SGI Onyx2 RackMount Owners Guide

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Transcript of SGI Onyx2 RackMount Owners Guide

Silicon Graphics® Onyx2™

Rackmount Owner’s Guide

Document Number 007-3457-005


Written by Mark Schwenden and Bruce MilesIllustrated by Dan Young and Cheri BrownProduction by Glen TraefaldEngineering contributions by Bob Patel, Reuel Nash, Dan Farmer, Bob Murphy,

Sam Sengupta, Mike Mackovitch, Mohsen Hosseini, Jeff Milo, Patrick Conway,Kirk Law, Suzanne Jones, Dan Goldfarb, and Bob Marinelli.

© 1997–2000, Silicon Graphics, Inc.— All Rights ReservedThe contents of this document may not be copied or duplicated in any form, in wholeor in part, without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.

LIMITED AND RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGENDUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as setforth in the Rights in Data clause at FAR 52.227-14 and/or in similar or successorclauses in the FAR, or in the DOD, DOE or NASA FAR Supplements. Unpublishedrights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.Contractor/manufacturer is Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy.,Mountain View, CA 94043-1351.

Shielded CablesThis product requires the use of external shielded cables in order to maintaincompliance with Part 15 of the FCC rules.

FCC WarningThis equipment has been tested and found compliant with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Thisproduct requires the use of external shielded cables in order to maintain compliance.Changes or modification to this product not expressly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmfulinterference, in which case users will be required to correct the interference at theirown expense.

You may find the following booklet, prepared by the Federal CommunicationsCommission, helpful: Interference Handbook 1993 Edition. This booklet is available

from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop:SSOP, Washington D.C. 20402-9328, ISBN 0-16-041736-8.

Canadian Department of Communications StatementThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissionsfrom digital apparatus as set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of theCanadian Department of Communications.

AttentionLe présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de perturbations radioélectriquesdépassant les normes applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe A prescritesdans le Règlement sur les interferences radioélectriques établi par le Ministère desCommunications du Canada.

Manufacturer’s Regulatory DeclarationsThis workstation conforms to several national and international specifications andEuropean directives as listed on the “Manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity,”which is included with each computer system and peripheral. The CE insigniadisplayed on each device is an indication of conformity to the Europeanrequirements.

Your workstation has several governmental and third-party approvals, licenses, andpermits. Do not modify this product in any way that is not expressly approved bySilicon Graphics, Inc. If you do, you may lose these approvals and yourgovernmental agency authority to operate this device.

Canadian and European Compliance Insignia





Silicon Graphics® Onyx2™ Rackmount Owner’s GuideDocument Number 007-3457-005

VCCI Class A Statement for Japan

Chinese Compliance Statement

Silicon Graphics, IRIX, IRIS, and Onyx are registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics,Inc. and InfiniteReality2, Origin, Onyx2, Onyx2 Reality, RealityMonster, SGI, theSilicon Graphics logo, and S2MP are trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. CrayLink isa trademark of Cray Research, L.L.C. ADAT is a registered trademark of AlesisCorporation. EXABYTE is a trademark of EXABYTE Corporation. StereoView is atrademark of StereoGraphic Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark in theUnited States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company,Ltd.



List of Figures xi

List of Tables xv

About This Guide xviiFinding Additional Information xix

Online Man Pages xxiRelease Notes xxiWorld Wide Web-Accessible Documentation xxii

Conventions xxiiReader Comments xxii

1. Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System 1Rackmount System Features and Options 1

Graphics Features 1Additional System Features 2

Hardware Overview 2Single Rack Graphics System 3The Multirack Onyx2 6Graphics Subsystem Overview 14Computing Subsystem Overview 14Graphics BaseIO Subsystem 15

Onyx2 Graphics Rack Functional Overview 16Linked Microprocessors 16Multirack Interconnect Features 17S2MP Architecture and Memory 18Node Boards 18XIO Boards 20Compute Module Midplane 20



Graphics Module Midplane 20System Location and Environment 23

2. Chassis Tour 25Graphics Rack Chassis 25Graphics Module Components 31Compute Module Components 33

Board Configurations 33XIO Boards 36BaseIO Panel 37

Node Boards 4064-bit Processor 42Main Memory 42HUB ASIC 42Node Board Status LEDs 42

Graphics Rack System Controllers 44Module System Controller and Display 44Multimodule Controller and Display 44

Router Boards 45Null Router Board 46Star Router Board 47Rack Router 47

Module-to-Module Interconnects 47Cautionary Guidelines 48

Optional PCI Board Carrier 48

3. System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling 51Rackmount Configurations 51Graphics Interface Panels 56

DG5 Board Operation 59Connectors on the DG5 Option Board 60Connectors on the Optional GVO Daughterboard 61Cabling Options 63



Graphics BaseIO Interface Panel 6610/100-Base-T Ethernet Port 67

Parallel Port Connector 69Mouse and Keyboard Ports 72Analog Stereo In and Out (RCA-Type) Ports 75

Serial Connectors 77Optical Digital Audio Interface Connectors 80Loopthrough and Digital Audio Connectors 82Standard SCSI Connector 84Speaker and Microphone Connections 87

4. Getting Started 91Using Your Monitor 92

Connecting a 24-Inch Monitor 92Keyboard and Mouse Connections 93SCSI Requirements and Configurations 94Connecting Your System to an Ethernet 95System Power-On Procedures 95Booting Your System 102Installing the Operating System 104Powering Off the System 105

5. Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units 107General Safety Information 109Before Replacing Any Components 109Opening the Cable Cover Door 109Opening and Closing the Compute Module Drive Door 111CRU Remove and Replace Procedures 112

Removing a Drive Module 112Removing a Module’s Facade 115Removing the MSC and CD-ROM 118

6. Using the System Controllers 121Multimodule System Controller (MMSC) 121Module System Controller (MSC) 123



Understanding the Controller’s LEDs and Switches 127Controller Features and Functions 128MSC Status Messages 130

7. Basic Troubleshooting 133General Guidelines 133Operating Guidelines 134Module Power Supply Problems 135

Amber (Yellow) LED 136Green LED 136Red LED 136

Crash Recovery 137Rebooting the System 137Restoring System Software 137Restoring from Backup Tapes 138Restoring a Filesystem from the System Maintenance Menu 138

A. System Specifications 145

B. Drive Maintenance 147Cleaning the 4-mm DAT and 8-mm Tape Drives 1474-mm DAT Drive 148

Loading and Unloading Cassettes 148Removing a Jammed 4-mm Cassette 148Cleaning the 4-mm DAT Drive 149Front Panel Lights 149

Care and Cleaning of the Exabyte 8-mm Tape Drive 150Front Panel Lights 150Removing a Jammed 8-mm Tape Cartridge 151

CD-ROM Care and Maintenance 152CD-ROM Environmental Considerations 153CD-ROM Front Panel Operational Features 154

Quarter-Inch Cartridge Tape Drive Preventive Maintenance 155



C. Module System Controller Messages 157

D. Video Format Combiner Tutorial 159Reinitializing Graphics 159Modifying Video Formats 161

Performing Steps to Avoid a Reboot 161Selecting a Video Format for Channel 0 163Selecting a Video Format for Channel 1 164

Saving Video Format Combinations to the GE Board’s EEPROM 166Resizing a Single-Channel Combination 172Using Ircombine With GVO 175

Defining a Video Format Combination using GVO 175Redisplaying Graphics 177Combiner Interface Summary 178

Index 179


List of Figures

Figure i Rackmount System Owner’s Guide xixFigure ii Information Sources for the Onyx2 Rackmount System xxFigure 1-1 Onyx2 Rackmount Graphics System 4Figure 1-2 Single Rack Graphics Block Diagram Example 5Figure 1-3 Onyx2 Multirack Graphics System Configuration 7Figure 1-4 Multirack Three-Pipe Diagram Example 8Figure 1-5 Multirack Four-Pipe Diagram Example 9Figure 1-6 RealityMonster Multirack Graphics System Configuration 10Figure 1-7 RealityMonster Multirack 16P/8-Pipe Diagram Example 11Figure 1-8 RealityMonster Multirack 16P/8-Pipe Configuration Example 12Figure 1-9 Onyx2 Four-Rack System (6 Pipes With 4 RMs Per Pipe) Configuration

Example 13Figure 1-10 Node Board Example 19Figure 1-11 Processor Compute Module Midplane 21Figure 1-12 Graphics Module Midplane 22Figure 2-1 Onyx2 Rackmount System 26Figure 2-2 Onyx2 Rack System (Rear View) 29Figure 2-3 Graphics Module Pipes Diagram 31Figure 2-4 Graphics Pipes in the Module 32Figure 2-5 Block Diagram for the Compute Module (Single Rack) 34Figure 2-6 Block Diagram for the Compute Modules (Multirack System) 35Figure 2-7 Graphics BaseIO Panel (IO6G) 38Figure 2-8 Node Board Positions in the Chassis 41Figure 2-9 Node Board LEDs 43Figure 2-10 MMSC Interface and Display Panel 45Figure 2-11 Types of Router Boards 46Figure 2-12 Crosstown and CrayLink Interconnect Cables 47


List of Figures

Figure 2-13 Optional PCI Board Carrier Assembly 49Figure 3-1 Onyx2 Single-Rack System (8P and 2 Graphics Pipes) 52Figure 3-2 Onyx2 Multirack System (16P and 4 Graphics Pipes) 53Figure 3-3 Onyx2 Multirack System (24P and 2 Graphics Pipes) 54Figure 3-4 Onyx2 RealityMonster Multirack System (16P and 8 Graphics Pipes) 55Figure 3-5 DG5-8 Board Locations 57Figure 3-6 DG5-2 Graphics Panel Connections (Without Options) 58Figure 3-7 DG5-8 Board With Optional VIO5H 60Figure 3-8 DG5/VIO5H 13W3 Connector Pinout 61Figure 3-9 DG5 With Optional GVO Connectors 62Figure 3-10 SuperWide Monitor 63Figure 3-11 13W3 Monitor Cable and Adapters 64Figure 3-12 Cable to Monitor Connection Example 65Figure 3-13 BaseIO (IO6G) Assembly and Connectors 66Figure 3-14 10/100-Base-T Ethernet Connector 68Figure 3-15 Parallel Printer Port Location 70Figure 3-16 Keyboard and Mouse Locations and Pinouts 73Figure 3-17 Line In and Out Stereo Ports 76Figure 3-18 RS-232/RS-422 Serial Connectors 78Figure 3-19 Serial Port Connection Example 79Figure 3-20 Optical Digital Audio Interface 81Figure 3-21 Loopthrough and Digital Audio Connectors 83Figure 3-22 68-Pin Single-Ended SCSI Connector 86Figure 3-23 Cable Connection Locations on the Speakers 87Figure 3-24 Speaker and Microphone Connections to the BaseIO 88Figure 4-1 24-Inch SuperWide Monitor 93Figure 4-2 Connecting a Graphics Module Power Cable 96Figure 4-3 MSC Key Positions 97Figure 4-4 Connecting the PDU Power Cable 98Figure 4-5 Turning On the PDU 100Figure 4-6 Powering On a Processor Compute Module 101Figure 4-7 MMSC Power Up Selection 102Figure 4-8 MMSC Interface 103

List of Figures


Figure 4-9 MMSC Interface 106Figure 5-1 Onyx2 Rackmount Customer-Replaceable Units 108Figure 5-2 Opening the Cable Cover Door 110Figure 5-3 Opening the Compute Module’s Door 111Figure 5-4 Opening the SCA Disk Drive Units 113Figure 5-5 Removing the Drive 114Figure 5-6 Removing the Compute Module’s Facade 116Figure 5-7 Removing a Graphics Module Facade 117Figure 5-8 Removing the MSC and CD-ROM 119Figure 6-1 MMSC Display and Controls 121Figure 6-2 MMSC Interface 122Figure 6-3 MSC Status Panel and Switches 124Figure 6-4 MSC Rear Serial Connector 126Figure B-1 8-mm Tape Drive Front Panel 150Figure B-2 Handling a Compact Disc 153Figure B-3 CD-ROM Drive LED Status Indicators 154Figure B-4 Tape Head Cleaning 156Figure D-1 Combiner Main Window 160Figure D-2 Combiner Main Window With Channels Selected 162Figure D-3 Selecting a Channel Format 163Figure D-4 Channel Attributes Window 165Figure D-5 Combination Attributes Window 167Figure D-6 Textport Error Message on the Main Window 168Figure D-7 Combiner Main Window With Overlapping Channels 170Figure D-8 Saving to Hardware Dialog Box 171Figure D-9 Exit Warning Dialog Box 171Figure D-10 Static Resize Selection 173Figure D-11 Save a Combination 174Figure D-12 GVO Attributes Window 176


List of Tables

Table 1-1 Rack System Physical Specifications 23Table 2-1 Major Components on the Front of the Graphics Rack 27Table 2-2 Onyx2 Graphics Rack Rear Components 30Table 2-3 Graphics Rack BaseIO Panel Connectors 39Table 3-1 DG5 Configurations 56Table 3-2 DG5-8/VIO5H Connectors 59Table 3-3 Ethernet 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Port Pin Assignments 69Table 3-4 Pinouts for the 36-Pin Parallel Port Connector 71Table 3-5 Keyboard Port (6-Pin mini-DIN) Pin Assignments 74Table 3-6 Mouse Port (6-Pin mini-DIN) Pin Assignments 74Table 3-7 Analog Composite Video Port Pin Assignments 75Table 3-8 68-Pin Single-Ended, High-Density SCSI Pinouts 84Table 6-1 MSC Messages 130Table A-1 Physical and Environmental Specifications 145Table A-2 Electrical and Cooling Specifications 146Table B-1 4-mm DAT Front Panel LED Status Indicators 149Table B-2 LED States and Interpretations 151Table C-1 MSC Alpha-Numeric Display Messages 157


About This Guide

This guide is designed to help you understand, learn to use, manage, and troubleshootyour Silicon Graphics Onyx2 rackmount system. This document is organized as follows:

Chapter 1 “Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System” describes the system andits capabilities and contrasts them with other graphics technology. Abrief overview of the workstation’s compute and interface capabilities isprovided.

Chapter 2 “Chassis Tour” describes all of the system components and reviews allof the controls, indicators, and connectors.

Chapter 3 “System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling” reviewshardware-specific configurations and connections. This chapterexpands the information presented in the chassis tour to cover theoptional expansion potential of the hardware. Connection of video,audio, Ethernet, serial, and fiber-based interfaces is discussed.

Chapter 4 “Getting Started” covers the use of the graphics monitors. Power-up andpower-down procedures are documented. Basic information on SCSIapplications and IRIX operating system requirements is provided.

Chapter 5 “Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units” describesinstallation and replacement procedures for the CD-ROM drive, SystemController, system disk, and data disks.

Chapter 6 “Using the System Controllers” describes the multimodule SystemController and its interface panel. The module level System Controllersections cover controller uses and status messages.

Chapter 7 “Basic Troubleshooting” offers information on tracking down and fixingsimple hardware-related problems, checking the module powersupplies, and using system recovery methods.

Appendix A “Hardware Specifications” lists system specifications.

Appendix B “Maintaining Drives” lists care and maintenance procedures forremovable media drives.


About This Guide

Appendix C “Module System Controller Messages” lists messages that can appear inthe module System Controller’s display.

Appendix D “Video Format Combiner Tutorial” consists of example exercisesdesigned to demonstrate tasks you can perform using the videocombiner utility with your Onyx2 graphics system.

Start at the beginning to familiarize yourself with the features of your new system, orproceed directly to the information you need using the table of contents as your guide.

Software-specific information is found in the following software guides:

• Personal System Administration Guide

• IRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operation

• IRIX Admin: Software Installation and Licensing

About This Guide


Finding Additional Information

The Silicon Graphics Onyx2 Rackmount Owner’s Guide covers many basic and useful topicsthat are related to setting up, operating, and maintaining your rackmount graphicsworkstation. The following sections and illustrations describe multiple sources ofinformation that you may find helpful or vital to your work with the Onyx2 rackmountsystem.

Read this guide whenever you need help with the basic hardware aspects of your system,see Figure i. The system and the procedures in this guide are designed to help youmaintain the system without the help of a trained technician. However, do not feel thatyou must work with the hardware yourself. You can always contact your maintenanceprovider to have an authorized service provider work with the hardware instead.

Figure i Rackmount System Owner’s Guide

Figure ii illustrates various sources of information available for using the rackmountgraphics system.

Silicon Graphics OnyxRackmountOwner's Guide



About This Guide

Figure ii Information Sources for the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Hard Copy

Owners Guide

CDs (InSight Books)



Reference (Man) Pages

MAN (1) MAN (1)

man - print entries from the on-line reference manuals: find manual entriesby keyword


man [-cdwWtpr] [-M path] [-T macropackage] [section] title [-M path -k keyword [-M path -f filename


man locates and prints the titled entries from the on-line reference manuals.mand also prints summaries of manual entries selected by keyword or byassociated flilename.


If a section is given, only that particular section is searcced for the specifiedtitle. The current list of valid sections are any single digit [0-9], plus thesections local, public, new, and old, corresponding to the sections l, p, n,and o, respectively. When a section name of this form is given, the firstcharacter is "mini" to be searched. To find a man page with the mane of oneof these sections, it is necessary to first give a dummy name, such as "mand junk local". which is unfortunate.

If no section is given, all sections of the on-line reference manuals are searched and all occurrences of title are printed. The default sections aresearched in this order: ln16823457po

IRIX 6.X SystemsIRIX Admin Manual Set

World Wide Web

Doc Title line 1Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume ContentsDoc Title line 1

Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume ContentsDoc Title line 1

Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume Contents

Doc Title line 1Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume ContentsDoc Title line 1

Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume ContentsDoc Title line 1

Doc Title line 2Volume NumberVolume Contents

SGI 2200 ServerOwner's Guide

About This Guide


Online Man Pages

Your rackmount system comes with a set of IRIX man pages, formatted in the standardUNIX man page style. These are found online on the internal system disk (or CD-ROM)and are displayed using the man command. For example, to display the man page for theAdd_disk command, enter the following command at a shell prompt:

man Add_disk

Important system configuration files as well as commands are documented on manpages. References in the documentation to these man pages include the name of thecommand and the section number in which the command is found. For example,“Add_disk(1)” refers to the Add_disk command and indicates that it is found in Section 1of the IRIX reference.

For additional information about displaying man pages using the man command, seeman(1).

In addition, the apropos command locates man pages based on keywords. For example,to display a list of man pages that describe disks, enter the following command at a shellprompt:

apropos disk

For information about setting up and using apropos, see apropos(1) and makewhatis(1M).

