Seventy Du'as of Istighfar

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Seventy Du'as of Istighfar Compiled by Allamah Qutub-ud-din Hanafi Excerpt from Note by Maulana Yusuf Ludhiyanwi: Istighfar means to seek Allah's forgiveness for one's sins. Man is prone to sin while Allah is All-Forgiving. Sin and misdeeds are the dirst of the heart while Tawbah and Istighfar are the cleansing agents. Those who make Istighfar often are worthy of appreciation. "The best forms of Istighfar are found in the Qur'an or taught by our beloved Nabi ﷺ or the Sahabah رضی اللہ عنھم, or the Tabi'een رحمة اللہ عنھم in that order. Next are the forms taught by the Awliya (or religious elders). The book of Shaikh Qutubuddin Hanafi, "Ad'iyah tul Hajji wal Umrah" is appended to "Irshaad us Saari" of Mullah 'Ali Qari. It contains the sevent Istighfar attributed to Sayyidna Hassan Basri. These are repeated on the 7th, 9th and 10th of Dhul Hijja and they are entitles "al-Munqazah min al-Naar". In the book under review Maulana Muhammad Hanif Abdul Majeed has translated these seventy istighfar and arranged them into seven sections. In this way, one section may be read each day of the week. All the Istighfar may be read in the fore-mentioned nights so that their blessings may pour on the reader.

Transcript of Seventy Du'as of Istighfar