a UO:ten pc:rttons who boarded Ro t:ke£cllc

FUght 553 that Frid.l y, December 8. tt>72. Since both warring factioutt. ur levels. were

In Ihat cp,sodc, oll 11id&.:b wanted the true h:1ppcntnga of th AL U.Sy to l>C hushed up.

"'as \1 cover · up worthy of' t ~ t l . O t l c a l Cl:amplu.Lute t r. May. 1973. United Au Ltnctt :tR I'cd the National Trw sportation Sult·ty Doard to

te" 'pcn tbelr hearings on the Mh_vav cra-sh . ln so doing . Un ited said Skolnick' s Krvup had no

proof or cvtdonee. Several n 1 o n t . h ~ t-atrtlcr. unkno wn to l:Jn ltcd.. Sk.oinlck' rctsc3.ct.h .group had

llbcrott.-d, or rippcc.l off, the entire ~ , o o v c m m e n t MJdway crWfh, ile , weU ovcT o 1, 000 pe l(('S. ot

tbcumenta, picture s. and exhibits. Prior to the rc · opcninl of the: N.T S.D. hcarluJ{S. howc:vc

Skolnick had ma de no public suu enlcnt refer r ing to the government's documants. Hence. Unll

the N .T S. DHond m3lly In the ma3s media . wrongly assume d rhat Skolnick had only scconcbry

datB. As the hcadngs opened on June 13, 1973, ln Ollcago. Skolnick o.nlvcd, suhpot:naed to b

thoro, ond s urprised the Safc:ty Ooa.rt.l hy opening several o hts eu.ttco.ZJcs contai ning the entire

KOVemment He. He sa id i  they cUd.n ' t like the ract that h is group hod li be rated the file. they

could prosec ute him. For two uU days. he and Alex J. llottos. nnd four o t h ~ r w l r n · · c s .prc oantcd a documented showing o sahotav,e .so me of wh ich hi summotlzed on Lhi l shccl. (SC

otbL r side). Bottos an.J another wltnCflfl te stified :iliout the v a h J a b t e ~ : ~ ftto len rnm fl ight 5 ~ 3 .The response of tho cRtu.bltshmcnt news medla:

1. COS news ha.d a crew of the ir people thoce covering the two day heortngs a round the c

U n lc U anything of It went on tJre aJr. ens wu.s primarily coucctnt.-d to lind out lmmcd.latcly

Skolnick' s cha rge tb1r COS ordered the crcm:ulon o f their reporter' s body. Michele C13Ik, foll

the 553 c r a t ~2. Rolling Stone ha.d one of thetr writers there " 'ho spent about two weeks tntcrvl cwlng

Sk..o l ntck ami Bonos. 11131 writers story appeared 9/13/73, omi tt ing 4lmost aU [he facts

prcaemcd on June 13, 14, 1973. w1 d oonalstlng mostly oro series of jukc:9 about a pizZ3 pic thwetter and Skolnick ntc y,fiJle tho writer was en Sk.olnick' Hhome.

3. Argosy Mngo.z lne hod u lengthy 5tory Thcy hml nof bothered w itllCl"VICw anyone on th

or Skolnick ' s Commince including Skulnick. Argosy's story dcnh primaril y wtth the cynntde I

They hod the oth er side of this fa ct shc t:t bul us ed none of i t . TI1c catu..: Cor sabotage, robbery

murder, docs not stand o r fall on the c y a . n i t l ~ i9suc nrhic.h Is much In dispute . Some toxtcolog


the pUot , a..cCQrdlng to N.T .S. D. records, h3d four tLmcs as muchcyanide ln

othlln necessary to kill htm-··much more t.han he could have: gotten l.rom an :llr crash fire. (11

flgurca show 3.9 micrograms per mllli11ter. Exhibit 6-A, attachment 3. p3gc 8. Docb.>t

SA ·4 3S, Nattonal Tra.nsponatlon Saft:ty Oonrd.) Argosy' s story was 10/73.

4   The Chicago Tribune's s1ory. by the i r reporte r Tom ll.lck. W3.1 turned ln before tlle

hea ri ngs began. June 13, 1973. It said "No documcut:uion was produced to substantiate the ch

modo by Sherman Skolnick" (Ollcago Tribune. 6/ 14{73). 1300 ~ : ~ of documcms

sp r ead out on a tn.blc ut wh1eh Skolnick cmd Dottos we r e s itting. The T ribune conveniently use

picture omi tting the table. Stmllur ran in tl1c New York m e ~ : ~ . the Wushln),'10n Po

o.nd the Chicago Sun·Times. Asuoclnted Press, to their credit. ran 4 story on the nmtonAI wl

# tOting tho..t Skolnick presented u. hcovUy documente d case before tile Safety Uoard . Evident ly.major newspapers, radio, o.nd T V, did not: se e f_t to run tile AP story.

It should come as no surprise that the Rocke ellers own J 7% of CBS. have a major Intere

ln RCA. a.nd own substantial interests 1n m:111y   l c s ln the mass media.

5. Skolnick li..t the June 13 , 14. was ukcd by United' a l3wyer whether Skolproot thot United' a president penonaUy mu rdered or ordered mu rdcrc:d, Mrs. Hunt and the o

Sko lnick re sponded tbot it woa a stupid question, 4.Dd that be could obviously no

penct..ra.r:cd a situation to know whether the company president pcraonolly was involved. Howev

Skolnick. said that the United otOclola , including fo rme r White House nidc Dwtght Olapln, pan

In the cover-up. It ts now known thllt United's prcsJdent , Edward Ca.dson, met with Nixon. b

publicly and privately on March 3, 1973, t.hc day after the original N.T.S.B. hearings on the M

crash. (The original hca.rlngs were from February 27 to March 2, 1973 The mass medin

trumpeted "Skolnick says he h11s no proof' · · the y om itted the rest of his sentence, thllt: he hnsproof t11At Carlson pcrsono.U y mu rdered anyone on the (Exomple:Olgo Sun · ' )

:: :;; tU.ot.::.a

lline Vtctor 9.JgO.r1 vhtlt' J )·:Y. l l '

Ah, ve •re dcvn to a..'t, lnl..'\frcd t rc:1ty l".::.ct.G

::u...oot. or t in t . . . . r . . : or n..- L •• r ide ~ ~ ; L e r ·- ' - ' t ' ~ WCI' I

F f?A U D---

N.T.S . D. Exhibit

pngc 12

N.T.S.D. Final Rcp

page 48

You can get a one -hour ca ssette tape r elating t

fa cts about the s abotage, r obber y, and mur der

invofved in the crash of fl ight 553, by sending

$5.00 (f ive dol lars ) or more donation to :Citizen' s Committee t o Clean Up the Courts9800So . Oglesby, Chi cago, Ill. 60617

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 12/20

5 1970

Skolnick. Chicago legal rescarclu.r wlw l ~ : u , . , that docn·in the National Arrhivr.-s will prove Lcr H a 1 · n ~ y Oswald didn 't

act alone in l<illing c n n c d ~

By EVART 1\LIMINEA blaek former $( cret Service agc 1t wa s r< i lr.-:a.-led tobecause he tried to tell the Warre n Comnusswn some

fo rtable tr uths about the assassinatiOn of Pr es1dent

Th e age nt "'" ' Abraham Bold·now on parQlc a ter scn•ing

monl h> :n prison o n apparcr, l·trumped -up cha rges involving

s c l l i n ot in for ma tion to.

Bolden h<>d wanted to tell t h ~ar re n Commission in 1964 that

lmcw of a plot to kiU th esident not in Dallas on Nov.

1963. but in Chicago during'r oo tba ll gam e on Nov. 2 of


he story surfaced re ce ntl vShe rm a n Sko ln lck, a priVate

al researcher whose i n v e sof corrup tion already have

to the r esignation of two

ino i ' judge,, s ued the Na t ional

Washington, charg·it witb wit h holding docu

nt • n t i n ~ to the Chicago plot.TFK s,...t for ever-so-brief men

n. thr story has no t appearedth e- daily press.

lnic l<. a cripple co nfined to

wh ec lrhn ir . says he has C\ i-

l c a d i n ~ to a Chicago plotJ I I l Ken nedy which goes un -

ioned 1n the no w-ba tteredtiT t ll Report

L e ~ : whl7. Skolnick is trying ·toget Ly ndon Johnson to test ifyabout certain misg ivings thr ex·

pr.,sident nbo ut t.he War·

ren Report, hoping · o throw more

light on th e possibility of Oswald

h:aving one or _  nore acromullrrs.



e charges that Ken nedy was

osed Lo be assassinated in

rbu t the plot wa s sh1ftcdDa llas when the Pre s ident

his trip to Illinois be·

se of a cold.

is linked not onlyee Harvey Oswald but a man

Arthur Vallee,

37. w h e r ~ a h o u t s unknown,ribed as closely re sembling

ald .

eral othrr private researchinto the Kennedy assassination

o f and Oswald" seen here and

e in the U.S. while the rea lal d was known to be in Mex-

leade rs F red Hampton and MarkClark in Chicago.

