Seven Hills Buzz for April 20, 2012

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The Seven Hills Buzz

Transcript of Seven Hills Buzz for April 20, 2012


April 20, 2012

A Brief Word from Chris Garten

Inside this BuzzInductees to Cum Laude Society 2Upper School News 4Resale Shop funds new school bus 5Middle School News 6Lotspeich News 7Children’s author/illustrator visit 7, 9Doherty News 9

Congratulations to our five Eagle Scouts in the Class of 2012!

SNAAP invites students and parents from all divisions to the third annual Youth in Politics on Saturday, April 21, 11:30 am–2:00 pm in the Hillsdale Commons. The non-partisan event will include a discussion on current political topics with local politicians and professionals.

Congratulations to the five members of the Class of 2012 who have earned the Boy Scouts’ highest rank of Eagle Scout—Matthew Monteith, Michael Young, George Lawson, Sam McHugh, and Daniel McKin-non, four of whom have been in the same troop since fourth grade. Having one Eagle Scout in a class is a significant honor. Having five Eagle Scouts out of 29 boys in the class is simply amazing!

Traditionally, only about five percent of all Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout rank. To achieve the Eagle Scout honor, a young man must earn at least 21 merit badges and demonstrate Boy Scout spirit through service, leadership and physical challenges.

On April 11, the five seniors raised the flag which was presented to Sam McHugh in recognition of his earning Eagle Scout rank by CW2 Paul L. Cobaugh, US Army, JIOWC, SOCOM Team, who has been a member of an elite Special Operations Command

Task Force for the past ten years. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Cobaugh wrote, in part, “I personally flew Sam’s flag over our austere camp at Mazar-e Sharif this winter and it also accompanied me in my pack while on a mission in Balkh Province, Afghanistan. ... I am honored to know Sam and to have had the privilege to recognize his efforts by awarding him this flag and certificate.”

Students of all ages joined Lotspeichers on their Walk to School to raise aware-ness about the lives of the UNIFAT students in Uganda. More photos page 8.

Each April, our ninth and tenth graders participate in the Tournament of Greatness, designed by their history teachers, Brian Wabler and Jen Faber. In the History De-partment’s own version of March Madness, each student chooses a great leader from ancient or medieval history.

After extensive research using Internet and print sources, each student writes a short essay articulating the case for each leader’s greatness. They consider the historical context in which that leader functioned, strengths and weaknesses, and the impact on the society of that time and, by extension, on our own world.

Students then debate their classmates in a series of elimination rounds. Early round matches will pit Geng-his Kahn against Pepin the Short or the Apostle Paul against Pericles. As the tournament goes on, the debate becomes more improvisational. Students must not only argue their own case, but rebut their opponents’ counter-arguments, and, eventually, answer impromptu questions from other members of the class.

This project is the logical extension of the fourth grade’s Living Biographies project; it hones students’ presenta-tion and critical thinking skills and ultimately engages them in developing their definition of greatness in human endeavor. Very, very cool!

Chris Garten, Head of School

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The Upper School honored its new inductees in the Seven Hills chapter of the Cum Laude Society, a national honor society which recognizes academic excellence, at the Cum Laude Dinner April 11. Guest speaker was former English Department Head San-dra Smythe.

New members are juniors Allie Baretta, Bethany Buck, Grace He, Katherine King, Priyanka Parameswaran, Claire Romaine, Leah Yuan; seniors Alex Baggott, Courtney

Congratulations to new members of national Cum Laude SocietyLinne, Allie Scheiber, Suhel Singh, and Jonathan Tiao. The event also honored the mem-bers who were inducted last year as juniors: Izzy Arjmand, Emily Bedell, Alex Ferree, Ian Grosghal, Sharon Liao, and Alex Markovits. It’s a tradition at the event for faculty members of the Cum Laude Committee to address each new member with remarks compiled from quotes from the student’s teachers. The following are excerpts.