Release Notes

You can view the release notes for a variety of SGI products and software subsystemsusing one of two utilities:

relnotes Text-based viewer for online release notes.

grelnotes Graphical viewer for online release notes.

To see a list of available Release Notes, type the following at a shell prompt:

relnotes (or grelnotes)

For more information, see the relnotes(1) and grelnotes(1) man pages.


About This Guide

World Wide Web-Accessible Documentation

SGI makes its manuals available in a variety of formats via the World Wide Web (WWW).Using your Web browser, open the following URL:

Enter a keyword search, or search by title to find the information or manual you need.


The Silicon Graphics Onyx2 Rackmount Owner’s Guide uses these content conventions:

• References to documents are in italics.

• References to other chapters and sections within this guide are in quotation marks.

• Names of IRIX commands that you type at the shell prompt are in italics as are IRIXfile names.

• Steps to perform tasks are in numbered sentences. When a numbered step needsmore explanation, the explanation follows the step.

Reader Comments

If you have comments about the technical accuracy, content, or organization of thisdocument, please tell us. Be sure to include the title and document number of the manualwith your comments. (Online, the document number is located in the frontmatter of themanual. In printed manuals, the document number can be found on the back cover.)

You can contact us in any of the following ways:

• Send e-mail to the following address:

• Use the Feedback option on the Technical Publications Library World Wide Webpage:

• Contact your customer service representative and ask that an incident be filed in theSGI incident tracking system.

About This Guide


• Send mail to the following address:

Technical PublicationsSGI1600 Amphitheater Pkwy., M/S 535Mountain View, California 94043-1351

• Send a fax to the attention of “Technical Publications” at +1 650 932 0801.

We value your comments and will respond to them promptly.


Chapter 1

1. Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

The Silicon Graphics Onyx2 rackmount system, model CMN A017, is a graphicssupercomputer that is designed to meet the demanding requirements of visualsimulation, post-production, multimedia, and distributed computing environments. TheOnyx2 rack comes in a highly configurable and flexible system architecture that isavailable in a single rackmount or multirack system. The single rackmount systemconsists of two to eight 64-bit microprocessors, 128 MB to 4 GB of main memory, a widevariety of I/O interfaces, and one or two individual graphics workstation “pipes” (seeFigure 1-1). The Onyx2 multirack configuration can use from 4 to 64 processors andsupport up to 16 individual graphics pipes. Note that special order systems with morethan 64 processors are available; contact your SGI sales representative for moreinformation.

Rackmount System Features and Options

This section lists the graphics, I/O, and supercomputing features of the Onyx2 racksystem.

Graphics Features

The rackmount Onyx2 provides features such as

• one to sixteen graphics-pipe configurations

• optional support of up to eight monitors on each pipe

• an optional SuperWide (1920 x 1200) high-resolution monitor

• MIDI baud rate and driver

• beeping keyboard for support of “bell”


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Additional System Features

Other features of the Onyx2 rackmount system include

• lower entry system cost than Onyx

• scalable growth of memory and I/O bandwidth as well as processor computepower

• support of a larger number of processors

• high-availability within a single Onyx2 rack system

• high bandwidth I/O connectivity

• high total memory bandwidth

• improved synchronization operations

• large variety of peripheral connectivity options

Hardware Overview

This section provides an overview of the Onyx2 graphics rack system. The blockdiagrams used generally divide the system in two major functional parts, the I/Ocompute side and the graphics side.

The graphics hardware subsystem (also known as the graphics module) is generallycontained in the top half of the Onyx2 rack. All direct graphics connections to monitorsand other video devices are made at the back of the graphics module.

The processor computing subsystem is usually contained in the bottom half of the Onyx2rack. This “compute” module supplies processing power, system I/O, keyboard/mouse,and analog and digital audio connections. Note that in multirack systems the computeand graphics modules may be mixed in different configurations than those shown in thissection.

Hardware Overview


In an Onyx2 rack or multirack system each computing and graphics module has adedicated module System Controller (MSC), which monitors module status. Eachcomputing module can also have a separate set of hard disks, CPUs, I/O connections,and memory. Two or more computing modules can communicate using the high-speed(800 MBps) CrayLink Interconnect links. The CrayLink Interconnect (also known as theinterconnection fabric) link consists of a set of high-speed routing switches and cablingthat enables multiple connections to take place simultaneously. Using the CrayLinkInterconnect, hardware resources (including main memory) can be shared and accessedby another compute module in multirack graphics system.

Note: Not all multirack graphics systems have two computing modules; some may haveonly one.

Single Rack Graphics System

The single-rack Onyx2 is illustrated in Figure 1-1. The rack holds one graphics moduleand one processor compute module.

Figure 1-2 shows a block diagram example of the graphics rack’s potential processor andgraphics pipe configurations. The example shows a configuration with four Node boardsand two fully loaded graphics pipes. Each system will vary based on the configurationordered.


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Figure 1-1 Onyx2 Rackmount Graphics System

Hardware Overview


Figure 1-2 Single Rack Graphics Block Diagram Example

Node 1


Node 3

Node 4


Processor module

Graphics module


Pipe 1

Pipe 0

Pipe 1














Router 2






Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

The Multirack Onyx2

The multirack Onyx2 systems come in several configurations. The multirack Onyx2system illustrated in Figure 1-3 is a dual rack system. This system can hold up to fourmodules. The example diagrams in Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5 show a multirack systemwith a single compute module and three or four graphics pipes. The multirack Onyx2system illustrated in Figure 1-6 is a triple rack system, also known as a RealityMonstersystem. From a software perspective, “monster mode” is used when more than onegraphics pipe renders an image to a single video channel.

The configuration shown in Figure 1-6 can hold up to six modules (two computemodules and four graphics modules) and is available in different configurations. Theexample diagrams in Figure 1-7 and Figure 1-8 show a RealityMonster configuration ofsixteen processors and eight graphics pipes. A RealityMonster configuration alwaysrequires an Ethernet hub to connect the multimodule System Controllers (MMSCs).

Figure 1-9 shows a four-rack configuration with six pipes and 12 processors. Each pipeuses four RM/TM assemblies.

Hardware Overview


Figure 1-3 Onyx2 Multirack Graphics System Configuration


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Figure 1-4 Multirack Three-Pipe Diagram Example

Node 1


Node 3


Processor module

Graphics module 1 Graphics module 2


Pipe 1

Pipe 0

Pipe 1

Pipe 0











Pipe 2


Router 2

TwoRM/TM Graphics



Pipe 2





Hardware Overview


Figure 1-5 Multirack Four-Pipe Diagram Example

Node 1


Node 3

Node 4


Processor module

Graphics module 1 Graphics module 2


Pipe 1

Pipe 0

Pipe 1

Pipe 0











Pipe 3

Pipe 2


Router 2



Pipe 3

Pipe 2












Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Figure 1-6 RealityMonster Multirack Graphics System Configuration

Hardware Overview


Figure 1-7 RealityMonster Multirack 16P/8-Pipe Diagram Example

Node 1


Node 3

Node 4


Processor module 1

Graphics module 1 Graphics module 2


Pipe 1

Pipe 0

Pipe 1

Pipe 0











Pipe 3

Pipe 2


Router 2



Pipe 3

Pipe 2






Graphics module 3


Pipe 5

Pipe 4






Graphics module 4


Pipe 7

Pipe 6







Node 1


Node 3

Node 4


Processor module 2

Pipe 5

Pipe 4







Pipe 7

Pipe 6


Router 2











Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Figure 1-8 RealityMonster Multirack 16P/8-Pipe Configuration Example









I/O blank

I/O blank

I/O blank

040-1626 filler

I/O blank








I/O blank

I/O blankIO6G


I/O blank

I/O blank

040-1626 fillerXTOWN XTOWN


























1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1












1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1






Hardware Overview


Figure 1-9 Onyx2 Four-Rack System (6 Pipes With 4 RMs Per Pipe) Configuration Example

013-1745 baffleKTOWN GE


013-1745 baffleKTOWN GE


I/O blank

I/O blank

I/O blank

040-1626 filler

I/O blank











I/O blank

I/O blankIO6G


I/O blank

I/O blank

040-1626 fillerXTOWN XTOWN



013-1745 baffleKTOWN





013-1745 baffleKTOWN GE


013-1745 baffleKTOWN GE










1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1












1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1







Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Graphics Subsystem Overview

The Onyx2 graphics subsystem contains one or two InfiniteReality2 board sets (pipes).One pipe holds one, two, or four RM/TM assemblies and the second uses one or twoRM/TM assemblies. The major components of the graphics subsystem are

• GE board

• RM/TM assembly

• DG5 board

• VI05H (display daughterboard)

• KTOWN interface (for connection to the compute module’s XTOWN cable)

Computing Subsystem Overview

The major hardware components include the

• 64-bit microprocessor Node board(s)

• System disk, MSC, and CD-ROM drive

• Crossbow (XBOW) ASICs on the midplane

• Router board(s)

• BaseIO board (IO6G)

• XIO slots

Each of these components are standard in the computing module.

Hardware Overview


Graphics BaseIO Subsystem

The standard I/O subsystem consists of a BaseIO board assembly (also known as IO6G)that supports:

• one 36-pin IEEE 1284-C compatible parallel port

• four 9-pin serial ports (each port software selects for RS-232 or RS-422 operation)

• one single-ended 68-pin Ultra SCSI and SCSI-2 compatible connector

• two 6-pin mini DIN mouse connectors

• two 6-pin mini DIN keyboard connectors

• a 10/100-Mbps Ethernet connection (10Base-T or 100Base-T is automaticallyselected)

• two analog stereo input 2.5 mm RCA-type jacks

• two analog stereo output 2.5 mm RCA-type jacks

• powered speaker 2.5 mm power jacks

• stereo headphone or powered speaker output 3.5 mm stereo jacks

• analog mono microphone input 3.5 mm jack

• digital audio stereo input (AES-3id-1995) 75-ohm BNC jack

• digital audio stereo output (AES-3id-1995) 75-ohm BNC jack

• optical digital stereo input connector (8-channel ADAT)

• optical digital stereo output connector (8-channel ADAT)

• two loop-through video sync 75-ohm BNC inputs

Additional I/O connection capabilities are available with optional XIO boards.


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Onyx2 Graphics Rack Functional Overview

The compute module in the Onyx2 graphics rack uses a new concept in symmetricmultiprocessing systems that has a distributed shared-memory architecture called S2MPArchitecture. This is a revolutionary (rather than evolutionary) technology step for SGIsystems.

Linked Microprocessors

The Node boards within the Onyx2 compute module use links that differ from bustechnology. While a bus is a resource that can be used by only one processor at a time, thecommunications “fabric” in the Onyx2 rack makes connections from processor toprocessor as they are needed. Each Node board contains either one or two processors, aportion of main memory, a directory to maintain cache coherence, and two interfaces:

• The first interface connects to multiple I/O devices.

• The second interface connects to the second Node board through the S2MPinterconnect.

This web of connections differs from a bus in the same way that multiple dimensionsdiffer from a single dimension. You could describe a bus as a one-dimensional line whilethe Onyx2 uses a multidimensional mesh.

The multiple data paths used are constructed as they are needed by router ASICs, whichact as switches. When you add a Node board, you add to and scale the systembandwidth.

Onyx2 Graphics Rack Functional Overview


Multirack Interconnect Features

In the case of a multirack graphics system with more than one compute module, theCrayLink Interconnect links modules to one another. The CrayLink Interconnect mayappear to be a type of super data bus, but it differs from a bus in several important ways.Basically, a bus is a resource that can be used only by one processor at a time. TheCraylink Interconnect is a mesh of multiple, simultaneous, dynamically allocableconnections that are made from processor to processor in the connected computemodules.

This makes the Onyx2 multirack system very scalable because it can range in size from 4to 64 processors. As you add Node boards or compute modules, you add to and scale thesystem bandwidth.

The CrayLink Interconnect uses a set of switches, called routers, that are linked by cablesin various configurations, or topologies. Here are some key features:

• The CrayLink Interconnect is a mesh of multiple point-to-point links connected bythe routing switches. These links and switches allow multiple transactions to occursimultaneously.

• The links permit extremely fast switching (a peak rate of 1600 MBps bidirectionally,800 MBps in each direction).

• The CrayLink Interconnect does not require arbitration, nor is it limited bycontention.

• More routers and links are added as nodes are added, increasing the CrayLinkInterconnect’s bandwidth.

The CrayLink Interconnect provides a minimum of two separate paths to any pair ofcompute modules. This redundancy allows the system to bypass failing routers orbroken fabric links. Each fabric link is additionally protected by a CRC code and alink-level protocol, which retry any corrupted transmissions and provide fault tolerancefor transient errors.


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

S2MP Architecture and Memory

Main memory on each Node board in the system can be distributed and shared amongthe system microprocessors. This shared memory is accessible to all processors in acompute module through the S2MP architecture. The CrayLink interconnection fabricprovides inter-module accesses with low latency.

Each Node board in the graphics rack system is an independent memory source, andeach Node board is capable of optionally supporting up to 4 GB of memory. A directorymemory keeps track of information necessary for hardware coherency and protection.

Each Node board uses a HUB ASIC that is the distributed shared-memory controller.This ASIC is responsible for providing all of the processors and I/O devices withtransparent access to all of distributed memory in a cache-coherent manner. Cachecoherence is the ability to keep data consistent throughout a system. In the Onyx2system, data can be copied and shared amongst all the processors and their caches.Moving data into a cache may cause the cached copy to become inconsistent with thesame data stored elsewhere. The cache coherence protocol is designed to keep dataconsistent and to disperse the most-recent version of data to wherever it is being used.

Although memory is physically dispersed across the system Node boards, special pagemigration hardware moves data into memory closer to a processor that frequently usesit. This page migration scheme reduces memory latency—the time it takes to retrieve datafrom memory. Although main memory is distributed, it is universally accessible andshared between all the processors in the system. Similarly, I/O devices are distributedamong the Nodes, and each device is accessible to every processor in the system.

Node Boards

The Onyx2 graphics rack’s microprocessor “brains” and primary memory are located ona processor board called a Node board. Each Node board in the Onyx2 graphics rack canhouse one or two 64-bit microprocessors. Each microprocessor uses a customizedtwo-way interleaved data cache, and has dedicated second-level cache support. Ahigh-performance bus interface links the CPU directly with supporting SRAM.

The Node board’s main memory slots can be populated with 32 MB or 64 MB memorymodules. See Figure 1-10 for an example Node board illustration.

Note that directory memory is used only in large scale multirack systems; there is noreason to use directory memory in a single-rack system.

Onyx2 Graphics Rack Functional Overview


Figure 1-10 Node Board Example



Processors and secondary cache (HIMM) with heat sink

Directory memoryDIMM slots (8)

HUB chip withheat sink


Main memoryDIMM slots (16)

Main memory DIMM


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

XIO Boards

XIO boards give the graphics rack system a wide range of optional interfaces in a mannersimilar to VME interfaces. Optional XIO boards can support communication interfacessuch as


• Fibre Channel


• Multiport Ultra (Fast-20) SCSI and SCSI-2


• Multiport Ethernet

Check with your SGI sales or support representative for information on these or otheroptional interfaces available on XIO boards.

Compute Module Midplane

Each processor compute module in an Onyx2 graphics rack system uses a midplane. Thismeans that boards, disk drives, and other devices can plug into both sides of the system.This allows for maximum functionality and expansion.

Single-ended Ultra SCSI and SCSI-2 disk, CD-ROM, and tape drives are the only devicesinternally supported by the Onyx2 graphics rack systems.

Figure 1-11 shows the front of the processor compute module’s midplane.

Graphics Module Midplane

The rack system’s graphics module uses a midplane in a similar way to the processorcompute module. However, it does not have any disks or CD-ROM connections on thefront. Only the MSC and power supply connections are made in the front. All graphicsand interface boards go in the rear of the module and connect to the back of the midplane.

Figure 1-12 shows a view of the graphics module midplane.

Onyx2 Graphics Rack Functional Overview


Figure 1-11 Processor Compute Module Midplane

System NIC

Midplane NICPower/groundsockets

Midplanepower/ground sockets


System Controllerconnector SCSI drive

ID 1

Node 300 pinconnectorbackingplates

SCSI driveID 2

SCSI driveID 4

SCSI driveID 3

SCSI driveID 5

Routerslot 0

Routerslot 1




Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Figure 1-12 Graphics Module Midplane


Fan power

GND busbar

System Controllerserial port


System Location and Environment


System Location and Environment

This section covers the basic requirements for physical location of the rack to ensureproper chassis operation.

As a general rule, the rack system is intended for a lab or “machine room” environment.

The rack(s) should be protected from harsh environments that produce excessivevibration, heat, and similar conditions.

The rack system should be kept in a clean, dust-free location to reduce maintenanceproblems.

For questions concerning physical location or site preparation, see the Site Preparationmanual for your system. If you are unable to find the information you need, contact yourSGI System Support Engineer (SSE) or other authorized support organizationrepresentative.

Table 1-1 provides the basic physical specifications for the Onyx2 rack system.

Table 1-1 Rack System Physical Specifications

Parameter Specification


Installed: lengthwidthheight

39 in. (99 cm)29 in. (74 cm)73 in. (185 cm)

Shipping: lengthwidthheight

81 in. (206 cm)47 in (120 cm)49 in. (125 cm)

Weight: minimum (empty rack)maximum (full rack)shipping (maximum)

300 lbs (136 kg)750 lbs (340 kg)900 lbs (408 kg)

Floor Loading: minimummaximum

38 lb/ft2 (185 kg/m2)95 lb/ft2 (466 kg/m2)

Air Temperature: operating (< 5000 ft)operating (> 5000 ft)non-operating

41 to 95 °F (5 to 35 °C)41 to 86 °F (5 to 30 °C)−4 to 140 °F (−20 to 60 °C)


Chapter 1: Introducing the Onyx2 Rackmount System

Thermal Gradient: maximum 18 °F (10 °C) per hour

Altitude: operatingnon-operating

10,000 ft (3,048 m) MSL, maximum40,000 ft (12,192 m) MSL, maximum

Humidity: operatingnon-operating

10-90% (non-condensing)10-95% (non-condensing)

Humidity Gradient: maximum 10% relative humidity per hour

Acoustics: typical 55 dBa

Vibration: max. sustained, oper.

max. peak, operating

sensitive freq., oper.

5-10 Hz @ .01” total excursion, 10-500 Hz @0.1g5-10 Hz @ .02” total excursion, 10-500 Hz @0.1g8-33 Hz (varies with configuration)

Table 1-1 (continued) Rack System Physical Specifications

Parameter Specification


Chapter 2

2. Chassis Tour

This chapter provides an overview of the rackmount system chassis and a description ofthe controls, connectors, and indicators.