O n Nov. 2, 1003, Th omas Vallee

was stop ped ao d cha rge d with amin or traffic viola tion one hour

before .TFK's proposed arriva l inChicago t he nev er showed u p ).

Th e FB[ imm ed iately enteredth e case and in its report linked

Vallee with an aborted as'3ssination plot. Three FBI dncuments

pertain ing to thi s now are locked in the Na tional Archives.

Th e documents reveal that he

witness against Vallee was Dav1dGroth, who nl the tinw was notreferred to as a policeman, norwus h e the man who ar rested

N A T I O N A l 1 A i ll R



t;dward llanrahan, then a U.S.Attor·n ey. helped send Halden upt he river on all eged ly trumiJCd·up


fire. but a reb uke of ·both the

S tate 's Attorney ' s l>Dlice an dse gments ol the Chicago Police

Departm<mt when a feder al grandjury fai led to indict tho ourviving

Panthers who wer e in the apartment.

The ra id was organized •byState 's Attorney Edw ard Hanra-

han. who defended the actions othis raiders right up to the mo ·mcnt the grand j ury slapped themdow n.

In 196·1. Hanra han was U.S.Att orne ,1  for Northern Ill inoi s.

It w:.s to Hanmhan's officethat Age nt Bolden was escor tedon May 18, 1964, the da y after

Bolden tr ied to talk wi th theChid Cou nsel ot the WarrenCommission, J . Lee Rank in. Bold·

en was thwa rted by h is SecretSer\•iceoosses.

Orde red back to Chicago on apretext. Bolden was told b. ·Han rahan that he , Bolden. was

under indictm ent for .se lli ng e \' i·den cc to cou nterfe iters.

In his lirst trial, Bolden got ahun g jury; but in his se co nd

tr ial. two counterf ei te rs who werepolice info rme rs were hfound ··who testified against him. Bolden

got a si x·year se ntence.

But in the ir o wn trial . thecounterfe iters admitted they liedn,t a inst Bolden.

Wh en Skolnick's charge.. broke

so me weeks ago, Bolden - nowou t on parole - was called inby his probation ad visor and toldto keep his mouth shut or gob ~ c k to prison.

Skolnick says that Bolden knewabou t the Chicago p lot o   JFK,

and that one of .he hidden d oc·umen s proves l'l>e Sec ret Service

had Thomas Vallee under s urveillance before Nov. 2, 1963,kn ew that he was linked to Lee

Harvey Oswal d and at least twooth er men .

Skoln ick al so says that Val lee's

ca r, bear ing New York li cense

p la te 311 ORF, was " linked ol'~ i s t c r c d to Lee Harvey Os·

wal d."

Attempts by a Chicago TV sta·

tion to trace the plates turnedup an FBI "freeze" on th is vital

infor mation. O thers who ·h av et ried to learn a'bout these licenseplates ha ve ·hnd sud den th rea ten

Black Pan ther Fred Hamptonwas his death in 1969 linked to

JFK's :-oi:x years earlier?

But what he evidently wantedto te ll the Warren Commissionwas that some agents we reracists who hated the P res ide nt

because o  his strong stand infavor of civil rights.

The fact th a t the same controversial offi ce holders were in-

volved in the official gagging o

Agent Bolden. and the raid which

six years late r took the lives oftwo Black Pan ther leaders , sug-

gest s to S k o l n that strongracism in high p l a c ~ is in the

Former Se cro t Service Ag

r-aham Holde n has hc en o

si lr.w:etl in his: ~ t t c m p t s

what ho knows about thtn ki ll ,JF K.


The fu ll story is not yand ma y never be . Manyattempts to pry some otruth out of covernmcntc iah; :lnd the N ational Ah ave proved fu tile .

But with even Lyndon Jnow saying that the Wa r ren

m ission didn 't do a comple

inves tiga ting h i s predec

deat h, ma ybe t he truth abo

assass inat.ion will fi nally lea li ttle at a tirr.e.

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 13/20


J. Th'" Symbionese LiberatioJ . Arm y, S L A, is made up pri mar ily of

govern ment -paid agent provocateurs , ma ny of them from the Midwes t . Includ

eu are Angela Atwood, maiden name Angela DeAngelis, now s upposedly separ

ated, home: 16 Linda Vista Ave . , North Haledon , New Je rsey ; Gary Dean At

wood, home: Route 2 Cr es tview Drive , New Cas tl e , Indiana; Emily Ha rr i s,orig

inaJly fr om J 12 Chicago Av r;: ., Clarendon Hi ll s, Il l. (suburb of Chicago)puents:

Mr .& Mrs. Frederick Schwanz; Em ily i s married to William Taylo r Harris ,

par ents: Jerry A. and Betty Bunnell , 313 Woodlald Lane, Carmel , lndlana.

Training : ETlil y and W lli am Harris. and Angela A wood wer e tra ined at

the O A-th ink tank , Cc Jege of Fort i gn N fai rs. Univ. of Indianu , Bloom ington,

Ind . All three went on w wo r k as a mod squad, setting up narcoti cs arrests

for the Inte lli gence Division , Indiana Sta te Poli ce .

2. Th e r:;;r ported head of the SL A is DONALD DAVID DEl'R EEZE,also

~ 1 1 as Cinq:1•" DeF ret:Z<:. Donalu John DeFrceze, Donald DeF rez , John De

Fciele, David F riez '"· Donald De Frieze. Donald De F1i ze , David Kenneth

Robinson, StevE"' Robinson, Donald David Th omas. "Cin". "Cinque" . and"Cyn

que". As a b"-rgaining lever to get out of nume rou s crim inal charges against

him. De •reeze >,•·:zan informing for the poli ce . fro m tim e to time. Th e follow

ing are fw n. < · ' ; : ; li st of a r rests of him:

3; . , · · . >:l t .:::ovina. Califo rnia. 836 .3 P. C . 211 P. C .459 P. C .J 2020

P. C. D• Freeze J . ~ res ted with bomb, knife ana sawed :Jff sho tgun. Probation:

6/ 1 /65 He con t inu<:d as an occasional informant to the Los Angeles Police

Depar tm ent in the sa les of contraband and s tolen guns .

6/9/67: Los Angeles , Calif . 21 1 APC, Robbery, cha rged 12020 P.C . ,

Two counts possession of exp losives , one cou nt possession of concealed wea

po n. T wo bombs and a gun. Probation: to txpi rc 9/ H / 70. i:X379-741. Despite

his violations . and alr eady on probation, he •·eceivcs three more yea r s proba

tio n.

On 12/ 2/ 67. DeFn:cze \\US arresrccl for the fifth time, on an a rms

charge; he ro bbed ·: ,l tl heat a prosritut <.:. Enroute to the polio.:e s tati on , he

esca pe"'and was rec apt ur ed. but J\ OT char ged . On 12/ 6/()7 . DeF r ce ze se t up

his partner, Ron a.Id Cokman. by phoning and <:ailing poli ce to Coleman' s

aoart ment where a cac he of 200 wea pons discove red .

Dd· rc<. zc on or ubuur EX:cem i)cr. 1967. be..:ame an infonTlan t for Det ec

ti,·e Fa rl' ldl. snc cializing in IJJ uck Liber ation po litics. DcF rl'cze joined agroup of pollee info rmant'>.md agent:; pmvocateur s that i n..: luded Louis Tackwood

wh o later c o n f e s ~ c . · .wd a : l p ~ . : wri te an uxpose of g-ovurnment -ins tigated te rr

orism. 'The I o u ~ fl.>oks. u div is ion ni thc Hea r st Corp .