Alex Baggott (12)“Actor, musician, Latin enthusiast, gifted mathematician, insightful and articulate contributor in History and English, deep thinker and enthusiastic learner—Alex, you are the complete package. With a mixture of high en-ergy and patient enthusiasm, your willingness to take academic risks and share perceptive insights drives conversations to a higher level. Teachers have commented on your ability to adapt to any demand with creativity and vision and your kind-hearted nature, which make you a role model for younger students. In the seven years I’ve had you in class, your ever-

smiling presence and your unfailingly enthusiastic and dedicated approach to all manner of musical styles have made you a true Choral MVP. A wise philosopher once said, ‘Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.‘ My guess is that you might also add, ‘Take joy in every endeavor,’ for that truly is the way you live your life.” Tina Groom

Allie Baretta (11)“Allie, you are an intellectual leader in your classes, bringing an amazing work ethic to everything you do. Your desire to fully master the material that you study is shown in the probing questions that you ask, your willing-ness to make mistakes and to learn from them, and your keen ability to connect previously-held notions with new insights. Your teachers admire not only your fine mind but also the poise and self-discipline that you bring to your work. You respond well to intellectual challenges, facing them with determination and creativity. Your clear, detailed written work

thoroughly conveys the complexities of your thinking. You exhibit a passion for learning and a desire to help to create a positive learning environment in your classes.” Anne Ramsay

Bethany Buck (11)“Bethany, it is very clear that you enjoy the learning process. Your teach-ers call you inquisitive and thoughtful, a student who brings a positive attitude and solid work ethic to her classes. You like to tackle difficult problems in math, chemistry, or history and you willingly look outside the box to try to find a solution. Then you keep working to try to refine that answer. More importantly, you go beyond the mere learning process. You

want to do something with your knowledge, to use what you have learned in a positive and responsible way. And in doing so, you make a difference in the classroom, in this school, and in the wider community. You bring out the best in yourself and in your classmates.” Lowell Wenger

Grace He (11)“Grace, your teachers know you for the depth of your intellect and the polish and beauty of your powers of analysis. You are meticulous in the way you approach your learning: nothing is too small or insignificant to escape your notice, and often you follow up with piercing questions and comments that underline the dimensions of your understanding. And yet, you are always able to fit the most minute details into lovely, larger patterns and frameworks, and as such, you create exquisite tableaus of elegant and refined interpretation. But what sets you apart is the compassionate view of the world that you have and your ability to share this view generously with others. Please know how pleased the School is to welcome you to Cum Laude.” Wynne Curry

Katherine King (11)“Katherine, as a student you are willing to take intellectual risks. You lead classroom discussions to new levels with your insight and sophis-ticated approach to problems. Not only do you challenge yourself but also your peers and even your teachers. You are always prepared, inspiring and excited, focused on the process of thinking and learning rather than being driven by the grades. Although you excel in the class-room, you do not try to dominate. You are always thoughtful, helpful, positive and accepting of the ideas of others. No wonder your teachers describe you as a superstar, a supernova, and the total package. For your dedication and love of learning we are pleased to welcome you into Cum Laude.” Barbara Scarr

Courtney Linne (12)“Courtney, you are a consummate scholar. From the handcrafted Elizabethan gown you painstakingly recreated for your Challenge project to the curiosity you demonstrate in every discipline you study, your passion for learning knows no bounds. Your teachers and peers

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have admired your tenacity and thoroughness in science, your acumen and insight in English, your precision and persistence in math, your drive for understanding in history, and your absolute prowess in the visual arts. However, you are also known for your unwavering goodwill and opti-mism. In fact, all agree that your most important and enduring achieve-ment is that above all that you have accomplished, you remain a study in humility and grace. Both in and out of the classroom, you strive to build community in ways that invite collaboration, celebrate success, but avoid

recognition. So it is with great pleasure that we recognize you this evening.” Tricia Hoar