System component topics covered include

• “Graphics Rack Chassis”

• “Graphics Module Components”

• “Compute Module Components”

• “Node Boards”

• “Graphics Rack System Controllers”

• “Router Boards”

Graphics Rack Chassis

Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 show the major parts of the Onyx2 graphics rack system.


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Figure 2-1 Onyx2 Rackmount System

Graphics modulesystem controllerdoor

Modulesystem controller(MSC)

Compute moduledrive accessdoor


Multi ModuleSystem Controllerlogic module


Multi Module SystemController (MMSC)display

Computemodule facade

Cable bailCablecomb cover

Intake baffle

SCSI boxdrive door




Graphicsmodule facade

ModuleSystem Controller(MSC)

Graphics Rack Chassis


Table 2-1 provides a list of major components on the front of the graphics rack (from topto bottom). A brief functional description of each component is provided.

Table 2-1 Major Components on the Front of the Graphics Rack

Component Description

Graphics module andSystem Controller (MSC)

The graphics module(s) in the Onyx2 rack contains all thevideo interface and graphics boards. Each module supportsone or two graphics pipes and a maximum of 16 monitors. Themodule’s System Controller (MSC) is a part of each module. Itsmicroprocessor reports module status information to therack’s multimodule System Controller (MMSC).

Graphics module SystemController access door

This door provides access to the graphics module SystemController.

Multimodule SystemController (MMSC)interface and display

The MMSC display is an intelligent keypad interface that cancontrol all modules in a rack system. The MMSC display panelis a color screen. There is one MMSC display panel per Onyx2rack configuration.

Origin Vault SCSIdrive box

This drive box enclosure provides six 3.5-inch and two5.25-inch half-height drive slots for single-ended SCSI drives.

Air intake baffle This baffle helps proper airflow through the rack. Note that thetop of the rack has a vent as well. Airflow is generally pulledin from the top and front of the rack and exhausted through theback of the rack.

Compute module SystemController CD-ROMand disk drives

One CD-ROM is standard with each graphics rack system. TheMSC sits next to the CD drive. The system disk contains theoperating system and other key software directories and isalways installed to the right of the MSC. Up to five optionalSCA (single-connector assembly) data disks install to the rightof the system disk. All disks are single-ended, ultra SCSI, orSCSI-2 drives with a transfer rate of up to 40 MBps.

Compute (processor)module

Compute modules in Onyx2 graphics rack systems provide anindependent computing subsystem with a separate set ofCPUs, disks, a System Controller, audio, and I/O connections.

Facade The removable facade covers the power supply and Routerboards for each module in the rack chassis.


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

CrayLink Interconnectcabling

This is the physical link that enables different computemodules in a multirack graphics system to communicate andshare resources. The CrayLink Interconnect cable is made upof delicate copper strands. Be careful when handling this cable.

Cable bail The cable bales hold any CrayLink Interconnect cables in placeto prevent excessive cable bending, which can cause damage.

Cable comb cover This removable cover hides any CrayLink Interconnect cablesinside the rack chassis.

Cable comb The comb holds the CrayLink Interconnect in place when thecable is tucked into the grooves.

Cable door The cable door hides the CrayLink Interconnect routingbetween modules in a multirack system.

Connector cover The connector cover protects the Router board ports andcabling.

Table 2-1 (continued) Major Components on the Front of the Graphics Rack

Component Description

Graphics Rack Chassis


Figure 2-2 Onyx2 Rack System (Rear View)

PDU offPDU on


Module chassis power switch

PDU power switch

Multi ModuleSystem Controllerlogic unit

Power distributionunit (PDU)

Node boards

IO panel

XIO slots

XIO cableguide







Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Table 2-2 lists and describes the major components seen at the back of the Onyx2 rack.

Table 2-2 Onyx2 Graphics Rack Rear Components

Component Description

Graphics boards The system graphics boards are located in the rear of the graphicsmodule. All video connections are made at this location.

Multimodule SystemController (MMSC) logic unit

The MMSC located in the rear of the chassis is a separatemicroprocessor-controlled unit that interfaces the individualmodule’s MSCs and with another MMSC in a multirack system.

Power distribution unit(PDU)

The PDU is the central power source for the rack. The computemodule and Origin Vault peripherals box connect to the PDU.Note that the PDU has a separate on and off power switch.

PDU switch The PDU switch is the main circuit breaker for the rack’scompute module, Origin Vault drive box, and MMSC assembly.

Node board(s) Node boards are the processing boards in the Onyx2 system.Each contains two 64-bit CPUs, the HUB ASIC (which providesan interface to the I/O subsystem), the CrayLink Interconnect, aportion of main memory, and optional directory memory. EachNode board can support from 64 MB to 4 GB of memory. Asingle-rack system can have one to four Node boards. Amultirack system can have up to 12 Node boards.

Graphics BaseIO board(I/O panel)

This board (also known as the IO6G) provides basic I/Ofunctions for the graphics system, such as digital and analogaudio ports, serial ports, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, andsingle-ended wide SCSI. A dedicated slot in the XIO cardcagehouses the graphics BaseIO board. This board cannot be installedin any of the other XIO expansion slots.

XIO slot cardcage The XIO cardcage allows you to install additional I/O boardsinto the processor compute module chassis.

XIO cable guide The XIO cable guide management helps to ensure proper layingout of cables in the rear of the chassis.

Module chassis powerswitch (circuit breaker)

This switch powers the individual modules on and off.

Graphics Module Components


Graphics Module Components

The graphics module almost always sits in the top part of the rack system. Exceptions tothis rule are found in certain multirack Onyx2 graphics systems configured formaximum graphics pipe support.

Each graphics module holds up to two sets of graphics boards (two pipes). Each pipesupports up to eight monitors.

The pipe on the right of the graphics module (as seen from the back) supports one, two,or four RM/TM assemblies (see Figure 2-3). It is supported by the top KTOWN cableconnection on the KTOWN board. The pipe on the left supports one or two RM/TMassemblies and connects to the bottom KTOWN board connector.

Figure 2-3 Graphics Module Pipes Diagram

Pipe 1 graphics slots

Pipe 0 graphics slots























Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Figure 2-4 shows an example of a two-RM graphics board set that is supported by therack’s graphics module. Note that the 68-pin connectors on the RM/TM assemblies arereserved for caligraphics lights; they are not for SCSI drives.

Figure 2-4 Graphics Pipes in the Module





Reserved(not a SCSIconnector)

Compute Module Components


Compute Module Components

The following sections describe major hardware components specific to the Onyx2graphics rack compute module.

Board Configurations

There is a direct correlation between the number of Node boards installed in the system’scompute module and the number of XIO slots that can be activated.

If a system compute module has only one Node board, then only 6 of the 12 XIO slots areactivated. When two Node boards are installed, all 12 of the XIO slots can be activated, ifthe Node boards are positioned in the correct slots.

Figure 2-5 diagrams the Node-board-to-XIO-board correlation. The Node boards andtheir corresponding XIO board slots are indicated with either a circle or triangle. WhenNode 1 is present, XIO slots 1 through 6 (designated by a circle) are activated. WhenNode 2 is also present, then XIO slots 7 through 12 (designated by a triangle) areactivated.

Node boards 3 and 4 also have corresponding XIO slots indicated by a circle or a triangle.For example, if Node boards are installed in slot 1 and slot 3, then only the correspondingXIO slots (1 through 6) are activated.


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Figure 2-5 Block Diagram for the Compute Module (Single Rack)

Node 1


Node 3

Node 4



Crossbow1 XIO



Node slots

Router 2




XIO boards such as FDDI, ATM, Quad SCSI, SE to Diff. Converter and Fibre Channel

Block Diagram

Rear Chassis Diagram





IO 7



IO 3




e 1


e 2


e 3


e 4







IO 6





Router 2 Router 1

XIO slots

Compute Module Components


Figure 2-6 Block Diagram for the Compute Modules (Multirack System)

Node 1


Node 3

Node 4





Router 2

Node 1

Node 2

Node 3

Node 4





Router 2

External connections(to router boards inother chassis)

External connections(to router boards inother chassis)

External connections(to router boards inother chassis)

External connections(to router boards inother chassis)

Module A

Module B

Node slots





IO 7



IO 3




e 1


e 2


e 3


e 4







IO 6





Router 2 Router 1

XIO slots

Block Diagram

Rear Module Diagram


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

XIO Boards

Note that the graphics BaseIO interface board assembly uses one of the XIO slots. Varioustypes of optional interface boards are supported in the XIO slots. These may include:

• Fibre Data Distributed Interface (FDDI)

• High-performance point-to-point interface (HIPPI)

• Multiple Ethernet board

• Multiple SCSI port board

• Digital I/O Video Option (DIVO) interface board

Certain installation restrictions must be followed when XIO boards are installed orremoved. Failure to follow these configuration rules may result in system or peripheralmalfunction.

Always ensure these XIO rules are followed:

• Keep the graphics BaseIO (IO6G) board assembly installed in XIO slot 1.

• Fill the top XIO slots first.

• The optional PCI module is installed in XIO slot 2.

Never allow any of these configurations:

• Move the BaseIO (IO6G) board assembly to a slot other than XIO 1.

• Have a SCSI board installed in XIO slot 2.

• Have an XIO board installed in an unsupported slot.

Node board slots are counted from right to left. Router board and XIO board slots arecounted from left to right. Refer back to Figure 2-5 for a diagram of the back of thecompute module that differentiates the supported XIO slots. The circles and trianglesrepresent the interdependence of the XIO slots and the Node boards that support them.

Compute Module Components


BaseIO Panel

The graphics BaseIO panel assembly (also known as the IO6G) installs in XIO board slotone and is used to connect external devices to the system. These devices includekeyboards, mice, SCSI devices, audio devices, ASCII terminals, printers, and modems.The I/O panel configuration is shown in Figure 2-7.

Note: If you disconnect a cable from a peripheral device, you should also disconnect itfrom the I/O connector on the I/O panel. This helps prevent the system from picking upexternal electrical noise. Connectors are listed in Table 2-3.


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Figure 2-7 Graphics BaseIO Panel (IO6G)







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





Digital audiostereo Parallel printer port



Interrupt in

Interrupt out


Serial console port

Additionalserial ports

68-pin SCSIconnector

Loop-thruvideo sync

Optical digitalstereo

Line out left

Line in left

Line in right

Line out right




2.5 mmspeakerpower

Microphone jack

Speaker jack

Ethernetconnector LEDs

Compute Module Components


Table 2-3 Graphics Rack BaseIO Panel Connectors

Connector Type Connector Description Connector Function

BNC 75 ohm jack Digital audio out (DO) Audio output to digital recorder

BNC 75 ohm jack Digital audio in (DI) Input to deskside from digitalaudio device

BNC 75 ohm jack Video sync loopthrough Video sync in/loopthrough

BNC 75 ohm jack Video sync loopthrough Video sync in/loopthrough

36-pin IEEE 1284-C Parallel port Parallel printer signals to and fromexternal device

68-pin SCSI single-ended Ultra (Fast-20) or SCSI-2 Single-ended SCSI

2.5 mm tip-sleeve speakerpower jack

Single +10 V jack Powered speaker output forsupplied speakers

Optical 24-bit digital stereo input Eight-channel ADAT input

Optical 24-bit digital stereo output Eight-channel ADAT output

9-pin sub-D (1-4) PC-compatible male serialports

Serial RS-232 or 422 data transferand receipt

6-pin mini-DIN (1-2) Mouse connectors Support mouse signals

6-pin mini-DIN (1-2) Keyboard connectors Support keyboard signals

2.5 mm RCA jacks (L & R) Audio line in Supports analog stereo inputs

2.5 mm RCA jacks (L & R) Audio line out Supports analog stereo outputs

3.5 mm tip-ring-sleeve jack Single jack input Interrupt in

3.5 mm tip-ring-sleeve jack Single jack output Interrupt out

3.5 mm tip-ring-sleeve jack Single jack audio output Analog headphone or suppliedpowered speakers

3.5 mm tip-ring-sleeve jack Single jack audio input Analog microphone input


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Node Boards

Figure 2-8 shows the location of the CPU Node boards in the compute module. The Nodeboard is the main processing board in the Onyx2 rack system. An individual systemcompute module may have up to four Node boards. Figure 2-8 also shows the requiredNode board slot positions in a module. The first Node board must be installed in therightmost slot (as you face the rear of the chassis). Additional Node boards are addedsequentially from right to left.

Node Boards


Figure 2-8 Node Board Positions in the Chassis

Node 1Node 4

Node 3 Node 2


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

The Node board consists of these major components:

• sixteen slots of main memory

• eight slots of optional directory memory

• one or two 64-bit processors (all Node boards installed in rack systems should havetwo processors)

• one HUB ASIC

64-bit Processor

The 64-bit processor (CPU) is the main processor for the Onyx2 graphics rack system.There are two 64-bit CPUs on each Node board. You may hear a module or rack systemreferred to as an “8P” or “16P” system. The P stands for processor. An 8P system has eight64-bit processors (four Node boards). The 64-bit processor is also called a microprocessor.

Main Memory

The Node boards in the Onyx2 use SDRAMs mounted on dual-inline memory modules(DIMMs) for main memory. A Node board can have from 64 MB to 4 GB of main memory.Memory upgrades are available in 64, 128, and 512 MB increments.


The HUB on the Node board is the primary communication link between the 64-bitprocessor(s), the I/O subsystem, the main memory, and the CrayLink Interconnect. TheHUB also interfaces with directory memory, which is responsible for maintaining cachecoherence.

Node Board Status LEDs

Figure 2-9 shows the outer panel on the Node board. The 18 LEDs provide statusinformation for the individual boards. Two red LEDs are located near the top of the boardand a set of 16 yellow ones are located near the middle of the board.

Node Boards


The two LEDs near the top of the board should light only when there is a voltageinconsistency or problem on the Node board. If these LEDs light up frequently, the boardmay need service. If all the top LEDs on all the Node boards in the system light up, itindicates a system wide power problem. In this case, call your service representative forassistance.

The LEDs grouped near the middle of the board are divided into two vertical sets of eightLEDs (16 total). Each vertical set of eight LEDs represents one of the 64-bitmicroprocessors installed on the Node board. When only one microprocessor is installed,you can expect to see LED activity on only one vertical set of LEDs.

As a general rule, the bottom LEDs should always show some activity while the systemis powered on. The bottom LEDs serve as a kind of “heartbeat” that indicates when amicroprocessor is working, even if the system is not generally active. The other sevenLEDs light up as the processes that the microprocessor runs increase. The more it isactive, the more amber LED activity you see on the Node board.

Figure 2-9 Node Board LEDs




Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Graphics Rack System Controllers

There are two types of System Controllers for the Onyx2 rack systems—a single moduleSystem Controller (MSC) and a rack-mounted multimodule System Controller (MMSC)with a color display interface panel. The MSC does not have the same functional abilitiesas the MMSC. For more detailed information on operating the System Controllers, seeChapter 6, “Using the System Controllers.”

Module System Controller and Display

The MSC and its LED display provide environmental and status monitoring for anindividual compute module. Each compute and graphics module in a graphics racksystem reports its information to the “multimodule” controller (also known as theMMSC).

Multimodule Controller and Display

The multimodule controller (MMSC) display (see Figure 2-10) is the single-pointadministration interface for the rackmount configuration. The individual modulecontrollers are tied to the multimodule controller through a serial connection from themodule to the multimodule controller board in the rack.

The MMSC color screen display interface and MMSC logic unit are two separatecomponents.

There is only one MMSC display interface per rack system configuration. It acts as thesingle point of administration for all compute modules in the rack configuration. Inaddition, in a multirack configuration, the rack with the MMSC and display shouldalways be placed in the leftmost position.

Caution: The MMSC front panel display provides a convenient method to power on,shut down, reset, and issue a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) to the entire rackconfiguration. Use extreme care when issuing these commands from the display. Makesure that all affected users are notified before a system wide command is executed.

Router Boards


Figure 2-10 MMSC Interface and Display Panel

Router Boards

The Router boards (see Figure 2-11) are multiported, bidirectional data packet controllersthat can transport up to 800 MBps per port (in each direction). Each compute module canhave one, two, or no Router boards (depending on the number of Node boards that arepresent). The Router interfaces with the HUB ASIC on Node boards and allows the 64-bitprocessors on one Node board to directly access the main memory located on anotherNode board. There are three types of Router boards that can be used in the Onyx2 rack:

• Null Router

• Star Router

• Rack Router

If a compute module has only one Node board, no Router is required. A Router board isrequired only when there are two or more Node boards.

Note: The Null and Star Router boards are primarily used in deskside systems. Thedeskside is equivalent in size to an individual compute module in a rackmount system.

Display panelMenu/Cancel


Cursor placement


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

Figure 2-11 Types of Router Boards

Null Router Board

The Null router provides a low-cost method to connect two Node boards in a module.The Null Router board cannot be used for CrayLink Interconnect linking, and it does nothave any external router connectors. The Null router board is generally used in desksidesystems with only one or two Node boards.

Three externalRouter ports forCrayLink Interconnects

One externalport thatconnectsonly to companionrack Routerboard port

Null Router Board Star Router Board Rack Router Board

Router Boards


Star Router Board

The Star Router is always paired with a Rack Router board for proper operation. Thiscost-effective router board provides connections with all the Node boards in a modulebut cannot be used for CrayLink Interconnect linking. The Star Router has one externalconnector which connects to a port on the companion CrayLink Interconnect routerboard through a jumper. The Star Router board is generally used in a single-rack Onyx2graphics system that uses three or four Node boards and does not require connection toadditional compute modules.

Rack Router

The Rack Router boards provide CrayLink Interconnection in a multirack Onyx2 systemthat uses more than one compute module. This Router board can support configurationswith up to 64 processors. The Rack Router has six ports that route data at up to 800 MBps(per port). Three of the ports connect internally. The fourth, fifth, and sixth ports canconnect to external router ports on other compute modules.

Module-to-Module Interconnects

The CrayLink Interconnect and the Xpress Links are the cabled interface that runsbetween rack Router boards (see Figure 2-12). These cables provide a high speed(800 MBps), scalable interconnection between different modules. These cables alsosupply physical link redundancy so that if a link fails, another link can take its place.

Figure 2-12 Crosstown and CrayLink Interconnect Cables



))) )




))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) ) ))))))))




Crosstown cable CrayLink Interconnect and Xpress Links cable


Chapter 2: Chassis Tour

The crosstown cables connect each graphics module’s KTOWN interface board directlywith the compute module. Each pipe in the graphics module must have its owncrosstown cable connection coming from a crosstown XIO board in the compute module.The KTOWN board in the graphics module sits directly between the two board sets inthe graphics module.

Cautionary Guidelines

You generally should not handle these sensitive linking cables; they are very delicate.Observe the following guidelines if you need to move these cables:

• Avoid bending the cables tighter than a 1.25-inch (3.2 cm) radius.

