Shaw Public School Newsletter - Peel District School...

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Transcript of Shaw Public School Newsletter - Peel District School...

Peel District School Board

Volume 9, Issue 8

Principal’s Message Principals Message focused on Making Mathematical Thinking Visible

Dear families,

It is beginning to look like spring is in the Air. What a busy month April has been at Shaw Public School with Autism Awareness Day, Day of Pink, the Spring Concert, Crock-a-doodle workshop for our Grade 7 & 8’s, the Enhanced learning series speakers, rich extracurricular activities and Education Week.

In classrooms, staff and students have continued to focus on 21st Century

Teaching and Learning through the lens of Numeracy. This month the focus in classrooms has been upon making student’s mathematical thinking visible. Making mathematical thinking visible allows students to gain a deeper understanding of mathematics. Our learners are talking about math, drawing their ideas and deepening how they “think” about math. From Kindergarten to Grade 8, students are encouraged to “think” about math topics, identify and articulate specific questions they wonder or puzzle about, and with the adult educators in the room, they decide what and how they will explore answers to their mathematical questions. Teachers provide rich learning activities, ask intentional questions that provoke mathematical inquiry, encourage children to work together to “talk” through possible math solutions and assess students mathematical thinking and learning. Through intentional learning provocations and activities children at Shaw “Engage in math!

Parents often ask us two questions, “How can I help my child to think deeply about math?” and “How do I make my child’s math thinking visible?” Begin by using real life math situations as the starting point for great questions – What do you wonder about? How do you know? Why do you think that? Using intentional questions like this you will help your child to be able to think about math concepts & ideas, to be able to

May, 2016

Principal’s Message Pg. 1

Shaw Athletics Pg. 2

EQAO Pg. 3

Asian Heritage Pg. 4

CIA Club Pg. 5

Welcome to Kindergarten Pg. 6

Bike to School Pg. 7

Pro Grant Speaker Pg. 8

Adult ESL Classes Pg. 9

Traffic Safety Pg. 10

Emergency Preparedness Pg. 11

Student Safety Pg. 12

Police Appreciation Week Pg. 13

Parent Calendar Pg. 14

Inside this issue:

Shaw Public School Newsletter

905-790-6095 Attendance/Voice Mail

Special points of interest:

Next School Council Meeting Thurs.

June 16th 6:30 p.m.

Shaw’s Night to Shine Thurs. May 12th at 6:30 p.m.

Professional Learning Day Friday May 13th

Parents Reaching Out Speaker Thurs. May 19th

EQAO taking place May 25th—June 3rd

Community Potluck Thurs. May 26th

Character Attribute Assembly Friday May 27th at

2:10 p.m.

communicate his or her mathematical thinking, and deepen his or her mathematical learning.

We invite you to make mathematical thinking visible in your home environment and to talk to our teachers about ways in which you can help your son or daughter to think critically about their world mathematically.


Sally Ann Gibson


This Month in Shaw Athletics …

This Month in Shaw Athletics …

Both of Shaw’s Basketball teams competed in their divisional tournaments in early March. The Shaw Girls took their talents to Aylesbury Public School on March 7

th. The Shaw girls competed hard and

represented Shaw well showing a great deal of improvement from the beginning of the season. Coaches Ms. Thomas, Mrs. Widdifield and Mrs. Deguire expressed that they were very proud of the members of the team. The Hawks Boys Basketball team also travelled to Aylesbury Public School, this time on March 8

th, for their divisional tournament. Despite losing three players to season-ending

injuries earlier in the year the boys persevered and wound up in 2nd

place after the round robin, with their only loss by just 2 points. The Shaw boys fought hard in the playoffs and finished the day in a respectable 4

th place. Well done, Shaw Boys Basketball team.

The Hawks interschool sports scene remains busy as coaches Ms. Ganong and Mrs. Carson select-ed students to represent Shaw on the Badminton team. The Shaw Co-ed Badminton team has sacri-ficed both mornings and after school in preparation for their tournament at Churchville Public School on April 5

th. Good luck goes out to all members of the team. Shaw’s gym has also been filled

with hockey players as the Boys and Girls Ball Hockey seasons got under way. Girls’ team coaches Ms. Green and Mrs. Wilkie continue to work hard to select their team. The boys’ team coaches Mr. Yan and Ms. Kearns have begun to develop skills and teamwork in practice in preparation for their tournament in May.

