SharePoint Alerts with WCF and jQuery

Post on 19-May-2015

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Presentation from SharePoint Saturday New Zealand that used an alerting solution to show how to build 1) a custom WCF web service that returns JSON, 2) how the SP.UI JavaScript namespace is used with the status bar, notifications and modal dialogues and 3) how to call web services from jQuery.

Transcript of SharePoint Alerts with WCF and jQuery

Alerts! Creating alerts using the SP 2010 UI Improvements, custom WCF services and jQuery

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

Introduction (Brief) There a couple of things I “prepared earlier” … a brief explanation

WCF Building a custom WCF service for SharePoint 2010 The focus will not be what the service does but how to wire it up

jQuery Instead of using the ASP.NET Ajax / Script Manager lets talk to the WCF service with jQuery

SharePoint 2010 UI Utilities – Status Bar, Modal Dialog and Notifications The UI glue to show the information to users

Session Breakdown

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

The Alert architecture A SharePoint List – the alert storage

A custom WCF Service – the basic business objects / logic and communication mechanism

jQuery – asynchronous data retrieval (on the client)

SP.UI.Status – the presentation layer



SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

Can build SOAP, REST or Data Services

Supports dynamic configuration using factories. SharePoint 2010 provides 3 factories:


Service Type Service Factory Description

SOAP service MultipleBaseAddressBasicHttpBindingServiceHostFactory

Basic HTTP binding must be used, which creates endpoints for a service based on the basic HTTP binding.

REST Service MultipleBaseAddressWebServiceHostFactory

The service factory creates endpoints with Web bindings.

ADO.NET Data Service MultipleBaseAddressDataServiceHostFactory

A data service host factory can be used.

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

Can’t be deployed by a sandbox solution

WCF isn’t 100% supported in SharePoint project templates Create a separate WCF Service Library and copy the files into the SharePoint

project Add references to System.ServiceModel and System.Runtime.Serialization The service declaration (.svc) needs to be added to list of files processed for

replaceable tokens

Create Alert class that represents our alerts for serialization/data

transfer Alert { Title, Description, Link, Colour }

Custom WCF Service in SharePoint 2010

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

Make the service ASP.NET compatible using System.ServiceModel.Activation [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]

Make the service REST capable using System.ServiceModel.Web [WebGet(UriTemplate = "/Alert", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare, ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]

Using MultipleBaseAddressWebServiceHostFactory because its a REST service (sort of)

Custom WCF Service in SharePoint 2010

DEMO: Custom WCF Build


SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

We could use ASP.NET AJAX but … we won’t

We will use jQuery to call our WCF web service jQuery has built in support for ajax and JSON

jQuery.ajax() jQuery.getJSON()


User Interface Utilities – SP.UI

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

SP.UI.Notify addNotification(), Notify(), removeNotification()

SP.UI.Status addStatus(), appendStatus(), removeAllStatus(), removeStatus(),

setStatusPriColor(), Status(), updateStatus()

SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options) options is a JavaScript literal of the properties to pass this method

e.g. var options = { url: “” }

The OOTB UI Improvements in 2010

DEMO: How to use jQuery and SP.UI

SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

WCF Services in SharePoint Foundation 2010

Creating a Custom WCF Service in SharePoint Foundation

jQuery ajax and JSON


SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar




Enabling Intellisense in Visual Studio


SharePoint Saturday New Zealand – WCF, jQuery and the SP Status Bar

SharePoint Consultant at Intergen Blog: Twitter: @nickhadlee

Nick Hadlee


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