The police .o dl.'a l 1d tb t hL• lll.u.:k P;ullh<: r P.t rl y in Califo rni a . c reate d a

te rror g ang. or g-ang\\ 11 as US . run hy Hon Knn: ngo. K : . . t rgang m urdcr ed S<.:IL'ra l Melvin" Cot Cm"Sill ith . n police pen<:trmion

ag<:nt imo the P<Jnllwrs . togd lw r with, ood .tnd D.._·Fr .:<:z-: wo rk<. tl for the

s upcr -s cc r<:t C. C. <; . unit of t h<: Lo o; Ang-e l< ·>< Pol kc (Criminal Cons piracy

Sectio n), having. mys te r ious ly. s ltJil' wid<: r h o r i t y . Sec th e refe r e11 ce to

Smith and Tuckwood: "Glass linus <: T . 1 p lH2- l05 .

DcFrecze conrinu<:d hi s pall c rn nf llll llll J'nus c rim 'na l offenS<. S.

re maining m [urge. despite pL·r sis lcnl vio l.ninns of his so -c:alled "probat ion".

li s seventh < IT I. St was -1 'i ll i n<l: Lw; Angel<::<. 120:ll PC. Unlawful posses s ion

of a dang<: rous w e o ~ p o n " milil;o n t ype se mi at::o ma rk M-nx niul· M 1 rifle ,

. 1

which was fu lly loaded; and attached cli p contained 32 bullets . Thi s gun was

desc rib ed as specifically dcsigneu for m ili tary or police work". Th is seventh

arrest for an armed offense carri ed both state and federal charges. Bu t De

Freeze te ll s the Judge that he had" re gistered " th e gun with the police under

his own name and that the gun was actuall y int ended fo r a police officer fr iend.

Despite th e cha rge , DeFreeze remained at large . With th e hel p of the secret

CCS unit , he fled Californ ia in vio lat ion of hi s probation (a bench war rant was

i ssued for hi s ar re st) , to the s tat e of New Jersey .

5/ 6/ 69: Newark, New Jersey. De Fr eeze and another pe r son, )X>Sing as

Black Panthers , were ac cused of assaulting an em ployee of a Jewish synagogue

with a shotgun , demanding $5,000 , and i nformation and aid in a scheme to kid -

nap a well -known Newar k Jewish r ights lead er . U pon completion of thekidnapping , DeF reeze ' s plan was to submit a ransom note s upposedly from the

Black Panther Party. He es caped Newark authorities , crossed s tat e lines in

v iolation of federal law, and surfaced in Cle{elan d, Ohio , October. 1969 .

10/ 11/ 69: Cleve land, Ohio. DeFreeze appeared on the roof of the

Cleveland Trust ComjJany, branch Bank . with a . . revolver , . 25 caliber

pis tol , an eight inch dagger, a tool kit . and , in violation of federal law, a

hand gr enade. This was a period of gr eat tension and hysteria in Cleve land

as a re su lt of th e Ahmed Evans affair wh ere so- call ed Black militants wer e

involved in an ambush and shoot-out with poli ce . DeFr eeze was re lea sed

neve rth e le ss on a very low bail, $5,000, and the charges were late r dropped .

At the time, he was wanted on a capital charge in New Jersey and a probation

violat ion in Califor nia. De F reeze was NOT held in Oeveland even though Sgt.

John McMahon of the Cleveland subversive squad was monitoring the DeFreeze

case .

DeFreeze fled Cleveland to Cali forn ia, where he was again arrested.

11 / 25/6 9 : Los Angeles . A252519. DeFreeze exchanged gun shots with

a bank guard and was wounded. The gun used in the shoot out was a .32

caliber Beretta automati c pistol . This gun , A63944, was still another gun

left over from the earlier 200 gun robbery, 1967. He obviously ha d

been al lowed to keep a number of guns f rom this cache . On 12/3/ 69, he

was order ed imp ris oned at the Vacavi lle, Califon1ia behavior modificatio n


In 1970, it was at the Vacavi l l t faci li ty that DeFreezc was re c ruited by

CIA operative Colston Westb rook to lead the Be.havlor lvloclificaUon experi

mental unit called the B ac k Cultural Associati on , BCA . On orders fro m West

brook , DeFr eeze mouthed off publicly u militant ami -white cultural national

i st ideology . Hi s pri vate letters d u r i n ~ the same pe riod we re fu ll of references

to Chris tia n th eology and fanati cal Christian r e ligious convictions .

The BCA at tra cte d outs ide prison re form suppon and DcF re eze

ope rating as a double agent: (a) for WE:stbrook and the CIA. (b) for the Calif

or nia Department of Corrections and the Bureau of Cr iminallntt:llh:ence a1d

Investigati on. C I I. r csr:onsible to the Attor ney General o f C<Jliforuia .

In Decemh er. 972 . DeFreezc w1s tra ns[en-cd to the maximum se curity

prison of Sole dad in o rder Lo e ntr ap and inform on Glack mi h tams imp r isoned

the r e . Latc:r. he w a ~ tr.lns ferrl'd n· t lC South Fa ciJir,- of "o edu.dsct up fcl''

tru s t t>rl inmate_, and i ::: a holdn se.:ti<'n for n f o r m e rk- « u r m e ~ ,,J1v

" escap ed" fro m So ledad on 3 5 l   . - - .

Th e c:xp<: rimental behavior modifi cati on pro gr ams at Va caville fu nd.:ct

A D. Upon completion' of his traiiling, Westbrook unde rtook. agei t handl

i n: Cambodia , Thailand , India . ] :1pan, Hong Kong, the Phi lippines. Okin

and the Soviet Un ion. Fr om 2/5/66 to 9/ 19/69, Wes tbrook was li sted as

"Administrato r" for a civi lian li rm, Pacifi c Arch it ec ts and Enginec r s. In

Los Angeles , a multi -nati o:1al consortium. One of the sec r et tasks of th

huge fi rm was to pr uvid<: logis ti cal su pport to the CIA Phoenix Assassin

Program in Viet Nam . Wes tbr ook' s joh . undcr tbi s cover, was indoct ri

assassination and terrorist cadre, ir. the Phoen ix prog ram.

4. EVE LLE J . YOUNGER. After < <: assassinati on of Rober t F. K

in Ju ne, 1968 , Younger as the then District Attorn ey of Los Angel es. se

elite police unit known as "Special Un it Senator" , SUS. Elements of this

and Los Angeles Police Department Inte lligence were re n q . ~ a n i z e d into

super-secret C. C.S. , Criminal Conspi racy Secti on. s tyl<:d ufter the C

Younger knew of DeFreeze's role in CCS and. in fact , DeFr<:eze subpoe

Younger to tes t ify in his behalf in 1969 . Me r beco ming California Atto

General, Younger maintained close con ta ct with CCS .

5. The HEARST FAMJLY as a target : Few p<:ople remem be r tha

the Hea rs t ne wspaper chain, now mu ch smaller, tha t led t he attac.k on th

fellers in the 1940s. For example, the Hearswwn ed..os Angeles Examin

one of the few papers in the U .S. to JX>int out , ·9/ 12/ 48. that the atomic s

were not sto len but given away . Th i s was in reference to the sec re t te s

former FBI agent Lawrence Kerley, before a Congressional Committee

testimony showed the Ro ckefellers wer e active in see i ng to it that the atsec ret s were given to the Soviets in th e early 1940s before the U.S. had

pleted it s l irst atomic bomb. Kerley was head of a 200-m an FBI team tr

top level Soviet secret police agents in the U. S. He was ordered by the

Department aT to arrest them, eve n though the y were about to leav e th

with atomic samples and atomi c secrets. Th e implications: tha t the Alg

case was cut short , thank s to chief investigator Richard M. Nixon, and

ply scapegoats, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were framed and sent t o the

chair in 1953. Angry, Ke rley and 30 other F BI agents r es igned. He wen

become a writer for the Hears t -owned New York Joumal-Americ an .The

fel l ers , pr incipal fotce behind the start of the CIA, launched financial a

attacks on the Jourual - .American and other Hearst paper s , many then fol

In 1973, Hearst Co rp.through th:eir .Avon Books division , bro ught

of the fir st attacks on the CIA, "The Glass House Tapes". There has b

raging battl e between the CIA s super -eliti st s and gangster -dominated "

tricks department . HeartH' s problem i s that since about the 191Os, his

nes s relied upon gangsters .Patty Hearst , apparentl y br ainwashed, has been suc.ked into the S

th ro ugh he r former teach er and boy friend , Steven Weed, believed to b<:

self a government agent provocateur Lik" i n th e 1940s, the Ffll is gcnm idcLI.<:.; t.hey obviously knol'l what thei r competi tor Lbe CIA. is inSLA. Pnor to t)lc Patt y_ He< rst " <i tlnapping". the FBI knel'l of tllC plan 1h er . c\s :t r esw t, the l: DI does nol push too ha rd in the SL \ case .

