Sharing city seoul(english)

Post on 12-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Sharing city seoul(english)



Table of Contents

Seoul Declaration

of the Sharing City

Establishment of foundations

to create ‘Sharing city, Seoul’

∙ Preparation of laws and systems

to promote sharing

∙ Establishment of a policy execution body

under private-public governance

∙ Opening of the online sharing

information portal

∙ Seoul, promoter of the sharing economy

∙ Installation of an information exchange

window with the world






4 7

‘Sharing city, Seoul’ Future tasks of ‘Sharing city, Seoul’

∙ Sharing of space

- Sharing of idle public facilities

- Sharing of parking lots

- ‘Room sharing between the generations’

- Sharing of private companies’ spaces

∙ Sharing of items

- Book sharing

- Tool and toy library

- Samgaenaru Good Neighbor Sharing Market

(Exemplary case of a self- governing borough)

- Sharing of private companies’ items

∙ Sharing of experience and information

- Seoul Open Data Plaza

- Seoul Photo Bank

- Sharing of private companies’ experience

and information

∙ Preparation of a system for the establishment

of sharing economic ecology

∙ widespread adoption of the sharing economy

by citizens through interface with villages

∙ Promotion of sharing companies

Chart of affiliated domestic sharing

companies and organizations





















There is a way of consuming without

possessing. The solution is the ‘sharing

economy’. The concept of the sharing

economy first attracted attention during

the global financial crisis of 2008. The

sharing economy allows the maintenance

of a similar level of consumption

while reducing family expenditures.

Furthermore, many people have paid

close attention to the advantages

offered by this system, which facilitates

communication within communities and

prevents the wasting of resources during

the consumption process.

Seoul is promoting a revolution. The city

declared itself a ‘Sharing City’ for the

first time in September 2012 and began

applying the concept of the sharing

economy to its urban policies.

In fact, sharing is not unfamiliar to

the people of Seoul. There used to

be widespread traditional cultures

of sharing in Korea, called poomasi

and dure, which mean ‘exchange of

labor’ and ‘farmers’ cooperative group,’

respectively. At one time, we used to

share labor, objects and food among

neighbors. Moreover, Seoul is well

equipped with the IT infrastructure

needed to vitalize the sharing economy.

The city prides itself in having the world’s

most convenient Internet, smartphone,

and SNS use. Based on these measures,

Seoul is carrying out diverse activities to

promote the sharing economy.

SeoulDeclaration of the Sharing City




Seoul’s goal is to establish an ecology in which the sharing economy can grow

autogenously. First, in order to lay solid ‘Sharing city, Seoul’ has been working on the

following measures:

➊ Preparation of laws and systems to promote sharing

➋ Establishment of a policy execution body under private-public governance

➌ Opening of an online sharing information portal (SHARE HUB)➍ Seoul, promoter of the sharing economy

➎ Installation of an information exchange window with the world

Establishment of foundations to create

‘Sharing City Seoul’


photo(cc) via cckorea / fl


After Seoul Declaration of the ‘Sharing City’

in September 2012, The city’s first action

was to enact the ‘Seoul Metropolitan

City Sharing Promotion Ordinance’ on

December 31, 2012.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government

collected opinions from sharing activists

through public hearings.

The newly enacted ordinance dictates

that the city must support the vitalization

of sharing not only in the public sector,

but also in the private sector. As such,

the city acknowledges companies or

organizations that attempt to resolve social

problems through sharing, designates

them as ‘sharing companies’ (or ‘sharing

organizations’) and supports them. Seoul’s

public assurance helps the settlement of

startup companies.

Preparation of laws and systems to promote sharing



Seoul’s Sharing City policy is being

implemented based on cooperation

between the private and public sectors.

In order to promote smooth private-public cooperation, the city established

the Sharing Promotion Committee in

February 2013 and is currently managing

it. The committee is composed of fifteen

members including twelve private experts.

The private experts are drawn from the

IT, CSR, and social innovation fields, while

the remaining three members include a

city councilor and officials. The committee

deliberates on the selection of ‘sharing

companies’ and suggests diverse opinions

on business operation.

In this sense, Seoul’s sharing policy is a

private-public governance model rather

than a top-down model.