Priyanka Parameswaran (11)“Priyanka, whatever the subject, whatever the difficulty, your approach is always one of enthusiasm, dedication and enjoyment. You ask the questions that others are thinking. You open up class discussions. You are willing to take risks and challenge yourself and if things do not always work out well, you learn from the experience. Whatever the discipline, you present the material with clarity, logic and a sophistication display-ing more than just a superficial understanding of your subject. You have a way of making things look easy with your upbeat attitude, smile and

sense of fun but you never lose sight of your goal. For your dedication and approach to learning, we are pleased to welcome you into Cum Laude.” Barbara Scarr

Claire Romaine (11)“Claire, your teachers often describe you in similar terms. You are an equally talented and dedicated performer in Latin as you are in the Theater. You enjoy tackling difficult problems in a variety of classes from Chemistry to Calculus to History. With each you acquire the necessary in-formation; indeed you attack the data, probing, questioning, analyzing. Mrs. Ford writes about seeing those cranial wheels turning when you are working in AP Chemistry, and I see them also in US History. The result is a clear, concise, and precise explanation of what you have discovered.

You clearly are comfortable working independently, but you are equally at ease working with a group as you mutually explore, share, and explain your collective findings. For the joy and passion for learning you share in each class, we welcome you to Cum Laude.” Lowell Wenger

Allie Scheiber (12)Allie, your tenacity is well known among your classmates and teachers. You have impressed Dr. Horner by consistently doing extra problems in AP Calculus and Honors Physics for no other goal but the unremitting pursuit of knowledge and the simple fact that you enjoy the process. I have also been knocked out by your willingness to learn all of the Cham-ber Ensemble music outside of class, since your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to meet with us during regular class time. Allie, you are often

described as patient, earnest, and kind, but your teachers also know that behind that quiet and dignified demeanor lurks an intense mind with excellent insights and resonant ideas that push classroom discussions forward. Diane Kruer describes you as a great academic chef, mixing together the scholarly ingredients of excellence, persistence, and intellect with a dash of dignity and a heaping helping of grace.” Tina Groom

Suhel Singh (12)”Suhel, we admire your continual quest for knowledge and your relent-less pursuit of understanding. The enthusiasm that you show when you conquer a new concept or synthesize that concept with ideas that you have previously learned sets a wonderful tone for the classes of which you are a part. What this community appreciates even more about you, however, is that you do not seek this knowledge solely for yourself; you give yourself fully to intellectual exchanges with your peers and with your teachers. You are a dependable collaborator, an active class discussion participant, and a courteous classmate. Your exuberance and positive attitude coupled with your high involvement in the learning that takes place within these walls makes you very special indeed.” Anne Ramsay

Jonathan Tiao (12)“Jonathan, over the years, your teachers repeatedly have spoken of your strong work ethic, your commitment toward your studies, your deep curiosity and your fierce determination. One teacher described you as insatiable in your desire to understand and figure out the world we live in. The questions you pose in class always suggest not only your need to understand, but also your need to fit it all together and to make sense of an increasingly complex and multi-dimensional world. Yes, you have been characterized as possessing ‘muscular intelligence,’ but you also represent a model of sincerity and honor, honesty and integrity. For all of these qualities, the School is proud to welcome you to Cum Laude.” Wynne Curry

Leah Yuan (11)“Leah, you are the sort of student teachers dream of when they choose their profession. They wildly imagine a classroom filled with students who will share their passion for the subject, ask questions that at once seek deeper meaning and facilitate understanding, and complete assignments with a level of enthusiasm and insight that extends beyond the lesson’s objectives. For most, sadly, those imaginings never quite come to fruition. No so for your teachers. They speak of your unfettered enthusiasm, your passion for learning, and your steadfast optimism in every discipline you study. What’s more is that your peers recognize your achievements, and they rejoice in your recognition. Truly. For they know and we understand that you work hard not for the grade alone but for the absolute joy you experience in the process. So it is with great plea-sure that we recognize you today for being a dream student to each of us.” Tricia Hoar

