Shelter Box Impact Report 2011

Post on 17-May-2015

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ShelterBox 2011 Report

Transcript of Shelter Box Impact Report 2011




Photograph : Thomas Lay Haiti

FOREWORDBy ShelterBox President HRH The Duchess of Cornwall



Every year hundreds of thousands of families across the world lose everything when disasters strike. Through no fault of their own and often with no warning, families lose their homes, their possessions and their livelihoods. Every day they are faced with a battle for survival and this is where we come in.

We provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies for families around the world who are affected by disasters, at the time when they need it the most. Our Founder, Tom Henderson OBE, saw the humanitarian response in most disasters was in the form of food and medicine. Little or no assistance was being given in terms of safe, secure shelter to help families survive the first days, weeks and months as they tried to rebuild their lives. ShelterBox was created to fill this void.

Since our inception in 2000, we have responded to earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, landslides, typhoons and conflict, delivering emergency humanitarian aid to families in need on every continent.

From the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami to the 2010 Haiti earthquake, we have responded to some of the largest disasters the modern world has ever known. Alongside this, we have also helped many thousands of people affected by disasters that are not featured in the media. Simply put, if there is an unmet need for emergency shelter, we will do everything we can to meet it.

The ShelterBox solution in disaster response is as simple as it is effective. We deliver the essentials a family needs to survive in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Each large, green ShelterBox is tailored to a disaster but typically contains a disaster relief tent for an extended family, blankets, water storage and purification equipment, cooking utensils, a stove, a basic tool kit, a children’s activity pack and other vital items.

We pride ourselves on our ability to respond instantly to disasters and to do this we rely on a global network of volunteers. ShelterBoxes are delivered by highly trained, volunteer ShelterBox Response Team (SRT) members. These men and women, from all walks of life, give their time freely to help make the difference to the lives of others. Their passion, dedication and belief allow us to bring hope to countless families in need every year.

We rely on public donations and could not operate without the generosity of people the world over. Our supporters constantly go the extra mile to help make a difference to the lives of families who survive disasters. We have had fundraisers climb Mount Kilimanjaro, row the Atlantic Ocean, cross India in a Tuk Tuk and even cycle 10,000 miles on a tandem. Every box we deliver bears its own unique number so our donors can see where their box has gone.

We are now firmly established at the forefront of disaster relief and our work constantly earns the respect of outside agencies. If there is one thing we have learnt, it is that the next disaster is just around the corner. We need to ensure we are always ready to respond, no matter the disaster, no matter the location. With your help, we will be ready.

Our vision:Is of a world where everyone affected by disaster has access to the shelter and basic equipment they need to survive and live in dignity and safety.

Our mission: Is to deliver humanitarian aid in the form of equipment and materials that provide shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by natural or manmade disasters worldwide.

Our goal:Is to help 50,000 families who lose everything in a disaster every year.

Our Values:Innovation: We are creative in finding effective solutions and are always improving the quality of our work to make sure we deliver the best aid package possible for families affected by disasters.

Speed: Our fleetness of foot lets us operate in the dust and debris of a disaster. We act fast and we strive to reach families in the shortest time possible. Our speed is mirrored in our responsiveness to our supporters and partners.

Collaboration: Collaboration is key to continued development and the effective delivery of aid. We work collaboratively with local, national and international partners to maximize our impact. We encourage participation in our work especially from the families and communities we help following disasters.

Accountability: We are dedicated to delivering a quality aid package that represents value for money while being accountable to our supporters, partners and to every person who receives support from ShelterBox.

‘I never thought I would lose my house. Thanks to ShelterBox I have a place now to spend the winter that is coming. I have 7 grandchildren that I look after and now having these two tents means we will be safe. Shelterbox is the first aid we have seen since the earthquake. We are so happy we have not been forgotten.’Sara Norambvena, 70 Aid recipient from Chile

Photograph : Mark Pearson Pakistan

Photograph : Andy Green Chile

ProtectionOne of the most pressing issues in disaster zones around the world is access to clean water. Clean water is imperative to survival and contaminated water supplies are life-threatening. With damaged infrastructure and sanitation systems, a regular feature of disasters, we provide families with the means to purify their own water. Time and again our water purification solutions have saved lives.