Establishment of a policy execution body under private-public governance


Establishment of foundations to create “Sharing city, Seoul”


SHARE HUB ( is a portal

website designed for the sharing of

information. The website is the most

convenient gate to the ‘Sharing Seoul’

for citizens. The Seoul Metropolitan

Government opened the SHARE HUB in

June 2013. The SHARE HUB introduces

the activities of domestic and overseas

sharing organizations and companies and

introduces Seoul’s sharing activities to

other countries. Furthermore, the SHARE

HUB supports networking with sharing-related companies and organizations, etc.

Website management is conducted by

private-public cooperation. The actual

management of the website is conducted

by a private organization called CC Korea.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government

provides administrative and financial

support for management, and engages

in collaboration with diverse fields such as

the advertising of sharing business.

Opening of an online sharing information portal(SHARE HUB)



The Seoul Metropolitan Government is a

major promoter of the sharing economy.

Although the city is not directly involved

with the actual management of sharing

companies, it helps startup companies to

successfully establish themselves in the

market. An example is Seoul’s operation

of the ‘Sharing Economy Startup School.’

It is a learning experience for those who

wish to start their companies based on

the sharing economy.This program helps

prospective entrepreneurs to inspect

their business items and solve problems

through mentoring with civilian experts

or senior entrepreneurs. The goal is to

support entrepreneurial activities that

utilize the sharing economy.

After the establishment of a business,

the city continues communication and

cooperation in order to promote the

successful settlement and enhanced

autonomy of startup companies.

Seoul, promoterof the sharing economy


Establishment of foundations to create “Sharing city, Seoul”


Seoul is very interested in international

exchanges aimed at vitalizing the sharing

economy. International exchanges allow

Seoul to announce the achievements

of ‘Sharing city, Seoul’ and to learn from

excellent or exemplary cases from overseas.

To that end, the Seoul Metropolitan

Government operates the Sharing Economy

Advisory Group. The Sharing Economy

Advisory Group is currently composed of

Joe Gebbia, co-founder of Airbnb; Rachel

Rotsman, director of Collaborative Lab; April

Rinne, CSO of Collaborative Lab; Herald

Heinrichs, professor of Lüneburg University;

and Neal Gorenflo, co-founder of Shareable.

In the future, the Seoul Metropolitan

Government plans to meet with the Sharing

Economy Advisory Group on a periodic

basis to gather information on overseas

sharing economy trends and receive

consultation on Seoul’s Sharing City policy.

Installation of an information exchange window with the world



➊ OnOff mix


➌ BnB Hero

➍ Kozaza

➎ Modu Company

➏ Sell Park

➊ Sharing public underused space

➋ Sharing parking space

➌ ‘Room Sharing between

the Generations’ (house sharing)

We can use limited space effi ciently by sharing.

Seoul initiatively opened underused public space, and is putting all eff orts for sharing

space in private places such as parking lots, empty rooms, churches, etc.

Sharing space


Public Sector Private Sector


photo(cc) via Rsms / fl


Sharing of idle public faciliies

Seoul is actively committed to sharing public spaces. During times when public facilities

are not in use, such as weeknights and weekends, Seoul loans those spaces to citizens

free of charge or rents them out at low cost. Anyone can easily access the facilities using

the online reservation website( Residents conduct regular club

meetings in such spaces. Since April 2014, 970 spaces have been opened to the public,

and they have been used by members of the public on approximately 23,000 occasions.

photo(CC) via Kevin Harber / fl


Parking lot sharing

The construction of just one new parking lot in downtown Seoul requires a signifi cant

budget. However, sharing parking lots can solve parking problems without requiring

any budget input. The Seoul Metropolitan Government performs diverse activities

to promote the sharing of parking lots. In Yongsan-gu, resident parking lots are

shared with those who need them. In Songpa-gu, the city collaborates with sharing

companies to share parking information with citizens. Also, new measures have been

attempted in diff erent boroughs. In Jongno-gu, the parking lots of residential colleges

are available for sharing, while in Seongbuk-gu the parking lots of leased apartments

are shared with other residents.

photo(CC) via Milo Baumgartner / fl

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of space


‘Room sharing between the generations’ is a housing sharing project that connects two

generations. The basic goal is to connect young people in need of low-cost housing

with more senior citizens who have extra rooms due to their children’s departure for

marital or employment reasons, etc. Young people can help with house chores and

enjoy low rent in return. Elders can live in young people’s company and enjoy freedom

from social isolation. This system has attracted considerable attention as a solution

to both the problem of solitude facing many senior citizens and young people’s

housing difficulties. Currently, there are 28 young people residing in 23 houses with

elderly people in Nowon-gu and Gwangjin-gu. The system is now spreading to other

neighborhoods near colleges such as Seodaemun-gu.