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A look at what’s happening at Upper SchoolSee page 6 for Middle School, page 7 for Lotspeich, and page 9 for Doherty

Congratulations to the Upper and Middle School students who earned top honors on the Na-tional Latin Exam again this year. Middle/Upper Latin Teacher Brian Sebastian said, “Thirty-four of the 77 students (grades 7–11) who took the exam earned a medal, and 59 of those 77 earned rec-ognition of some kind.” The fol-lowing are Upper honorees (some of whom are pictured at right); Middle honorees are on the next page.

Latin III (Tenth Grade)Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude:Brian HuKevin Cole

Magna Cum Laude:Hadiya HarriganBen Sorscher

Cum Laude:Hayden Schiff

The Seven Hills chapter of Amnesty International hosted two British filmmakers, creators of CODOC, for a presenta-tion in teacher Brian Wabler’s Global Issues class and for an evening presentation of “The Truth That Wasn’t There,” their award-winning feature documentary about the after-math of Sri Lanka’s civil war. Guy Gunaratne and Heidi Lindvall shared their journey which began as student journalists given unprecedented access to the frontlines of Sri Lanka’s bitter civil war and to its infamous IDP camps. They are currently on a tour with Amnesty International, showing the film on campuses across the U.S. Before their visit to Seven Hills, they presented the film at U.C.

Their next film is “Forgive Me Mother,” an emotional testa-ment of the young people of Uganda who were abducted to be child soldiers in the rebel group, the Lords Resis-tance Army, and who are now struggling to re-integrate into their own communities.

The filmmakers told the students that the aim of the non-activist CODOC was “to start conversations, not cam-paigns.”

Seven Hills’ Amnesty International Presidents Sarah Austin and Sharon Liao with filmmakers Heidi Lindvall and Guy Gunaratne.

Top honors on National Latin Exam

Latin IV Poetry (11th Grade)9/9 earned medalsGold Medal, Summa Cum Laude:Chris BaggottClaire RomaineJohn RoweCullen DeimerAnne-Stuart Bell

Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude:Anna GagliardoNicholas Au-YeungKatie ShenPeter Todorov

Latin II (Ninth Grade)13/14 earned recognitionGold Medal, Summa Cum Laude:Andrew WilsonBen KingChas GregoryLindsay FinnMontana Reilly

Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude:Carl ComptonJeff DedekerGrace CarrollDuncan GibsonKeith Mandel

Magna Cum Laude:Brian GoertemoellerKate Murphy

Cum Laude:Sarah Kanter

For the latest Upper School news, check out the online student publication, Canvass, at

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Art teacher Diane Kruer told us, “‘Dude’ was made by first and eighth bell Materials and Design classes. It was a true collabora-tion between them. One class picked up where the other left off. We completed him in two weeks and one day. In his hand is a book of all the artists who created him. There will be other objects to come, including a pet dog. He is 9’ tall, made of plas-ter, wire and piping. The idea came from a professional devel-opment opportunity to go to the International Art Fair this January and was inspired by the art work I saw there.”

And, yes, she acknowleges the resemblance to Gort of The Day the Earth Stood Still.

The Resale Shop generously donated funds from its proceeds to purchase a new school bus. Many thanks to the Resale Shop staff, volunteers, donors and shoppers!

From left, staffers Amy Francis, Nancy Schulhoff, Marty Hamilton, Jennifer Kreines, Manager San-dra Shaw, Melissa Morelli-Barone ’85, Director of Transportation Glenn Shillinger, and Director of Finance/Operations Robert Horne.

Thanks to alumna Jamie Gleich Bryant, Class of 1986, who spoke to the junior/se-nior class agents on April 11 during their lunch meeting. Nancy Bassett ’83, Director of Alumni Relations, said, “Jamie is the Founder/Editor-in-Chief of award-winning Kiki maga-zine. Kiki is a serious design magazine for girls ages 8 and up that uses fashion as a leaping-off point for learning.