The Hawks interschool sports scene remains busy as coaches Ms. Ganong and Mrs. Carson select-ed students to represent Shaw on the Badminton team. The Shaw Co-ed Badminton team has sacri-

ficed both mornings and after school in preparation for their tournament at Churchville Public School on April 5

th. Good luck goes out to all members of the team. Shaw’s gym has also been filled with

hockey players as the Boys and Girls Ball Hockey seasons got under way. Girls’ team coaches Ms. Green and Mrs. Wilkie continue to work hard to select their club and boys’ team coaches Mr. Yan and Ms. Kearns have begun to develop skills and teamwork in practice in preparation for their tournament in May.

Shaw’s intramurals have continued to be popular. Many cheers and roars can be heard each Monday as the grade 1’s and 2’s participate in their newest intramural – Noodleball. Have you ever throw a rubber chicken to a teammate to score points? The grade 3’s have and continue to work on teamwork skills and strategies such as getting into open space in this new intramural sport. The ever popular Continuous Soccer Cricket season is underway for the grade 4’s and 5’s with the first couple of games taking place already. What is Flickerball you ask? It is one of Shaw’s newest intramurals that combines the rules of football, basketball and ultimate Frisbee. Ask one of the participating grade 6’s and they will tell you all about it with great excitement. Goalball intramurals have begun for the grade 7’s and 8’s and have been met with a series of laughs and determination to learn a game unfamiliar to all. Need more information on the busy Shaw athletic scene? Listen carefully to the announcements and check the Athletic and Intramural boards just outside the Gym.

Spirit Teams

Spirit Points Update:

On Friday, April 29th, the Blue spirit team en-

joyed their free 40 minute outdoor recess on a

sunny afternoon during period 7. At the April

Character Assembly the Spirit Leaders updated

the Shaw staff and students on the current spirit

points. Here are the results.

Green team – 2570 points

Blue team – 2270 points

Yellow team – 2000 points

Red team – 1890 points

EQAO Assessment Grades 3 and 6

Students in grades 3 and 6 will be participating in the Education Quality Accountability Assessment (EQAO) between May 25 – June 8, 2016.

Grade 3 students will be writing the assessment the week of May 24th

Grade 6 students will be writing the assessment the week of June 30th

Shaw Public School puts the spotlight on Asian Heritage

In December 2001, the Senate adopted a motion proposed by Senator Vivienne Poy to officially des-ignate May as Asian Heritage Month in Canada. In May 2002, the Government of Canada signed an official declaration to designate May as Asian Heritage Month.

Throughout May, students, staff and parents from across Peel will participate in a number of activi-ties that promote the understanding of the many contributions made by Asian Canadians.

Here is a list of Asian Heritage Month events happening at Shaw:

Samosa Day May 5 11:10-11:50 Front Lobby

Henna Day May 12 Both Nutrition Breaks

Multipurpose Room

Bollywood/Asian Fusion DPA May 19 12:30-1:30 Gym

Cultural Potluck May 26 6:30 p.m. Gym

Cultural Dress Day May 27 All Day Classrooms

The CIA Club

The CIA Club stands for Character In Action. Students learn to take proactive and preventative approaches towards the prevention of bullying by raising awareness of how to stand up to bullying and by promoting acts of kindness. The CIA Club will also be addressing issues such as self-image and self-esteem, inner beauty, and friendship.

This is a picture of what the Grade 3 & 4 CIA Club are working on. They have been watching and discussing Video clips about acts of kindness and using kind messages and words. Then are then challenged to put these Words into action. Part of this challenge includes filling up the bucket with

messages of their acts of kindness.

French Class

In Madame Gurguis’s French class, Mr. Yan’s Grade 6 students created a web about friendships.

Kindergarten Registration &

Welcome to Kindergarten event for families

Kindergarten registration took place on February 1,2,3 & 4th. All children born in 2012 registered for Year 1 Kindergarten. Any child born in 2011 who was not already registered in a school, registered for Year 2 Kindergarten. Many thanks to all of the parents who preregistered.

If you haven't registered or know of someone who would like to, please have them contact the school as soon as possible. We look forward to welcoming all of our registrants and their family at our Welcome to Kindergarten event on Wednesday May 4th from 5:00—6:00 p.m.

Story Time at the Library

Who: Students starting Kindergarten in September 2016 and a parent or guardian

When: 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.