DignityWe believe no corners should be cut when it comes to the business of saving lives. To this end we take great care sourcing every item to ensure it is robust enough to be of lasting value. Every item is durable, practical and brand new. Even the box itself has many uses, from a water container to a cot for a newborn baby.

StabilityThe rebuilding process is fundamental to a family’s survival. Our boxes contain the tools a family needs to take the first steps on the road to recovery. The tool kit we provide contains a hammer, axe, saw, hoe head, pliers and wire cutters. These items enable a family to improve their immediate environment and, when possible, begin repairing and rebuilding the home they were forced to leave.

HopeChildren affected by disasters have often been subjected to high levels of trauma. Their worlds are turned upside down and their day-to-day lives changed irrevocably. Our boxes contain small gifts for children to help restore a sense of normality. The children’s activity packs we provide contain drawing books, crayons and pens. For children who have lost all their possessions, these simple items become treasures.

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THESHELTERBOXSOLUTIONTom Henderson OBE asked himself one question

when ShelterBox was still the seed of an idea: ‘What would my family need to survive if we lost


Tom made a list of everything he thought he would need and then set about filling a box with all the

items on the list. A decade of evolution later and the result is the ShelterBox Solution we see today. We

keep a broad range of equipment in stock so we can adapt the contents of aid we deliver depending on the nature and location of the disaster. We work to the needs relayed back to us from the field and

we are able to send specific stand-alone items should they be requested. The contents of the box

may vary but each box typically contains:

Shelter At the heart of every ShelterBox is a disaster relief tent for a large family. The tent has been custom designed

and made for us by one of the world’s leading tent manufacturers. We believe it is the best disaster relief tent in the world. It is designed to withstand extreme temperatures, intense UV light, high winds and heavy rainfall. Our tents have partitions that allow families to

divide the space in a way that suits them best. Our tents become more than simple shelter; they become homes.

WarmthA key piece of equipment we deliver is either a wood or

multi-fuel burning stove. We want shelters to become homes and a stove is integral to any home. It is where

water is boiled, food is cooked and families gather. Alongside the stove we provide pots, pans, cooking

utensils, bowls and mugs.

ComfortA shelter becomes a home when families can live with

a degree of comfort. We provide fleece blankets and insulating groundsheets; simple ShelterBox solutions

that make a tent much more than just a shelter.

Photograph Sharkfin Media

‘The ShelterBox tents really do stand out as the Rolls Royce of tents amid the myriad of tents and tarps that are still peppering Haiti. I spoke with one of the camp residents who told me how proud she was of her ShelterBox tent, which she proclaimed were easily the best in any of the camps.’Paul ClammerLonely Planet writer

Our work is only possible because of people around the world who give generously to ShelterBox. There are countless supporters and volunteers who make everything we do possible. It is their commitment to our cause that enables us to provide homes for countless families who survive disasters.

An enthusiastic team of volunteers performs the essential task of packing every ShelterBox that leaves our warehouse in the UK. The strength of our volunteers is beyond measure.

ShelterBoxes are then delivered to families in need by volunteers: our incredible ShelterBox Response Teams (SRTs). To become an SRT member is no easy feat and each individual has to undertake rigorous training before they are qualified to deliver emergency disaster relief. These ordinary people who do extraordinary things drop everything at a moments notice to head into disaster zones. Our worldwide network of SRT members is a key component in our ability to respond immediately to disasters.

Rapid ResponseWe aim to provide emergency shelter and lifesaving supplies to families as soon as possible after a disaster. The ShelterBox Operations Team monitor disasters constantly and are ready to respond immediately. Every disaster is different and so is every ShelterBox deployment. Sometimes we respond to disasters independently, other times it is on requests for assistance from other aid agencies or government authorities. The common thread is ensuring the response is as rapid as possible.

