Shadowbox Creation for our Journey with Inanna

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Shadowbox Creation for our Journey with Inanna


Inanna to the Underworld

Art and words by Diane Joyal

Gather your materials including a

shoebox, cigar box or shadowbox

frame. I used a wooden cigar box

and small jewelry boxes.

You might want to use: Acrylic

paints, gesso, mod podge or matte

medium, tacky glue, a variety of

papers, images, or fabric, assorted

brushes, a palette, scissors, exacto

knife, pencils, paint pens, sharpies

and anything else that you love to

work with!!


You can mix and match different paints and

materials. Some paints and pigments have

different coverage (a finish that is more or less

opaque) and this will make your shadowbox

more interesting. One of my favorites to give a

glaze of color is Transparent Red Iron Oxide.

If you are using a cigar box or any box with a lid

remove the lid or extra edges. Tear off any loose

paper and remove anything else that might get in the

way. If you do not want to gesso your box just sand

any surface that is shiny and then wipe the dust off.

Apply gesso in a thin layer. Mix gesso

and water on your palette and then

apply. Try not to use too much water on

your box. After this dries it is a good idea

to sand it very lightly and again, wipe the

dust off afterwards with a clean dry cloth.

I let some of the stamps and edges from the cigar box show because I

like this detail. I chose to use smaller boxes in my shadowbox to add

secret niches to hold my sacred objects and to add visual interest.

Put a coat of color on everything and while this is

drying, get out some of your decorative papers.

You can tear or cut tissue paper, paper napkins,

wallpaper, handmade papers for different effects.

You can use Mod Podge or Matte

Medium to decoupage thinner papers

to the box. Use tacky glue to adhere

heavier papers. It works well to place

your glued paper down, pull it and

reapply it. This will help you keep from

getting those heavy ridges of glue

under your papers. It’s a good idea to

rub the paper smooth with wax paper.

As you build your layers, you

could write intentions or

prayers on the back of the

papers or paint them directly

into your design (hidden or


You may want to use images and

symbols as you create your layers.

Layering will add depth and richness to

your piece. Be sure to let your layers


When you have applied a few layers of

color begin to plan the layout. I used

the chakras as my guide, represented

by objects and painted symbols. I then

glued the smaller boxes in place.

Begin to add more details. Layer torn tissue

paper, images, words and color along with

the objects that symbolize what you are

leaving behind during your journey into the


Let your colors and design

reflect your journey. You may

want to glue all of your objects

in place or hide them in little

boxes. It is up to you. Follow

your intuition.

I chose to work with the colors, symbols and qualities of

the chakras to add another layer of meaning to my

shadowbox and the guided journey I took with Inanna. I

tried to construct my piece in a way that seemed fluid to

me. If you look at these images closely you can see little

things that I added along the way. I just kept working until it

felt finished.

You can write down your intentions on

scrolls or folded bits of paper to tuck into

your niches.

You may want to include

totem animals or guides and

allies. The Owl is one of the

symbols of Inanna I wanted

to include in my shadowbox.

I ended up adding a small

image of Inanna at the end of

creating this box. It somehow

felt more complete having her

tucked in the corner.

I hope that you

enjoy making

your shadow box

as much as I did.

It will either hang

on a wall or sit in

a special place to

remind me of my


Shadow work is not

always easy but this

process can add an

element of play. Have
