Sharon book

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Sharon book

Good Morning, Lake Massapoag with the sun

gleaming on your surface.

Your boats are so beautiful!


The sun is rising over Ward’s Berry Farm!

Alli and Annie

We’d better start planting strawberries, corn, and pumpkins.

Good Morning Crescent Ridge Dairy!

Josh and Alex

We hope your ice cream is scrumptious today!

Hello Borderland State Park, with all your woodland animals.

Can’t wait to go for a walk!

Audrey and Anna

Go Sharon Eagles

Ben & Ali

You can win your basketball and football games!

Good afternoon, Bay Road,

Jessie & Maxine

the first road built in our country! It used to go from Narragansett to Boston Bay.

Good afternoon Cobb’s Tavern,

Jonathan and Gregory

the historic place where Paul Revere and Deborah Sampson met during the American Revolution.

Hello Sharon Public Library!


The statue of Deborah Sampson adds to your historic beauty from 1914.

Thank you Sharon Center with your Police and Fire Department.

Olivier and Alexander

You’ve helped us in many dangerous times

Good afternoon Sharon Dog Park!

Caroline & Andrew

Can my dog come and play?

Good evening home run hitting baseball fields, and let’s not forget goal scoring soccer fields!

Can I take a swing?


Good evening Moose Hill Audubon,


the oldest sanctuary in Massachusetts!

Good night Sharon Public Schools.

Naajaa and Margot

Time is running out! Let’s get learning at Heights, East, Cottage,

Middle School, and our High School.