LogisticsWe have a multi-skilled logistics team who constantly work to overcome a range of challenges. We always endeavor to deliver boxes into disaster zones in the most efficient and effective way possible. This can be by road, sea, air or a mixture of all three. We can pack and dispatch hundreds of ShelterBoxes a day from our Headquarters in Cornwall, UK and can also call upon a stock of prepositioned ShelterBoxes that are stored in strategic locations across the globe. We are constantly increasing the number of boxes we have in prepositioned


locations so we can instantly respond on a large scale anywhere in the world.

Once the aid arrives in-country SRTs face the task of delivering it to the families in most need. We often work in remote regions and transporting boxes to these areas is full of obstacles. In these inaccessible areas there is usually a desperate need but it can often be overlooked. However, we use all the means available to get the job done. After the Indonesian tsunami in 2010, boxes were transported across the Mentawai Strait on a surf-charter boat before being distributed by smaller boats to some of the most remote islands in the world. Boxes have been delivered by helicopters, tuk tuks, donkey trains and even on the backs of camels.

Delivering AidSRT members will use every available resource to gather information about those most affected by disaster so emergency aid can be channeled according to the greatest need. We aim to prioritise the most vulnerable and deliver aid to them first. In the immediate aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake there was an enormous number of people injured. We worked with the French Red Cross and local hospitals to provide a safe environment for surgeons to operate, for midwives to deliver babies and to provide a post-operative area for patients to recover away from the debris, dust and harsh conditions. One doctor told us that he and his team were treating up to 600 patients a day in our tents, dealing with amputations, infected wounds, and children in conditions of extreme dehydration.

Post-DisasterWe are committed to measuring and evaluating the impact of our aid to facilitate further research and development into ways we can improve the quality and effectiveness of our aid. In order to improve our work, it is vital that we listen to the needs of the people that we are helping. When it is suitable, we will send teams on post-deployment monitoring missions to assess how effective the ShelterBoxes are and to work with the recipients of the aid to find out ways we can improve our equipment and service.

Photograph: Andy Green Chile

Photograph: Thomas Lay UK 09



IT IS NEEDEDPhotograph : Thomas Lay Brazil

ShelterBox Response Teams are deployed at a moment’s notice to remote corners of the globe. They are highly trained volunteers from all walks of life and they work tirelessly to deliver on-the-ground aid to families who have been hit by disasters.

We deployed our first four SRT members after the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004. Since then people from all around the world have undergone extensive training and we now have more than 160 individuals who will drop everything when they receive the call to deploy.

Being sent with our aid into remote and chaotic environments is not for the faint-hearted. Our SRT members bring with them a wealth of knowledge from their different backgrounds, knowledge that is essential when operating in disaster zones. We have teachers and construction workers, business owners and firefighters, doctors and photographers; all volunteers who are now specialists in disaster response.

Conditions in the field can be very basic and our SRT members may be operating within days of a disaster. Apart from the human tragedy, the infrastructure of the area may be in ruins and communications severely limited. We make sure all our Response Teams are capable of being self-sufficient and can operate fully without adding to the burden of the people we are there to help. All of our SRT members are exceptional individuals who are fit, hard working, resourceful, good communicators and, most importantly, capable of making the right decisions under pressure.

All of our SRT members have their own inspiring stories to tell. They bring personality and passion to delivering humanitarian aid. Featured right are four of our SRT members, people from our worldwide network who not only believe they can make a difference to the lives of others, but constantly do.

Our incredible SRT members are an inspiration to all who meet them. They are the foundation that our strength as an organisation is built on. For the passion they have, the commitment they show and the sacrifices they make; we thank them.