‘Room Sharing Between the Generations’


ONOFFMIX is a platform that provides

spaces for events.The company not

only provides event information, but

also helps with the hosting of events.

When people hold an event, ONOFFMIX

provides diverse necessary services such

as participant management, venue rental,

and promotion to the organizer, thus

connecting online and offline services.

This service enables easy sharing of

knowledge and contents.

ONOFFMIX has around 310,000 members,

and has hosted around 27,000 events,

attesting to a continuous growth trend.

The long-term goal of ONOFFMIX is to

create the best event business platform in

the world.

Company Name ONOFFMIX

CEO Jooncheol Yang


Platform for sharing knowledge and contents


Sharing of private companies' spaces

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of space


WOOZOO is a company that creates

and provides shared houses. WOOZOO

supplies housing to students at low cost,

and helps residents share their hobbies

and experiences with one another.

When the founder saw students living in

confined spaces such as gosiwon(a tiny

one-room housing) due to their difficult

financial circumstances, he decided to

start WOOZOO to help them.

Although the company underwent many

management difficulties at the beginning

due to a lack of awareness of the sharing

economy, WOOZOO now operates thirteen

‘shared houses’ in many parts of Seoul.

Company Name Pjtok., Ltd.

CEO Jeongheon Kim


Sharing house with those with similar hobbies and experiences



BnBHero provides a short-term room

rental service to travelers. While BnBHero

is as easy to use as a hotel, it also provides

cheap services and opportunities to

interact with local residents. Some 3,000

rooms are currently registered with

BnBHero, and more than 1,000 travelers

use the service every day.

This year, the company plans to begin

a monthly rental service for long-term


Company Name BnBHero

CEO Minsoung Jo


Korean AirBnB

BnB Hero

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of space


‘Kozaza’ is a word used by Korean mothers

to put their children into a deep sleep. It

is best translated as ‘sleep well’ or ‘take

a deep sleep’. Kozaza provides travelers

deep sleep as well as special experiences

by connecting them with empty rooms.

In particular, Kozaza has been focusing on

‘hanok stays’ which enable travelers to stay

in Korean traditional houses(hanok) and

experience traditional culture of Korea.

In addition, the company facilitates the

sharing of diverse types of vacant rooms

in regular houses, apartments, pensions,

guest houses, studios, temple stays, and

so on.

Company Name KOZAZA

CEO Sanku Jo


Deep sleep in a hanok



Moducompany connects parking lot

owners with people in need of a parking

space during idle time through the

smartphone application ‘Modu’s Parking

Lot’. Having launched its service in early

December 2013, the company now

provides information on around 40,000

parking spaces to 20,000 members.

Modu’s Parking Lot has proved that

parking lot expansion is not the only

solution to the city’s serious parking

problem. The company will continue

with its efforts to create a standard

model of parking lot sharing by closely

collaborating with the public sector.

Company Name Moducompany Inc.

CEO Soonam Kahng

Donghyun Kim


Parking lots for everyone


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of space


Sellpark shares parking spaces during

those times when their owners aren’t

using them by its website or application

so that people in urgent need of a space

can use the parking spaces instead. Users

can search for the closest and cheapest

available parking space around their

office or home using Sellpark.

In the early phase of business, it was

difficult to persuade parking space

owners to join the scheme because the

concept of sharing a parking space was


Now, however, the company possesses

around 1,000 members and enjoys 120

monthly trades.

Company Name Sellpark

CEO Chanlyong Kang


Cost-effective ways of sharing parking spaces



➊ Green car



➊ Book sharing

➋ Tool and toy library

➌ Samgaenaru Good Neighbor

Sharing Market

We can prevent the waste of resources by sharing any items that we do not use

frequently. Collaborative consumption is a new model of consumption that reduces

expenditure while increasing satisfaction.