T he Hear st family i s well awar e of these details but does nothi ng aTo tr y to cxrricate the ir daught er. the v are offe1ing a so-callt:d rewa rdd:tta le3(ling to her ~ a r e return. ·

P u r p o ~ e : to Jay file ; 'rounJworl. fo r marcia law in the: Unitc.eJ 'it t'J_llc CiA ,_ thwugi1 th ti r apparatu s the SL A is engaging in il l t. gal d n 1 c ~.iolencc


tlns country

a.n u ui n.:cte d ny th c e CIA th rough it s t:on duit on the \V r;:st Coas t , the Swn fo rcl \Vc wis h to thank Citizcrts Research and v ~ . : : > L i g i o n Com.11itle..:. Do11.JResearch lnstitutc . of Menlo Park . Ca lifornia . F r eed , Editor (author of "Executive Action" )for sharing Lh e.i r r esearch

, , . . with us. This fact sheet prepared by th e staff of :.3 . COLSTON WESTBROOK. He wa s a OA adv1ser to the South Ko r..:an 'i SHERMAN 1 1 . SKOLNICK. cha

Central ntclligencc Agency until 19ti2. His covers in Korea and elscw hcre CITIZENS CD M M ITTE E 9SOO So .Oglesby, Ch i cago. Ill.

.vere both U. S. Army and U. S. Air For ce. Hi s tr aining and service with th e TO (312)375-57· 1 . or 787-8220.

CL\ i ncluded agunt handling . training. and Indoctrination. After 1962. he was CLEAN UP THE C 0 URTS

enr oll<:ct in th e CIA facilit y . Inter -Chri st ian Un i vers it y. In Tok yo, for special (outside Ol icago ar ea. <lial area code 312)

tr ai_i ng in new h o l o ~ i c a l warfare techniques. D u r i n thi s secret tralning HOT LINE news 731-   00pen od 1nd aftcr wur ds. h1s cover was :\gt ncy for lntcrnan onal Development

. . 2  3 - - -   •   '

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 14/20

<Ct t ~ t n ~ Jlar ~ s o t i t t o np.o. box 1788garp, tnbtana

Thank you for your inquiry about our f ight to restore personal freedom

undel' ENFORCED Consti tu t ional law. Our drganization operates on a chapterba'Sis nat i onwide with volunteers (including ex-lawyers) who f ight ~to dismantle our super-secret spy''type of government in the Executive and

Judicial branches of off ice; and, against tha t corrupt segment of the l ega lprofession who have i l legal ly banded themselves together and made a monopolyof law in violat ion of the Constitution and Anti-t rust laws of th is countryfor their own personal benefi t . Our act iv i t ies include f i l i ng legal sui t s

in l l courts for our members who hiredattorneys only to be victims o f mal-

pract ice which attorney contro  ed

Disciplinar,y Committees do nothingabout. This i s done on a ''PRO-SE•basis ?z the person injured withassistance from a l l of the othermember-volunteers in his area based

on the research by our National Groupwho research the law cases weekJ3.

Secondly, another leve l o membership

ent i t led 11 L.E.G.A.L. • • • • i s theLAYMANS EllJCATION GU n.D AT L W conductsspecial semiilar t raining in which eachmember i s taugh t the f ine a r t t ha t wehave come to c l l ''GUERII.lA LAW"•••orcomplete self-defense against corruptoff ic ia ls and lawyers using Civ:U RightsViolations; Freedom Q.f ..Jnfol'111&t:ion Sui.ts:

J>isclu sure- Suits; -and--COnstitutional.

methods alreaqy a par t of court records(but wi held from the public )of refusalto i l l ega l TAXES ••••espec:ially theFEDERAL INCOME TAX as present ly enforcedand adm:inistered.

Level THREE of the membership are those persons who wish to additional:cy'establ ish a lega l ent i ty in the i r counties knmm as the ' 'POSSE COMITJ.1US.,which i s a CONSTriUTIONAL BODY OF IWELVE { 12) man from the same oouncy whoass is t (or where necessary ••• FORCE) the Sheriff in upholding his oath o f

off ice to maintain the peace and digni ty of the councy and ar rest poli t io: iansand judges who disrupt the peace and d:lgnicy of the coDIIIIIlJl:ity by violat ions o£the i r oaths of office;and,violat ion o f personal freedom by enforcement o f

' ' i l legal legislat ion and judgements in violat ion of the Federal and stateConsti tutions.


MEMBERSHlP LEVEL #1. Send three NOTaUZED copies of the specif:ic complaintyou have against a lawyer you hired who did not do whathe agreed to do to our attention a t P. 0. Box #1788,Gary. Indiana along with $to.oo. we wi l l than MDdcomplaint to the local Bar, State Bar, and Nat;1onaJ, Bar

of the lawyers Association together with a cover l e t t . rfrom our organization advising them tha t a response 1a

required as well as a hearing within thirtyr (30) dq 'a ;

otherwise, the complaining parcy intends to f i l e a mal.

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 15/20


The desc r ip t ion o f t h e POSSE

C O ~ · ~ T A I I J S is fo r your gen e r a l

in format ion only . Do n o t b e

mi s l ed i n to be l i ev ing t h a t it

is now poss i b l e to s e t up a

loca l POSSE:E COHT':'A'l'US wi th

only t h i s l imi ted infol"mation

The osse omitatusBy Authority of CONTRACT, ren>ain with the States or

The Constitution ' tbe Uaited States to the People.In the formation of this Constitutional POSSE ACTION : Ccunty Sheriffa•

Republic, thf' COUNTY has always been /i\ must be advised of the insta,,cea where- and rema ins to this day-the TRUE\ ? unlaw:f.ul pets of officials or agencies ofseat of the government for the citizens government are committed. It ie the

who are inhabi nts thereof. The Count duty .of the Sheriff to protect the localSheriff is th only le al law en orcem citizens from such unlawful acts. Once he

ese United States ofr;;)has been advised and refuses to perform___

America. t.....:Whis lawful du )' in retopeCt o the ma tter,The Sheriff can bilize all men the Posse Comitatus has the lawful right

The b a s is fo r t h e l e g a l i t y o f between th e ages of 8 and 46 ho are ~ n d e r natural law to act in theany l oca l POSSE on a COUNTY good health and not in the f e d e r a ~ h e ~ f to protect local jurisdiction.

bas i s i s A r t i c l e # 61 o f t h e military ~ e r v i c e . OTHERS CAN Since the Second Amendment to ·theH A CARTA 1mich was i n c o r - VOLUNTEER This body of Citizlms is Constitution says, the right of theporated i n t o our Co n s t i t u t i o n the SHEHIFF'S POSSE. All of them POPLE to keep and bear arms in the

and v e r i f i ed by exce rp t s f ro serve when called by the Sheriff. The execution of the law, any act of any

Al-ERICAN JURISPRUDEN CE. Vol . Title of this Body is POSSE legislature or directives issued by the


• U. s. Crimi.."lal Code . pp COM ITATUS. ~ u d i c i a r y or Executive notwithstanding.This Posse is the entire body of tho { rresta may be made. The criminal may

16 )..merican J u r i s - inhabitants who may he summoned b be remanded to the custody of theprudence Second E d i t i on ' pg . the Sheriff, or who may volunteer, to/-:'\ County Sheriff for trial by a Citizen Jury

177"rh ic h b r i e f l y s t a t e s t h a t preserve,the public peace or execute anO empanelled by the Sheriff from citizenstwo la"TS con t r a ry to each lawful precept .t.hat is opposed. Since the of the local jurisdiction. (NOT by the

other cannot b e i n e f f e c t and Sheriff is the servant of the citizens who Courta as is the current procedure inany per-son enforc ing a la>-r are inhabitants of the County, moat counties and which has no basiso r cour t order t h a t v i o l a t e s his choice as t.o whether or not the osse under law.the 0 1 ~ X SUPRE1£ LA' 1 ; ; ; ; ; l'l-::E organized ana brought into being. It is The unlawful use of County Sheriffs as