Monday, April 25

Monday, May 2

Monday, May 9

Tuesday, May 17

Wednesday, May 25

Wednesday, June 1

Where: Shaw Public School Library

Register today for Adult ESL or LINC classes

Do you know an adult that is interested in improving their English language skills for work, study or daily life?

Through the Continuing & Adult Education department, the Peel District School Board offers a wide variety of English language classes that help parents experience success in Canadian English in both listening/speaking and reading/writing. Courses are designed for a range of basic, intermediate and advanced English (Levels 1 to 7) as well as the more experienced learner needing to prepare for an IELTS exam.

Classes are ongoing - Register anytime.

All learners that complete a session will earn a certificate of learning from the Peel District School Board.

Classes operate from six locations in Brampton and Mississauga with three specially designed adult centres at:

Bramalea - Adult Education Centre - 25 Kings Cross Road, Unit 3

Brampton - Adult Education Centre - #300 - 7700 Hurontario Street

Mississauga - Adult Education Centre - 100 Elm Drive West, Room 117

To learn more or to register, call 905-270-6000

Also visit or follow us on Twitter: @PDSBLearnESL

Tentative school year calendars for 2016-17

The Peel District School Board has approved the school year calendars for all schools, including Roberta Bondar Public School, Ray Lawson Public School and Roy McMurtry School for 2016-17. The calendars will now be submitted to the Ministry of Education for approval. The dates are not official until approved by the ministry. Visit to view the tentative school year calendars for 2016-17.

Traffic safety in our community

Safety is a top priority at our school. Here is a list of traffic tips to keep students, staff and parents safe while

commuting to and from school.

Respect traffic signs and road markers around the school.

Drive slowly and with caution on and near school property. Adhere to the posted speed limits on any surrounding

streets used by students on their way to and from school.

Always yield to pedestrian traffic. Wait for students, staff members and parents to cross before driving past them.

When dropping your child off at the school, use the Kiss'n'Ride area. This is a supervised area that is designed to

keep students safe.

Do not double park or do anything else to block traffic or draw your child off the curb and into traffic. Do not take

shortcuts over curbs.

Have your child ready to exit the car when you reach the curb. Say goodbye to your child before you park at the

curb to let your child out of your car.

During regular drop-off times, students are to remain in the car until it is safe for them to exit the car onto the curb.

Follow the directions of staff or volunteers on duty in the school parking lot and treat staff, students, volunteers,

passengers and other drivers with respect.

Consider parking off site and walking a short distance to school. This will give you time to talk to your children about

their day, review new vocabulary words, math concepts, etc.

Remind your child to only cross the street at an intersection or crosswalk. They should never “jaywalk” by crossing

in the middle of the street.

Students who bike to school should always wear a helmet, and follow all traffic laws. They should only cross the street

at a crosswalk or intersection—never in the middle of the road.

May 1 to 7 is Emergency Preparedness Week What is Emergency Preparedness Week? The first full week of May of each year is Emergency Preparedness (EP) Week. This year, we will celebrate EP week May 1 to May 7. EP Week is a nation-wide initiative to increase awareness about individual and family preparedness, emphasizing how the public can reduce the risks and consequences of an emergency by being better prepared. During this week, we promote, educate and bring about awareness concerning emergency management planning and personal preparedness. What is the purpose? The purpose of EP Week is to educate students, parents and the community about the importance of being prepared in the case of an emergency.

Keep your child safe around train tracks

Trains are often closer and are moving faster than most motorists and pedestrians perceive. That's why all members of a family should be are aware of the importance of rail safety.

Safety steps for children

Playing on railway tracks and bridges is dangerous. Find safe, supervised and open areas (e.g., neighbourhood parks) in which to have fun.

The only way to safely cross a rail track is to use designated railway crossings.

If you must cross railway tracks, for example on your way to and from school, stop, look and listen before crossing.

It is against the law to trespass on railway property.

Safety steps for adults

Be prepared to stop at a highway/ railway crossing.

Listen for warning bells and whistles of an approaching train. Turn off, or turn down distracting fans, heaters, music/radios.

Obey the signals. Never attempt to drive under a gate as it is closing or around a closed gate. If the gate begins to close while you’re underneath, keep moving ahead until you clear the crossing.

If a police officer or a member of the train crew is directing traffic at the crossing, obey their directions.