It enables prudent housekeeping at a lower cost than retail purchasing. In addition,

mutual networking can vitalize internal exchanges within a community. The Seoul

Metropolitan Government is dedicated to promoting the sharing of diverse items,

such as children’s clothes and cars, by collaborating with many companies that want

to share items.

Sharing of items


Public Sector Private Sector


➎ Theatre waste recycle

➏ Tikle


photo(cc) via thomashawk / fl


Book sharing

The book sharing project creates a ‘community bookshelf’ that enables people to share

their books with neighbors. Book sharing satisfies both people’s cultural desire and

their innate love of sharing. In particular, Songpa-gu has established and is currently

operating diverse book sharing schemes. The most unique case is the utilization of

phone booths for book sharing. Phone booths are gradually becoming obsolete due

to the widespread use of smartphones, but they are now being transformed into book

sharing venues. Including these, there are now nineteen book-sharing programs in the

Seoul Metropolitan Government.

photo(CC) via JB Fortuna / fl


Tool and toy library

Tools are representative objects that every house possesses but does not frequently use.

Children’s toys can be an excessive burden for parents because of their high cost and

limited usage period. That is why Seoul is operating tool and toy libraries in many parts

of the city. There are currently fourteen tool libraries and thirty toy libraries in Seoul. In

particular, camping equipment is now shared in the Hwayang-dong Tool Library in

Gwangjin-gu as demand continues to increase. The Seoul Metropolitan Government

works to share diverse items in response to regional characteristics and residents’


Image Credit: 1412541 via

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of items


The autonomous boroughs of Seoul are also carrying out diverse sharing projects. The

sharing project contest held in 2014 among the city’s autonomous boroughs introduced

various examples of sharing projects The Samgaenaru Good Neighbor Sharing Market

in Mapo-gu is one of them. The Samgaenaru Good Neighbor Sharing Market utilizes

buildings that are left behind during the demolition process of re-development. This

innovative ‘market place’ plans to change the community atmosphere by operating a

sharing school and DIY classes. There are now many areas in Seoul that are attempting

to spread the new sharing culture and restore the city by implementing sharing


Samgaenaru Good Neighbor Sharing Market



Green Car is the first and the biggest car

sharing company in Korea. The term ‘car

sharing’ was completely unfamiliar in

Korea until recently. As a startup company,

Green Car faced many initial difficulties

in constructing a business model, and

was unable to secure vehicles or parking

lots. That’s when the Seoul Metropolitan

Government began supporting Green Car.

It was a groundbreaking moment for the

company as brand awareness and trust in

car sharing increased among citizens. Also,

as the company was allowed to use public

parking lots that are operated by the city,

it is now able to provide a more accessible

car sharing service.

Korea’s first and biggest car sharing service

Green Car

Company Name Green Car Co.,Ltd.

CEO Jinhong Kim


Introduction of item-sharing companiesSharing of private companies’ items

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of items


SOCAR is a socially innovative company

that offers a flexible and reasonable

alternative to private vehicle use by

providing an economic and eco-friendly

car sharing service. SOCAR was put in

charge of Seoul's official car sharing

service, Nanum Car, in March 2012, only

one year after its foundation at Jeju in

November 2011.

Since then, the company has quickly

expanded its service not only to the

capital area, including Incheon and

Gyeonggi, but also to Busan, Daegu, and

Ulsan. SOCAR calls its members SOCHIN(i.e.‘friends of SOCAR’) and focuses on

creating a car sharing service that is

shaped by its members through diverse

channels including SNS and the Internet


Flexible and reasonable alternative to private vehicle use


Company Name SOCAR

CEO Jimahn Kim



KIPLE is a service that connects individuals

wishing to exchange and share children’s

wear that no longer fits in a fair and

convenient manner.

The company was founded in 2011,

when mothers and fathers began

understanding the value of the sharing

economy and started worrying about

the redistribution problem of children’s

wear. In January 2012, the company

benchmarked the USA’s Thredup and

began its first online community service.

There are now around 60,000 registered

clothing items with 8,000 members.