Alumna editor of Kiki magazine talks with junior/senior class agentsKiki’s depth of coverage allows readers to immerse themselves in the world of fashion while at the same time learn about fashion-related fields such as finance, entrepreneurship, history, fine art, and geography that will prepare them for high school years and beyond. Jamie is also the founder of B-books, which specializes in developing materials for publishers of academic products. She gave the class agents a consolidated and passionate overview of the various areas in publishing.”

Two of the impressive Challenge projects that were shared on Challenge Sharing Day April 12 were those of Michael Young, who learned how to work on old cars by doing extensive restoration on a 1966 Oldsmobile Cutlass, and Deepak Kumar, who built a remote control helicop-ter from scratch.

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A look at what’s happening at Middle School

Congratulations to the Middle and Upper School stu-dents who earned top honors on the National Latin Exam again this year. Middle/Upper Latin Teacher Brian Sebastian said, “Thirty-four of the 77 students (grades 7–11) who took the exam earned a medal, and 59 of those 77 earned recognition of some kind.” The following are Middle honorees (some of whom are pictured at right); Upper honorees are on page 4.

Latin I (Eighth Grade)18/19 earned recognitionGold Medal, Summa Cum Laude:Tigar Cyr (perfect score)Clay HausbergerBennett SmithNicole TiaoKenneth RemaklusSteven PaulBen Nordmeyer

Silver Medal, Maxima Cum Laude:Allie AllenAudrey DittyEmma PerentesisJeff WelchJake LautmanJack Daston

Magna Cum Laude:Sophia PardoKelly PanAda Huang

Cum Laude:Abigail ClarkCharlie Krejsa

Intro to Latin (Seventh Grade)Certificate of Outstanding Achievement:Daniel GrassPiper SpoonerMatisse PeppetJack LaneChase GardnerCalvin ArbenzNina LubeckAbby SchneiderJacob Weinstein

Certificate of Achievement:Shane DiGiovannaScott ArnoldJoe DizenhuzCalvin O’Brien

Top honors on National Lat in Exam

Theatre teacher Stephanie Park told us about a really impressive eighth grade whole-class Theatre project. “The kids came up with a storyline for a puppet show: Khalil the Caterpillar is being bullied by all the other caterpillars and butterflies until he transforms into a giant and beautiful butterfly. The kids then decided what pup-pets would be made: Owl narrator, hand puppet; Khalil the caterpillar, giant pup-pet; giant bug catcher; giant butterly; little caterpillars and little butterflies and roughly the materials we would use to make them. All the materials were things found inside the costume/props room or outside—tissue paper, papier-mâché, paint, glitter, sticks, fabric. Then we cast the puppet handlers—most of the puppets requiring multiple han-dlers.

“After the puppets are made, we will write/rehearse the script and schedule an in-formal performance. The kids have really done everything. Most of the students have used the seven sewing machines and have also learned to hand-sew.”

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A look at what’s happening at Lotspeich

It would be difficult to imagine an author/illustrator who enchanted his audiences more than did Loren Long when he visited Doherty and Lotspeich on April 12–13. It was the much-anticipated annual Children’s Author/Illustrator Visit, funded by Grandparent Annual Giving. His humor, rapport with audiences of all ages, and candid sharing of his life and creative process made his visits both inspiring and memorable.

Loren Long is the #1 New York Times best-selling illustrator of Watty Piper’s The Little Engine That Could and Madonna’s Mr. Peabody’s Apples. Loren’s other New York Times best-selling books include Toy Boat by Randall DeSeve, which was awarded the 2007 Publisher’s Weekly Cuffie Award for Favorite

Picture Book of the Year and the 2008 Great Lakes Book Award for Children’s Picture Book; Angela and the Baby Jesus by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author Frank McCourt, and the chapter book series, Sluggers, that he created with Phil Bildner. Walt Whitman’s When I Heard the Learn’d Astrono-mer was a Golden Kite Honor Book and also won the 2004 Parents’ Choice Gold Award. Loren Long also received two gold medals from the Society of Illustrators.