If your vehicle stalls on the tracks, get out quickly and away from the vehicle and tracks. Move in the direction that the train is approaching from to avoid being hit by debris. Your vehicle will be swept forward by the momentum of the train.

The safety of our students is our top priority

Throughout the school year, incidents in our school communities happen. Our staff take precautions to emphasize street-proofing skills with your child. However, we feel that it is important that you take an opportunity to review safety procedures with your child.

Peel Police have provided the following safety guidelines if your child encounters a stranger:

Tell your children to never go anywhere with a stranger, not to talk to strangers and never take anything from them. You also have to teach them what a "safe stranger" is in case they need help. A safe stranger includes a police officer, a cashier, a fire fighter, etc.

Remind your child to never walk alone—always walk with a group.

Develop a "what if" game for the kids to get them thinking of how they would respond if they felt threatened or afraid.

Know who your children play with and where they go. This includes keeping a list of their friend's addresses and phone numbers.

Remind your children not to take short cuts through parks, ravines, or other secluded areas.

Your child's body is private. Tell your child that no one may touch the area their bathing suit covers. If someone does or tries to touch them, they should advise you immediately.

Teach your children to talk to you immediately when someone does anything that makes them feel strange or uncomfortable. Listen when your children are trying to tell you about something that bothers them and provide them with support and understanding.

Tips for riding the bus:

Take a seat as quickly as possible, put belongings under the seat and stay seated.

Never stick anything out of the window, including part of your body.

Refrain from eating on the bus. If a choking incident occurs, the driver may not be able to help immediately.

Wait until the school bus stops before standing up to exit the vehicle.

Tips for walking to school:

Help your child establish a safe, direct route to school. Avoid potential safety hazards such as train tracks, busy intersections, and reinforce what safety precautions to follow.

Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road and walk facing traffic.

Cross streets at intersections and at crosswalks and learn to look to the left, the right, and the left again before proceeding.

Wait until traffic comes to a stop before crossing. Make sure drivers see you before you cross. Don't assume the driver will stop for you.

Keeping children safe in and around storm sewers, waterways

Rising and fast moving water in lakes, ponds and creeks is increasingly likely during spring. Children playing in and around storm sewers and water courses, entering storm sewers through the outfalls, and entering storm sewers through access covers is dangerous. The following information will

help keep children safe:

water flows in storm sewers and watercourses are unpredictable and may

change quickly toxic gases may be present in and around storm sewers and watercourses access is restricted, making rescue attempts are difficult tragic falls could take place

Please review this information with your children and let them know how dangerous storms sewers and waterways are.

Peel schools honour police officers during Police Appreciation Week

May 15 to 21

The Peel District School Board will pay tribute to police officers by holding Police Appreciation Week from May 15 to 21, 2016. Peel students and staff will show their appreciation for the tremendous job being done by police to protect schools, homes and communities. Police Appreciation Week coincides with National Police Week. National Police Week pays tribute to the work of police officers across Canada.

"The Peel board appreciates the dedication and commitment of police officers who work to keep our schools and communities safe," says Janet McDougald, Peel board chair. "Police Appreciation Week is our way of thanking officers who dedicate themselves to protecting our community. It's also a way to give these officers the special recognition they deserve."

During this week, students, staff and parents in schools throughout Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga will honour the work of police officers and thank them for enhancing public safety and security.

Shaw PS May 2016

Asian Heritage Month

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 Chocolate Fund-

raiser—Opt Out

forms due

Story time at the

Library for K stu-

dents beginning

Sept. 2016

3 4 Chocolate Fund-


for sale go home

Welcome to Kin-


5:00—6:00 p.m.

5 Samosa Day 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 Henna Day

Shaw’s Night to

Shine 6:30 p.m.


PD Day—No school




15 16 17 Chocolate


Bird Draw Prizes

18 19 Bollywood/

Asian Fusion DPA

Parent Council Pro

Grant Speaker

6:30 p.m.

20 21

22 23

Victoria Day

No School

24 Chocolate

Fundraiser Ends

25 EQAO Gr. 3 26 EQAO Gr. 3

Cultural Potluck

6:30 p.m.

27 EQAO Gr. 3

Cultural Dress Day


29 30 EQAO Gr. 3 31 EQAO Gr. 6

Chocolate Fund-

raiser—Top Seller

and Grand Prizes