Starting in 2014, KIPLE conducts its

children’s wear sharing business along

with the regional community through

collaboration with national and public

nursing homes within Seoul’s boroughs.

Sharing children’s wear that no longer fits


Company Name KIPLE.Co.,Ltd.

CEO Sungyoung Lee


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of items


There are many young people currently

in search of a job in Korea. And, in

many cases, they are faced with the

burdensome price of suits for their

interviews. In July 2012, OPEN CLOSET

began its clothing rental business for

young people facing economic difficulty

and people from socially neglected and

vulnerable classes. Since its foundation,

the business has enjoyed 5,000 trades and

450,000 cumulative visitors. The company

is now approaching more citizens with its

sharing service since its appearance on a

TV program. OPEN CLOSET also plans to

use its sharing business profit to operate

diverse consulting programs for young

people who are looking for jobs.

Sharing suits that people don’t wear


Company Name OPEN CLOSET

CEO Manil Han



In 2010, the set of a drama co-produced

by France and Korea was on the verge of

being thrown away. The cost of building

the set was almost KRW 20 million. The

theatre group posted a photo and a

brief comment on Facebook in order to

prevent its disposal.

In a mere 4 seconds, another theatre

company replied that it wished to acquire

the set. The set is still in use today. This

event led to the creation of the Theatre

Waste Recycle project which shares and

recycles theatre items and information.

It is an online platform that connects a

group or person who no longer needs an

item with another group or person who

needs it.

Sharing and recycling of theatre items and information

Theatre Waste Recycle

Company Name Theatre Waste Recycle

CEO Woongjip Choi


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of items


Tikle is a sharing company that provides

a carpool service. The service opened

in May 2013, and there are now around

30,000 members actively engaging in

the carpool as of June 2014. Tikle is a

platform that connects people who want

to carpool. Users can enjoy reasonable

consumption and resource preservation

using the Tikle service.The company will

continue striving to enhance trust in

carpooling and improve its service quality.

Company Name Socialnanum Co., Ltd.

CEO SungWhan Park


Application to make carpooling a way of life



➊ Seoul e-Labor Sharing

➋ myRealTrip

➌ Wisdome

➊ Seoul Open Data Plaza

➋ Seoul Photo Bank

In addition to space and items, we can also share our talents, experience, and

information. The Seoul Metropolitan Government has already opened its

information to its citizens. There used to be a traditional sharing culture called

poomasi (labor sharing) in Korea. The tradition has been revived as ‘Seoul e-Labor

Sharing’ and is currently operational in various parts of Seoul. People can use a

regional currency to share talents, experience, and items. There are also other

diverse forms of sharing that exist in Seoul, and all information on sharing is

provided to the citizens via SHARE HUB.

Sharing of experience and information

SharingCity Seoul

Public Sector Private Sector

➍ Zipbab

➎ Local Design Movement

➏ CC Korea



It is Seoul’s principle to open all public data to the public. Seoul Open Data Plaza is an

online space for sharing the city’s information with citizens. All citizens can freely access

the data at no cost. Approximately 1,400 types of data sets are open to the public. The

Seoul Metropolitan Government also provides visual data that utilizes charts, fi gures,

and colors in order to enhance understanding among citizens. In addition, the city

opened all approved documents to public perusal in March 2014. This policy answers

citizens’ questions and fulfi lls Seoul’s goal of ensuring transparent administration.

Seoul Open Data Plaza

Image Credit: 1260787 via


There are often times when we cannot find appropriate photos when writing reports

or decorating Internet blogs. Seoul Photo Bank is a photo sharing website (wow.seoul. that offers a solution to this problem. Among the photos posted on the website,

anyone can utilize photos that are owned by the city for free. Citizens can post and

share their own photos as well. Currently, around 250,000 photos are registered on

Seoul Photo Bank.

Seoul Photo Bank

Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of experience and information


For a long time, there existed a tradition

of sharing labor and possessions in Korea.

This tradition was called dure or pumasi.

Seoul e-Labor Sharing was launched

to revive this tradition in our own era

and restore village communities. Seoul

e-Labor Sharing is a local community

sharing business that shares other people’s

possessions or talents within a region

using a community currency called ‘Mun’.