• Avoid stepping on the cables.

• Avoid “hot plugging” in or removing cables while the system is up and running.This can hang or crash the entire graphics rack system.

Caution: Additional Router and crosstown cable connections should be performed onlyby Silicon Graphics-certified personnel.

Optional PCI Board Carrier

Each compute module in an Onyx2 graphics rack system can support an optionalperipheral connector interface (PCI) carrier assembly. The PCI assembly can house up tothree third-party PCI boards (see Figure 2-13). Two of the PCI boards can be full-sizeboards. The third PCI slot accepts only half-size boards. The PCI carrier assemblyprovides up to 75 watts of power.

Optional PCI Board Carrier


Figure 2-13 Optional PCI Board Carrier Assembly

This chapter identified and explained the major components that make up a graphicsrack system. For information on graphic rack configurations and getting started usingyour system, go on to the next chapters.


Chapter 3

3. System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

The first part of this chapter describes the single rack and multirack systemconfigurations. All configurations contain the following major hardware components:

• Node boards with 64-bit microprocessors and 64 MB to 4 GB of main memory

• a Router board

• a graphics Base I/O board that provides the system I/O ports such as serial,Ethernet, and SCSI interfaces, and analog or digital audio connections

• InfiniteReality2 board sets (graphics pipes)

• a Vault (SCSI) drive box or optional FibreVault disk array

Rackmount Configurations

The Silicon Graphics Onyx2 rack (see Figure 3-1) is a rack system that comes with amultimodule System Controller (MMSC) and provides cable management hardware forCrayLink Interconnect and XIO cables.

Note: Multirack systems can hold additional compute or graphics modules, andindividual hardware components can be added to suit growing graphics, computational,and I/O requirements.

The Onyx2 dual-rack configurations are shown in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. Theseconfigurations can have from 4 to 24 processors and up to four graphics pipes. Anexample of an Onyx2 multirack configuration (Reality Monster) is shown in Figure 3-4.This configuration can have from 8 to 16 processors and up to eight graphics pipes. (Eachgraphics pipe requires one node board).

Note: All RealityMonster (multirack) systems require an Ethernet hub to connect themultimodule System Controllers (MMSCs).


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-1 Onyx2 Single-Rack System (8P and 2 Graphics Pipes)











Rackmount Configurations


Figure 3-2 Onyx2 Multirack System (16P and 4 Graphics Pipes)






Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-3 Onyx2 Multirack System (24P and 2 Graphics Pipes)





Rackmount Configurations


Figure 3-4 Onyx2 RealityMonster Multirack System (16P and 8 Graphics Pipes)








Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Graphics Interface Panels

This section describes the DG5 main display board options for the Onyx2 desksidegraphics systems. It also describes the VIO5H video option connector panel board, whichmounts on the DG5-8 and outputs five high-resolution video channels.

Additionally, this section describes the Serial Digital Video Output from Graphics (GVO)option, which provides additional CCIR601 output on two BNCs.

Table 3-1 summarizes DG5 configurations.

Figure 3-5 shows the location of two optional DG5-8 boards with the VIO5H optiondaughterboard installed in the graphics module.

Note that the DG5-8 option always requires the VIO5H daughterboard. The DG5 boardalways goes in the rightmost graphics board slot in each board set (pipe) in the Onyx2graphics module. Figure 3-6 shows the DG5 board without options (DG5-2).

Table 3-1 DG5 Configurations

DG5 VIO5H GVO Description

DG5-2 Not required Not required Basic configuration: two high-resolution videooutputs

DG5-8 Required Not required Eight high-resolution video outputs

DG5-2 Not required Required Two high-resolution video outputs with twoCCIR601 outputs

Graphics Interface Panels


Figure 3-5 DG5-8 Board Locations

DG5-8 boards


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-6 DG5-2 Graphics Panel Connections (Without Options)

Monitor 0

Monitor 1





Genlock In

Genlock Loop Through

Swap Ready

Graphics Interface Panels


DG5 Board Operation

The display generator subsystem requests and receives digital frame buffer pixel datafrom the RM/TM board. The DG5 board processes the pixel data and streams it onto thevideo packet bus. The DG5 board also handles all pixel clocking and genlocking andcursor display functions, and performs the role of the functional manager.

From the packet bus, processed video can be sent to one of the video output channels, orto the NTSC or PAL encoder (VTR channel). The video output controller supplies data toa 3-DAC array that feeds the analog RGB signals out. NTSC or PAL circuitry signals comefrom the VOC through encoder and field buffer RAMs.

The default monitor resolution supported by the InfiniteReality2 SuperWide monitor is1920 x 1200 at 66 Hz. The maximum output bandwidth is about 300 Mpix/sec. With twomonitors, each 1920 x 1200 at 66 Hz, speed is about 188 Mpix/sec. If you connect morethan two monitors, you must use a combination of lower and higher resolution monitorsthat is within the limit of 300 Mpix/sec.

Table 3-2 summarizes DG5-8/VIO5H connectors.

Table 3-2 DG5-8/VIO5H Connectors

Label Type Function

Monitor 0 through 7 13W3 Variable high-resolution monitoroutputs

S-Video 4-pin mini-DIN Interface to SVHS VCR or monitor

CMPST 1 RCA jack; BNC Interface to composite monitor or VCR

StereoView 9-pin sub-D Interface to StereoView device

Genlock In BNC Interface to video mixer

Genlock Out BNC Loopthrough connection

Swap Ready BNC Interface to other graphics systems


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Connectors on the DG5 Option Board

Figure 3-7 shows connectors on the panel for the DG5-8 option board with the VIO5Hdaughter board.

Figure 3-7 DG5-8 Board With Optional VIO5H


Monitor 0

Monitor 3

Monitor 1

Monitor 4

Monitor 7

Monitor 6

Monitor 2

Monitor 5





Genlock In

Genlock Loop Through

Swap Ready

Graphics Interface Panels


Figure 3-8 shows the 13W3 pinouts for the monitor connectors on the DG5 I/O panel;each 13W3 uses the same pinout pattern.

Figure 3-8 DG5/VIO5H 13W3 Connector Pinout

In the A1, A2, and A3 connectors, the center conductor carries the video signals. Theouter conductors of the A1, A2, and A3 connectors are their video returns, which are tiedto the monitor’s grounded chassis.

Connectors on the Optional GVO Daughterboard

The graphics-to-video option (GVO) daughterboard comes assembled with the DG5 andis designed to provide direct output from graphics to video in real time.

The GVO daughterboard has two CCIR601 connectors implemented as BNCs. Figure 3-9shows connectors on the panel for the DG5-8 board with optional GVO daughterboardcombination.

A1: Red

Pin 1: Data clock (SCL)Pin 2: Bidirectional data (SDA)Pin 3: GroundPin 4: Horizontal syncPin 5: Vertical sync

Pin 6: DDC(+5 V input)

Pin 8: GroundPin 9: Ground

Pin 10: Ground

Shell: Ground

Pin 7: Display data channel(DDC) ground(VESA standard)

A2: Green

A3: Blue


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-9 DG5 With Optional GVO Connectors

Link A

Link B

Monitor 0

Monitor 1





Genlock In

Genlock Loop Through

Swap Ready

Graphics Interface Panels


Cabling Options

Three cable options are offered for the DG5:

• 13W3-13W3: for use with the Silicon Graphics 24-inch SuperWide monitor andother compatible monitors (see Figure 3-10)

• 13W3-five BNCs: separate connectors for R, G, B, horizontal sync, and vertical syncfor monitors that require these separate connectors (see Figure 3-11)

• 13W3-13W3HV: two separate BNC connectors for horizontal and vertical sync (forexample, for synchronizing video out “genlocking”)

Figure 3-10 SuperWide Monitor


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-11 13W3 Monitor Cable and Adapters

Each cable ordered connects to a 13W3 port on one of the DG5 boards in the graphicsmodule.

DG5 board

13W3 m

13W3 m




13W3 m13W3 f

13W3 f



Adapter for 30' cable

Adapter for 30' cable

Connects to 13W3 m

Connects to system DG5

Graphics Interface Panels


Figure 3-12 shows a connection example with two monitors attached to separategraphics pipes on the Onyx2 rack’s graphics module.

Figure 3-12 Cable to Monitor Connection Example

Monitor 0 connectoron DG-5 boardgraphics pipe 1

Monitor 0 connectoron DG-5 boardgraphics pipe 0


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Graphics BaseIO Interface Panel

The graphics BaseIO assembly (IO6G) is a graphics-oriented set of interface connectorsthat comes standard with each Onyx2 rack system. The connectors on the BaseIO includesupport for Ethernet, two keyboards, analog and digital audio, serial and parallelconnectors, and others. The following sections provide location and pinout informationon these connectors.

Figure 3-13 shows the connectors and the graphics BaseIO assembly.

Figure 3-13 BaseIO (IO6G) Assembly and Connectors











TXLEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s

3 = DUP4 = Link








Graphics BaseIO Interface Panel


10/100-Base-T Ethernet Port

A single 10/100-Base-T Ethernet connection is provided on the graphics BaseIO panel.Figure 3-14 shows the location and pinouts of the connector.

You can add 10/100-Base-T Ethernet connectors with an optional XIO board.

There are two LEDs on the RJ-45 Ethernet. The top (green) LED lights only when thesystem is transmitting. The bottom (yellow) LED lights whenever a packet is on the wire.This includes packets not destined for your system.

Just above the RJ-45 Ethernet connector is a set of four LEDs. They have the followingfunctions:

• The yellow LED on the far left (LED 1) lights to indicate SCSI activity on the BaseIOsingle-ended SCSI connector.

• The green LED (LED 2) lights to indicate 100-Mbps packet activity.

• The yellow LED on the right (LED 3) indicates when the Ethernet is operating at fullduplex rates of transfer or receive.

• The rightmost green LED (LED 4) shows the Ethernet link test. It lights when linkstate is valid.


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-14 10/100-Base-T Ethernet Connector

100 Base-T connector

Pin 1 Transmit +Pin 2 Transmit -Pin 3 Receive +Pin 4 ReservedPin 5 ReservedPin 6 Receive -Pin 7 ReservedPin 8 Reserved

1 2 3 4







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





Parallel Port Connector


Table 3-3 shows the cable pinout assignments for the Ethernet 10/100 Base-T Ethernetport.

Parallel Port Connector

The BaseIO board supports one IEEE 1284-C 36-pin parallel port connector. The locationof this connector is shown in Figure 3-15. Pinouts for the parallel port connector are listedin Table 3-4.

Suitable cables for use with this port should be marked “IEEE 1284-compliant.” For mostparallel printers, you can use a cable with an IEEE 1284-C connector at the Onyx2 endand an IEEE 1284-B connector (also known as a Centronics-style) at the printer end.

Table 3-3 Ethernet 10/100 Base-T Ethernet Port Pin Assignments

Pin Assignment




4 (Reserved)

5 (Reserved)


7 (Reserved)

8 (Reserved)


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-15 Parallel Printer Port Location

36-pin parallel port

IEEE 1284-C

Pin 1

Pin 18 Pin 36

Pin 19







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





Parallel Port Connector


Table 3-4 Pinouts for the 36-Pin Parallel Port Connector

Pin Signal Source

1 Busy Printer

2 Select Printer

3 nAck Printer

4 nFault Printer

5 PError Printer

6 Data 1 (LSB) Bidirectional

7 Data 2 Bidirectional

8 Data 3 Bidirectional

9 Data 4 Bidirectional

10 Data 5 Bidirectional

11 Data 6 Bidirectional

12 Data 7 Bidirectional

13 Data 8 (MSB) Bidirectional

14 nInit Host

15 nStrobe Host

16 nSelectIn Host

17 nAutoFd Host

18 Host Logic High N/A

19 Signal ground (Busy) N/A

20 Signal ground (Select) N/A

21 Signal ground (nAck) N/A

22 Signal ground (nFault) N/A

23 Signal ground (pError) N/A


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Mouse and Keyboard Ports

Each Onyx2 graphics rack system comes with two keyboard and mouse connectors.Figure 3-16 shows the location of the connectors and their pinouts.

There are two sets of keyboard and mouse connectors on the rear of the graphics BaseIOpanel provided with each Onyx2 system. If your system uses one keyboard and mouse,attach them to the primary keyboard and mouse connector ports. These primary portsare located on the right side of the BaseIO panel.

You can plug the keyboard and mouse cables directly into the BaseIO panel. However, incases where your monitor, keyboard, and mouse are located away from the system, usethe included extension cable. Each system comes with a 24-foot (7.3 m) keyboard andmouse extension cable.

24 Signal ground (Data 1) N/A

25 Signal ground (Data 2) N/A

26 Signal ground (Data 3) N/A

27 Signal ground (Data 4) N/A

28 Signal ground (Data 5) N/A

29 Signal ground (Data 6) N/A

30 Signal ground (Data 7) N/A

31 Signal ground (Data 8) N/A

32 Signal ground (nInit) N/A

33 Signal ground (nStrobe) N/A

34 Signal ground (nSelectIn) N/A

35 Signal ground (nAutoFd) N/A

36 Peripheral logic high Printer

Table 3-4 (continued) Pinouts for the 36-Pin Parallel Port Connector

Pin Signal Source

Parallel Port Connector


Figure 3-16 Keyboard and Mouse Locations and Pinouts



Pin 1:mouse data

Pin 3:ground

Pin 5:mouse clock

Pin 6:reserved

Pin 2:reserved

Pin 4:+5V power

Pin 1:keyboarddata

Pin 3:groundPin 5:


Pin 6:reserved

Pin 2:reserved

Pin 4:+5V power







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1






Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Table 3-5 shows the cable pinout assignments for the keyboard port.

Table 3-6 shows the cable pinout assignments for the mouse port.

Table 3-5 Keyboard Port (6-Pin mini-DIN) Pin Assignments

Pin Assignment


2 (Reserved)




6 (Reserved)

Table 3-6 Mouse Port (6-Pin mini-DIN) Pin Assignments

Pin Assignment


2 (Reserved)




6 (Reserved)

Parallel Port Connector


Analog Stereo In and Out (RCA-Type) Ports

Table 3-7 shows the cable pinout assignments for the line level audio (RCA-type) ports.

You may connect audio equipment to the line level inputs and outputs using standardshielded RCA-type connectors (see Figure 3-17). For best results, always route theseanalog signal cables away from power cords.

The right channel is color coded red, and the left channel is white.

Table 3-7 Analog Composite Video Port Pin Assignments

Pin Assignment

(sleeve) GROUND

(tip) Line level audio


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-17 Line In and Out Stereo Ports

Line in and Line out

Sleeve: Ground

Tip: Line levelaudio







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





Serial Connectors


Serial Connectors

The graphics BaseIO board comes with four standard 9-pin serial connectors. Theconnectors are all male and use a PC-compatible signal assignment. Figure 3-18 showsthe connector locations and pin assignments.

The RS-232 standard recommends the use of cables no longer than 50 feet (15.2 meters).This standard should also be applied to RS-422 serial use. Longer runs introduce agreater possibility of line noise. This can affect data transmission and cause errors. Forcable runs longer than 50 feet (15.2 meters), use an appropriate extender device.

Note: Do not run cables through areas that are electrically noisy, such as areas wherelarge electric motors, welding apparatus, or X-ray machines operate. Bury outside wiringin a conduit, as lighting strikes can damage the system.

See Figure 3-19 for a terminal-to-serial port connection example.


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-18 RS-232/RS-422 Serial Connectors







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





Serial port

Pin 1 Data CarrierDetect (DCD)

Pin 6 Data Set Ready (DSR)

Pin 7 Request toSend (RTS)

Pin 8 Clearto Send (CTS)

Pin 9 RingingIndicator (RI)

Pin 2 ReceiveData (RD)

Pin 3 TransmitData (TD)

Pin 4 DataTerminalReady (DTR)

Pin 5 Ground

Serial Connectors


Figure 3-19 Serial Port Connection Example













TXLEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s

3 = DUP4 = Link









Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Optical Digital Audio Interface Connectors

Just above serial port three are the single-jack ADAT optical connectors (see Figure 3-20).These ports can be used with multitrack digital audio recording input and outputdevices.

These connections support optical input and output of eight channels at up to 24 bits andup to 48 KHz sample rates.

Use standard plastic fiber interconnecting cables. You will need two cables; one for inputand one for output. The Onyx2 system ships with connector cover plugs over the inputand output ports. These must be removed before using the optical connectors. Retainthese dust covers for use when shipping or if you discontinue ADAT use.

Optical Digital Audio Interface Connectors


Figure 3-20 Optical Digital Audio Interface

Optical digital stereoconnectors

Optical digitalinput

Optical digitaloutput







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1






Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Loopthrough and Digital Audio Connectors

Figure 3-21 shows the loopthrough and digital audio connectors.

The AES-3id-1995 digital audio connectors support 75 ohm signals at a nominal 1.0 volts(peak-to-peak) signal level. You should use 75 ohm coaxial cable with standard BNCconnectors for interconnections (such as with digital video recorders).

Some equipment supporting AES-3id-1995 digital audio signals uses 3-pin XLRconnectors that support balanced 110 ohm signals. To successfully interconnect withequipment of this type, install a digital audio “BALUN” adapter at the equipment’s XLRconnector points. The BALUN adapter connects the 3-pin XLR to a 75-ohm BNCconnection. The 75 ohm coaxial cable then connects between the Onyx2 system and theBALUN adapter.

Note: 110 to 75 ohm digital audio BALUN adapters come in male and female versions.You need one of each type when using both the input and output AES-3id-1995 signalconnectors.

Loopthrough and Digital Audio Connectors


Figure 3-21 Loopthrough and Digital Audio Connectors

Digital audiostereo input

Loopthroughvideo sync

Sleeve: ground

DigitalAES in

DigitalAES outSleeve:


Tip: Videosync







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1






Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Standard SCSI Connector

A single-ended external 68-pin SCSI connector is provided on the BaseIO panel (seeFigure 3-22). This single-ended connector supports both ultra SCSI and SCSI-2 devices.The connector is only single-ended.

Optional additional SCSI ports can be implemented using XIO option boards.

The hyphen preceding a signal name indicates that the signal is low. Note that 8-bitdevices that connect to the P-cable leave these signals open: -DB(8), -DB(9), -DB(10),-DB(11), -DB(12), -DB(13), -DB(14), -DB(15), -DB(P1). All other signals are connected asshown in Table 3-8.

