Sharon Weaver Painter (Nx Power Lite)

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sharon Weaver Painter (Nx Power Lite)

12.09.09 01:49 PM

An artist has got to be careful never really to arrive at a place...You always have to realize that you’re constantly in a state of becoming." Bob Dylan.... As an artist, I paint with my hand what my heart feels. My motives for painting a landscapes, change as my creativity evolves but I always let my impressions of a scene guide my brush. I love to see the shadows of a mountain stretch over a valley or the jagged edge of a rock against water. The tension between these contrasting images gives a painting its depth and life. As an artist, my challenge is to make these contradictions work in harmony so the painting sets a mood and engages the viewer. That is the moment when my painting “becomes” and I share my work with another individual who senses my creative vision.