SFC CLP Talk #9 - Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit

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Transcript of SFC CLP Talk #9 - Receiving the Power of the Holy Spirit

October 29, 2013


Receiving thePower of the Holy Spirit

Ask Good Questions?

How young I am?

What’s next after I die?

Why I am here?

I am what I do.

I am what they say.

I am what I have.

Who I am?

I am God’s Beloved.(Sons & Daughters of God)



Holy SPIRIT(Love)

Eternal Exchange of LOVE from TRINITY

GOD (Lover)

God sent Jesus, “God is with us.”Jesus sent the Holy Spirit, “God is within us.”

#1 The Holy Spirit reveals the Son of God, Christ.

Just as the Son revealed the Father, our Lord said He would send the Holy Spirit to reveal the Son.(John 3:16), Philip said to Jesus, “Show us the Father.”

About the Holy Spirit



John 16:7

“But I tell you the truth:It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.”

God's promise of the Holy Spirit.

We have lost His corporal presence but the spiritual presence has taken its place.

Let’s begin…

The Cenacle on Mount Zion, the location of the Last Supper and Pentecost.

50 days after the Resurrection; Pentecost,

Jesus Christ poured out the Spirit in abundance and revealed him as a divine Person so that the Holy Trinity was fully manifest.

3,000 are converted! The Church was born.


1 Corinthians 12:1,4‑111. Gift of Wisdom2. Gift of Knowledge3. Gift of Faith4. Gift of Healing5. Gift of Prophecy6. Gift of Speaking in Tongues7. Gift of Interpretation of Tongues8. Gift of Discernment9. Gift of Miracle

We can receive the same Spiritual Gifts.

We are invited to be Fruitful, not to be successful.

INWARD New life. Galatians 5:16‑23 OUTWARD Power to serve. Acts 1:8

The Holy Spirit cleanses us from our sins. (become Holy) The Holy Spirit enlightens the intellect. (have Wisdom) The Holy Spirit assists us to keep the commandments. The Holy Spirit strengthens in us the hope of eternal life. The Holy Spirit teaches us what is the will of God. The Holy Spirit makes Christ more real than ever….

With the Holy Spirit

Let’s Prepare!

Downward Mobility

We are here to claim God's promise of the Holy Spirit. Luke 11:9‑13

This is not a second baptism (for Catholics). Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit. You shall ask God to give what He promised.

And expect it to happen! Just turn to the Lord and receive the new life of the Holy

Spirit from Him.

We understand Christ because we have the Spirit of Christ.

With the Holy Spirit

Receiving the gift of tongues. It is a gift of praise.

You know what you need. Ask for it. God is offering you various gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:4‑11. Be open to whatever God wants to give you. (GIVER) 1. Relax. 2. Don't be afraid 3. We love you. You shall ask God to give what He promised.

And expect it to happen! Just turn to the Lord and receive the new life of the Holy

Spirit from Him.

Receiving God's Gifts

Let’s Pray!

Do you renounce Satan and all wrongdoing?Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died to free us from our sins, and that he rose to bring us new life?

Will you follow Jesus as your Lord?

Lord Jesus Christ, I want to belong to you from now on. I want to be free from the dominion of darkness and the rule of Satan, and I want to enter into your Kingdom and be a part of your people. I will turn away from all wrongdoing, and I will avoid everything that leads me to wrongdoing. I ask you to forgive all the sins that I have committed. I offer my life to you, and I promise to obey you as my Lord. I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. AMEN.


Let’s ponder!





Let’s Praise!


PRAYING THE ROSARY is our sure way to MAMA MARY.


Jesus Christ(virtues)


Holy Spirit(fruits)

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God LOVES YouNo matter what!


Thank you!

Love from Jesus, fill us!Holy Spirit, guide us!God the Father,your will be done! AMEN