Table 3-8 68-Pin Single-Ended, High-Density SCSI Pinouts

Signal Name Pin Number Pin Number Signal Name

Ground 1 35 -DB(12)

Ground 2 36 -DB(13)

Ground 3 37 -DB(14)

Ground 4 38 -DB(15)

Ground 5 39 -DB(P1)

Ground 6 40 -DB(0)

Ground 7 41 -DB(1)

Ground 8 42 -DB(2)

Ground 9 43 -DB(3)

Ground 10 44 -DB(4)

Ground 11 45 -DB(5)

Ground 12 46 -DB(6)

Ground 13 47 -DB(7)

Ground 14 48 -DB(P)

Ground 15 49 Ground

Standard SCSI Connector


Ground 16 50 Ground



Reserved 19 53 Reserved

Ground 20 54 Ground

Ground 21 55 -ATN

Ground 22 56 Ground

Ground 23 57 -BSY

Ground 24 58 -ACK

Ground 25 59 -RST

Ground 26 60 -MSG

Ground 27 61 -SEL

Ground 28 62 -C/D

Ground 29 63 -REQ

Ground 30 64 -I/O

Ground 31 65 -DB(8)

Ground 32 66 -DB(9)

Ground 33 67 -DB(10)

Ground 34 68 -DB(11)

Table 3-8 (continued) 68-Pin Single-Ended, High-Density SCSI Pinouts

Signal Name Pin Number Pin Number Signal Name


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-22 68-Pin Single-Ended SCSI Connector







1 2 3 4



LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link

tty_2 tty_1





SCSI connector (68-pin)

Pin 1 Pin 35

Pin 68Pin 34

Speaker and Microphone Connections


Speaker and Microphone Connections

The Onyx2 BaseIO panel uses a 30-foot (9.1 m) three-connector bundled cable to makeconnection to a microphone and a pair of speakers (included with your Onyx2 system).

Figure 3-23 shows the connection points on the rear of the speakers.

Figure 3-23 Cable Connection Locations on the Speakers

The analog speaker connector plugs into the BaseIO board and the other end goes to theanalog speaker plug. The analog speaker power connector goes from the BaseIO to themiddle plug on the back of the right speaker (see Figure 3-24).

The microphone connector goes from the BaseIO panel and you plug in your microphone(included) at the other end (look for the microphone logo on the connector).

Analog speaker in

Speaker power

Connection toleft speaker

Battery compartment(not used)


Chapter 3: System Configurations, Connections, and Cabling

Figure 3-24 Speaker and Microphone Connections to the BaseIO


Speaker power

Connection toleft speaker

Batterycompart-ment(not used)


IO6G panel








LEDs1 = SCSI2 = 100Mb/s3 = DUP4 = Link











Speaker and Microphone Connections


Note that there is also a 10-foot (3m) “speaker only” cable included with your Onyx2system. This 10-foot cable does not supply a microphone plug and limits where you mayplace the speaker set.

Connections and cables for optional XIO boards are covered in the individual manualsshipped with each product.


Chapter 4

4. Getting Started

This chapter describes how to configure and operate your Silicon Graphics Onyx2system correctly. Always observe the following safety information when working withthe system.

Warning: The Onyx2 rackmount graphics system operates on 200-240 VAC. Useextreme caution when working around this voltage. Never install or remove powercords without first turning off the equipment.

There is voltage present on the module’s midplanes even if the system has been reset orhalted.

Caution: The Onyx2 graphics rack comes with one or more 24-inch SuperWide colormonitors. Always use two people to move the monitors. Be sure to practice proper liftingtechniques.

Customer maintenance is limited to the outside of the chassis, where the peripherals andcables attach to the I/O panel. No user-serviceable parts are found within the chassis.

Note: This product requires the use of external shielded cables in order to maintaincompliance with Part 15 of the FCC rules.


Chapter 4: Getting Started

Using Your Monitor

A high-resolution, SuperWide (1920x 1200-pixel) 24-inch monitor ships as the standardmonitor for the Onyx2 rackmount systems. This section describes the 24-inch monitor.Connect the monitor by following the steps in the applicable section.

Caution: Before plugging any monitor into either a 110 VAC or a 220–240 VAC outlet,be sure that the electrical rating on the label is in either the 110 or the 220–240 volt range,whichever applies.

When using a monitor in locations that do not have either of these outlets, contact yourSilicon Graphics system support engineer before plugging in the monitor power cable.

Note: If you are using a monitor not shipped with your Onyx2 system that has adjustableRGB connectors, make sure they are in the 75-ohm position; otherwise, the monitordisplays the wrong colors.

Use only the cables specified to connect the monitor to the Onyx2 rackmount chassis.

The section “DG5 Board Operation” in Chapter 3 has specific information on cablingoptions for the Onyx2 graphics rack system.

Connecting a 24-Inch Monitor

The InfiniteReality or IR2 graphics system uses a 24-inch, high-resolution monitor. Thismonitor uses a 13W3-to-13W3 cable. Connect one of the fittings to a 13W3 connector onthe DG5 graphics board panel and the other to the back of the monitor. See Figure 4-1 foran example of the 24-inch monitor.

When the system is booted, the monitors operate in their default resolution. To changethe default video format, you may use the setmon command. For more information aboutthe setmon command options, see the setmon(1G) man page.

Keyboard and Mouse Connections


Figure 4-1 24-Inch SuperWide Monitor

Keyboard and Mouse Connections

Your system comes with a standard 101-key international keyboard and a mouse. Thesection “Mouse and Keyboard Ports” in Chapter 3 shows the locations of the two sets ofports on the graphics BaseIO panel.

Each system comes with a 24-foot (7.3 m) “extension” cable that connects to the BaseIOpanel. Plug the keyboard and mouse into the end of this cable.


Chapter 4: Getting Started

SCSI Requirements and Configurations

All Onyx2 rackmount systems are configured with one external SCSI channel on theBaseIO (IO6G) board. This standard 68-pin ultra SCSI or SCSI-2 channel is alwayssingle-ended.

The difference between single-ended and differential SCSI channels is defined as follows:A single-ended SCSI channel pairs each signal line with a ground line. Differential SCSIchannels pair each signal line with a second signal that is the balanced inverse of the first.This configuration makes differential SCSI less susceptible to signal degradation due tonoise and more suitable for remote (longer) cabling.

The requirements and limitations of both single-ended and differential SCSI channelsare:

• The maximum allowable length for single-ended (standard) SCSI cabling is 19.6 feet(6 meters). This maximum length reflects the combined lengths of both the internaland external cables.

• The maximum allowable length for differential SCSI is 82 feet (25 meters). As withsingle-ended SCSI, this length is the sum of both the internal and external cables.

Note: The most common reason for SCSI device failure is insufficient noise marginsdue to exceeding the maximum cable length, cable impedance mismatches, or acombination of both. If you are having trouble with certain devices, particularlyexternal devices, be sure to verify that you have not exceeded the maximum SCSIcable length.

Always use the shortest cable possible. Route external cables away from potentialdamage due to foot traffic, cleaning, and so on.

To operate multiple external SCSI devices, you must order optional XIO SCSI boards thatplug into the XIO cardcage. An optional PCI module and SCSI boards are also available.

If you have additional questions about SCSI connections and cable lengths, contact yourOnyx2 sales or support representative.

Connecting Your System to an Ethernet


Connecting Your System to an Ethernet

The Onyx2 graphics workstation comes with a single standard Ethernet connector. Youcan order optional XIO boards for additional Ethernet connections. See the section“10/100-Base-T Ethernet Port” in Chapter 3 for information on the location and pinassignments of the standard Ethernet connector.

System Power-On Procedures

Power-on the Onyx2 rackmount graphics system as follows:

1. If the system is completely shut down, verify that the power distribution unit’s(PDU’s) power switch is turned off and that each graphics module power switch isin the off position.

2. Connect the power cable of each graphics module to a 200-240 VAC wall receptacle(see Figure 4-2).

3. Power-on all graphics modules by flipping the breaker switch up and into the onposition.

4. Turn each graphics module System Controller (MSC) keyswitch to the on position(see Figure 4-3).

Warning: The rackmount system operates on 200-240 VAC. Use extreme cautionwhen working around this voltage. Never install or remove power cords withoutfirst turning off the equipment.


Chapter 4: Getting Started

Figure 4-2 Connecting a Graphics Module Power Cable

220V power source

System Power-On Procedures


Figure 4-3 MSC Key Positions




LED display


Modulereset switch



Fan high-speedindicatorLED

Securitykey switch

8-pin mini-DIN diagnosticport





Chapter 4: Getting Started

5. Insert the power distribution unit’s (PDU’s) power cable into the 220-240 VAC wallreceptacle (see Figure 4-4). The power receptacles used for the graphics module andPDU should be sourced and grounded from the same breaker box. For additionalinformation on this topic, see your system’s Site Preparation manual.

Caution: Any difference in ground potential greater than 500 millivolts (0.5 V)between two chassis connected together with CrayLink or crosstown cables cancause severe equipment damage.

Figure 4-4 Connecting the PDU Power Cable

PDU power cable plug

220 Voltpower source

System Power-On Procedures


6. Connect the power cords of the compute module and the Origin Vault driveexpansion box into the PDU.

Caution: If you have a multirack graphics system, the processor compute modulemust be plugged into the PDU that is supplied with the rack. Do not use a powersource outside of the chassis. The CrayLink Interconnect cabling scheme requiresthat the compute modules share a common AC ground. This helps prevent possibledamage to internal hardware components.

7. Connect each multimodule System Controller (MMSC) power cord to the PDU.

8. Turn the PDU power switch to the on position (see Figure 4-5).

Note: In a multirack graphics system always power-on the MMSC logic unit in theprimary rack (the one with the interface panel) last. The primary MMSC pages itsnetwork for additional MMSCs only at power on. Therefore, any additional MMSClogic units must already be on line to be recognized.

9. Place the breaker switch on the back of the Origin Vault in the on position.

10. Push the button on the front of the Origin Vault drive box to fully power it on.

11. If the monitors and peripherals are equipped with voltage select switches, verifythat they are set for the appropriate AC voltage.

12. Connect the power cords from the monitor(s) and any additional peripherals to theappropriate three-pronged grounded outlets and turn them on.

13. Turn on the processor compute module’s main power switch (see Figure 4-6).

Note: All internal storage devices are automatically powered on by the MSC.

14. Turn each compute MSC keyswitch to the on position (as seen in Figure 4-3).

15. Go to the next section and boot the system.


Chapter 4: Getting Started

Figure 4-5 Turning On the PDU

PDU off

PDU on

PDU powerswitch

System Power-On Procedures


Figure 4-6 Powering On a Processor Compute Module

Compute modulepower switch



Chapter 4: Getting Started

Booting Your System

Boot your system by performing the following steps:

1. With all system power connections in place and all MSCs turned to on, bring thesystem fully online using the MMSC front panel.

Note: Do not press any of the front panel buttons on the individual MSCs while therack is still booting. Pressing the buttons during this process interrupts the bootsequence.

2. Press the Menu/Cancel key so that the front panel’s cursor is positioned on themain (top) menu.

3. Move the cursor left or right until it covers the Action menu selection.

4. Move the cursor down to the Power Up option.

5. Press the Enter key if you are ready to power up the rack (or Menu/Cancel to abort).

When all system power-on tests have completed, you see this message on yourmonitor:

Starting up the system...To perform System Maintenance instead, press Esc.

Figure 4-7 MMSC Power Up Selection

Focus Action View Configure

Power DownPower CycleNMIReset

Power Up

1.0 Current target module all

Booting Your System


6. To reconfigure your system or to list your system’s hardware, press Esc within fiveseconds.

7. If you do not press Esc within five seconds, the system comes up and displays thedesktop. At this time the MMSC interface panel should be displaying the standardprocessor activity screen, similar to Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8 MMSC Interface

8. If you need to access the Command Monitor, log in, shut down the system using theSystem Shutdown command from the System Toolchest, and then restart it whenprompted.

9. When the System Maintenance menu appears, type 5 to select Enter CommandMonitor.

10. When the >> prompt appears, type hinv then press Enter to display the hardwareinventory of your system.

11. See the IRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operation manual for information onreconfiguring your system.

12. Quit the Command Monitor by typing Exit at the >> prompt.

13. The System Maintenance menu reappears. Type 1 to select the Start Systemcommand. The system comes up and displays the desktop.

Focus Action View Configure

1.0 Current target module all


Chapter 4: Getting Started

Installing the Operating System

The basic IRIX operating system is factory-installed on your system disk. No operatingsystem software installation is required. If additional software is desired, it must bedownloaded either locally (using a CD-ROM drive) or downloaded remotely over thenetwork. See the IRIX Admin: Disks and Filesystems manual for additional informationabout mounting and configuring drives. Refer to the IRIX Admin: Software Installation andLicensing manual for the detailed steps required to download the software.

Note: A copy of the IRIX operating system is supplied with the system on a compactdisc. Place the CD in a secure place in case you ever need to reinstall the operatingsystem.

Powering Off the System


Powering Off the System

The system should be powered off only for routine maintenance or repair. You can poweryour system off using the following information:

1. Start the power off by bringing the IRIX operating system down from a shell.

■ Become superuser by typing /bin/su and press Enter.

■ Enter your superuser password, if prompted.

■ When you see the superuser prompt (#), type /etc/halt and press Enter.

The window interface comes down, and a message similar to the following appearson the screen:

Okay to power off the system now.Press any key to restart.

2. Turn off the power switches for any external peripherals in the following order:

■ printer (if installed)

■ monitors

■ other external peripherals

3. Go to the MMSC front panel and press the Menu/Cancel key to bring the cursor tothe top menu.

4. Move the cursor right or left to position it over the Action menu.

5. Push the down cursor placement key until it highlights the Power Down option (seeFigure 4-9).

6. Press Enter to power down the rack system (or Menu/Cancel to abort the process).


Chapter 4: Getting Started

Figure 4-9 MMSC Interface

7. Turn the MSC keyswitch on each of the system’s graphics modules to the standbyposition.

8. Push the button to power off any Origin Vault drive boxes that are being used.

9. Turn the MSC keyswitch on all processor compute modules installed in the systemto the standby position.

10. Place each module’s power switch in the off (down) position.

11. Push the Origin Vault’s rear breaker switch to the off position.

12. Turn the switch at the bottom of the power distribution unit to the off position.

Note: In multirack systems, unplug the PDU power cable from the rack containingthe MMSC interface panel last.

13. Unplug the graphic module(s) power cord(s) from the wall socket.

14. Unplug the PDU power cord(s) from the wall socket.

After completing all these steps, all power to the system is cut off.

Focus Action View Configure

Power CycleNMIReset

Power UpPower Down

1.0 Current target module all


Chapter 5

5. Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

This chapter describes the installation and removal procedures for thecustomer-replaceable units (CRUs) in the Silicon Graphics Onyx2 rack system. The CRUsare hardware components that can be safely removed by an end user without undueexposure to high electrical power potentials. CRUs are limited to the following majorcomponents:

• disk and tape drives

• graphics or compute module System Controller (MSC)

• compute module CD-ROM drive

• front plastic panels (facade)

Figure 5-1 shows an Onyx2 rack with CRUs. Note that the facade on the graphics moduleis also removable.


Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

Figure 5-1 Onyx2 Rackmount Customer-Replaceable Units



Cable bail

System disk

Optional drives

Blank drive panels

Module systemcontroller

General Safety Information


General Safety Information

Read the following subsections for general safety information.

Before beginning any replacement procedures, observe these precautions.

Warning: This equipment uses electrical power internally that is hazardous if theequipment is improperly disassembled.

Caution: This equipment is extremely sensitive and susceptible to damage byelectrostatic discharge (ESD). The buildup of electrical static potential on clothing andother materials may cause ESD.

Use proper ESD preventive measures and observe these precautions:

• Wear a properly grounded wrist strap when connecting and disconnectingperipherals.

• Be sure that you and all the electrical equipment you handle are at ground potentialto avoid damage from ESD.

Before Replacing Any Components

Ensure that the system files are backed up, and that all users are logged off the system.Always completely power off the system when removing or replacing internalcomponents.

“Powering Off the System” in Chapter 4 provides step-by-step details on the properprocess for turning off and disconnecting all system power.

“System Power-On Procedures” in Chapter 4 gives the procedures for bringing the rackback online after adding, removing, or replacing internal components.

Opening the Cable Cover Door

The cable cover door (see Figure 5-2) provides aesthetic shielding for the CrayLinkInterconnect cabling on the rackmount chassis between a side-by-side graphicsrackmount system.


Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

Figure 5-2 Opening the Cable Cover Door

Cable cover door forCrayLink interconnect

Opening and Closing the Compute Module Drive Door


Opening and Closing the Compute Module Drive Door

Use this procedure to open and close the compute module’s drive door on a rackmountsystem:

1. Swing open the drive door as shown in Figure 5-3.

2. Close the door by pushing it all the way in to engage the plastic tab on the bottom ofthe door.

Note: The door should normally be in the closed position to help keep away dustand other possible contaminants from the drives and MSC.

Figure 5-3 Opening the Compute Module’s Door


Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

CRU Remove and Replace Procedures

The following sections provide instructions for replacing the customer-replaceable units(CRUs). To replace an CRU, refer to Figure 5-1 to help identify the appropriate unit andits position in the chassis. Then proceed to the appropriate section and perform the steps.

Removing a Drive Module

Disk drives in the compute module are aligned vertically at the front of the chassis. Notethat the leftmost disk drive—the system disk—is oriented differently from the others asshown in Figure 5-4.

CRU Remove and Replace Procedures


Figure 5-4 Opening the SCA Disk Drive Units

1. To remove a disk drive module, snap the handle to the right or left (depending onthe drive orientation) to the open position. The handle is centered, as shown inFigure 5-4.

2. Pull the disk straight out (see Figure 5-5).

Handle inclosed position

System Disk

Optional Disk Handle inopen position

Handle inopen position

Handle inclosed position


Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

Figure 5-5 Removing the Drive

Handle inopen position

Handle inclosed position

CRU Remove and Replace Procedures


To insert a disk module, follow these steps:

1. If necessary, snap the handle to the open position so that it is centered, as shown inFigure 5-5.

2. If you are adding a drive, remove the drive filler plate that covers the drive slot youwant to use.

3. Align the new disk module with the drive guide.

4. Gently but firmly slide the disk module on the guides over the pin. When the diskmodule is all the way in, it snaps.

5. When the disk module is in all the way, snap the handle right to the closed position,as shown in Figure 5-5. In the case of the system disk module, which is upsidedown relative to the other drives, snap the handle left.

6. Use the packaging for the new disk module to repackage the old disk module.

Removing a Module’s Facade

The module’s facade must be taken off before you can remove the MSC, CD-ROMassembly, or check the power supply LEDs. Use these procedures to remove the facade:

1. Lift off the cable bails that hold the CrayLink Interconnects and Xpress Links cablesin place (if applicable).

2. Remove the CrayLink Interconnect and Xpress Links connectors from the rack’sRouter board ports (as required).

Caution: Be sure that the connectors are labeled before you remove them, so thatyou know where to replug them afterwards.