‘Of all the happenings in my life, apart from the joy of my family, nothing has come close to the pride I felt at being selected following training to become a ShelterBox Response Team member.’David Hatcher (UK) – Former Police Superintendent

‘Seeing families move into ShelterBox tents filled me with a pride I’ve not felt before. Not of personal achievement or altruistic gain, but of being part of a charity where the difference they make is tangible.’Laura Dale (UK) – Journalist

‘After returning from my first deployment, I was hit by an enormous sense of calm, relief and exhaustion. I began to realise the magnitude of what ShelterBox does. The sense of emotions came barreling through me, from seeing the sheer joy on families’ faces when they received a ShelterBox.’Casey Robinson (US) – Office Manager

‘I feel honoured that I am able to contribute and to be part of this great organisation. So many people have helped me on the way and to make ShelterBox what it is.’Elke Kruger (DE) - Doctor

Photograph : Becky Maynard Indonesia

Photograph : Thomas Lay ColombiaPhotograph : Thomas Lay Brazil

Photograph : Mark Pearson Haiti




‘The support and help from ShelterBox (in Pakistan) has been incredible. They have done a remarkable job in reaching out to the families affected and truly demonstrated their rapid response capabilities. Rotary is proud to have such a connection with ShelterBox.’Raja Saboo Rotary International Past President

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Our vision is to see a world where everyone affected by disasters has access to the shelter and lifesaving supplies they need to survive and live in dignity and safety. We have an ever-growing number of International Affiliates who share this vision with us and are helping us spread our mission further than it has ever reached before.

In Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Australasia and Asia we have talented teams in place doing everything they can to generate support for ShelterBox. They are an integral part of the ShelterBox family and their work will help propel us to the next level.

As well as serving as some of our most important fundraisers, our International Affiliates provide us with







Jan 2011








Belgium & Luxembourg (Belux)




New Zealand

South AfricaShelterBox Af�liateCountries

invaluable support in a range of different areas. SRT selection courses are now delivered in Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand where the latest batches of SRT candidates are put through their paces. Our Affiliates in Brazil, Indonesia and the Philippines have provided essential support in our deployments to their respective countries over the past year. This has included everything from assisting with clearing aid through customs to arranging accommodation for our Response Teams.

Our International Affiliates encapsulate an expanding global passion for our work and their devotion to the cause is a fantastic tribute to the organisation.


Photograph : Becky Maynard Indonesia

‘This constant ambition to always make it the best aid package is about recognising the people you’re going to help deserve it; it’s not their fault they’re in a disaster. Most people are just ordinary people going around their business trying to look after themselves and their families.’ Tom Henderson OBEShelterBox Founder and CEO


Photograph : Thomas Lay St Lucia



The global support from the Rotary network is the cornerstone that ShelterBox is built on.

Rotary has been instrumental in our growth and Rotarians are the cement that binds us together. Since we were founded, we have grown from one club’s adopted project to the largest global Rotary club project in the 100-year history of the organisation.

Many thousands of Rotary Clubs worldwide have supported us in a myriad of different ways.

The fundraising efforts by Rotarians make up a significant proportion of donations received by ShelterBox. Alongside this, Rotary Clubs provide invaluable logistical support to our field operations.

Rotarians will often be the people who ensure our aid can be delivered into a country by acting as consignees. These essential acts mean we can deliver aid to people in need as quickly as possible. More often than not, it will be Rotarians who are the first point of contact for the SRT members when they arrive in a country that has been devastated by a disaster and they provide everything from logistical support, translators, local knowledge to a bed to sleep in.

The global Rotary network has been key in our international growth. At present, all of our International Affiliates have been set up by Rotarians or Rotaracters and the growth has been phenomenal.

Rotarians around the world are now engaging with ShelterBox on an unprecedented scale. The benefits to our efforts and, in turn, to Rotary, are enormous. We receive incredible support from Rotary and, equally, we are acting as a catalyst in encouraging more people the world over to become involved with their local Rotary Club.

The relationship between ShelterBox and Rotary is beyond value.


We have a strong history of working with Scouts in disaster zones. Scouts have assisted us in setting up and maintaining camps for those who have lost everything in countries such as Kenya, Italy and Guatemala.

Within days of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, local Scouts were working with our SRT members to establish a camp for up to 4,000 people.

