Sheffield SHU how to CfiCo/ Transition to University ''V, -...

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Transcript of Sheffield SHU how to CfiCo/ Transition to University ''V, -...

SheffieldHallamUniversity SHU how to...

Transition to University '"'V,CfiCo/

So you've taken the plunge and decided to go toUniversity... Well done! It's probably going to be one of thebest decisions you ever made. There are lots of things toconsider when you are moving from School/College to

University, so hopefully this information will help you onyour way...

Where will I live?

If you choose to go to university nearby, you maywish to stay at home and save money. If you are comingfrom further afield it is most likely that you will stay in

student accommodation.

At SHU we have 30 different residences. When youaccept a conditional or unconditional offer, you shouldapply for accommodation as soon as possible as it is firstcome first served! All 1^ year students are guaranteed aplace so no need to worry, just apply quickly if you have

your heart set on a particular place.

How do

I choose

where to





There are so many to choosefrom and everyone's

requirements are different.Make sure you consider yourbudget, the location, and

your own specificrequirements. Our websitehas a description, key to

facilities and clear pricing foreach residence to help you.

Example prices:


accommodationj I...


Residence Per Year Per Week

Headford House

(non en-suite)£3,917 £89

Liberty Hall(en-suite)



(dependenton bed size)

/iiloney management Example weekly budgetA whole new world of learnings.

First thing... make sureyou have submitted yourStudent Finance by the31** May to ensure youreceive your loan in time!When you've done this

you will receive your loanin 3 instalments each

yean Sept, Jan andApril Try and set a

budget for each term soyou don't blow it all on

shopping in the first week!There will be student

discounts everywheretempting you to do this,

but be strong!


If things don't go to plan„If you change your mindabout the courses you haveapplied for or if you have aconditional offer and don't

make the grades there areprocesses in place to helpyou stay on the path touniversit


Accommodation £95

Other bills (mobile,internet, Insurance etc.)


Food, drink ft toiletries £50

Books and stationery £8

Travel and transport £10

Social life/Entertainment £30

Emergencies £10

Weekly totaL £223


• School

- Daily structure(9am - 3.30pm)

-10+ subjects

■ Homework

- classroom learning

Universitym S- Varied structure(approx.Uhours a week)

-1 subject

- Set assisgnments(deadlines to meet)

- Variety of learning styles:lectures, seminars, practicals,independent study.

The above budget would cost£9,812a year (44 wks).

Once you've worked out yourbudget, compare it to how muchmoney you will have (from

loans, savings etc.) to see if it'saffordable. You could get a parttime job while you study, and/orfull time work in the holidays to

save up more funds.

What do I do when 1 get there?

CAS Extra - For students that have used

all five choices and have not received an

offer or declined all offers made.

Arriving at your new university can be prettydaunting - we know this so we put on lots ofthings for you to get involved in straight

away! In 'Welcome Week' you will meet loadsof new people and be shown endless

opportunities that you can get involved inwhilst studying. There will be fairs where you

can meet/join sports teams, societies,volunteering projects and also find

employment. ̂

clearing - Allows students who havenot received a place at university toview courses with vacancies.

Defer Entry - If your circumstances change youcan start the following academic year instead.(Not available for all courses, please check first.)

A lot of the above information is specific to Sheffield Hallam University, details around accommodation and'Welcome Week' will differ at other institutions so please make sure you research your choices individually.