U. s  C O N S T T t l ' l ' I D r is sub ·a c t ~ o i e as to whether or not he "laekeya" of the ~ o u r t a should be

to s u i t and punishment . wishes to use 1t. diacontinuod at once. There is no lawfulAlso:-- ;s-a; add i t i ona l bas i s The Sheriff is under Oath of Office to authority, for Judges and the Courta to

fo r the l eaa l e s ta b l i s h me n t uphold, preserve and defend the direct Ole law enforcement activitie s of a'-' Constitution of these United States and County Sheriff. The Sheriff is account·

of t he P O S S ~ CO JTA'IU S is t h e the State in which his COUNTY exista. able and responsible only to the citizel .U. S . SUP Gt·ffi COORT RUlmG NOTHING MORE t is his dut to whoareinhabitantaofhisCounty. He is

in t he case o f THE HOLY protect citizens from unlawful aa of under Oath of Office and need not receiveI?.TI;E Y CEUP.CH v s U• S . in any person, including agencies of unlawful Orders from Judges or the

' ·rhichit

w-asi r ~

ef : tab- government. It shouldbe

emphasized Courts. They are the Judiciary but thel i shed t h a t t h i s IS A CHRIS'l'- that this protection extends to citizens Sheriff is of the Executive branch of our

IAN NATION (2/28 /1 8 92 , 143 US who are being'subjected to unlawful acta government. He is respons ible to protect·147) • _ _ _ __ __ by ..ofHdJlls of ~ o y e m m e n t . _ whether citizens, even from unlawfu l... acta- of

these be judges of Courts or Federal or officials of government. f he refuses to

The POSSE is NOT a v iga l a n t e

operat ion • • • • • and ~ > T e 1ri. ll

not work wi th such grouus .OFRCI L I OSSE BADGE -


Once you have e leven (11J

other persons FROf YOURCOONTY who a r e ready t o

form such a l eg a l Poss eand r e - e s t ab l s i s h CONSTI

  i l l l I D ~ A L GOVERNHENT we wi l l

he lp you do so . Over 1500

other Posse 1s a l r eady formed

and opera t i ng ac ros s the USAwi l l pass on their" knowledge

to you and p r o p e r l y s e t u p

yourown. We a re a lways in

con tac t w i th e a c h othe r thruour CITIZEN BAND RADIOS• • • •

State Agenta of any kind whatsoever. do so, he should be removed from officeThe Constitution of these United promptly.

States is the SUPREME LAW for the Since the formation of our Republic,States of the Union as well as FOR THE the local County or Parish has alwaysFEDERAL GOVERNMENT, which has been the seot of government for the

been CREATED BY THE STATES. bodypolitlc (the people). A County lorSince the Constitution is a compact Parish) government is the highest

(conLract) by and between the People, authority of government in our as States-which are separate, as it is closest to the politic (the People)sovereip RepublicR within the United who are. in fact, the GOVERNMENT.Stat. , · It should be made clear t.hat the The County Sheriff is the only· legal law

Federal Government is an "agency of the enforcement officer in the United StatesStatee." The federal government is a of America. He is elected by the body" servant" of the States and the People politic and is directly responsible for law

NOT THEIR MASTER enforcement in his county. t is his

The Constitution is a simple docu· responsibility to protect the body politicI"Mftt. An expression of Christian Law (people) of his county from unlawful acta

darived .from the Holy Bible. I t says on the part of anyone, including officialsw wt It meant and means what it says. It of government. His Oath of Office is to

means today what it meant when it was u p h o l ~ preserve and defend thewritten. For example, t he Ninth Constitution of these United States andAmendment says, "The enumeration in the State in which his County exists. He

the constitution of certain rights shall may be required to do no less and nonot be n s ~ e d to d ~ n y or disparage more in the performance of his officialothers·RETAINED by the people," This duties.simply means that because the ~ : o n t r a c tenumerated rights for the States, that

the listing of these rights does not meanthat the same must be done for the

People but that the PEOPLE retain

CONCLUSIONAll citizens who volunteer as members

of I o c a I I y ~ r g a n i z e d POSSECOMITATUS ahould research their

local LAW LIBRARY on the subject of

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1 .

l , : ) .



Changed D a i l y   > ~24 Hour operat ion


SPiCIAL NOTE: This fac t sheet has been pr epared f or your persbenef i t and use STRICTLY FOR EilJCATIONAL RJRPOSES as an addi t ionpubl i c service . I t i s not a LABEL or ADVERTISEMENT or inducement

or endorsement by the C iti zens Committee or i t s s ta f f . You nnlst bethe ju dge based on facts and t ruth as YOU SEE THEH••• not by a gov

ernment bureaucrat' -rho

bel ieves he knows what i s ood for ou .

SAH ~ l D Y PROW CTS, P. 0 . Box 1120 , Colton , Cal i f . Products reputed to be of excel l en t

qual i ty and has wide variety o f foods packed in U10 s ize cans. Has Nationwide d i s t r ibutor plan Hhich makes prices higher than local operat ions servic ing small areas .

11th ;;am PROiliCTS, 3002 s. Hills ide , Hichita Kansas 67210 . Operates I.Jholesal e & r e t a i l

s tore . controlled qual i ty •• l ow pr ices ••• ships within 24 hours of rece i p t o f order .

·.mea t , rye, Lima Beans , Freeze Dried & dehydrated foods •••a ll in 1 lb; 50 lb ; and 100lb

sacks or p a c k a g e s Has DTIJA PAK cook and heat ing s tove ••••operates on wood or coal e tc . ;Lamps; ovens; nd special soybean protein meat s t retcher ca ll ed TVP . Products s tore

for ten years . • ·

~ D H A R S ~ C U R I T Y PROGRAHS Rtf1 , Box 224, -1onterey , Ind . Complete l ine ••• complete·1-1arehouse • ••a l l stored in # 10 cans . Also, seeds , Hater pur i f i e rs , soups , s toves.

Sm i th f ie l d Implement co. bmithfield , Utah, 99N. ¥Ain s t . ; rAS grinders , mil ls , dehydraters

SUNA.SU PROJJ..JCTS , DC . 5940 San Yernando Rd. Gl endale , Cali f . Spec ia l 1-fEGAVITAlHN &

t·nJLTTI-II:ERAL P A C I ~ S OF lA1URAL ORIGIN. 60 day pack J $2 0 . 00 ••• t ry 30 day vrit.h moneyback .

flOEm LABORATORIES I ·lonticello . i l l i no i s . Fantast ic Product 11Viobin 1 1OO% RJRE W.HZAT

G' on (1 teaspoon = all the natural o i l of 5 lbs o f fre sh uhole Hheat) In Gary, In d .DRexa l l Drugs , 45th and 3d•JY • .approx :;>5 . 50 a p t . Our lugheads in D. c. t r i ed to ignore18 years of research and keep th i s product from y ou •• co . l o s t $500 , 000 in sales throughfraudulent gov 1t sui t •• •• (P. • • • he sl ophead bureaucrats lo s t ••• l e t them ea t fe r t i l i zer.

lndiana10YOOl; FOOD lJSI YffiATTIIG } AC:m;r,: SAL::S CC . dox R . r t 3 C h e s t e r t C l ~ a J a l l compact oven t ha t

converts meats , VeGotablos , otc to miniature condition (example: 100 lbs o f potatoes f i t s

in to quar t standarc j a r ) . Indefinate lo ngevity vrith small sto ra ge space r eq d . Restoresto natural s ize and shape vThen needed by adding water . + Tax(or $ 52 . 00 lo t s o f 50

F. i:UJ·:Allrl'Y i ~ : E F A C ' l O l ~ FOUI:DATION 201f Pal"k Ave , 1>atro i t , }l ich . OOOK : by Al1'red Lawson

.;;2 . 75 . Fantas t ic methods for s ta r t ing a small garden •••anyuhere. Used since 189 0 with

natural oreanic soi l ••• even in a dark basement with 1i- " o f black d i r t • • • •plant LD1A BEANS

•••• ·Till sprout dai ly to keep you al ive •••a mind boe;gl in g t:;roup o f suppr essed fo od f ac t s .