From their assistance in the field to their engagement with the work we do, Scouts have become an integral part of the ShelterBox family.

In the UK we are an official partner of the Scout Association, in the USA the Boy Scouts of America are becoming increasingly more involved with the work we do and throughout Europe more and more Scouts are learning about ShelterBox. We have launched a series of innovative and inspiring activities for Scouts of all ages that aim to inform, educate and entertain Scout groups.

Our global relationship with the Scout network gives us the opportunity to engage Scouts in worldwide issues such as natural disasters, manmade conflict and humanitarian aid; contributions from Scout groups have significantly increased the number of people we can help.

Aid Agencies

In order to maximise the timeliness, effectiveness and appropriateness of our response to humanitarian emergencies, we work with a range of leading international relief agencies and non-governmental organisations.

We work in line with the United Nations Cluster approach which aims to strengthen the capacity for the international humanitarian community to reach more beneficiaries, with more comprehensive needs-based relief and protection, in a more effective and timely manner.

Our expertise in emergency shelter and the unique ShelterBox Solution often enhances other agencies’ aid programmes. We provide specialised knowledge and resources while they can provide us with local knowledge and help us identify the most vulnerable families who need our assistance.

Some of the agencies we have worked with include the United Nations, UNHCR, UNICEF, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Societies, Save the Children, Oxfam, World Vision, ACTED and the International Organisation for Migration. In addition we work with numerous local and regional agencies to jointly contribute to the alleviation of suffering, for example, the National Rural Support Program in Pakistan.

This sharing of knowledge and resources has enabled us to distribute aid efficiently and cost-effectively in many emergencies.

As signatories of the Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief, we are committed to providing humanitarian assistance based on need alone – not nationality, race, religion, or political point of view.

Our formalisation of partnerships with key agencies over the next year will serve to further increase our response capacity in the field.

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Photograph : Thomas Lay Niger

Photograph : Mark Pearson Haiti

Photograph : Thomas Lay Colombia

Photograph : Mark Pearson Kenya

Our SRT members have to be trained to the highest standards to ensure our aid is delivered in the most effective way possible.

We take individuals from all walks of life and train them to be experts in delivering emergency disaster relief. All our training is now run from the ShelterBox International Academy for Disaster Relief.

Anyone who applies to become an SRT member goes through a comprehensive recruitment and assessment process. The competition to become part of this elite band of volunteers is tough. For every twenty people who apply to become an SRT member, only one will make it through the assessment process.

Our experience of delivering aid in the most difficult circumstances, alongside our training provision for our SRT members, puts us in an ideal position to help advance learning and development in the international disaster management community and ensure the world’s most vulnerable people receive the most effective help when they need it the most.

Our Academy works with people from a number of different sectors - from businesses to higher education, journalists to humanitarian agencies, the Scouts to our SRT members - to share skills, training and expertise, boosting knowledge and capabilities.

Our Academy is constantly developing and forging ahead with its mission to deliver world-class disaster relief training and to inspire community resilience.

As it continues to grow our Academy will ultimately provide: college and university courses, international youth development programmes, corporate team and leadership development, adventure training programmes, fieldwork and research projects, post-disaster analysis, product development and research and continued professional development for our SRT members.

To find out more, and to see all the courses on offer from our Academy, please visit


ShelterBox launched its first schools activities in 2006, helping young people understand how disasters happen and the impact they have on individuals and communities around the globe. Over the next two years the support and enthusiasm demonstrated by children was remarkable and the project grew.

In 2009 we launched our first Young ShelterBox programme. By sharing what we have discovered about the world through our work, young people can better understand the effects of disasters. By learning about why these events happen and their devastating consequences, young people are challenged to perceive something beyond their own lives.

Working with education specialists and youth leaders to harness the rich source of materials behind our work, we created online resources for teachers, Scout and other youth leaders. These creative and challenging activities are being used successfully both in and out of the classroom and young people are gaining a greater understanding about citizenship, the world they live in and how they can make a positive difference.


