Sexual Harassment

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Sexual Harassment

Sexual HarassmentAlyssa, Denise, Earvin, Chelsea, Kai, and Chris


Activity: Voice in the Room

What do you think about when someone says “sexual harassment”?

Objectives Understand the definition and be able to state the EEOC definition

Identify behaviors

List possible consequences

Discuss what to do

Growing Awareness: Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas

1991 court hearings against Supreme Court Nominee Clarence Thomas

Controversy ensued

Thomas still confirmed as Supreme Court judge, but raised awareness and encouraged women to come forward with claims of harassment

Sexual Harassment Defined

Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: ● Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term

or condition of an individual's employment, or ● Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a

basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or ● Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with

an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

-U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Committee

Simply Stated, Sexual Harassment is...

Unwelcome verbal, visual, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or based on someone’s sex that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment.

-Equal Rights Advocates

Two Types of Sexual Harassment

1. Quid Pro Quo

2. Hostile Environment

-Society of Human Resource Management

Quid Pro Quo

Most commonly recognized form of sexual harassment in the work place

Occurs when:Benefits are contingent on providing of sexual behaviors

-or-The rejection of providing sexual behaviors results in a consequence such as tangible employee detriment

Hostile Environment

Harassment is sexual or other discriminatory conduct that is so severe and pervasive that it interferes with an individual’s

ability to perform their job; creates an intimidating, offensive, threatening or humiliating work environment; or causes a

situation where a person’s psychological well-being is adversely affected.

-Society of Human Resource Management

BehaviorsSexual Harassment victims can be men and women at any level of employment

Behaviors include:

● Actions must be unwelcome or intimidating and create a threatening or hostile environment including:○ Physical behaviors○ Using crude or offensive language ○ Using degrading terms that refer to gender or sexual orientation○ Sending crude emails○ Spreading inappropriate rumors

- National Association of School Psychologists

Identifying Behaviors

Identifying sexual harassment can be tricky

Harassers have their side of the story

The opinion of the harassed, not the harasser, is most important

Important to consider context of situation

- National Association of School Psychologists

Stoplight Activity

Red = STOPClearly a sexual harassment situation

Yellow = Slow DownSituation is possibly crossing the line

Green = Go!Situation is appropriate - Secretary of Navy Instruction

PreventionClear anti-harassment policies are communicated to all employees

Employees should: ● be aware of what can be considered harassment ● know what steps to take if it occurs

Employers must: ● Educate● Discipline ● Provide support/protection

- Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights


● Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for investigating charges of job discrimination related to sex discrimination

● Required change in workplace practices and behavior● Employer and offender both legally responsible

-U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Committee


Common Consequences of Sexual Harassment in the workplace:

● Conference/probation/citation● Termination● Law suits● Jail Time


What to do

● Speak up ● Complete a sexual harassment complaint form● Keep a written record of the incidents● Tell someone you trust● Identify an advocate or counselor● Write a letter to harasser● Complain to organizations such as Equal Employment Opportunities

Commission ● Contact the police and/or file a lawsuit

- Equal Opportunities Commission

Activity - Group Scenarios

With your groups, read through the scenarios and decide how the second person will react to the scenarios

Groups will then present their scenarios and give a brief description for why they chose the second person to react as they did


Sexual harassment is unwelcome behavior that creates a hostile work environment

Two types: Quid pro quo and hostile environment

There are a wide range of behaviors

Opinions of the harassed outweigh opinions of the harasser

Summary Continued

Policies have to be communicated to all employers and employees

Consequences of sexual harassment can range from citations to jail time

It is important to report sexual harassment incidents and also to tell someone you trust about the situation

After today you should be able to...

Understand the definition and be able to state the EEOC definition

Identify behaviors

List possible consequences

Discuss what to do if a situation occurs