9. l.:::::J:TAI. }-2A.LT3 'l'i.R()JGH l;\JTIITION ?Y Jud ge Tom Bla ine thru Citadel Press , Inc . 222

PB. 'k Ave , :J . Y. , r . Y. or through us ( P. 0 . BOA #1788) or Improvement Books Co. 13490

:: . ,.; • 4 5th Avenue , Cpa :.Ocka , F1.a . Blovrs t he l id off of false e;ovt and Amer . l1ed . Assn .claims about vitamin s and minerals , d i e t , and exposes cure r a te for mentally ill ,al choholics, anci druc addicted persons o f tvro Doctors fight in g 1''::18 SYST£;·111 in Ann Arbor

1-l ichie;an • • • • •major breakthrough in treatMent of eypogJ.ycemia ( lou blood sugar) .

1.0 . Gcor e;e Smith , o r m a l i l l inois ••• ge t his methods in ULTRtorac SEE FARl1:NC• •espec ia l ly

~ : : s R O 44X3 used by la rges t Hholsale organic food grot-rers in the tmrld •••• jumps yei lds in

hybr id corn from usual 117 bushels per acre to over 198 bu she ls •• •and Height per ~ e r n a lup so :; ;

11. . RCDALE FA.l'L·JS , Elmnaus , Pa. (or get ·) l evrstand PREVENTION f ' i A G T I \ ~ (over 1 mill ion sub scribers) or ORGAHIC FJ..RHTI1G & . ' ~ D 3 t ~ D J G •• • •and book TliE HEALTH FTimt.:R . A world o f wealth

on you r heal th •• •quali ty of f ood • • • •po i s ins allm·red in processed foods by e;ovt ••••

hand- in- glove methods o f corporate congl omerates and govt uorking toGether fo r PROFIT.Advanc ed the Hork o f Sir Albert P.ouard t·rho by 1919 l earned hm• to e;rovr heal thy crops

• prac t ica l ly immune to a l l plant desease . Bi g ~ $ ~ $ $ p p r e s s e d it .

1.2 . Joseph l ic J.::ols , A. B. ; :. D. niCKOLS F'A.1 -1S , Atlanta , Texas . 000 acre farm• • •near ly 100years ahead of his t ime ••• • •POISDl F R ~ E FOOD• • • •ALL VARIETIES••••not one ounce of so i l

ever touched by chemical fer t i l ize r .

* 13 . SURVIVAL RESOURCES , 700 i   Nor thuest Ht-JY , Arlington Hts , i l l inois ph 31 2- 398-6365 )A comple te s tore ••• f'ood, grinder s ... amps ... toves . a sk for Sam Dei'bnja• •owner .

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 17/20

:t ::cAP s&::::T ••••• JONEY , FmAliCE ••• CRUJIT••• A l ~ K D G(release date August 1974) -

As the Rocke : e l l e r - :{othchild plan (-.,rorld bankine c en t r a l i zation ) goes in tooperat ion •n th the de s t ruc t ion of American 3anking ~ s t e m s over 162 major

tJ . s . 3anks a:ro r oa&J t o fold and the Federal Insurance prote ct ing depos i t s

s i t s a t a iT of a litt l e over :,5 billion to cover t r i l l ions in deposi ts .

Yet , our Govcrnnon t and the o c k e f e l l e r controlled news media contunue t heir

b i f l i e techniqucz hopinr: to force most Americans to lo se ~ of a l l they have

b <Jforced conversion of f7een ?eder a l T{eser ve

o t e sin to a ne•r reddish- brauncurrency on a 1 for 10 ratio • • • • • • • • the i r excuse • • • • • reduce in f la t ion .

1 . :;tock food , p;un s , 3.11d a J ~ n i t ion and fo rti f y your homes ?IRST ••••othe:.Jmse

e p ~ c to to a t c ~ p o r a r y shelter or cabin when the r io t s s ta r t •••••

sir;nal Hil l r n a ~ : : ; layo f f s and cuts in wel fare AT SA : ·E T T I ~ Othermse ,ur i te to l 1 ' I.:i:: , Il:C . , ~ 1 1 6ast 4c th St r ee t , Indianapolis , India. la and l earn

hmr to :::at un por m.a.ner.t t r a i l e r c i t i e s to ho l d 100- 200 fa..rnilies and grow your

01m : ood .

2 . :,e flc:-:ihlc • • • • • • • • se t up a secret bank account ••••• ;Q';,' ••• so you v il l be inp o ~ i t i o n

to convert on be t ter te r ms •n th a foreien bank not a ff i l i a t e d -.,rlththo : ~ o d - : 8 : · e camp .




lJ .



:...enc] a '-.:ash ier 1 s chock or mo:1ey ord er to the C Y A L BA.:.:K Ot  CAhAlJA, i<Ri-..:..f'O.itT

i; ':C .LPOHT , GRAl,_j I :Ai'.Ai-iA ISL/Lil.JS . Ask them to open a U. S . OOll.AR

account for you (ei ther or both : Checkin e; or savinc s ) . I f che cking acct .

i:::; des i red l:r.f you •••• send a sampl e of your pres- n t check alone and ask t hatthey pr in t tho n ev  checks the same vray . 1' 2 : •af te r - our account i s s e t

••• ask u,cn t o convert your mon ey to a :)., .LS3 •:tAl ;C ACCOl.J:i1' i t s backed

90,; y r old) •••• also ask about buyinc and s t orin r: gold bul l ion and coins ;ask about OT I . : . . : : ~ ::.;.Y.'/lc::: :; A. l U..l.fl.:i. TO YOu . ( f you prefer other banks

and more in fo on th is ••••Hr i t e to us and as k for our 7 page pamph le t on

she l t e r s and t.v.: ha vens ••••• ooi":A'l'Io;; ~ 1 I } ; T I 1 J l t , D ~ 2

St r e t ch your credi t on credi t cards as far a s y ou can • • • • •make minimumpayments . ~ e v o such companies are expected to go bankrupt ••• •non payersare a l r eady t r i p l ine •••• v e n - : £ l r e m ~ - 1 - : 5 0 0 0 per year white colla r vrorker s .

Inquire in to and join any local TAJ. ? . . : : : ~ J l ~ T J . . : C ~ GROUP:) • • • • • • espec ia l ly those

t:ho have boon uinninp: case::; by refusal to pay or even f ile a return Oli BONA

I J : : CO:i3TI'fUTIOJ;AL GHOU J:lL . f you dec ide to join • • • • • and ho l d up your dec i s ion to pay taxes t his April •••you Hil l have a doubl e - ed ged svmrd •••• CASH

' l i l l.L .2:-. YOU { :JL 1L:.;• • • • • • • m ~ C : t A I ~ .l i P i:..A '·/.:., L3 S . l l ~ Tf...;:,IRS ':IITE 'tfr:ICH

to des troy t h i s country . ( .  r i te to us for local info •••• or to PATRIOT l/Ei·fS

3171 LUcco 'llTtll11 Avenue , IJ ni-rer s i t y C ity , Ca 92122) .

Load up on A ' I U R J . l vita..'llins and minera l s and vrheat germ and pure honey . i:otonly -.,Qll you have s trenv,th a..nd health to sus ta in you and yours ••••• but youcan use it to bar ter •·rith other s for the i r ser-..ricoz or r-;oods • • • • • hose s taplesHil l be the r ea l nonoy ••••• because in f la t ion v  ll eo sky h igh and peopl e wil l

refuse the rodcr a l ~ ~ c s o r v e :Jo tes ( ••• He ca l l t hem Gr een Stamps ,i2) ••a t l eas t

croon stamps can be converted in to somethinG l:rJ red eemed a t a store fo r someth ine el s e . ( ·..'r i t e us f or lir t of dealer s .

Ge t a supply of small hand tools (non- e lec t r i c a l ) .

Ge t as much lMST Ail.J supp l i e s :md ARHY ~ ~ P i l l S ( ie : s le eping bags , e tc )

as you need to make it for 16-1 t months .