For example, Mrs. A, who possesses a

Yoga instruction license, may help Mr. B

with a yoga lesson, and receive Mun in

return, and then use that Mun to purchase

an item belonging to Mr. C. Starting with

two autonomous boroughs in 2010, Seoul

e-Labor Sharing is now operational in

seventeen autonomous boroughs. There

are now 6,000 members and the volume

of the community currency Mun trade has

exceeded KRW 100 million. Seoul e-Labor

Sharing will continue its efforts to vitalize

the talent and possession sharing culture

in the daily life of Seoul’s citizens.

Sharing talents and items with local currency

Seoul e-Labor Sharing

Company Name Seoul e-Poomasi

CEO Sungkyu Lim


Sharing of private companies’

experience and information


myRealTrip provides a customized travel

service accompanied by local people.

Since the launch of the service in February

2012, approximately 18,000 people

have travelled to 187 cities around the

world using myRealTrip. There is a good

reason behind many people’s use of the

company’s service. Trust is the key to the

travel service business, and the company

was able to provide this trust due to its

position as an official sharing company

recognized by the Seoul Metropolitan

Government. myRealTrip plans to launch

a mobile application in the near future,

and create a service for foreigners to travel

conveniently in Korea.

Customized trips with local people


Company Name myRealTrip Inc.

CEO Donggun Lee


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of experience and information


Wisdome is a platform designed to enable

‘Human Books’ to share their knowledge,

insight and know-how with people in


Launched in March 2012, Wisdome

presents around 1,000 people, collectively

known as ‘Human Books’, who possess

experience and stories from diverse fields.

In the past two years, around 24,000

participants have held 2,500 meetings

through Wisdome. Wisdome will continue

to invite ‘Human Books’ and enable the

sharing of diverse experiences.

Platform for sharing knowledge, insight and know-how


Company Name Wisdome

CEO Sangyeob Han



Zipbab is an online platform dedicated to

social dining. This innovative online solution

provides services-including location

brokerage, reservation, payment gateway

and participant invitation-designed to

enable anyone to conveniently host a

meeting. The huge increase in one-person

households has resulted in increased

demand for communication and help with

forming relationships help with forming

relationships. This trend has brought

“Zipbob,” a social dining service that provides

meeting opportunities using bab(‘meal’ in

korean) as its main medium, under the

spotlight. Since its launch in October 2012,

around 4,000 meetings have taken place,

with around 200 meetings held every week.

The company plans to expand its service

beyond Seoul to the entire country in order

to provide warm dining opportunities that

resemble zipbab(‘meal at home’ in korean)

to many more people.

Online social dining platform


Company Name Zipbob Co., Ltd.

CEO Lynn Park


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of experience and information


Experiencing local life through travel

Local Design Movement

The local hotel ‘Local Stitch’ is a platform that

remodels small regional superannuated

inns and provides an accommodation

service while connecting guests with

the tourism resources and services

of a particular local community. The

Local Stitch prototype model began on

October 2013 in Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu,

Seoul. Using this prototype, the company

is experimenting with whether it can

provide a hotel-grade complex service

through the sharing of regional services

and contents. Local Stitch strives for

simple ‘tourism’. Ultimately, the company

focuses on the supply of ‘local life tourism’

that allows people to experience regional

life while helping local commercial areas

at the same time.

Company Name Localstitch

CEO Sumin Kim



CC KOREA is a non-profit organization

that pursues an open culture where

everyone gets together to create and

share. While respecting the rights of

copyright holders, the organization

distributes the CCL(creative commons

license), an open license for the sharing of

knowledge, information, and art.

Since 2013, CC KOREA has been operating

SHARE HUB( with the Seoul

Metropolitan Government to disseminate

the culture of sharing. CC KOREA plays

an important role in the private sector as

Seoul’s partner in realizing ‘Sharing Seoul’.

CC KOREA will continue to announce

sharing activities, promote citizens’

participation, and collaborate with

companies, organizations, communities

and governments at home and overseas

that perform sharing activities.