3. Remove the screw that secures the facade to the chassis (see Figure 5-6). Figure 5-7shows the screw location on the graphics module.

4. Lift up to disengage the facade from the chassis; then pull it straight out.

5. Reverse these steps to reinstall the facade.


Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

Figure 5-6 Removing the Compute Module’s Facade


1.7 VDC2.4 VDC3.3 VDCLink







ConnectorActuation7-64 Hex


1.7 VDC2.4 VDC3.3 VDCLink







ConnectorActuation7-64 Hex


CRU Remove and Replace Procedures


Figure 5-7 Removing a Graphics Module Facade

Power supplystatus lights



Chapter 5: Installing and Replacing Customer-Replaceable Units

Removing the MSC and CD-ROM

The MSC and CD-ROM drive are packaged together in one assembly in the computemodule. The graphics module houses only the MSC. To replace either component, youmust remove and insert an entire new assembly.

Caution: Do not attempt to remove the multimodule System Controller (MMSC) anddisplay. This procedure should only be performed by SGI trained or certified personnel.

1. Power off the module the CD-ROM and MSC assembly are being removed from(see “Powering Off the System” in Chapter 4 for details on completely shutting offpower to a module).

Caution: Simply turning the MSC keyswitch to standby does not shut off all powerto the module or the MSC.

2. Remove the facade (see “Removing a Module’s Facade” on page 115).

3. Remove and reserve the screws that hold the assembly in place, as shown inFigure 5-8.

4. Insert the new assembly, using the reserved screws.

5. Repackage the old assembly.

CRU Remove and Replace Procedures


Figure 5-8 Removing the MSC and CD-ROM


Chapter 6

6. Using the System Controllers

This chapter provides information on using the multimodule System Controller (MMSC)and the module System Controllers (MSCs) in your Onyx2 graphics rack system.

Multimodule System Controller (MMSC)

The MMSC monitors and reports status information from the individual compute andgraphics modules in the rack system. Information is displayed and commands can beselected using the front panel display and the select buttons on the front of the rack.Figure 6-1 shows the panel and control buttons.

Figure 6-1 MMSC Display and Controls

Note: There is always one display, even with multirack systems.

Display panelMenu/Cancel


Cursor placement


Chapter 6: Using the System Controllers

During normal operation, the MMSC interface panel displays a standard processoractivity screen, similar to Figure 6-2. The controller interface offers a number of menuitems. Select an item by highlighting it with the cursor. Move the cursor by pushing theup, down, left, and right buttons.

To discard a selection, press the top (Menu/Cancel) key. To execute a selection, press thebottom (Enter) key.

The display and keyset is only the interface to the MMSC logic unit. The logic unit mustbe fully and properly connected and powered on for the display to provide usefulinformation. “System Power-On Procedures” in Chapter 4 provides a system power-onprocess using the controller interface.

Figure 6-2 MMSC Interface

Focus Action View Configure

1.0 Current target module all

Module System Controller (MSC)


Module System Controller (MSC)

Each compute module in an Onyx2 graphics rack system has its own MSC. The controllerinteracts with the power supply, internal fan(s), midplane, node and other boards thathave on-board regulators in a module.

MSCs do not have the same functional abilities as the MMSC that mounts in the rack. Thecontroller is located in the upper left section on the front of the module. In a processorcompute module, it is between the CD-ROM drive and the hard disk bays.

Each MSC provides environmental monitoring for safe operation of the individualcompute modules in the rack. The controller connects to the module’s midplane by wayof an extender board and provides user access to switches and displays at the front ofeach module.


Chapter 6: Using the System Controllers

Figure 6-3 MSC Status Panel and Switches




LED display


Modulereset switch



Fan high-speedindicatorLED

Securitykey switch

8-pin mini-DIN diagnosticport




Module System Controller (MSC)


In the lower right section on the back of each module is a 9-pin serial console connectorthat is a direct mirror of the 8-pin DIN connector on the front panel.

Note: You may not connect serial devices to both the front and rear MSC serialconnectors at the same time. The connectors are wired through the same circuitry andcannot accept or send signals through both ports at the same time.


Chapter 6: Using the System Controllers

Figure 6-4 MSC Rear Serial Connector

Pin 5 Ground

Pin 4 Data TerminalReady (DTR)

Pin 3 Transmitted Data (TD)

Pin 2 Received Data (RD)

Pin 1 Data Carrier Detect(CD)

Pin 9 Not Used

Pin 8 Clear toSend (CTS)

Pin 7 Request toSend (RTS)

Pin 6 Not used

System ControllerSerial Port (DB-9)

Understanding the Controller’s LEDs and Switches


Understanding the Controller’s LEDs and Switches

Each module’s MSC has one keyswitch, two pushbuttons, and four LED indicators.Messages displayed on the 8-digit LED panel are described in Table 6-1. The followingparagraphs provide information on the use or significance of each control or indicator.

The Front Panel Keyswitch selects Standby, On, or Diagnostic status for the system.

The System Reset pushbutton initiates a system-wide reset of the module. The keyswitchmust be in the diagnostic position to use this button.

The Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) switch issues a reset signal to all Node boards in thecompute module. The keyswitch must be in the diagnostic position to use this button.

The AC Power OK green LED lights when the system is plugged into an outlet and theAC circuit breaker is turned on. The Controller is receiving DC voltage (V_5 Aux)through the midplane, as are other boards that require it.

The DC Power OK green LED lights approximately 3.5 seconds after the keyswitch isturned to the On position. This indicates that the module’s power supply is enabled andoperating properly.

The Fan Speed High amber warning LED lights as an indication that the environmentaltemperature is higher than optimal, or that a noncritical fan has failed. When anoncritical fan fails, the remaining fans are set at full speed to compensate. When acritical fan fails, the system shuts down. In this case, you see the message MFANFL orFANFAIL on the controller’s LED panel. A service call should be placed immediately afterconfirming that a fan has failed.


Chapter 6: Using the System Controllers

The Over-Temperature Fault amber warning LED lights when the controller’s incomingair temperature or fan failure detection causes a shutdown of the system. If theenvironmental temperature exceeds the system’s tolerance, or if a critical fan fails, thecontroller shuts down the system. In some cases, a service call should be placedimmediately.

Controller Features and Functions

Each module’s controller has a number of basic features and functions. Note thefollowing bulleted items:

• It issues a reset signal at power-on.

• The front-panel mounted keyswitch provides a soft power-off to standby condition.

• A front-panel mounted pushbutton on the controller works as a system reset switchfor the module.

• A front-panel mounted pushbutton non-maskable interrupt (NMI) switch on thecontroller resets all the module’s Node boards (applicable to compute modulesonly).

• It can sense ambient incoming air temperature into a module and adjust fan speedbased on that temperature (two speeds). Soft power-off of the module results ifambient temperature is too high for safe operation.

• The controller lights an LED display after sensing ambient over-temperatureconditions.

• It has an NVRAM for storing configuration information (1024 x 8 bits).

• The compute module controller monitors fan rotation and automatically increasesto high-speed operation when a fan fails. It also signals an impending shutdownwhen a single critical fan fails, or two or more noncritical fans fail.

• The graphics module has a single blower monitored by the controller. It shuts themodule down if the blower fails.

• It has an LED display for high fan (or blower) speed or fan tray failure (fanhigh-speed LED).

Understanding the Controller’s LEDs and Switches


• The controller has an LED display indicator for power supply operations. The ACOK LED indicates AC voltage applied to the module. The DC OK indicates allpower supply DC voltages (+12 V, +5 V, +3.45 V) and remote DC voltages (3.3 V,2.4 V, 1.6 V) are present with no error conditions. The DC OK LED does not indicateregulation or accuracy of the DC voltages present.

• It provides a 100 Kbps bidirectional communication path between the MSC,midplane, and HUB ASIC IO space on each Node board in a compute module. Thiscommunication path allows the MSC to receive system status messages from allNode boards in a module, and to provide status messages from the MSC and allNode boards in the module. This communication path is referred to as theI2C interface.

• It provides the ability to request the module serial number and configurationinformation via the I2C interface.

• The controller has an eight-digit alphanumeric status display. This display isupdated by the MSC or the Node board(s) in the system via the I2C interface.

• It provides a seven-wire 9600 Baud alternate console diagnostic port for offlineconfiguration and troubleshooting. This port can also be used to communicate witha compute module’s Node boards when the IO console port or graphics console isnot functional. This interface also supports the minimum requirements for modemsupport.

• Software reset, NMI, and soft power-off commands are provided through thealternate console port.

• It supports alternate console port command-line power supply voltage margining.Margining allows the 3.45 V or 5 V outputs of the power supply to be moved 5%higher or lower independently. This does not affect remote regulated terminationvoltages (1.6 V, 2.4 V, router 3.3 V).

• It has alternate console port command-line regulated termination voltagemargining for the termination voltages 1.6 V, 2.4V, and 3.3 V, (all terminationvoltages are margined 5% higher or lower together, not independently). This doesnot affect the power supply voltages.


Chapter 6: Using the System Controllers

• In a compute module, it sends early warning, high-priority interrupt (PanicInterrupt) to all Node boards warning of an impending shutdown due to anAC power failure, ambient over-temperature, or the keyswitch being turned to thestandby position.

• The interlock (removable keyswitch) prevents unauthorized personnel fromturning the module on or off, and limits operation of the System Reset andNMI functions. The software password allows access and permissions through thealternate console port.

MSC Status Messages

The MSC front panel has an eight-character LED readout that supplies information aboutsystem status or problems.

Table 6-1 lists status messages and provides an explanation of what the impacts may be.

Table 6-1 MSC Messages

Error Message Meaning of Message

SYS OK The module is operating normally.

R PWR UP The module is being powered on remotely via the MSC’s serialconnection.

POWER UP The module is being powered on from the front panel switch.

PFW FAIL The AC power supplied to the module has failed or droppedbelow acceptable parameters. The module has shut down.

PS OT FL The module’s power supply temperature has exceeded safetylimits and the module has shut down.

PS FAIL The internal power supply has failed and the module has shutdown.

OVR TEMP The module’s temperature has exceeded acceptable limits andthe module has shut down.

KEY OFF The MSC’s switch has been turned to standby.

RESET The controller’s switch has been turned to the diagnosticposition, and the Reset button pushed.

Understanding the Controller’s LEDs and Switches


NMI The controller’s switch has been turned to the diagnosticposition, and the non-maskable interrupt (NMI) buttonpushed.

M FAN FL More than one fan has failed and the module has shut down.

R PWR DN The module has been powered off from a remote location.

PWR CYCL The module has received the command to power cycle fromthe console or a remote user.

HBT TO The module has registered a heart beat time-out. Anon-maskable interrupt is generated, followed by a modulereset.

FAN FAIL A module fan has failed. If it is fan 1, 2, or 3, the module shutsdown. A service call should be placed as soon as possible.

POK FAIL A power OK failure occurred on an unidentified board.

Table 6-1 (continued) MSC Messages

Error Message Meaning of Message


Chapter 7

7. Basic Troubleshooting

This chapter contains hardware-specific information that can be helpful if you are havingtrouble with your Silicon Graphics Onyx2 graphics rack system.

It is intended to give you some basic guidelines to help keep your hardware and thesoftware that runs on it in good working order.

General Guidelines

To keep your system in good running order, follow these guidelines:

• Do not enclose the system in a small, poorly ventilated area (such as a closet), crowdother large objects around it, or drape anything (such as a jacket or blanket) over thesystem.

• Do not connect cables or add other hardware components while the system isturned on.

• Do not leave either the graphics or compute module front panel key switches in thediagnostic position during normal operation.

• Do not power off the system frequently; leave it running over nights and weekends,if possible. If a system console terminal is installed, it can be powered off when it isnot being used.

• Do not place liquids, food, or extremely heavy objects on the system or keyboard.

• Ensure that all cables are plugged in completely.

• Ensure that the system has power surge protection.


Chapter 7: Basic Troubleshooting

Operating Guidelines

When your system is up and running, follow these operational guidelines:

• Do not turn off power to a system that is currently started up and running software.

• Do not use the root account unless you are performing administrative tasks.

• Make regular backups (weekly for the whole system, nightly for individual users)of all information.

• Keep two sets of backup tapes to ensure the integrity of one set while doing the nextbackup.

• Protect the root account with a password.

• Check for root UID = 0 accounts (for example, diag) and set passwords for theseaccounts.

• Consider giving passwords to courtesy accounts such as guest and lp.

• Look for empty password fields in the /etc/passwd file.

If the behavior of your system is marginal, or faulty, first do a physical inspection usingthe checklist below. If all of the connections seem solid, go to Chapter 6 and use theSystem Controllers to try to isolate the problem. If the problem persists, run thediagnostic tests from the System Maintenance menu or PROM Monitor. See theIRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operation manual for more information aboutdiagnostic tests.

Check every item on this list:

• The terminal, PDU, and module System Controller (MSC) power switches areturned on.

• The module chassis power switches are all in the On position.

• The fans are running and the fan inlets/outlets are not blocked.

• The multimodule System Controller (MMSC) for display of a fault message orwarning.

Before you continue with power and I/O cable checks, shut down the system and turnoff the power.

See “Powering Off the System” in Chapter 4 if you are unsure of the complete process forbringing the system down.

Module Power Supply Problems


Check all of the following cable connections:

• The terminal power cable is securely connected to the terminal at one end and thepower source at the other end.

• The power cables are securely connected to the main units at one end or pluggedinto the proper AC outlet at the other end.

• The Ethernet cable is connected to the connector port labeled Ethernet.

• Serial port cables are plugged in securely to their corresponding connectors.

• All cable routing is safe from foot traffic.

If you find any problems with hardware connections, have them corrected before yourestore power to the system. The MMSC may help to determine if internal systemproblems exist.

If these procedures do not help, contact your system administrator or service provider.

Module Power Supply Problems

The module power supplies in your graphics rack system are not considered end-userreplaceable components. There are certain basic checks you can make to determine if asystem problem is related directly to a module power supply.

If the module does not power on at all, check the following:

• Confirm that the module’s circuit breaker is up (in the On position).

• Check to make sure the power cable is firmly plugged in at both the systemconnector and the wall socket.

• Remove the plastic front cover (facade) and confirm that the cable connecting thepower supply to the fan tray is secure.

In some cases the module’s power supply may be unable to supply enough voltage tomeet system requirements. If the MSC indicates a power supply related problem, you canremove the front cover and check the status of the three LEDs on the front of the powersupply. For help on properly removing the front cover, see “Removing a Module’sFacade” in Chapter 5.


Chapter 7: Basic Troubleshooting

Amber (Yellow) LED

The amber LED on the power supply (also known as the AC_OK indicator) lights whenthe AC input voltage is applied and the system circuit breaker is in the On position.

If the amber LED is not lit, check the following:

• AC outlets

• system power cords and power switch

• fan tray to power supply cable

If none of these items is a problem, check the other LEDs on the power supply for anyindications.

Green LED

The green LED indicator (also known as the Power Good indicator) lights when powersupply outputs are within specification.

If this LED starts to blink on and off, it is a warning that the supply is overloaded. In thiscase, contact your service provider for information and assistance.


The red LED (also known as the Fault indicator) lights up whenever the power supplyshuts off because of insufficient air flow, or when a system over-temperature shutdownoccurs.

A blinking condition on this LED indicates that an undervoltage condition exists. Itmeans that the supply has dropped below acceptable limits in either the +3.45, +5, or+12 volt ranges. The supply can be reset by power-cycling the system. Note that thiscould be a symptom of other problems; contact your service provider for additionalinformation.

Crash Recovery


Crash Recovery

To minimize data loss from a system crash, back up your system daily and verify thebackups. Often a graceful recovery from a crash depends upon good backups.

Your system may have crashed if it fails to boot or respond normally to input devicessuch as the keyboard. The most common form of system crash is terminal lockup—yoursystem fails to accept any commands from the keyboard. Sometimes when a systemcrashes, data is damaged or lost.

Before going through a crash recovery process, check your terminal configuration andcable connections. If everything is in order, try accessing the system remotely fromanother workstation or from the system console terminal (if present).

If none of the solutions in the previous paragraphs is successful, you can fix mostproblems that occur when a system crashes by using the methods described in thefollowing paragraphs. You can prevent additional problems by recovering your systemproperly after a crash.

The following list presents several ways to recover your system from a crash. Thesimplest method, rebooting the system, is presented first. If that fails, go on to the nextmethod, and so on. Here is an overview of the different crash recovery methods:

Rebooting the System

Rebooting usually fixes problems associated with a simple system crash.

Restoring System Software

If you do not find a simple hardware connection problem and you cannot reboot thesystem, a system file might be damaged or missing. In this case, you need to copy systemfiles from the installation tapes to your hard disk. Some site-specific information mightbe lost.


Chapter 7: Basic Troubleshooting

Restoring from Backup Tapes

If restoring system software fails to recover your system fully, you must restore frombackup tapes. Complete and recent backup tapes contain copies of important files. Someuser- and site-specific information might be lost. Read the following section forinformation on file restoration.

Restoring a Filesystem from the System Maintenance Menu

If your root filesystem is damaged and your system cannot boot, you can restore yoursystem from the Recover System option on the System Maintenance Menu. This is themenu that appears when you interrupt the boot sequence before the operating systemtakes over the system. To perform this recovery, you need two things:

• Access to a CD that contains the IRIX release on your system.

• A full system backup tape (beginning in the root directory (/) and containing all thefiles and directories on your system) created using the Backup and RestoreManager.

If you do not have a full system backup made with the Backup command or Backup andRestore window—and your root or usr filesystems are so badly damaged that theoperating system cannot boot—you have to reinstall your system software and then readyour backup tapes (made with any backup tool you prefer) over the freshly installedsoftware.

You may also be able to restore filesystems from the miniroot. For example, if your rootfilesystem has been corrupted, you may be able to boot the miniroot, unmount the rootfilesystem, and then use the miniroot versions of restore, xfs_restore, Restore, bru, cpio, ortar to restore your root filesystem.

Crash Recovery


To recover from system corruption using the Recover System option on the SystemMaintenance Menu, follow these steps:

1. When you first start up your machine or press the Reset button on the system, thismessage appears:

Starting up the system...

Click the Stop for Maintenance button or press Esc to bring up the SystemMaintenance menu.

2. Click the Recover System icon in the System Maintenance menu, or type 4.

This System Recovery menu appears or you see a graphical equivalent:

System Recovery...

Press <Esc> to return to the menu.