} e lp a l l pr ivate ci t izen groups vrlth your i'lindsHOTtl

so th ey can ge t on theAir1-raya and a le r t others • .::ioon rad ios vron 1 t be allo•red to ge t th is information

out throuGh new F.C . C. ru l in r:; s nmr in t he making . 3JY C I T I Z : : : I ~ 3JUJIJ RADIOS AJW

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 18/20

.. - I I 01'~ ~ § : · CITIZEN'S BAR ASSOCIATION •1

CITIZEN'S BAR ASSOCIATION . , . t 9 . ~~ y l ko. OX 1788 PO. OX 1788f . < , < ' GARY, INDIANA GARY , INDIANA ;». > $ > . > ~  



As th e n i-Centenn l al cel e br at ion of our freedom and ri ght s nrawsnearer; and as tl1e Dr i t i sh honor us with a copy of the original MA GNA

CARTA; an t ndiana Ci rcu i t Judge has , according to sworn co urt documents(l)CONDUCTED STAR CHAI 1BER PROCEED I NGS ", (forbidden by t he l•lagna Carta 752years aco as WP.  as b ~ r our O\'ln Constituti on) ahd s e n t e n c e ~ 5. Ar mR ICAN 1CITIZEtTS TO J,'\TL HITHO UT HEARING OR 'l'IUhL and in one ~ n s t a n c e . . . • .EVEN REFUSED 13otD (impossible unde r lav1 except f or treas on or murder).

The victims of th is bizarre and lnon - pub licized travesty of ju st ice duri ngour Bi -Centenn ia l year by C i r c u ~ t Court Judge Alfred J . Pivarnik ofValpa ra is o , Indiana are not notorious mugge r s , rapis ts or murderers butra ther , respected and well knowry f ighters of of f i c i al corruption includingPas tor James Voegt l in of t he Fairhaven Baptis t Church and Academy ; ElmerJacobsen, Dire ct o r of the Northwest Indiana Cr ime Commission (who prev ious ly served wi th dis t incti on 4s an FBI agent for 17 years); Alex Bottos ,Executive Director of the C i t i z e n ~ ilar As sn. and Inves t i gat or for theCitizens Committee to Clean up dhe Courts who (af ter years of undercove ract ivi ty) burst in t o National pr ominance during \vATERGATE when the FBIfa lse ly impris one d him to preveqt testimony concerning t he OIL r'lAFIAinvolvement in t he air - c rash death of Dor oth y Hunt, wife of WATERGATORE. w a r d Hunt; and Sherman Sko ln ick, Chairman of the Citizen s Committeean d his aide, David G. Hoffman, whose record of des troying corrupt Judgesis u n p a r a

During the period of 1974-75 , Dottos, Pastor Voegtlin, and Skol nick hi tthe lecture plat f orms, church pddi ums, and airways aler t ing t he pub l icto certain apparantly ta inted decisions, i c i a l impropr i e t i es, anda lleged corrupt j udicial acts of Judge Alfred Pivarnik to gether wi thranking pol i t i ica l figures and corrupt contrac tors claiming that t heyhad defrauded the Fede r a l Government and the c itizens of Indian a out ofmillions of do l l ars through fraudulent contracts approved and made to belegal and bin ding by Pivarnik as Judge . Especia l ly highl ighted by thecourt cr i t ics was his part i n awardi ng fraudulent contracts for a ~ f f i T R OCONSTRUCTION CO. whose three owners as of June 1976 have been convictedin both Federal and State co ur t s for bribery , perjury, and conspiracyalong Vi th Indiana HUD Director Ben Lesniak (2) and are now being inves t igated by the Pede r a l Deposit Insurance Corp. for poss ible in vo lvement

in causing the ban kruptcy of the /\fo ERICAN TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK ofMilwaukee as part ann parce l of th e publ ic swindle. (2/\)

But al l was not so back i n July , 1975 when J u d ~ Pi va rn ik slapped ea c hof them into a i l without a t r ia l for sentences ra ngin g from 30 to 90days each. The Indiana Board of Accounts had not yet released the i r auditcondemning the East Chicago Par k Do ard for issueing the contract; the

Attorney General Had not f i led his brie f condemning the disrega rd for law;

and, t he Indiana Co ur t of Appeals had not ye t r e leased i t s decisionwhi ch on Mar c h 0, 1976 overturned Pivarnik s ru l ing and judgement Andlashed out at th e Judge for approving a contract \·1i1lch . . . f a i led tomeet even the minimal requirements of laN .   Dack th en, in July of 1975 ,Bot tos and Skolnick had le ga l l y subpoened Rich a rd Lesniak (b ro the r ofconv i cted HUD Di rector Ben Lesniak ) and his Attorney , Saul I . Ruman tot es t i f y about th e i r par t s and those of Judge Piv ar n ik in t hi s and otherdeals . Without hearing , Pivarnik quickly and se cre t ly ki l led   the le ga lsubpoe nas and ordere d h is v ic tims to j ail despi te the fact that none werein t he court or on County propert y or in any way in formed by anyon e t hatthey ha d even been charged with anything . ( I t later tu rned out , th echarge was "CR IMINAL CONTEMPT OF COUR T  . )

Unlike many ot he r States, Indiana affords i t s Ci tizens even greaterprotect io n from i l l -advised or out r i ght cor rupt acts of Judges who use

Contempt  orders to o f reely, and has, (in add i t ion t o t he 14th Amen dmentto th e Federal Constitution and i t s o\'m Sta te Const i tu t ion) a specif icStatute (Burns IC 34 -4- 7-(1 - 8)) pr ov id i ng speci f i c procedure and formsan d he arings to as s ur e due process" prior t o imprisonment as wel l asde t ai le d de f ini t ions of wha t consti tutes a Contempt   of any kind . TheCour t record shows that Judge Pivarnik not on ly failed to abide by anyof t he procedures of the Statute , but th at the acts he complained of donot meet an y of the definit ions of Contempt   . Showing utter di sregardfor the laws they are sworn to uphold, both t he Po r t e r County and Gary,Indiana Bar Associations passed resolutions UPHOLDING JUDGE PIVARNIK'SACTIONS . Certif ied le t te r s (3) to Chief J ust ice Richard Givan of th eIND IANA SUPREME COURT; to t he Indiana Judi c ia l Council (which di sc ip l inesJudges ) ; to t he Indiana U. S . Attorney , John v/il k ; to the # 1 agent incharge of the Chicago FBI , Richard He l d; and even to Stanley Pot t in ger,Assi:otant Attorney General of the United States empowered to indict forcriminal violat i ons of civi l r ights . . • . . •al l have f ailed to act at al l .

The l ocal pres s and radio are silent . . •for fear of re pr i sa l .th a t did speak out went sudden l y bankrupt i n May , 1976 .

The pap er


BI - CENTENNIA L EXISTS AND IS COND ONED BY THOSE IN AUTHORITY. Free menar e ta ken and i l l egal ly i mp r i soned . • . •. and in vio la tion of ALL t hat w

hold dear and che r ish . Private pr ope r ty , bank accounts , and you r childrenare no lo nge r safe . a l l by j udicial decree •. .. and because you haverefuse d to pr eserve and protect the Consti tut ion \·lhic h GUAR ANTEES you th eve ry choice of wav in g the f lag and celebra t i ng what AMER IC A IS ALL ABO UT.

These f ive men are standing up for free men everywhere who res is t to t al i tarianism in any form . . . •Facist •. Communist .•• or Judicial . · They as k

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 19/20

. . ,,


P . BOX 1788


your hel p NOH . . . • o r there may ve rr Nell be no freed oms NEXT Ju l y 4t hfor anyone i f th i s ki nd of ,j us t ic e ' l s all owe d t o st a nd as law . DEMANDfl. CONGRESSIONAL I NVESTIGATION i nto acts documented he re in. PHONEa nd \• RITE to the persons in aut hor i ty nam ed he re in as well as to yourown Jud ges an cl Congressman . . . . . or stand r eady t o SUFFER A l'lOR E HI DEOUSRES ULT. IF THIS STANDS AS LAH"NOH FOR THEs;;; l1E N . . . . IT HILL STAND ASLA\•1 FOR YOU AT A LATER DA TE BECAUSE Sm1E ATTORNEY \-JILL QUO TE IT FROMHIS LA\'1 BCOKS AS AEREX;EDENT . . . . . . . 1\ JlJDGF. ~ i l l CAN THEN THROW YOUI NT O JJ\IL \HTHOUT Y<IR EVEN BE ING THERE IN THE COURT OR KNO\HNG \oJH ATYOU HAVE SUPPOSEDLY DONE THAT HAS I R O N

Beyond that , re member the de ad . • . . . • . •not ,j us t t hose who fought i n 1776 ,but those who were t hrown in to concpnt r at i on ca mps without he ar i ng ort r i al by jud i cial decree dur i nG Wor ld War I I and i n t he Sovi e t Guleg

Ar chipel a go . Do not sa y i t CANNOT HAPPEN HERE . . . • . . I T HA S ALnEADY BEGUNSena to r Sam Er vin expose d 1n a Noverebr 1974 r epor t (4) cove r1ng 651 pa gest hat i n thousa nds of our in s t i t utior,s Americ an Ci t izens ar e he ld in vo l unta r i l y and w t hout due pr oces s h ~ l e a tr ocit ie s t hat NOU l d make t heNA ZI ' S or KGB l ook l ike Doy Scout s' ' ar e per f ormed or. th e i r bod i es andminds •. . . . . . . and chi ldren are not e :c cepte d f r om t he t r eat ment 1


Tu rn your back on these f ive men noy1 i you will , and do not hin g . BUT THENTELL YOUR CHILDREN THE TRUTH \· lillN THEY 1\RE T I\KEN AHAY BY THE N vi MtERICANSECRET POLI CE AT A LATER DATE. Hait i t hat lo ng i you will , and i t willbe too la te to act as th e CONSTITUTION will have been tossed in t o obl ivionby your la zi nes s , apath y , and fear of unlawful aut hor it y .


fllr . and s . avera ge Amer i can •. • . • . . can you s i t by and let ourJ ud ic ia l system sink s o low?