Sharing of knowledge, information, and art through CCL

CC Korea

Company Name Creative Commons Korea

CEO Jeongwook Seo


Sharing city, Seoul - Sharing of experience and information


Website Organization name Category Fairspace

Space sharing Idlelot Hanintel Homestay Korea Labo Korea Space Noah Living & Art Creative Center Norizzang Hellomarket Churchplus Seoul Social Standard Billi

Item Billiji snumarket/125 SNU Market N Market Play Planet

Experience/talent sharing Join us Korea Book PR Media Wishket Ready & Start Quriously Eunpyeong e-Poomasi Questrunner Korea

List of other sharing companies


Future tasks for ‘Sharing City Seoul’

The US economics magazine Forbes recently selected the Seoul Metropolitan

Government as a major exemplar of the global sharing economy. Seoul’s creation of

a private-public cooperative model for the vitalization of the sharing economy has

inspired many cities around the world. But there are still many more tasks that Seoul

needs to perform.

In order to develop ‘Sharing city, Seoul’, the Seoul Metropolitan Government will

further accelerate projects to achieve the following goals:

➊ Preparation of a system for the establishment of sharing economic ecology

➋ Widespread adoption by citizens through interface with villages

➌ Promotion of sharing companies


photo(cc) via Kihong Kim / fl


There are aspects of the sharing economy

that conflict with existing industries

or contradict existing laws. Taxation in

particular is a sensitive matter. Also, the

insurance system for the sharing economy

service is not yet complete. The Seoul

Metropolitan Government is organizing

a system aimed at vitalizing the sharing

economy. The city is reviewing the

individual ordinances that hinder sharing

activities, and working with the relevant

departments to revise such laws. In addition,

the city is examining the incorporation of

an insurance system that embraces the

sharing economy service. Starting this year,

Seoul will concentrate on preparing the

basic system for the vitalization of sharing

economy, including regulation, taxation,

and insurance. These measures will enable

us to construct an environment in which

the sharing economy can exist and grow


Preparation of a system forthe establishment of the sharing economic ecology



In the past year, the Seoul Metropolitan

Government has been working diligently

to construct the infrastructure required

for the sharing economy. The city will now

work with autonomous boroughs and

villages that are directly involved with the

everyday life of their citizens, in order to

firmly establish the sharing economy as an

integral element of their way of life. First,

the city will start ‘Visiting Ground of Sharing’

this year, in which citizens can participate

directly. This event, traditionally hosted by

the city, will be hosted at the autonomous

borough level from now on. This will

present an opportunity for people to easily

understand the concept of the sharing

economy. Also, more sharing centers

and tool banks will be installed within

regional living areas in a bid to establish a

convenient sharing environment. In the

long term, the spaces for sharing activities

will be gradually expanded using schools,

churches and residential centers as key


Widespread adoption by citizens through interface with villages

Future tasks of ‘Sharing city, Seoul’


Car sharing and urban home visit schemes

have already become established in Seoul

as new trends. Sharing companies such as

Green Car, SOCAR, KOZAZA and BnBHero

are growing rapidly.

The Seoul Metropolitan Government

will be unsparing with its support for

companies that use private civilian

capacity to lead the sharing economy.

Furthermore, the city will not hesitate to

take an interest in and provide support for

startup companies. Startup companies are

faced with numerous challenges before

they can grow. The Seoul Metropolitan

Government will help these companies to

overcome their difficulties efficiently. Not

only will the city offer financial support,

but it will also connect human resources

and provide mentoring and consulting


Seoul’s sharing map will be more diverse

and colorful with the incubation and the

promotion of startup companies.

Promotion of sharing companies





space• house• parking lot

items• car• clothes• tool





Chart of affiliated domestic

sharing companies

and organizations



skill·experience• guidance• knowhow• talent


Chart of affiliated domestic

sharing companies

and organizations



skill·experience• guidance• knowhow• talent


Sharing city, Seoul

Publishing Office|Seoul Metropolitan Government

Publisher|Wonsoon Park, Mayor, Seoul Metropolitan Government

Editorial Team|Hyeongwoo Bae, Director of Social Innovation

Kyeyul Lee, Deputy Director of Social innovation

Taehyeong Noh, Manager

Address|110, Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, 100-744, Korea


Editorial Design|Benefit Inc.

Government Publications Registration No. 51-6110000-000901-01

ISBN 979-11-5621-238-6

Copyright © 2014 Seoul Metropolitan Government. All rights reserved.

9 791156 212386