1) Remote Tape 2) Remote Directory 3) Local CD-ROM 4) Local Tape

Enter 1-4 to select source type, <esc> to quit,or <enter> to start:

3. Enter the menu item number or click the appropriate drive icon for the IRIX releaseCD or software distribution directory you plan to use.

Note: With the release of IRIX 6.x, the Remote Tape and Local Tape options on theSystem Recovery window are no longer usable because bootable (miniroot) softwaredistribution tapes are no longer supported.

■ If you have a CD-ROM drive connected to your system, enter 3 or click the LocalCD-ROM icon, then click Accept to start.

You then see a notifier prompting you to insert the media into the drive. Insertthe IRIX CD that came with your system, then click Continue.

■ You can use a drive that is connected to another system on the network. At theSystem Recovery menu, enter 2 or click the Remote Directory icon.

When a notifier appears asking you for the remote hostname, type the system’sname, a colon (:), and the full pathname of the CD-ROM drive, followed by/dist. For example, to access a CD-ROM drive on the system mars, you wouldtype:


Click Accept on the notifier window, then click Accept on the System Recoverywindow.


Chapter 7: Basic Troubleshooting

On systems without graphics, you are prompted for the host as above, then yousee this menu:

1) Remote Tape 2)[Remote Directory] 3) Local CD-ROM 4) Local Tape *a) Remote directory /CDROM/dist from server mars.

Enter 1-4 to select source type, a to select the source, <esc> toquit,or <enter> to start:

Press Enter.

■ If you are using a remote software distribution directory, enter 2 or click theRemote Directory icon.

When a notifier appears that asks you to enter the name of the remote host, typethe system’s name, a colon (:), and the full pathname of the softwaredistribution directory. For example:


Click Accept on the notifier window, then click Accept on the System Recoverywindow.

On systems without graphics, you are prompted for the host as above, then yousee this menu:

1) Remote Tape 2)[Remote Directory] 3) Local CD-ROM 4) Local Tape *a) Remote directory /dist/6.2 from server mars.

Enter 1-4 to select source type, a to select the source, <esc> toquit,or <enter> to start:

Press Enter.

Crash Recovery


4. The system begins reading recovery and installation from the CD. It takesapproximately five minutes to copy the information that it needs. After everythingis copied from the CD or remote directory to the system disk you see messagesincluding:

************************************************************* ** CRASH RECOVERY ** *************************************************************

You may type sh to get a shell prompt at most questions

Checking for tape devices

The next message asks for the location of the tape drive that you will use to read asystem backup tape you created prior to the system crash using the Backup andRestore tool on the System menu of the System Toolchest or using the Backup(1)script.

5. If you have a local tape device, you see this message:

Restore will be from tapename. OK? ([y]es, [n]o): [y]

tapename is the name of the local tape device. Answer y if this is the correct tapedrive and n if is not.

6. If you have a remote (network) tape device, no tape device was found, or youanswered “no” to the question in the previous step, you see this message:

Remote or local restore ([r]emote, [l]ocal): [l]

■ If you answer “remote,” you have chosen to restore from the network, and youare then asked to enter the following information: the hostname of the remotesystem, the name of the tape device on the remote system, the IP address of theremote system, and the IP address of your system. The IP address must consistof two to four numbers, separated by periods, such as

■ If you answer “local,” you have chosen a tape device that is connected to yoursystem, and you are then asked to enter the name of the tape device.


Chapter 7: Basic Troubleshooting

7. When you see the following message, insert your most recent full backup tape, thenpress Enter.

Insert the first Backup tape in the drive, thenpress (<enter>, [q]uit (from recovery), [r]estart):

8. There is a pause while the program identifies the filesystems on the tape andattempts to mount those filesystems under /root. Then you see this message:

Erase all old filesystems and make new ones (y, n, sh): [n]

You have three choices:

■ Answer n for no. After additional prompts confirming the filesystems to beread, the files on the tape are extracted. The version of each file on the tapereplaces the version, if any, on the disk even if the version on the disk is newer.

■ Answer y for yes. After additional confirming prompts and prompts aboutfilesystem types, the system erases all of the filesystems and copies everythingfrom your backup tape to the disk.

■ Answer sh to escape to a shell. You are now in the miniroot environment andcan investigate the damage to the system or attempt to save files that have beencreated or modified since the backup tape was created. After exiting the shell,you have the opportunity to remake filesystems and/or read the backup tape.

9. After reading the full backup tape, this prompt gives you the opportunity to readincremental backup tapes:

Do you have incremental backup tapes to restore ([y]es, [n]o(none)): [n]

Insert another tape and answer y if you have additional tape, answer n otherwise.

10. This prompt gives you the opportunity to reboot your system if recovery iscomplete, begin the crash recovery process again at the beginning, or re-read yourfirst backup tape:

Reboot, start over, or first tape again? ([r]eboot, [s]tart,[f]irst) [r]

If you are ready to reboot, answer r, otherwise choose start or first.

Crash Recovery


From time to time you may experience a system crash due to file corruption. Systemscease operating (“crash”) for a variety of reasons. Most common are software crashes,followed by power failures of some sort, and least common are actual hardware failures.Regardless of the type of system crash, if your system files are lost or corrupted, you mayneed to recover your system from backups to its pre-crash configuration.

Once you repair or replace any damaged hardware, you are ready to recover the system.Regardless of the nature of your crash, you should reference the information in thesection “Restoring a Filesystem from the System Maintenance Menu” in the IRIX Admin:Backup, Security, and Accounting manual.

The System Maintenance Menu recovery command is designed for use as a full backupsystem recovery. After you have done a full restore from your last complete backup, youmay restore newer files from incremental backups at your convenience. This commandis designed to be used with archives made using the Backup(1) utility or through theSystem Manager. The System Manager is described in detail in the Personal SystemAdministration Guide. System recovery from the System Maintenance Menu is notintended for use with the tar(1), cpio(1), dd(1), or dump(1) utilities. You can use theseother utilities after you have recovered your system.

You may also be able to restore filesystems from the miniroot. For example, if your rootfilesystem has been corrupted, you may be able to boot the miniroot, unmount the rootfilesystem, and then use the miniroot version of restore, xfs_restore, bru, cpio, or tar torestore your root filesystem. Refer to the man pages on these commands for details ontheir application.

Refer to the IRIX Admin: System Configuration and Operation manual for instructions ongood general system administration practices.


Appendix A

A. System Specifications

Table A-1 and Table A-2 provide technical specifications for the Silicon Graphics Onyx2rack system.

Table A-1 Physical and Environmental Specifications

Parameter Specification


Installed: lengthwidthheight

39” (99 cm)29” (74 cm)73” (185 cm)

Shipping: lengthwidthheight

81” (206 cm)47” (120 cm)49” (125 cm)

Weight: minimum (empty rack)maximum (full rack)shipping (maximum)

300 lbs (136 kg)750 lbs (340 kg)900 lbs (408 kg)

Floor Loading: minimummaximum

38 lb/ft2 (185 kg/m2)95 lb/ft2 (466 kg/m2)

Air Temperature: operating (< 5000 ft)operating (> 5000 ft)non-operating

41 to 95 °F (5 to 35 °C)41 to 86 °F (5 to 30 °C)

−4 to 140°F (−20 to 60 °C)

Thermal Gradient: maximum 18 °F (10 °C) per hour

Altitude: operatingnon-operating

10,000 ft (3,048 m) MSL, maximum40,000 ft (12,192 m) MSL, maximum


Appendix A: System Specifications

Table A-2 Electrical and Cooling Specifications

Parameter Specification

Voltage: 187-264 Volts, 1-phase


maximum 5750 watts

Power Factor: minimum 0.98

Inrush Current: maximum 400

Frequency: 47-63 Hertz

Heat Output: maximum 19,550 Btu/hr (1.63 ton AC load)


Appendix B

B. Drive Maintenance

This appendix describes the preventive maintenance required for systems having1/4-inch tape drives, 4-mm DAT and 8-mm tape drives, as well as CD-ROM drives.

Cleaning the 4-mm DAT and 8-mm Tape Drives

These are the manufacturers’ recommended cleaning schedules:

• Clean the 4-mm DAT drive every 25 hours of use.

• Clean the 8-mm tape drive once every 30 GB of data transferred, or after 15 passes.

Note: When the drive heads are dirty and need cleaning, the units may exhibit eitherread or write errors.

Use only an approved cleaning kit when cleaning the drives. You can use a cleaning kita limited number of times before you must replace it. For example, you can use the 4-mmdrive cleaning kit approximately 60 times; however, you can use the 8-mm drive cleaningcartridge only 12 times. Refer to the information supplied with the cleaning kit todetermine the replacement interval. Do not use cleaning kits that are intended for use inaudio DAT units, since these cassettes are not recognized by the drives covered in thisguide.


Appendix B: Drive Maintenance

4-mm DAT Drive

The 4-mm DAT drive provides data storage on 60-, 90-, and 120-meter digital datastorage (DDS) DAT cassettes. The drive complies with the American National StandardsInstitute (ANSI) DDS and DDS-2 formats and uses a small DAT with 4-mm tape. Thedata transfer rate is 183 KB per second. Note that these capacity and transfer rate figuresare approximate.

Loading and Unloading Cassettes

Insert the cassette so that the arrow on the top of the cassette enters the drive first. To loada cassette, insert it into the drive and push gently on the middle of the cassette until thetape is fully recessed in the drive unit.

When you load a tape into the drive, the unit checks to see if the tape is initialized. Thischecking process takes between 10 and 20 seconds. If the tape has never been initialized,the drive will initialize it when you first start to write data to the tape. Initializing the tapetakes an extra 30 seconds beyond what is required to write the data.

Note: Do not remove the tape from the drive while it is being initialized.

To remove a cassette, press the unload button on the face of the drive. The unitautomatically rewinds the tape and ejects it partway. Grasp the cassette and remove itfrom the drive. Note that the unload button is disabled when the drive is in use.

Removing a Jammed 4-mm Cassette

To remove a 4-mm tape that has jammed in the drive, follow these steps:

1. Power-cycle the tape drive and then try ejecting it.

2. If that does not eject the drive, power-cycle it while holding down the unloadbutton.

If neither of these two steps ejects the jammed cassette, contact your service provider.

4-mm DAT Drive


Cleaning the 4-mm DAT Drive

Note: Every time you use the cleaning cassette, the drive uses a new, unused portion ofthe tape. After about 30 uses, the tape is used up and you must obtain a new one. Alwaysnote the number of times you use each cleaning cassette. Never use an audio DATcleaning cartridge in your DDS-2 drive.

Using only a DDS-qualified DAT drive cleaning cassette:

1. Insert the cleaning cartridge into the drive. The drive automatically detects that thecassette is a cleaning cassette, then loads and runs the cassette. After about 10 to 15seconds, the cleaning is complete and the drive ejects the cassette.

2. Remove the cleaning cassette from the drive and make a note, either in a log book oron the cassette itself, that you used the cleaning kit.

Front Panel Lights

The 4-mm drive has two LEDs, one green and one yellow, that indicate the status of theunit (see Table B-1).

Table B-1 4-mm DAT Front Panel LED Status Indicators

LED Action Meaning

Yellow On (lit) The drive is reading or writing the tape (normaloperation).

Yellow Flashing Rapidly A hardware fault occurred or condensation wasdetected in the unit (error).

Green On (lit) A cassette is loaded in the drive and it does not generateexcess errors (beyond a predefined error threshold):this is normal operation.

Green Flashing Slowly A cassette is inserted, but is generating excess softerrors (warning: heads may need cleaning).

Green Flashing Slowlywith Yellow LED

A prerecorded audio cassette is inserted and is beingplayed automatically.

Green Flashing Rapidly The drive cannot write the tape correctly (error). Cleanthe heads or confirm tape is writable.


Appendix B: Drive Maintenance

Care and Cleaning of the Exabyte 8-mm Tape Drive

Cleaning the tape drive requires use of an EXABYTE 8-mm cleaning cartridge or oneapproved by Exabyte.

Caution: Use of cleaning materials not approved by Exabyte may void the tape drive’swarranty.

To clean the tape drive:

1. Check to see if an 8-mm tape cartridge is present in the drive. If so, press the unloadbutton and remove the cartridge. Leave the drive’s door open.

2. Insert the Exabyte or Exabyte-compatible cleaning cartridge and close the drive. Thetape drive automatically runs through the 15-second cleaning cycle. The tape ejectsautomatically when cleaning is complete.

Note: If the cleaning cartridge is ejected from the drive before the 15-second cleaningcycle ends, the cartridge has reached the maximum number of cleaning cycles andshould be discarded. Do not rewind the cleaning cartridge or use it for more than itsspecified number of cleaning cycles. Remove the cartridge, record the date on the label,and store it for future use.

Front Panel Lights

The 8-mm tape drive has three front panel lights (see Figure B-1).

Figure B-1 8-mm Tape Drive Front Panel

Error indicator (orange)

SCSI bus activity indicator(green or orange)

Tape motion indicator(green)

Unload button

Care and Cleaning of the Exabyte 8-mm Tape Drive


Table B-2 shows a specific combination of LEDs that may occur during tape driveoperation and the tape drive states that they indicate.

Removing a Jammed 8-mm Tape Cartridge

To remove a tape that has jammed in an 8-mm tape drive, follow these steps:

1. Power-cycle the tape drive and then try ejecting it.

2. If that does not eject the drive, power-cycle it while holding down the unloadbutton.

If neither of these steps ejects the cartridge, contact your service provider.

Table B-2 LED States and Interpretations

LED State Top LED (errors) Middle LED (SCSI) Bottom LED (motion)

Self-test start On On (green) On

Self-test end On Flashing(irregularly)


Self-test fails Flashing (fast) Flashing(irregularly)


Ready (no tape) Off Flashing(irregularly)


Ready (tape) Off Flashing(irregularly)


Normal tapemotion

Off Flashing(irregularly)

Flashing (slowly)

High-speed tapemotion

Off Flashing(irregularly)

Flashing (fast)

SCSI bus reset On Flashing(irregularly)


Error Flashing (slowly) Flashing(irregularly)


Time to clean Flashing (fast) Flashing(irregularly)

Flashing (fast)


Appendix B: Drive Maintenance

CD-ROM Care and Maintenance

CD-ROM drives are most vulnerable to damage when they are unpacked and not yetmounted in a computer system. When handling a drive after unpacking, there are twomajor types of damage to be aware of:

• rough handling (impact damage)

• electrostatic discharge (ESD)

Dropping an unpacked drive onto a hard surface can cause damage. A sharp jolt cancause the laser to track improperly.

Avoid touching the drive’s printed circuit board (PCB). Leave the unit in ESD protectivewrap as long as possible. Use a static-conductive mat and or antistatic grounding deviceswhen inspecting or handling the drive. Additional handling tips are given below:

1. Keep the drive in the packing box or antistatic bag until the installation.

2. Handle the drive by its frame; avoid touching the drive’s PCB.

3. Install drives in a clean work area.

4. Wear a properly grounded ESD strap when handling the drive.

To remove dust or other particles from a CD, use compressed air. You may also clean theCD in running water and then blot it dry with a soft lintless cloth (do not use a papertowel). Wipe the cloth directly outward from the center of the disc. Do not rub in acircular motion as you would with a standard phonograph record.

Caution: Do not use solvents or other common cleaners, and do not use your mouth toblow dust or other particles off the disc.

Individual discs should be handled by the edges only (see Figure B-2). Touching orscratching the bottom of the disc can mar the finish and degrade the optical readabilityof the media. Do not write, label, or mark on any surface of the compact disc. Anauto-eject occurs when you insert a very dirty or badly scratched disc (or a disc placedlabel-side down in the drive).

CD-ROM Care and Maintenance


Figure B-2 Handling a Compact Disc

CD-ROM Environmental Considerations

Bringing a disc from a cold to a warm environment may cause moisture to form on itssurface. Wipe any condensed moisture off with a soft lint-free cloth (not a paper towel)before use. Allow approximately one hour for the disc to acclimate to room temperature.

Protect the discs from dust, scratches, and warping by storing them in a plastic storagecontainer (known as a jewel case). Never leave or store discs in the following areas:

• locations exposed to direct sunlight

• dusty and/or humid environments

• areas directly exposed to heating appliances or heat outlets

• a vehicle parked in the sun


Appendix B: Drive Maintenance

CD-ROM Front Panel Operational Features

A number of operational items are located on the drive’s front panel:

• The headphone jack receptacle accepts a 3.5-mm diameter stereo plug.

• The volume control dial is located to the right of the headphone jack. Use it to adjustthe sound level of the drive.

• A drive busy indicator LED is located to the left of the eject button. When this LED isblinking, it indicates drive activity. The LED stays dark when no disc is loaded inthe drive. See Figure B-3 for details on blink patterns and the status they indicate forthe drive.

• The eject button is located at the right side of the front panel. It works only when theCD-ROM drive is powered on. The disc drawer (caddy) will not eject if theCD-ROM is in an active (busy) state. After pushing the eject button, two to threeseconds will elapse before release occurs.

• An emergency eject hole is located at the far right of the drive. It is used to eject the CDwhen the normal procedure does not work. Insert the end of a large, straightenedpaper clip into the hole until the caddy drawer slides out.

Figure B-3 CD-ROM Drive LED Status Indicators

Seconds elapsed

Cleaning of disc or drive needed

Disc is playing an audio track

Disc access and transfer

Drive status

Caddy load/spin up/standby

Unacceptable disc media

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

LED off − drive ready

LED off − disc auto−ejects

= LED on = LED off

On Off

Quarter-Inch Cartridge Tape Drive Preventive Maintenance


Quarter-Inch Cartridge Tape Drive Preventive Maintenance

Head cleaning is the only preventive maintenance required by the 1/4-inch tape drive.The tape head should be cleaned after every eight hours of tape drive operation and afterevery two hours of operation when new tapes are used exclusively.

Note: The head cleaning procedure must be routinely done after every two to eighthours of operation to ensure proper tape drive functions.

Clean the tape head by following these steps:

1. Remove the tape cartridge from the tape drive.

2. Push the head loading lever to the right, as if you had installed a tape. This engagesthe tape head, allowing you to reach it.

3. Dip a clean, non-fibrous cotton swab in tape head cleaning fluid and wipe the tapehead (see Figure B-4).

4. Use a second, clean swab and wipe the head again, to remove any residue.

Caution: Do not use cotton swabs that have wooden stems. The tip of the swab canbreak off and become lodged in the tape drive.


Appendix B: Drive Maintenance

Figure B-4 Tape Head Cleaning


Appendix C

C. Module System Controller Messages

A complete list of all of the possible module System Controller messages is provided inTable C-1.

Table C-1 MSC Alpha-Numeric Display Messages

MSC Message Meaning

CHK INV The current system configuration is different than the storedhardware inventory. Run “update” to eliminate this message.