Photograph : Thomas Lay UK

Photograph : Thomas Lay UK

Photograph : Thomas Lay UK

Photograph : Thomas Lay UK

Photograph : Dan Pryor UK

Photograph : Thomas Lay Colombia

‘This has been a wonderful experience for the school. The children have really taken this to their hearts. It has enabled them to gain an appreciation of the impact disasters can have on communities and also practically what they can to do help.’Headteacher, New Machar School, Aberdeenshire

‘Your Scout activities are so well organised and thought out that introducing the concepts was easy. I can’t wait to do the exercises with my group.’Scout Leader, Marcia Bettich


Photograph : Andy Green Colombia

Tom Henderson’s message is simple: ‘Don’t do nothing, do something. We can all make a difference no matter what we give.’ We are fortunate enough to have amazing supporters, volunteers and donors all across the world.

Day in and day out, these people make a real, tangible and lifesaving difference to the families in disaster zones who have lost everything. Everyone has something to give and there are many ways you can help support ShelterBox.

Ways of GivingFinancial donations are the lifeblood of any charity and there are many ways you can support our work. We have a range of ways people can make donations to us, from our legacies programme, to monthly giving, to picking up the phone and calling us or donating online. You can sponsor a ShelterBox and find out where in the world it has gone or you can donate to the ShelterBox Disaster Fund to help us prepare for when the next big disaster strikes. Every donation, be it of time or money, will make the difference to a family’s life.

Our Commitment to YouWe are acutely aware that the work we do would not be possible without the many thousands of donors who so generously support ShelterBox. As a member of the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) we have made a public promise to adhere to best practice, honesty, transparency, clarity and accountability in all fundraising activities, enabling you to give with confidence.

Lasting ValueWe are a lean organisation that benefits from the tireless efforts of a strong and extensive support base of volunteers. This is key in enabling us to keep our overheads as low as possible, sometimes it is the same volunteers who pack the boxes that deliver them in the field. We make every donation count and ensure it helps make the difference when disaster strikes.

The Power of GenerosityCorporate partners make a crucial contribution to our work. We receive invaluable support from a range of businesses. This support supplements our mission and


provides a tangible difference in disaster zones around the world. There are many ways companies can support our work and every donation makes a lasting difference. The generosity of businesses who support us holds the power to save people’s lives.

Strong FoundationsGrants from trusts and foundations make a huge difference to our capacity to reach disaster survivors worldwide and also support our training and education work. We are extremely grateful to all the trusts and foundations whose support helps us to respond instantly to disasters around the world. From small local family trusts to large national foundations, every grant makes a difference. Grants from trusts help us to prepare for the next disaster, to train volunteer SRTs and provide them with equipment, teach young people about disasters, expand our work with Scouts and support other essential aspects of our work.

Photograph : Thomas Lay ColombiaPhotograph : Thomas Lay Colombia

Photograph : Thomas Lay HaitiPhotograph : Thomas Lay Haiti

‘We feel a great sense of achievement in being able to make a difference to families around the world who desperately need help. The simple gift of shelter makes a huge difference to people’s lives.’

John Thompson ShelterBox Supporter and Volunteer


Photograph : Becky Maynard Indonesia

‘ShelterBox is so efficient and quick. They get the job done and their SRT members are amazing. They respond so much quicker to the need of the people.’ Chris HudsonDistribution Programme Manager for ACTED

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010


28 Photograph : Thomas Lay Brazil

In our first year of operation we delivered 243 boxes.

Since 2001 we have grown steadily although the demands on the organisation can vary significantly each year. Our goal is to be in a position to deliver aid for 50,000 families a year by 2013.

In 2010 the tragic earthquake in Haiti and the further 19 disasters that we responded to saw more than 45,000 boxes delivered around the world.

If there is one thing we have learned through a decade of delivering disaster relief, it is that the next big disaster could be just around the corner.