Long has written and illustrated two picture books, Drummer Boy, and the New York Times bestseller, Otis, about a friendly little tractor.

Congratulations to third graders Aaron Ziegler (Lotspeich) and Scott Williams (Doherty), who won Second Place in the third grade non-rated category at the Queen City Chess Tournament on Mar. 17 at Paul Brown Statium. Each boy also won a personal trophy for being the top-10 scored players among all third graders. Congratulations, too, to Lotspeich first grader Sheil Urankar, who placed 12th individually in his category, and to the Second Grade Team, who took Second Place. Members of the Second Grade Team were Noah Cagle, Eli Wyatt, Collin Chen, Gabrielle Christmon, Asher Kearney, and Robby Ligeralde.

Trophy winners Sheil, Scott, and Aaron are pictured below with Seven Hills after-school chess coaches Andy Machowiak and Andy Ward.

The annual Second Grade Bake Sale on April 17 was a huge success, raising $1,121.48 for UNIFAT. Spe-cial thanks to all of our bakers and parent volunteers!

Children’s author/illustrator Loren Long delights audiences at Lotspeich, Doherty

In 2010, Loren illustrated President Barack Obama’s book, Of Thee I Sing: A Let-ter to My Daughters. He said, “President Obama told me that he chose me to illus-trate his book because he and his daugh-ters loved my book, Drummer Boy.

“The proudest moment in my life was hav-ing the opportunity to illustrate [the new edition in 2005] of The Little Engine That Could [originally published in 1930], a favorite from my childhood.” Both are pictured at left.

He said that a favorite memory from his Seven Hills visit came when a Doherty Kindergartener told him that he loved Otis so much that he “named his blankie Otis.”

Loren Long’s visit to Doherty is on page 9.

Congratulations to the Seven Hills Fifth Grade Boys Basketball Team Hill, who ended their very successful season with a runner-up finish in the CYO Division 2 City Tournament! Photo on page 9.

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Lotspeich’s final Unified for UNIFAT assembly for the year, titled “Walk to School,” took place on Apr. 9. The students learned more about the chil-dren in Uganda, who walk an aver-age of 2–6 miles each day to school. Lotspeich first through fifth graders’ own “Walk to School” happened on Apr. 13 and 16. Counselor Judy Arnold explained, “PE teacher Katie Forster had the kids walk the track during PE classes and at recess. Their goal was at least 2 miles. Our kids each had a simple laminated necklace, which they got punched with a hole punch each time they completed a lap. Some Middle and Upper School kids participated, too. After the last “walk to school” on the track on the 16th, the necklaces were collected and the mile-age data will be used in activities in teacher Liz Lorenz’s math classes.”

Walk (and run) to School for UNIFAT

Fifth graders’ hands-on colonial studies include Lotsheep and Lana Lamb

An essential, much-anticipated part of the fifth graders’ intensive study and experience of colo-nial America comes with art teacher Jody Knoop’s an-nual shearing of Lotsheep (above left) and Lana Lamb. Their wool will be cleaned, carded, dyed in a dyebath over a fire, spun, and woven into hats and wall hang-

ings by the fifth graders. The content- and experience-rich colonial program of teachers Kaye Riser and Karla Balskus also includes a visit from a blacksmith and Colonial Day, a celebration including an authentic meal served on plates made in art class and colonial activi-ties and “amusements.” The visit of the blacksmith and Colonial Day will be in our next Buzz.