********************************************************************** •** This newsletter ~ ~ a s prepared by t he vol unt ee r s taf f and research *

s taff of t he CITIZEN'S BAR ASSOCIATI ON operat ing nat io nwide in *: attacks and exposure of corrupt l awyers and lawye r- .iudges. viE *

ACC EPT NO GOVERffi·lENT OR FOUND ATION GRANTS and exi s t sole ly by *: dona  ons made by the public . Our member s ar e t aught *

to f i ght t i1ei r l egal c ases W THOUT LA\'IYER.S . fu r the r i nfor- ** mat io n 1·1r1te t o above P. 0 . Box or ca l l ( 219 ) 932- 1776. FOR NE\vS *: TOO HO'I' TO I J\NDLE , CALL OUR 211 HOUR RECORDED t· fiSSAGE H HC H HE ** GENE '.l.LLY UPDf1TE DAI LY . . . . . . . . (219) 980 -2404 ************************************************************************


P.O. BOX 1788



1 ) National Bank Vs . Skagg s, Cause I PSC 1233, curr ent l yon appea l to Indiana Court of Appe a l s by one of t he vic   ms asif 3 -11 75 A 247

(2) Hammond Times Jan 9  1976 fi ETRO AIDE DRAWS l - 10Th e Compass Jan 21, 1976


t he Compas s Jan 24 , 1976 FED GRAND JURY INDICTS 2 OHITH LESNIAK"

(2A) Th e Hammond Times Apr i l 2 , 1976 MI LVIAUKEE LOAN PROBED"

(3) Cer t i f ied # 148135 February 2 , 1976 Chi ef Ju s t i ce Gi van, I nd . S# 219973 De cember 12, 1975 At to r ney Genera l Edward L

~ l i t h CC: t o St anl ey Po t t inger Ass t . At t orn ey Ge nera

f 148119 Febr uar y 4 , 1976 and H148110 to Ric ha r d Hel dChic ago Ch ie f of FBIl ~ ) Novem be r 1974 re port of t he COMMITTEE ON THE J UDICIARY, U. S . SEN

Subcommit t ee on Const iut tuio na l Ri ght s : INDIVI DUA L RIGHTS AND THEFEDERAL ROLE I N BEHAVIOR MODIFICATI ON 


SPECIAL NO TE : As th i s newsletter was le aving for th e pr inter welearne d that METRO CONSTRUCTION CO . has had th e gal lto f i le a new su i t on Jun e 11, 1976 demand ing paymentfor the partial work done unde r th e fr a udu le n t con t racAdditiona l l y , th ey have f i le d an appeal t o the I ndianaSupreme Court as ki ng t hat th e e a l s Co ur t r ul i ng bevoi ded. A deeper in s ig ht in to t he powe r s t r ucture behinmuch of th e bi zarre act iv i ty des cr ib ed   be comcleare r as we l earn t hat MET RO 's at t orn ey i s none ot hethan KARL J . STIPHER . . CHAIRMAN OF THE I NDIANA STATE BASSOCIATI ON AND GENERAL COUN SE L FOR IN LAND STEEL AND THELI LILLY CO. St ip he r currently faces a 1, 000   000 . 00

malpractice suit by a Hammond , I ndi ana wi dow f i ght in gf or he r l i fe against cancer who c laims St iphe r chea t edhe r out of 900 , 00 0 . 00 by as s i s t ing in a f ra ud on th e

co ur t . . . . . • . . . he pre s id ing Judge . . . . . ALFR ED J . PIVARN( Cause # 35- 52, Pu la sk i Ci r c ui t Cou r t

Las tl y , and pos s ib ly mos t re vea ling i s the f act thatwhen t he Port e r Co un t y Bar As s ociati on pa ss ed th el rre sol ut ion uphol din g Jud ge Pi varnik' s ac tion s, themembe r of that group working th e har des t for quickpas s age was LUTHER SWYGERT .. .. UNTIL RECENTLY, CHI EF.JUD GE OF THE FEDE RAL 7TH CI RCUI'I' COURT OF APPEALS.

7/27/2019 Sherman Skolnick Reports 20/20


TOherman H kolnick , cni:U :rh -.



ewsAfternoons and evenings : (312)375-574

Answering service: (312) 787-8220


You can support our work in investigation in the public interest--political corruption and

political assassination- -by obtaining the following from us: The tapes are all one -hour

tape cassettes that fit almost every cassette tape recorder.

Tape 1 . Discussion by Sherman H. Skolnick, "The Midway Crash and viatergate", detailsuncovered from government records showing sabotage, murder, and robbery involved in thedeaths of e l e v ~ n persons connected to Water_gate, onboard the ill-fated Flight 553, that crashedDecember 8, 1972, in Chicago. $end $5.00 (five dollars)fot eac:h tape, postpaid.

Tape #2. Staff inve-stigator Alex J. Bottos, Jr. , discusses "the Power Play Behind Waterga----un-p_Ub.....,licized facts too HOT for the news media, because some of those involved own the mediaSend $5.00 (five dollars)for each tape, postpaid.

__ ape 3 1 By Alex J. Bottos,Jr . The frightening story of government facilities--such as

Clockwork Orange [Springfield], 1\llissouri- -being used to make zombies out of IJ:eople, forpolitical purposes. Send p OO (five dollars) for each tape, postpaid. "Behavior Moaification, U.

Tape #4. y AlexJ.Bottos,Jr. "Tax Slavery, U.S ' The expianation of money, time, and1 0 . - n ~ o - w - r l e - d g e , and the story of the growing, unpublicized tax rebellion. Send $5.00 for each tape ,postpaid.

Tape 5. By Sherman H. Skolnick. "The C.I.A. and Martial Law"--the story of thes::-p-:-e-ci ·fi - c details how the CIA finances and makes·· riots in the U.S. and so -called terror gangs.Including the Chicago 7 and the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA). $5.00 each tape, postpaid.

Three-volume set, entitled "Forgive My Grief", by Penn Jones,Jr.,fearless small town. E ~ d i = - t o - r - P u b l i s h e r from Dallas suburb, tells point by point the unpublicized facts about the deathof President Kennedy--the murder of numerous material witnesses; the involvement of the CIAand the cover-up by the FBI and the news media . Not available in bookstores. For three-volumeset, send $15.00 (fifteen dollars) per set, postpaid.

__ he plot to kill President Kennedy in Chicago, three weeks before Dallas, shown in elevensuppressed National Archives douments that became part of the federal couh record and the lawsuit challenging the government on it. Involves a CIA "hit-man" posing as a Chicago policeman,Daniel Groth, the same one involved in the shooting six years later of Fred Hampton. Also,contains the frame-up of a brave Secret Service Agent, Abraham Bolden, who tried to tell theWarren Commission about the plot . Send $2.00 (two dollars) for a copy of the lawsuit and the

eleven documents , postpaid.

I enclose $ . . I also wish to contribute an additional $ to support

your not -for-profit researc h work.THANK YOU.

Send to: Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

9800 South Oglesby AvenueChicago, Illinois 60617 (312) 787-8220.

For the latest news on the work of the Committee in uncovering politicalcorruption and political assassination details, and related matters, 24 hours

per day, call: HOTLINE NEWS 7 31 -1100 (those outside the Chicago

area, use area code 312 ) . Three and a half minute recorded message of the

latest news of the Committee's work.

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