We will respond to all disasters where there are families in need of emergency shelter and we need your help to be ready to respond. We are constantly working to increase our capacity to store and distribute ShelterBoxes so when the next catastrophic disaster happens we can respond instantly with large consignments of aid.

The ShelterBox Disaster Fund has been established to facilitate this and will allow us to support the thousands of families who will need our help when the next disaster occurs.


We are fortunate enough to have a network of supporters who do not stop until the job is done. There will always be disasters, always be families in need and we will always be there to help.

Our vision is of a world where everyone affected by disaster has access to the shelter and basic equipment they need to survive and live in dignity and safety.

Our mission is to deliver humanitarian aid in the form of equipment and materials that provide shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by natural or manmade disasters worldwide.

Our goal is to help 50,000 families who lose everything in a disaster every year and with your help we will achieve this goal.

Photograph : Thomas Lay HaitiPhotograph : Thomas Lay HaitiPhotograph : Andy Green Colombia

THANK YOUMessage from Tom Henderson OBEFounder and CEO

The last year has seen ShelterBox face some of its biggest challenges and we have proved, yet again, the absolute need for good quality emergency shelter to protect the hundreds of thousands of lives that are threatened every year following disasters of all types and magnitudes.

We’ve demonstrated, certainly over the last five years, that delivering a quality aid package of shelter, warmth, comfort and this intangible dignity, is delivering a solution. Part of that solution is the people, the process and the timing; it’s all encompassing.

We can do all of that in a short time frame and one of our great strengths is our fleetness of foot. We have a willingness to accept the fact that everything’s been overwhelmed and if you accept that, as we do here, you’ve really got to think on your feet with the willingness to change almost minute by minute, hour by hour and overcome the challenges in front of you. We provide quality equipment that takes care of a family, delivered by quality people and our timely arrival allows us to operate in the dust and the debris of a disaster.

It’s all about delivering a package; that’s why it’s the ShelterBox Solution. What we want is to be recognised as leading by example as individuals and as an organisation. For us it’s about dignity and delivering the best package we can. If we’re going to deliver a tent, we want to deliver the best tent in the world. At the end of the day we’re trying to save people’s lives and change people’s lives. This constant ambition to always make it the best is about recognising the people you’re going to help deserve to be helped; it’s not their fault they’re in a disaster. Most people are just ordinary people going about their business trying to look after themselves and their families.

None of our work would be possible without the support we receive. We’re always amazed by people, their generosity and the support they give us. The reflection is that people trust us to do the best job we can. People are discerning about who they give to and rightly so. For us, the support we receive is an endorsement of our work. People tell us: “We like what you do, we’ve seen what you’ve done consistently and we’re here to help and continue to support.”

As ever it is hard to put into words our appreciation for our biggest partnership - the support of Rotary clubs and Rotarians around the world. Although the awareness of ShelterBox amongst the general public grows at a rapid rate, Rotary support still contributes a very significant percentage of donations. But their support reaches much further than the financial. Rotary clubs continue to launch our new International Affiliates in countries around the globe; Rotarians continue to volunteer their time to deliver aid on the ground and Rotarians, who many of us have never met, act as our eyes and ears on the ground, supporting our deployments, providing critical information on areas of need, acting as consignees for deliveries of aid and providing logistics; and critically they offer both practical and emotional support to our teams in the field. Support from the Rotary organisation and all those committed Rotarians and Rotary clubs that have engaged and supported us all around the world makes us a truly global project.

Thank you never seems to be enough; it’s a simple thing to say thank you and we would like to extend a personal, heartfelt thank you to every individual around the world who has contributed to our huge aid efforts that have saved and protected hundreds of thousands of lives.

06 Photograph : Thomas Lay UK


ShelterBoxis a registered charity and a Global Rotary Club Project President Her Royal Highness The Duchess of CornwallCharity no: 1096479

ShelterBoxUnit 1A, Water-Ma-Trout,Helston, Cornwall,TR13 0LW, United Kingdom

T - +44 (0) 1326 569782F - +44 (0) 1326 572336E -