A look at what’s happening at Doherty

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Second graders from Joan Claybourn’s and Vaishali Sarbhoy’s math classes learned all about money and coins. Mrs. Sarbhoy said, In our ‘Money from Around the World’ lesson, the students brought in coins and paper money in different cur-rencies, and they took turns sharing those with their classmates. They looked closely (under magnifying lenses) at currencies from a wide range of countries. It was a

wonderful learning experience!”

Congratulations to the Seven Hills fifth grade boys bas-ketball Team Hill, who ended their very successful sea-son with a runner-up finish in the CYO Division 2 City Tournament! (Front) Brennan Callow, Michael Karama-noukian, Michael Nordlund; Will Hansen, Ben Walker, Neil Badlani; Brice Hill, Charles Clark, Michael Glum, Brandon Dinan; Coach Willie Hill, Coach Joe Callow.

It would be difficult to imagine an author/illus-trator who enchanted his audiences more than did Loren Long when he visited Doherty and Lotspeich on April 12–13. It was the much-antic-ipated annual Children’s Author/Illustrator Visit, funded by Grandparent Annual Giving. (More on the author is on page 7.)

Librarian Linda Wolfe told us, “Loren Long, local author/illustrator and #1 on the New York Times best-selling list, had the rapt attention of every-one from the youngest PK students to the oldest elementary students and the faculty. Loren loves his work, and his heartfelt commitment shows!

“A kindergartner told Loren that he loves the book Otis so much that he named his blankie Otis. Loren told Mrs. Wolfe, ‘I’m done. There is no honor I could receive that means more to me than that.’”

Unit III Coordinator Vaishali Sarbhoy reported on Long’s visit with Unit III. “Loren Long shared stories of his childhood and how his passion for drawing led him into writing and drawing for children. He offered this advice to the young au-thors and artists: ‘Put your own ideas from your own life into your work. Write about something you enjoy. It’s not about being smart, but about having ideas. One of the hardest things to do is to start—you have got to be brave. When you enjoy something, working hard is easier.’

“The author was very surprised when Crawford and Evie Frutkin brought out two of his paintings that their grandfather had bought many years ago. These were the paintings for his book, My Dog My Hero. It was a wonderful moment for the author and for everyone in the library!”

Children’s author/illustrator Loren Long delights audiences at Doherty, Lotspeich

Loren Long with Evie and Crawford Frutkin.

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Congratulations to third graders Scott Williams (Doherty) and Aaron Ziegler (Lotspeich), who won Second Place in the third grade non-rated category at the Queen City Chess Tournament. Photo on page 7.

Mrs. Sarbhoy told us about another Cultural Connec-tions with Spain experience: “Ms. Maite Cortés (at right), mother of Valentina and Zanele Ivanschits-Cor-tés, gave Unit III a wonderful taste of Spain when we all learned how to make a special snack, ‘pan tumaca’ or tomato bread, using tomato slices, bread, garlic, olive oil and salt. The students got to try some fruit san-gria, made with sparkling apple juice and fresh fruit,

and they watched a very interesting presentation on Spain. They learned about the ‘Raton Perez’ or the tooth mouse, the Spanish version of the tooth fairy, and other celebrations and traditions. A very engaging morning!”

“Doherty students spent the week before spring break immersed in Spanish culture,” said Librar-ian Linda Wolfe. “For PK to third grade, that included learning about the prehistoric Altamira Cave in northern Spain. During library class time the students began their exploration with the book There Was an Old Man Who Painted the Sky by Teri Sloat.

“Next the students visited Altamira (aka the library hallway transformed into a cave) and crawled into the farthest point (under the stair-well). Using only a lantern for light, Mrs. Wolfe then told a prehistoric cave story.

“Those that survived the caverns studied the actual prehistoric cave art with art teacher Mimi Stricker and helped to recreate the art on the library cave walls.”

Mrs. Stricker said, “The students learned how to create cool cave art using crunched brown paper, charcoal, pastels, oil pastels and paint. They recreated things like bison, deer, and hand prints. We had a blast in art class learning about Altamira cave and creating our own cave art.”