FAN FAIL A system fan has failed. If it is fan 1, 2, or 3, the system shuts down.A service call should be placed as soon as possible.

HBT TO The system has registered a heart beat time-out. A non-maskableinterrupt is generated, followed by a system reset.

KEY OFF The MSC keyswitch has been turned to standby.

M FAN FL More than one fan has failed and the system has shut down.

NMI The MSC keyswitch has been turned to the diagnostic position, andthe non-maskable interrupt (NMI) button has been pushed.

OVR TEMP The system’s temperature has exceeded acceptable limits and thesystem has shut down.

PFW FAIL The power supplied to the system has failed or dropped belowacceptable parameters. The system has shut down.

POK FAIL A power OK failure occurred on an unidentified board.

POWER UP The system is being powered on from the front panel switch.

PS OT FL The system’s power supply temperature has exceeded safety limitsand the system has shut down.

PS FAIL The internal power supply has failed and the system has shut down.

PWR CYCL The MSC has received the command to power cycle from theconsole or a remote user.


Appendix C: Module System Controller Messages

R PWR DN The system is being powered off remotely via the MSC serialconnection (typically by an MMSC).

R PWR UP The system is being powered on remotely via the MSC serialconnection (typically by an MMSC).

RESET The MSC keyswitch has been turned to the diagnostic position, andthe reset button has been pushed.

SYS OK The system is operating normally.

Table C-1 (continued) MSC Alpha-Numeric Display Messages

MSC Message Meaning


Appendix D

D. Video Format Combiner Tutorial

This appendix consists of example exercises designed to demonstrate tasks you canperform using the video combiner utility with your graphics system. It includes:

• modifying video formats

• saving video format combinations to the GE board’s EEPROM

• resizing a single-channel combination

• using ircombine with GVO

This appendix also includes instructions for redisplaying graphics if the monitor shouldstop displaying video during one of the examples (or at any other time).

The information in this appendix is intended only as an introductory overview of theCombiner. For more detailed information on using the Combiner with your Onyx2graphics system, see the InfiniteReality Video Format Combiner User’s Guide.

Reinitializing Graphics

The example exercises in this appendix are based on the assumption that a SiliconGraphics multisync monitor is connected to Channel 0. If the monitor attached toChannel 0 is unable to sync to any of the formats used in the example, it ceases displayingvideo.

The first time graphics was initialized, or during the first power-on of the system withgraphics installed, the video output was defined for the channels available on theworkstation. To reinitialize graphics, enter

(/usr/gfx/stopgfx ; /usr/gfx/startgfx) &

at the IRIX prompt. Note that the parentheses are necessary.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Figure D-1 shows an example of the main window interface.

Figure D-1 Combiner Main Window

Each example starts from the Combiner’s main window.

Modifying Video Formats


Modifying Video Formats

This exercise consists of

• performing steps to avoid a reboot

• selecting a video format for Channel 0

• selecting a video format for Channel 1

Each procedure is explained in a separate section.

Performing Steps to Avoid a Reboot

Before modifying and downloading new video format combinations, you can avoidhaving to reboot the graphics system if you select a combination of window sizes that donot encompass the Combiner main window controls or an IRIX shell window. Followthese steps:

1. Bring up an IRIX shell window and reduce it to 80 x 24 using the size option on thepulldown menu from mouse button three.

2. Drag the IRIX shell to the lower left corner of the screen.

3. Launch the Combiner main window (if you have not already done so).

4. Position the Combiner’s main window in the upper left corner of the screen.

5. Resize the Combiner’s main window so that none of the IRIX shell window iscovered: click the lower right corner of the Combiner main window and move itupward.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Figure D-2 shows the main window with Channels 0 and 1 in the managed area.

Figure D-2 Combiner Main Window With Channels Selected

Modifying Video Formats


Selecting a Video Format for Channel 0

To select the first channel to modify (Channel 0), follow these steps:

1. Click Ch0 in the Combiner main window. This selection corresponds to Chan0connections on the system’s I/O panel.

2. In the Files window that appears, select the 640x480_60.vfo file as the video formatfor that channel; see Figure D-3.

Figure D-3 Selecting a Channel Format

3. Click OK. The Ch0 rectangle appears in the Combiner’s main window.

Do not close the Files window.

4. Click on the bottom line (not the corner) of the rectangle and drag it to the bottomleft corner of the main window.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Selecting a Video Format for Channel 1

Select and modify Channel 1 using the following steps:

1. Click Ch1 on the main window.

2. Move the cursor to the Files window and click the 640x480_60.vfo file option.

3. Click OK. A Channel 1 (Ch1) rectangle appears in the upper left portion of theCombiner main window.

Note: In this example, you set the origin of Channel 1 precisely to (4,10). You coulddo this by clicking on the line of the rectangle and dragging it, as you did for Channel0. However, in this exercise you specify the Ch1 origin numerically by editing theCh1 attributes in the following steps.

4. Bring up the Attributes window by double-clicking the Ch1 button in the Combinermain window. The Channel 1 Attributes window appears, as shown in Figure D-4.

Modifying Video Formats


Figure D-4 Channel Attributes Window

5. Click the cursor in the first (far left) Origin box.

6. Replace the value in the left Origin box (the x-origin box) with 4; press Enter.

7. Move to the right Origin box (the y-origin box) and replace the value with 10; pressEnter. See Figure D-4 for an example.

8. Click Close in the Attributes window.

9. Move the cursor to the Combiner main window and click Download combination.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

At this point, the video system is displaying the configuration specified in the exercisejust completed:

• Channel 0 is displaying the lower left portion of the frame buffer where youoriginally placed the IRIX shell window.

• Channel 1 is displaying the upper left portion of the frame buffer where theCombiner’s main window was placed.

To return to a 1280 x 1024 video output, enter /usr/gfx/setmon -n 1280x1024_72 inthe IRIX shell window.

Go on to the next example or close the Combiner’s main window.

Saving Video Format Combinations to the GE Board’s EEPROM

Before starting this exercise, be sure to read the information in “Reinitializing Graphics”on page 159.

This example assumes that the Combiner main window is open. If it is not, follow theinstructions at the beginning of this appendix.

Saving Video Format Combinations to the GE Board’s EEPROM


In the Combiner main window, select “New” from the File pulldown menu. Then clickOK in the warning box. You are now ready to create and save a new video formatcombination to the GE board’s EEPROM. The video format consists of two channels;each one is a 960x680_60.vfo format. Use the following steps to make and save all thechanges:

1. Click Edit globals in the main window’s bottom right corner. The CombinationAttributes window appears, as shown in Figure D-5.

Figure D-5 Combination Attributes Window

2. Change the Managed Area fields at the top of the Attributes window to read 1000 inthe left-hand box and 680 in the right-hand box.

3. Click the Attributes window’s Close button.

4. Click Ch1 in the Combiner’s main window. The Select Format box appears.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

5. Find and double-click the 960x680_60.vfo file format. An error message appears atthe lower left corner of the Combiner’s main window, as shown in Figure D-6:“Textport channel Ch0 invalid.”

Figure D-6 Textport Error Message on the Main Window

Saving Video Format Combinations to the GE Board’s EEPROM


When this or any other error message appears in the main window, you cannot usethe “Download combination” or “Save to EEPROM” functions. In this example, theerror condition goes away after you define Ch0.

6. Click and drag the Channel 1 (Ch1) box on the main window to the right until it isblocked by the red vertical line.

The red line represents the right-hand boundary of the specified Managed Area(1000) that you entered in step 2. The excess space to the right of the red linerepresents an unusable area. The Combiner does not permit you to positionchannels in that area.

7. Click Ch0 in the Combiner main window.

8. In the Select Formats box that appears, find and double-click the 960x680_60.vfo fileformat.

At this point, you have specified a video format combination with two videoformats that are both equal to 960x680_60. The two channels are slightly offset butmostly overlapping, as shown in Figure D-7.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Figure D-7 Combiner Main Window With Overlapping Channels

9. In the File pulldown menu in the Combiner’s main window, select “Save toEEPROM.“

Saving Video Format Combinations to the GE Board’s EEPROM


10. In the “Saving to hardware” dialog box that appears, click Download (seeFigure D-8).

Figure D-8 Saving to Hardware Dialog Box

The format combination is now loaded in the GE board’s EEPROM, but it does nottake effect until the graphics subsystem is restarted.

11. In the File pulldown menu in the main window, select Exit.

12. Click OK when the Warning dialog box appears (see Figure D-9).

Figure D-9 Exit Warning Dialog Box

13. Enter the following in the IRIX shell window to restart system graphics:

(/usr/gfx/stopgfx ; /usr/gfx/startgfx) &.

14. When the Login window appears, log in as root (superuser). The video system isnow outputting a 960x680_60 format on Channels 0 and 1.

The video system retains this configuration even after rebooting because the960x680_60 Video Format Combination is saved in the GE board’s EEPROM.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

To reset the EEPROM to the standard 1280 x 1024 format combination, enter/usr/gfx/setmon -n 1280x1024_72 at the IRIX prompt. Then restart the graphicssystem (as in step 13) to activate the format combination reset. When the Login windowappears, log in as root.

Resizing a Single-Channel Combination

Before starting this exercise, be sure to read the information in “Reinitializing Graphics”on page 159.

In this final example, you create a single-channel combination that is “static resized” andis saved to and loaded from a combination file. Follow these steps:

1. Open an IRIX shell window, click the third mouse button and use the Size pulldownmenu to change the shell to 80 x 24.

2. Place the 80 x 24 shell window behind the Video Format Combiner main window,but make sure the command-line prompt is visible.

3. Click Ch0 on the Combiner’s main window. The Select Format window appears.

4. Find and double-click the 1280x1024_72.vfo file. The Channel 0 (Ch0) rectangle fillsthe entire 1280 x 1024 managed area in the main window.

5. In the Channel pulldown menu, select “Grab Window.” The cursor turns into across.

6. Move the cross (cursor) into the IRIX shell window and click the mouse button. Therectangle in the Combiner’s main window representing Ch0 now represents thearea of the framebuffer covered by the 80 x 24 IRIX shell that you clicked in. SeeFigure D-10 for a screen example.

Note: This area becomes resized to fit the entire Channel 0 output when thecombination is loaded. You can resize a channel’s input area by clicking anddragging any of the four corners of its main window rectangle. That resizing methodis not covered in this exercise.

Caution: Do not move the IRIX shell window until you complete this exercise.

Resizing a Single-Channel Combination


Figure D-10 Static Resize Selection


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

7. From the File pulldown menu in the Combiner main window, select “Save As.” Theircombine window appears (see Figure D-11).

Figure D-11 Save a Combination

8. In the “Save combination as” field, type test.cmb at the end of the path and clickOK.

9. Select “Exit” from the File pulldown menu in the Combiner’s main window.

10. In the shell window you clicked in step 6, enter

% /usr/gfx/setmon -n test

The screen blanks momentarily and then displays the IRIX shell window resized to1280 x 1024 (the entire screen display).

Note: If no usable window appears, you can recover the default video displaycombination following the instructions in “Redisplaying Graphics” on page 177.

Using Ircombine With GVO


11. Revert to the previous display configuration by entering

% /usr/gfx/setmon -n 1280x1024_72.

The entire screen should reappear in the 1280 x 1024 format.

12. Select Exit from the File pulldown menu on the Combiner’s main window toconclude the exercise.

Using Ircombine With GVO

The Graphics to Video Option (GVO) provides direct graphics output to broadcastcomponent digital video devices. If you have this option installed in your system, theGVO button on the main panel of ircombine will be enabled, and you will have anadditional channel available under ircombine.

Defining a Video Format Combination using GVO

To define a combination using GVO in genlocked mode, complete the following steps:

1. Click CH0 in the combiner window. Select 1280x1024_60.vfo from the files window.Click OK. A large Ch0 rectangle will appear in the combiner window.

2. Click GVO in the combiner window. A small GVO rectangle will appear in theupper-left corner of the combiner window.

3. Bring up the Attributes window by double-clicking the GVO button in theCombiner window, or by selecting Edit Attributes from the Channel menu. TheGVO attributes window will appear (see Figure D-12). From this panel you canselect a number of options for the GVO output channel. You should pay particularattention to the Output Format, Source Channel, Pixel Format, Data Format andGamma settings on this panel. When you have selected the values you want, clickthe Close button.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Figure D-12 GVO Attributes Window

Redisplaying Graphics


4. GVO is normally used with the graphics subsystem genlocked to an external videosource connected to the genlock input of the DG5 board. To enable thisfunctionality, complete the following steps:

• Click the Edit Globals button on the main combiner window.

• Open the Sync Source menu and select External as the value.

• Click the Browse button next to the Sync Format text box.

• Select 646x486_30i.vfo as the sync format and click OK.

5. You may now save or download this combination as usual. If you are working in an50Hz environment, you would use 1280x1024_50.vfo on channel 0 and768x576_25i.vfo as the external sync format.

Redisplaying Graphics

If the monitor should stop displaying video during one of the examples or during anyother type of Combiner use, the following steps should provide a solution:

1. Connect a monitor to Channel 0 that can display the required format(s). If video isstill not visible, go on to step 2.

2. Log in to the system remotely or connect an ASCII terminal to serial port tty_1, ifpossible. Become superuser (root) and enter the command

# /usr/gfx/setmon -n 72

If this does not work, enter

# /usr/gfx/setmon -x 72

Restart the graphics by entering

# (/usr/gfx/stopgfx ; /usr/gfx/startgfx) &.

3. Reboot the system using the System Controller if the first two steps do not work. If,after rebooting, the video still does not display, wait for several minutes and go tothe next step for an additional process.

4. Enter 1; attempt to reboot the system to single user by entering

# /usr/gfx/setmon -x 72

(even though you are unable to see any screen display of your inputs). When youbelieve you have succeeded, reboot again.


Appendix D: Video Format Combiner Tutorial

Call your Onyx2 service provider for additional information and assistance if these stepsdo not restore your system’s video output.

Combiner Interface Summary

The Combiner interface has many functions besides those listed in the previousexamples. You can use the Combiner to

• define a channel using an on-screen window as input

• copy an existing channel format and content to a new channel

• align one channel with another

• change the video format for a channel (or delete it entirely)

• edit the attributes (size, pixel format, and so on) of a channel

• select the “field layout” order in which data is scanned from the framebuffer

• select and copy a video format stored in a different file

• choose an output pixel format for a particular channel

• control cursor behavior in overlapping rectangles by setting the cursor priority

• allocate pixel width and depth for framebuffer fields

• set horizontal and vertical phase for a given channel

• specify whether sync components have sync enabled by default

• modify the brightness characteristics of the monitor

• change the default output video gain value for a channel

• save a combination of all the channels present in the Combiner’s main window andmake global changes to them

• arrange the pixels (set pixel depth) in the framebuffer to optimize framebufferoutput speeds

• select the internal sync (or use an external source that is connected to the “GenlockIn” port)

• save a video format combination as a default and write it to EEPROM

• run a user-defined hardware configuration simulating more RM/TM boards thanyou have installed (used when an application is too large).



13W3 pinouts, 6121-inch monitor

connection of, 9224-inch monitor, 9268-pin SCSI connector, 848-mm tape drive

front panel lights, 150removing jammed cassettes, 151


Action menu, 102adding a drive, 115ambient incoming air temperature, 128apropos command, xxi


BALUN adapters, 82BaseIO assembly, 66


cable bails, 115cable cover door, 109cable options, 63

cable pinout assignmentsfor the composite video (RCA) port, 75for the Ethernet 10-BASE T port, 67

CD-ROM drivefront panel features, 154

cleaning, 150cleaning cartridge

useful life, 150cleaning cartridges, for tape drives, 150cleaning materials for 8-mm tape drive, 150Combiner main window, 161commands

apropos, xxigrelnotes, xximakewhatis, xximan, xxirelnotes, xxi

components on the front of the graphics rack, 27composite video (RCA), cable pinout assignments,

75compute module, 20connectors, 25controls, 25Customer Replaceable Unit

defined, 107


DAT drivecapacities, 148




data transfer rate, 148front panel lights, 149loading and unloading cassettes, 148removing jammed cassettes, 148

default video format, 92DG5 I/O panel, 61digital audio connectors, 82directory memory, 18disk module, 115distributed memory, 18documentation

available via the World Wide Web, xxiirelease notes, xxi

drives in the compute module, 112


electrostatic discharge, 109ESD, 109


Field Replaceable Units, identifying, 112


graphics BaseIO panel, 37graphics module, 20, 31graphics module midplane, 20graphics-to-video option, 61grelnotes command, xxi


horizontal and vertical sync, 63


Identifying Field Replaceable Units, 112incoming air temperature, 128independent memory source, 18indicators, 25InfiniteReality graphics pipes, 31insert a disk module, 115installation and removal procedures, 107interdependence of the XIO slots, 36IO6G, 37I/O panel, 37I/O subsystem, 15IRIX operating system, 104


keyboard and mouse connectors, 72keyboard port, cable pinout assignments, 74KTOWN interface board, 48


LEDs, 43LEDs, on the module power supply, 136line level audio, 75line level inputs and outputs, 75loopthrough, 82


main memory slots, 18major parts of the Onyx2, 25makewhatis command, xximan command, xxi



midplane, 20MMSC front panel display, 121module power supply problems, 135mouse cables, 72mouse extension cable, 72mouse port, cable pinout assignments, 74multidimensional mesh, 16multimodule System Controller, 121multimodule System Controller logic unit, 122multirack configuration, 51


noncritical fan, 127


Onyx2 multirack configurations, 51Onyx2 rack physical characteristics, 23operating system, 104optional interface boards, 36


page migration hardware, 18PDU power switch, 99physical characteristics

Onyx2 rack, 23physical inspection, 134physical location requirements for chassis, 23pinouts for the monitor connectors, 61power distribution unit, 95Power Down option, 105Powering down the system, 109

power off, 105power-on procedures, 95Power Up option, 102primary keyboard and mouse, 72processing board, 40processor activity screen, 103, 122


reboot the system, 137release notes, how to view, xxirelnotes command, xxiremove a disk drive module, 113remove the module System Controller, 118required Node board slot positions, 40restore filesystems, 138RS-232 standard, 77


safety information, 91scale the system bandwidth, 16SCSI-2 devices, 84second-level cache support, 18shared memory, 18soft power-off, 128standard monitor, 92symmetric multiprocessing, 16System Controller serial console connectors, 125system crash, 143system power-on tests, 102system reset switch, 128system-wide reset, 127




tape drive, cleaning, 150tape drive cleaning instructions, 150


unload button, on tape drive, 150


vertical sync for monitors, 63


Weight, 145World Wide Web

documentation available, xxiiSGI URL (address), xxii


XIO boards, 20XIO rules, 36XIO slots, 33XLR connectors, 82