Sewanti Ayurveda Summer Health Tips

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Summer health and well-being with Ayurveda - recipe for cumin water, herbs, exercises, pranayama, oils and how to use them and lifestyle tips.

Transcript of Sewanti Ayurveda Summer Health Tips

Sewanti Ayurvedic Series



Summer Health *Ayurvedic Perspective*

Summer Health *Ayurvedic Perspective*

• Summer is a Pitta season

• Ayurvedic Diet tips for summer season

• Lifestyle suggestions

• Cooling exercises, Yoga and meditation guidelines

• Skin care

• Wellness with Ayurvedic herbs.

Summer – Pitta Season

• According to Ayurveda hot days of summer from June to late August is a pitta season.

• Pitta dosha is one of the three psycho physiological energies that govern the different activities of mind and body.

• Pitta dosha is made of Fire and Water element.

• In our bodies Pitta dosha governs metabolism and transformation of food during digestion.

• In our minds Pitta is associated with willpower, intelligence and discrimination.

• Imbalance in Pitta causes excess stomach acid , heart burn, skin eruptions and mental agitations.

Pitta Reducing diet in Summer


Pitta Reducing diet in Summer


• Vegetables


Pitta Reducing diet in Summer

• Prefer sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and less of sour, salty and pungent foods

• Prefer whole grains like rice, oats , cracked (bulgur) wheat and mung beans with cooling herbs like mint, licorice, cilantro and sprouts

• Avoid sour foods like vinegars, ketchup and spicy sauces

• Avoid fatty foods as it burdens digestive system and heart

• Reduce tea, coffee, carbonated and alcoholic beverages

• Prefer coconut, dates, raw sugar and dairy.

Summer Lifestyle• Protect from summer heat and balance work and pleasure

• Avoid long commutes associated with driving in traffic

• Protect eyes against glaring sunlight and exposure to TV/computer screens

• Avoid deadlines and heavy work load

• Plan a vacation for summer or enjoy fun activities in weekend

• Take time to enjoy life.

Cooling Exercises for Summer

• Swimming and water sports

• Gentle yoga in early morning and late evening

• Moonlight walks

• Evening strolls

Yoga Asana for Pitta season • Child’s pose • Savasana

Pranayama for summer • Sitakari Pranayam

• Cools core body temperature in summer

• Cools nerves and reduces stomach acids and blood pressure

• Step 1 Sit in comfortable pose. Clench teeth and fold tongue backwards.

• Step 2 Inhale through teeth making a hissing sound feel the body with coolness

• Step 3 Exhale through nose while mouth tightly shut. Repeat 5-10 rounds.

Sitali Pranayam : The Cooling breath • Beat the hot weather

• Step1 Stick your tongue out and curl

• Step 2 Breathe in through the month and hold your breath and exhale through the nose

• Step 3 Repeat this process 5-10 times

Cooling beverages- Coconut Water

Summer beverage recipe: Jal Jeera/Cumin water • Ingredients:

1. 1 tsp cumin

2. 1 tsp fennel seeds

3. ¼ tsp black pepper corn

4. 1 Cardamom

5. Pulp made out of tamarind (soaked in water ) or lemon juice

6. 1 Tsp crushed fresh ginger ½ cup mint leaves finely shredded

7. Black salt and raw sugar or any other sweetener of your choice

Summer beverage recipe Jal Jeera/Cumin water


• Grind the dry ingredients.

• Add tamarind pulp, ginger, mint and dry spices to 4-5 glasses of filtered water.

• Add a pinch of black salt. Strain herbs and add raw sugar as per taste

• Chill the beverage and enjoy this digestive beverage to improve appetite and beat summer heat.

• This is a very common summer beverage served at Indian lunch banquets and home parties.


Herbs for Summer


• Digestive formula for summer

• Triphala plus assists elimination in removing constipation caused due to traveling

• Helps to remove toxins in liver and strengthen liver and gall bladder

• Protect immune system against insect bites and infections dues to germs

• Soothe red and irritated eyes

• Cools pitta heat irritation and inflammation.

Sewanti Triphala Plus (Please click on the video)

Immune Booster Sewanti Holy Basil Plus


• Promotes immunity and supports stamina and boosts energy.

• Removes sinus congestions , recurring fever and allergies

• Balances immune system to prevent viral infections, colds and cough.

• Provides potent anti radiation protection against exposure to TV and computers

• Dosage: 2 Capsules 2 times a day before meals

Massage with Cooling Pitta oil


• Specially formulated for excess heat, anxious mind, sensitivity in skin and eyes.

• Contains pitta reducing herbs like sandalwood, Amla, Shatavari in a base of sesame oil

• Helps to cool, relax and pacify body

• Soothes skin irritations due to heat

• Regulates the body temperature, sweating and complexion.

• Brings intelligence, passion, serenity and creativity

• Apply to affected areas with special attention to head, abdomen and sensitive skin.

Hair and Scalp Massage Oil • Hair and Scalp Massage oil is an Ayurvedic treatment to

nourish head, scalp, hair and nervous system.

• Uses:

• Dandruff, falling hair, dry and thinning hair, itchy and irritated scalp

• Benefits:

• Nourishes head, hair and nervous system and improves hair growth

• Strengthens hair and hair roots

• Prevents dandruff and scalp infections

• Brings luster to hair without the use of chemical products

Cooling Pitta Massage Oil preparation • Ingredients/Ingrédients

• Sesame oil/ l'huile de sésame, Yogurt/ yaourt, Santalum album, Coleus vettiveroidis, Helix aspera, Curcuma long, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rubia cordifolia, Berberis aristata, Elataria cardomom, Jasminum officinarum,Cinnamom tamala, Vetiveria zizanioidis, Piper cubeba, Cyperus rotendus.

• The traditional procedure to make such oils is labor intensive process and requires the skill of a master Ayurvedic pharmacist, who slowly decocts medicinal plants and other natural substances into heat-stable oils at low temperatures. Ayurvedic herbs and botanical extracts recommended for skin and muscle-toning are selected and blended into a pure cold-pressed sesame oil base according to age-old methods using special clay fire places and pure copper vessels.

• The resultant oil is then filtered and transferred to another copper vessel for settlement. Once it is settled and cooled by natural method, the oil is packed and has a shelf life 5-10 years without any addition of chemical preservatives.

How to use the Padmashri Oils ? • The technique of self massage is simple.

• Dip your fingertips into warm oil and apply it lightly to scalp, ears and face first and then working the oil into the rest of the body to promote absorption.

• Massage with circular motion over rounded areas such as head and joints.

• Use straight stokes on arms and legs moving towards the heart.

• Do not apply heavy pressure on sensitive areas as abdomen and heart.

• Relax for 10-15 minutes after the massage.

• The transdermal oil is absorbed by the body and therapeutic benefit of the herbs is carried to the different parts of the body.

• Follow the massage with a warm shower or a bath to remove the dead skins and toxins.

• Self massage is contraindicated in pregnancy and during menstrual periods.





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